Love on Aisle Five

By Sam Gamer

Published on Mar 6, 2021


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The following is fiction. Any resemblance to real people, places or events is coincidental.

This is a slow moving romance story in many parts. If you are looking for a quickie, this isn't it.

All of my stories are available on my wordpress site:

Love on Aisle Five - Chapter 76 by Sam

When I woke up it was early. That figures. The first Saturday I get to sleep in, and I wake up early anyway. Ty was still asleep. I took the sheet off and he was hard. Well, we had all morning. I lubed him up and got on him and sat on it. I decided to go slow. I was moving up and down on him just enjoying feeling his cock as it moved in and out of me. He woke up and saw me on him. He smiled and put his hands behind his head and closed his eyes to enjoy the feeling of me fucking myself on him. After half an hour I was finally taken over the edge and came on him. When I did he held onto my hips and thrust up into me a few times before grunting and pumping his seed into me. I sat all the way down on him as I enjoyed my afterglow. When we calmed down I got up off of him and we went to shower. When we were dressed we sat down to breakfast. After breakfast we headed to the store so we could show Ty's parents our setup.

When we got there we got the keys from Dave. I introduced Ty's parents to him. We then headed to the booths. We opened booth 2 and showed them the hole and money box and how the customers came in to use it. We also showed them the bed. We then went over to booth 1 and showed them the sling and the other side of the hole. Rick seemed to be intrigued in how it all worked and asked if I could get in it and show it all in action. I said ok and got undressed and Ty helped me into the sling. He then put it against the wall. When he did I felt a cock enter me. I looked around the room and only one person was missing. I started to laugh.

"What's so funny baby?"

"Your Dad is fucking me."

"What?" He looked around the room and saw that his dad was not there. "Fuck baby, I'll go stop him." I saw Liz started to laugh too.

"No wait Ty, it is ok."

"No way baby, my dad is not fucking my future wife."

"Ty, come on. Yes he will be my father-in-law, but I'm a prostitute, being fucked is what I do."

I saw Liz say something to Ty.

"But Mom, Dad is fucking my wife. That isn't right."

"It will be ok Ty. He will be done soon. I've never had a guy on the wall last long and then your father will be out of me."

"But then his stuff will be inside you."

"Yours is inside me too. I've taken a lot of cum so one more load isn't going to hurt."

"Ok baby, but I don't have to like it."

After Rick pumped his load inside me he pulled out. He then came into the room with a $20 in his hand and asked where to put it. I told him it goes in the box in the other room by the hole, but he can give it to Todd as he handles the money. Rick gave Todd the $20 and he put it in his wallet and pulled out a $5 and gave it to Ty. Ty shoved it in his pocket. Danny got me out of the sling and I got dressed. Ty seemed really upset. I wanted to make it up to him. I took everyone to the other booth and had Ty set up the bed. While he did that I went to the other booth and got undressed and put on my robe. I then went to their booth just as Ty finished setting it up and was showing them how the hole sees the bed and most of the room. I went to the bed and removed my robe and pulled Ty down on the bed on top of me. I undid his pants.

"Baby, what are you doing?"

"Ty, show your dad how it is really done."

He started kissing me and got his pants off. I pulled off his shirt and pulled up my legs and Ty entered me and started making love to me. He was being very passionate. We were going at it for a half hour before he took me over the edge and I moaned loud as I came on us. Ty thrust a few more times then pumped his load into me. When we calmed down he pulled out and got up off of me. I wiped us off.

"So that is what you charge $500 for?"

"Yeah. It is for an hour."

"No Dad, you cannot pay for a one on one with Sam."

"No problem Ty, but it looked fun."

"Oh it is."

"So all your one on ones are handled here Sam sweetie?"

"Yeah, except for at first we used a motel up the street but I didn't like the security. And that one time, um, but I shouldn't talk about that."


"Well, when I quit the call center, on the last day, my supervisor wanted to experience fucking an employee in his office so we did. But that is the only time I did it in town as it is illegal so don't mention it."

"Of course not sweetie. Heck we've all skirted the law sometimes. When I started I was working in Vegas, but most cops turned a blind eye."

"That gives me an idea. You said he did it just because he wanted to do an employee in his office?"

"Yeah Rick, but I can't do that as it is banned in town."

"I know, but what if you set up little sets? Like an office set with a desk and stuff so bosses could pretend it was their office and they were banging their employee. Or a classroom set so teachers can pretend they are fucking a student."

"We don't really have room here. There are only the two booths and we have no real storage space."

"Well, we can think about it. It might bring in some more money as we might charge more for the fantasy."

"Alright, let's get cleaned up and go to lunch."

I put on my robe and went to the other booth to get dressed while Ty and Danny put the bed away. We then headed out and Rick and Liz took us to lunch. After lunch they said they would be heading back to Vegas but would see us at Christmas as we were going up there to spend the holiday and that is also when the wedding was going to be.

After they left we relaxed until after dinner then we all turned in. Me and Ty laid on our backs. Todd got on top of Ty and Danny entered me. After we fucked for an hour we got up to take a shower and remove our cum. I then cuddled up to Ty and Danny cuddled up to Todd and we went to sleep.

To be continued...

Next: Chapter 77

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