Love or Lust

By Ryan White / Licious Ryan

Published on Feb 20, 2012


Hey friends!

I cannot believe the responce Im getting for Love or Lust! Thanks to each and everyone who took the time to mail me.

One thing, there is a minor type error at the end of the last chapter...i accidently wrote "before Ryan could respond..." which was supposed to be "before Mark could respond..." SORRY ABOUT THAT!!!

If u wanna chat to me, talk to me about the story or shit like that, feel free tbo mail me on I LOVE GETTING MAILS!!! Makes my cock superhard knowing you read my stories.

Or you can follow me on Twitter under my name RyanMpenduloi

Luv, Ryan

Love or Lust 3

Last time we saw Ryan's adopted father, Matthew feel guilty for sucking him off, but Ryan didn't see anything wrong with it. Both Ryan and Mark once more spoke about the strange woman they both saw watching them. Both of them quickly bonded with their new classmate, Clayton, a coloured boy of 16 years. Ryan, who until that point was head over heels in love with Mark, started to feel very attracted to Clayton, but not only because of the latter's good looks...there was a emotional attraction aswell! He told Matthew of this, and it ended with Matthew passionately kissing his adopted son. Ryan actually went as far as to plead Matthew to make love to him, but Matthew refused, stating that Ryan wanted to know what gay sex was like, and because he WANTED Matthew, as he knew Ryan was inlove with Mark. Ryan and Clayton then hung out that afternoon, with Ryan noticing a special NECKLACE around Clayton's neck, that he recieved on his 14th birthday and we discovered that Clayton was adopted aswell. Later Ryan jerked himself off in the shower, and the images of Mark slowly turned into Clayton, as he spurted his cum against the wall. Later that evening, Mark ran straight into the strange woman, who turned him INVISIBLE and told him he needed to see something important and to do that, she would take him back in time to 1994. Now for part 3

Mark saw his life flash infront of his eyes literally as he saw all the previous years that had gone by in his life, he saw all of it. Him as a pre teenager, him on his first bike, him as a toddler and finally him in his crib and eventually him and his parents at the hospital when he was born, but all before he could get a better look at any of these facinating images, it was over and he was standing on solid ground yet again. He opened his eyes ever so wide as he saw where he was. This was undoubtly Cape Town, as Table Mountain glimmered in the background. He looked to his left and saw that the strange woman was still standing beside him, and then she turned towards him.

"Im sorry for all the inconvience, Mark, and sorry for all the confusion. You must wonder what all this is about. My name is Nathalie Meyer. Its so very nice to meet you, at least face to face. Now, please dont be afraid. You are invisible, so the people here cannot see you. This is 1994, right before that legendary vote which happened later that year. The white people are still now in charge of this country, but before long, Nelson Mandela will win the presidential election and everything in this country will change."

"Well, that's all good and well, but what does it have to do with me?" Mark asked, scratching his head.

"There is something you have to see, to know, because if it doesn't change, your life is at stake."

"Fuck if I don't go along with everything you say, you'll kill me?" Mark said, trying to act confidantly and defiantly, but inside he was shaking that that prospect.

"My dear boy, heavens no! Why would I want to harm my own nephew?"

Mark's stomach lurched.

"What...what did you say?"

"I am your paternal aunt, Mark. The people that you know to be your parents are infact not, but they don't know that. See, on this day, everything will start, and that it why I brought you here. Today is the 17th of December 2011, and on his day in 1994, where we are now, is where everything went hopelessly wrong. I know it is a lot to take in, but you have got to trust me on this."

Mark was dumbfounded at the least. This was simply too much to take in for fuck's sake! His parents not being his own, but they don't know it??? How the hell...but the woman that introduced herself as Nathalie Meyer, his supposed aunt was already walking away from him, and the last thing that Mark wanted was to be left alone, not only in an area that he has never been in, but also 16 years into the past was horrifying. He ran after Nathalie, who led him into a small little street. Mark was not really used to this kind of living that he was seeing around him. Everywhere he saw, was black and brown coloured people who was living on the streets. Although he didn't feel it himself, he could see that it was bitterly warm this time of the year, and some of the homeless people were being forced to work hard for little money, as the white government was still in charge. This was stuff that Mark had previously only learned about in History at school, but here he was seeing it for himself. The utter way in which black and brown coloured people were forced to live in the Apartheid years in South Africa. He suddenly felt ashamed of being white himself. Nathalie suddenly came to a stop, making Mark stop alongside her, infront of a small shack in a very rural area. It looked really like it could fall down and be ripped apart at any moment. It was then that Nathalie spoke yet again.

"This was our house, back in 1994. Me, my father and my sister stayed here. Let me show you what happened. Maybe then you will understand."

They entered the house, if you could call it that, and Mark was momentarily scared that it will be crushed on top of them, but if he was invisible and couldn't feel or smell anything, then maybe nothing will happen...hopefully. What he saw, was a young, coloured girl sitting at the very untidy table with her hands covering her face. She was desperately crying for some reason.

"This was my sister, Tanya Meyer. She had just found out that she was pregnant today. As she is sitting there, she knows very well that she cannot come out with the truth on who the father is, or she will be arrested and taken to jail."

"But...but why? Its not like she got pregnant by herself!" Mark said, shocked at what he had just heard, his apparant fear of where he was and Nathalie was completely forgotten.

"My dear boy, have you forgotten what time this was? It was 1994! If the authoroties would have found out, she would have been arrested! She was only 18, and that would have meant a criminal record against her name for the rest of her life!"

"But why would she be arrested, unless...Oh my gosh! You mean to say the father of the baby was a white guy?"

"That is exactly what I meant, Mark. My sister used to be a domestic worker for this very rich and influentual family, the Cartwright's. You would maybe know them, they were very much into politics. They treated their workers like dirt and they paid them very little aswell. But nothing could be done as black and brown coloured people were at the bottom of the food chain, so to speak. And then one day...Tanya came home, and she confied in me that she was pregnant. Naturally I was shocked, but at least I knew that we would not be alone in this. The child' father and his family would at least be able to help with the bills and stuff. That was until she told me that the father was Kristopher Cartwright, the son of the family that she worked for. And what's more...Kristopher Cartwright was only 12 years of age."

"WHAT THE FUCK!!! That's not possible! 12 years old???" Mark cried out, and quickly covered his mouth, forgetting that the young Tanya could not hear nor see him. He was just so shocked. This parralel universe keeps just more weird and strange. Now she wanted to make him believe that a 12 year old boy got his young woman pregnant?

"Ignoring your language, Mark, when human males become sexually mature and capable of producing sperm, no matter how much the content, he can get a female human pregnant. In other words, as long as he can cum, he can technically father a child, and that is indeed what happened. She was their maid, Mark. She always told me that little Kristopher was very rude to her since she started working there, but never did she think that he would resort to blackmail, especially at that age. One day he just came up to her and told her that he would make sure she was fired if she didn't allow him to fuck her. Ofcourse she wanted to tell him no, but she knew that our father was unemployed, and I only had a cleaning job at a restaurant. We could not afford to lose the jobs we had, we really, really needed the money. She had no choice, Mark. She allowed him to fuck her and two weeks later, he made sure that she got fired anyway."

"I don't believe the hell could she let him get away with that?" Mark asked angrily.

"Once more, you are forgetting the time that this happened in. Who would the police have believed if she told them what happened and opened a rape case? The innocent rich white boy, or the brown maid? I think you're getting what im saying. The case would simply have dissapeared. Here comes my father, just watch..."

Mark watched in awe as a slob of a brown coloured man entered the room and slagged down at one of the chairs. He also saw a stinge of fear flash infront of Tanya's eyes.

"Daddy...there is something I've got to tell you..." she said.

"Shut up, and get me my fucking beer," his father told her.

"Daddy, Im pregnant! The father is the boy of the family im working for! He's only 12! Daddy, please, what am I gonna do?" Tanya screamed desperately into her father's face, yearning for help as she was this close in ending her tragic life. She could not stand that she was carrying the child of someone she dispised. Mark watched the father stand up and walk over to the fridge, where he took out a Lion Lager beer and twisted it open with his rough, callused hands. He took a few sips and then, suddenly, he THREW the BOTTLE at the frightned Tanya! It knocked her against the chest and she fell to the ground, where her father bent down to her level, grabbed a handful of her hair and growled at her:

"If you think you're coming to lie around here and do nothing while you're waiting for your bastard to get born, you can forget it. Either you get rid of it, or you fuck out of my house. You wanted to flunk yourself around like a fucking whore and a slut, then I'll treat you like one!"

The father pulled the poor Tanya up and pushed her onto the kitchen table. She started to scream at the pain when her father pushed her legs apart...and it was then that a flash of white light blinded Mark and the scene was gone. Nathalie knew that it was all that the young Mark needed to see. When he could open his eyes again, both himself and Nathalie was standing in what looked like a doctor's concultation rooms. He immediately saw Tanya, now with a bigger belly sitting and talking to the man, presumably a doctor.

"Tanya, I've have got to tell you that it is not good news. The ultrasound shows that the baby has some abnormalities. It is not developing at the speed that it should. At your stage of pregnancy, the baby should at least have be twice the size yours is. Now, is it true what you told me last week?"

"Yes, Doctor. The father of my baby was only 12 years old when he concieved."

"That might be one of the reasons. You say, he never wanted to do stuff with you until that particular day?" Tanya nodded her conformation.

"It might be that he had then, only recently or even perhaps the day before, started ejaculating sperm. That would mean that the sperm were not that potent or as strong yet. It amazes me how he had even gotten you pregnant if that was the fact. But I fully believe what you told me. My daughter is in his class at school, and she has complained numerous times about Kristopher Cartwright. Okay, now...there are a couple of options. You are only three months, you can still choose to terminate the pregnancy, but if you decide to go through with the pregnancy, there is a chance that you or the baby, or in worst case scenario...both will not survive. Im sorry, Tanya. Really I am. But it is what it is."

"Never Doctor! I'll never kill my baby! I dont care about myself, but my baby is gotta have a better life!"

Once more the white light flashed infront of Mark's face and they were transported to...what the fuck? Mark did not feel ground under his feet, meaning they were in the air. What he saw was what looked like a angel...yes a fucking angel...and a shadow of the woman called Tanya hanging in the air. Once more Nathalie was with him.

"Mark, this is the one time you HAVE to listen to what is being said!" she whispered hoarsely.

"Tanya, you gave your life in trying to save your son, Ryan."

Mark's face was in shocked in hearing the name of his best friend.

"You knew there would be complications, and yet still you did not abort him, like so many other young mothers would have done. Therefore I'm giving a new life, a new soul to your still born child. Since a new life will be created, your boy would not be identical to Ryan, his biological twin brother. Your life on this Earth is over for now, but your spirit will live on in both of your sons. There is a condition though, that, if you sucessfully complete it, you would be allowed to return to Earth..."

"Please Mark...please listen, this is important!" Nathalie said, the tears running from her eyes. Mark turned back towards the Angel.

"There will be a dreadful mistake made. Your baby, Ryan, will be accidently switched with another at birth. The child who is believed to be Ryan will be raised as Ryan and, well... it will be your task to correct the mistake before he turns 17 years old, aswell as reunite himself with his biological twin brother, whom I am giving a new life to, before they both turn 17. If you suceed in your quest, God will give you your life back, and you will be able to spend the rest of your life with your boys. But if you don't suceed, im afraid that it will be tragic consequences."

The most whitest, brightest light that Mark had ever seen flashed before him, and suddenly they were back in the present, on the same spot where they bumped into eachother earlier. Mark wiped his eyes as he tried to get used to the dark shades which was beginning to fall over the trees, which was casting shadows over them. He could not get his mind around what he had just seen and heard. Was Ryan, his best friend...was he his own twin brother? Or did he dream everything that just happened? That question was answered when he felt a cold hand touch his arm. Nathalie still had tears in her eyes.

"I did not want you to find out this way, but you and your brother's 17th birthday is next week, am I right?" Mark slowly nodded. How did she know...

"My sister, Tanya, was your real mother. She died in giving birth to you and your twin brother. Only thing is, I don't know who your twin brother is! I've pleaded with Tanya aswell with Angel Gabriel, but they wont tell me. Im fighting here, Mark...fighting for Tanya's life on Earth. You two MUST be reunited before next week. But without we knowing who your twin brother is, we cannot do that!"

" sounded like Ryan was the one..."

"I thought so too, that was until Tanya told me what Angel Gabriel had forseen. Tanya's child that survived, the one she named Ryan before she died, was accidently switched at birth! The Ryan you know, the Ryan that was believed to be Tanya's child, is not! The real Ryan, the real baby she died for, is somewhere else! And I dont know where to look anymore! Remember, Angel Gabriel said that you would not be identical to your brother!"

Mark thought hard for a moment. Tanya was a coloured woman. The Cartwright boy was white. So the child could have been either, or a mix between the two. Nathalie was right, there was no way to know for sure. He turned back towards a sobbing Nathalie. But there was also the fact that his own whole life up to that point had been a lie. He never knew he was an adopted child. His parents...well like Nathalie said they didn't know...but then could they NOT have known?

"Nathalie, you said my pare...I mean, my adopted parents does not know Im adopted...dont quite know how that's possible..."

"Very easy, my dear boy. You were the baby that was still born...the one who died along with Tanya, the one which Angel Gabriel gave new life to. Your parents, well...maybe this is the reason they never told you...their baby died that night aswell, right after giving birth. I was there, I heard the doctors speaking. There was told that Tanya's baby, the one they thought was dead, had started to breathe normally, ever so suddenly...and with Tanya dead they decided then and there to give you to that worried man and wife whose baby had died. Until this day, I think, they don't know that you're not their biological son. I know its a lot to take in, Mark. But somewhere out there, your twin brother is eating, sleeping, drinking or watching TV right now. And if we dont reunite you guys before next week...Im afraid that Tanya will remain deceased, and that you won't remember a thing of what you learned today. You will forever forget what the truth is..."

Mark didn't know how to respond to that. So his real mother was a coloured woman...his real father was only 12 when he fathered him...and his parental family was the filthy rich Cartwright family, now living in New York. The newspapers were full of it five years ago. And still...Mark was as Caucasian as the next one. When he turned towards Nathalie again, she was gone. He knew why...she had told him everything he needed to know. A tear silently escaped from his eye as he remembered seeing his mother living in those conditions, being abused because she was of a different colour, determined to carry him full term, knowing she might not make it out alive because of his father's young sperm. A sheer fire appeared in his eyes, and he grabbed his bags and walked on home. He was not gonna let his birth mother down. He will find his twin brother, even if it kills him.

Later that night, Ryan was busy reading a book he had to know inside out for English the next day, when his mom opened the door.

"Hey Sweetie, Clayton is here to see you. Make it quick please, its a school night."

"Thanks Lilliana."

What on was already 20:15! What was so urgent that Clayton couldn't call? Not that he was sad that Clayton was here...

"Hey dude, listen, we gotta talk. Something is seriously weird here," Clayton said, himself being a bit out of breath. He must have run all the way here.

"What's wrong dude? You look way freaked out!" Ryan asked.

"You gotta see this..." Clayton said and took two photoalbums out of his backpack. He opened the first one, red with flowers on top, and started to page through it until he got to a certain couple of photos. It looks like it was taken several years ago.

" offence dude, but what do I have to look at ancient pics of your people?"

"Fuck Ryan, look there! There, that pic where im pointing!"

Ryan looked at what Clayton was showing him. Okay, there are old people and a few kids and...wait. Was that...

"See what I mean..." Clayton asked nervously.

Ryan nearly lost his balance. He took the photo out of the album and turned it around.

"14 FEBRUARY 1890"

"These pics has been in my family for generations, man. It never bothered me until I met him yesterday," Clayton whispered.

Ryan could not believe his eyes. There was a teenage boy, perhaps at 18/19 years of age on that photo...and he looked just like...MARK.

Thanks for reading! This the third chapter in this four part mini series.

If you liked the story, please send me a email at and I'll mail you back...that's a promise!

Ryan White xxx

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