Love of an Angel

By moc.loa@3110nneD

Published on Mar 23, 2000


Legal Disclaimer and Warning The following story contains adult material. The material is of consensual male on male sex. If the material would offend you, please do not read on further. If you are under 21, 18 or whatever the legal age is in your area. This preceding disclaimer is the protection for me. If you read further and are caught it's your own fault and not my problem This story is entirely fictional in nature. Much as I or any of you would wish that it were otherwise. This story is not meant to state or imply anything about the show Buffy, the Vampire Slayer, the character of Angel or the actor David Boreanaz. I repeat this work is entirely a work of fiction. It's a figment and much desired fantasy of mine and I am sure of others. I the author give you the following freedom to copy the material contained herein. With the following restrictions. 1. The material must remain unaltered in it's form. 2. The material retains acknowledged as a work of me the author personally. 3. You do not distribute the material to minors. I would love some feedback on where you my readers would love to see the story go to. As it is I left it off where it could go any number of ways. If you would like to post part or all of the series somewhere, please contact me, I retain all rights to the story as is, with secondary rights belonging to Nifty Archives at They are allowed to maintain the material at their discretion. As always feed back is greatly appreciated Please feel free to IM under my AIM of Saphireflame or ICQ me, ICQ# 61902044 at anytime. One last note, due to some shortcuts, and partial writers block I decided to skip over the scene at the hospital, so just bear with me. I may have a flashback to it later or not as things go. If your that desperate to see it write me with suggestions, ideas and feedback. I want folks to tell me what they would like to see or I may take a break and work on some other material. We humble and some not so humble writers thrive for feed back. Please write me even if your going to try and flame me. By the way flames don't bother me at all I find them more amusing and will post them on my site.

I would like to issue a quick apology for the delay in getting this out. Hey I'm only human. I was working on this, and two other main series of stories. I can only do so much at one time. Also I had a case of real life catch up to play. Details aren't important, but just suffice it to say I had a lot hit all at once. I did also just finish up a major set of updates to my website. If you would like to check it out it's back up and running. Oh do check out the story section, as I have some original works put up there that I won't be posting anywhere else. Please do write me folks, I may just end up taking a break from this series and focusing elsewhere for a time, Or not. All depends on where I find my brain and it's fevered imaginations rambling. Oh, by the way if anyone knows of some good sites with pics and/or info on SeaQuest DSV. I am actually looking into a crossover series featuring a character from there and Star Trek TNG. Well enough of my ramblings for now, just let me hear from you folks please. Once again, please visit my website at

When last we left off...

"Are you serious? She doesn't even know who I am? What doesn't she watch tv?" he asked incredulous.

"Not all that much, she's a very unique person, just don't jump to conclusions when you meet her. She's a one of a kind person, who is very special and has a huge heart. She's almost like a second mother to me." I replied. "Just don't take her that seriously, she doesn't so just take what happens in stride. From there we may or may not make a brief side trip down by Atlanta."

"Oh" David responded "Who or what is down there, and do I even want to know?"

"One of your biggest fans, besides me of course." I said teasingly. "She's also a great friend of mine and she threatened to hang me if I didn't pop down there with you. She knows that I am seeing someone, but not who it is." I replied with a grin.

And here we go folks...

Next Chapter Several hours later, having left the airport (told from David's perspective)

"Ah David, there's something I need to talk to you about" Dennis said. In a hesitant voice to me. "It's about some of what happened this weekend. As well as a something you need to know about me."

"All right," I responded hesitantly. "What exactly is it that you need to tell me? It's not like your kidnapping me or are a murder, right?"

Chuckling Dennis responded "Well that's true at least but it's a serious thing. What do you recall from when I found you with your wrists cut?"

"Huh?" I responded, startled by this odd question. "I recall you saying something about that you can't loose me. I think I heard you muttering under your breath but I didn't catch what you were saying. That's all, why?" I asked suddenly more than a little curious and worried at the same time.

"Well, it's something of a long story. But we do have the time right now at least. What happened is I broke one of the rules I usually abide by. I am Wiccan, which is a very old faith. Basically the rule I broke is the one that says 'Though shalt not interfere with a person's free will'. It's not a set in stone rule, but one that most of us follow none the less."

"All right so you did what, called the ambulance and saved my life. That's all you did right???" I asked. Suddenly I had a feeling that it was more than that.

"Ah, not exactly David. I know that you probably will find this a bit far fetched, but magick is real. I cast a minor healing spell on you. In doing that I broke the rules, but I couldn't stand the thought of loosing you so soon after we met." Dennis said, finishing softly.

"This is going to take a little getting used to Dennis. I mean first off you tell me that your Wiccan, which is not a prob for me. Then you tell me you cast a spell on me!?!?! I just, I need some time to handle that one. It's a violation of my trust and faith."

"I know David, but please try to understand why I did, what I did." Dennis pleaded. "I wasn't sure if I should tell you, but I felt that we had to be honest with each other from the start."

"I just... Dennis, just give me a little. Right now I can't handle this." I said. My mind was whirling and swirling with what Dennis had just told me.

Next Chapter... (told from the Narrator's POV)

Leaning over Dennis gently shook David's shoulder to wake him. "Come on David, wake up we're here." Dennis said.

"ummmm, give me a second" David replied. Shifting in his seat he stretched a little. Looking about he was unsure of where he was.

"Uh, Denn where are we?" David asked hesitantly. For he was suddenly unsure of himself, because of what had happened earlier.

"Just about to where we are going. I figured you would like a few minutes to wake up and pull yourself together." Dennis said. "I also wanted to ask you about sleeping arrangements."

"Huh?" David replied startled. "What do you mean?"

"Well do you want to share a bedroom or have separate rooms? Knowing Maria, she's likely set it up for us to share a bedroom, but there's plenty of space if you want a separate room." Dennis said. "Also I think I should warn you about her now that we are down here. She's just a tad eccentric and flamboyant at times. She's a great person, just look beyond the surface with her."

"All right I will keep that in mind." David replied. "As far as sleeping arrangements, what ever works for you, is fine for me. I have been thinking about what you said earlier, and I over reacted a little bit."

"Don't worry, it's not a problem for me. It's a bit of a shocker for you, I am sure. But it had to come out sometime." Dennis replied. "Besides which there is plenty of time for you to ask me about it and Maria will surely fill you in on more than you could ever imagine possible on it." the last was spoken with a hint of laughter in Dennis's voice.

Next Chapter... (Dennis POV)

"Well, we're here at last" I said. "Prepare yourself for a interesting reception love"

"I think, I am ready for just about anything" David replied. "Just promise to catch me if I faint" he finished jokingly.

As I parked the car I prayed that things went well. After all, Maria was an interesting person at the best of times. As we got out and slowly walked up to the door, I braced myself mentally for anything. Raising the heavy iron door knocker up I brought it down hard twice.

Letting go of the knocker I stepped back and took David's hand in mine. Giving him a gentle squeeze I winked at him. We both heard a high pitched voice call out "Coming, Coming. Just one moment."

"Ready or Not, here we go David." I said squeezing his hand once more and chuckling a little.

Suddenly the door swung open and Maria was there inviting us in.

Next Chapter (Told from David's POV)

As Dennis chuckled, I wondered for a final time what I was getting myself into. Hearing the door seeing open I was prepared for just about anything but what greeted me.

Standing there inviting us in was the very image of what I thought of when I heard someone speak of gypsies. With the exception of her hair which was most odd. For it was raven black, with a single streak of white running through it.

As we entered following behind her I looked all about me at the beauty and odd design of the house. For there were touches of so many conflicting yet seemingly perfect design woven through out.

As I simply followed these two interesting folks I just looked about in stunned silence. Seeming to sense my awe, Maria asked me a question.

"David, you all right? You seem awfully quiet and distracted there?"

"I am fine ... Maria, just awed by the design and beauty of your house. Dennis didn't tell me all that much about you or what to expect." I replied with a small chuckle. "He did say something about not wanting to scare me off"

Turning to Dennis, Maria gave him a look. I could sense that this was an old argument between them. But a friendly one that was more of a joke they shared.

"Dennis, how could you tell him that I was that spooky?" Maria asked him. "It's not like I am a scary old ogre, you know."

"Maria," Dennis began "You are never predictable, let alone normal most of the time. I didn't want to have him run off screaming in the night from sheer shock. After all, you have to admit that your looking a bit more 'normal' than usual."

Looking at him, I couldn't tell if she was going to hit him or what. After a few seconds they both burst out laughing. I just looked at them wondering what I had missed.

After a minute they realized that I was looking at them wondering what the hell had just happened. "Come along you two, let's go out to the kitchen and get something to eat and drink. That way I can fill David here in on your little secrets Dennis." Maria said jokingly.

"OH this sounds good," I replied. "What juicy gossip do you have for me about this fellow, he seems so secretive at times."

"Oh no. Don't you dare Maria, or I will paddle you for this. Just keep in mind I know as much about you, as you do about me." my lover replied raising an eyebrow.

"We'll see." Is all the reply the enigmatic Maria gave.

Next Chapter (Told from Dennis's POV)

As we sat down about the table in Maria's kitchen, I was glad that I had brought David to meet Maria. There was something amiss, and also David seemed much more lively than he had in the short time I had known him.

"Well" I began. "what shall we talk about, besides me. You two busy bodies will probably be swapping tales the entire visit, if I know anything."

"Who me?" David and Maria said at the same time. Looking at eachother they just burst out into laughter.

Joining in I just looked at them. I pondered on what insane idea made me bring David down, but realized it was all to the good.

"Maria, I am sure you recall Jeff, right?" I asked.

"cute kid, blondie, smart mouth and thinks he's all that?" she asked. At my nod she went on. "Of course I remember him. I bet he still remembers me" she laughed.

"You see David, Maria and Jeff both got to meet once about a year or so back. It was a very interesting week to say the least. The two of them butted heads and compared notes. When they weren't driving the other nuts, they were talking about me as if I wasn't there." I laughed at the memories. "They did finally come to an understanding and managed to get along together for the remainder of the visit. So Maria, what's for dinner, as I know your an even better cook than me."

"Well let me see, I knew I was going to have two guys over so I knew to make a lot of food." Maria replied with a chuckle "Actually your timing is quite good as it's just about ready now. I made my special lasagna and garlic bread. As well as a dessert earlier today."

With that said she went over to the oven and proceeded to pull out a huge lasagna pan and followed it with two largish garlic breads. After setting the bread on a butting board after having set the lasagna on the stove top, she turned around. "Dennis, would you be a dear and get the china and silver out. You still recall where it's at?" she asked me.

"Of course I do" I replied, "It's not been that long."

"So tell me. David, is it?" Maria asked. At his nod of acknowledgment, she went on. "So what is it I hear about you two falling for eachother any truth to that? Don't answer if you feel uncomfortable. But I am curious about you two. After all Dennis is like a son to me."

"Well, we care about eachother, and it could be love. I do have to admit I made a slight mistake with Dennis." David said. Blushing a little at the last part.

"Oh?" Maria asked, arching an eyebrow. "What was the fight about? I am a bit of a busybody, but sometimes an outside perspective helps."

"It's more my fault than anything Maria" I chimed in from getting the china. "I told him something shocking with out warning and he reacted as best he could. I do admit I could have been a little more tactful."

"Oh dear Dennis. Did you repeat your usual foot in mouth job again?!?!?!?" Maria asked with a grin on her face. "I thought you had finally broken that bad habit of yours." At this point of course David burst out laughing. Looking from David to Maria and back again. I knew it was a lost battle.

"Yes, I did sort of stick my foot in my mouth. I don't do it all that often, except when flustered. Some folks do have that effect on me" I said looking at David. Of course this resulted in more laughter.

"So what did he do David?" Maria asked, her curiosity obviously peaked. She wasn't about to let this go easily I could tell.

"Well, let's see he sprang a pair of suprises on me that I didn't expect at all. First was that he was Wiccan, which I had no idea about. Then he told me that he had broken one of the basic rules of it. I sort of over reacted and went into shock." David said unsure of himself and the conversation.

"Go on, what did he do and what was your reaction to it and all the details, tell all dear boy." Maria gently encouraged him. She seemed to sense that this was touchy for him and that he was uncertain of the topic and his reaction.

"Well I have to fill you in on a little bit of background information. It's a long story, but I will give you only the bones of it for now. I lost someone very special to me, I met Dennis, I fell for him, we had a talk about me and what had happened in part with Jeff and his brother, and Dennis. I sort of broke down for a while. I heard him on the phone I am assuming with you and felt like a burden to everyone. I then slit my wrists and laid down to die in the bathroom. Dennis found me just after I had done it. He told me that he had cast a healing spell to keep me from dying. He told me about the being wiccan and the spell all at the same time. I freaked, I admit it."

With a long drawn out sigh Maria looked at me. "Dennis, what have I told you about shocking folks. I told you that's a bad habit and you never listen do you?" Shaking her head, she just looked at me. Pausing to take a breath she looked over at David. I chuckled as I knew what was most likely coming next.

"And you David. What kind of fool are you? Killing yourself off doesn't help anyone and hurts those who you leave behind. It's not even childish behavior it's pitiful and selfish." Spying the tears in his eyes, she stopped. Walking over to him she pulled him into a hug. "I know child how much it hurts to loose those you love, especially to ignorance. But if you give in to the same despair, it's so much worse. Come now, let's talk about something much more pleasant."

As David sat back down, I could see that part of the healing had begun already. For Maria's words had been able to reach him where mine hadn't. Yes there was still a lot ahead for both of us, but whatever came, we would survive. Looking at Maria, I said "Now your not going to drag out the stories that you have about my apprenticeship are you? After all, we all make mistakes at times." I chuckled.

"I am sure David would love to hear the stories I have about you. After all, he should know what he's getting into." Maria shot back.

As we sat down to dinner conversation shifted back to more pleasant topics and we managed to avoid telling too many tales about me.

Next Chapter...

As we finished cleaning up the dishes from dinner and desert, I decided that it was time to tell David a bit more about my beliefs. Pulling Maria to one side, I said to her in a whisper. "Shall we tell him what he's getting into with me?" At her nod of agreement, I sighed softly.

"David, I have some things to talk to you about and Maria's going to try to keep me from leaving out the important details. Since the dishwasher is loaded, how about we go sit down and get comfortable." I said.

"All right, sounds good to me. But what are we going to be talking about? Your beliefs?" David asked curiously "I know a little bit about Wicca already, but it's not all that much."

"Basically, I need to fill you in a bit further about my beliefs and some things that Jeff doesn't know." I chuckled at the last. "I don't know what he has told you about me, but I expect he left certain things out. It's time for us to share our secrets. After all Maria's knows all of mine already."

Sitting down once more at the table, I took a deep breath and prayed that things would go well. After all, what I felt for David was something more real and special than, I had ever hoped for.

Looking over at David, I decided to start out with the basics and go from there. "All right, I told you that I am Wiccan. To me being Wiccan is a large part of who and what I am. I live and act in a way that is one with the Wiccan beliefs. But I am not a follower of the regular path of Wicca. I am an eclectic Wiccan, I find that my path leads me to many different places. I do practice magick on a regular basis. To me magick is a natural part of life and nature."

"All right, I can live with most of that, but magick it doesn't seem real or even right. It just seems unnatural." David said.

"All right, let me ask you a few simple questions first. Is fire good or bad? What about a knife or water even?" I asked him seriously

"Well fire isn't necessarily good or bad. A knife is the same, water as well. But what's the point?"

"David, the point that Dennis is trying to make is a good one, even if he's taking the long route to it." Maria cut in. "Magick is neither good nor evil. It simply is. What we use it for is what defines it. Granted certain paths and forms are more easily used for ill rather than good, it's never the less true."

"I suppose so Maria, but how come magick exists? How can it be called natural even?" David asked curiously. For to him it was an odd thing. To sit here and calmly discuss what he couldn't easily believe in or even define as good or right without re-examing all his beliefs.

"David, no one. Not even the wisest amongst us knows why magick exists. It simply does. Most of us agree on a few points regarding it. Those being that, it does come from life, that it comes both from with in an with out any given person. That it has rules and laws by which it works. As far as natural, well natural is, what natural does." I responded. "For instance is it 'natural' to fly in an airplane? Is it 'natural' to be able to swim underwater without having to come up for a breath because you are using scuba gear?" shaking my head, I just wondered where this conversation would lead.

"All right, I will concede that at one time such things wouldn't have been considered natural at all. But now a days it's a normal part of everyday life. But how can magic be considered the sameway?" David persisted.

"Perhaps one day there will be an answer to that question, but for now there isn't." I replied shrugging my shoulder. "I expect that when I speak of spells, it conjures up a vision in your mind of a group of old hags around a cauldron hanging over a fire. Or perhaps the image is of a gray haired old wizard peering at a hand written spell book, and muttering under his breath." Glancing over at David, I could tell I had hit my mark.

"It's not like that David. Spells, are very much like prayers. With one or two notable differences. First in a prayer, your asking for something to happen or be given. In a spell your saying this will happen or this will be given. Second with a spell, your addressing the powers that be not quite as equals, but not as a petitioner to a ruler. Does that make any sense to you?" I asked him.

"Some sense, but it just doesn't seem real to me. How can magick be real like your saying it is, but people are unable to perceive it?" David asked puzzled.

Looking over at Maria, I could tell we were in agreement. This would have to be proven in a way that couldn't be disputed. Sitting back, I pondered what was the best and least upsetting way to demonstrate this. "David, how can I prove this to you? By all rights, as you well know you should have been dead, from the cuts you gave yourself, even though we got you to the hospital so quickly. Isn't that proof in and of it's self?"

"Well, I only have your word for it Dennis, not to dispute what you told me. But isn't there something you can do that is obvious?" David continued. "Like, make yourself invisible, or change how you look with magick or something?"

Looking at Maria, I thought for a moment more. "Maria, do you still have that small rose quartz ball that I used to practice with?"

At her nod of agreement, and puzzled look I explained a little further. "David, what I'm going to do is a simple beginners exercise but I'm going to ask you to bear with me. It's a matter of shifting my energies from me into the ball. Since it's rose quartz it will show up pretty obviously, but it will take a little time to do. When I fully charge the ball, it will show with some light of it's own. Basically, it'll glow with it's own light."

"Oh come one Dennis, how can a ball of quartz start glowing on it's own?" David asked skeptically.

"David dear boy, trust me. If you keep an open mind, you'll be amazed at what all is out there. Now you two wait here, and I will go get that ball." Maria said in a half amused, half scolding tone of voice.

Next Chapter

"Dennis, I'm not trying to knock your beliefs, but magick just doesn't seem to be a realistic or real thing. How come it's real but folks don't use it all the time?" David asked.

"For two reasons David. Magick while natural, disturbs the innate order of nature, so folks don't use it unless they have to. Also it's just as easy usually to do things in mundane ways as to use magick. Two, People only see what they want to see. If you see something, that your mind says simply is not possible, or real than it rationalizes what you saw and makes it so that you can accept it." I responded.

"All right, here we go Dennis. Now David, do you want to check the ball out first before Dennis begins?" Maria asked.

"All right, that sounds like a good idea. Even though it's not like you can hide anything in it." David said. As Maria handed him the ball he carefully checked the whole thing out. Carefully turning it this way and that. "O-K, it looks good. But I still don't see how you can make it glow." David said with a uncertain tone.

As I took the ball of quartz from David, I slowly ran my hands over it. Feeling the old patterns that I had laid down in it and upon it from a long time back. Holding it in the palms of my hand I held it about chest level. Closing my eyes, I slowly focused on the stone in my hands. As I felt the energies within me slowly build I focused them on the quartz sphere in my hands. Slowly ever so slowly the energies flowed into it.

As I heard the sudden gasp from David and Maria's chuckle I knew it was starting to glow. I kept the energies flowing into the crystal. After a few minutes more I stopped.

As I opened my eyes, I saw the last faint glimmers in the quartz die out. "Well David?" I asked arching an eyebrow.

"All right, I suppose that I have to accept that I just saw the impossible." David said. It was clear he was shocked. "I suppose that there are things, out there I could never have imagined."

"There are David, but it's not a scary thing. Life in all it's infinite forms and variations is special and unique. It's nothing to be afraid of." I said with a smile.

"David, to all things there is a time and a place. This was just the time for you to learn of this, so you did."

Next Chapter

"David?" I asked hesitantly. As he was slowly stripping in the privacy of the bedroom.


"David, are you all right, with all that I've told you, The magick, my beliefs and all the rest?" I went on.

"I Dennis, it's a lot to handle all at once, but I guess I'm all right with it. Shall we turn in?" David asked, raising an eyebrow and gesturing towards the bed.

As we both crawled into the bed David, in a pair of boxers, me in nothing. Hey, It's just a personal preference of mine. I just was struck by the thought, of how odd this felt. We had only known eachother for so short a time, yet everything just felt so right.

"Dennis" David said, turning to me. "Will you hold me?"

"Of course love." I replied pulling him to me. As we laid there, me holding David in my arms the world just felt so right. As I held David in my arms, I just let my hands slowly slide over his body, just touching him gently as he touched me in return. Laying there we were both content to just explore eachothers bodies with hands and fingers. The rising flame of passion was not going to consume us all at once. It would instead slowly grow and we could spend the night in it's warmth.

To Be Continued...

I know folks, I like you hate cliff hangers but such is fate. Time is a ticking for me. So I'm sending this out as I start to work on the next section. Sorry for the delay once again. I will try to get the next section out a bit more timely, but only the fates can tell.

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