Love on the Big Wheel

By Alex Carr / Julyguy / Jlyguy / Writersparody

Published on Aug 14, 2013



Love on the Big Wheel.

Feeling a little lonely after being dumped by Jacky I knew it would take me

a long time to recover. Jacky was my special girl who was always there for me and I loved her very6 much. Well I still do come to that but she said she does not love me, I guess I was taking her for granted and could not accept she just wanted to be a friend and that's all. Being a red blooded guy Jacky was a real cracker and I had constant wet dreams of how it would be with her. But I tried to `fever the pitch' and her kisses seemed warm and inviting so I took it just a little more further and, in my passion, went a little bit too far and I know now that is what ruined the friendship. She said the best thing to resolve this was to stop seeing each other and that was that... So now I was going over the old tracks where Jacky and I used to go; like the seaside and walking along the beach. She loved that and I really cherished seeing her in her very neat and sexy bikini. She was a mean swimmer and took the waves in her stride and it took me some time to reach her standard. But it was All worth it just to enjoy being with her, chilling on the beach and taking in the sun. She cared enough to massage sun tan cream over my body when I guess I misunderstood the signals which I thought were sexual as well as just caring, especially when she asked me to do the same to her. I can't tell you just how

much I enjoyed that and how I had to camouflage the ominous swell in my bathing trunks. I think it was from that moment on I misjudged Jacky and find myself strolling aimlessly along the promenade. The only thing that had changed since Jacky and I were last there was that they have now installed a Big Wheel which seems very popular. I knew I simply had to put Jacky in the past and making for a ride on the big wheel, I tho9ught at least here there was something I hadn't shared with her in this place. I purchased my ticket and was prompted to take a seat in one of the compartments. It was empty and looked like I would have the whole ride to myself. But immediately being me I heard this couple having and argument. The guy was calling the other guy a wimp for being scared to join him on the ride. "Okay I shall go by myself" he yelled and he stepped back looking sulky and rejected. "Mind if I join you, he is bloody hopeless" he said and I replied that was fine. But as we began to spin slowly around-higher and higher I realized this guy was not going to stop his forever chatter. Mainly about Roger' his partner with whom he had had it up to here." I listened sympathetically and resolved to let him get it off his chest. Talking of which he was easy on the eye and oddly, because I had never thought of myself as gay, he was well charmed in that area and seemed to have no qualms about holding himself once we were on our way, which looked a million dollars. It came to the point that he could have go on chattering forever but was away in my lusty fantasies again and, although this guy was, I guess, about ten years older than I he still had plenty I could readily handle, especially after having been rejected by whom I thought was the most beautiful and sexiest girl in the world. I was thinking perhaps this is the way for me to go, perhaps this is my true leaning. That took up most of the first ride around and when we reached the exit point I started to get up and leave. "Hey, where you going, there are three more to go yet?" The guy said with an enchanting smile, and the operator nodded in agreement. "Four time around for the price of two, mate" he said. It is a special off -season offer so you two enjoy huh?" I saw this guy's partner standing there as we started the second ride and s My new companion he completely ignored him. I realized he was making a point of sitting close to me, like he was making a statement. As we progressed he commented about the lovely view out to sea but I was happy with the view immediately beside me and was thinking just how good it would be to delve between his thighs and how that would solve my lust. "So have you got a partner erm - I don't know your name?" "Pete" I replied and as he had almost given me his life history told her about Jacky. "She must be absolutely bonkers throwing you in" he lamented and said his

name was Michael but I could call him Mike. Then he said something that completely baffled me. "It was her loss and my gain huh?" And that took up most of the second time around the Big Wheel because I was lost for words and I was thinking `what about the guy he is with. But then I remembered how I drew incorrect conclusions with Jacky and resolved not to take seriously what he said. I guess it was just a joke and remained quiet for the rest of that round, but all the time I felt him looking at me and then, just catching the look in those deep brown eyes I knew he had something in mind other than just a joke and that took up the rest of that time around. Starting the third it seemed like we were almost an item and Mike told me

how he despised Roger that was the glum guy standing below, that he didn' t know why he had come down with him for what he thought would be a great break by the coast. "He is just hopeless" he said and I will be well rid of him. Then he said something that really took me back and set my lust in motion; "He couldn't even make it last night and there was me thinking just how nice it would be first time with him, just the two of us all alone. I tell you Pete he couldn't even raise an eyebrow and I did try. And I was literally steaming for it! But there was just no spark there and I gave it up as a bad job and then today, being here, I thought at least I would get a thrill of sorts doing this - on the Big Wheel I mean.

He paused a little like he was wrapped in thought. And then he looked at me

straight in the eyes and whispered; "But now there is you and that is the best thrill of all." I swallowed hard as felt him hand touch my thigh and his lips just brushed my left cheek. But the third ride was complete and he backed a little giving me a wink and saying; "It is okay we have another one to go" and it is just the way he said that which meant he wanted to carry on where he left off. But still in my mind; l was dreaming - was it just my lust getting hold of the wrong end of the stick again, and was his touch just purely a friendly gesture. Or was it just me being utterly naïve! And how would it be with a guy anyway. Would he take me or would he want me to take him?. I had experimented in my late teens with male anal vibrators and felt that was pleasant and thrilling, and I did manage a climax once or twice. I remember too wondering how it would be with a real guy. But then the idea left me when I met a girl. I guess I must be bisexual or something. The fourth and final round would, I felt sure, bring the out the truth and anyway, I hardly knew this guy. And yet, there was something about him that drew me to him, like we had known each other before. He was the first ever man to have touched me so intimately and even that felt like he had before, as a prelim of what was to come. And immediately I was on a high again and rapidly ascending. I was so pent up that just such a touch would spur me on and set my hormones asunder,

and then come the suggestion of a warm sensual fuck, I could soon be his for the taking. But on a Big Wheel ride? I was thinking crazy thoughts; I blame Jacky for misguiding me as to her intentions, yes that's right. It is all her fault and I have been left in a nervous wreck. But we were on the fourth turn of the Big Wheel, the final turn and now it seemed Janice and I were an item. He was there discovering me like I always wanted. I said "what about Roger? " "Roger can go do the other thing" he said. "I shall scramble him after the ride, you just don't know the effect you have on me do you Pete?" And as he found my half-mast (rapidly standing up) I said perhaps we should wait. He had her head perched on my chest and I felt his hand still there, working me generously - like it didn't want to move back, like it wanted to explore. I would have loved that but was thinking that there should be a time and a place. This guy was scrumptiously hot and so was I, but it would be better to wait until we were private then I could really let go, and I was so ready for that, I wanted it to be perfect and with Mike I felt it could be. It was just that something and I felt we were just made for each other. I was thinking all sorts of things when he touched me there. Like he had not had sex with Roger from what he said so I could be the one to solve his lust following the disappointment of the night before when Roger let him down. "I guess I have waited for so long, I can wait bit longer." "You mean you have never actually been with Roger?" "No - never. I thought last night would raise his flame, he would not let me near his ass but now I know he is not my kind, but you are." His hand still did not move completely away and I felt his warm breath tantalize my face. It felt divine and at last I was beginning to experience a this guys appeal. And I knew too, which was important, how he wanted me. I could be all ass for him no problem, and I wanted that, I really did, In my mind was let's get out of this thing and be somewhere we could both

explode. "I want you, I need you Pete!" he purred and there he was, his tongue was turning circles around my ear lobe, his hands tantalising me between my thighs, more than just touching. And quite instinctively I felt the warmth and gorgeous feel him breast in my hand. But what was we doing?, we would be done with the ride soon and needed to hang on. How would Roger feel, seeing us clinched together? And, more importantly; I needed to hide this devil may care of mine which is lurching in my pants thinking it is on a promise. And his too which looked so big and divine. I was just imagining how I could have sucked it and played with it before feeling it inside me.. Like many guys would know that part of a guy's anatomy can often have a mind of it's own and can sometimes lure us to do all sorts of things we would never do away from the privacy of home. When I was eighteen just three years back I was training to be a car mechanic and, laying almost beneath the chassis of a Ferrari I realized my eyes were perfectly in line for an eyeful of a veritable feminine chassis and there was I, without realizing or planning, a member of the underskirt brigade. I remember she seemed to be polishing the bonnet and her hips were moving spasmodically which created a very sensual scenario for my eyes to dwell on. But it was a great experience, she looked absolutely stunning underneath and those plum red black laced panties gave me an instant rise, and for the next ten minutes I pulled myself completely under the car and just let go with an absolutely wonderful gorgeous and very gratifying full-blown wank which must have been my best ever. But then, call it fate or what`? The wheel stopped when we were right at the top. And then a voice over the sound system telling riders not to be alarmed, but there was a temporary fault, that the ride would resume in about ten minutes, just to sit comfortable and enjoy the view. The absolute glow in Mike's eyes said it all and I knew we just could not hold on. His lust was as much wanting as mine and if this was going to be the full Monty , there was no holding us back now, we were as private as could be and, looking out to sea, I could see some cruisers drifting by and in a moment I felt Mike's cruiser was on a voyage into a deep, thrilling cavern inside my mouth and it was heaven to massage his cock in plenty and taste his sex, sniffing the nectar and balling him frantically. It was like I'd unzipped him unconsciously and there it was, out in the open where it belonged and deep into my throat for a most wonderful and nourishing pre-fuck experience. Already we were solving all those pent up urges and if we only had ten minutes to gratify them, then we must take the opportunity and rise to the occasion. And I was certainly doing that. The frenzy of Mike's oral esteem as he worked his head into my jeans and between my as cheeks ensured that, and I felt myself throbbing for his fucking. I wanted then to discover what his true masculinity was all about, with those underskirt memories I was soon under his thighs as he massaged his cock and balls against my face, and I just let myself go gloriously and then we were both enjoying each other orally. The smell of his cock when I pulled back his foreskin was heaven and I found he has already pre-cum as I generously teased his throbbing cock with the tip of my tongue feeling his mouth squeeze me and his hands cup my balls as we both generated another gear, eventually reaching a perfect way to

complete the union we both craved for, He fucked me deep and his moans said how much he wanted that, he was very generous with his movement and his cock well anointed my hole and I was a virgin no longer. as we came to that so wonderful climax when the whole world seemed to be turning and not just the Big Wheel., "Pete we are turning again, better get ourselves descent. But, only until later. I will phone you, Let me get rid of Roger first. I want much more of you Pete, more that you could ever imagine. I reckon we are lovers huh?" . I zipped up and cleaned myself with a hanky and watched Mike pull up his jeans just in time as the ride was finished. I think my expression said it all. It was all I ever wanted.

Of course Mike was to be the new partner in my life and thanks to that temporary hitch on the Big Wheel we were already initiated and primed for a lot more of the same...

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