Love You Hate You Get Lost

By Rosey Kirkbasserlake

Published on Nov 25, 2000


Note: Omg I hate disclaimers! begs do i have to put one? gets reprimanded, and Nick has Joey come sit on her OMG OMG OKAY!

Disclaimer: I do not know/own/am 'N Sync or the wonderfully sexy Backstreet Boys. If you are an Nsync or Backstreet boys, Email me. If you arent, email me. Just email me. I do not know the sex-u-al-uh-ties Said like Nick in Don't Want You Back so like, if you thingk that they are gay, then don't tell them I said they were.. Okay? Please? okay. This story is F-I-C-T-O-N Say it with me people, "This is not a real story" If you don't believe me, go loko on TV. Howie, Jc, and Chris are still alive. Nick is not scarred. Lance is still sexy. And Mine. (not really...)

Ackn.. Ac.. Shout Outs: Much respect to Piper (Oh man, your story is soo ... can I say damn here? Okay, good, So DAMN cool. Except the Busta part.. pause, thinks about this no.. actually thats cool too. (Am I sick or.. ?)

Rich, this story rules. Rosey doubts you're reading this, but Rosey knows her story rules. Do not deny it.

Dezi, Soon hun. Soon. As soon as I get done with Nick's greusome, rapesome past, I'll start on Joey's. Its not as greusome and rapesome. Promise!

Anyone else out there, I hope you enjoy chapter 4 of mah story on Nifty. (AHHH I was SO stoked when I first got posted on here. You wouldnt believe it)

It's kinda waterysporty and bondageanddomanationy and nonconsentually and analy and oraly, and well, if you dont like those things leave. Now. chases you down the road with a stick

Warning: If you can't buy a bottle of Jack Daniels, or drive in your country, then leave. If you can, come live with me.

If you don't like the idea of homo-erotica and you are a homo-phobe, then shoo! shoos you out withher shoe Shoo! Shoo! follow the minors and shoo!

--Love, Peace, and Lucky Charms

--Rosey (

As Nick leaves, I suddenl see a gray rose blooming in my minds eye. I moan weakly and try to push it away, but I cannot resist it. I black out.

The world comes back agian, god knows how much longer, and I look at, to my horror, Nick, standing there. He is staring at the ground, when he notices im awake.

"Hi" He whispers, looking scared. He has been holding a tray, which is laden with soup, toast, juice. He sets this on the afore mention (and praised) table. I watch him with wide eyes as he places two capsules next to the juice. He slowly manuvers his way around me, hand brushing my groin. There's a faint flutter there, and I groan inwardly, berating myself for letting that happen. His eyes seem to grow dull as he looks at me, speaking slowly.

"I'm sorry for what I am.. but they hurt me Joey.. they made me like that... I didnt wanna hurt JC, and I pray every day that God'll forgive me for hurtin him, I never meant him any wrong" He pauses, looking down at his feet, "I'm sorry... But you don't know what they did to me" He whispers, a tear running down his cheek. It runs off his chin, finishing its short lifespan on thw wooden floor with a barely hearable splash.

I feel a fleeting moment of guilt, for making him cry. I speak up, reaching out and taking his hand nervously.

"Tell me"

He looks at me, eyes glistening with tears, he begins to bite his lower lip, thinking my suggestion over. He wipes his eyes, and looks at me. II see a firm determantion in his eyes, the determantion not to cry.


Nick sighed boredly. Today was a boring day for him, nothing to do, no concerts to do, no photoshoots to pose for, just a nother, normal, boring day.

He flicked his wrist, the bright green Yo-Yo heading to the end of its string like a bullet shot out of a .22.

With another flick of his wrist, he made it stay there, asleep. Then, moving his arm some, he walked the dog.

"Hey Nickers" Howie said, walking in the hotel room.

"Hey D" Nick jerked the string, and the Yo Yo returned to its place in the cup of his hand, "Sup?"

"Nothing" Howie said, watching Nick, "Just bored"

"Yeah Man, me too"

"Good" Howie grinned, crossing the room with alarming speed, placing a cloth over Nick's mouth. Nick struggled breifley, then passed out.

Nick groaned as he came to. He felt a numbness in his hands, and reached with his right hand to massage the left. A rope stopped him in mid grab.

"What the fuck?" He looked around, trying to recall what had happened.

"He's awake" A familar voice drifted to him. Nick immidently tried to place it, he couldn't and tried to look around to see, but without the use of his hands., he could get no leverage.

"Good." Howie's voice seemed cold. Nick struggled breifly, "Howie! Help me! Get me outta these!"

Howie came into Nick's feild of vison smirking.

"Why would I wanna do that? We're going to have fun Nickers" He slapped Nick's cheek, leaving a red mark.

"OW" Nick shouted in pain, "What the fuck are you doing? Untie me!"

Another figure loomed over Nick, snickering.

"What should we do first How?" Chris Kirkpatrick sneered, running his finger over Nick's chest.

"Your gonna get your fucking hands off of me, and UNTIE ME" Nick growled, struggling. Howie laughed creully, and slapped him agian.

"Hey man" Chris said, a bit nervously, "I gotta take a piss"

Howie's grin grew wider, as he looked over Nick, planning.

"Okay man" Howie said finally, "Piss in his mouth"

"WHAT?" Nick was shocked. "NO WAY IN HELL!"

"You sure Howie?" Chris said, a evil grin spreading across his face.

"Yeah Man, it'll be fucking hot"

Chris climbed up on the bed and lowered his pants. His semi erect cock lay agianst his leg, Nick clamped his mouth shut. Chris looked over at Howie questiongly.

"Watch" The one word that had doomed Nick to a life of this. Howie walked to Nick's head, and pinched his nostrils shut. Nick held his breath as long as he could, but sooner or later, the inevitable happened. As Nick gasped for air, a stream of hot urine filled his mouth. Nick's cheeks ouffed out as his mouth was filled, then he tried to spit it out, only to find that Howie was now covering his mouth.

"Swallow or drown"

Horrified, but not wanting to swallow, Nick kept trying to spit out the disgusting liquid. Finally, he quickly swallowed, and was allowed air.

"Oh Jesus" Chris said, eyes lit up, "That was so sexy"

"I told you" Howie said, matter of factly as Nick gagged and choked. "Puke, and I'll make you eat it" Nick's gagging ceased almost immidently.

"Now" Chris said, straddling Nick's chest, "Suck it"

Nick glared and turned his head, away from Chris' now erect dick which was hanging in his face. Chris roughly grabbed him by the hair and pulled his head back.

"I said SUCK IT" he growled, yanking on Nick's hair painfully. Nick gasped in pain, and Chris pushed his cock in. Nick attempted to pull away agian, but Chris' tight hold on his hair kept him in place.

"Suck it Nick" Howie laughed, masturbating as he watched Chris rape his friend, "Bite it, and I'll kill you"

Nick looked at Howie with pleading eyes. Howie's creul brown eyes stared back, laughing at him. Nick humbly began sucking Chris' dick clumbsily.

"He's good How" Chris said, sighing in pleasure, "He needs some learnin' but hes good"

Howie grinned and changed his position so that he was behind Nick. Nick was too busy concentrating on Chris to notice, or feel, the knife running up the sides of his jeans and boxers. Tugging, Howie pulled them off, leaving Nick naked from the waist down.

Placing his middle finger agianst Nick's hole, he began pushing.

Almost instantly Nick stopped, eyes wide.

"MmmM! Mmm! " He attempted shouting, mouth filled. His eyes widened, as Howie continued his anal assult on him. Pain filled his eyes as he struggled to get away, but it was a useless struggle, as his hands and feet were tied. Chris laughed inhumanely as he then forced his cock down Nick's throat

Nick's cries were cut off as his air supply was limited. His eyes, wide with pain and terror, locked with Chris' in a pleading gaze

Howie now was sliding two fingers in and out of Nick's ass, then hesitated.

"Should I use another one? Or just fuck him?"

"Just fuck him" Chris said, watching Nick turn a purplish color as he gasped for air. He pulled out os his mouth, watching Nick take in a whooping gasp of air, and then let it all loose in a scream. Howie had plunged his erect seven inch dick into his ass with one thrust. Nick's eyes bugled out in pain as Howie rode him like a bull, stripping of all his pride and dignity with each thrust.

Nick looks at the floor, now crying freely. I sit up, pushing the table aside, and swing my legs over the side of the bed. Carefully, I stand, little jolts of pain running up my legs. I make my way over to him, and hug him.

He rests his head on my shoulder and sobs, rememebring the pain of the rape and the emotional hell it caused him.

"Its okay Nick.." I say, stroking his hair gently. His tears dampen my shoulder, and I wonder how I could have ever thought this man was a creul, cold blooded killer. He was nothing more then a poor child, who had been used and abused to much. All people have a breaking point, the point of which when has been crossed, will never go back. I hugged him, and kissed his head as he sobbed his pain out.

--cries oh so sad, and sweet! Aww for Rosey! Aww. Okay. Thats enough of that. What did you think??? Omg, Love to EVERYONE who's emailed me! (If you email me saying you like my story, I will love you forever!) Anyways, if you didn't like it, then email me and tell me where I went wrong. Most likely you will get a angry, (For me, that means written in caps..) letter.

Anyways, Y'all go to my site? (Shamless advertising. Yes.) and sign the book.

--Love, Peace, and Eternal Crunkyfullness, --Rosey K. (

Next: Chapter 5

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