Love of the Sea

By James Bernard

Published on May 7, 2011


This does not have any info on the celebrities in any way. I do hope you like it. "Percy Jackson and the Olympians", was created by ,Rick Riordan.

Love Of The Sea: Chapter 3

Darkness...darkness was caressing my body. I could not feel anything besides death's embrace coming closer and closer to me. I could just see myself laying in this void of no gravity in the darkness, the feeling of it, as if they were stomach cramps. A flash of light in the distance distracted me from the pain of my wound and the numbness of the darkness. A bright light in the distance distracted me from everything. A figure was forming from the light, it was hard to tell as I put my hands in my face to block the light from hurting my eyes any further.

As the light died down a little a figure was seen better. A form of a man of 6ft 1inches tall. He came closer to my laying form. I noticed his blue eyes and blond hair that was slightly white. He had a injured hand and looked like he was in pain and dying himself. His scare on his face was what drawed me in closer. He had an out-doorsy type look to him. Even had the scent of the earth...not dirty...just like nature. He lifted me in his arms and carried me bridal style in the void. "What's your name?" I asked, my voice hoarse for some reason. I just was very thirsty, that's all I could tell at the moment. He smirked, and it seemed to pain him to draw in the air to speak. "Luke..." His voice was sweet and made me melt inside, but at the same time pained. "I'm Travis..." I said, putting my arms around his neck to pull myself up with what strength I could muster.

He smirked and looked down on me, I wanted to kiss his lips...just like I wanted to kiss Percy's....wait...Percy. Flashes of everything that happened came running back to me. Percy...flashed into my mind. Luke only smiled, "You need to go to him...please take care of him. He was a good friend." I just stared at him blankly. "Please come with me." He shook his head, "I cannot. It's not my time." I pulled him tighter not wanting to let him go. "Please..." A golden aura came over started small and radiated seemed to hurt Luke to look in. I sent it into Luke and immediately his wounds went away, even his scar disappeared. "Thank you...but I'm not allowed..." I stopped him with my lips, "Please...don't say that. Come with me." I wasn't really falling for him it was just my emotions..or more like I was draining emotions from him. He only smirked, but everything seemed to get brighter and brighter from my glow as it wrapped around us both.

I woke up, gasping for air. Any air that would come into my lungs. The light was so bright it stung my eyes to no end. I learned quickly that I was floating in the air...(You know how in cartoons when they realize that they were floating, and look down, they fell...same thing.) It hurt, the sack that was my bed was lumpy. I calmed down looking to see if anyone was here... no one. Rustling sound It was a lady in white clothes..."I'm sure you are looking for your friends so I will get them." She was beautiful,but before I could even grasp her feature she was gone.

Rustling Sound I looked to my left as I started to sit up. My muscles cramping, trying to keep me in one place. A large had red eyes. It cocked it's head looking at me. It flew to me and landed on my shoulder. I could hear whispers. "I shall not harm you. All animals are sacred to Hecate...and so we will never harm you."It was a male voice. I looked at it closer. "What's your name...raven?" It shook it's head. "I was not given one...." I thought for a moment. "...Azarath? It's were 'Raven' from the Teen Titans is from." He cooked his head again seeming in a thinking affect, "Yes...yes. I like it a lot." This brought a smile to my face, "Azarath it is." "Travis!" A voice called my name. I looked to my right and Percy was there. I looked to Azarath and He was gone.

Percy hugged me tightly..."I thought I lost you." He said lowly, more to himself than to me. "You didn't lose me." What happened next I didn't expect. He kissed eyes flew even wider at first, but momentarily my arms crept around his neck and pulled him closer as the kiss was countered. His tongue was on my lips, trying to gain access. In shock of this, a slighter pressure was felt in my mind. It grew and grew with each attempt. The things around us began to float and anticipation of what was happening. "Travis!" Grover and Annabeth's voices were heard. Percy stopped kissing me and trying to get in my mouth, his cheeks red. As were mine everything dropped as soon as I realized what I was subconsciously doing. My mind must've been trying to protect me...weird. My mind can tell when I'm been forced a way it was a another way it was a cock-blocker. lol.

"Well...this is just lovely. I came to see to it that you wouldn't try anything and I'm glad I got here before anything got too bad." Annabeth said, coming forth pulling Percy along by the ear. It was a second until I realized another thing. They were all in armor and....wearing orange 'Camp Half-Blood' shirts. "Training practice now, mister." Annabeth's voice could be heard from outside along with a groan from Percy.

"COCK-BLOCK!!" Percy yelped, I could tell he was running away yelling over his shoulder...being chased by Annabeth with a sword and dagger now in her hands...slicing the air. "How about a circumcision/hair cut... I can take some off the top and bottom." She yelled. The stopping of their footsteps were gone.

After Grover helped me out of bed, told me of how everything happened...I was apparently out for 5 days. It was a race against time to get me to camp.

He led me to a big house. "There is someone you have to meet." Coming on two figures one sitting down and another...I couldn't believe my eyes. Two men wearing orange camp shirts and one was lazy looking drinking a diet cola. He had purple eyes...ones that made me want to eat and drink anything fruit. Aswell as a strong looking man, with a beard that was long and reached his chest...that wasn't his most striking was the fact that the waist down he had a horse's body. (I'm not even going to do a joke about that one...referring to having a jack-ass or how long his dick is.Chiron should be respected. lol.) " this is the lad who caused so much trouble in the night." The purple eyed guy. "I am me Mr. D...if you don't I will turn you into fertilizer for my vineyard." He said smirking, half joking. Something about him made me sure that He wouldn't hesitate to do such a thing.

"I am Chiron, Activities Director/ Hero Trainer, here at Camp Half-Blood. Welcome to came, this way my boy, " He said putting his hand on my shoulder. "Thank you Grover. You may go now." He left, and Chiron turned back to Mr.D. "It appears we will have to discuss this later old friend." Mr. D only lifted his hand acknowledgment.

"My boy, this is Camp Half-Blood." He led me through the camp and I saw quite alot of kids of all ages that happened to be training. "We train everyone for the 'real' world. Monsters...they are a nasty bunch. They can smell a halfblood a mile away and love the taste of em'." I just looked at him funny, "Are you trying to scare me? I'm pretty sure I've seen a monser...I mean real ones. I also saw human monsters...I was beaten and molested." It was his turn to have a funny look on his face."I am sorry." I shrugged it off. "Can I go lay down some where I don't feel well." He just led me to a place that felt...right for me.

It was a big black marble foundation, it had wiring around the place that had vines trailing on the columns. As well as shelves with vials and jars filled with things that look like belong in Hollywood movies. Eyes, Brains, tongues, hands...things I'd rather not say. There were glass bottles and crystals of different colors hanging from the ceiling. The sun hit through the place perfectly and it made them shine with a flurry of colors that were known and those not yet named.

"Thank you." I did my best to hug Chiron, but since he was was hard to do such. "I will have Percy come get you when it is time for dinner." I nodded and he walked off. I entered further, there were fountains of greek figures pouring...golden liquid into a bigger one. The place had boxes and books of spells on the shelves. I wanted to look one up and say it, just for fun...but I was afraid. Magic is something that you shouldn't play with...if you are new at it. I have done simple stuff and some medium magic. Light magic really though, never dark magic. That was the strong stuff and the most dangerous. I found my bed and layed in it, it was comfortable. I was happy to be was better than where I was last week. It hit me, just a week ago I was in hell . Now I was in a wonderful place that hopefully I would be able to have a wonderful life.

CAW! A bird sound came out of nowhere as Azarath flew in. " are you enojoying your stay here?" I looked around a bit, I put my finger up and Azarath landed on it. "Good. Everything is great." "Then what is the matter?" "It's just a dream...while I was asleep." He cocked his head. I told him everything, "Well it seems you came across a wandering soul. One that was going to be reincarnated...but you stopped it. You brought him back to life." He didn't seem to mind though. "Am I in trouble?" He shook his head, "Not really. Your mother is among many things...aswell as Goddess of all ways. It's in her jurisdiction to mess with a person's life. If need be." My mouth made an 'O' Shape.

"But where is he?" "He should be where he was when he died..." "?" "I cannot say. For I do not know." I frowned, "But fear not. He will be here soon. Just do not tell anyone. You do know you don't have to read those books right? They are just there for show. Added affect when castin the spells really." He flew off my hand and landed on the shelf. The books began to float. I rose from my bed and walked to the middle of the room. "What's going on?" I asked, he just looked at the books. "Your mother sent me. She said you needed to learn. This is how."

It was gibberish to me...well it was Greek. Since I was a demi god I was dyslexic...but Greek was easy to read. "The knowledge I seek is thrived in these books. I need them in my mind, so I don't have to worry about crooks. Give them to me quick so I may also not worry about my looks." I said repeating what I saw. In an instant all of the knowledge from the books flew into my head in forms of colors. The one that scared me most was black...inky black colors flowed into me aswell. I knew magic...period. I was powerful...I just knew better. "Why was the spell so stupid?" "Because...magic does not need just needs feel. You don't need words to make magic happen they are just helpful triggers and restricters for most casters...but with Hecate being your mother you won't need them. Magic won't bite back against you." With that he burst into flames this time, and the ashes flew away in a gust of wind that appeared from nowhere. I felt fluttered, as a whisper came to my ears. "I will come when you need me. Just call my name." In a matter of seconds, Azarath was completely gone and I was alone...feeling weird.

I had to sleep it was just insane after all of the things I have gone through. I must sleep now.

That's the next chapter. I hope you like it. I made it longer and I made it have something no one was expecting. A crow friend/helper. Reach me at Feed back please. I would like it and it would help the story greatly.

Next: Chapter 4

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