Love You Hate You Get Lost

By Rosey Kirkbasserlake

Published on Nov 18, 2000


Authors Note: Hoohee! Lookit here, I got some disclaimerness below, but this is just here to be all purtyfied and to hold the myster of which I hold.

(Yeah, in other words, I'm nuts)

Anyways, Disclaimer: This is, MY story. No one elses. You wanna use it? Then you put "By Rosey Kirkbasserlake" down at the bottom, or at the top. Got it? Good. If you love my story, by all means, email me at If you dont like it, then just click the little X. Anyways, here goes the rest.

If it is illegal, gonna get you grounded, or just gonna getcha comp IP recorded, wherever in the world you may be, then by all means, do click the little X. Okay?

I'm not saying that any members of 'N Sync, Backstreet Boys, Or any one else, (besides that really mean guy who lives down the street, hes really mean) is gay, I don't know them, though, if you wanna sell me a 1972 Chris Kirkpatrick.. then by all means, do so!!!

If you are offended in any way by homosexual acts, then.. pause wait, why the F*Ck are you at Nifty? Stupid you, your at a HUGE gay website, so getcho homo-phobic butt outta here!

Again, email me, Rosey, with all comments/suggestions/I-Love-This-Story's.

Peace, Love and Cheeze,

--Rosey Kirkbasserlake,

~ "I love you"

"I hate you"

"Get lost"

These words, even in the haze.~

I slowly stirred, the pain igniting in my legs. "whh?" I asked thickly, not being able to speak properly. `Where am ?' My mind was trying to register my surroundings, working through the cloud of pain stealing over my body.

"Don't try to speak" someone's sweet voice said, soothing me.

"Lance?" I asked, after swallowing difficultly a couple times.

"No" Soft blue eyes, looking worried, come into my veiw, `So blue.. unlike Lance's' and then a warm hand comes and rests itself on my cheek. The light turns on, and I blink away sudden vertigo.

After getting used to the light, I look to the person beside the bed and gasp. Immidently I regret it.

Nick Carter's beautiful face hovered above mine, worry setting in those handsome features.

"Are you all right?" He asks me, eyes searching my face.

"Y-Yes." I choke out, "W-Water" I croak, weakly reaching out. He brings a glass to my lips, I greedily drink, clutching the glass weakly.

"Not so much at once" He whispers, watching me, "You'll throw up"

The water was cool and refreshing, I drink it all. His big blue eyes, never leaving my face.

"Are you hurt?" He whispers, brushing my hair back from my eyes. I smile gratefully. Then suddenly, worse then the physical pain, a memory hits me.

~"I love you" Lance smile at me, and kisses me deeply. He love me' I cannot stop smiling. "I hate you" Lance Bass' green eyes glare into mine. He hates me' I suddenly start trembling. "Get lost" Lance's voice is cold. Cold like the snow outside. I run.~

I start trembling, crying all over for my lost love. A pair of warm arms encircle me, holding me tight.

"Its okay" he whispers, kissing away my tears, "Forget all about him"

"I.. he.." I attempt to tell Nick everything, but he just places a finger on my lips.

"Shh" He whispers, "I'll give you some medication, the you go to sleep.. okay?"

"kuh-kuh-kay" I stammer, wondering why I would need medicine. The dull throbbing in my legs reminds me.

"What happened?" I ask, just after swallowing the capsules he gave me, he sweetly smiles, bends down and kisses me. I'm too surprised to kiss back. He gets up, eyes roving over my face once more.

"I'll tell you later Joey"

--Yeah, so I left it on a sorta dull note, leave meh be. Anyways, I promise next one will leave you all on your toesys!

Love, Peace, Blue Monkeys,

Next: Chapter 2

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