Love of an Angel

By moc.loa@3110nneD

Published on Mar 2, 2000


Legal Disclaimer and Warning The following story contains adult material. The material is of consensual male on male sex. If the material would offend you, please do not read on further. If you are under 21, 18 or whatever the legal age is in your area. This preceding disclaimer is the protection for me. If you read further and are caught it's your own fault and not my problem This story is entirely fictional in nature. Much as I or any of you would wish that it were otherwise. This story is not meant to state or imply anything about the show Buffy, the Vampire Slayer, the character of Angel or the actor David Boreanaz. I repeat this work is entirely a work of fiction. It's a figment and much desired fantasy of mine and I am sure of others. I the author give you the following freedom to copy the material contained herein. With the following restrictions. 1. The material must remain unaltered in it's form. 2. The material retains acknowledged as a work of me the author personally. 3. You do not distribute the material to minors. I would love some feedback on where you my readers would love to see the story go to. As it is I left it off where it could go any number of ways. If you would like to post part or all of the series somewhere, please contact me, I retain all rights to the story as is, with secondary rights belonging to They are allowed to maintain the material at their discretion. As always feed back is greatly appreciated Please feel free to IM under aim at Saphireflame or ICQ me under 61902044 at anytime. One last note, due to some shortcuts, and partial writers block I decided to skip over the scene at the hospital, so just bear with me. I may have a flashback to it later or not as things go. If your that desperate to see it write me with suggestions, ideas and feedback. I want folks to tell me what they would like to see or I may take a break and work on some other material. We humble and some not so humble writers thrive for feed back. Please write me even if your going to try and flame me. By the way flames don't bother me at all I find them more amusing and will post them on my site.

Once again, please visit my website at

By the way I have moved my site to a better host, it will also have a few new features in a day or two. The main two reasons why I moved are 1) space and cost of more space, and 2) I own my works not the hosting service. So I sad farewell to Geocities.

Sunday Morning, at Dennis's house, David is laying in bed resting quietly while Dennis, sits by the bedside waiting for his love to wake up and for things to get underway...

Flashback to the night before..........

Having just got David setteled in bed and making sure that he was resting well, I decided to go and take care of a few last things before turning in for bed myself. Just then my cell phone began to ring again. Muttering to myself I went to get it from the study.

"Who ever this is it better be important" I growled out. "Or else..."

"Dennis, are you all right?" asked a familliar voice. "Is something wrong?"

"Becca, love It's been forever since I heard from you. How are things with you?" I asked in a frendlier tone of voice.

"Oh no you don't," she replied "You were about to kill before you recognized my voice, start spilling it love, what's wrong?"

"Becca, sweets, If I could tell you I would. You know that, but I can't with out the person's permission" I replied gently. "I can tell you I have fallen and fallen hard. The person damn near broke my heart today when he tried to suicide."

"Oh love," she spoke a soft sob catching in her voice, as she knew my past history. "I am so sorry to hear that. Is he all right?"

" For now he is. You recall Maria?" I asked, knowing without having to ask that she would.

"That insane woman," she shrieked, laughter filling her voice. "What about her?"

"First off she's no nuttier than certain other shrimps" I teased her good naturedly.

"Shrimp, who are you calling a Shrimp?" she screamed.

"Down Becca darling, down." I said laughing and trying to keep the noise down. "You know I am only teasing you. Besides which I know you two don't care that much for eachother but you have to admit she's a very good person, even if eccentric at times."

" I will concede that point, but why did you bring her up.... No don't tell me that your thinking what I think your thinking? Your not going down there by her are you???" she asked getting louder by the second.

"Becca chill love" I said holding the reciever a little away from my ear. " I promise you I will swing down for a visit by you as well."

"What, oh you better swing down by me first. I have to see this hunk you have fallen for." she said eagerly, "He has to pass my test before you can do anything you know."

"Umm Becca darling, you already know him even if you haven't met him. As far as the last part well dear....." I started to say

"You didn't" she screeched "Dennis, how long have you even known the guy, and what do you mean about I already know him?"

"I can't tell you who he is yet, but you will know him when you see him. As far as how long, well let's not go there. Besides which I have to take care of the babies quick as they are yelling and have been alone for hours now. I have to feed them and take care of several other things. I will talk to you tomorrow. I promise" I finished quickly hanging up and turning the phone off before she could call me back and nag me to death for details.

End Flashback

"Mmmmmmmm" I heard David softly moan as he started to stir. I smiled to myself thinking how beautiful he looked in sleep. Watching him I wondered what the future held for us. As he started to toss and turn I realized he was having another nightmare. Like the one's that had plagued him on and off all night.

Reaching over I gently touched him on his shoulder to try and wake him up. "David" I called, "David, love it's time to wake up."

As he began to seriously toss and turn starting to moan as if in pain and hurting. I shook him harder, "David, come on wake up time. It's time to get up love. It's just a bad dream. I'm here and I will keep you safe."

As he suddenly sat up I pulled him close to me. "It's all right love, I am right here and your safe" I whispered to him. Holding him I could feel him shaking from the aftereffects of the nightmare.

"Oh God," he cried in my arms. "It was so real, It was so damn real."

"It's all right David, it was just a dream, I am here for you. I won't ever leave you. You want to get a shower first, or should I? We have to get together, you need a break from it all and it's all been arranged. So shall we get a move on, we still have a little time but let's not rush it."

"I will I guess. Where are we going?" David asked curiousity in his eyes. "Ah ah, I'm not telling you, It's a suprise" I replied with a grin, "Don't worry though, no nosy people around and peace and quiet is all your facing. So just relax and get a shower, by the time your out I will have something ready to eat. Any requests?"

"Whatever you whip up is good. But come on tell me where we are going?" David asked.

"Sorry love, but this is a suprise. Trust me." I replied chuckling at the thought of David meeting first Maria and then Becca. Boy was he in for it, but he didn't know it yet.

"Hurry up and get your shower I will have something delicious by the time you get out." I called over my shoulder as I headed down to whip up some waffles and bacon. Thinking to myself, it pays to be able to cook at times. Now, would my pain in the ass brother be over on time or not was the next question. If not that meant an extra stop on the way.

Next Chapter

"Well David, your properly fed, washed and suprisingly dressed, you ready?" I asked. As I expected he gave me a look. "Come on Dennis, tell me where we are going? I'm serious, this is driving me nuts." he replied.

"All right I will tell you this much, it's in the country, it's not near any large cities or anything, and you will know more when we reach the airport. For now just relax and prepare for a two week vacation. I already have it all arranged. I had to pull some strings and I owe a lot of favors so just bear with me love, all right?"

"I guess so, but this had better be good or else...." He replied with an evil grin. "Oh it will be, just wait and see." I replied with an evil laugh.

"So all we are waiting for is" I started to say, when I was interrupted by the doorbell. Answering it I said "All right pest, you sure your going to be all right with them while I am away?"

"Sure no problem" Nate responded. "They love me and I'll make sure Jeff helps me as well."

"Good luck with the last" I replied with a cheerful laugh. "All right so your going to drop us off at the airport and then grab the babies for me. I just wish I didn't have to leave them all this time."

"Don't worry they'll be fine and when you get back they will beat you up, but forgive you after a day or so. If you have the luggage ready I will put it in the trunk."

Next Chapter... At the airport

`Final call for Flight 206, heading for Columbia, SC. All passengers boarding flight 206, this is the final boarding call' was heard over the speakers, "Come on David, let's hurry don't want to miss our flight." I said, as we hurried torwards the boarding gate.

As we hurried aboard the plane and took our seats. I was glad to see that it was a fairly less than crowded flight. As we sat down I thought to myself, our luck is running good so far. "All right," David said interrupting my train of thoughts, so we are going to Columbia, SC right?"

"Not quite, that's the closest the plane get's to where we are heading. From there we have a not too bad drive out torwards a town called Edgefield, she live's on what's technically called the outskirts of Edgefield. We are staying with a good friend of mine, who will not betray your secret. Hade's she doesn't even know who you are even" I chuckeled at the last.

"Are you serious? She doesn't even know who I am? What doesn't she watch tv?" he asked incredoulous.

"Not all that much, she's a very unique person, just don't jump to conclusions when you meet her. She's a one of a kind person, who is very special and has a huge heart. She's almost like a second mother to me." I replied. "Just don't take her that seriously, she doesn't so just take what happens in stride. From there we may or may not make a brief side trip down by Atlanta."

"Oh" David responded "Who or what is down there, and do I even want to know?"

"One of your biggest fans, besides me of course." I said teasingly. "She's also a great friend of mine and she threatened to hang me if I didn't pop down there with you. She knows that I am seeing someone, but not who it is." I replied with a grin.

All right folks, for now that's all she wrote. I will try to get some more of this story line knocked out, but at the moment I am running into some blocks, so I am working more on the two other series I have going. If you haven't checked them out yet, what are you waiting for??? They are Dreams and Wishes in Nifty/Gay/Celebrity.

What I will most likely end up doing is putting out a new section each week, but in rotating order. I am also, wish me lots of luck here folks, working on a real romance novel. Check out my website as I will try to put up some excerpts from it there occassionally.

Please I have heard so little back from you folks, please oh please write to me. I also have a revised version of the Love of an Angel posted on my website. Revised I say, as I went and re-wrote the first couple of parts and adjusted somethings. The most noticeable is about the puppies of mine. Yes they are real and there is a pic of them on my website. If you want to learn more visit the website.

Next: Chapter 7

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