Loving Nick

By Jason Clarke

Published on Sep 12, 1999


This story involves members of the bands Backstreet Boys and N'SYNC. I am in no way implying anything about the sexuality of any of their members. This is purely a fictional story. Enjoy!

This is my first attempt at writing a story like this so please bear with me. Please send any comments and/or suggestions to jaclarke@hotmail.com

Loving Nick - Part 10

Nick stormed into the hotel lobby, desperate to find Lance. He rushed into the elevator and headed to the floor where the Backstreet Boys and N'SYNC were staying. Getting off the elevator, he ran towards Lance's room but stopped when he saw the door to Kevin's room open. Nick looked inside and saw everyone gathering in the room.

Nick was about head towards Lance's room when he heard Lance's sobs coming from Kevin's room. Nick walked inside and saw Lance sobbing on JC's shoulder.

"Lance," Nick began, desperate to explain the whole situation to Lance but was uncomfortable with the fact that everyone was in the room.

Lance looked up and seeing Nick, got up and walked towards him. "I don't want to hear about it, Nick," Lance said coldly. "Go and have you fun with her."

"Lance, give me a chance to explain," Nick pleaded, trying as hard as he could to get Lance to listen. "I..."

Nick was cut off by Lance. "Shut up, Nick, I don't want to hear anymore."

Nick was taken aback by Lance's harsh response but was determined to continue. "Lance, listen to me..."

"Just shut the hell up, Nick. I don't want to see you, talk to you, or be in the same room as you...ever again!" Lance yelled. "Just get the hell out of here, you fucking slut!!!!!"

Everyone sat in stunned silence at the words coming out of Lance's mouth. No one was more shocked than Nick.

"What did you say, Lance?" Nick asked weakly.

Lance glared at Nick. "I'll repeat myself. Get the hell out of my face, you fucking slut!!!"

JC could see that this was going way too far. He tried to calm Lance down but was pushed aside. Nick had tears streaming down his face and no one seemed to know what to do. This situation had gotten so ugly that everyone was still reeling in shock.

After several more seconds of silence, Nick finally said, "Just remember what you said today, Lance Bass. Remember every single word that you said." With that, Nick left the room, slamming the door shut behind him.

As Nick left, Lance also ran out of the room in tears. JC and Justin followed Lance to his room, where he collapsed on his bed crying uncontrollably.

"Oh my god, what did I just do??" Lance kept repeating.

"Lance, calm down. You're in no condition to think about this now. Just take it easy, okay?" JC said, trying to comfort Lance.

"Was I way over the line, Justin?"

Justin didn't know what to say, but finally decided that Lance deserved to know the truth. "Lance, I know how you are feeling now, but you were quite harsh on Nick."

Lance buried his face in his hands and continued crying. "I messed up. I messed up big time, JC."

"Lance, what you said to Nick was very cruel but I understand why you felt that way. I think you need to talk to Nick and give him a chance to explain," JC replied.

Lance shook his head in sadness. "No, Nick will never talk to me again. Not after what I said to him."

"How would you know if you don't try?" JC asked.

"I could tell from the way he said those words before he left the room that he hates me now. I've messed up so bad..." Lance answered, sobbing as he spoke.

"Give him some time, Lance," Justin said. "I'm sure everything will work out."

"Okay, listen up," Kevin ordered. "We're leaving for rehearsal in 30 minutes, so hurry up and finish your breakfast, guys."

Everyone ignored Kevin and continued talking and laughing. They loved pissing Kevin off. It was so fun.

Kevin sighed and shook his head. JC gave him a pat on the back and smiled. "Well, at least someone thinks like me," Kevin thought to himself.

Over in the corner, Lance was picking away at his food, his mind totally on the events that unfolded over the past day. He looked across the room and saw Nick chatting with Brian. Lance looked out the window sadly, knowing that it would be hard to rekindle any sort of relationship with Nick. He could feel tears come to his eyes as he remembered how Nick did not even say hi to him this morning and how Nick acted as if Lance didn't even exist.

Lance gathered up his courage and walked towards Nick and Brian. As soon as Nick saw Lance coming, he stopped talking with Brian.

"Nick, can we talk?" Lance asked softly.

"How can I help you, Lance?" Nick asked.

Lance hated the formality that Nick was creating between them. They have never seemed so far apart.

"Can we just talk for a bit?"

"About the concert? Why don't we wait 'till rehearsal?"

Lance heart sank lower with every response that he was getting from Nick. "No, about us."

"Us?" Nick asked. "What's there to talk about?"

"Come on, Nick. Please?"

"Lance, I don't think there's a need to talk about anything. I think we both made it pretty clear yesterday. Actually, I think everyone in the room is pretty clear about the whole thing."

Lance struggled to keep himself from crying and quietly walked out of the room. He went into the washroom and there, he let his tears flow.

"Did you have to be so cruel, Nick?" Brian asked.

Nick sighed. "It was the only way."

"Why don't you let him know that you still care about him? Why put on this whole front?"

"This is the only way to get him to forget about me. Then maybe he can move on," Nick sadly answered.

"You're crazy, Nick. You're jeopardizing your own happiness, you know."

Over the next few weeks, both groups continued their Canadian tour. The days were rather awkward for both Nick and Lance but they both knew that they had to concentrate on the concerts.

After the first few days, Lance's emotions became more stable although he still felt sad every time he looked at Nick. Luckily, Justin and JC were there for him over the last few days, talking with him and keeping him company.

Justin and Lance had gotten much closer over this period. They rekindled their friendship and spent hours together, talking and just hanging out with each other.

"Wow, that rehearsal was a killer!" Justin said as he jumped on Lance's bed.

"I know what you mean," Lance answered. "Thank god we have the rest of the day off."

"So what do you wanna do this afternoon? Swimming? Arcade?"

"I dunno. Let's see what the other guys want to do afterwards."

"Cool." Justin jumped off Lance's bed and walked towards the TV.

"Hey, quit jumping on my bed. I do have to sleep on it tonight, you know."

"Oh, sorry," Justin answered with a smirk. That said, Justin jumped on Lance's bed again, much to Lance's annoyance. Justin jumped so hard that something fell out of Justin's pocket.

Lance bent down to pick it up off the floor. He was about to give it back to Justin when he noticed that the watch looked very familiar. Then it suddenly occurred to him that this was Nick's watch, the one that the woman said Nick left at her place.

Lance pushed Justin onto the bed and grabbed a pair of sunglasses out of Justin's pocket. It was Nick's, the same pair that he saw in Ottawa before running out on Nick.

Lance held the watch and sunglasses in his hands and looked at Justin. "How did you get these????"

...to be continued....

Uh oh, how did Justin get his hands on the watch and sunglasses? Just what the hell is going on here???

Please send any comments and/or suggestions to jaclarke@hotmail.com

Next: Chapter 11

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