Loving Nick Lachey

By Jordan

Published on Sep 14, 2001


Disclaimer: This is a fiction story, nothing in it is true, and is not meant to imply anything of Nick Lachey or any other member of 98 Degrees' sexualities. If you are too young to be reading this or are offended by it please leave now.

Sorry that it took me so long to write this. School started and I haven't had much time to write. I'll continue doing this story till I feel that there's no reason to go on. Thanks for your patience.

I would like to thank Slpwriter, the amazing author of My Everything, for everything he has done for me. He inspired me to make this story, and showed me everything i need to know. Thank you again.

I also want to thank the authors of This Gift, 69 with Jeff Timmons, and Give me Just One Night. You all have inspired me to make this story. Thank you! Also, this is my first story, so if it's not as good as Slpwriter's or any of the others, Just remember, It's my first! LOL!

~Now here's what you've all been waiting for....~

Chapter 3, Our First Fight

Nick and I walked back into the living room for the second time. The guys jumped out of the chairs and practically trampled me trying to get the pizzas. Once they left me and went to sit down, all I was left with was 2 empty pizza boxes. I was surprised they'd eat that much. I went into the kitchen to throw away the boxes and make myself something to eat. Nick came in after I finished spreading the jelly on my sandwich and through away his plate.

"I'm so sorry babe," Nick said coming behind me and putting his arms around my waist.

"For what?"

"For eating all the pizza. It was really rude of all of us to not leave you at least one piece." He started kissing my neck, hitting my sensitive spot, making me moan a little.

"Oh please," I said sarcastically. "I knew you guys had huge appetites, I would have gotten a piece before we went in if I wanted one. I bought the pizza for you guys, not for me." I gave him a peck on the lips as I put the sandwich together.

"So? That doesn't mean we weren't rude," said Jeff and Kory entering the kitchen followed by Drew and Justin.

"Yeah, We're really sorry Josh," Drew said throwing away his plate.

"Yeah buddy," Justin said throwing away his plate also.

"You guys chill out! Really! I don't need pizza. I'm happy with a PB and J sandwich." I said taking a bite out of it. I put the sandwich in front of Nicks mouth and he took a bite.

"Yum, extra crunchy, my favorite." Nick said smiling.

"Really? Mine too." I said giving Nick another peck on the lips. Jeff, Kory, Drew, and Justin all moaned and rolled their eyes, heading back to sit on the couches. Nick and I sniggered, sharing the sandwich. When we finished, we went back to the room where the guys were. Jeff looked up and said,

"So what do you guys want to do today?"

"We could go to a club, a restaurant, or this great dancing place downtown that I've been to a couple of times." I said.

We all agreed on dancing, so we grabbed our coats from the closet, and headed out the door. I unlocked the car and me and Nick got in. Kory led the way to his car where Jeff, Drew, and Justin got in. We drove out of the driveway and headed to the dance club. I held Nick's hand all the way, as he kissed it and sucked on my finger. It took us about 15 minutes to get to the club. When we got there, we parked the cars and got out. I walked to the entrance followed by the others and went through the doors. Like all the other times I've been there, The music was cranked up and people everywhere were dancing. A waiter came up to us and asked us where we wanted to be seated.

"Somewhere secluded, and quieter then this." I said grinning.

He led us to a table where the music was much quieter. We sat down and the waiter took out a pad of paper and a pen and began asking for what we want.

"I'll have water please, Mark," I said to him, looking at his name tag.

"I'll have a beer," Nick said, as well as the others.

He wrote the orders down and left to get the drinks. Nick, Jeff, Drew, and Justin all looked at me.

"What?" I said.

"What's with the water?" Nick said looking at me.

"What's wrong with water?" I said getting a little upset.

"It's just, anyone can get water, why not have a beer?"

My heart fell as I remembered something, that I haven't told Nick yet. That only Kory knows, and doesn't ever talk about. When I was 18 years old, I started drinking a little and got hooked. My brother got me into it. We were really close and cared about each other a lot. We went to a party together. We both had a couple of beers, and he decided to go home early. I stayed at the party with my other friends, and while I was dancing, my brother got in a car accident. He died in the hospital the next morning. Right then and there I decided never to drink again. At least not beer. I started choking on tears, as I tried to hide them away.

"Hey what's wrong, babe? Are you crying?" Nick asked looking at me.

"Nick, leave me alone! I don't want to hear shit from you, or anyone else for the matter! I'm leaving, get a ride with Kory!" I yelled getting angrier by the minute.

"Hey wait!" Nick said standing up and grabbing my arm. "He doesn't have enough room for me!"

"Well then I guess your walking, and don't touch me!" I said throwing Nick off me. He looked at me in shock, and started to cry. I really didn't care at the moment, and started walking away.

"I'll see you guys later." I said leaving, and walking out the doors. The last thing I saw was Kory sitting down with Nick and probably telling him that I was under stress and would cool off later. I unlocked my car, got in, slammed the car door, and drove as fast as I could out of there. I didn't want to be there. I just wanted my brother back. I was so lost in thought that I didn't see the car in front of me. I realized what happened when I felt the seatbelt tighten and the car flip over. Then blackness.

Chapter 4, Mine and Nick's Recovery

I woke up seeing a blur at first. Then it cleared out and a hospital room came into view. It was practically all white, except for the curtains which were blue. I felt dizzy and my head hurt a lot. I closed my eyes as I heard Nick and a doctor talking to each other.

"He's going to be ok right?" Nick said obviously in panic. "I mean he won't die will he?"

He made me realize that I made a mistake when I yelled at him, and It made me feel worse for the way I treated him.

"No of course not, for the third time It was only a concussion. No harm done," The doctor said.

I heard the doctor leave and felt Nick sit in a chair beside me and pick up my hand. He started talking softly,

"I am so sorry that I was rude to you. I got you in this accident. get better soon my love."

He leaned down and kissed my lips softly. I kissed him back slipping my tongue in his mouth. He pulled away, shocked, and looked at me tears running down his cheeks. He pulled me to him and gave me a really tight hug.

"I'm so sorry Josh, This is my fault."

"Nick how dare you!" I said to him. He looked up at me and started crying even harder.

"I know, I know! I didn't mean for this to happen!" He said over his tears.

"Not for that, honey," I said putting my hand under his chin and making him look at me. "For thinking this was your fault. It wasn't, it was mine. I was stupid and let my past get involved with our relationship. I was such a fucking bastard to you. I'm so sorry. I hope you can forgive me." I said starting to tear up as well. Nick looked shocked. Partly because I used the 'F' word, which I never say..

"Josh of course I can forgive you. You're my boyfriend and I would do anything for you." Nick said smiling.

I wiped away his tears with my thumbs and looked in his eyes. I pulled him to me and gave him a passionate kiss. I felt his tongue slip in my mouth and wrestle with mine. Our lips were one. I felt like I was melting into him. He got on top of me and started grinding into me with his hardness. It was romantic, despite the hospital part. It was a good thing the curtains were drawn, otherwise we would have to explain something we really couldn't get into. We pulled apart and I started asking questions.

"Where are the guys?"

"They're at your house. They wanted me here with you alone." Nick responded.

"Ok........" I said hesitating with the next question." How's my car?" I loved my car, and I never thought I would crash.

Nick hesitated with this question, and after thinking it over said,

"Umm........It's...ummm....It's not repairable." He said sadly.

I felt horrible at that moment. It was a gut feeling. It felt like I was going to throw up, but I was happy that I didn't loose myself. For Nick's sake. He got off of me and sat back down just as the doctor came in.

"Mr.. Rowner, It's good to see you awake." He said.

"Thank you Doctor. How long have I been out?"

"About 3 days." He responded. I felt shocked. No wonder Nick was so worried.

"Alright, when may I go home?"

"Actually, anytime. You just need to go to the front desk, sign some papers, and then you can go."

"Ok, thank you doctor," I said relieved. "I think I'll get ready now."

"Alright, Hope you feel better." He said exiting through the door. In about 5 minutes I was ready to go home, and was in the clothes I was in when I crashed. Me and Nick walked out of the hospital together, signed the papers at the desk, and hailed a cab. We got in and it drove us to my house. Nick paid the taxi driver and we walked up to my house. I opened the door only to hear a big rustling and then everyone hugging me.

"My god," Kory said giving me a bear hug. "What the hell were you thinking!? You could've been killed!"

Everyone else said pretty much the same thing when Nick interrupted.

"You guys the doctor said he needs rest, It's late anyway so I'm gonna take him up and tuck him in alright?"

They all said 'alright' and went to their rooms that they picked out probably when I was gone. They obviously got their luggage when I was in the hospital. I went to my room with Nick, stripped down to my boxers, and got in bed.

"Nick aren't you coming in?" I said looking at him.

"No, I'm gonna sleep on the couch tonight." He said turning to leave.

I got up and grabbed his arm and pulled him in the bed.

"I don't think so buddy," I whispered sexily to him with and evil grin on my face. "I want to have a little fun...."

He stripped to his boxers and tried to get in. I pushed him out and got out myself. I went up to him and gave him a long passionate kiss. I yanked down his boxers showing ff his wonderful 8 inches, and he pulled down mine. I kissed him again and pulled him into bed with me. We broke apart and out of breath. I gently licked his ear and whispered to him,

"Nick Scott Lachey. Will you make love to me......."

I bet you're all thinking 'Wait! Don't end it like this!' LOL. I'll try and get the 6th story up soon. Thanks.

Next: Chapter 5

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