Love on Aisle Five

By Sam Gamer

Published on Dec 28, 2020


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The following is fiction. Any resemblance to real people, places or events is coincidental.

This is a slow moving romance story in many parts. If you are looking for a quickie, this isn't it.

All of my stories are available on my wordpress site:

Love on Aisle Five - Chapter 37 by Sam

When I woke up, Todd got on top of me and made love to me. When he pumped his load inside me we got up and took a shower before going to breakfast. After breakfast I headed to work. It's spring break so Todd is going to spend time working on his proficiency in the art of... who am I kidding, he is going to sit on his ass playing video games. At lunchtime the three amigos have their weekly private conversation. They have been doing that every Monday for a month now but never tell me what they are talking about.

When I get off work I head over to Ty's dorm. He lets me in and we head to his bed. I strip off and he lays me on my back and gets on top of me. He starts to kiss me passionately as I feel him enter me. He starts thrusting in and out as he makes love to me. He continues to kiss me until I go over the edge and cum on us. This takes Ty with me and he pumps his load inside me. Ty continues to kiss me as we come down then he pulls out of me. I cuddle up to him for a bit of post orgasm affection.

"How was that baby?"

"Amazing as always Ty."

"I'm glad you enjoyed it. It feels so good to have you in my bed again baby. I missed this."

"We have sex every weekend."

"Not here, alone, in my bed. We have it in your bed and mostly with Todd there too. I like having you alone to myself."

"But we are alone sometimes."

"But in the bed you and Todd share. Now we are in my bed alone. The one just for us that Todd hasn't ever used."

"Well, you will get it every day after work now."

"I know and I'm so happy you agreed to that. I really love having you here."

"I like being alone with you too Ty. But I got to get back to Todd now."

"Oh, yes. Do you want a shower first?"

"Yeah I could use one after work. It has been crazy this week with it being spring break."

"Oh, I'm sorry to hear that baby. Come on, I'll get you washed up."

We headed to the shower and got clean. Ty didn't want to delay me getting back to Todd so we didn't have sex in the shower. I got dressed and gave him a kiss as I headed back to my car. When I got home, Todd was playing his Switch. I went and sat with him.

"How was Ty?"


"I meant his general health, not how the sex was."

"Oh, well ok I guess."

"You took a long time."

"Did I?"

"You usually get home 45 minutes ago."

"I'm sorry. I didn't think it was that long. I'll try to do better."

"It's ok babe. If it takes 45 minutes, then it does. I was just making a comment. I'm sorry if it sounded like I was scolding you. I guess I might be having an issue with you running off every day to be with Ty, but that is my problem to deal with. You two are in love and deserve time together and I shouldn't act like that. I'm sorry."

"It's ok Todd. I know you love me and don't like the fact that you have to share. But, you know I will always come home to you."

"Yeah babe, I'm sorry."

Laura announced dinner was ready and we sat and ate. After dinner we watched some TV then turned in. Todd made love to me before we cuddled up and went to sleep.

When we woke up, Todd made love to me again. After he came, we got up and took a shower. We then had breakfast before I went to work. After work I headed over to Ty's dorm. When he let me in I went over to the bed and got undressed. Ty got on top of me and started to kiss me as he entered me. He thrust in and out of me making me moan in his mouth as he made love to me. After we came he pulled out and I cuddled up to him.

"Was that good baby?"

"The best Ty."



"Yeah baby?"

"Tell me about yourself."


"Well, I know very little about you. I know we have lots of sex but that doesn't tell me much. I know you were Todd's roommate during his first year here and I've heard the stories you and him talk about of what you guys did. But I don't know much about you personally."

"Well, what would you like to know?"

"Well, basic stuff. When is your birthday? How old are you? What are your parents like? What are you studying to be? Stuff like that."

"Oh, well my birthday is December 12th, I'm 19."

"Wait, you're 19?"


"But I thought you were Todd's first roommate."

"I was."

"But if you are 19 and your birthday is in December, then when you started college you were..."

"16. I skipped a couple of grades in school."

"So when Todd started giving you blowjobs, you were only 16?"

"Yeah, and they were good. I was so amazed I had my roommate giving me head every day."

The fact he thinks with his dick now makes sense as he is just a teenager that was too sexually active too soon. I don't fault Todd for sucking his roommate as Ty's cock is really nice, but 16?

"Ok, well what about your parents?"

"Well my dad is the CEO of a large casino in Vegas. My mom doesn't work but manages the household staff."

"Wait, you told me you were broke."

"I am baby, or I was, but the money you've been giving me to manage your prostitution has helped a lot."

"But if you dad is a CEO of a casino then he is a millionaire."

"Yes he is baby, but I'm not. My dad told me that his money is not my money and if I want to have money I have to earn it not expect a handout. He believes in working for what you have. So every summer when I go home he gives me a job at the casino so I have money for the rest of the year. He does pay for my education and room and meals, but that is it. I have to pay the rest from what I make over the summer. But when I got to school this year a girl named Rita started dating me and had me buy her expensive things. She was good in bed so I did. Until I ran out of money, then she dumped me."

"I'm sorry Ty. But I'm not a gold digger so you don't have to buy me anything."

"I know that baby. You are the one giving me money... Shoot, look at the time, I got to get you home to Todd or he will be so mad at me."

We cleaned up and I got dressed and headed home. Dinner was already on the table.

"I'm so sorry I'm late Laura."

"It's alright Sam, I know time flies when we're having fun."

Wait. Does she know about me and Ty? We sat down to eat and after dinner, Todd took me to the bedroom and made love to me. After he pumped his load inside me he pulled out and we got cleaned up and I cuddled up to him.

"You did take a long time today babe. Was everything alright with Ty?"

"Yeah, I'm sorry. We got to talking and lost track of time."

"Well you look beat."

"That's from work. We've been so busy due to spring break."

"I'm sorry babe. Let's get some sleep."

I went to sleep with Todd's arm around me holding me tight.

To be continued...

Next: Chapter 38

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