Loving Nick

By Jason Clarke

Published on Oct 17, 1999


This story involves members of the bands Backstreet Boys and N'SYNC. I am in no way implying anything about the sexuality of any of their members. This is purely a fictional story. Enjoy!

This is my first attempt at writing a story like this so please bear with me. Please send any comments and/or suggestions to jaclarke@hotmail.com (ICQ #7964029)

Loving Nick - Part 17

Justin placed his hands on Lance's shoulder in an attempt to reassure his friend. He cleared the mess off of his bed for Lance to sit and pulled up a chair as he sat across from Lance. "Now tell me what's going on, Scoop?"

"Nick's been having nightmares. It's been like this for weeks. At least once a night and sometimes several times a night. It's the same nightmare all the time."

"When did he start having these nightmares?"

"I don't know for sure, but I'm pretty sure it was after he left the hospital."

"Have you talked to Nick about it?"

Lance shook his head sadly as a tear fell from his eyes. "He hasn't said anything about it. He keeps telling me that everything's fine. I guess he doesn't trust me enough to let me know what's happening to him." Lance sobbed softly as he said this. "I'm so scared that I'm going to lose him, Just..."

Justin pulled Lance into a hug as more tears fell from his eyes. "Lance, you've gotta understand that Nick loves you more than anything in the world."

"Then why won't he tell me anything?"

"Because he doesn't want you to worry. Can't you see? He'll rather bear everything himself than to get you all worried about him? That's how much he loves you." Despite what he was saying, he was still trying to figure out why Nick would keep all this from Lance.

Lance looked up at Justin and forced a weak smile. He felt strange asking Justin for advice, since it was usually the other way around. "What do you think I should do?"

"Don't pressure Nick at this time," Justin replied. "I know how hard this must be on you but I think Nick will tell you when he feels the time is right. Just try to support him the best way you can."

After remaining silent for a few seconds, Lance finally nodded. "Thanks, Just...you're the best."

Justin put on his usual smirk and patted Lance on the back. "I know, I know..."

"Don't push it, Justin," Lance replied. Before leaving the room, Lance turned back and asked, "I was being pretty stupid, huh?"

"Nah, I think it was kinda cute, Scoop."

Lance rolled his eyes and left the room. When he got back into his room, Nick was in the shower. He sighed at the huge mess that Nick left in the room, with clothes all over the place and his Playstation on the floor. Lance began to pick things up off the floor, trying to keep the room from descending into absolute chaos. As he proceeded with the cleanup, his eyes fell on a small book lying on the ground. As he picked it up, he realized that it was a diary of some sort. "Well, I don't have a diary, so must be Nick's."

Lance walked over to the night table and placed the diary on it. "Maybe Nick wrote down something about his nightmares in the book," Lance thought to himself. "No, I can't. This is Nick's diary and I can't go looking at it." Lance tried to forget about the diary and continue cleaning the room, but to no avail. His mind was totally on the diary and he struggled trying to decide whether to read the diary or not.

"Nick is never going to tell me what's wrong and if I look into the diary, maybe I can find out what's going on without having to force Nick to say it out loud..." Lance found himself looking for more and more reasons to look into the diary.

"You taught me to run, you..." There was a knock on the door. Justin sighed as his attempt to catch up on some vocals was again interrupted. "I'm never going to get anything done here," he thought to himself.

"Darren?" Justin asked with surprise as he opened the door. "This is a surprise."

"What? Aren't you happy to see me?" Darren asked with a jokingly sarcastic tone.

"Come on in," Justin said, laughing at Darren. "He is such a clown," he thought to himself as Darren made himself comfortable on Justin's bed.

"Wow, it looks like a tornado has ripped through Mr. Timberlake's room."

"Very funny," Justin retorted. "It's not that messy. You still found the bed with no trouble, didn't ya?"

"I suppose so. So what are you up to?"

"Nothing much, just catching up on some vocals."

"Ah, a workaholic here. I always thought Lance was the workaholic of the group."

"I am no workaholic, Darren. But come to think of it, Lance is a workaholic, although things have changed lately."

"Why of course, Justin, Lance is in LOVE!"

Justin laughed at Darren's expression. "So what are you up to Darren? I thought you were going out with the other guys?"

"I was, but then I decided to stay in to catch up on some sleep."

"So I guess you're all refreshed now, huh?" Justin stretched his arms and legs a bit. He hasn't been sleeping all that well the last few nights and he ached all over.

"What's the matter? Aching all over?" Darren asked as he saw Justin trying to stretch.

"Yeah, haven't slept well."

"Maybe I can help," Darren replied. He got up off the bed and walked over to where Justin was sitting. He placed his hands on Justin's shoulders and began to massage him.

"Ah...that feels awesome," Justin managed to say as Darren continued to massage him.

"I knew you would like it. Here, go lie down on the bed, it'll make my job easier."

Justin did as he was told and Darren continued to massage Justin on the bed. "Wow, I never realized how cute and hot Darren is," Justin thought to himself. As he continued to think about Darren, he noticed his own cock getting harder and harder. Soon, Justin was beginning to moan in pleasure.

Darren turned Justin on his back and they looked at each other in the eye. "So? How was it?"

"Awesome," Justin said in what was almost a whisper.

Darren placed his hands on Justin's firm chest as his right hand slipped under his shirt and began to roam Justin's body. "Feel better?"

Justin moaned loudly. "Ahh, don't stop, Darren..."

Darren needed no more urging. He got on top of Justin and his hands began to roam all over the young singer's body. Soon, they were entangled on the bed, kissing each other passionately, their young cocks getting hard as a rock. Darren began to undress Justin until he was down to his boxers. Darren then began to pull down Justin's boxers with his mouth until Justin's 7" cock was fully exposed. In one gulp, Darren took all of Justin's cock in his hot mouth and the only response from Justin was a very, very loud moan of pleasure.

Lance flipped through page after page of the diary, his heart beating faster and faster with each page. Sweat began to form on his forehead and his mind began to race. "Could this be real? Or am I dreaming?" Despite wanting to stop reading, Lance found himself glued to the book. A huge tear dropped onto the page as Lance's emotions overpowered him.

The washroom door opened. "Lance, did you see my..." Nick stopped dead in his tracks as he saw Lance curled in a ball on the bed, crying uncontrollably. His face turned ghost white as he saw his diary lying on the bed beside Lance. "You...you..."

"Why didn't you tell me, Nick?" Lance screamed. "How long did you want to keep me in the dark??"

"Why the fuck did you read that?" Nick yelled back. "Who the fuck gave you the right to go through my diary???"

The yelling penetrated the walls and the screaming could be heard rooms away. Nick opened the door and stormed into the hallway, with Lance chasing after him. "Who the fuck did this to you, Nick???"

Nick turned towards Lance. "Shut up, just shut up!!!"

By now, everyone had come out of their rooms to see what was going on. What they saw was Lance and Nick in tears, screaming at one another. No one moved from their position, afraid to get in between the two guys.

"Tell me, Nick!! Who did it?" Lance was yelling like a lunatic, totally losing control of himself.

"What the hell is going on here?" JC demanded.

No one answered him. Nick fell to the floor, his hands covering his ears and his eyes totally shut. "Stop, Lance. Stop! Just shut up!"

Brian and Justin realized something was terribly wrong. Nick was just mumbling to himself, oblivious to what was going on around him.

"Just stop, please!" Nick kept repeating as everyone just stared at the unfolding events in shock.

"Who did this to you, Nick? Who is this fucking asshole who's been abusing you??" Lance blurted out.

Everyone froze and stared at Lance. Then back at Nick. And back at Lance again.

"What did you say?" JC asked softly, almost afraid to ask the question.

By now, Lance was mumbling to himself too. It was like Nick and Lance were both in trances, just talking to themselves and not noticing that anyone else was there.

"Who is he? Who's been abusing you?" Lance continued to mumble.

Nick suddenly got up and stared at Lance. "Stop it, Lance, stop. IT'S MY FATHER, ARE YOU HAPPY???" With that, Nick turned and ran back to his room in tears.

Lance's legs gave way as Nick blurted out his revelation. Justin and Darren rushed to keep Lance from falling.

"Oh my god," Lance whispered. "Oh my god."

At the same time, everyone snapped out of their initial shock and rushed to Nick's room. The door was left open and they saw Nick frantically stuffing his clothes into his suitcase.

"What are you doing?" Brian demanded. He was in a panic now. It was as if Nick had lost control of himself.

"I'm leaving, Bri. I'm going back to Orlando."

"But why, Nick?" Justin asked. "You can't go back now!"

"Look, you guys know the truth now. I'm sorry I didn't come clean before," Nick said as he struggled to hold his tears back. "I'm a sick, dirty, pervert."

"No, you're not," Justin replied. "It wasn't your fault. Stop blaming yourself. Besides, Lance needs you."

Nick shook his head. "Lance needs someone who can take care of him, someone who is deserving of him."

"You're right," JC answered. "And you're the one."

"Lance is not going to want me now that he knows," Nick answered.

"Lance isn't like that," Brian continued. "He'll understand and love you for who you are."

"He's right." Everyone turned to see Lance standing at the door. "If you're leaving, I'm going with you, Nick."

...to be continued....

Sorry for the delay in the release of this segment. I hope to have the next part out in a week or so.

As always, any comments/ideas/questions are welcome. E-mail me at jaclarke@hotmail.com (ICQ #7964029)

Next: Chapter 18

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