Lovely Temptation

By moc.loa@N131TRJ

Published on May 12, 2006


LOVELY TEMPTATION Chapter Two Author: Jackie Q Pairing: Kevin and Nick

Disclaimer: This story is totally fiction. I do not know any of the members of Backstreet Boys and I'm not implying that any of the member is a homosexually. Not that there's anything wrong with that. What every a man and another man those on his own time is his business. _________________________________________________________

After that little talk with Nick, I had to go deal with a `problem' if you know what I mean. I literary ran to the bathroom, pushing poor Howie out of the way. Hard. He fell to the fall and he had to do a double take because I kind of jetted past him to get to the bathroom. "Kevin, what the heck, man?!" " Sorry Howie, but I really need to use it!" I shouted through the door. I unzipped my pants and pulled out my already leaking cock. Shit! This felt so good, just holding it was already making me go nuts, no pun intended.

I started to slowly slide my hand up and down my cock, Mm, that was so good. I leaned against the door, trying to keep balance, because remember, I'm still in a moving bus, so I have to make sure I don't fall on my face or something. I stroked myself faster, loving this feeling. I pulled my pants down so they were under my balls. I took them in my hand and gave them a little squeeze. Shit! I did it again, feeling a ting go through my body.

"Kevin will you please hurry it up! I really need to go!" shouted Howie. Why couldn't he had gone while I was talking to Nick? I tell you people are really trying to get on my bad side today. I just tried to ignore him and continue to jerk harder on my cock. I need to cum, now!

I need to think of something, or a certain someone. Think of Nick. Think of Nick. Nick on his knees, give himself to me. Licking up my per-cum, he would move my hand, and hold it in his hands and slowly moving it between his fingers. "Mm." He would look up at me and give me a smirk, then he would engulf my cock in his mouth. He would take it all the way in, humming, giving a great feeling that goes through my whole body. I would grab his head and then I would start to mouth fuck him. He would suck harder, creating a pleasing sensation. I would thrust faster in to his mouth, I could feel the orgasm building up.

I grabbed hold of the bathroom door knob, bucking my hips wildly. I had to bite down on my lip to keep from screaming out loud once I finally came. I sigh

in relief and satisfaction. I really needed that. I got myself cleaned up and calmed down before I walked out. Wouldn't want people, and when I mean people I mean AJ, to think that I was doing something that I shouldn't be doing on a bus. AJ would never let me live it down, he lives to make my life miserable as possible, and let me tell you he is doing a great job at it. Howie keeps telling me he's only like that because he's a teenager and that in a sick way looks up to me. Oh how lovely! You know what I said to him on that? Bullshit! And I walked away. I just wouldn't believe any of that.

So anywho, I walk out the bathroom and I'm literary thrown to the floor and the door is closed shut behind me. I feel kind of bad for making him wait so long, but what can I say? When you got to jerk, you got to jerk.

"Um Kevin what are you doing on the floor?" asked Brian.

"I'm looking for a four leave clovers, what does it look like, I fell." I stood up, dusting my pants off, the bus floor is not the place you want to be laying on, let me tell you.

"There's no need to get testy, I was just saying." he mumble a few words that I couldn't really make out. I didn't care. All I wanted to do relax and forget about a certain blonde boy. "Sorry Brian, I didn't mean to snap at you,

I'm just not in the mood."

"Well if you ask me you sound like you were in the mood just a few minutes ago." said AJ.

Shit! He heard me. I thought that I was quiet enough, well okay, maybe I wasn 't that quiet, but what the hell was he doing listening anyway? "Shut up AJ,

you don't know shit!"

"I don't know the difference between taking a shit or whacking off? Kevin, Kevin, Kevin, its perfectly normal for a man in your situation to get rid of his `frustration'." he had smirk on his face as he said all that to me. He really thinks he's smooth, but his not. I could take that bastard and twist his neck all kind of ways. "I wasn't doing that, AJ, okay, I had to use the bathroom."

"You could have fooled me with all those `Mm, yeah ooh, Fuck ,yeah yeah, suck me, yes, yes, yes, yes, Oooh Yessss, FUCK!!!! Ooh." he then regained his composure and looked at me. "Meg Ryan, eat your heart out."

I looked over at the others, my dear cousin Brian was bright red, Howie was trying hard not to laugh and Nick giggling away, which got Howie started, which sent off a chain reaction.

I have never been so embarrassed in my life, I was being laughed at by my so called friends! I wonder if I would get in trouble if I was to commit a quadruple homicide. No, if I did that the band would go down the drain and I would be in jail, that really wouldn't be happy about that.

"All of you can just go to hell." I said. He flopped on a chair and folded my arms, Yeah I was acting like a big baby, but they were poking fun at me. Just because I may look intimidating, but I still have feelings. "Kevin, AJ just being stupid, right AJ." said Nick. Why was he trying to help? "Yeah, yeah Kev, I'm just pulling your leg, you know that right?" "Do you forgive us for being Jerks?" asked Nick. He sat in front of me, giving me one of his infamous `puppy dog' look. I try be mad him, honestly, I did. But I wasn't able too. If you ever got to see Nick's puppy dog look, you couldn't stay mad at him either. I let out a sigh, which I guess was a sign to them that I happen forgiven them. I was able to say something, but I forgot what it was when Nick put his thin arms around me, giving me a tight hug. "Thanks Kevin." he whisper in my ear. It sent shivers down my spine. "N-n-no problem." I stutter. Man, I sounded slowed.

I cleared my throat. "Let's just do something to past the time? I vote that we watch something. A action or comedy, which ever." I hurried to the back not wanting anyone to get a glimpse at a certain body part. "I vote for a old classic." said AJ. "I think Porky's would be a good start." "We are not watching that movie, AJ, Nick is too young." said Howie. Good old Howie, whenever I not up to playing parent, he just knows when to step in. "Oh come on he's like fourteen, I was twelve when I saw it." said AJ. "So that would explain the behavior." said Brian.

"Guys I'm not a little kid, you act like it's a horror movie or has something to do with sex." said Nick. AJ was about to say something when Howie quickly place a hand over he's mouth. "There's supposed to be a `Police academy' movie on." said Brian. Lucky no one was in the mood to disagree so we sat back and watched.

I tried to pay attention to the movie, really I did, but its kind of hard when you have a young hot angel like creature seating in front of you in between

your legs. He would at some point rested his head on my knee, but then he would realize what he was doing and quickly move his head. I had to bite down on my tongue to keep from telling him that I didn't mind. I don't need the guys thinking anything.

At this point I was burning holes through AJ head. Why did he get to seat next to Nick, he was all over him. I was really going to kill AJ, its not like we needed him or anything. And you know what made it worst? AJ would turn around and wink or smirk at me with that smug look on his face. Oh what I wouldn' t given to knock him out.

"You enjoying the movie Kev ?" he asked

"Yeah its funny." I said. I hope it didn't sound forced when I said it.

And there goes that damn smug look on his face. I should just kick him in the face, maybe that would make me feel better. "You must really be liking it huh, Kev?" Shit! I move my hands into my lap. I know by this time its too late,

he already got a look at `it', so I couldn't really do anything. "Um, I'm going to call it a night." "But it's only nine." said Brian. "Yeah, I know, but the earlier I get to bed the more rest I'll get, so goodnight." I hurried off to my bunk, but not before hearing AJ say. "Sweet dreams Kevvy." Man, I not stand that laugh.

I got off my clothes and laid on my back, looking up at the ceiling of my bunk. This was good. Here I was, alone and getting a chance to let go of what may be troubling me. I was about to fall to sleep, when I felt the curtain open. I turned to see that it was Nick, my sweet little puppy. "What's wrong Nicky?" He didn't say anything, he just stood there, staring down at me. His hair was covering his beautiful bright blue eyes. "Nick?" "Can I sleep here with you tonight?" he asked timidity. I looked at him in shocked. "I didn't know you were tired." I moved over for him to laid down. He move closer to me, resting his head on my pillow. He looked so cute, I could just eat him up. Kevin stop talking, god I need help.

"Yeah well, you were right about having to get up early so, I decided to get some shut eye also." he said. He slide closer to me, almost like it was on purpose, but I know he wouldn't do anything like that, at least I hope he wouldn't. "I think this maybe one of the only times that you have actually done something that I said to you."

"Yeah, but you never told me too, I'm going to bed because, like you, I'm tired." he let out a huge yarn and laid on his side, facing me. We kind of laid

there, just laid there not really saying anything. I watch as his eyes started to close. He was so beautiful, why, why in the world did he have to be only fourteen. If only he was four years older then I could have actually had had a chance with me, but no, he had to be young.

Maybe this was god's way of saying that I couldn't be happy, I don't know, I don't want to think about it anymore, I would just lay here and cherish this

moment as if it was going to be my last moment with him on earth.


Okay that's chapter two, I finally was able to get it done. I hope you like it. Get back to me and tell me what you think. ( . I hope to hear from you. Kiss, kiss. And Codename Phoenix well be up soon as well. Check out chapter Three of Lovely coming soon.

Next: Chapter 4

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