Love on Tour

By moc.loa@261darF

Published on Aug 11, 1999


sorry it took so long to get the next chapter out, ive been on vacation.

Legal stuff: If you are not atleast 18 or you are offended by homosexual love and sex please do not read,. Otherwise enjoy!!

This story does not imply that anyone from 98 degrees bsb or nsync are gay, it is just a fantasy.IF you ahve comeents or opinion on my story im or email me at

since there are more than one characters with the same name Justin from 98degrees will be refered to as J and nick from bsb will be refered to as frack.

Love on Tour 2

Justin and JC headed back to there room after breakfast. They started kissing as soon as they got in the door. "we should stop" justin said as he came up for air "But why?" JC whined "Your getting me excited" Justin said pointing down to his crotch. "Well lets do something about it"JC said with an evil grin With that JC tackled Justin on to the bed and started kissing him down his neck unbuttoning his shirt going down to Justin's nipple making it erect and making justin moan. Just as they were really getting into it there was a nock at the door. "Justin and JC i have some bad news" Joey said "Come in" JC said regretfully as he sat up "Sorry to interupt but we got a call from BSB, they and 98 degrees caught an earlier flight and will be here in 2 and a half hours so we have to go meet them, meet us in half an hour in the lobby"Joey said as he was leaving" so you can continue for a little bit"

"Damnit!!!" Justin said "I know but we still have some time" Jc said with an evil grin "I know I know but i have to shower and get changed and so do you" "i guess your right, but to save time how about we shower together" "alright but no funny stuff, i want our first time to be special not rushed" "ok, well we better get a move on" with that they kissed finished undressing and got into the shower. they kissed the whole time in there washing eachother. when JC started washing Justin's dick he started strocking gently making Justin hard. "Not now..later i promise" Justin said as he rinsed off and hopped out of the shower.

"You look so sexy when your all wet"Justin said as JC walked out the bathroom in nothing but a towel. "You dont look so bad yourself in that gstring....hey where did you get that?" "I hope you dont mind i borrowed it from your top drawer" "mind, i love it" with that JC walked over to Justin giving him a long deep passionate kiss."i got to get dressed"JC said breaking the kiss"and so do you, come on we only have 5 min to be down stairs" "Alright" Justin said frowning a little bit JC picked out a pair of drawstring kahkis, a white wife beater ,a hawaiin shirt and a pair of doc sandals. he checked himself in the full length mirror and thought "not bad" he ran his fingers though his hair and called for Justin to see if he was ready Justin walked out the bathroom wearing a pear of baggy blue jeans, adidas sneakers and a white muscle tee with a nc hat on. "you look so good"JC said staring at Justin "not as good as you"Justin said "I love you so much!!, im so glad we got together" "I love you more" "dont start with me cause we both know i love you more" "I dont think so but ill let you win" "we'll settle this later right now we gotta get down stairs" "ok lets go" Justin and JC raised down to the lobby when they got ther they saw the guys all looking pissed since they were late. "sorry we were just...."JC started "yaehyaeh, come on love birds we gotta get going, we dont want bsb and 98 to be waiting"Chriss said"alright Joey, JC and Justin take one limo, me and Lance will take the other one." The ride there was pretty boring JC sat on Justin's lap, joey fell asleep and lance and chriss watched tv. When they got to thwe airport they went in the back entrance. There was a crowd of screaming fans at the gate but security did a pretty good job of holding them back. When the plaine arived to the gate Brian, Nick, Jeff, and Drew were the first off the plaine then AJ and Howie then J, Frack and Kevin. they waved to the fans making them scream louder then walked over to NSync. they exchanged greeting then headed to the limos. JC, Justin, Nick, frack, Brian, Drew, and jeff in one and Howie AJ, Chris, J, Lance, Joey , and Kevin in the other one. When they got back to the hotel BSB and 98 checked in while NSync helped with the bags. when they all got settled they then met in BSB's sweet. JC and Justin got up and got everyones attention "Me and Just have an announcement to make, Nsync already know but well...we..."Jc started "we are together" Justin finished. at first everyone was a litle confused then brian stood up and said" what do you mean together" "Well we are gay, and we are dating"JC said there was a loud scilence through the room...everyone looked shocked, no one moved until Justin started to cry and started running out the room until "Wait" Frack said"It doesnt matter to me...your still a cool cat..i was just a little shocked" "Well what about the rest of you?" JC and Justin asked both about to cry now "we are fine with it" everyone said eventually. "So now that that is settled its time for buisness" Kevin said everyone settled down and talked about there schedule for the next week or so and what they all wanted to do for there day off tommorow. JC and Justin went back up to there room to have a little fun. just as they entered there was a nock at there door. It was Frack and he looked pretty upset. "Whats wrong bud?"Justin asked "Nothing its just that ...well i think im gay.." "And your problem would be?"JC asked sarcasticly "well that wasnt just it...i think im in love with someone"Frack said about to cry"But i know it will never work" "you dont know that"Justin said pulling Nick into a hug JC got a little jealous but realized that his sweet lovign and caring boyfriend was jsut trying to help his friend. "well who is it"justin asked"someone from a group?" "Jeff"Nick said as he started crying on Justin's shoulder "Jeff? Jeff from 98degrees?."JC asked "yes"nick sobbed"and he has a girlfriend so i know it will never work out" "Just because he has a girlfriend doesnt mean he isn gay...i mean i went out with britney Spears didnt I, and look at me now"Justin said "Your right Just, but what should i do? "Do what Justin did...just tell him how you feel, thats what won me over, and look at us...we are as happy as can be"JC said trying to comfort Nick "But how...i cant just go up to him"nick said through his tears. "ask him if he wants to go out to lunch tommorow, and if you want me and JC will come with for support"Justin said smiling "You'd do that for me?"Nick asked shocked "Sure, we know how hard it is to tell someone how you feel, especially if it with someone who doesnt know your gay"Justin said, looking at JC "Thanks ill go ask him now..and ill tell Brian how much you helped me"Nick said "what do you mean tell Brian?"Justin asked "oh nothing..yuoull see in about..."Nick started befor he was interrupted by a nock at the door"who is it?" "It's Brian, Frack you in there? "yaeh"Frack said while opening the door"talk to them, they help" "You mean?"brain asked getting excited "yup" nick said laughing "whats going on here?" JC and Justin asked very confused "well Brian here has something to ask you guys, ill let you have some privacy" Frack said as he started leaving "no wait i want you here to"Brian said "Okay" "Well i have the same problem that frack has only i like some one you think you guys could help?" "I guess, who do you like?"JC asked "Nick" "Frack? sorry to say but He likes..."Justin started to say "no not that Nick, Nick from 98"Brian interuppted "Oh...ok..well hows about you tell him you feel tommorow...come out to lunch with me, Justin, Frack, Jeff and you can invite Nick" "That sounds great"Brian said"but what if they say no, then theyll break up the toor" "dont think that way, we'll talk to Nick and Jeff and find how they feel about us being gay...then we'll figure everything out ok?" JC said with full confidence"You two go back to your rooms and send up Nick and jeff on the way ok?" "alright, thanks you guys your the best"Brian said "yaeh im so glad were on tour together"Frack said "Theyll be enough time to praise us later but get going its getting late, and we have ot get some sleep to"Justin said"so send them up asap" "alright call my room when they leave ok?"Brian asked getting excited again"Frack and i will be in there" "all right now go!!"jc said

Frack and Brian left and Justin and Jc gave eachother a big passionate kiss. JC pulled Justin over to the bed and they sat together, justin on Jc's lap, while Jc kissed down Justin's neck "Im so glad we could help them"Justin said "me too"jc said taking a break from Justin's neck"but how about me and you help eachother now?" "you read my mind" with that Justin pushed Jc down on the bed and they started kissing, whispering soft i love yous in between breaths Just as they started getting into it, there was a nock at the door, "DAMNIT" JC yelled"Who is it?" "Its Jeff and Nick, did we come at a bad time>?" Jeff asked? "No it ok come on in"JC said when he opened the door "Brian said you guys wanted to talk to us about something?"Nick asked "Yaeh, well today when me and JC came out to all you guys you 2 sorta looked the most shocked"Justin lied just trying to egt onto the subject "yaeh, you dont have aproblem with us do you?"JC said walking over to Justin, putting his arm arounf his shoulder. "no not at all"Jeff said looking at Nick "to tell you the truth we were very glad, we thought we were the only fudge packers on the was a relief to know we werent"Nick said JC and Justin just sat there shocked for a second"You mean you two are gay?"JC asked "Yup, we use to go out, but webroke up because we didnt want it to affect the band"Nick said"but...well...we have another connfession" "and what is that?" Justin asked "well we have crushes"nick said "dont we all...but on who?"Justin asked "Well i like Brian...from bsb, and Jeff likes Nick from bsb"NIck said. "WOW" JC blurted he started cracking up histericly "What that about?"Jeff asked getting sort of offended "oh nothing...well me and JC have to be getting some sleep, but how about you and Jeff meet me, JC, Frack and brian for lunch tommorow?"Justin said trying really hard not to laugh "sounds great"nick said "well see you tomorrow"Jeff said "ok bye"

(JC will be in {} and Justin will be in [])

[I love you so much, your so sweet for helping akll them out with there problems] {I love you more, and we sure did a good thing today didnt we?} [we sure did] Justin leaned over to JC and gave him a long passionate loving kiss.Jc picked justin up and brouught him over to the bed, they kissed for a while [I love you baby] {i love you too}Justin replied [baby, do you think we could just kiss and hold eachother tonight, im pretty tired from all our do gooding today] {I know exactly how you feel, and besides we have a big day tommorow} [I love you] {I love you more} This made justin giggle a little they kissed and fell asleep in eachothers arms.

That was part 2 i hope you liked! If you ahve any Questions or comments email me or im me at

Next: Chapter 3: Love on Tour 3 4

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