Love of the Sea

By James Bernard

Published on May 15, 2011


This does not have any info on the celebrities in any way. I do hope you like it. "Percy Jackson and the Olympians", was created by, Rick Riordan.

Love Of The Sea: Chapter 4

I dreamt of much blood. Demi-god blood. I was drowning in it. It was redder than the blood in the red sea... I was sinking in it. I could taste it. It made me want to throw up, but the fact that it would've filled my mouth even more kept me from doing it. Just when I thought I was going to drown to death it all changed into snow. Blood stained snow, there were bodies all over the place. I got up and started walking holding myself close...the fear of it touching me. To let myself feel even allow my mind to think this as a reality.

The trees seemed to be like dead hands trying to grab me. Yet they moved out of the way for me. A laugh could be heard, I turned around, there was a dark shadow running. "Hello?" I turned around again and I saw it again. Yet another laugh came. "Hello?" I looked, I saw another figure. I projected an orb of light in my hands, and held it up. Percy and Luke? They were holding hands, with their other hand out as if to embrace me. "Come Travis." They said at the same time as if in a trance. "Let us love you. Forever." Their shapes grew and grew, getting darker. Until they were eclipsing everything, and it looked like I was being drowned in the most blackest ink possible. I screamed and screamed. Praying for my mother's help...she never answered.

Waking up-screaming!!! "Aaaaah!!!!" I woke up in a cold sweat my pulse was insane. This has to stop, I don't like nightmares. I got up and looked in the fountain's golden liquid. My reflection. My hair has grown, reaching my butt. My black roots go to the sides of my head then turn into sandy blonde. My eyes...they had more colorful's like the galaxy that once were in them grew bigger. My curves and skin stayed the skin was softer, but no added muscle or any loss of it. My ass seemed thicker, rounder, and much more firm. It would look weird if anyone saw me feeling up myself. I looked down into my pants, my cock grew to 8in length and 2in's like the spell also caused me to physically change. Just to adapt and evolve with the magic, my lips were thicker and they looked much more moist. They even had a I just became...a new me.

It was still dark, but I was told about the Harpies...I could even see them. One was..."Oh my Gods!! Get away!" She screached and flew away. "Freak...watching me." I don't know where the strength to tell her off came from I was just glad she was gone. Hey if you had a Harpy staring at you like lunch, you wouldn't be so kind about it. I mean...I'm technically not in the open, my cabin is just very open.

I kept walking around...what to do. I laid back in bed and just waited. It bothered me to be around here...alone. I needed someone...I needed the heat from another body. I got a blush to my cheeks, I was imaginig Percy holding me tightly in his strong arm...feeling safe. In a moment I was there. Poseidon's cabin. It was a cabin made of gray sea rock and shells. There was a jacuzzi in there...I looked into the fog. There was Percy.....skinny dipping, with a guy next to him. I wanted to hide, but I wond up making myself turn invisible. "I can't do this anymore...I seen how you look at him" A boy who was pale, he had scruffy brown hair and looked petite and pale. I could smell dirt and sulfur? He must be Nico....son of Hades. " know how lusty I can get. It's you I'm talking to right now right?" He got closer to Nico trying to hug him, but Nico wouldn't allow it. "I don't think so. Percy it's over." Nico got out of the pool of water and walked seemed to be swallowed by darkness and disappeared. I backed up into a shelf and a jar of white sand fell.

"Hello?" Percy called out, looking around. "Who are you?" He smelled around, "Travis? Is that you?" He walked up to me, in nervousness the invisibility wore off. "Um....I...was feeling alone and wanted to see you." I looked down a second and looked back up, Percy was now erect...and wasn't hiding it either. "Like what you see?" he asked I could hear lust in his voice as he approached me. He grabbed my hands and put them on his washboard abs...I was amazed at how firm they were, yet smooth. "Wait stop." I said, trying to move my hands, but he wouldn't let go. The more I forced the more pressure in my head seemed to grow. Luckly Percy let go, becasue purple electricity came from my hands and shot forth. He dodged them, "Wow..that was close." Percy said, as I turned on my heels and ran. "Travis! Travis! Wait come back!" Percy called but I kept running. Through the woods...jumping over logs and branches. I wanted to get away. Sadly that's not my life. I slipped and fell. My head colliding with a boulder.

Darkness tried to take me, I could see a slight blurry form of a certain Son of Poseidon. "I'm so sorry. I don't know where my heads ever at. Okay never mind it's in my pants...I know that much. I...I'm so sorry." I could hear him keep ranting, I felt his arms grab hold of me and pull me up. I was being carried bridal style, back to his Cabin.

"I am such a slut sometimes...truth be told. I'm not....I never actually had sex with any of them. The most I did was get blown while I manipulated the water to fuck them. I'm...still a virgin, I never felt like it was a good thing to just give up." His voice was fading out, it was as if he knew I could barely hear him. So that if I heard something I wasn't suppose to it could be said it was never said.

I closed my eyes, he kept talking. "I..I have never felt the way I do when I see you. It's like when I see your face, my world feels like no matter what...I will always be okay. I just wish I could tell you this when you're conscious. I think I'm falling for you and we haven't even done anything really. No kiss, no groping. May Poseidon and Hecate give us their blessing to be together, and Aphrodite, to assure me of atleast a chance with you." He placed me on the bed, and walked to the pool of water. "Aphrodite, Poseidon, Hecate...I over the tears of a lover to tears...that of how lonely I feel. I love him...I ask for you to give me a chance." His tears grew softly, dripping in the pool of water, the water glew momentarily and went out.

"Thank you..." I heard him whisper. He walked over to me and I felt his arms wrapping me into him. His warmth coating me...his love...truly radiating off of him. I felt a kiss on my forehead, and could tell he was spooning me.

  • In Olympus*

Aphrodite and Poseidon, were walking together down a hallway to get to the main chamber. They stopped hearing Percy's voice. Both looked at eachother and a smile came to the faces. "Love...true love." Aphrodite said, She was the Goddess of Love...seeing true love was exciting to her. "I give them my blessing." Poseidon was happy, "My son deserves to be happy. If he is happy with Travis...then I am happy for them both. They have my blessing." The just kept on walking talking about how they got together.

In the Underworld

Hecate flew around...watching the human souls and the souls of wicked entities burning. She felt and heard Percy's words...."My son...My in love?" Her eyes glazed over as a pure white light was lit in them. She was seeing the future.

In Hecate's eyes

"Honey, you know I have to go." Percy was seen. "Yeah...but why? Luke and Annabeth can do it couldn't they. The baby will arrive soon...I can feel it." Future Travis said, holding onto his stomach which indeed had swollen to the size a balloon. "What about Grover and Juniper? Or Thalia and Nico? Does it have to be you to go against the Furies?" Future Percy hugged him....Their future selves didn't change much...Percy was just more muscular and taller with longer hair. Future Travis had grown taller but his hair still reached his ass. His eyes were light up with little different color sparkles in his eyes.

"Yes...I have to that way I can sacrifice them to our Parents and Aphrodite to bring our child into the world..." Future Travis only smiled and kissed him. "Fine. Just be safe." They kissed again and Future Percy was off out of the combined cabin they shared. It was a combination of both their original cabins.

Hecate's eyes flashed and she had a smile come to her face. "Let it be done, just as I saw it..." She said an energy came from her hands and she shot it out. It lifted out of the Underworld to Travis.

At Camp

A light came out of nowhere flowing through the window and went into Travis. He didn't even move. Hecate's blessing literally came forth in a form. Her was something different...something she knew would help in the future. The glow left most of Travis's body and went to his stomach before completely fading.

They slept comfortably that night.

Outside the window was a figure, paled was lightly tanned but seriously paled compared to most shades. It had a scar...on it's cheek up to it's eye. It's blond hair was in it's face..."Soon...Soon Travis." He faded away from the window.

(There's the next chapter. I hope you enjoy it. I need feedback, just to make sure it's okay with everyone how I'm setting it up. Ideas also would help. Sometimes I don't know what to do. Reach me at )

Next: Chapter 5

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