Loving You Loving Me

By Jon Kent

Published on Dec 29, 2018




Everyone should accept the laws of his country, reserving the right to strive democratically to change those he disagrees with. Therefore, if the laws where you live say that you should NOT be reading stories like these, you are legally obliged to leave now and read no further. It does not matter if these stories are fiction, made-up, only written to entertain, instruct, engage, and inform. If for any reason, the law where you live says you are NOT allowed to read them, you have to go. So off you go. Live a healthy and happy life, and come back, if you want to, when your laws say.

And remember: these are only stories. They are made-up. They did not happen. And the writer does not believe they should happen. The first responsibility of adults is to protect children and their innocence. It doesn't mean some adults won't enjoy reading stories like this, but it doesn't mean they should go out and do things like this. Who knows? maybe reading stories like this will actually stop them going out and doing these things.

This is a revised version of the first story I ever wrote for Nifty. I have substantially revised it (a) because I'm a much better writer now than I was then, and (b) because it deals with some aspects of sexuality, especially scat, that I couldn't handle them. I needed to write this story to get it out of my system, and that, as they say is that.


Nothing comes free, so remember we wouldn't have the massive treasure of Nifty if these good folk were not keeping it up and running year after year. So, dip into your wallet, find something for Nifty and send it to them. Every little bit helps.



My English teacher says every story should have a beginning, a middle and end, but not necessarily in that order. Fair enough if you know what the end of the story is, but when it's your own life, you can't even judge where the middle of your story is. So, all I can do is start at the beginning, but the beginning of what? I think I'll just write, try to keep things in order, and hope that the beginning takes care of itself.

Another problem. Whose viewpoint am I going to tell the story from? That's what we're studying in English: viewpoint and perspective. I'm going to break the rules a lot. I'm going to use empathy. That's a word our English teacher taught us. I'm going to tell the story from my point of view sometimes; and from someone else's point of view sometimes; and sometimes in the first person; and sometimes in the third person. That's breaking the rules, I know.

Anyway, here goes.

My name's Frankie O'Dowd. I'm sixteen. I'm going to write about the years when I was 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 and 16. There, that should be clear enough. But enough of that. If I'm going to a writer of slim volumes of porno, I'd better get on with the writing. Here goes. Wish me luck!

Let's do a Dickens. We're reading 'David Copperfield' at school. How would Dickens go about it if he were writing the story of my life?

My sex life began at a very early age.

There, that's a start.

But when was the beginning?

My parents handed me a twenty pound note as they left for the beach cottage, and told me to stay out of trouble. This was the first time they'd left me alone for an entire weekend and I was determined not to let them down. I was glad my parents weren't turning out a bit of a disappointment; in fact, it looked like they might fulfil the promise of my early years.

Rather than go out with friends on Friday night, I stayed home to watch TV, then early to bed with the alarm clock set and up at the crack of dawn. I began mowing the lawn and was finished well before ten o'clock. It felt good to be responsible. It felt good to have the place to myself. I don't think most parents realise just how much they bore their kids.

The doorbell rang as I stepped out of the bath tub. Everyone in town seemed to know my parents and brother had gone to the beach, and I assumed the visitor was one of my friends. I wrapped a fluffy towel around my waist and dripped to the front door.

Water was still running off of my chest as I pulled the door open to find myself face to face with Elwyn. He was supposed to be with my brother, Lee, for the weekend, but his shit-faced grin told me something had come up.

"Hi, Frankie," he said. "I missed all the transport to the beach, so I'm stuck here for the weekend. Mind if I hang out with you for a bit?"

I gave him my superior you-are-eleven-I-am-twelve look, but didn't go as far as the "Well?" that was on the tip of my tongue. Why not? Hell, Elwyn Andersen was one good-looking guy: short, spiky blond hair, blue eyes, regular features, athletic, slim build, and a smile that could charm the towel off me any day.

He'd been knocking around with my idiot brother Lee for a couple of months, and, being honest, I'd jerked off more than once to the image of Elwyn Andersen in his swimsuit and out of it. He stood there, saying nothing. I realised where his glances kept straying. I have to admit I saw something in his eyes that made me realise there's something I wanted to say.

My twelve-year-old, sex-starved cock had reacted like a cobra preparing to strike, throbbing and quivering against the towel. First it tried to bound straight up but the weight of the fabric was too great, but it made a tent as Elwyn's eyes widened. I was mortified, yet too aroused to reach down and adjust myself. After several agonizing seconds my straining cock rolled to one side, escaped the towel and sprang straight up. My five, well four-and-half inches must have been more spectacular than I thought, because Elwyn gasped audibly.

The towel began to slip. I reached down to hold it in place. Pointless trying to hide my erection behind my hands at that point, yet I didn't want to lose the last remnant of modesty and rewrapped the towel tightly about me, which only emphasized my throbbing hard-on. Shit! I didn´t know what to do. I couldn't believe it´s true he made me feel this way.

"Don't," Elwyn whispered, though I wasn't sure what the "Don't" referrred to.

"Shit," I thought to myself. "He's a boy, I'm a boy, so what's the big deal. I bet this isn't the first hard-on he's seen." O, my prophetic soul! (Remember I am doing A-level English!)

Elwyn looked into my eyes, his expression one of amusement. He had me, and he knew it. Flirtation also flickered in his eyes. I felt flattered. What really flatters a guy is that you think him worth flattering; yep, I felt flattered.

"Just got out of the shower, damnit, and.... Oh, never mind. What are you doing here anyway? You're supposed to be at the beach with Lee!" I'd forgotten he'd already half-explained the reason for his visit.

"I decided last night not to go. I called Lee. Didn't he tell you?" Elwyn glanced down. His eyes seemed to bore through the towel. They lingered for a few moments, sizing me up before looking back up to my eyes. Could he guess I was dripping with more than warm water?

"No, he didn't. Why would that idiot tell me you weren't going? What difference does it make to me?"

"Normally he wouldn't; but I asked him to tell you I was coming over. I left my Speedos here yesterday. I need them. Guess he forgot."

"Guess he did. That's Lee all over."


"Well what?" I jumped and looked away from his crotch. I realised I'd been sizing up him up. Talk about a moth to a flame; I was like a fuckin' kamikaze pilot.

"Well?" The music of his unbroken voice brought me back from the Never Never Land and all those other lost boys. Elwyn giggled. The fact I'd been consuming him with my eyes seemed not to bother him in the slightest. "Can I come in and get it?"

"Yeh, fuckin' come in and get it. Come in and I'll give you it." I nearly said that, I nearly actually said that. But I said, "Uh, sure. Why didn't you just ask?" I stepped aside.

Elwyn's body brushed against me as he stepped into the house. I closed the door and watched him walk across the living room. I know it's a clche, but Elwyn Andersen definitely had a 'bubble butt'. I whistled under my breath as he turned the corner into the hall and disappeared towards Lee's room at the far end. For a moment I envied what those two got up to behind the closed door of Lee's bedroom.

After a few moments I followed Elwyn, but paused half-way down the unlit corridor. The door to my brother's room was open. Elwyn's reflection was clear in the wardrobe mirror. He reached into a dresser, pulled out a blue pair of Speedos and held the tiny suit in front of his body admiring himself in the mirror. Then something unexpected happened. He laid the suit on the dresser and began to strip.

Began to strip!

Elwyn slipped off his shorts; it was agonizing not to be able to get a full shot of his body. But I saw enough of him to realise he could shake it to the left, shake it to the right, shake in almost any direction he wanted. After a few moments I realized his hands were doing more than removing clothes. It took every ounce of self-control to keep from rushing in on him. I let my towel fall to the floor and began to jerk myself off. When Elwyn lifted one hand to his mouth, I fully understood what 'finger-licking good' means at last. I nearly shot my load against the bedroom door. I'd heard of a cock-teaser, but this kid had my nipples aching.

After licking the fingers of his right hand, Elwyn picked up his swimsuit and began to put it on. When he bent over to pull them up his legs, I nearly came again. I'd be lying if I said I could see his arsehole, but the creamy curve of his crack was quite enough - for the moment - with its darker shadows leading into the Valley of Delight.

My hand was still wrapped around my cock, stroking furiously, when Elwyn glanced in the wardrobe mirror. Peripheral vision told me he was watching at me in the mirror, but like anyone caught in the act I didn't want to believe it. I stopped stroking and avoided direct eye contact with a faint hope he hadn't seen anything, and a greater hope that he had. Finally, I could avoid it no longer and lifted my eyes; they met Elwyn's in the mirror.

It was a confusing moment. He must have wondered how long I'd been watching him. I wondered how long he'd been aware of me. My heart raced. If I didn't make the first move, I'd lose him. His eyes widened. My hand returned to its work. He continued to watch. I stroked myself slowly wondering what would happen when I reached the point of no return.

Elwyn must have read my mind. He reached down and pushed the swimsuit to the floor, once again revealing the perfect lines of his curving bum and his summer-tanned, hairless legs. He also had a hard-on, or at least he was well on the way to it. Was Elwyn Andersen finding the situation as erotic as me? We watched each other in the mirror; I stroked my cock faster and Elwyn let his fingers run across his chest, his stomach, and down in the general direction of his tumescent prick..

I stepped slowly toward my brother's room. Elwyn looked at me with ambiguous eyes. Overcome by desire, I misread his expression. The closer I got the more I wanted him, but I failed to see his reaction. By the time I reached the doorway he was trying frantically to pull his swimsuit up. I froze in place, scared I'd scared him off. I tried to put him at his ease by flicking on the radio. Out it came: "Time for a party - time to take a chance - Turn up the music - And we´ll dance - dance - dance." It sounded like "we'll fuck, fuck, fuck" to me sensitized ears. I flicked the radio off.

"Don't. I promise not to come any closer. I won't try anything. Just let me finish. If you don't, I think I'm going to die."

"I've heard promises before," Elwyn said, the swimsuit back in place, the outline of his cock pressed hard against the flimsy fabric.

"If you didn't trust me you'd already have bolted." I began to stroke my throbbing erection again. "Push your swimsuit down to your knees. That's all I want." Elwyn turned around. "I must be crazy," he muttered, pushing down his trunks. "You'd better not try anything."

"I'm the crazy one."

I felt the first quakes of orgasm rake my body. My knees weakened.


"For making that promise before I got a good look at you." I was in such a state of arousal that my hips thrust uncontrollably into my pounding hand. "You're twice as good-looking as I thought. It looks like your prick needs a pair of hot lips. Do you want your cock sucked as much as I want to suck it?" I couldn't believe I said that out loud.

"Maybe..." Elwyn blushed. He touched his cock and his eyes stared into mine. "...I want to let you, but it's best if I don't. At least not yet."

"Why not?"

"Please, Frankie." His eyes fell to my cock. "You promised not to try anything. I only want to watch you - for now."

For some reason, not at all clear to me, Elwyn reached out and flicked on the radio: Everyone - needs a little time - Everyone - a reason for a smile - Everyone - wants to love someone - Everyone - wants to have a little fun.

My hand moved faster and faster, and my balls retracted in preparation for what was about to happen. I rose up on my toes. My hand became a blur of motion on my cock; every muscle in my body strained.

"Don't you want to lie down or something?" Elwyn asked, concern in his voice as he gestured toward the bed.

"Oh, God. Oh, God. Oh, God!" I chanted, suddenly becoming ultra-religious, pinned on the verge of ecstasy for an eternity. The pleasure built and built. I leaned against the door jamb for support and my free hand moved to my aching testicles and milked them, nursing my orgasm to explosion.

The first shot flew eight feet across the room and landed on the mirror. Elwyn squealed in wonder. The second shot didn't fare so well, but still travelled more than five feet to land on my brother's bed. The next few were more like dribbling gushers than anything else. Then I trembled and quaked and a massive stream shot out against the wall again. Elwyn gasped and my cock exploded several more times as I sank to the carpet, exhausted.

When I came to my senses I knew it had been no dream. I was naked on the carpet in my brother's bedroom. There was cum on the mirror, on Lee's bed, on the carpet and all over me. I sat up in a daze. The radio was still burbling on: "My mama told me I´m too young to love, but I know what I know and I can´t get enough. I´m thinking ´bout you and me holding hands, Pushing you on a swing, We can do anything..."

"Oh, for fuck's sake."

I yanked the lead savagely out of the wall. Aaron returned to the ether.

Elwyn must have left in a hurry; the cum was still fresh and his shorts and T-shirt were on the floor. I picked up the shorts to hold them to my face and even the recent orgasm couldn't keep my cock from responding to their rich aroma.

Thoughts of his young arse made hard again in seconds, but I knew I'd have to wait. Jerking-off alone would never be the same again.

I was lying on the couch watching TV when the phone rang. I didn't want to get up. I let it ring six times before I went to answer it.


"Are you all right?" Elwyn's voice sounded relieved. "Until I took your pulse, I thought you'd died."

"I'm fine; but what happened to you? I woke up and you were gone."

"I got scared. I panicked. I should have stayed until you woke up."

"It's okay," I smiled down the phone. You're forgiven."

"Does your head hurt?"

"No... Why?"

"You bumped it pretty hard when you fell."

"Too far gone to notice. And by the way, I forgot to tell you what a sexy mother-fucker you are."

"I'm only eleven."

"I'm only twelve," I countered. "But I've seen enough naked guys to know when I see a truly gorgeous one like you." If you're going to tell lies, make sure they're whoppers.

"You must be some stud!" Elwyn teased. "Where do you see all these naked guys?"

My face reddened. "In magazines."

"Are you comparing me to pictures in your nasty magazines?"

"Do you mind?"

Elwyn giggled.

"Yeh... and no."

"What do you mean by that?"

"It means, 'Yeh' I'm teasing you, and 'No', because I really am too tired to start anything tonight."

"Tired?" I argued. "I'm talking about having some fun, not work. All you'd have to do is enjoy."

"What do you think I did after I watched you come all over your brother's bedroom? Do you think I ran home to clean the house?" Elwyn laughed. "Maybe I've had more experience than just magazines."

"Okay, okay," I laughed. "But I want you to know I feel cheated."


"You got to watch me. I didn't get to watch you."

"Ever seen another boy do it?" asked Elwyn.

"Masturbate? Wank? Jerk off?"

"Yeah." Elwyn giggled again. "Have you ever watched another boy shoot his load?

"No." My cock was beginning to stiffen again. I reached down to adjust it, my mind was filled with images of Elwyn finger-fucking himself. I'd already glimpsed a sample and had enjoyed it immensely. "Would you do it for me?"

"I don't know." his voice was soft. "Have to think about it."

"Why?" I pressed. "I did it for you."

"That was different," he objected, "I've seen you. You get as horny as hell. Do you think you could stand to just watch."

"I can jerk off while you're doing it." I suggested. "We could watch each other."

"You don't give up, do you?" Elwyn sighed.

"I've never wanted anything more."

There was a song playing in my head: "Now my knees went weak When you said hi And then you held my hand And looked me in the eyes I almost died Deep inside." Do insane people know when they're going bonkers? I took a breath and changed the subject.

"What did you think when you saw me doing it?"

"I was scared at first, when you started walking toward me. You looked horny enough to rape me or something. But then I realized how much you liked me and I wouldn't mind if you did - rape me, I mean. I'm glad I stayed. You put on quite a show. I know someone who'd buy tickets to watch you come like that."

"Tell him he can watch for free. Does he do stuff?"

"Jesus! You older guys are all alike." Elwyn began to giggle and laugh. "You'll fuck anything with two legs. But what if I told you that you lived with this boy? Would you still be interested in knowing if he puts out?"

"What?" I stammered.

I was at a loss for words.

"The only other boy who lives here is Lee, my brother."

"He's still a boy," Elwyn giggled, "And the last time I saw him naked he looked like a pretty sexy boy, too. Would you let him watch if he wanted?"

"This is crazy!" I said. "Lee's straight, absolutely straight."

"What the fuck's that got to do with the price of eggs?" asked Elwyn.

"You can't be serious. What makes you think my brother would want to watch me jerk-off?" My heart began to race. Ever since I caught sight of my brother getting out of the shower with an erection a few months ago, I'd been trying to see more. Lee was definitely very, very sexy. I'd sometimes wondered where Lee had got his looks. He was so much darker than everyone else in the family. He was one of those lucky guys who look permanently tanned. He looked as if he'd escaped from a travel brochure: sun-kissed, long sun-bleached hair, grey-blue eyes, slightly snubbed nose, a smattering of freckles, wide shoulders, wasp waist, jutty little ass, and leggy legs.

Elwyn changed the subject. "He knows you spy on him."

"He knows what?" I whispered.

"He told me," Elwyn giggled wickedly. "We tell each other everything - when our mouths aren't full," he giggled. I have to admit I missed the point of Elwyn's last remark.

"Prove it."

My face was turning as red as the head of my cock.

"Two weeks ago, Monday night. Lee was changing into his boxers.He heard a noise outside the window. He knew it was you, so he stripped down to his underpants and put on a show. You wanted to see what was in his pants, didn't you?"

"Could've been anyone."

My pulse quickened. My heart skipped a bit. My cock added another inch.

"Maybe you didn't notice, but his window was a bit open. You made quite a noise climbing in and out of your bedroom window. He heard you come and he heard you go." Elwyn chuckled. "He even heard your zipper go down. And don't say it could have been a cricket; it would have to be a fucking cricket the size of Godzilla to make that kind of racket. Can you imagine that? Jerking off outside your own brother's window! You should find somebody else's brother - for example, mine."

"Jesus Christ." I was embarrassed. "I can't believe this! What else do you know?" I was confused. "Okay, okay... That's enough." Lee not only knew about my unbrotherly desires, but was actively inciting them. Worse, he was telling Elwyn all about it.

"Do you remember the cycle shorts he was wearing?"

"Candy on the beach, there's nothing better, But I like candy when it's wrapped in a..." Pair of cycle shorts! I was going nuts!

I swallowed hard. I thought about hanging up the phone and concentrating on my dick.

"He borrowed them from me," Elwyn giggled. "Kind of short, aren't they? I got so many whistles and stares Mum won't let me wear them in public anymore. Did he have a underpants on when he wore them?"


I reached down to free my erection. My body was activating freedom, my mind accelerating passion. Maybe the reality of our youth is overlooked by those who restrict our freedom.

"Isn't that wild?" Elwyn laughed. "Your brother showed you everything he's got. Well, maybe not everything. Right there in broad daylight while you were watching TV. Did it make you hard or what?"

"Maybe, but why would I tell you?" I was getting more excited by the second.

"'Cos I've got my middle finger up my bum hole while we're chatting," he giggled. "By the way, do you lile bumholes? I'm crazy about them. Can I kiss yours?"

"This is getting crazy, Elwyn." I leaned against the wall and my hand went to my throbbing erection. I began to stroke myself. "Why... why are you telling me this?"

"Well, for one thing, I left that door open on purpose, because I get jealous every time Lee talks about you. I wanted to see what it was like to be him. But when you saw me and started walking toward me, I suddenly realized you wanted to do more than look. I wanted it, too."

"If that was true, you'd have let me," I objected.

"I wasn't afraid of you. I'm afraid of hurting Lee. He's my best friend and I've known him longer than I've known you."

"This is too much!" My heart pounded. The vista Elwyn offered was beyond my wildest dreams. I was consumed by incestuous thoughts. "Are you saying what I think you're saying?"

"Let me tell you a secret: the walls in your house are pretty thin. Lee can hear your balls slapping around every time you jerk-off. I've heard it myself a couple times when I spent the night with him. He knows when you jerk off, and he knows you do it every time you spy on him. We've also read all of your mags. You should find a better hiding place for them. Behind the boiler - too easy!"

"This is embarrassing!" I was beet red now.

"I think it's great. Why don't you go look under his bed? He does more than just lie there while he listens to you." Elwyn's voice trailed off and the click was followed by a dead line.

I returned the handset to its cradle. I was dumbfounded. I sat there for ten minutes before I went to Lee's bedroom.

Elwyn's shorts still lay on the dresser where I'd left them earlier I picked them up and pressed them to my face. The fragrance of his flies and bum hole were strong. My cock ached and throbbed for release but I put the shorts down and walked to my brother's bed. Half of me wanted to stop, but the other half had to know. I dropped to my knees and looked.

I found two magazines. One was 'Street Angels' I recognized as having mysteriously disappeared a few weeks ago. It's amazing how things can just walk off from behind a boiler, and because of self-incrimination, no questions are ever asked. The other magazine was the size of a paper-back.


My heart raced. I opened the cover. The book was full of letters about incest. There were stories of brothers and brothers, fathers and daughters, mothers and sons, aunts and uncles, cousins and just about every possible combination a family can have. There was even one starring the family fucking dog for Christ's sake!

I began to read. The stories were more than hot; they were believable and obviously written by different people. Needless to say I went straight to the section on brothers and brothers. Within minutes I was so aroused I had to free my cock. I stroked myself as I imagined Lee would do while I read of a boy who fucked his brother in the basement of their house. Within minutes my cock was throbbing and jerking between my fingers.

After cleaning up the last mess, I didn't want a repeat performance. I looked under my brother's bed for something to come on and saw a pair of jockeys that would be perfect. When I reached to retrieve them I got more than I bargained for: a dildo fell out! Eight inches of hot cock in pink rubber! And I'd always thought it was something meant for just grown-ups.

I gasped at the thought. Was this what Elwyn had meant? Did my kid brother screw himself with a dildo while he listened to me jerk off? Only the other night, I'd told Lee to go fuck himself. Did he take me literally? What kind of fucking family was I in?

Lee's jockeys were wrapped around my cock just before it exploded and I filled the intimate garment with spurt after spurt of semen. I lifted the dildo to my face; the smell of my kid brother's arse hole was on the rubber. I lifted the dildo to my lips and tasted it. The flavour of my brother's forbidden rectum was weak, but it filled me with an enthusiasm I'd not previously known. I must have presented quite a sight as I sucked on that dildo, but I didn't care. I kissed and licked every inch of the rubber cock until I was satisfied every remnant of my brother had been consumed.

Then I - and even somethings are hard for me to admit - I worked the dildo up my arse and jerked myself off to images of Lee and Elwyn with a couple of guest appearances by Yours Truly.

After my orgasm subsided I crawled into Lee's bed with his little jockeys still wrapped around my cock. Shit! What would my friends think of me? Aw. fuck it: I'm all grown up now, run and tell your friends.

I lay there wondering where all this stuff had come from. Okay, I'm gay, I'd accepted that a few months ago though I was too scared to do much about it. But Lee gay, too? It was hard to believe. And these incestuous desires; where did they come from? My family was normal: a mother and father who loved each other, who loved us. Our affection for each other was always open. Okay, I'm a bit repressed but that's to be expected when you keep a secret most of your life. But we had a good home and a summer house at the beach. Mom enjoyed being a housewife; she'd go back to teaching when Lee and I went to college. Dad had his own business and, as far as I knew, it was doing well. We were candidates for Pleasantville, so what had gone wrong? Maybe nothing had gone wrong; maybe that's the way it was meant to be.

My fitful slumber was filled with wild dreams, and if I hadn't already drained myself, I probably would have one of those fabled nocturnal emissions: it´s a natural feeling, and it´s high - high - high!

The phone remained stubbornly silent all morning. I sulked around the house waiting for its signal. The doorbell rang at noon and I opened the door for Elwyn. To my delight he was wearing his swim suit, a ragged T-shirt and a pair of battered trainers. The air was hot already; we were in for another fierce one.

"Hi," he chirped.

He strolled to the sofa and parked his little candyass. I was already humming inside: "Some day soon I'll make you mine Then I'll have candy all the time..."

"Hi, Elwyn, how's it hanging?" I replied as nonchalantly as I could. I took a seat on the couch facing him.

"Did you look under Lee's bed?"


I blushed as I remembered how I'd abused Lee's dildo. I made a mental note to do it again.

"What did you find?" he asked wickedly.

"Two magazines: a 'Street Angels' he stole from me, and a book full of stories about incest. I also found the dildo."

"Did you like it?"

"Yeh." I stared into his eyes. "I jerked off and came in a pair of his jockeys." Since Elwyn obviously knew so much about me, it was silly to go on playing games. "And I sucked off the dildo while I was jerking. I could still smell him."

"That wasn't Lee you were smelling. That was me," the eleven-yearold angel laughed. "Actually, you were probably smelling both of us. Leave the stuff under the pillow for him. He'll love to find them."

"How long has he been using a dildo?" I'd to look down because his T-shirt had ridden up showing the outline of his prick inside the Speedos. I licked my lips and wanted to see more.

The dildo belongs to me. Well, I stole it from my mum's room. I let Lee borrow it. What do you think now?"

"I think I'm going to cum in my shorts," I said and reached for my zipper. It rasped open and I reached in to pull out my straining erection. It was wild, stroking myself in front of him while he watched as though it were a normal thing to do. "You can watch if you like. In fact, I'd like you to watch me. And you know how much I'd like to watch you."

"That sounds a fair offer," Elwyn blushed. "Would you make the same offer to Lee?"

"He's not sitting in front of me with his cock stiffening between his legs. But if Lee were here, knowing what I know now, yeh, I'd make the same offer." My heart raced at the confession.

Elwyn looked into my eyes and changed the subject, never taking his eyes from my cock as I jerked it rhythmically. "I dreamed about you last night. Did you dream about me? I know I'm only in Year 7, but maybe you like me a little bit."

"I will be yours if you´ll be mine I will be there till the end of time I will be with you until the day that I die I´ll be yours, I´ll be yours."

I didn't actually put into those words. What I did grunt was: "Uh."

Maybe you just dreamed about Lee?

"That's a loaded question."

"It's okay." Elwyn giggled. "I can imagine what was in your mind last night, but I hope you thought about me little bit."

"I thought about you a lot." I fondled my swollen balls and gripped my shaft more tightly. "Take off your T-shirt."

Elwyn rose to his feet and pulled the T-shirt over his head in one quick, graceful motion. The garment trailed from his hand for a moment before fluttering to the floor. His body was tanned from the summer heat wave. He was uniformly golden, his darker nipples serving to highlight the bronzed curve of his chest. Elwyn's nipples were like hot little studs, reddish brown, in the centre of a lighter chocolate brown.

I licked my lips and stroked my cock faster as I imagined what it would be like to kiss and suck his nipples. "Turn around and show me your bum."

"You're a real perv!" Elwyn teased as he turned his back to me and bent forward slightly. Without being asked, he slowly pushed his swimsuit down to his ankles and held the pose.He fondled his cheeks for a few long moments, then spread them playfully open. I whistled appreciation at the sight of his tightly puckered anus; he responded by pulling them wider to give me a full view of the crease that darkened towards the centre, and then became that little hole that held the key to a universe I was desperate to enter. He searched my wild eyes from between his legs while his hands moved up the back of his thighs. He pulled the lips of his anus apart and I though I could just see his insides, then he straightened and spun around to face me.

I was breathless.

He obviously knew the mind of a twelve-year-old boy.

"You have a lovely penis."

I was curious.

"How many have you seen?"

"Three," he smiled. "Well, more than three, but three that were ready for action. Lee's, yours and and my brother's."

"Danny?" I stammered. "You've seen Danny hard?"

"Yeh. I've spied on him a couple times. He'd probably flip if he knew I watched him jerk off." Elwyn had a mischievous look in his eyes.

"You watched him jerk off?" I asked, incredulous. "Has he seen you do... I mean... has he seen you with that dildo?"

"Hell no!" he laughed. "Danny wouldn't look at me twice. You're a good-looking guy, Frankie, but everybody knows Danny is the coolest-looking stud in the whole school. And that's without seeing that horse cock of his! I'd give anything to get it on with him, but it just ain't gonna happen. He hardly knows I exist."

"Why do you spy on him?"

You're worse than your brother!" Elwyn sat down on the sofa and spread his legs wide. "I do it because it's naughty, and I love to do naughty things." He pulled his knees up onto the sofa so that he was sitting opposite me, then lay back on a cushion and flexed his legs open and closed.

"Why am I worse than my brother?"

"Both of you are jealous," he said, then added, "What do you want me to do?"

"Show me your bumhole again," I whispered.

Elwyn slid fingers to his arse hole. One finger dipped briefly at the bottom before running up the crease and pausing at his balls. "If Lee knew what we were doing right now, I don't know who he'd be more jealous of - me or you."

His teasing was taking it's toll and my hips began thrusting my cock into my hand. "But if he's jealous of me, then you have a problem."

"What makes you think that would be a problem?" Elwyn's face blushed and he rammed two fingers deep into his arsehole and began fucking himself.

"Jesus!" My eyes bulged and I held my breath. This kind of visual stimulation was new to me, and I couldn't take my eyes from him. Neither could I ignore the implications of his last remark.

Elwyn's feet lifted to the sofa. When his thighs opened again he was spread completely. Hands left his ankles; one to rub his arsehole while two fingers of the other played with his balls. He removed them and the aroma of his sex permeated the air as the glistening digits approached his lips. He licked them with apparent gusto and his eyes rolled as he tasted himself. Then he looked wildly at me. The fingers returned to his waiting rectum hole and plunged in.

Something snapped, perhaps it was the look in his eyes, and I knew this was no longer simply a kids' game for him. His desperate finger-fucking was truly amazing. I dropped to the carpet and knelt with my face less than two inches from his gyrating butthole. He moaned and fingered himself ever harder under my scrutiny, the tight ass hole yielding at each thrust. I was desperate to lean forward, to lick, kiss, probe, enter, taste...

My face tilted up and my back arched. I jerked my cock with blinding speed and moaned loudly in warning as I came. My eyes were closed, but I knew my sperm was landing on his body. That thought extended the orgasm for what seemed forever. The intensity faded at last and I opened my eyes to see Elwyn smearing my cum over chest and belly as though it was Vaseline.

I tensed and began to cum again, this time landing on his arsehole. Elwyn stretched it open and smiled. I moaned and leaned forward. The boy's eyes glazed as my cock drew closer. I knew he wanted me, but the intensity of a double orgasm had been too much. My cock was too soft to serve when I nestled it at his slippery crack. Slender fingers tried to stuff me in, but it was no use.

I looked into his eyes with the expression of the boy who lost Christmas. He began to laugh and I'd to laugh too. But it wasn't really funny; I wanted to fuck him more than I wanted my next breath. Elwyn must have sensed my embarrassment; he pressed his lips to mine and kissed me. His tongue darted into my mouth and we tongue-fucked for several minutes. This was the first serious kiss in my life, and it had to be with an eleven-year-old boy!

Elwyn rolled out from under me and rose to his feet. He reached for his things and in silence I watched him put them on. It turned me on to know underneath he was naked and smeared with my cum.

I suddenly wanted him to stay.

"Don't go."

Elwyn skipped down the porch and into the yard. I followed to the bottom of the steps before I realized I was still naked. I stopped and covered myself with both hands. Elwyn laughed and teased me, lifting the front of his T-shirt. If not for the children playing in the neighbour's yard I'd have tackled him, right then and right there. Instead I ran back into the house. He must have known I'd be watching out the window because he stopped and grabbed his crotch just before he turned the corner and disappeared.

A couple of hours later, the doorbell rang: Elwyn! I practically ran to the door. I composed myself, gathered my breath and opened it: Lee!

"What are you doing home?"

Lee yawned and walked past me into the hall. "The beach was pretty boring," he said. "Too many fucking adults, or too many adults not fucking," he laughed. "I grabbed the local bus. It took a couple of hours to get here, and I'm shattered. Think I'll go to bed for a couple of hours. See ya." He walked past me and head for his room.

That was about the longest conversation I'd had with my little brother in the last couple of years, and it was probably the most friendly. As he strolled down the hall, his tight little bum switching from side to side in his summer shorts, I looked at him with new eyes. So, my little brother fucked himself in the arse with a dildo. Far out, man!

I decided to follow Lee's example and have a couple of hours in bed. Then maybe we could get a barbecue together, phone Danny and Elwyn, and make a swimming afternoon of it. Thank God, no thank Dad, we'd had a new pool built last summer, and we were getting the chance to us it. Thank God, for Global Warming!

It was late when I awoke, already noon and I trotted toward the shower.

Lee was coming out of the bathroom at the same moment I tried to enter. Both of us were half-asleep. The force of our collision nearly sent him sprawling. He caught the edge of the sink, but that took his hands from his bath towel which promptly fell to the floor, exposing his damp, muscular little body. I hadn't seen Lee totally naked for a couple of years. It was worth waiting for.

The boy had hair! Not much, but definitely hair. All around the base of his cock and the lower part of his tummy. My kid brother was growing up fast. He'd probably been pulling on his cock in the shower, otherwise, he was better-hung then me, and I'm no three-inch dwarf, but I reckoned he'd one of those pricks that looks much the same length-wise, flaccid or hard. Nice shape, too.

"Fuck it, Frankie!"

Lee bent over to pick up his towel.

"Watch where you're going."

He stalked off before I could speak. I don't know why I didn't go after him then, our parents were at the beach, but I left the bathroom door open while I showered. I strolled to my bedroom whistling a happy tune.

On the way, I reached behind the boiler to retrieve a magazine, I found a pair of jockeys! My heart raced when I realized they were the ones I'd placed under Lee's pillow. The little devil was sending me a message that couldn't have been clearer.

I ripped off my shorts and ran for his bedroom. One way or another I was determined to have it out with Lee, and the quicker the better. The sounds of sex grew louder as I approached his bedroom door. Soft moans wet, syrupy noises. Lee was only eleven, and Lee was my brother, but he was using the dildo I'd sucked, the dildo that still had traces of Lee and Elwyn on it.

Lee lay on his back in bed, body jiggling in time to the hands so busy below his waist. I was about to stick my head in the doorway to see the show of my life when I heard the front door open and close. If sound could kill I'd have died, then and there. The only people who would enter without knocking were my mother and my father. Fear froze the back of my neck and I scurried for the safety of my room. But when I turned the corner of the hall, I ran smack into someone. We tumbled to the floor and I landed on top.

"Jesus H. Christ!" Elwyn yelped.


Although my apology was sincere, I made no effort to rise. My erection was pinned comfortably between our bodies, and that seemed a good place to leave it.

"Did I interrupt something?"

Elwyn's eyes widened as he realized his predicament. He was naked under his shorts and my cock throbbed against his cheeks.

"Kind of..." I tried to smile.

One quick rip and my cock would nestle within his vulnerable crack. The thought drove me wild with passion. I lowered my mouth as he twisted his head to look up at me. He returned my kiss. We moved our tongues together while I rubbed my erection against the cleft of his ass hole in the wettest dry-fuck on earth.

Elwyn ended the kiss with a gasp.

"Am I interruptint?"

"I heard fucking sounds." I said, "I think Lee's using the dildo right now." I rose up and Elwyn's eyes followed my erection. "Lee's door was open and I was about to stick my head in for a look when you came in. Jesus, I thought you were my mother or my father."

Elwyn laughed and manoeuvred himself into a sitting position on the rug in the hall. I knelt in front of him.

I could believe neither ears nor eyes. The boy was sitting there studying my erection like it was the best thing on earth, yet offered to leave and let me continue to spy on my brother. The lewdness of his offer aroused me beyond self-control. My hand found his and led him to my bedroom. I closed the door and settled on the bed to sit and study him more thoroughly. Elwyn gave me a wild look.

He saw the hunger in my eyes and pulled his T-shirt over his head.

I explained what had happened this morning and went on, "I went to my room to jerk-off, but when I reached behind the boiler for a magazine I found his jockeys. You know, the ones I soiled and put under his pillow. That was the last straw. I stripped off my clothes and went after his. When I got to his door I heard the sounds. I thought either he had you in there, or he was using the dildo on his bum."

Elwyn kicked off his trainers, pushed down his suit and stood naked in front of me. "How's that?" Elwyn's hands came down to my head and he nestled against me. His nipples were pebbles against my face and the heat of his erection burned my belly. Anxious hands cradled his arse while I kissed and licked each square inch of his chest and stomach. When I started to suck at the nipples, he moaned and began to feed them to me. My hands slid up his spine and I rolled back, pulling him with me. Our mouths met and we kissed. I slipped my cock between his legs and up into his crack until the tip touched his bum hole.

Elwyn began to kiss down my chest. He stopped to suck on my nipples and I was surprised at how good it felt. He dropped to his knees before me. His tongue probed my belly button before descending to my erection. He kissed and nibbled, up and down its length, while his sure hands stroked it. Then he took the knob into his mouth. I cupped his head when his tongue swirled around the cap and he made a gurgling sound as his mouth came down, taking me deep into his throat. I was surprised and moaned with pleasure. I'd never have believed it was possible, but he was consuming my whole cock.

"Jesus, Elwyn! Where in the hell did you learn that?"

Elwyn's mouth slowly rose up off my cock. he licked his lips and smiled. "I've been practising on Lee, and on the dildo. It's called deep throating. With the dildo, I can touch it inside my throat. Touching it on the otuside, I mean. Am I doing it right?"

Hell, yeh!" I laughed and pulled his face back to my aching erection.

Elwyn took me back into his mouth sucked with increasing ardour. His head moved up and down, faster and faster, and I knew I'd come soon. I warned him, but he sucked even harder until finally I could delay no more. Elwyn continued to suck as I exploded in his mouth, and swallowed most of it before he lifted his mouth away. I rose up on my elbows to watch him lick my spent cock clean. It turned me on so much I was hard again before he'd finished.

"It's my turn!" I said as I pushed him onto his back on the floor.

"Do my hole again," he whispered.

He spread his legs wide open.

I looked at his sweet bum hole for a glorious moment. I poked a finger into the tight hole, then removed the glistening digit and lifted it to my lips. Elwyn intercepted my hand and pulled the finger to his own mouth. I discerned the naughtiest look in his eyes as his tongue darted out to taste his own anal juices. He sucked my finger clean and plugged it back into his hot little hole. I thrust the finger in and out. He yelped as his tight bum hole pulsed around my finger.

I heaved his legs up onto my shoulders and jammed my face into his crack. I tongued his anus, probed with my tongue, and increased the pressure until I found his anal ring give way and open and close as it gradually stretched to accommodate the invader. It wasn't as difficult as I thought it would be. Then I remembered why not. Elwyn had been working on his arsehole with the dildo, and, for all I knew, with my brother's cock. I might not be the first to go where no boy had boldly gone before.

"Fuck me, Frankie," Elwyn pleaded.

"Yeh, Frankie. Yeh. fuck him, Frankie." Lee's voice chirped from behind me. "All we do is hold hands in the park. We can't even stay late after dark. Maybe it really was love from the start. But you get to fuck him!"

I spun around, still holding Elwyn's legs back. The most embarrassing thing that could ever happen, had happened. My brother stood in my doorway getting an eyeful. He was naked and leaned casually on the door frame as though he'd been watching for hours.

"Well?" said Lee with a toss of his hair. "Don't let me interrupt. You two seemed to be having such a good time. Just carry on as you were. Hope you don't mind if I watch, though."

I was scarlet with embarrassment. Blood thundered in my temples, but I couldn't let go of Elwyn. It was as if my cock were glued in the entrance of his rectum hole.

Lee came into the room, pulled the chair up to the edge of my bed and sat down. Hard nipples stuck out and he opened his legs wide. The dildo was jammed in his arse! "Come on, you two," he said, his voice teasing and very erotic. "Show me a good fuck. I'm not too young and I'm not too old. I've never seen my brother with a slut."

"I'm not a slut!" Elwyn protested, he lacked credibility with my cock up his bum hole.

"Never thought I'd catch you fucking my best friend, Frankie. Still, If you show me a really good fuck, maybe I'll show you something even sexier!" Lee reached between his legs and started working the dildo in and out of his bum; the big, pink, rubber cock slid in and out of his hole so easily I guessed Lee was greased up and raring to go.

I returned my face to Elwyn, conscious my brother was intently watching our every move. I kissed daintily at his lips, still not certain I should be doing this, but our tongues met again and there was no stopping. Slowly, almost deliberately, I lowered my aching cock into his hot, wet arse hole until descending pubic arch met rising buttocks. Elwyn squeezed triumphantly and we began to fuck.

I was vaguely aware Lee was no longer seated on the bed. He was kneeling beside us. I glanced over at him. he was flushed with excitement, lust burning in his eyes. Wet sounds gurgled from Elwyn's arse hole but I didn't care, just kept moving my cock in and out. Lee reached in to capture my balls in his hand.

"Shit, Frankie, " he said, "this is a beauty. You could have any boy you want. All you have to do is show them this whopper!"

I couldn't speak. Lee smiled and began to squeeze a rippling rhythm on my testicles. His hand might not feel as good as Elwyn's arsehole on my cock, but it was a welcome addition. My thrusts grew longer and deeper.

"Oh shit, Frankie, I'm gonna cum!" Elwyn groaned and I raised up on my arms. and Elwyn grabbed my cheeks while I pumped my cock into the orgasmic clasp of his ass hole. Lee's best friend jerked up and down, twisting furiously. My cock sloshed in and out until the first squirt splashed into the depths of his anus. I moaned and slammed home. My brother giggled and continued to milk my balls until they were empty.

"Now for the best part," Lee said in a teasing voice. He pulled me from Elwyn and rolled me onto my back, then straddled my lap and tugged Elwyn up. Before I realized what was happening, it was too late. Like a stooping hawk, Elwyn's dripping arse hole descended on my mouth. I knew what cum looked like and felt like, but was I ready to have it flow into my mouth, even from such a lovely vessel?"

"Now ain't that cute? Chew ass, Frankie!"

It took me a few moments to realise what was happening. Elwyn was squatting over me, his arsehole jammed against my mouth. Lee straddled me in such a way he could suck Elwyn's stiff cock. I could feel Elwyn's ring, sopping with my juices, ride against my lips and mouth as Lee sucked him off. A sudden shuddering of Elwyn's arsehole told me he was cumming, shooting his pent-up load into my little brother's mouth while Lee was still furiously working the dildo in and out of his own sweet arsehole.

My tongue was still slimy from cum and anal juices when Lee pushed Elwyn off my face and pulled my mouth to his for a kiss. His tongue worked into my mouth, and he was actually sucking Elwyn's cum and my cum at the same time. Then Lee twisted his body around so that his cock was at my mouth.

I didn't have time to study Lee's dick as he jammed it into my mouth; it tasted incredibly sweet with an undertaste of sweat and smeg. He couldn't hold out for long. Within seconds I felt him spurt and squirts jets of hot cum into the back of my throat. It was a struggle to keep up with him, and I felt some of his semen escape from the corners of my mouth and slide down my chin.

I thought it was over. It had to be over, but Lee wasn't quite finished yet. I felt him crawl along my body until his mouth was at my crotch, his breath hot of my rehardened prick. "This is the best way to get boy-cum," I heard him groan. He didn't hesitate a second as he took me all the way into his throat.

My brother gulped and gobbled, effortlessly fucking my engorged cock with mouth and throat. He looked up at me, pride in his beaming eyes. Lee's tongue raped me as Elwyn's hand on my balls beat rhythmic squeezes in time to the sucking, slurping sounds that filled the little bedroom.

I howled as my balls erupted, and a river squirted up the long shaft of my dick. The tip was at the bottom of Lee's throat, and he gulped the load as it poured into him. Panting hoarsely, Lee had finally to come up for air. He fell back onto the carpet and wrapped his legs around me, his arms around Elwyn. "You know what I've got," he said. "I've got the best brother and the best friend a boy could have."

We lay there for quite a while getting our breath back, coming to our senses. I told the boys about my idea for the barbecue and a swim-in. "Great," said Lee, "but we'll have to wait till four o'clock."

"Why?" asked Elwyn.

"Because that's when Danny will get back from the beach."


"Your brother Danny. Remember?"

But why's he coming back from the beach? I thought he was staying there the whole weekend," queried Elwyn.

Because," explained Lee very carefully, as if addressing a five-year-old, "Danny wants to fuck me again."

"What!" That was a simultaneous 'What!' from both Elwyn and myself.

"Because," repeated Lee, "Danny fucked me last night at the beach. He wants to fuck me again. I want him to fuck me. He'd also like to fuck both of you, but that's your business," he added fairly.

"I told him we'd be here this afternoon. Anybody not up for it can be elsewhere." Lee sighed and lay back.

"Wow!" whispered Elwyn. "I've always wanted it. Danny to fuck me, I mean. What about you, Frankie?"

"Double that Wow," I said. "I've always wanted to fuck Danny. What a fuckin' great holiday!"

"Could we get some shut-eye?" asked Lee. "There'll be plenty time for suckin' 'n' fuckin' this afternoon. By the way, Frankie, have you seen what Elwyn can do with a barbecued sausage. Far out, man. Fucking far out."

"Right," laughed Lee, "but anyone wanna see me take a shii before we go to bed?"

Lee was right.

Summer was here.

Now was the time to get wild!


I love boys, always have, always will, I hope.

Now, if I was over 18, a statement like that would get me into serious trouble. But I'm not over 18, I'm 16, so that means I'm still a boy. Right? Or is it? I think of myself as a young man, and I've been loving boys ever since I got into sex. So, maybe what I've been doing was all right when I was twelve, or thirteen, or fourteen, even fifteen. But now I'm sixteen, what am I meant to think of myself?

Does this mean I'm going to be a DOM, a dirty old man, who wears a mac and chases young boys? Or will I graduate to older boys, to young men, to men, to older men, to old men? How the fuck should I know! And when I'm talking about boys, I'm not talking about kids; honest, I've no interest in kids. I've got three younger brothers, 11, 9 and 7, myself, and my sister Eileen, 13, (my mother and father like to plan things). The thought of getting it on with them, while it doesn't horrify me, doesn't tempt me. I don't know. It's all too complicated for me. Let's go back to where it all started - Can anyone ever do that? -and see how things worked out the way they did.

When I say 'boyfriend' I mean more than just a boy who was my friend. Elwyn was my boyfriend but not my 'boyfried'. Actually, Elwyn was more of a sex fiend.

My first real boyfriend's name was Eric. It's a bit strange writing that: boyfriend, I mean. Even to me, it sounds a bit weird: I'm a boy and yet I've a boyfriend. It goes against the grain, doesn't it? Or at least it goes against the brain-washing every boy has to endure: 'big boys don't cry' and 'boys don't have boyfriends'.

Maybe it's hard to call him a boyfriend because it was puppy love. I knew Eric in junior school. He was tall for his age with collar-length black hair. He was tall and I was the shortest guy in the school. I guess it's all relative but he did look cute anyway. By no means the best-looking boy in the school but there sure as hell were a lot worse, including me, if I'm being strictly honest. I wasn't a dwarf or a gargoyle or anything like that, and I always had a big dick for my age, so life does have its compensations, I guess.

Towards the end of the school year I met Eric. My teacher had asked me to clean out the book room and sort the books by title and place them neatly on their proper shelves. I was the kind of person who would do anything to get out of class so I spent all morning sorting books. After a while it got pretty boring. I asked teacher if one of my friends could help me. It wasn't that I couldn't do it myself, I wanted someone to shoot the breeze with.

My teacher, because there was only a few days of school left, didn't much care what was going on and said sure. I got my friend. He brought along Eric and introduced him as a friend. I'd noticed Eric a couple of times, especially in gym. He was, as teachers say, athletically-gifted, and a born swimmer. Even at 11, Eric had broad shoulders, tiny waist, neat little bum, long legs and big feet. He had that smooth, shiny, satiny skin that serious swimmers seem to have, always looking as if he'd stepped out from under a shower. Anyway, where was I?

We were so busy sorting books and talking that the afternoon went by real fast. By the end of the day, we had all the books sorted and in their places. Naturally I didn't tell my teacher because I wanted to milk this job for all it was worth. I told sir we had more work to do but we should be able to get it done in a day or two. We left some books in a messy piles so we could show him we were not yet done.

We started early next morning and worked hard at doing absolutely nothing. We sat on our asses talking. My friend, Alfie, lit up a cigarette, which at that age was a mortal sin, especially in school, but closed in the book room we didn't care. Alfie drew on the cigarette and the room filled with smoke. Cigarette smoke always seems to give me headaches so I lay down on the floor to relax. Eric said 'cool' and lay down on the floor, too, but unfortunately not near me. Alfie said, "I'm in with the in-crowd," got up, turned off the light and lay down on the floor.

As my eyes adjusted to what little light was coming under the door, I noticed Alfie had lain down beside Eric. They had their arms around each other and were busy necking hard! Holy fucking Batman! My friend Alfie was lying on the floor, arms and legs wrapped round Eric while they kissed, tongued and frenched like my sister Eileen and one of her boyfriends at a school disco. This wasn't real, this couldn't be happening, this was Major League Naughty. So was the erection in my pants that sprang up as I listened to the smooching and slobbering only feet from where I lay.

After a few minutes, I saw Alfie's hand slip down inside Eric's shirt. This was too much. I was testing the stitching on my pants zipper. I couldn't believe they were doing this. I wanted to run over there and stick my hand down Eric's shirt, too. But of course, I couldn't do that. It wouldn't be right to bother them so I lay there nursing my throbbing hard-on.

They finally got up and turned on the lights. Alfie and Eric recomposed themselves as if nothing untoward had taken place. We talked for a while, sorted the rest of the books, then left the book room for our respective classrooms. Next day was the last day of school and we weren't allowed to work in the bookroom, which disappointed me no end.

Alfie and Eric were going out for pizza after school and asked me to come along. Sure. I met Alfie and Eric after school and we strolled to a pizza parlour not too far away. Alfie's mother drove by and stopped when she saw him. She called him over and asked to see his report card. It was crap! She started screaming, bundled him into the car and gunned away.

Eric and I decided we would go for pizza and phone Alfie later. We sat and munched our pizzas and talked about anything that came to our minds. Over the next hour we became friends. I invited Eric to my house to go swimming. I didn't expect it but he accepted my invitation right away. From that point on, while walking to his house to get his bathing suit and then to my house, I was on cloud nine.

Let me make something absolutely clear. At this stage, I wasn't thinking about sex with Eric, well, not that much, probably because Major League sex with anybody wasn't something I'd thought about. Of course, I'd lain in my bed lots of times, played with my prick and thought about doing things to some of the prettier foxes in the local girls' school, but I knew that was fantasy, and anyway, it never turned me on. Now and again, thoughts of boys, especially boys in the changing rooms, had crept into a corner of my mind, but I'd dismissed them outright as temptations from the Devil (who was big in our home).

The walk to my house took forever. I couldn't wait to see Eric in his bathing suit. We talked along the way, and I started to like him. He was open, frank and fun, with opinions on about everything and everyone. It was a liberating experience.I got up the nerve to hold his elbow as I guided him towards our house. Boy, was that a great accomplishment for me. I've always found it difficult to make physical contact with people around me. Then Eric put his arm around my neck as we strolled along in the late afternoon sunshine. I could have burst with pride; putting your arm round another boy's neck in public was a real sigh of friendship!

We reached my house and we went inside so I could show him around. We found my mother working in the kitchen. I introduced Eric to her. He was polite and answered mom's questions about his family with a self-confidence I admired but couldn't emulate. Mom liked him! I finished showing Eric around the house, then took him downstairs to the basement pool. I showed him the side room where he could get changed while I slipped upstairs to change into my bathing suit.

Dad built our basement pool. It runs the length of the house and is about ten feet wide. The shallow end is about 3 feet deep, the far end is 6 feet deep. We're all taught to swim before we can walk, literally, in our house, but the rule stays the same: you can't go swimming on your own.

I changed in my bedroom and flew downstairs. Eric emerged wearing a super bright, blood-red, pair of Speedos which made him look beautiful. It accented his long black hair and the copper-coloured tan of his skin. For the first time I noticed he had a set of nipples on him few boys in junior school had. In actuality, they weren't that big but they sure looked good enough to.... I think Eric noticed I was staring at his chest. He smiled and looked down his body; I blushed and looked away. I heard a splash and looked up to see Eric disappearing into the blue-green water of the deep end.

I put my eyes back in my head and dived in after him. We swam and splashed around for about an hour. The pool has a slide and we had lots of fun going down the slide together, Eric sitting between my legs. He had to be aware of my hard-on because it was sticking right in his crack! He gave no indication anything was up. We horsed around in the pool till we were water-logged. Eric said he was getting out so he could dry off. I followed him.

We towelled ourselves, then Eric stepped towards me. I'd no idea what he was doing but it didn't take long to find out. He pulled me to him and gave me a wet kiss smack on the lips. WOW! He grinned at me. I noticed him looking down at my bathing suit. I'd the hard-on of a lifetime. He let out a giggle and said, "Me, too."

Before I could clear my throat to say anything, he slowly lowered his swimming trunks and showed me a hard-on as stiff and hungry as my own! Nearly as big, too, I must confess. I think I was drooling on my chest but I didn't notice. My eyes were glued to his prick and balls; as I watched he took his prick in his hand and began to pump it right in front of me. Like me, he was uncircumcised so I'd the thrill of seeing the hothead of his cock popping in and out of its fleshy covering.

I was having trouble breathing. I couldn't believe this was happening. Eric stood there with an ear to ear smile, blinding me with his pearly white teeth.

"Well?" he said.

"Well what?"

"Don't you want to feel me?"

"Can I?"

"Go for it."

I tried to raise my hands but I was still so stunned they wouldn't budge. They tingled all over.

Realizing my problem, Eric took my hand up to his mouth and kissed it, then placed it right on his cock. For the first time in my life, I knew what it was to feel another boy's cock. Outstanding! It was sticking to the palm of my hand and getting larger. I was a little spastic with my actions. I wasn't doing much with my hand but fumbling around.

"Here, let me show you what to do."

He pushed my hand away and grabbed his cock with his own hand and started squeezing and massaging it. He looked like he was enjoying it. Then he started playing with his balls, rolling them between his thumb and index finger. They, too, seemed to get even bigger. "Now you try?"

I slid my hand around his cock and started squeezing and pumping. It was fabulous. I couldn't believe Eric was letting me do it. I stood there playing with his balls, too, doing what he did, rolling them between my fingers. He loved it. He let out what sounded like a little moan. I was in heaven.

"Let's try something different," Eric said. "Step a little closer." I did as he asked. He grabbed on to my suit and yanked it to my knees. My cock bounced up, as hard as his. "Wow, that's a nice one," Eric said. "Your cock is bigger than mine," he added, leaning against me so our cocks pressed together from root to tip. I was maybe half an inch longer than Eric. He started stroking me. What a feeling. I could feel myself cumming. I knew it wouldn't take long because he had me so worked up.

"I want you to cum on my cock," he whispered.

"Okay," I gasped as he jerked my cock down and pointed it at his groin. I shot my little load all over him. I felt my knees begin to give way. I could barely hold myself up. He began rubbing my sperm into his cock and balls. It should have been weird; instead, it was incredibly erotic.

"Watch me shoot my load," he said. I wasn't going to argue. I sat down on the edge of the pool in front of him watching him go at it. He started jerking faster and faster. After a minute or two he let out a moan or a groan, or whatever the hell it was, and started to jerk and shake wildly. His jism shot up into the air, then came splattering down on his feet! He threw his head back and shook it like a dog coming in out of the rain.

"Boy, did that feel good. It's been a long time since I came like that. I love playing with myself in front of guys. It turns me on."

"You can do it in front of me anytime," I said shyly.

"I think it's time for me to be off," he said. "May I have a shower before I go?"

We stripped off our suits and stpped into the shower cubicle. We didn't much bother with soap because Eric was already late but it was great to feel the water splash and sparkle on our bodes. Just as I was stepping out, Eric said: "Hold on a minute. Try this." I turned and he splattered me with piss. At first I was shocked but then I started to laugh as he hosed me up and down. "Do me now" he said, and I did but that's when I was really shocked.

Eric slid to his knees.

"My face and hair," he said. "Do my face and hair."

I did what I was told and soon got into but almost stopped pissing when me spluttered: "In my mouth, in my mouth." I squeezed off my piss for a few moments. "Do it, do it, Frankie, piss into my mouth." That's what he wanted and that's what I did. I stood there naked pissing into the mouth of the naked boy on the tiled floor of the cubicle. As I finished, Eric got and up said: "You're the best, Frankie simply the best," and I blushed in pride more than embarrassment.

I walked Eric home. I was in a daze the whole time. I touched his hand surreptitiously and he gave mine a squeeze.

We arrived at the front of his house and stopped at the door. In front of his mum. he said he'd had a wonderful time and hoped we could do it again in the near future. I was speechless. We agreed to meet on Sunday. Eric shook my hand, said good-bye and they disappeared into his house. I ran home as fast as I could. What a day it had been!

Sunday morning rolled around and I got up real early thinking about the day ahead. I couldn't wait. The morning dragged on like one of dad's lectures. I'd never felt this much anticipation before. It was a strange feeling. I wanted to go as far as I could with Eric but I didn't want to push too hard. I didn't want him getting mad at me. But I wanted to get his clothes off so badly, I ached all over. From eleven o'clock to eleven-thirty I sat watching the clock.

I finally decided it was time to leave. I knew we could get to his house in about fifteen minutes but I'd to get out of my house before I went crazy. Dad and I got in the car and started driving and got there in about fifteen minutes. Eric lived in one of the most expensive neighbourhoods in the city; even Dad whistled when he saw their mansion.

The time had come. We pulled up and parked in front of his house. I got out of the car and went up to the front door. I took a deep breath and rang the doorbell. My heart stopped, stuttered and started again. I heard someone coming to the door. It opened and there stood Eric. He was wearing an Armani shirt and Gucci jeans; his trainers were brand new. He reeked of class and money; I reeked of lust.

"I'm ready to go. I've got my swimming suit on underneath, if that's okay with you," said Eric, closing the door behind him.

"Let's go then", I replied as nonchalantly as my stiffening prick would permit me.

My luck was in. Mom and dad took off shopping; that meant they'd be gone for at least two hours! We were alone in the house. I showed Eric to the basement. He couldn't wait to jump in the pool. I told him I was going upstairs to get changed. I'd be back in a minute. He should go ahead into the pool without me.

I was upstairs and undressed in under two minutes. Then I sat on the bed and willed my hard-on to subside a little before I pulled on my swimsuit -blue with a white flash. I came back to find Eric splashing around and playing with one of the floating toys. I immediately threw myself in and swam a couple of laps to get warmed up. I stuck my head out of the water in time to see Eric coming down the slide. He was wearing a bright yellow suit. Not the skimpiest but and he looked delicious in it. His hair was plastered back on his head. His skin glowed as if he was on fire from within. I was on fire, too!

Eric swam around, laughed and had a grand old time. He swam over to me, thanked me for inviting him over to swim, then pushed my head underwater. War had been declared! Having been raised in the pool, I was twice the swimmer Eric was and I made him pay for his presumption.

We wrestled in the water, bodies contorted round each other in ways not even hinted at in the Kama Sutra! Have you ever noticed what you get away with in the pool? At once point, Eric had his legs wrapped round my neck, his groin pressed hard into my face. I felt his cock and balls rub squishily against my face, and, as I pulled him underwater, I opened my mouth and pressed my lips around his genitals.

When we surfaced, gasping for water, Eric shouted "My turn!", and pulled me under again. This time, I grabbed from the rear, winding my body round him so that my hard-on was pressed right into his crack. Fifteen minutes of this was enough, and we lay on a water mattress by the side of the pool fighting for breath like landed trout. We swam around innocently for the remainder of the afternoon. We splashed each other and played with the floats and other toys in the pool. I felt like I was a little kid again. We were having a lot of fun. I was elated we were getting along so well. However, all good things must come to an end, or do they?

We got out, ran into the house, grabbed some towels and ran back again. Eric was starting to climb up the ladder. What a sweet body he had. Perfect for his suit. I held out the towel and wrapped it around him nice and tight. I was about to let go when he leaned right up against me with my arms still around him.

"That's better."

I stood there holding him in my arms not knowing what to do. "Why don't you go inside and change into something dry? You'll feel a lot warmer."

"No, that's okay," he said. "I'll stay right where I am. I like it here."

We stood facing each other for several seconds. We were looking into each other's eyes, not knowing what to say or what to do. I don't remember what I was even thinking. Spontaneously, I leaned my head forward and gave him a peck on the cheek. Eric smiled. I sighed in relief.

Eric dropped his towel, put him arms around me and gave me a kiss that will take a long time to forget. I didn't know it then, but I know it now: most boys don't kiss. At least, boys don't kiss when they're just fooling around. A boy will suck your cock, let you suck his, even let fuck you or let you fuck him, but kissing is the great taboo. Kissing means too much; it means a serious commitment; and it always means you're gay. Our lips were together for a long time. We were both enjoying every moment of it. We finally broke ourselves apart and looked at each other contentedly. His calming personality made me loosen up beyond my expectations. I felt comfortable with Eric, and especially in his arms. Suddenly Eric broke away from me.

Eric walked around to the deep end of the pool. I knew he'd something in mind but I didn't know what. He moved right up to the edge of the pool, his toes hanging over the end. Then he tucked his thumbs inside the waist band of his costume and slowly pushed the suit down to his knees where he let go and wiggled them down to his ankles. He stepped out with one leg and kicked them behind him with the other.

Now he was standing in front of me with absolutely nothing on but a big smile. He put his hands behind his head to accent his beautiful body. When he felt I'd had enough of an eyeful he dived into the deep water. I followed his lead by peeling off my swim suit and jumping in after him. We swam straight toward each other.

When we got close, I reached out and put my arms around his waist and pulled his body against mind. I never had a feeling like that one. There is nothing else like two warm bodies rubbing against each other. I felt his hard cock brushing against my erection.

We slowly moved toward the shallow end of the pool, our bodies inseparable. His lips pressed up against mine. I reached down with my hands and started fondling his hard-on. I did it the same way Eric had shown me several months earlier. His four incher was solid in the warm water. Eric put his hands between my legs and started fondling my cock and balls.

The feel of his hands on me made me go wild. I slid my hands round his sides to his exquisite, tight little bum It was firm and well-shaped. I was squeezing and running my fingers up and down his crack. He seemed to like this. He started playing with my ass . It did feel good. Eric shocked me when he started playing with my arsehole. He giggled when I jumped but kept right on going. I began to do the same to him and he started to purr. Then, with a little apprehension, I brought one hand around to his front side and slipped it between his legs. I began tossing him off with loving care. This got him even more excited. He was loving it.

"Keep going, don't move your hand, I like it there," he whispered as I ran his foreskin up and down his slender cock, my other hand firmly in his crack, my digit finger tentatively probing his hot little arsehole.

Once again Eric jumped, but I knew better than to move my hand this time. I applied more pressure and began to move my finger forward and back along the length of his anal slit. He loved it. The more he got excited the more I enjoyed getting him excited. I completely forgot about my own pleasure and concentrated on Eric's. I gave careful consideration to each movement of my finger. I found Eric's most sensitive spot and gave it a bit of attention. By now he wasn't thinking about my pleasure either. He probably wasn't thinking about anything but the excitement between his legs and buttocks.

At the same time I used a little innovation and raised him out of the water a little bit with my leg and started sucking on his nipples. I'd pay close attention to the hard tips which seemed to be getting harder.

His excitement started to build beyond the point of containment. He started moaning softly, but that didn't last long. Soon he was groaning. I knew he was going to come soon and he did. His whole body seemed to go into spasms and his breathing became erratic. He wrapped his arms around my neck and began to squeeze tightly. I almost came watching him cum. It gave me a feeling of satisfaction to know I'd done that. I could feel hot spurts of cum splash against my fingers, then drain off into the water. Mentally, I made a note to drain the pool when our session was over.

Eric slowly came down from cloud nine and began to relax his body and luckily for me, relaxed the bear hug he had around my neck. He looked at me with the biggest ear to ear smile I'd ever seen and gave me one of his healthy, whole-hearted kisses.

"Come over here" he said as he nudged me toward the side of the pool. We slowly glided over to the edge. I didn't know what he had in mind but I got a real good idea when he told me to sit up on the edge of the pool. I was right, my first blow job! My dreams and fantasies were beginning to come true.

Eric gently took my hard-on into his hand and began to stroke it.

"You better be careful; I'm going to make a mess."

"That's the whole idea," Eric grinned as he kissed the head of my throbbing rod.

I leaned back to enjoy the ride. Eric began licking the head like a little kid on an ice cream cone, and I think he adored ice cream. He seemed to be enjoying himself and I was loving it too. He put the end in his mouth and with one stroke sank all the way down to my balls. I let out a moan that surprised me. He went up and down with expert skill though I didn't know any other. Even no skill at all would have been pretty good.

And then he stopped. He stopped and withdrew his mouth. I was stunned. What was Eric playing at? I needed to cum, I was desperate to cum. Please, Eric please let me cum. And Eric did let me cum but not in the way I expected.

Eric giggled, and took off swimming toward the ladder. I sat catching my breath waiting to see what he would do. He started to climb out of the pool, and as his arse came out of the water he wiggled it in my direction. I decided that was a good time to get up and follow him. He walked over to the patio and lay face down in one of the lie-lows.

I followed him and stood there.

"Eat me...please".

How could someone turn down a request like that? I didn't have the nerve to tell him I'd never eaten out anyone before. I'd always thought it would be disgusting but was I wrong. I parted his flesh with my hands and saw his puckered rosebud pointing out at me. I started flicking it with the tip of my tongue. His hips began to twitch. He didn't taste bad at all. Much better than I'd expected. And the more I chewed and sucked and kissed and licked, the better he tasted until the taste was delicious. I could feel him opening for me tongue. I replaced it with a finger, then two fingers, circling them round and round until the 5p opening became 10p and even more.

"Fuck me," he said. "Remember in your shower. Fuck me and don't stop fucking whatever happns. Promise."

I remember pissing in his mouth and thought "pissing up his bum can't be so bad", so "I promise".

I kneeled down between his legs. Eric adjusted his bum until the head of my cock was touching his opening. I pushed. I pushed. His hands came behind him and he held himself open for me. I slid halfway in. Then I was stopped. No, I didn't stop. Something stopped me. You don't have to be a genius to work out what it was. Eric had a shit up his bum and I was pushing into his shit.

"You promised."

I widened my knees and leaned into him. I felt the head of my cock push through what felt like soft school plasticine. The smell rushed up to me. It should have disgusted me. It didn't. It made me want more, so pushed harder, deeper until all of my cock was embedded in Eric's arse.

"That feels great. Now fuck me, Frankie. Fuck me slow, then hard and fast."

I wonder how many men can say there first fuck was up someone's shit-packed arse. I can and I loved it. I drove it, pulled out, drove in again. The smell was an aphrodisiac. By instinct, I lay along Eric's back, put an elbow round his neck, and jerked his head up. He grunted but he didn't try to release himself. Harder, faster, deeper.

The only thing that could stop me was cumming, and I began to cum. I tried to hold it back but no way. I came and came, spurting to Eric's body and, after the last couple of squirts something happened I thought was impossible. You can't piss with a hard-on, can you? Well, I can and I did. I pissed straight into Eric's rectum where the piss joined his shot and my cum... and below me I felt Eric bottom bopunce as he came as well.

We lay joined together, sprawled on the lie-low till...

"Eric, Eric, mum and dad'll be back soon. We got to get this place cleaned up."

I withdrew from Eric, saw my cock and balls were covered with shit and cum, and pattered to the shower cubicle, Eric close behind me. Used the shower as a hose and hosed ourselves down - made sure we were clean - and hosed ourselves down again. Then, naked, we got to the pool hauled out the extension hose, and hosed everything we could think of. At one point, Eric tried working the nozzle up his arse but he was too tender to get very far, so he offered the service to me.

"Fuck off, you perv," I laughed.

"Takes one to know one," he laughed, and we got on with the job.

That day Eric lost his virginity and I lost my heart.


I lie on my back in the dry hay, watching the swallows swoop and dive overhead. They circle the rafters, darting in and out through the open window lancing across a dusty shafts of sunlight. The dust dances in the hot air like a billion stars and I start thinking about the million billion stars in the universe. And our planet, like a green-blue speck of dust drifting in all this immensity. And me, a tiny speck on a tiny speck, lying in the hay on a hut summer's afternoon.

In time the sun will set and mum will call me for dinner. Company's coming for dinner, though I'm not sure who. Probably some of my parents' friends. I'll have to sit around all evening on my best behaviour, bored to tears. I linger in the barn. All the mystery of summer is encapsulated in this afternoon.

I'm wondering what I'm doing here. I could have gone to Summer Camp with Lee and Elwyn but I'd this urge to be alone. No, not to be alone, but to be left alone; there is a difference. So I did what no self-respecting teenage boy would do; I opted to spend the last of the summer holidays with mum and dad though, I knew, there would be few people my age around. What did it matter? I only wanted one person - a boy like myself who liked other boys. There, I've said it, it's out in the open, at least to myself, and maybe that's the hardest bit of all.

Ever since I can remember, I've liked other boys, I mean, really liked them. But it's only in the last year or so it's become overwhelming, only since I started getting erections - and do I get erections! - by simply looking at boys has it become hard to take. I didn't choose to be like this. I don't want to be like this. But this is the way I am, and I guess I'll learn to live with it. After all, loving other boys is better than loving nobody.

Sweat trickles down my back, gluing my T-shirt to the skin underneath. I itch slightly from bits of straw that have crept under my clothes. The air is sweetly fragrant from the soft cushions of new mown hay. I stretch my arms and legs luxuriously, wishing I could stay here forever. Just me and my dreams - and the hard-on beneath the faded denim at my crotch.

The stabledoor opens, squeaking on rusty hinges. I freeze, resenting this intrusion into my private kingdom. I creep to the edge of the loft and peer downward through swirling columns of sunlit dust. A lone figure leading a horse enters. The image of Shane pops into my mind; the movie was on TV at the weekend; ancient but really good. Maybe this was my Shane coming back for me.

At first my eyes, unaccustomed to the brightness by the window, are unable to make out details in the dimness below. The intruder unsaddles the pony and begins settling him. I recognise Elwyn's older brother, Danny. Is that why I chose to spend the last fortnight of the summer at this stud farm? I'm about to call out a cheerful greeting to him, when something in the furtiveness of his movements stops me.

My heart is thumping now. God, he is handsome. That thick straight auburn hair. Wide-set eyes. Straight nose, a bit long, but it suits him. Tanned skin. A fucking dimple in his chin! Danny should be in movies. If it was porno, I could be with him! Stop day-dreaming, you idiot. Danny's the real thing. You don't need dreams.

Danny tends to the pony quickly, glancing now and again at the door. I know I shoud call out but I'm scared in case Danny thinks I'm spying on him. I'm not spying, I'm just watching. It's then he does something that makes me blink, look again, blink, and then accept what I'm seeing is happening. That's when I'm terrified Danny will spot me, so I lie silently in the hay and watch.

It's a chestnut pony, beautiful but skittish at first until Danny holds its face in his hands, whispering softly as he massages its balls.. Then he is rubbing its sheath and soon I'm looking at the biggest penis I've ever seen, maybe 13 inches long and 8 inches thick. I realise what Danny is doing - he is waking the pony's cock with both hands. He lifts it to his mouth and starts licking the head. He can't get the whole head in his mouth; his lips run round and round the head. The pony gets jittery and skittish again, and suddenly Danny is gulping back what can only be one thing - the pony's cum. The white liquid is running out of the boy's mouth. He can't hold it all. He can't get it all swallowed though I see his throat gulping, and still sucking round the head. He lets the cock go and it flops down still leaking cum and the pony looks content. Danny wipes his mouth with the back of his hand and leads the pony out to pasture. I sink as deep as I can in the straw, hoping he won't come back, but he does and I'm glad about it.

A quick, nervous look around, and he slips back into the barn and hauls the door shut behind him. I watch curiously as he sits down on a bale of hay, then pulls a magazine out of his shirt and begins to read. Why is he so secretive? I slither closer on my belly, my hard-on pressing into the wooden boards, trying to get a better look. His hand is inside his chequered shirt. He's pulling the shirt open. No T-shirt. He is so beautiful, all male and so beautiful. His nipples are dark against his tanned skin; each one like an old bronze penny; each one three times the size of mine. I don't understand why guys have nipples but I'm glad they do.

I can barely make out anything from this distance, but I see enough to answer my question. Danny's reading one of those dirty magazines, the kind with the naked pictures. His face is scrunched up, and at first I think he must have a stomach ache or something. Then I notice that his jeans are unzipped, his hand is down the front of them. His hand is moving rhythmically, and I can hear him grunting and moaning in time with it.

Hypnotized, I hang over the ledge. A cloud of dust puffs up in my face. I sneeze loudly. The noise echoes round the barn.

Danny freezes. "Who the fucks there?" he calls hoarsely. He has such a comical expression on his face, I can't help giggling. He's got that 'Caught you!' look, like when I was taking a shit in the orchard two days before and mum came strolling with with one of her friends! She still hasn't forgiven me!

"It's just me - Frankie, Frankie O'Dowd," I stupidly add. Danny seems relieved. He stuffs the magazine back into his shirt and clambers up the ladder to the loft, his zip still open.

"Hi, baby!" he greets me cheerily. "Why didn't you say something when I came in?" He ruffles my hair casually, just like he always does. Today, this irritates me. I've had a crush on Danny since I was eight years old, but he's never taken me seriously.

Now, Danny's a seriously good-looking guy. He has the same open face, the same kind of "well, fuck you" attitude, and the same smouldering looks that turn people's heads for a second look. Got the same kind of body, too. Well-built, but lithe. I mean, the kind of long-legged, long-torso body that could wrap itself right round you and swallow you in a couple of gulps, if it had a mind too.

"Why do you always hafta call me that?" I snap petulantly. "I ain't a baby anymore! I'm a guy now! See? I've even got hair!" Impulsively, I push down my shorts a bit to show a few swirls of dirty blond hair. Danny chuckles appreciatively.

"Yeah, babe-, Frankie," he corrects himself, "You sure do. How old are you now, anyway?"

"Thirteen!" I declare proudly.

"Well! Practically a grown guy!" He's teasing me. Angry, I wrestle him to the hay strewn floor and begin tickling him. For a few minutes he tolerates this, laughing. Suddenly, he flips me over, and before I know what's happened, I'm flat on my back and Danny's sitting across my chest. I stick out my tongue at him in mock anger, but I'm actually enjoying the attention and the closeness. His knees are on either side of me, his zip open. If he moved up only a couiple of feet, I could...

I try to maintain a frown, but something catches my eye and I burst into giggles. Danny looks confused for a minute, follows the direction of my gaze and flushes beet-red when he sees what I'm laughing at. Something soft and pink is peeking out between the zipper teeth. I've never seen a big boy blush before; the sight makes me giggle again.

Gritting his teeth, Danny quickly stands and closes his pants. He looks uptight. I'm still lying on the floor, gasping for breath. Finally, the alarming colour begins to fade from his cheeks and ears. Anxious to change the subject, I glance nervously around. The magazine has fallen out of his shirt during our brief scuffle, so I pick it up and begin flipping through the pages. It's a dirty magazine all right, but everybody in it is male! Not a single pair of tits in sight! These are all guys, big naked guys with hard-ons! and they're doing things to each other! Dirty things! Things that make my hard-on ache as I turn the pages in slow motion - and find picture of men doing dirty things with boys - boys my age!

"What do you think?" Danny asks abruptly.

"Well... they're a little... strong..." My voice trails off weakly. He gives me an encouraging nod, so I continue. "I mean... look at those bodies! I wish I looked like that..." I sigh wistfully. "I'll probably never have a dick like that..." Danny sinks down to lie in the hay beside me, our backs leaning against a square, tied bale of corn.

"Hey..." Danny's voice is warm and soothing. "There's nothing wrong with your dick. If you've got hair, I'll bet you've got a decent-sized penis... " As if to confirm his words, his hand slides inside the front of my baggy jeans. Shit, I'm wearing no underpants! His palm is rough against my skin. His touch sparks strange tremors inside me, and I shiver slightly, as if from a sudden breeze.

Slowly, he circles the few pubes I've got with fingertips that seem to trail fire behind them. My prick stiffens as his fingertips brush the head. His left arm is across my shoulders, his right hand is in my shorts, I turn the pages of the magazine. We gaze at the pictures while Danny feels and fondles my erection. I'm looking at the guys in the pictures and wishing there was a picture of Danny. I want to see him nude, naked, posed like that, with a hard-on.

My breathing's a little jerky now.

Danny slips my cock out of the opening at the front of my shorts. It is red and hard, hot and slippery. I am acutely embarrassed. I watch his big fingers and thumb close around the shaft; he jerks me gently. Danny turns my face towards him. I am solemn and serious; he is grinning. "Nice, real nice," he whispers, squeezing my cock. "Nothing to be ashamed of here, kiddo. Good-looking boy, good-looking cock."

I snuggle into him, reassured. There's a pressure building up down there, in my cock and balls, in my stomach, it makes me tighten my arsehole. Of course I know about ejaculation and stuff like that, but knowing about it isn't the same as feeling it. What will it be like to 'cum', to squirt my stuff with an older guy watching? Will I be embarrassed? Will Danny be embarrassed? It's all so scary; all so thrilling; all so right.

A loud snorting sound interrupts us. Danny jumps guiltily, stuffing the magazine back under his shirt. "It's okay," I whisper. "It's just Morgan." I lead him to the window, pointing out the familiar sight of Morgan, our bull, mounting one of the cows. Today he has selected Maggie, a fat reddish cow who placidly ignores his attentions. Morgan's cock dangles grotesquely, all pink and slimey looking. I pick up one of the pebbles I keep by the window and throw it at him. He ignores it, as usual.

The is a strange gleam in Danny's eye as he watches the rutting bull. His arms slip around me, one hand low enough to stroke my ass, and I see the acts before me with new eyes. What has previously been just a ritual assumes new meaning, and a strange thrill courses through me. A sudden thought strikes me, and I turn to Danny, eyes wide with wonder.

"Is your...I mean...is it...like...that?" I stammer, blushing furiously.

A grin splits Danny's face. "You've never seen a big one before, have you?" he asks. I shake my head. His grin broadens. "Want to see mine?" I nod, and he hauls it out of his jeans. His cock reminds me of a thick salami sausage as it stretches out from his body, seeming to defy gravity. It makes my four inches seem puny.

"Feel it..." he urges. I reach out carefully and touch just the end of it. It's getting hard, slightly rubbery, and hot. I snatch my hand back guiltily. It's so more intimidating than my own pale, pink column. Will I really be like that one day?

Danny is laughing softly. "Here..." he urges, taking my hand in his. "You hold it like this." He curls my hand around his cock, then begins moving my hand slowly up and down his shaft. It feels alive, the way it pulses and throbs under my fingers. The skin is smooth and soft, radiating a fierce heat. It swells at my touch, growing harder and hotter by the minute.

Danny isn't laughing anymore; instead, his eyes are closed in concentration and his jaws are clenched. I touch something slippery and look down in confusion. Beads of clear liquid are seeping slowly out of the slit. Danny moans softly, then opens his eyes and stares piercingly at me.

"Do you like that?" he asks gently. I hesitate a moment, unsure, then nod slowly. "Would you like to try something else, something that would really make me happy?" I nod again, slower this time. He takes out the magazine again and flips purposefully through the pages. "Here," he says, extending a picture toward me. "Think you could do that?"

I look at the picture in bewilderment. It shows a teenager sitting on the edge of a bed, and a guy kneeling on the floor between his legs. They are both naked, and he seems to have his...thing...in the boy's mouth. My stomach lurches uncomfortably at the idea, but Danny is staring expectantly at me. I don't want him to think of me as just a baby! Defiantly, I say, "Sure, I could try - But you'll hafta tell me what to do..." From the grin that spreads slowly across his face, I know I've said what he wanted to hear. His smile causes a warm, bubbly feeling to creep through my groin, stomach and chest.

"Here..." he whispers, gripping my shoulders gently. He pushes me slowly down to my knees, so that his erect cock bobs directly in front of my face. It bounces off the end of my nose a couple times. I'm trying hard not to giggle. "Now, open your mouth..." I do as he instructs, and he slowly eases himself into my mouth. The liquid at the tip is warm and salty, not at all unpleasant to taste, though I'm not so sure I like its slimy consistency. He feels bigger than he did when I held him in my hand. Hotter, too. I feel like I'll choke in another minute, but I'm trying not to. I don't think Danny would like that. "Close your lips round it, and suck gently..." he instructs.

Hesitantly, I do as he says. He begins moving slowly in and out of my mouth, sliding over my lips and tongue. At first, I just kneel there. Then, as I gain courage, I begin exploring his hot shaft with my tongue. He groans. Encouraged, I begin flickering my tongue over the smooth head, feathering it along the sensitive underside of the shaft, and even darting the tip of my tongue into the hole at the end. I am taking my cues from Danny; whatever he seems to like, I repeat or explore further. He's breathing hard now, and I can feel him pulsing gently. The salty fluid begins to flow more rapidly, first one drop and then another.

Suddenly, he wraps both hands tightly in my hair. I gasp at the brief pain, then forget it as he thrusts firmly into my mouth and holds me there, pressed tightly against his groin. He is all the way inside my mouth, his curly, dark pubic hair tickling my nose and lips, and the head of his cock rubbing the back of my throat. A hot throbbing begins, and I feel it all along my tongue and the insides of my cheeks and on my lips.

He's jerking my head back and forwards now, so his cock pushes deep inside my mouth, hits the back of my thrat, draws back to the head, then pushes halfway in again. I'd like to take him in all the way, but as the shaft bends into my throat, I've to gag and push him away again. Danny finds a nice, easy rhythm, and it becomes a pleasure to feel his thick, sweaty shaft sliding in and out of me. I become less passive; sometimes I squeeze hard with my lips, other times I let it slip in and out easily.

My hands seemed wasted, so with one I squeeze his left buttock, with the right I cup his balls and squeeze them, too. I'm pulling him onto me, pulling him into me. I seem to be doing something right; Danny's breath is coming in gasps, like he's been swimming underwater too long and has to come up for air.

Spurts of warm liquid spurt from him into my mouth and throat. The jets are thick and salty and have a familiar smell that I can't quite place. But they smell of sex; all around me everything smells of sex. My eyes are watering terribly, and I begin to choke. Will it ever end? Finally the throbbing dies down. A few erratic spasms shake him, and then he is still. He draws a deep, ragged breath and I realize he has been holding his breath for a while. With a deep sigh, he withdraws himself from my mouth and draws the end of his semi-hard cock along my cheeks as if he is cleaning himself. I don't mind. I quite like it. It seems part of the act itself.

Then I turn away and spit out the liquid that remains in my mouth. It forms a small, slimy puddle that is quickly absorbed by the dusty hay. I'm not stupid. I know what it is. It's strange to think there's millions of sperm down there, and down my throat, in my boy belly, all swimming around blindly looking for something they'll never reach. Is that what boys like us do - swim around blindly, thrashing our little tails, looking for the way to fulfil our destiny? Shut the fuck up! That's me to me. I've always suffered from babbling inside my own head.

"Profound!" Danny sighs. I nod shakily, not altogether certain that I agree. It was different, yes, and even a little exciting, but I'm not sure I'd care to try it again right away. At least he'd enjoyed it, though. Maybe now he'd see me as a real guy, rather than just a pesky kid.

My own cock is so hard it hurts. I look down and see the bulge tenting my shorts. Danny's eyes follow mine. He eases me backwards until I tumble in the hay. Then he follows, lying along side me as, looking into my eyes, he undoes the buttons of my jeans and slips them off, disposing of my socks and trainers as he goes.

"Mmmm," he murmurs, "you sure ain't a little kid anymore." I blush with pleasure, then blush even more as his lips graze my throat, my chest, my nipples, my tummy - and yes, yes, he slips the head of my cock into his mouth easing back my foreskin with his lips. I'm already wet and slippery down there with sweat and what I learn is pre-cum. He takes my whole length into is mouth, his head bobbing up and down on my erection. I stiffen for a moment as I feel the fingers of his hand reach into my crack. What must be his middle finger strokes my dirtiest bit, but it doesn't seem dirty and I relax as he whispers in my ear, "Relax, baby, take it easy."

The sucking, the stroking, the probing goes on and on making my cock ache, my stomach flutter, the perspiration stand out on my forehead and chest. I'm going to explode and implode at the same time.... then Danny takes his mouth away and sits up. I'm sick with disappointment till he puts his arm around me and whispers, "'S'okay, I'm going to finish you off. I wouldn't leave a guy strung out like that." I'm thrilled to hear him call me a guy, that makes us sort of equals. "But c'mere," he continues I want to show you something. He stands and pulls me up by the hand. It's funny us standing there, me with a hard-on and Danny's big cock hanging between his legs.

Outside, the bull is still grunting and pumping away. We creep over to the window to watch. After a moment, I feel Danny's arm slide around my shoulders. "Looks like they're having fun, doesn't it?" he whispers. I shrug noncommittally. "Like to try it?" he asks. I turn and look at him in shock.

"What, just like that?" I gasp, incredulous.

"No, silly, of course not!" he replies teasingly. "People do it a lot differently. You'll like it. Come on..." he urges.

"Well... okay..." I agree. I'm not really sure I'll like it, but Danny wants to and I do enjoy making him happy. He beams at me, and I know again I've said the right thing. I turn to face him and am surprised to see he has removed his shirt and shoes, and is completely naked. Not only that, but his cock is again pointing straight out from his body. It bounces comically as he walks.

He's beautiful. That's not a word I often use, but I can't think of any other word that will do. Danny is beautiful. He's got a deep chest, narrow waist, strong hips bones, a tight little bum, masses of hair below his belly button, and big cock and a scrotum that actually swings between his legs. He's tanned all over, I mean all over. I make a mental note to ask how he managed that - tanned all over.

He runs his fingers lightly up my leg, tangling them among the wispy curls, then runs them along my erection. Tiny electric shocks surge through me, weakening my knees and almost causing me to collapse. Danny notices and guides me over to a bale of hay near the window. The hay prickles a bit on my bare bottom, but I don't care right now. Danny's fingers have continued their lazy exploration of my private regions, slipping between my buttocks and even probing at my naughty hole.

Pressure on my shoulders indicates I should kneel, get on all fours actually, which means I've to sling myself over the bale of hay so my bum is high in the air. I can lean my arms and elbows on the wide window sill and look out over the farm. It's such a perfect day.... problems all left alone, weekenders on our own, having fun. Where did that come from? I pray Danny's not a member of the Four-F Club: Find 'em, feel 'em, fuck 'em and forget 'em. I heard that at school last term. Neat, or what?

From where I am, I can see Morgan is taking a lively interest in Maggie, sniffing at her rear and raising his front legs; he means business. With a shock, I see the bull's cock has hardened, lengthened to enormous size. How is he going to get something like that inside the cow's fuck hole!

His hands are firm against my shoulders as he adjusts my body to make it more comfortable for both of us. The hay is soft and deep here, though it tickles slightly. It makes a fine nest for us.

Danny slowly runs his hands down my body, leaving tiny trails of goosebumps behind. I'm breathing as hard as he is now, and I know I want something -I'm not sure exactly what - very badly. There is a deep, sweet ache inside me,a void yearning to be filled, and I know somehow Danny will be able to fill it.

At last his hands reach my thighs, and very gently he draws them apart. He kneels between my legs for a moment, then stretches out on top of me. For a moment his weight forces the breath from my body, but then I become accustomed to it and he no longer seems heavy. His hands fumble between my legs.

At first I am perplexed, but then I realize his intent as I feel the head of his cock, hard and hot, pressing against the entrance to my bottom.. It seems so big! There is no way it could fit, but still he presses against me. He withdraws one hand and I turn to see some slippery fluid glistening on his fingertips. It is thick and slimy and I realise it's the goo my dad puts on a cow's private parts before Morgan does the business!

I feel Danny smooth it between my buttocks, over my hole and then with a couple of fingers push a gob inside me. I jump with pain, but as he holds his fingers there, I relax and let his fingers do the walking. He uses two fingers to make circles round the inside of my lips, the bum lips, I mean. It's dirty, I know, but there's something really exciting about the whole thing. For a moment, I want to go 'Moo!' very loudly, but this is serious business so I stifle the sound and the thought. Still, I can't keep it completely at bay: Danny the Big Bad Bull is about to fuck Frankie the silly little Heifer!

He grips my thighs tightly, spreading them further apart, and positions himself over me. He is now centred on my tiny hole, pressing firmly against me. I'm glad I've used Lee/Elwyn's dildo quite a bit that summer; otherwise it would be impossibe.

It hurts like hell, but with the promise of pleasure to come. I press back against him, anxious to feel him inside me. Slowly, he begins to slide into me. I whimper softly. It feels as if I'm being ripped apart. I want him to stop, to withdraw, yet paradoxically, I want him to continue. The pain grows sharper, and it seems I can feel delicate tissues tearing as he forces his way into me, but I match him push for shove.

Suddenly there is a wave of greater pain, and then he slides easily in as if whatever had blocked him had been torn away. Now he pulls back, nearly withdrawing completely from my body. I moan weakly, not wanting him to leave me. In answer, he drives easily into me again. This time there is no obstacle, and he buries himself to the hilt.

Again and again he lunges into me. I raise my hips to match his thrusts, reacting to the same primitive instincts I've observed so many times in the livestock. A fierce pressure seems to be building up inside me, until I feel as if I'll burst. Another thrust, and I can scarcely contain it. Another, and I am shoved over the brink. Every muscle in my body convulses. My toes clench and my thighs twitch wildly.

I'm looking out of the window, sometimes eyes open, sometimes eyes clenched shut. Danny's hand is below me, jerking at my erection. I've never felt my cock so hard in my life. I know I'm going to spurt the hot gooey cum for the first time in my life. My eyes open. It's blurry, but I can pick out Morgan and Maggie. The bull's humping the fuck out of her now. That's the phrase that springs to my mind: humping the fuck... Danny's humping the fuck out of Frankie!

My gaze wanders across the field. Shit!

On the other side of the field, I see mum and dad! They must be out for a stroll. Mum raises her hand. She is giving me a wave. Dad joins in. It must be fucking weird for them to see their beloved son's head popped over a window sill on the upper floor of a barn on a hot sunny afternoon. I grin weakly, wave, then jerk as Danny stabs into me again and again. mum and Dad are heading this way! No! mum's a bit squeamish; the sight of Morgan humping the fuck out of Maggie's a bit much for her. I wonder what - uh! -her reaction - uh! - would be -uh! - if she saw - uh! - Danny - uh! uh! -humping the fuck out of her boy!

I can feel my inner muscles contract fiercely around Danny's cock, gripping it tightly with almost the same movement I use to milk the cows. And it seems to have a similar result on him, because he plunges deep into me and holds himself there, throbbing wildly as his juices spurt into me.

No sooner has Danny finished than he pulls out and grabs me. He turns me round and bends my body backwards over the bale. I'm helpless. My groin is on the centre of the bale, my cock sticking straight up. Almost in the same movement, Danny kneels and sucks me straight in, to the bottom of my shaft. I I feel his lips on my pubes. He's sucking hard and fast. It only takes seconds, then I'm spurting and squirting my stuff into him. It's shattering, just shattering!

In the distance we hear a voice: Danny's mum: "Danny! Frankie! Time for tea!" We jump guiltily, grabbing frantically for our clothes.

"We'll be right there!" I shout back in the general direction of the house. Hastily, we brush the dust and hay from our hair and sweaty bodies, then dress.

Danny pauses to give me a quick kiss, then we scamper down the ladder. As we leave the barn, Danny whispers we can come back this evening. He puts his arm over my shoulder as we wander out of the barn. I can feel his cum squelching in my bum. I tug his sleeve.


"When we come back this evening, Danny, it's my turn to be the bull."

He grins at me: "Sure 'nuff, kiddo, sure 'nuff." Then he pauses, stops and looks at me. "Done much riding this summer, Frankie," he asks.

"Naw, nobody seems to have time for me."

"I've," says Danny. "All the time in the world. You're having your first lesson after tea. We'll go riding to Donnelly's Farm. Maybe cadge dinner over there. What do you say?"

"Great," I say. "But what about the other stuff? You know, in the barn?"

"That can wait," says Danny. "We've got two more weeks left."

We turn and stroll on. As we go, Danny gives me a hug and whispers, "Elwyn is right. You are one helluva sexy kid. And tell you something else, you're a far better fuck than that little tyke."


Here's a story I wrote about myself when I was fourteen. Some of it's fantasy, some of it's not. I suppose that's what writers' do: mix up fact and fantasy in an effort to find the truth. At first it was weird writing about myself in the third person, but gradually it became like watching a movie, a movie in which I, Frankie O'Dowd, was the star - okay, a porno star, but still a star.

Frankie O'Dowd stretched his lush young body voluptuously and yawned with pleasure. As his muscles tensed, the short pyjamas he wore hiked up until the bottom edge just barely covered his softly-rounded buttocks and upper thighs, accentuating rather than concealing his lovely long legs and tight buttocks. His flesh was tanned a deep golden colour by the hot rays of the August sun.

Frankie was a beautiful boy by any standards. At fourteen years of age he'd the face and figure of a young teenager, with none of the awkwardness of adolescence. His patrician features were set off by large brown eyes, perfect white teeth, and thick, longish blond hair. The lovely young boy stood by the side of the disordered bed from which he'd just arisen and looked around the luxurious room.

Everything was done in the best of good taste, from the costly furniture itself to the thick rugs, brocade drapes, and original oil paintings on the walls. The house whispered money, and an owner who would not hesitate to go to any lengths to assure an almost sybaritic comfort for himself and guests.

As he strode from the bedroom into the huge expanse of the redwood panelled front room, Frankie blushed as he remembered his first reaction to Jay's suggestion the two of them might spend a few weeks at his divorced father's "little cabin at Lake Windermere."

Frankie knew Jay's parents were divorced; his father worked in television for a major network. That was nothing out of the ordinary in London where so many people worked in the entertainment industry. And many Londoners had small cabins in the surrounding hills - places where they could escape for a weekend, away from the bustle and motorway traffic.

Frankie had immediately pictured the "little cabin" as a cheaply-built one-room affair, furnished with cast-off furniture and discarded linen and crockery. He suspected there would be no telephone or television, and almost certainly no interesting boys nearby to provide the excitement he felt in need of. Frankie had almost said no to the idea, even if it meant spending the long summer on the beaches of southern Spain, competing for a small bit of sand and the attentions of the adolescent surfers.

Even that would be better than being isolated in some ramshackle cabin nursing mosquito bites. It was one thing for Jay to want to be away from boys and young guys for the summer. He had Danny, his sixteen year old boyfriend who attended high school in Windsor, and a divorced mother who let him do just about anything he wanted.

Frankie's own parents were too strict to allow him to spend time with anyone older than himself. The only times he could feel free at all were the days spent on the beach, away from their prying eyes and almost fanatical protectiveness. Surprisingly, Frankie's parents (despite their puritanical attitudes) had a great deal of misplaced respect for Jay's mother. The boys had learned early Frankie's mother and father would generally go along with almost anything if Jay's mother promised to supervise them.

Not that she did, of course. She was much too busy with her own social life to care what the boys did. She'd even promised to talk Frankie's parents into the trip to Lake Windermere, telling them she would assure them she would be along to chaperone. Her own plans for the summer were vague but she told Jay and Frankie she'd drop by the cabin occasionally to see how things were going. Frankie suspected she'd spending the time fucking her brains out with some blond 'himbo' surfer, but he didn't begrudge her a share of hot summer fun.

In the end, it was Jay's hints that Danny and one of his high school friends would be coming up to the lake that finally persuaded Frankie to say yes. Even though Danny belonged to his best friend, Frankie could not resist the waves of pleasure that rushed through him every Danny was nearby. Jay had only hinted at the things he and Danny had done, but Frankie suspected it was more than just the usual backseat-in-the-minibus fooling around.

As he pulled the short pyjamas over his lithe young body, Frankie examined himself in the full-length mirror of the closet door. His long fingers stroked his hips and thighs as his eyes ran down the creamy flesh, taking in the curved chest, tipped by little pink rosebuds of nipples, the narrow waist, tapering into long lovely legs. His gaze fixed automatically on the patch of pubic hair that sat at the bottom of his tummy. It was all that he could do to keep from gently intruding his fingers between the soft flesh of his inner thighs, squeezing his semi-stiff cock, and feeling the warmth spread through his pelvis in exquisite joy. His mother had so often warned Frankie against touching himself there he half-believed she'd pop through the door the second his fingers brushed his cock.

Beads of perspiration broke out on his forehead as he remembered the joy he felt in stroking himself. How could such pleasure be wrong? He wondered what it would be like to have Danny's powerful hand prying apart his legs, jerking at his stiffie, and caressing his balls. The thought frightened him a bit and he dropped his hands guiltily. Frankie pulled a pair of blue Speedos from his hold-all and stepped into the swimsuit.

The swimsuit had been a last minute purchase before they'd fled London. His mother and father would have collective heart failure if they saw him in the skimpy little bit of silk. Quickly, he strode out of the bedroom and into the kitchen for freshly-squeezed orange juice and toast. He ate standing up at the kitchen counter. When he'd finished the last few crumbs, Frankie brushed his teeth, then walked to the front door and opened it, suddenly dazzled by the bright sunshine streaming in. His slim. elegant body was framed between the cool darkness of the lodge and the brilliant outdoors.

He saw the sparkling green waters of the lake a short distance from the lodge. A long sandy beach ribboned its way between the lake and the rugged pine forests all around.

Frankie had been surprised at how short a time it had taken them to reach the lake from London. In just under two hours they were there, turning into a small private road between huge pine trees, purring into a small clearing and seeing the redwood lodge nestled among the trees. The chauffeur had given them a cheery wave and sped on back to the traffic of the great suburban sprawl of London.

This was no weekend cabin! It was a fucking mansion! Frankie immediately had a new respect for Jay's divorced father. Standing in the doorway, Frankie debated whether he should wait for Jay to return before going down to the beach. His friend had arisen early and taken a pony to the county seat to have the telephone turned on. Danny'd promised to call sometime this evening and tell them when he'd be able to come up, perhaps bringing his own beloved pony with him.

Frankie decided to go for a walk around the lake while he waited for Jay. Retracing his steps to the bedroom, he put on a pair of sandals and packed the straw beach-bag with suntan oil, a paperback novel, sunglasses, and a large beach towel, and a handy box of tissues.

Walking down to the beach, Frankie marvelled at his good fortune in being here with Jay. All of his previous doubts and apprehensions were gone, replaced by a delicious excitement at the idea of Danny and his friend joining them soon. He felt years older than he was, a mixture of elation at being on his own, and yet a tinge of fear at what the summer might bring. All of the mysterious processes that turned a teenager into a real man were at work within him, he knew, and Frankie desperately wanted to sample the delights of manhood.

His long legs carried him to the waters edge quickly. He stood there trying to decide which way to go. His eyes wandered around the shoreline until they rested on a large granite outcropping a few hundred yards to his left. It looked like the prow of a ship, thrusting against the green waters that lapped lazily at it.

He kicked off his sandals and started to walk toward it, the hot sand burning the tender soles of his surprisingly large feet. The water, ruffled by a light breeze, rippled in the sunlight.

As he drew near the huge granite rock, Frankie spotted a partially concealed cove. His feet began to move faster now, anxious to see what lay beyond. Suddenly, he was there. His eyes drank in the lovely scenery. A perfect spot for sunbathing au naturel! The pine forest was thick and almost inaccessible; anyone approaching from the beach could certainly be heard. He felt like an explorer discovering an unclaimed piece of land; the whole idea of having a private place was thrilling. He might as well have been standing on a peak in Darien.

The water was still and a darker shade of green than the rest of the lake. Frankie spread the towel on the hot sand and took the bottle of suntan lotion from the beach-bag. His fingers worked expertly, spreading the dark liquid onto his firm flesh, then gently massaging it in. A strange feeling of pleasure ran through him as his hands covered the soft flesh of his inner-thighs and stomach.

He stretched his beautiful body out on the towel, face up, already feeling a warm glow on his skin from the hot rays of the sun. His legs were spread slightly and the little piece of satin that covered his pelvic area bulged as it traced the length of his prick the curve of his scrotal sac and balls. It felt so good to be lying here, he thought to himself, not a care in the world, no surfers kicking sand on him as they played out their stupid mind games on the beach. He wanted to be alone with his thoughts, just to lie here on the warm sand and try to anticipate what Danny's friend would be like.

Frankie turned onto his back, and let his hands caress the growing bulge in his Speedos. He imagined what Jay and Danny might do in the back of Danny's convertible. He took Jay's place and imagined Danny's lips on his body, sliding down from his nipples, across his chest, teasing at his little bush of hair, then slipping his hot length into his mouth. Frankie knew pretty soon he'd have to push down his Speedos, and play the part of Danny's hands himself. He squeezed at his erection, and let two fingers of the other hand slide under the tight fabric of his swimsuit, insinuating a fingertip into his hole that burned like the hot sun over head.

"Jesus Christ! Are my eyes deceiving me? Are you really there?"

Frankie's eyes flew open. He struggled to sit up, startled and frightened by the deep male voice that seemed to come from nowhere. He shivered as his eyes focused on the figure of the man standing above him. The man was in his late twenties, Frankie guessed, dressed only in a pair of faded khaki pants rolled up to his knees. He was carrying his shirt and trainers in one hand.

Despite his fear Frankie couldn't help noticing how handsome the man was. His dark hair was uncombed, flopping in a fringe over his forehead, hanging shoulder-length at the back The man was smiling at him from big brown eyes that had longer lashes than Frankie'd ever seen on a guy before. He had a strong nose, full lips, and a chin that removed any sign of prettiness from his face, leaving a strong maculine attractiveness that made Frankie shiver again. Frankie'e eyes ran over the khaki shorts, lingering on the bulge that tented the crotch area.

"I've been coming here for years but I've never found anything like you before," the man said in his deep voice, a smile playing across his lips. "This must be my lucky day!"

"W--who are you?" was the only thing Frankie could stammer out.

The man's shadow fell across his legs, darkening the flesh. He could feel the stranger's grey-blue eyes drinking in the sight of his almost naked body. Despite his fear, the unwavering gaze excited him.

"Never mind who I am, sweetheart! The question is what I'm going to do with you." The guy's voice was soft and gave no hint of violence. Frankie lay hypnotised by his easy manner. The intruder came closer and knelt down on the blanket. For an instant, Frankie thought about running, but something in the man's manner made him hold back. The man ran his finger nails across the boy's chest. Frankie tensed, then blushed, as he felt himself stuffen and harden under the thin silk of his costume.

"Take off that swimsuit so I can get a good look at you." the man said matter-of-factly, his hands reaching for the boy. There was no mistaking his intentions now. The blond-haired boy, eyes wide, drew in his breath sharply as hands went around his narrow waist, thumbs pressing his hip bones, holding him tightly.

"Don't hurt me, please don't hurt me," Frankie pleaded, his voice strained and quivering. Maybe the guy was crazy, a maniac loose from some institution. He dared not cry out for fear in case man went berserk and strangled him. Besides, he realized, there was no one close enough to hear or help his. Frankie stifled his panic, deciding it would be best not to do anything that would provoke him.

"Baby, take that thing off or I'll do it myself!" the blond-haired man said, his voice hardening, his grey-blue eyes staring straight into the boy's. One of his hands released Frankie's waist and poised menacingly over the small patch of silk that covered his groin.

"Take them off!" the man ordered again, sternly this time.

The man reached out to brush his fingers lovingly over Frankie's chest. The sudden attention to his starfish nipples made them grow hard with involuntary excitement as they sprang out into the cooler air. The boy tried to resist the excitement growing in his crotch as he followed the path of the sun-tanned hand, fingers trailing lewdly across his glistening skin.

"Never be ashamed of your own nakedness, sweetheart. You have beautiful skin," the man said soothingly. The sensation of the man's touch was echoing through the boy's body. Frankie felt goose-bumps on his arms in answer to the pleasure and fear he felt, and it seemed as if his nerves moved closer to the surface of his skin.

Suddenly, the well-built stranger moved forward and his mouth opened and drew in one of the boy's hard little nipples.

"Ooooohhhh!" Frankie exclaimed, unable to disguise the exquisite pleasure the man's sucking mouth was giving him. As the moist lips closed around his sensitive nipple, a liquid warmth seemed to envelop him. For the moment at least, his fears were forgotten as he experienced the most exciting feelings he could ever remember. The helpless teenager was not at all sure what was happening to him but despite his fears, he wanted it to continue.

Some primal instinct within Frankie whispered soothingly this might be the most important encounter of his young life. The helpless blond-haired boy had no control of the situation at all; it was out of his hands entirely, he rationalized, and therefore he was doing nothing wrong. Even his parents could see the logic in that.

Frankie looked down at the tight pants the man was wearing gasped involuntarily as he saw the bulging outline of an erect cock straining against the fabric. His fear returned as he tried to imagine how it would feel to have a massive cock forcing its way into his innocent young bumhole Frankie tried to press his buttocks into the towel-covered sand to prevent the man from removing his swimsuit.

Without taking his mouth from the boy's nipple, the man forced him back until he was lying flat on the towel, then easily slid his hand under the tightly rounded shape of the firm, youthful buttocks. The inwardly-thrilled boy knew he didn't have the strength to resist those strong hands as he felt relentless fingers digging under the elastic band of the material to pull it roughly down his hips. The tight swimsuit was suddenly pulled clear of his buttocks, and Frankie felt the warm air wash over the nakedly exposed area of his loins as the determined man worked with quick deft movements to slide the protecting cloth down to his ankles.

He'd pushed the suit down as far as he could reach without taking his mouth from the nipple, and Frankie raised his head to see the shiny blue fabric bunched at his feet. He'd only to flip his foot to completely rid his body of any entanglements. He lay back trembling, trying to comprehend the frightening sensation of being totally naked before a complete stranger!

It was only at that moment he fully realized what was going to occur, but the sensations from the nerve ends of his nipples and his straining erection sent his mind whirling with indescribably passion. Frankie felt a searching hand began to run up between the sensitive skin of his inner thighs, and he groaned with his mouth half-open, when he realised he had submissively spread his legs out wide.

Like a blind man reading Braille, the blond-haired stranger traced the form and shape of Frankie's stiff cock with the tips of his fingers. The silky smoothness of the boy's pubic hair was like an invitation to the man's searching lips and mouth. Frankie felt strong fingers caress his cock from head to root. His cock ached beneath the stroking fingers.

Feeling a sensation like an electric shock dash through his body when the man's fingers began jerking him gently, Frankie had second thoughts about what he was so passively allowing to happen. Despite his determination to remain coldly passive, his entire body was becoming lewdly aroused by the steady massaging of his genitals. Moisture now forming across the exposed head of his cock. His body was betraying him!

The feeling was different and somehow more exciting than the pleasures he'd obtained when his own fingers caressed his excited erection in the past. It was as if the helpless boy had never been touched there before, and he was completely shaken by the idea of what he knew was about to happen. This guy was going to rape him, fuck his young bumhole with a flesh-and-blood cock that would squirt out hot male cum into his bum! He was naked and completely helpless to his demands--there was absolutely nothing he could do to stop him--and somehow that fact brought a forbidden titillation to his body and mind.

It didn't matter anymore that the salacious stranger was going to rape him. All that really mattered was that he was going to have a hard hot cock fucking into his hot little anus, and he was helpless to prevent it. He found himself thinking it was all right as long as that cock belonged to a stranger and no one else would know.

The man got onto his feet. He stared down at the helplessly naked boy lying spread-eagled on the towel, seeing clearly that he was aroused and squirming with passion. He pulled off his khaki trousers, kicking them away from his legs as they fell. His hugely rampant cock leaped out fully erect as his shorts followed the pants. The iron-hard shaft jerked several times as he stared at the young lad's exposed and vulnerable sex. The dark pubic hair was short and soft, and there were tiny drops of fluid clinging to the the glazed head of his cock.

The boy was lying perfectly still, paralyzed by his conflicting emotions, his eyes were fixed hypnotically on the man's hard, throbbing cock. Frankie had to squint against the bright glare of the sun reflecting on the water, but he didn't take his eyes off the thrillingly obscene sight of the man's thick cock. He'd never really seen an erection that big before. The stranger's throbbing cock was like a thick broom handle and the enormous size of it made the shudder with a mixture of fear and lust. He hadn't realized a cock could be so big - except perhaps Danny's pony - and he couldn't tear his eyes away from it. The rubber-like flesh of the purple head was thick and throbbing, he could see drops of seminal fluid wetly glistening at the dilated slit at the tip.

"Is that his cum?" the boy wondered. "Maybe if he cums, he won't want to. . . to rape me . . . to stick that enormous thing up inside me." It frightened him to think of this huge rod of flesh pushing up inside his tight little bumhole, and he started trembling visibly from the thought. The blunt-headed shaft looked as though it would split his whole bum and belly open and the thought terrified him. All he had to do, the apprehensive teenager decided, was just to reach up and touch his ferocious-looking cock, to put his hand around it . . . to make it cum. Then the guy wouldn't be able to force that huge shaft up into him . . . He couldn't rape him then, could he? But . . . but, if he didn't shove his cock up inside him...

"Please don't hurt me!" he pleaded softly, and the blond-haired man standing above his responded with a lewdly calculating grin. "You really want to be fucked, don't you?" the older man grinned salaciously. Frankie tried to shake his head: "No! I don't want to be . . . to be ... fucked. . . not here! Not like this . . . not . . . not by that enormous wang!" he thought.

"Don't worry, I'll do it to you easy," the blond-haired man replied, and he moved down between the boy's legs, pushing them apart so that his innocent puckered rosebud was completely open to his gaze. Frankie was embarrassed by the man's lusting gaze. He knew he was looking directly up into his open crack, something that no one else had ever done. He wanted to close his legs together but the man was now kneeling down between them. At home, Frankie often lay on his back on his bed, legs up over his head, a magnifying mirror angled at the bottom of his bed so that he could inspect his little rosebud. At times, he's tried to pull his anus as wide open as he could to see inside himself, but it was still far too tight for such pleasures.

The blond-haired boy glanced up at the huge fleshy column that stood straight out from the man's loins, then he looked up at his face. As he leaned down toward his belly, the man closed his eyes and clenched his teeth tightly together while his lips made contact with the pale skin just above his pubic area. Frankie kept thinking of that giant cock as he felt the man's tongue running wetly across his belly and down towards the tip of his straining cock.

Suddenly the guy was lifting his lower half, slinging Frankie's open legs over his shoulders, and pushing his head into the boy's crack. Frankie gasped and fell back. He'd never felt so exposed and vulnerable in all his fourteen years. Then he felt something he'd never even imagined could happen; the man was kissing his crack, sliding his tongue along the smooth flesh, the tip of his tongue pressing against his hole... and then.. O God then... the man was kissing, really kissing his ring, his shot-hole... and it felt... Great!

Frankie didn't know if he wanted to remain silent. He was afraid the man would stop kissing his bumhole if he cried out with the pleasure of it. But as the mouth pressed farther into the tender flesh of his virgin bumhole, the boy let out a deep, uncontrollable moan from within his gently heaving chest. He tried to repress the cry as he didn't want anything to stop this forbidden sexual pleasure the man was giving him. His mind was completely absorbed by the lewd, awakening tingles that poured over his sensitized body, and the moistly heated tongue licking over, around and into his hot little hole.

The helplessly writhing boy felt the nipping teeth on the pulsing little ring of flesh; then the man lewdly sucked it inside his warm lips to nibble on it lasciviously. Suddenly his tongue was like a snake of hot flesh as he unravelled it to tremendous length, driving it wetly up inside the tight little passage of the boy's anus. Sparkling ripples of pleasure washed over his naked body as the man's tongue plowed into the moist walls of his burning rectum.

"OOOOOOooooohhhh!" Frankie moaned in emphasis to the pleasure the tongue was giving him. The crashing bolt that flared up through his belly forced the air out of his lungs, and the rippling sensation that echoed back down to his bumhole made the flame grown brighter as the tongue worked furiously up inside his bumhole. Frankie was enmeshed in the pleasure it was giving him, and he voluntarily moved his legs wider to give the hot tongue greater access to his hungry hole.

The obscenely skewering tongue plunged in and out of his virgin bumhole as the relentlessly devouring mouth beat a maddening rhythm over his whole exposed rectal area, and the frantically aroused teenager began to grind his buttocks down into the sand beneath the towel in time to the worming tongue.

The fourteen year old boy didn't want him to stop now. Oh, this was so much more exciting than his own cock could ever be! He reached down and took the man's head in his hand, and, locking his fingers into the strands of hair, the passionately writhing boy held him tightly against his crack as his tongue darted in and out of his passion-filled hole. Oh God, it was wonderful, and Frankie thought he'd been such a fool not to have allowed this to happen to him before now.

His whole belly was jerking from the pleasure of his tongue, and he pushed his hips up against his face to get him deeper up inside his. But suddenly the man reached out to pull his arms from his head, and he raised his mouth from the boy's sodden hole. Frankie opened his eyes, gasping, "Oh, no! Don't stop!" The frantically writhing boy saw the man staring down at his moistly glistening bumhole. He arched his hips up in naked invitation, and the determined man began pushing his legs up and back until his whole rectal region was open to the warm air.

The man moved quickly up between the boy's legs until his lust-swollen cock was pointing directly at the place where his tongue had been a moment before. Frankie had to raise his head up to see what the rapacious stranger was doing, and his eyes opened wide when he saw his huge cock hovering like a sacrificial knife over his wide-spread crack. The purplish-red mushroom-shaped cock-head appeared even bigger than before, and the trembling boy gasped out in terrified anguish.

"It's too big! Oh no! God, no! It'll rip me apart! Please don't . . ." he cried, frantic tears springing to his soft brown eyes. The stranger's naked cock was like a blunt sword of steaming fire made ready to plunge down into the depths of his belly, and the swollen purple tip seemed to be throbbing as little drops of seminal fluid oozed over the rubbery head from the narrow slit. The man acted as if he hadn't heard a word the boy said.

Paying no attention to the sobbing protests, he moved even closer, spreading Frankie's legs out wider. The thickly-smooth cock slowly made contact with the boy's ring, the man still half-kneeling between his pale thighs. He began to thrust his hips back and forth, stroking the exposed bumhole with the hard flesh of his lust-engorged cock. Frankie couldn't take his eyes off the swollen purple shaft as it slid between the cheeks of his bottom.

With a pitiful sob of despair, he realized he was being forced into submission by the brute strength of this relentlessly lascivious man, and if he had no choice but to do exactly as he said--even if he ripped him apart with his obscenely throbbing cock.

"Say it! Say you want me to do it," the grinning stranger teased again in a suddenly gruff voice. He was holding perfectly still over the boy's body as though waiting for his final signal of conscious submission. He had no choice, the helplessly spread-eagled teenager decided. What did it matter, anyway? Whether he wanted him to or not, he was going to rip him apart. Oh, God! he thought. I don't care! Just get it over with.

"Fuck me!" he groaned, "Yeh, fuck my ass with your big cock!"

"You put me in," whispered the man. "Go on, take my cock and put it inside you. That's what you want, isn't it?"

Then the blond-haired man leaned forward over the boy's body, placing his hands into the hot sand on either side of his shoulders. Frankie hesitated to take his pulsating cock in his hand, but when he looked down into his eyes with a lewdly cruel grin on his face, he gave in, and the helpless teenager reached down between their bodies to grasp the swollen rod. It was the first time he'd ever touched another cock, and as he wrapped his fingers submissively around the throbbing column of flesh, he could feel the blood swirling angrily in the warm shaft.

"Put it in!" the man commanded, and Frankie winced at the urgent tone in his voice. He held the stiff column in his hand, curiously moving it back and forth, and feeling the hot rubbery tip gently parting the fleshy lips around the opening of his shit chute. He held his breath as the spongy bulbous head forced its way slightly inside his moistly-trembling bumhole. And he gasped at the sudden surge of pain shooting through his defenceless body.

"AAAAWWWWHHH!" Frankie screamed as the rapacious stranger pushed forward with his hips in an attempt to drive his cock up inside the restricting rectal passage. The boy thought he was splitting in half, and the degree of pain surprised him in spite of his earlier fears. The man didn't pull back when he cried out, but instead pushed forward harder, the long blunt end of his tormenting cock seeming to grow bigger and hotter. The pain in Frankie's loins increased with his added force; then suddenly he thought his whole body all the way up to his nipples was being ripped apart as the thick purple cock-head sank wetly between his legs and disappeared inside the elastic flesh at the opening of his bowels.

"OOOOOHHHH!" The helplessly-writhing virgin screamed in agony as increased pain seared his body with an insistent force while the massive cock strained to push itself all the way deep up inside him. But his cries for mercy went unheeded as the huge rod buried itself ever more deeply up within his belly, adding more pain to his already spinning brain. All he could think about was stopping the pain in his innocent young bumhole, and he struggled beneath the cruel man's strong body in a desperate attempt to get away from his forceful entry. He squirmed his buttocks vainly down against the towel, spreading the sand beneath it as if to dig his way out, but the determined man held him tightly, making his efforts useless.

Frankie's eyes were wide open and gazing with sobbing disbelief down between his widespread legs. The man's hips were pressed tightly against the young boy's buttocks. He was sweating from the effort, his balls swirling with stored-up sperm that was throbbing for release.

"OOOOoooohh! Oooohh!" Frankie moaned as the man flexed his cock inside the depths of his burning rectum. He knew he'd been skewered like a lamb for roasting over an open pit, and the throbbing instrument in his bumhole made the pain pulsate to his brain. His eyes were closed against the possibility of further pain, and he fully expected it to continue the moment the man moved, but the man kept still as if waiting for the boy's brutally-invaded bumhole to adjust to his huge size.

The lewdly panting man flexed his rampantly throbbing cock once again, but this time Frankie didn't feel the pain he'd expected. Gradually, the pain was being replaced by sensations of pleasure--small tingles at first, then building within his trembling bumhole more and more. His rosy nipples tipping his strong little chest were hard and erect, and they responded throbbingly to the sensation of the man's chest brushing against them. His breath was warm, coming smoothly from his open mouth across the sensitive nerves in the boy's neck.

The huge cock was plunged all the way up inside his bumhole, and Frankie realized the pain of his entry would not again return. He was now going to get fucked, and the hardest part of his first time was over.

"Oooohhhh! God! Yessss!" Frankie hissed between his tightly clenched teeth as the man slowly rolled his hips into the softness of his widespread buttocks. Frankie had his legs splayed out wide, and now he snaked them up around the man's hips to lock him securely into his bumhole. His belly jerked again and again as if the guy's cock might burst through like the little creature in 'Alien'. Frankie laughed to himself.

"Ooooohhh! Oooooh!" Frankie moaned, trying to screw his bumhole back up onto the long rod of flesh. He was completely absorbed by the idea of this older man, a complete stranger whose name he didn't even know, fucking him, and he wanted desperately for him to get on with it. The man saw how excited the young boy was, and he deliberately drove his anxious cock back inside his tight passage with slow sureness. The blunt tip of his cock seemed to part the moist walls of his rectum like a knife sinking into soft warm butter, and the bumhole closed tightly around the thick column like a hot glove, the nerves in the walls transmitting every shape and part to his brain. It was as if he were balancing on the edge of a cliff, clinging hungrily to every movement of the long slow down-stroke, and the sensations he felt were ultimate pleasure compared to his first painful entry.

The thick rubbery head finally reached the depths of his rectum, and Frankie felt the twin sacs of the man's balls slap lightly against his naked buttocks as if to signal the end of his slow drive. It felt too good to be real, and Frankie spread his legs out as widely as he could to suck every bit of pleasure out of his next plunge. The panting man held his iron-hard cock motionless in his steaming bumhole for a moment, but then he again withdrew it from the depths of his hungry hole. The boy's bumhole was like liquid fire, and he again pushed forward, farther than before, his balls slapping into the crevice of his widespread buttocks with a loud smacking sound.

The lust-driven man began to hammer his burgeoning cock in and out of the sensitive passage with ever-increasing ferocity, and the motion of his rock-hard column sent ripples of shattering pleasure flashing with growing intensity to every part of his aroused young body. Frankie took up the rhythm with him, arching his hips up as he drove in on the down-stroke, and then pulling back as he withdrew his fleshy rod. His excitement was fantastic, and the helpless teenager began rolling his head from side to side in uncontrollable frenzy at the sensation.

"Ooooohhh! Yeh! Fuck me! Fuck me!" he chanted with abandoned passion. All of his previous fears about the rapacious man were gone now, to be replaced with the pleasure his screwing cock was giving him. The blond-haired man's long, thick, pounding column of flesh slid in and out of his bumhole with greater ease, the walls of his tightly-grasping passage wrapping and squeezing every part of his throbbingly hard thickness as it brought his to highe r and higher levels of pleasure.

The moaning teenage boy felt the rolling motion of their bodies fucking on the beach, and the sand and water seemed to amplify the entire act as the woods towered over them. The sensitized walls of his bumhole telegraphed the message of his screwing cock to the electrified tips of his nerve ends through his entire body, and the young blond-haired boy's whole body and mind seemed concentrated entirely inside his hungry bumhole.

Somehow, Frankie knew the huge pulsing prick was soon going to start spewing out hot, white fluid, and at the same time his own belly started jerking uncontrollably. he'd no idea what was happening to his insides, but he felt sure he was going to explode at any moment. Suddenly, the hard column of flesh sank deeper than ever up inside his, filling his hole completely with its frenziedly swollen hardness. The expansion of the cock in his bum was like a warning of greater things to come, and when the first liquid burst of searing male sperm traveled up the massive cock to the tip like a tremendous signal of a storm, Frankie was thrown into a wild ecstasy.

"Ooooooohhh! OOOOOhhh!" the passion-drenched teenager screamed.

"Ohhh," the jack-hammering rapist groaned. "I'm cccuummiinnggg!"

Frankie thought he felt hot spurts of liquid hit the inside walls of his bottom. He wasn't sure. His own cock was spurting onto his belly and chest, every spurt setting off lighting jolts of pleasure in his brain just as much as in his pulsating cock. He must be 'cuming'. Of course, he'd heard about it in school. And a couple of times he'd come to close to it in the dark warmth of his own bed as his fingers played with his stiff flesh. But he'd always pulled back just in time. Now there was no pulling back. Only the hot jolting spurts that went on and on forever, keeping time with the hot spurts inside his body.

Frankie's eyes were closed, and he kept them closed. He felt the stranger withdraw. He felt the sudden emptiness in his bowels. The burning of the violated ring of his hole. He wanted to say "Thank you" to the stranger, but that sounded silly even to him.

"Are you finished, sir? May I go now, please?" the boy whispered to the man above him.

"Not quite yet darling, not quite yet. Just you lie there. Don't move, Don't open your eyes till I tell you."

Frankie nodded his head.

He wasn't quite sure what the man was doing till he realised the man was squatting over him. "What the fuck was he doing?"

The dark voice came again.

"Don't you dare move. But you can open your eyes now."

Frankie opened his eyes. It took a few seconds to focus to work out what he was looking at - or into.

It was a huge arsehole! A huge hairy arsehole! And it was blossoming like a rose. It was even red like a rose. And a huge turd was exiting from the hole. Huge and solid. And dropping down onto the boy's chest. The man grunted. Another six inches of solid shit bullied its way out of the man's red protuberence and dropped into the boy's chest, steaming in the hot sunshine.

Frankie closed his eyes, opened them, and the man was gone. The huge pile of shit was still there but the man was gone. Frankie got unsteadily to his feet. The turds stuck like two obscene nipples. He shook them off and pattered across the hot sands into the sea, sighing as the cool waters soothed his bumhole. The ravished teenager didn't want to move. He wanted to just lie in the water and remember every detail of his recent experience. Then, from somewhere in the distance, he heard a voice calling out his name. It was Jay!

Quickly, Frankie got out of the water, grabbed his things and made his way back up the hill. He could hear Jay's voice coming nearer. He stopped and pulled on his swimsuit. As his friend's voice got nearer, Frankie began to walk toward it, tottering slightly like a young gazelle who had just been shot, but remarkably at ease with the sensations in his mind, heart and glowing bumhole where the sperm swam blindly, aimlessly and helplessly.

"Gosh, you look great, Frankie!" Jay said in a half-serious voice. "Life by the water certainly seems to agree with you!"

Frankie blushed at his friend's statement. If Jay only knew what had happened so suddenly on the beach this morning. Frankie hated to keep secrets from Jay. They were such good friends it didn't seem right somehow not to tell him about the man who had so casually taken his cherry and shit on him this morning. But something in his confused mind warned him to remain silent about those terrifying pleasure-filled moments.

Jay might be so frightened as to want to return to London immediately, or even to report the incident to the local police. Far from wanting the man arrested, Frankie quietly hoped he would return again soon.

"How do you know I didn't meet my Prince Charming on the beach this morning?" Frankie replied, trying to keep his voice light and humorous. The two boys were just finishing a lunch of broiled steak and vegetables. There seemed to be enough food there to last for several months.

"If I know you, you wouldn't know what to do with a real guy, let alone some Prince Charming!" Jay said slyly, proud of his own experience with Danny and wanting to rub it in a little with Frankie. He'd always been amused and puzzled by Frankie's refusal to allow boys any kind of liberty.

"You might be surprised!" Frankie retorted hotly. He looked Jay squarely in the eyes, tempted to blurt out he was no longer a virgin. The sudden ringing of the telephone saved him from uttering the dark secret. Jay rose quickly and ran to the instrument. His voice was excited as he put the receiver to his ear and began to talk rapidly.

Watching him, Frankie could tell it was Danny calling. From his friend's little squeals of delight, he guessed Danny and his friend would soon be joining them at the lake. His cock stiffened a little at the prospect! As Jay hung up the telephone and rejoined Frankie at the table, happiness was written all over his smiling face.

"Score one for our side, Frankie," Jay said. "Danny and a boy named Toby Hopper are coming up this afternoon. They should be here around eight o'clock. Isn't that great?"

Frankie tried to match the name Toby Hopper with a face in his memory but could not. Danny was popular at college and had so many friends he probably had not met him. He listened as Jay prattled on.

"Danny says Toby is a real cool guy. Didn't I tell you we were going to have a great time here?" It pleased Frankie to see Jay so happy. The two boys had been close friends for several years now, as close as brothers really. They were dissimilar in appearance but they complemented one another in many ways.

Despite his sexual experiences with Danny, Jay had an air of innocence about him. Frankie was more a natural beauty, and his lithe young body was graceful without being delicate. His dark eyes gave him a mysterious look, a look that seemed to mask his actual inexperience.

"Let's take a walk down to the lake, Frankie," Jay said in an excited voice. "I want to see your 'secret cove!'"

He was already stepping toward the doorway, his long blond hair flying. Frankie followed his friend out of the lodge, and the two boys chattered gaily as they walked toward the granite outcropping. When they reached it, Jay ran the last few yards into the cove.

"Wow! This is a neat place," Jay exclaimed, looking around the sandy cove. "It's like being in another world!"

The blond-haired teenager smiled as he walked to the sunniest part of the beach to lay out his towel. He could see Jay was impressed with 'his' beach, and he was glad he'd decided to share it with him. "Shall we keep it a secret?" Frankie asked, a little anxiety in his voice.

Somehow it would spoil everything if Jay told Danny and his friend Toby about the little cove.

"Don't worry! You can come here and fantasize about your Prince Charming in complete privacy," Jay laughed aloud as he sat down next to Frankie, "I'll be too busy with Danny to bother you!"

Frankie was still in his Speedos. The sun felt warm and good as he lay there. He looked over at his friend beside him. "It's too bad you didn't wear your swimsuit. I'd like to take a dip." Jay was wearing shorts.

"I wish I had. A swim would be great about now," Jay replied, smiling. He turned away from Frankie to look at the water. "The lake sure looks inviting!"

"It's so private here we could go skinny-dipping and nobody would see us," said Frankie standing up to tug at his swimsuit. His body glowed in the sun. Jay looked up to see if Frankie was serious.

"I'll do it if you will," Jay said sheepishly.

"Okay, let's go!" Frankie said, pulling the tiny suit off and kicking it away from his feet. He was completely naked before Jay could get to his feet and strip himself. Shyly, Jay stripped, and the boys stood facing each other. Frankie couldn't help noticing the silky-smooth curls of light blond pubic hair forming a patch at the bottom of Jay's abdomen. Jay looked so sexy standing there in the nude, and Frankie was reminded of his own nakedness this morning at this very spot.

Mentally willing himself not to spring a hard-on, Frankie ran toward the water and felt the hot sand turn cool on his feet as he entered the green liquid. Forcing his body into deeper water, he lowered his body and thrust it forward to cover it completely with the coolness. The boy loved swimming. It made him feel secure and alone . . . away from the prying eyes of his parents and their hopelessly out-dated ideas about growing up.

Frankie came up out of the water to see Jay still standing on the beach. He waved to his best friend to come join him in the water. Jay stepped to the water's edge very slowly, his body moving sensuously, as though he was making an important decision. He stopped for a moment, then giggled and ran into the water, the spray rising to spatter his bottom.

"This is great!" Jay said as he trod water next to Frankie. Only their heads above water, they might have been merboys surfacing into sunlight.

"I am the siren of the cove!" Frankie wailed, then he dove into the water again, his pale buttocks gleaming in the sunlight as he submerged. Jay waited until Frankie had resurfaced, then he, too, dove down into the clear depths. It was like being suspended in a weightless world of liquid beauty, and they both swam around the cove until they were tired.

Jay was the first to call it quits, and he walked out of the water, trailing a piece of sodden weed from the lake's bottom in his hand.

"Neptune's son!" he called to Frankie, and both boys laughed as they ran across the sand to Frankie's towel. Neither bothered to put on their swimsuits, but lay down side by side on the big towel, wet and glistening from the water. And both boys fell fast sleep.

It was just after seven-thirty when Frankie heard the sound of a minibus coming up the graveled road. He threw aside the magazine he'd been reading and ran to the window. The local service was unloading two boys: Danny and Toby Hopper.

Frankie was surprised at Toby Hopper's appearance. He looked to be in his late-teens, with curly brown hair and an easy grin on his handsome face. He'd expected someone Danny's age, and here was a guy who appeared to be a year or two older.

"Jay!" Frankie called out to his friend in the kitchen. "Danny and Toby are here!"

He walked quickly to the wall mirror and checked his appearance as Jay joined him in the front room. "You look just fine," Jay said laughing, "Just don't be nervous and everything will be fine!"

Jay went to the door and threw it open to Danny and Toby Hopper.

"Hi, Jay!" Danny said immediately.

The two young guys stood in the doorway smiling, their arms loaded with black hold-alls and a rolled-up movie screen.

"Give us a hand will you, this stuff is heavy?"

He handed Jay a small case as he backed away from the door to allow them to enter. "Hi, Danny!" Jay answered, mystified by the equipment. He set the case down and closed the door.

"What is all this stuff, Danny?" Jay asked.

"Come on, show me where we can put this," the older boy said, anxious to be relieved of the heavy cases. He suddenly saw Frankie and smiled broadly at him.

"Hi, Frankie. Meet my friend Toby Hopper. Toby, meet Frankie O'Dowd and Jay Fellows . . . two really cool people!"

He set the cases down with a sigh of relief. As he did, Jay threw himself into his arms and kissed him passionately . Frankie went over to Toby and smiled shyly at him as he helped him put the cases he carried alongside the others.

"Hi, Toby. I hope you had a good trip up!" His words sounded shallow and inane to himself, but he was unable to think of anything else to say . Toby smiled back as his dark, devouring eyes took in the slim, atheltic figure of the young boy. "Jesus Christ," he thought to himself, "what a body!" He could feel his cock hardening at the thought of spending the evening seducing this beautiful young thing.

"Not bad at all, Frankie." He dragged his eyes away from Frankie and looked around the room. "Wow! This is really great ! Jay's old man must have a lot of bread to be able to afford something like this!"

Jay and Danny broke apart and stood there looking at one another hungrily. Out of the corner of his eye, Frankie could see the bulging outline of Danny's swollen erection. It was obvious Jay was going to be busy soon.

"Okay, Danny, what is all this stuff?" Jay asked, his breath coming fast from the passionate embrace and the hard erect cock that had pressed into his belly. His crotch wwas beginning to burn in anticipation of the throbbing staff plunging into his anxious bumhole.

"Relax, Jay. It's only a little entertainment for tonight. I told you Toby makes films. This is his projection equipment and he brought up one of his movies," Danny said, grinning at the look of puzzlement on Jay's face.

"I didn't plan to spend the night watching movies," Jay replied cheekily, "I've got other plans!"

"It's a porno, baby!" Danny said, pulling Jay to him and wrapping his hard-muscled arms around the boy's wriggling body. He was oblivious to Frankie and Toby, pressing himself into Danny and rotating his pelvis against him.

Standing next to Toby, Frankie was shocked and excited at the same time. He'd never seen a sex movie, and the thought of the four of them watching one together sent little shivers through his body. He could feel Toby watching his face for his reaction and he avoided his eyes. He needed time to comprehend all that was happening.

"Can I get anyone a drink?" Frankie said a little too loudly. Without waiting for a reply he went to the bar and started fixing the drinks; lager for Jay and himself, beer for Danny and Toby. He could hear the sounds of the two young guys setting up the projector and screen; his confused mind alter-nated between anxiety and resignation. The idea of seeing sex on a screen was repulsive to him. He wanted to be laid, all right, but he still thought of it as something mysterious and beautiful - like this morning on the beach with the stranger.

He knew it was silly of him, but for some reason he'd thought the handsome Toby Hopper would need no stimulation except the sight of his hungry young body, eager for him to manfully take control of the situation and seduce him quickly. As he finished pouring the drinks, he silently hoped the experience would not be too unpleasant.

Jay and Danny sat together on a large couch, still frenching passionately. They did not look up as Frankie placed their drinks on a coffee table and went over to the projector where Toby stood adjusting knobs. He took the drink from him and downed it quickly.

"Have you ever seen a pornographic film before, Frankie?" he asked casually, as though this were nothing out of the ordinary.

"Oh, I've seen a couple," Frankie lied. He knew how shocked his parents would be if they could see him here, about to watch God-knows what on the screen! He sat down in a large armchair, hoping Toby would join him after the film started.

"Everybody set?" Toby asked. Jay and Danny broke apart long enough to answer affirmatively, and Frankie nodded. He quickly turned off the room lights and started the projector. Then, to Frankie's great disappointment, He pulled another chair next to his and sat down. The younger boy had to force himself to look at the screen, even less interested now in what he was about to see.

"I hope you boys aren't going to be critical," Toby said, "this is one of the first films I ever made. My later ones are much better!"

"Let us be the judge of that!" Danny replied, his hands busy with the lush body of the giggling Jay. They were stretched out on the couch now, their bodies locked together.

The title of the film was "Love in the Classroom," and the picture began with a shot of a middle-aged man sitting behind a teacher's desk in a classroom. He was reading a book entitled "Sex and the Teenager."

Suddenly the classroom door opened and the man looked up to see a well-built boy of about fifteen come into the room.

"Come here," snapped the teacher to the boy. "You're in trouble. You've got an hour's detention with me, but we would make that half an hour if you co-operate. Understood?"

The boy approached the desk. "Understood, sir," and without being asked, sat himself down on the edge of the desk. The man got up, came round the desk and stood in front of the boy who wore tight tennis shorts and a T-shirt.

The man ran his hand up between the boy's creamy white thighs. Obviously pushing his fingers between the curving mounds of his buttocks. After a moment, he wriggled his buttocks as the man removed his shorts and underpants. When he got them free of the boy's tapering legs, he took the garments and tossed them aside. The boy raised his arms and the teacher slipped the T-shirt over his head.

After a moment, sir unzipped his pants, and the camera once zoomed in to reveal his massive throbbing cock leaping out into the boy's hand. The boy encircled it with his fingers and began a slow, rhythmic stroking, from the base to the pulsing rubbery head. As the camera pulled back, the man's hand could be seen between the boy's legs, his fingers feverishly massaging his genitals.

Frankie heard heavy breathing from the direction of the couch where Jay and Danny were entangled. He glanced over to see they were locked together, their fondling seemed to parallel the film couple though they were ignoring the film to concentrate on their own lovemaking. He wondered how long it would be before they were fucking in earnest. The idea excited him and he wished he could watch them instead of the film.

Suddenly, Jay and Danny rose quietly from the couch and went toward a bedroom, leaving Frankie and Toby alone.

On the screen, the man began to disrobe himself. As he did so, the boy licked his lips obscenely and stared at his throbbing cock, his face coming close so as to see better. At last the man was also naked and he lay down on the desktop, motioning the boy toward him. His massive cock stood straight up. With the couple in the film now naked, Frankie found the movie a bit more exciting, and he felt a small tingling sensation in the pit of his belly, his cock aching so hard it hurt. Frankie wondered how long it would be before he spurted for the second time that day, the second time in his young life.

His thoughts were interrupted by Toby's voice. "Excuse me for a moment, Frankie," Toby asked, standing up from the chair. "If this film is becoming too boring for you, I'll be glad to shut it off when I come back!"

Frankie guessed Toby was going to the bathroom, and he liked the polite way he'd offered to stop the film on his return. He didn't really care if the film kept running or not, but it was getting a lot better than the way it had started out. He was glad to have it to watch while he was left alone in the room. He began to rub his fingers up between his thighs as he directed his attention back to the film.

The teenage blond boy was bending over the man on the desk, his slender fingers around his hard cock, fondling it. Then his hands came up and went around his head, pulling it closer to the thick pulsing organ. His tongue came out and began to lick the hard cock, running wetly over every part of the long, hard cock. It seemed to grow larger as the boy kept on licking it, and his hand was gently massaging the twin sacs containing his cum-filled balls.

After a long moment, the boy lowered his mouth over the head of the throbbing cock, taking the whole of the thick, purple head inside his mouth. He was sucking the man's cock furiously. The boy's long blond hair brushed against the man's stomach as his head drove up and down on the thick fleshy cock. Frankie couldn't believe what he was watching. The idea of sucking a man's cock had never occurred to him, and for a moment he wanted to call out to Toby to stop the film before it became even more depraved.

Then he remembered the stranger's tongue wildly sucking at his bumhole this morning, and he suspected the feeling must be the same for a man having his cock sucked by a willing mouth.

With Toby still gone from the room, he couldn't resist working his long fingers under the narrow strip of white nylon covering his own bumhole. As if by signal, the boy stopped sucking the man's cock and climbed on the desk with him. He straddled his body, his head once again poised over his throbbing cock, his bumhole gaping invitingly near the man's head. Quickly his head came down and his mouth drew in the man's huge cock and began to suck it. The man's head came up and his tongue started to lick the boy's exposed bumhole.

After a few minutes of furious mutual sucking, they untangled their bodies and the boy stretched out on his back with his legs hanging over the side of the desk. The man pulled his legs up and out as he stood in front of him. The boy's bumhole was completely open to the camera, the moist opening ragged and pink and seeming to pulsate as the man's throbbing cock came near. Then slowly, the man drove his long, hard cock up into the slippery rectal passage. The camera had zoomed into a close-up position, and every inch of the disappearing cock could be seen as it entered the trembling bumhole. It was almost as if the boy was pulling the man's cock inside his, and then at last, his balls smacked hard into the boy's upturned buttocks.

They began rhythmically ducking immediately, and the big cock rode in and out of the tight, vibrating passage with more and more speed. The film was getting to Frankie, but he was reluctant to continue the massaging of his cock for fear Toby might walk into the room and see him.

But suddenly, and maybe because the lager was getting to him, Frankie didn't give a fuck any more. He stood up, stripped off his T-shirt and shorts, and went to the couch to stretch out while still watching the film. The lager he'd drunk helped him to relax, and his head was still swimming with the excitement of being ready for sex. He lay down on the couch on his side, leaning on one arm, his smooth tapering body stretched invitingly along the length of the couch. In the semi-darkness of the room illuminated only by the film, his dark young bumhole still tingled from itys morning fuck.

On the screen, the man had bent over the boy when he wrapped his legs around his waist. His long, rigid cock worked in and out of the boy's bumhole with tremendous force, and the white liquid of some lubricating fluid was clearly visible on the throbbing rod of flesh. It was apparent they were nearing a climax as the boy arched his hips upward to meet the thrusting cock.

Frankie was feeling his nerves tingle with vicarious sensations as he watched the lewd coupling on the screen. He glanced over to the projector and saw the film was barely halfway through, and he began to wonder what would happen when the couple finished fucking on the desk.

All sorts of ideas flashed through his head, and it only served to make him more excited. Then he remembered Toby should be coming back from wherever it was he'd gone, and he was just looking up toward the door when the older boy walked into the room, his shirt already half-unbuttoned as though he was expecting to fuck Frankie without a fight of any kind.

Frankie wondered if Toby had seen him naked on the couch, and had gotten the idea of coming in with his shirt half-off from that. His entrance into the room gave every indication he was right in his guess, but he still felt he should say something to him. It took a lot of effort to muster up the courage to speak, and Frankie wanted it to sound right.

"I wondered if you had deserted me," Frankie said quietly. For a moment he thought Toby hadn't heard him, as he said nothing while he continued pulling off his clothing. Then, when he dropped his pants, Frankie could see his cock was fully erect. Seven, maybe eight inches. Circumsized, and as thick as Frankie's little cousin's wrist. Frankie licked his lips; his bumhole twitched in anticipation.

"I want to fuck you, Frankie. You're very beautiful," Toby said simply, moving to the couch. He wanted very badly to fuck the boy, to experience the tightness of his tender young bumhole around his aching hard cock, and he wanted to make his beg for his cum.

Frankie felt his belly jerk from the stimulating effect of Toby's words. He badly wanted to experience once again the wild desire and pleasure of the morning. As Toby stood there in front of his, his eyes went automatically to the hard column of flesh that stood out erect from his groin. The moisture in his bowels seemed to run freely, wetting his heated rectal passage for the expected entrance of this fully erect cock.

Toby sat down on the edge of the couch, and leaned down to kiss Frankie fully on the red lips of his soft yielding mouth. When lips met lips, he opened his mouth to take in his tongue, and he expertly sucked and nipped at it as if it was a delicious morsel fit for the gods. He immediately ran his hand down over his full voluptuous young body, feeling his warm tanned skin, his flat stomach, and finally the soft covering of pubic hair at the base of his stomach.

Toby's fingers felt the dampness of lubricating fluids before actually making contact with the boy's bumhole, and his moan into his mouth when he touched his bumhole was a positive sign he was more than ready for good hot fucking. He was a hot little bitch, just as Danny had said.

Frankie wiggled his buttocks down into the soft cushion of the couch in an attempt to get flat on his back. He lifted his legs onto the armrest. He wanted to give those probing fingers complete access to his hungry bumhole, and his legs were partly restricted by the back of the couch and by his body. He felt an extended middle finger working into the folds of his ring muscle, and he pushed his hips down hard to speed its entrance.

When the electric contact was made, he felt as if the sensation traveled out to every extremity of his body, teasing his nerves into an excited state of passion, and he jerked his bumhole against the extended finger for more. The hardened nerve ends under the finger felt both moist and flexible, and Toby drove it back and forth with startling effect.

Frankie was frantically pulling at his tongue with his warm mouth, and tiny squeals of pleasure came from his throat. Moving his finger faster, Toby massaged the inner flesh of his bumhole.

"Mmmmmmmm! Yessssss!" Frankie moaned out loud as the long finger pushed into the depths of his bumhole. The excited teenager was really ready for him, and he reached with his left hand to take hold of the boy's throbbing cock.

Finding the rubbery flesh of the blood-swollen head, he wrapped his hand around it to pump it in time to the screwing finger in his bumhole. The foreskin folded back under his tight grip, and he ran his hand down the whole length of the shaft.

It was rock-hard and seemed to swell up larger in his hand as he felt the blood swirling through the jerking flesh, and he released it momentarily to cup the cum-filled balls in his hands.

His finger worked in and out of the tight bumhole with greater urgency, and he pumped more vigorously up and down Frankie's cock to make him eager to have Toby's cock inside his bumhole. Toby had to fight his immediate urge to cum as Frankie's hand also pumped his cock, and he was excited by his manner of manipulating his balls. For a moment he considered making the boy suck his cock with his warm mouth, closing his lips around his aching shaft until his cum would spurt deep into his throat.

But he was determined to fuck him in the bumhole first, as that was more important to his objective. The boy's bumhole was hot and tight, the moistening fluid making his finger slip easily in and out of the narrow sage, and he wanted to get up on the couch to look down and see his lust-hungry body beneath him.

Without saying a word, he pulled his finger from the throbbing bumhole, and moving so as not to let his hand release his cock, he knelt down on the couch between Frankie's widespread legs.

"Oh, yeh! Please fuck me now, Toby!" Frankie pleaded softly as he wiggled his body to let the young man move up between his outspread thighs. He held onto his cock as he moved, almost as if he was afraid of losing it, and once he was up on the couch, he was free to bring his legs up and back, giving the older boy complete access to his fully-exposed shit chute.

The flickering light reflected from the film on the screen was all that illuminated Frankie's naked young body. Toby stared down at this virgin doll, begging him for sensual pleasure , and it was exactly the appearance he looked for in his films.

"Please put it in me now!" Frankie pleaded as he struggled to get his bumhole up to Toby's cock. His belly was like a raging forest fire of passion, and the tension only served to make the flames burn brighter as he imagined how that big hard cock would feel inside his wet bumhole. Toby's sucking and nipping of his nipple was beautiful, but it also prevented him from putting his large cock inside his bumhole. It was so near he thought he would go crazy if he didn't put it in soon.

Lifting his head from the boy's chest, Toby looked directly into Frankie's eyes for a moment, and he could see the pleading passion in his expression. He straightened up so he could look down toward his bumhole, and then he moved his hips forward, until his cock just barely touched his flesh. Frankie took his long cock in both hands, and excitedly tried to work his body down toward the huge column. "Put your cock in my bumhole. . . please . . . fuck me . . . fuck my bumhole . . . "

Frankie began babbling almost incoherently as he wriggled his buttocks toward the head of his cock. He felt he had to excite Toby with words before he would plunge his cock into his bumhole, and his lewd words seemed to suddenly do the trick. Toby placed his hands under his thighs to push his legs out wider, and then he moved toward his exposed ring with deliberate care.

When he felt the thick swollen cock-head push up into the little brown circle of his bumhole, Frankie quickly ran it up and down the slit to part it for his entrance. Sensations flashed through his body as the throbbing cock brushed over his ring, then made contact with the elastic sphincter of his bumhole.

Unable to resist his any longer, the seventeen-year-old drove his cock like a raging pile driver inside his steaming fourteen-year-old bumhole. The thick head of his cock slipped into the tight opening of the anala canal like a rabbit squirming desperately into its hole.

"Oh! God!"

The slow entry was like an eternity of pleasure, and there seemed to be no end to the long plunging column. It was drilling into the depths of his body until he thought it would pierce the base of his jerking bottom.

"Aaaaaggghhhhhh!" Frankie screamed with relief as his hungry bumhole was thrillingly filled with the pulsating cock-flesh. He felt the wiry bush of Toby's pubic hair tickling the pink flesh between his crack, and his cum-laden balls swing heavily against the crevice of his upturned buttocks.

Toby leaned forward over the boy's passion-wracked body, and drove back and forth, harder and harder, faster and fraster, deeper and deeper. Frankie's whimpers, moans and screams only drove him on more ruthlessly than ever. The boy's bumhole was better than he'd ever imagined, the spongy walls rippling over the full length of his sensitive cock like waves of hot water, as tight around him as a well-fitting glove.

He flexed the long shaft in the depths of the boy's rectum, and each time he did so, Frankie let out a little squeal of pleasure. He continued flexing his cock with more rapid pacing, until finally Frankie was squirming with unbridled joy.

"Oh, God! That's so good! Fuck into me hard!"

Frankie groaned his passion, and he reached up to wrap his arms around Toby's muscular back. The lust-driven teenager's belly jerked in automatic response to his swelling cock in his rectum, and he screwed his hips down into the couch in a desperate attempt to have the cock pumping in and out of his rectal passage.

Toby's cock plunged to his depths, and when he hit bottom, he immediately took up the sawing motion of fucking. Frankie's rectum tightened and loosened as Toby rhythmically drove his cock in and out of his steaming passage. All his senses were concentrated at the center of his rectum now, and Frankie arched his hips up and down as his seducer's long, hard cock fucked into him. On his down-stroke he threw his legs up and out, feeling his thick rigid staff slide smoothly into the burning depths of his ass. As he hit bottom, Toby's balls would slap noisily against his upturned buttocks.

The lower ridge of the gland-head seemed to pull all his fluid with it when Toby stopped at the end of his out-stroke, then swelling as it plunged, his cock rammed back up into his arsehole once again. The sensation pounded and echoed through his bowels like a repeat of the fucking he'd received on the beach this morning.

"Ooooohhhh! Fuccckkkkk! Yesssss!" Frankie cried, and he rolled his head from side to side, his dark hair caught under his head while his brown eyes blinked rapidly in the film's reflected light.

"Oh, God! Give it to me! Give me your cum! I want your cum now!" Frankie screamed, and he bucked up against the lust-enlarged cock like a wild, passionate animal.

Hearing Frankie's words, Toby felt his balls give way to the exquisite pressure, and a sensation ran down from the thick tip of his cock before the released white cum started its pleasure-giving journey to the head of his cock. The hot, sticky-sweet cum dashed furiously up the length of his excited shaft and spurted from the tip like a hot stabbing knife.

"Ooohhhhh," the young man moaned, "I'mmm cccuuummmiiinnnggggg!"

"AAAAAGGGGGHHHHH!" Frankie yelled as he felt the first blast from his deeply-buried cock. It was like the jet of hot male cum that had pierced his lower guts with enjoyment this morning, and he pushed up hard to feel every tiny drop of the hot, spewing cum up in his hole. He could actually feel the sperm traveling up the length of the thick hard cock with the nerve ends of his burning arsehole, and it seemed as if his rectal passage was rippling and shuddering with uncontrollable sensations as the sperm flooded out into him with wildly relieving and releasing heat. Their bodies rolled together on the couch as they soared on their mutual climaxes, Toby pumping hot sticky loads of cum deep between his desperately flailing legs, while Frankie moaned out his pleasure, as cum spurted in little jets from his own pulsating cock.

He didn't want to let go of Toby when his cock finally stopped squirting out its hot fluids, and he kept squeezing it with the tight muscular ring of his sphincter to milk every last drop from it. His stomach kept jerking for several minutes, and it was only then he realized the film had finally run through the projector. Only the whirring in the darkness stopped the boy from slipping into a pleasure-induced fainting swoon.

Frankie was dreaming when the telephone rang. He and Toby Hopper were lying on the beach in his secret cove. Frankie's legs slung over the older boy's shoulders. Toby's body was above his, naked and gleaming in the sun. His thick cock seemed to be huge, much larger than the boy remembered, poised obscenely between his white thighs, the large purplish knob just inches away from his moist anal lips. Frankie was begging him to fuck him, pleading for him to hurry and plunge the pulsing rod into his hungry arsehole. Just as he felt the massive organ begin to penetrate him, Toby's face and body became that of the devil-may-care stranger. The man was laughing at his pleas. The telephone rang again. While one part of Frankie's mind struggled to come awake, another part screamed to let him finish the lewd dream.

Frankie bolted upright as the telephone rang again, eyes wide open and staring. He heard Jay's voice from the other bedroom. "Frankie! Answer the fucking phone!"

He picked up the telephone from the bedside table, confused and uncertain where he was. Danny and Toby had driven back to Windsor early this morning, leaving the boys utterly satiated and ass-weary from their feverish lovemaking. Danny had promised they'd return this evening, but he'd failed to explain why they'd had to leave.

Dawn had been breaking as the exhausted boys fell into their beds and went to sleep quickly. "Hello?" Frankie's voice was yawning as he spoke. The digital clock beside the telephone said 16:32; the sun streaming in through the window confirmed it was late afternoon. There was a long silence at the other end of the line.


"No . . . this is Frankie."

"Danny here. Is Jay awake yet?"

"Oh! Hi, Danny. Jay's right here," Frankie said, and held out the receiver for his friend.

"Hi, lover! What's up?" Jay whispered into the receiver as he collapsed down beside the still-sleepy Frankie. Jay was completely naked and his free hand immediately went to his arsehole, rubbing it gently as he winked at Frankie, who smiled knowingly.

"Listen, baby! I'm about sixteen miles down the road, but I wanted to find out if Toby has arrived yet?"

Danny's voice sounded tired and anxious. The question puzzled Jay.

"I don't understand!" Jay said, "Aren't you two driving back together?"

"No. Toby wanted to have his own car there so he drove alone. He's up to something and I wanted to make sure he didn't get there before I'd a chance to warn you!"

"About what?" Jay asked impatiently.

"Look - I'll tell you when I get there! Just make sure you stay awake until then! Okay?" Danny sounded irritated, and not a little anxious.

About an hour later, a sharp knock at the door announced Danny was back. His arrival was reassuring, and the boys calmly walked over to the large couch and sat down before pressing him further.

"Okay, so tell us what this is all about!" Jay said when they were all comfortably settled. He and Frankie were sitting on the couch together facing Danny, who had himself plopped down in an overstuffed chair.

"I'm only guessing, mind you, but I think Toby took pictures of our escapades last night," Danny announced to the astonished boys. The serious look on his face made Frankie burst out laughing as though appreciating a good joke.

"I'm serious, damnit!" Danny said harshly.

"How do you know?" Jay asked, sensing his real concern. Frankie had stopped laughing and was watching Danny.

"On the drive back to Windsor this morning he did everything but admit it. And he said he had to go home to pick up some film and lighting equipment. He wouldn't tell me anything more except he promised to tell me - and you two all about it when he got back this evening," Danny replied, his worried expression softening as if the burden of passing on bad news had been lifted from him.

"I've heard some weird stories about Toby from other kids at school," he continued, "but he always seemed straight with me. I don't know what to think."

"But how could he have taken any pictures of us?" Jay asked seriously, remebering how wild and abandoned their fucking had been last night.

He turned to face Frankie. "You were with Toby all night! Did he take any pictures?" Frankie tried to remember every detail of last evening. The only time he and Toby had not been together had been when Toby had slipped out of the room while he was watching the film. he'd been gone a long time! "I wasn't with him all the time," Frankie announced sheepishly.

Jay and Danny immediately started throwing questions at him, and he was so confused he could not understand most of them. "Just after you two went into the bedroom, Toby left the room, too. But I don't see how he could have taken any pictures of you. I mean, did you leave the lights on, or something?"

"No!" Jay said quickly, and then he caught himself, as if trying to hide a secret of some kind. "I mean there wasn't enough light for a picture. Anyway, we would have seen him."

" Infra-red flash!" Danny announced suddenly, and he slapped his forehead with the palm of his hand. "He could have taken pictures without any of us knowing it by using infra-red film and a flash. He's always boasting what sophisticated equipment he's got!"

Jay looked nervously at Frankie and Danny as the full impact of Danny's statement hit him.

"God, Danny, you've got to stop him somehow. My father would kill me for sure if he found out about it!"

"Take it easy, Jay!" Frankie pleaded, his own mind racing with the thought of what his parents would do if they even suspected he was involved in anything like this. "We've all got to calm down and try to figure out what to do."

"Right. There's no point in getting hysterical over nothing. We don't know yet what Toby plans to do with the pictures . . . if he even really took any. I can't be sure he was telling me the truth. He may have been joking! Heck, it might be kind of cool to have some pictures of us together," he laughed, and glanced in Jay's direction. "If that's as far as it goes, fine! I just wish I knew what he really wants with them," Danny said.

"I think I hear a car coming," Frankie said, "maybe that's Toby now!"

Danny and Jay joined him at the window and they watched Toby drive up in an old sports car. He waved to them casually as he got out. "Listen, you two stay in here while I go out and find out what the hell this is all about!" Danny ordered, his voice calm and self-assured now. "I'll get this thing settled!" he added as he went out the door. Frankie and Jay watched as Danny joined Toby Hopper by the side of the car. They were soon engaged in animated conversation the two boys were unable to hear.

"Jesus Christ, what a way to start a vacation," Jay said wearily. "I think I'll have a glass of wine to settle my nerves. Care to join me?" he said to Frankie as he went to the bar and poured two full glasses of wine.

"Hell, yeh! Why not?" Frankie replied, joining Jay at the bar and gulping down the wine. He'd tried a sip or two before but never a full glass. It warmed his whole body as it went down, though he almost gagged. Jay sipped his more slowly, but was soon pouring out more for each of them.

"You know, Toby really fucked me it last night," Frankie announced suddenly, and he felt light-headed as he watched Jay's face for a reaction. He was still a little worried about the possibility of Toby having pictures of him in the all-together, but he couldn't help the desire building up in his loins.

"I gathered as much from the way you've been defending him," Jay responded. The two full glasses of wine were beginning to affect his speech. He was slurring his words slightly as he spoke, and his head was full of images of how Frankie and Toby must have been fucking together. "You made it on the couch, huh?"

"Yeah! And he wasn't taking any pictures then . . . I'll guarantee you that!" Frankie said grinning.

"Hi, boys!" Toby said, smiling as he dropped two cases on an armchair. Danny set his down on the floor alongside the chair and watched Toby go back out the front door.

"Not more movies," Jay groaned. Danny walked to the bar and poured out drinks for Toby and himself before answering.

"Everything is okay. Toby will explain it to you when he gets the rest of the equipment," he said, sitting down on the couch next to Jay. Frankie was giggling when Toby came back into the lodge with the remainder of his equipment.

"Come on, tell us what's going on?" he said.

"I'll explain it all as soon as I can sit down," Toby replied, out of breath. He sat on the couch next to Danny and Jay and took the glass Jay offered, drinking it down in one long gulp.

"We're dying of curiosity, Toby. What about those pictures you took? Or did you take any pictures?" Jay demanded.

"I've them right here!" he said smiling, and he pulled a brown envelope out of his jacket pocket. He handed the envelope to Jay, and Frankie jumped up and sat on the arm of the couch to see.

Jay pulled a stack of black-and-white photographs out of the envelope, and was immediately shocked by their pure clarity. On top of the stack was a picture of Frankie lying naked, full length, on the couch just as he'd suspected, only the lips of his mouth looked white, and Frankie noticed that fact right a way.

He watched fascinated as Jay thumbed through the stack of prints. The top ones all seemed to be of Frankie. He could see in some of them he had his hand clasped tightly to his own erection.

Suddenly, Jay came to a photograph of hihimself and Danny. It had been snapped at just the right moment. Danny was leaning over him, his erect cock pointed straight down at his widespread bumcheeks. He had a look of excited passion on his face.

"You bastard! What a sneaky thing to do!" Jay said, but his eyes were glued to a close examination of the picture. The pictures got even better as Jay continued to examine them, and they showed him and Danny in the process of fucking in two different positions.

"Did you walk into the room with them?" Frankie asked incredulously. He was astonished by these photographs, and just looking at them made him excited. "I'd to. They were so busy they didn't even notice me!" Toby replied cockily, and he laughed rather self-consciously at his own statement. He got up and walked over to the bar to pour himself another glass of Chardonnay.

"Call it a screen test, or at least that's part of the reason!" Toby said casually, and he sat down taking a sip from his drink at the same time.

"What do you mean screen test?" Frankie asked, a frightening idea already forming in his mind. He remembered Toby was a film student or something, and he wondered if he really meant what his statement implied.

"Well, I want to make a film with all three of you in the parts, and I was afraid you wouldn't do it without being reassured you're all photogenic. The pictures prove you all look good in the nude!" Toby was acting like everything he wanted was already settled, and as far as he was concerned, it was only the first rehearsal for his production.

"You're crazy!" Jay said, waving some of the photographs over at him. He still didn't understand what Toby was driving at.

"You mean you want us to play parts in a dirty movie. That's what the equipment is for, right?" Jay tried to keep his voice calm, but the unexpected shock of what Toby was saying, on top of the wine he'd drunk, made his almost hysterical. He was suddenly very afraid of the smiling Toby.

"Now, wait a minute, Jay!" Toby pleaded. "I've already admitted I'd an ulterior motive in taking the pictures . . . but it isn't what you seem to think! I've been working on a film for the New York Film Festival all year, and there's a dream sequence in the film that calls for some uninhibited sex. But the film isn't dirty or pornographic in any way! And, I really think I can take the ten-thousand dollar first prize with my film."

Toby was lying smoothly, and he was proud of the way the expression on the faces of Jay and Frankie had changed from anger to uncertainty as he talked. "Look, I'd be happy to tell you all about my movie if you'd like!"

"I think you'd better!" Frankie said. He only half-believed Toby, but he kept his voice on an even level.

"A character in my film has a dream, and I want to film this dream using the three of you in the parts. I use special lenses that make the picture blurry, your faces won't be recognizable. Believe me, these technical things are hard to explain, but I can tell you the film has to do with the psychology of sex. It's about the secret fears and wishes of a young boy who is discovering for the first time what sex is all about. I've already made most of the film in Windsor. The dream sequence is all that's left," Toby lied.

He was making up the whole thing as he went along, off the top of his head, but his voice was assured and convincing. He looked at Frankie and judging by his expression he knew he had to go on. Frankie wanted to believe Toby's story, but he was still concerned about the possibility of him lying. At first, the idea of being in a pornographic movie appalled him. But this was somehow different, if Toby was telling the truth, and if they could get some hard sex on without anybody finding out. The boy found himself getting a hard-on. There was something really exciting about hundreds, maybe thousands of men watching him having hard sex without knowing his identity.

"The dream sequence will really be the most artistic in the whole film. It will keep changing colors, go to negative instead of positive, all kinds of very special effects to show the boy is having a special dream. How about it? Jay you do it for me, Frankie?" Toby was smiling broadly, his eyes slightly moist to convince them how sincere he was.

"You mean you want me to be the star of your movie?" Frankie asked incredulously. He was almost sober now, the effects of Toby's startling proposal overcoming the wine he'd drunk. Despite his misgivings, he was flattered Toby wanted him in the movie. And if he would really be anonymous, perhaps it wouldn't be so bad.

Danny was in a real quandary. He knew Toby's story was a lie, he intended to use the film for other than legitimate purposes. But he also needed the money Toby had promised him for helping to convince Frankie and Jay to appear in the movie. For a few moments he was almost tempted to expose Toby and throw him out of the lodge. But then, he suddenly decided to go along with the scheme. Toby had also promised Danny would have an opportunity to fuck the lovely young Frankie while the movie was being made, something he felt was probably impossible under any other circumstances.

"I think it's okay," Danny heard himself saying. "What the hell, it might be fun!"

"I vote to go ahead," Jay said. He was really feeling the effects of the wine, and he didn't really care about anything now except being fucked good and hard. He was having a difficult time putting his thoughts together, his arsehole was burning so fiercely with anticipation. Toby was on his feet, as if the argument were over and the decision already made.

"Great, kids! I really appreciate this. To show you just how much I appreciate it, I'm going to split any prize money with you three! How's that?"

"What do you want us to do?" Frankie grinned, and he felt himself yearning to get on with it. "To hell with it," he thought to himself, "I'm going to get fucked soon and that's the important thing." He could already feel the warmth spreading through his genitals.

"I'm going to use this room for a studio," added Toby. "Everything is perfect just as it is."

Toby moved about the room like a master director, shifting a piece of furniture here, moving a lamp there, until he was satisfied with his arrangements. "Danny, give m e a hand with this equipment, will you? You boys have another drink of wine and take it easy until we get everything set up!"

Frankie and Jay sipped another glass of wine and watched the two guys set up the equipment. They were both impressed by the fancy array of gadgets Toby had assembled from the cases of equipment he'd brought up. Frankie found himself wanting to believe Toby's story about the film. At the very least, he was excited by the idea of being fucked silly or whatever in front of a camera. It was like having his talents recorded for posterity, even though he wasn't quite sure what those talents might be. By the time Toby and Danny had everything set up to their satisfaction, the boys were anxious to get on with the filming.

When Toby went outside to get one last piece of equipment, Danny poured himself a drink and sat down with the boys. "There's still time to change your minds about this," he said quietly. "Are you sure you want to go through with this?"

"You bet, lover!" Jay giggled and reached over to fondle Danny's cock through his pants. He was really anticipating making the movie, and it was all he could do to keep himself from fucking Danny before the film got started. Danny could feel his cock responding to Jay's hand. He'd never fucked anyone in front of someone else . . . except last night, of course, but that was without his knowing it.

At first he worried about being able to get an erection with people watching, but his throbbing cock told him he would have no trouble. He hoped he could fuck Frankie first. He wanted to feel that little arsehole tightening around his feverish cock while he pumped into him. Jay was a great lay, all right, but it never hurt to try something new and different once in awhile.

He'd suggested to Toby one sequence could be of the two boys sucking his cock, but Toby had only promised to think about it. The self-styled film maker came back into the room with a light meter and told them he was ready to begin. He insisted they all come to the center of the room for directions.

"Okay. Frankie, you will be the dream image of the boy . . . you're what the boy thinks of as himself. The first part of this sequence, this dream, the boy is seeing himself on the outside of a relationship. He sees his imagined lover with another boy, and he symbolically fights for him without success. Jay can represent the mysterious boy who is waiting to have Danny. He wins him without a fight. The only struggle is within the dreaming boy himself. Do you understand?" Toby looked directly at Frankie, his mouth wide and smiling.

"You mean, I watch while Jay gets fucked!" Frankie said bluntly. The wine had given him courage, and he was disappointed he was to be left out of the sex. "Well, not exactly. I'll tell you what to do as we go along!" Toby replied, and it was apparent he wasn't the least disturbed by the boy's bluntness. He went around switching on small lighting units he'd set up, and one area of the room was suddenly bathed in cold, white light. Jay was thoroughly enjoying the whole idea and was half-undressed before Toby got around to calling for it.

"If you all strip, I'll give you your positions," the curly brown-haired film maker announced, and in spite of the newness of group sex for all of them, the whole atmosphere seemed to dampen any embarrassment they might have otherwise felt.

"Let's get down to it!" Jay said, and as he was the first one with his clothes off, Toby positioned him on the fur-skin rug in front of the fireplace. He had the boy kneel down on all fours with his rounded young buttocks up in the air, ready to receive his boyfriend's cock dog-fashion.

Toby told him not to move, but only to watch Danny and Frankie by turning his head to the side. His heart pounding madly, the blond-haired teenager stripped off his clothes, too, and seeing Jay naked on the rug made him even more excited. When he walked over to his friend, Toby had already positioned himself behind the camera, and the lights were so bright Frankie could barely see the camera and found it easy to ignore it. It was like another world, a goldfish bowl. All he could see was the rug, Danny and Jay, and the bright lights.

The room beyond the lights didn't exist anymore. It was nothing more than a ring of blackness not the least important. What was important was the hardened cock jutting out from the bush of pubic hair at Danny's loins. He didn't even hear Toby's directions when he went to Danny and took his big hard cock in his small cool hand. He could see in Danny's eyes the excitement his naked body brought to him, and when his fingers wrapped around his cock, it throbbed and pulsated as if a magic button had been pressed. In his half-drunken state, Frankie thought it was the biggest cock he'd ever seen, and he fondled it lovingly. It was so thick, his thumb and forefinger didn't meet when he formed into an "O" shape around the pulsing organ.

Squeezing it tightly, Frankie pulled the foreskin back as he ran his fingers down the length of it, and the rubbery flesh of the swollen purple head seemed to grow even larger. He wanted to have it inside his arsehole, not watching it fuck Jay.

Pumping his hand rhythmically along the thick cock, the aroused teenage boy dropped his other hand down to his own solid erection, four inches of pinkish brown throbbing flesh that looked naively innocent compared to Danny's massive hard-on.

The sound of the whirring camera was not disturbing anyone in the room, and Toby decided to keep his mouth shut for fear of disrupting the scene going on before him. It was working out much better than he expected, and he pressed his eye to the viewfinder of the camera to watch carefully as he zoomed in to a closeup of Frankie's face, struck again by ho9w absurdly beautiful the boy was.

He was sure the three people whom he was filming were going to provide him with the best fuck film ever made, and he wanted the action to be as natural as possible. Tilting the camera down for a closeup of Frankie's body, he grinned to himself as he realized he was far better looking than any other boy in pornographic films he'd ever seen. He stopped the tilt when he saw Frankie's fingers working hard on the tip of his own cock, then zoomed back to include his hand on Danny's cock in the shot.

Frankie was moving his sexy young body like a puppy in heat, and Danny's cock was jerking hard from his delicate touch. It was perfect, and Toby continued filming as he quickly calculated other possible activities for the three people to perform together.

Danny was tall and muscular, his dark hair a nice accent to his smooth, tanned body, but Frankie was mostly impressed with his cock. Hanging below the dark bush of his pubic hair was the sperm-heavy sac holding his balls, and as he worked his fingers over the long, pulsingly hard column, the balls looked as though they would burst from the sheer pressure of his cum.

Frankie could just imagine them swinging like a twin pendulum between his cheeks as the thick shaft drove hard into his arsehole, and he squeezed his fingers around the cock, wishing feverishly he could get to really fuck him like he'd never done it to any boy before. The effects of the numerous drinks Jay had consumed were causing him to forget what he was waiting for, and he just stayed kneeling down, his head resting between his arms. He knew he was going to be fucked by Danny, and he felt as though he would have to wait until he was ready to do it.

The warmth of the lights all around made his naked buttocks seem more than just uncovered. His excited anticipation was causing the moisture to form in the folds of his bumcheeks, and the heat around his body only whetted his lust. He was going to be fucked and he was willing to wait . . . but not for long.

"Fuck me good, later, Danny," Frankie whispered, his lips close to his ear. He didn't want Jay to overhear what he was saying, but he wanted that man-sized cock deep up inside of his arse.

The sixteen-year-old youth turned to look directly at him, and his warm, brown eyes made the boy's heart pound even more from the obvious lust in their depths. He could see he wanted to put his throbbing cock in his liquid arsehole, but then he turned his head toward Jay.

Danny was thinking of the money Toby had promised him for his help, and in spite of his desire for Frankie, he was going to follow his instructions to the letter. Placing his hands on Frankie's hips, he moved his mouth closer to his ears. "Later," he said, and as if in emphasis to his simple statement, he gave his bum a gentle squeeze.

"Now! Please now!" Frankie pleaded, and he sat down on the mattress, throwing his legs out wide so Danny could get a clear view of his moistly pink-brown arsehole. The young man looked down at his sensuous body for a moment, almost overwhelmed with his lust for the boy, but then he moved toward the bent-over Jay. His cock stood out straight from his belly, the purple head looking like a thick, blunt cudgel on the end of a long stick.

Without hesitating another moment, he knelt down on the mattress between the spread, creamy thighs Jay held up to him, and as if on cue, Jay reached his hand back between his legs to take the now rock-hard cock in his hand. Frankie recognized the situation was hopeless for him, at least for the moment, and he moved closer to Jay to get a good look while he continued to tease his own hard tingling shaft with his hand.

Frankie lay flat on the rug, his face next to Jay's so he could see up between Jay's legs, and then he spread his legs out wide so that Danny could see him fingering and playing with his own over-heated arsehole.

Toby was just about to interrupt and tell Frankie to move and stop blocking the camera's view of Jay and Danny, but when Frankie lay back on the rug, he was pleased with his subsequent position, and he kept his mouth shut. He was able to get Frankie's self-fingering on film at the same time he was filming Danny fucking Jay.

Unconsciously, Frankie used his finger to follow the progress of Danny's fucking cock entering Jay, his own extended finger fucking into his own burning ring at the same time. The puckered pink flesh suddenly folded inward, and Frankie stared as the thick head disappeared inside the tight opening of Jay's hot little arsehole.

Following suit, he pushed his finger inside his own boiling arsehole, and in spite of his disappointment that it was only his own finger, he felt a lewdly exciting sensation flash through his body.

"OOoouuuhh!" Jay squealed, and he lurched forward slightly to keep Danny from driving his lust-engorged cock all the way inside. He wanted to wait until his arsehole stretched to accommodate the massive organ, and Danny obligingly held back from shoving his cock all the way to the hilt in one long stroke.

The tightness of the hot arsehole around the head of his throbbing cock made the youth's balls draw up with excited pressure. He had to fight to keep his cum from squirting out right then and there, and being able to clearly see Frankie's finger plunging in and out of his gaping ring didn't help his control in the least.

Suddenly Jay's warm fingers reached back and made contact with his balls, and the tantalizing caress caused him to shove forward hard, pushing his thick cock in an even-paced thrust down his warm rectal passage until his pelvis smacked hard against his widespread ass-cheeks.

"Uuuuuggghhh!" Jay groaned as the thick cock slid into the depths of his wanus. He could feel the huge spongy tip stretching the walls of his arsehole as it plunged into him, and every nerve of his passion-drenched passage was transmitting the sensation to his brain. It felt hot and it felt good. Frankie was amazed to see the long fleshy cock disappear so smoothly and easily completely up into his friend's tight little hole, and he leaned closer to watch the dog-style coupling.

Reaching his hand back between his thighs again to touch Danny's balls, Jay felt the throbbing head of his cock fill him up completely like a huge turd entering rather than leaving his body. Danny was completely filling his ring with his huge member, and he could tell he was already near the point of shooting his hot stored-up cum deep into his bowels. The wine he'd drunk was making his head fuzzy, but at the same time, it seemed to heighten the sensations in his arsehole. Touching the twin sacs of the youth's balls with the tips of his gentle fingers, he could feel the pressure swirling inside, his sperm anxious for release.

Then, slowly, Danny began to withdraw his cock from his depths, and Jay raised his buttocks to feel the full sensation of its movement within him. When only the blood-swollen cock-head remained inside him, he arched his hips back to give the older boy complete access to his hungry, wide-stretched arsehole. The throbbing cock plowed back into him fiercely like a steam locomotive.

"Yessss! Fuck me like that!" Jay screamed as Danny's cock filled his arsehole with his rapid thrusts. The bulb-shaped tip pushed into the lower wall of his bowels, and the slithering sensation of the long plunge raced through him with such force he lifted his knees clear of the rug; then he instantly started to rhythmically pound his long, rampant member in and out of the burning rectal passage. Frankie couldn't take his eyes from the lewdly pounding couple next to him, and as Danny's cock withdrew from Jay's tight arsehole, he could see the white lubricating fluid clinging stickily to the long shaft, mixed with traces of light brown stickiness.

At that moment, Frankie was swept with jealousy, angry he wasn't being fucked savagely instead of Jay. It didn't matter Danny was Jay's boyfriend. What did count was that there was a big erect cock so close, but it wasn't fucking his arsehole. He had to be satisfied with his fingers, and they were proving to be woefully inadequate in comparison.

As Danny drove his cock forward into Jay's wet, frantically clasping arsehole, Frankie could see the brown flesh fold inward, then it would roll out with the cock's withdrawal, as if Jay's arsehole was sucking, mouth-like at the hard cock, trying frantically to keep the thick cock from leaving his arsehole. Each time Danny pushed into his arsehole again, Jay spread his legs out a little bit wider, making it easier for him to probe even deeper up into his gut. Frankie turned his gaze to Danny's face, and he was surprised to find out he was not looking down at Jay's buttocks but instead was watching the boy's own frantic fingers working desperately on his own cock.

Wanting to feel everything his blond-haired friend was feeling, Frankie dropped his free hand down to the crevice of his buttocks. He pushed his middle finger between his satin cheeks in search of his anus, and finding the tiny hole, he worked the extended finger slowly inside himself. At first, the pain was more than he could bear, and he stopped pushing his driving finger in any deeper.

He wondered why Jay hadn't screamed out when he felt Danny's cock, failing to realise Danny had fucked Jay at least a dozen times before, but seeing the look of complete ecstasy on his boy friend's face, he went on to push his finger further up into his own arsehole.

Frankie shoved his lewdly skewering finger in as deep as it would go, feeling a jolting sensation dancing up his spine. It was like a strangely masochistic pleasure, and he began to fuck the finger in his anus in time to the fingers wrapped round his cock. It was feeling fantastic, and he knew he was going to succeed in bringing himself to a climax.

With his heart pounding faster than ever, Toby reached up to wipe the perspiration from his forehead without taking his eyes from the viewfinder of the camera. He knew everything was going to explode at any moment, and he wanted to be sure he didn't miss anything.

"OOOOHHH! Please! Yeh! Give it to me! Fuck my arsehole! Please!" Jay screamed. The spasms in his ass were becoming more and more intense, and he clamped the strong muscle of his anus down hard on Danny's throbbing erection. He knew he was nearing his climax, and he rode back against the hard cock in his arsehole like a wanton whore. He wanted hot sticky cum filling his anus to overflowing, squirting up inside his arsehole until he almost burst from the pressure.

The tight slick arsehole walls around his cock seemed like rippling waves of pleasure, and Danny could feel the unbearable pleasure in his balls building to a point beyond containment. He pushed his hard cock to the maximum depths of his hungrily clasping young arsehole, and then he looked down at Frankie on the rug beside them. The boy was glassy-eyed in his passionate heights, and his fingers were working furiously in both his arsehole and on his hard-on. His mouth was half-open, and he was muttering out lewd words as the liquid in his cock spourted out around his pumping fingers.

Danny kept staring at the lust-driven teenager as he arched his strong torso forward, and he felt the fantastic sensation of his hot sticky cum beginning its circuitous route to the tip of his swollen cock.

"OOOOOHHH! OOOOHHHH! OOOOHHH!" Jay grunted as he felt the long hard pole plunge deep up inside his arsehole, the head swelling out like it was going to explode, and his brain shattered into a giant profusion of orgasmic joy.

"AAAAGCGHHH! OOOHHHH! FFFUUUCCCKKK! I'MM CCUUUMMMIIIINNNGGGG!" Jay bucked wildly back, his screaming lungs making animal-like sounds as his arsehole contracted around the blood-filled cock buried deep up inside his bum. Leaning back to hold his cock inside the blond-haired boy's liquid hole, Danny felt the gripping pleasure of his cum traveling up the length of his cock. "I'm cuuummmiinggg!" he groaned, and with a mighty jerk, his hot sticky fluid exploded from the tip of his excited organ the first hot burst making Jay scream with joy.

The walls of Jay's arsehole were rhythmically clasping and unclasping the throbbing cock as each burst of his cum splashed deeper inside him. A hot sticky liquid spilled out around the thickness of his own cock, covering his pubic hair with its liquid warmth, and slowly running down his balls and thighs. Jay was in heaven. It was as if he'd finally gotten the gift promised to him hours before by Toby, and he hung onto the pleasure like a greedy child.

Nothing else mattered but that every moment was better than the last as the tremendous spasms of ecstasy shot through his entire body. His mind flashed over the sensations filling his body, the hard spewing column of flesh in his arsehole sending out wave after wave of pleasure as the bursts of hot cum spurted inside him.

Loosening and tightening at the muscles in his inner thighs as his arsehole contracted around his fingers, Frankie felt the pleasure of his own climax from deep within his balls. The middle finger of his left hand was shoved all the way inside his arsehole, and he could feel the rippling walls of his arsehole around the fingers buried inside it. It felt good, but he was staring at the writhing couple beside him, their bodies bucking together in the heights of ecstasy. Jay was flailing back and forth while he shoved his widespread buttocks back against the hard pounding cock buried deep in his arsehole.

There was only one thing Frankie was missing, the hot blast of cum from a huge swollen cock, but he felt somewhat satisfied by the manipulations of his own fingers. Watching closely, he could see the white sticky mixture of their cum running down their tightly pressed bodies, and it splashed in glistening wet spots onto the tanned flesh of Danny's leg. Jay had really been fucked good, Frankie thought, and he would be next.

As the spasms in his belly died down, Frankie again remembered where he was, and he stared out into the darkness surrounding the lights for a sign of life. Squinting into the brightness, he finally located the camera with Toby still pressing his eye to the viewfinder. Jay and Danny collapsed together on the rug, and they were breathing so hard Frankie couldn't tell if the camera was still running.

"Oh, man!" Jay exclaimed as he lay flat on his belly with Danny still mounted on top of him. They were obviously exhausted from the extreme coupling, and Frankie smiled at their obscene position on the rug. Without waiting another minute, Frankie pulled his fingers from his arsehole let his cock go, wanting to save his orgasm for when it really mattered.

Screening his eyes from the brightness in front of him, he looked directly at the camera. "Hey! So now what?" he asked in a sexy voice, and it sounded like he was asking for directions to be fucked. The lights suddenly went out, and a lamp in the corner of the big room was all that remained visible for a second.

When his eyes had adjusted to the darkness of the room, he found Toby standing near a recorder, and he walked over to him. He was experiencing a new feeling in that he was completely unselfconscious over his nakedness as he approached Toby. "Was everything okay?"

"Yeah, just fine. I didn't shoot it all, but I got a good beginning to the dream," Toby lied. He had already calculated what he wanted next, but he wasn't going to divulge that information until the right moment.

Frankie rubbed his nipples seductively as Toby stood up from the recorder. "How did I look?" he whispered, his bottom still burning with lewd excitement. He hoped Toby would take him to bed that very moment, but he was to be disappointed. "You looked beautiful, baby!" Toby said smiling.

"I've never seen a boy as sensuous as you!" The compliment was intended to flatter Frankie so he could have his continued cooperation, but he was also telling his the truth. He really was the most sensual young boy he'd ever seen. "Jesus Christ, I'm tired!" Danny said suddenly. The other three burst out laughing at his obvious distress.

After Danny and Toby had gone to bed for a couple of hours, Frankie and Jay lay on the rug and argued about what to fix for dinner. When they finally had settled on a quick snack of hamburgers and Cokes, they couldn't make up their minds who should do the cooking. Ultimately, Frankie gave in and went into the kitchen to prepare their snack. Jay was still lying on the rug when Frankie brought the tray with their food back into the front room.

Less than two days ago they would have both been shocked at the suggestion of appearing in pornographic home movies. Despite Toby's protestations, Frankie could still not bring himself to believe everything he'd told them about the movie being for a film festival. Still, he and Jay had been given a choice and they had both decided to go ahead with the movie. "Do you think the camera operates automatically so all of us can be fucking at once?" Jay asked.

"Let's hope so," grinned Frankie, a mouthful of Coke and burger making hos words sound even more suggestive.

They were still chatting away happily when Toby emerged from his bedroom stretching and yawning a couple of hours later.

"Where's Danny?" asked Jay.

"We don't need him for this next sequence, so I thought I'd let him sleep for awhile. Is there anymore coffee?" He sat down on the couch next to Frankie while Jay went to the kitchen to get him coffee.

"How do you feel, sweetheart?" he said to the grim-visaged Frankie.

"Just fine, Toby!"

Frankie's reply was cold and unfriendly.

"But I think it's about time we settled a couple of things! First, I'm not at all sure I believe you about what the movie is for!" he motioned for him to remain quiet as he tried to interr upt his.

"Secondly, I'm not going to sit here and watch everyone else get screwed! Is that clear?"

"Jesus, Frankie, take it easy will you?" Toby pleaded, sensing Frankie was close to spoiling all his plans. "I don't know how else I can convince you I'm telling you the truth!" He put his arms around his and pulled the boy to him, his hands beginning a slow, passionate massage of his back and hips.

"As for not getting any of the action, well, I promise you that won't happen again!" He could feel Frankie's warm body begin to respond to his caresses and he increased the area of his massage by slipping one hand underneath the thin shirt and moving the palm of his hand over his smooth satin-like chest. The boy's nipples started to come erect, and a warm feeling began to spread through his loins. As he opened his mouth to speak again, Toby brought his face to his, and his mouth closed over his parted lips.

Just as he relaxed and began to spread his legs apart, they heard Jay's voice. "Wow! You two don't waste any time, do you?" Jay was standing in front of the couch, a cup of coffee in his hand. Toby and Frankie pulled apart quickly and Toby took the coffee from Jay. He knew everything was all right for the moment, but he told himself he would have to be damned careful with Frankie. He was no fool and it would be a serious mistake if he didn't make sure he got fucked soon.

He gulped down the hot coffee and smiled at Frankie. "I guarantee you you'll get all the fucking you want tonight! Okay?" Frankie's arsehole was burning with desire and he could only nod in assent. All of his misgivings were gone for the moment, and he wanted nothing more than to feel the ecstasy of orgasm exploding within his flaming arsehole. If he didn't get fucked soon it would be more than he could stand.

Toby got up and went to one of the black equipment cases piled on the floor. He opened it and took out a smaller package in his lap.

"What do you have there?" Jay asked, reaching out to take the package.

"Just a minute!" Toby said sharply, and Jay took his hand away. "I want to explain the scene we'll be doing!"

He very dramatically pulled the contents out of the box, and he held up a large dildo in front of the boys' astonished faces. "With this!" he announced, and he handed the rubber cock to Jay.

"You're crazy!" Jay exclaimed, holding the dildo like some diseased object, but at the same time he was fascinated by the strange device. He had never seen a dildo before, and he stared at all its intricacies.

Frankie started laughing again as he realized what the plan was, only his laughter was more nervous than jovial. It was a lewd, vile idea, and he didn't want to be subjected to such an obscene seduction. Yet his hole burned at the sight of the dildo, and he could feel the hungry feeling in the pit of his stomach growing more intense. The dildo was pink-colored, and it looked just like a hugely erect cock, except that it wasn't on a man. In spite of his distaste, Frankie found himself wondering what the large hard rubber object would feel like inside his ring.

"I'm not going to do it!" Jay suddenly stated, and he held the huger cock out for Toby to take back.

Of course you are!" Toby said quickly, and his tone had an edge to it made Jay hesitate. He was smiling, but there was a hardness to his expression that frightened him. He thought of the photographs Toby had taken earlier. For the first time the thought came to him he could have made other prints from the negatives before he burned them! Giving up the prints would be meaningless if he could have others to hold over them!

"Don't worry, I'll direct you through the whole act," Toby said in a more pleasant tone. He was the director of the film and he was going to be obeyed, of course. "You needn't take it all seriously, you know. That's part of being a good actor," he added, and he was looking directly at Frankie. The boy hadn't said anything yet, but he was convinced he wasn't going to give him anymore trouble. "Frankie, you just listen to what I say, and everything will be all right.

Remember, the boy is dreaming this whole thing, so you will have to pretend you are enjoying it." Toby started moving around various pieces of equipment as he spoke, getting things ready to shoot again. When he turned the lights on, Frankie felt isolated again in another world. The apprehensive teenager looked away from the lights as they came on, and he saw Jay was holding the dildo like some foreign object not to be touched. He took it from him and immediately felt the full length of the hard rubber cock.

There was no life to it, but it seemed like a warm object nonetheless. hewas dismayed and disappointed at the planned scene, but he still felt it would prove an interesting experience. He smiled at Jay, who was still a little confused, and handed the dildo back to him.

"It's bigger than anything I've ever taken," he said smiling, making a comment about Toby, and Jay felt more at ease as he realized there was a camaraderie between himself and Frankie.

"So what do I do first?" Jay asked boldly, his mind made up to enjoy the part he was given.

"Do I just stick this thing in his arsehole, or what?"

"It's a dream! You've got to seduce me!" Frankie said without waiting for Toby to reply. He was getting strangely excited about the part, too, and he was beginning to think the whole experience might be a lot of fun. Toby switched on the last of his equipment before moving behind the camera. After checking the camera out, he decided it was ready to roll.

"Okay, this is what I want," he commanded in his best directorial voice, "Frankie, you are lying on the rug as if in a dream. I want you to run your hands over your hips and thighs as if waiting for someone to fuck you. Then, Jay, you stand over there," he continued. He moved Jay to a point just out of camera range, to show where he meant.

"Now you stay there until I tell you to move, then you go to Frankie, and begin to make love to him. I'll tell you when to bring the dildo out," he added. He placed the dildo within reach of Frankie's naked body. Then, checking the lighting one more time, he returned to the camera. He pressed his eye to the viewfinder, and adjusted the lens to take in all of Frankie's naked young body.

The familiar feeling of being in a goldfish bowl took over again for Frankie. He was lying flat on his back, legs out, a slight distance apart, and he could see nothing at all except the bright lights around him. He was going to be fucked, and suddenly it didn't matter by whom or by what, it was enough just to be fully satisfied. It was the mixed sensation of feeling isolated while at the same time knowing he was being observed made him passionate, and he found himself anxious to get on with it.

"All right, Frankie, action!" came the voice out of the darkness, but it wasn't necessary since he was already beginning to fondle his body. His hands were like distant objects, intended only to stimulate and make his feel good.

Frankie spread his legs wide apart to give himself ample access, and he then worked his middle finger around the tight opening of his rectal passage. The trembling crevice was wet and warm, and his finger slipped easily inside the glove-like hole. It felt good, but his mind was thinking about the huge dildo that lay nearby.

In a few moments he would have that big cock fucking into his arsehole and the thought was enough to make his scream for it.

"OOOOOH! Fuck me! Please, fuck me!" Frankie pleaded to no one in particular, but Toby thought he was just doing a good job of acting. So did Jay at first, but when Toby told him to get ready, he was already thinking about doing the same thing Frankie was doing.

Jay knelt down beside him, and, after a few moments of playing with his erection, Jay searched for the elastic opening to Frankie's shit chute, and running his finger along the ragged brown flesh of his pucker, he felt the moisture of his friend's passion.

For a time, Jay played his finger over the opening as if undecided whether or not to plunge the seeking finger inside. Drawing his legs up while throwing them out as wide as possible, Frankie lifted his hips off the rug to try to screw his arsehole up around Jay's probing finger. He wanted to have something inside the tight walls of his passage, fucking into his steaming arsehole like a narrow hot spit being stuck into a roast.

It was maddeningly titillating the way Jay started to dip his finger inside, then playfully retreated just when Frankie thought it was going all the way up his arsehole. Finally, just at the peak of the balance between arousal and frustration, Jay plunged his extended middle finger up into the warm depths of his arsehole.

"OOOOh! God! Yesss!" Frankie thought he would climax right then and there, the plunging finger felt so good, and he arched his hips up to take it as deep as it would go. Jay wiggled his finger inside the moist passage until Frankie thought he could climb the walls with pleasure, and he wanted more.

"Jay! Get the dildo, then kneel over his face!" The voice sounded distant and strange to Frankie, and he hated it for stopping Jay from doing those wonderful things. Jay's lips were gone from his nipples, and his finger pulled from the groaning teenager's arsehole.

Frankie opened his eyes to see what had happened. When Jay returned with the dildo, the sight of the huge cock made Frankie's belly jerk with excitement. He was going to be fucked by that huge thing, and his own friend was going to do it. The lust-driven boy knew his pleasures would be twice what they had already been with Jay's finger, and he suddenly lost all anger at the voice from behind the bright lights.

Hovering over Frankie's writhing body for an instant, Jay looked at the giant dildo in his hand, then licked the enormous tip with his pink tongue to moisten it. He was going to give Frankie a fucking he would never forget! Moving easily and swiftly, Jay knelt down so his knees were placed on either side of Frankie's head, and then he spread his knees out until his open exposed ring was just a few inches above the waiting teenager's face, his own face between Frankie's widespread legs.

Then, leaning forward across Frankie's belly, the young lad reached over Frankie's hips to point the dildo at the opening of his arsehole. Resting on his elbows left both his hands free to maneuver the rubber cock up into Frankie's brown ring. The blond-haired boy had his eyes wide open as Jay lowered his own buttocks within inches of his face. He had never really seen an arsehole so close up before, and the sight made him even more excited.

Reaching with his arms up over Jay's thighs, Frankie gripped the firm globular cheeks of the blond boy's buttocks with each hand, then pulled the cheeks apart to see the hairless puckered anus.

Working his fingers slowly down, he pulled the loose lips of Jay's arsehole apart, and there directly over his mouth was the ragged brown opening of his ring. Suddenly wanting to give Jay pleasure like he was about to get, Frankie stretched his pink tongue out to touch it to his friend's pooh ring. Jay responded to the pleasure by lowering his arsehole more, and he moaned out loud when Frankie ran his tongue along the puckered slit until it was pressed against the tight rectal opening.

The pungent taste of Jay's secretions inspired Frankie to go on, and raising his head up slightly, Frankie drove his tongue deep up inside the clasping hot arsehole.

"OOOOOhhhh! Frankie!" Jay groaned as he felt the warm tongue probing into his sensitive depths. It felt good, and for a moment Jay forgot all about the dildo and his friend's moist, expectantly waiting arsehole. Then as Frankie worked his tongue in and out of his arsehole, Jay looked down at the dildo, and he placed the thick tip against the opening of Frankie's anus. He remembered he was going to give Frankie a fucking with that cock he'd never forget.

The contact of the cock-like dildo against his open arsehole felt just like a real cock, and Frankie wiggled his hips in an attempt to make Jay push it up inside his hungry arsehole. Jay seemed to be holding it back, and so Frankie stretched his tongue out as far as he could inside Jay's arsehole as if to show him what he wanted.

It worked because he suddenly felt the pressure against his arsehole increase, and the thick phallus suddenly stretched his passage out to size, the huge end popping wetly inside the tiny elastic ring.

"OOoooh! It's so biggggg!" Frankie moaned, and he lifted his hips up to meet the downward thrust of the dildo. Jay drove it in with a steady pace, and Frankie felt the walls of his arsehole wrapping tightly around its huge size. It slid smoothly inside the passage, going deeper and deeper, until Frankie thought it would just keep on coming. Nothing that long had ever been shoved inside his arsehole before, and when it finally hit the bottom, the flame that was burning in his bowels flared up higher.

"UUUUUggghhhhh!" Frankie had to pull his tongue from Jay's arsehole as he pushed his hips down to keep the giant phallus from tearing him apart. He hadn't expected it to go on to such depths, and he was afraid it would push right on through into his belly.

It had all happened too fast. Frankie wanted to make it last much longer, but the insistently graduating rhythm of the dildo in his arsehole was pushing him to heights he'd never known. He licked at Jay's arsehole with his tongue working in and out in time to the fucking in his own arsehole, and staring up at the puckered anus near his fingertips gave Frankie an additional idea.

He was determined to make Jay climax too, so he slowly worked his finger toward the elastic ring of flesh without stopping the licking of his arsehole. Frankie's tongue in his arsehole was making his shit hole more and more excited, and Jay began to grind his hips with the same passionate rhythm he'd established. He couldn't help thinking about Toby, and the fact he was watching what he was doing to Frankie from behind a camera.

Jay was determined to keep his own role only an act until he suddenly felt Frankie's finger probing into his anus, and the rippling pleasure he felt made his mind whirl back to the sensual pleasures he was experiencing.

"Aaaahhhhh! Aaaahhhhh!" Jay screamed as his arsehole contracted again and again, his internal fluids rippling in spasms down around Frankie's screwing tongue, and the working teenager pressed his mouth against the opening, sucking in the hot juices. It threw his whole body into heights of ecstatic joy he'd never known before.

It was obscene and lewd, and it was tremendous pleasure. Frankie sucked like a greedy animal, mad with thirst, at his friend's arsehole, and the sheer baseness of his act made his own climax that much greater. He closed his eyes to see stars bursting everywhere, and his hole jerked out of control, spasming agin and again. Jay kept the dildo deeply buried in his friend's contracting arsehole, afraid if he pulled it out Frankie would remove his fingers and tongue from his own squirming anus.

"Ooooooooh! Dammmmnnnnn! Give it to me! Give it to me, Jay! I'm cummiiiilnnnnnggggg!" Frankie screamed out his pleasure with such intensity Jay nearly stopped, but then realizing he'd accomplished what he set out to do, Jay worked furiously at Frankie's widespread groin. His own bottom began to stop jerking with his climax, and he was better able to concentrate on making Frankie go on begging for more.

Frankie hung onto the peak of his tremendous climax for as long as he could maintain his strength, and felt his fluid spitting out of his cock to cling warmly to his belly and chest, then slowly trickle down the crevice of his tummy button. It was like he'd been soaring in a sky filled with sensual ecstasy, and it took several minutes before his anus stopped jerking with the after-sensations of orgasm.

Toby was thrilled with the performance of the two young boys, and he knew their pleasure had been real. Seeing it was just about over, he turned off the camera and walked over to where the boys lay panting with exhaustion and satisfaction. Jay still had his hand around the giant dildo buried deep in Frankie's anus. With a loud plop he pulled it out and brought it close to his face. He could see the wet juices from Frankie's anus still clinging to it.

"That was good! That was very good!" Toby announced with a smile.

"Good?" Frankie said, smiling back at him, "it was beautiful!"

In Frankie's bedroom it was dark and quiet. The heavy drapes had been pulled to keep the bright morning sunlight from coming in. Frankie lay there awake, the only sound coming from the soft snores of Toby who lay beside his.

He wanted to get up to go to the bathroom but was afraid if he did it would waken the sleeping young man. He could feel his full bladder pressing on his lower stomach and the sensation was not unpleasant. One hand rested lightly on his groin, the thumb and forefinger playing idly with strands of damp pubic hair.

Frankie's mind kept going over the feelings he'd experienced last night as the huge dildo brought him to climax. It had been almost as good as the first time he'd been fucked in the cove. Almost as good, but not quite. But there were other sensations contributing to his orgasm last night. His busy tongue sucking and licking at Jay's sweet anus had enhanced his passion, there was no question about that.

He wondered if their relationship would ever be the same again. But there was something else - some faint emotion he could not yet classify. He tried to concentrate, as hard as he could, to remember every detail of how he'd felt. Then, suddenly, he knew what it was! It was his knowledge Toby's eyes had been upon him as he screamed out his pleasure! He needed to be seen as his climax wracked his young body. It made the sensations all that much more intense to know someone was watching him! It all seemed so simple now he'd thought it out. That was why he had a need to be in the film despite his objections.

Toby was stirring in his sleep. His strong arms stretching out as his body shifted. Frankie slipped quietly from the bed and went into the bathroom to shower and dress. If he hurried he could go down to the cove and have a swim before anyone else was up. He needed to be alone with his thoughts before the day began. And, who knows, one day the stranger might return.

When Frankie left the little cove and returned to the lodge, the sunlight was bright overhead. He went into the front room and found the other three talking animatedly. They were seated on couches and in front of them the remains of breakfast lay on a large coffee table.

Jay and Danny waved to him and continued to sip coffee. Frankie could see Jay looked satisfied and happy. He felt close to Jay now, as close as he'd ever felt to anyone.

Their experience last night had been a shared pleasure! Something tha t brought people together. He wanted to go over and throw his arms around Jay and tell him exactly how he felt. He felt no jealousy at all now about the fact Danny had fucked Jay instead of him. He could have both of the boys for all Frankie cared. Anything to make him happy!

"Ready for the final scene?" asked Toby, stroking Frankie's hair. "I'm going to set the camera on automatic, then we'll all be in the film. Whatever happens from then on, happens. This is the orgy scene, the climax of the young boy's dreams, so to speak."

It was not out of any lack of interest in having Jay's sweet young anus over his face again, but rather, Frankie was interested in Toby's words about an orgy. He wanted him to clarify his intentions so there would be no possibility he would be left out again.

"What kind of orgy, Toby?" he asked. He addressed his question in the direction of the camera, unable to see him. "Don't worry about it, Frankie," Toby replied, mistaking his query for an expression of doubt about joining in group sex. "Once you and Jay are warmed up, we'll just see what happens. I promise you you'll enjoy it!"

"Are we going to choose partners, or what?" Jay interrupted, wanting to make sure Frankie wasn't just an onlooker this time.

Toby was becoming irritated. He wanted to get on with it. He had plans for both boys in this sequence and his cock was throbbing with anticipation. It had been all he could do the last two days to keep from fucking both of the boys and he wanted no further delays. "I told you! It's an orgy scene! Everyone is going to get into the act!" His voice was that of the director again, patient but firm. "Frankie! You stretch out and let Jay get on top of you like last night. The only difference is that we won't use the dildo this time. Just do what comes naturally, okay?"

Jay quickly spread his body over his friend. His knees were on either side of Frankie's head, spread out and exposing his well-used anus to Frankie's view. He brought his own head downward until it was only a few inches from Frankie's anus. He could see every detail of it and he became enormously excited at the thought of what he was about to do. His arms went under Frankie's legs and he pulled them apart gently to make room for his head.

As he did so, the tender brown lips of Frankie's ring opened, exposing the treacle-coloured flesh of his anus, moist and inviting. Jay could hardly wait to bring his tongue down on that little secret crevice. He licked his lips nervously as he waited for Toby to signal them to begin. He could feel Frankie's hot breath as his friend exhaled, sending tingles through his lower body.

"Action!" Toby announced suddenly, and the boys could hear the whir of the camera begin. Almost at the same time, each of the boys brought their heads toward the other's hungrily waiting anus.

Jay's tongue came out first and he decided to set the pace and hope Frankie would follow. He began a slow sensuous twirling motion as he felt Frankie's hips respond with a lazy gyration. He could feel Frankie's tongue doing exactly the same thing to his anus, and he was grateful Frankie had understood what he wanted.

For a second it paused at the elastic opening to his anus, then it moved backward and from side to side, tasting the musky but not unpleasant secretions. His own anus was burning up with desire and Frankie followed the same pattern. Bringing his tongue out full length and flattening it as much as possible, Jay began to lick the sweet flesh in earnest, his saliva mixing with the lubricating juices that slid from the silky anus.

Both boys moaned with pleasure at the same time, forcing their bodies closer in an effort to savor every bit of the delicious sensations they gave each other through their frantic tongues.

For Frankie, this was no pretended dream, it was real and tremendously exciting, better than any experience he'd ever had. He forgot where he was, the only thing important now was that he devour Jay's anus with his mouth, to suck in the sweet and sour lips as his tongue slipped easily inside the smooth rectal walls licking feverishly.

He could tell Jay was enjoying this as much as he was, and Frankie wanted to prolong their pleasure for as long as possible. Suddenly, he knew his climax was coming quickly. He was caught up in the hot passion that surged through his loins . Extraordinary flashes of pleasure surged through him, making his tremble with the wonder of it.

Just when he thought he could stand no more of the delicious anticipation of the pleasure to come, his whole lower body seemed to explode in wave after wave of joyous spasms, and he almost fainted with pleasure. He could feel Jay cumming too, and Frankie drove his tongue and finger into his friend's anus and anus with greater urgency. Suddenly, he felt Jay's body pulling away from him, and he opened his eyes to see Toby's hard-muscled arms around Jay's waist, pulling him upward as the boy moaned in the anguish of his interrupted climax.

Frankie could not believe what was happening, even when he felt his own legs being pulled apart as Danny's naked body came between them, his massive lust-swollen cock poised just inches from his still-jerking anus. Frantically, Frankie's arms reached up and his fingers dug into the flesh of Danny's hips, desperately trying to pull him toward him.

"OOOOOHHHHHHH! FUCK ME! FUUUUUUUCCCCKKKKKKK MEEEEEEEEEE!" Frankie screamed at him, his mind flooded with an insane anger at having Jay's mouth pulled away from his anus. He could see Danny's leering face above his, his lips pulled back to expose his white teeth. "Oh, God," he thought, "how can he be so cruel!"

"You bastard! Put your cock into me! NOW! OH GOD! FUCK MEEEE!" he brought his legs up and locked them around Danny's back, feverishly trying to bring their bodies closer together.

Then, just as he felt the salty tears of frustration course down his cheeks, Danny lunged forward and his hugely swollen cock-head lodged between Frankie's rectal lips, resting there for a moment as if to gather strength for the next thrust. Frankie squirmed upward, his anus hungrily contracting with anticipation as the spasms of climax raced through him. His eyes looked down his body at the huge fleshy shaft about to penetrate his willing anus.

Suddenly, he felt the anus lips part and a tremendous pressure build up in his loins as Danny's wonderfully swollen cock began its thrilling descent into him. He felt as if he were going to split in two as the massive purplish head disappeared into his flesh. Frankie fought to screw his body onto the thick column.

"AAAAAAAHHHHHHH! MORE! JIMMY! GET IT ALL THE WAY IN! PLEASE!" he could hear his voice pleading with Danny, but it could have come from someone else. Nothing mattered except that that wonderful organ push into him and begin its rhythmic movements.

Danny's lust-engorged cock began to move again, plunging forward as it filled the heated anus with flesh and with pleasure. Frankie was almost crazy with lust as his eyes glazed, and little animal sounds came from his mouth as the massive cock plowed on. The ragged edges of brown puckered flesh around his tightly clasping anus turned inward as the gigantic organ suddenly reached its limit, and Danny's balls slapped noisily against Frankie's upturned buttocks.

"FUCK ME! JIMMY! FUCK ME HARD!" Frankie pleaded, feeling the staff plunge into him again and again. He thought he would die with the ecstasy of the hot flesh burying itself inside him. In and out, the piston-like cock went, rekindling his dying orgasm as he cried out for release. The exquisite sensations were no longer just centered in his lower body; they were all over him, a part of him; they were all of him.

"NOT YET! PLEASE! MAKE IT LondonST FOREVER, JIMMY!" Frankie pleaded. Try as he might, Danny could not control the white hot sperm that was building in his balls, crying for release as Frankie's anus hungrily sucked in his swollen cock. He felt his boiling sperm begin its journey up through the passage in his organ. Suddenly, his body grew rigid and the explosions began. The tip of his cock dilated as the first gush of sticky cum shot out into the boy's anus, followed by more massive spurts of his molten male fluid.

"AAAAAGGGGGHHHHH!" Frankie screamed, his body on fire as the cum spurted into his pulsating anus. It felt as if the potent white fluid were shooting straight through him. For the second time in the space of a few minutes he felt his body experiencing the rapture of climax, this time stronger than before, more intense.

It was pure ecstasy and he nursed the spasms along to prolong them, his belly and buttocks jerking wildly as the fingers of joy went through him.

"I'MMMM CUMMMMMMIIINNNNGGGGG!" he cried out, oblivious to the whole world, concentrating only on the flashes of delicious pleasure he felt. Then, just as suddenly as the pleasure of climax had come, it was over. Frankie's body went limp and his legs uncoiled from Danny's back and fell onto the rug as Danny rolled off his and lay panting with satisfaction.

From somewhere in the darkened room, Frankie could hear the sound of Jay's voice pleading to be fucked just once more.

"Just once more. One more, please. Fuck me just once more."

Was that Jay's voice, or his own? He didn't know; he didn't care. All that mattered was: just once more.

Then suddenly there was a cock at his mouth, a hard cock, a beautiful cock. Whose cock was it? Frankie didn't care. He knew what he had to do, and he did it.

Frankie would wait no longer. He hungrily sucked in the swollen staff, moaning happily as it slid smoothly through the saliva-soaked oral cavity and came to rest at the back of his throat. It seemed as if all the pleasures in the world were centered in this slim instrument, pulsing and throbbing as it entered and left his excited mouth, tempting and teasing him to unbelievable heights of joy as it sawed in and out.

Jay's hands were resting lightly on his ears following rather than guiding his movements. He felt his lower body arch up to meet his downward thrusts, and he groaned with pleasure as the flashing tongue sucked the life out of him. Jay tried to control the pressures building in his balls as the white-hot cum signaled it would soon explode from the dilated tip of his cock. He wanted to prolong this exquisite joy forever.

"Faster, Frankie! Suck me fasterrr!" he screamed as he felt himself sucked voraciously into the warm space between Frankie's contracting and expanding lips.

Then, Frankie thrust his mouth downward, relaxing his jaws and cupping his tongue to receive his friend's fluid. It shot out in a white-hot burst as spasms of delight began to rock his own groin again. The first delicious explosion was followed again and again by gushes of the sticky white cum that seemed to be inexhaustible.

The blond-haired teenage boy held the creamy sperm in his mouth for a moment, savoring it before beginning to swallow mightily. As the last drops began to ooze from the sensitive tip of his mighty cock, Frankie silently begged for more of the delicious fluid.

His frantic tongue forced its way into the dilated tip, searching out the last drop, and his hungry mouth continued to suck greedily at his flesh. He was moaning and little animal sounds came from his throat, cat-like and pleading for more of the sticky cum. He could feel his anus contracting as the last spasms of orgasm subsided within his cock and balls.

Unwilling to believe it was over, he began to suck harder at the slowly subsiding cock within his feverish mouth, coaxing the few remaining drops of cum from around the ridge of his knob-head. Tears of happiness ran from his eyes and flowed down his cheeks as he collapsed on the rug, still nibbling at the flaccid flesh between his red lips.

Then Frankie felt Jay's cock slide from his mouth, and the pressure of his body disappear. he lay there for a few moments, stunned, cum oozing from the lips of his ass and the lips of his mouth. A scream made him open his eyes. He could hardly believe what he was seeing.

Danny had Jay down on the carpet, face down, pulling the boy's rump up into a doggy position. His hard cock was already probing between the boy's cheeks, but this wasn't love, this was rape! The camera whirred, capturing all of it.

"No, Danny! Please don't!" Jay begged, afraid the massive cock would split him in two. His tiny rectal opening contracted with fear as the pressure increased.

As the head of Danny's cock pushed forward, unbelievably painful sensations shot through his lower back. Sweat broke out on Danny's forehead as he sought to penetrate the hairless orifice with his pulsing cock, pushing the organ forward as it struggled to press in, the arsehole so tight it brought pain to his cock's sensitive head.

"AAAGGGGHHHH! NOOOO! PLEEAAASSSSSEEE!" Jay cried out, his voice growing louder as the pressure at his back built up agonizingly. Toby had realized what was happening and he tried to help Danny by holding the frightened Jay tightly. His hands were like iron as they fought to keep the boy still. Suddenly, the tight elastic anal ring muscle popped over the head of Danny's swollen cock and it slipped into the wiggling boy's arsehole.

Inch by inch it wormed its way up into the dark depths of his ass. The pain was unbearable for Jay; he was overwhelmed with sharp, burning fingers of agony exploding up his back and into his arsehole. He screamed with each hot inch that bored into him. Slowly, with Toby still holding his cock tightly in his hand, Danny began to fuck in and out of Jay's sodomized arsehole, each thrust widening the strained elastic channel and easing his movements.

Out of the pain and shock of the brutal anal-rape came an entirely new feeling, a faint resumption of the previous lust he'd felt as his heated arsehole closed over Toby's cock. One moment there was the awful pain--the next moment it began to feel as if his body were melting, consumed by waves of sensuality that made the thrusting cock seem welcome.

"Yes, yes," whispered Jay, his voice making it clear he wanted more of what he'd hated only a few moments before.

Excited by what was happening before his eyes, Frankie reached down with his free hand and encircled Danny's lust-swollen prick. It was almost as if the four bodies were now joined together in some invisible bond.

"AAAAAHHHHHHH!" Jay moaned with pleasure. He felt Danny's balls smack against his lower thighs as he rammed home the massive erection. He was in heaven, with white-hot flashes of pleasure surging through him, making him tremble with the wonder of it. Rockets of delight exploded through his body sending great waves of joy to every nerve.


"AH . . . AHHHHHHH . . . AHHHHHHHH!" Danny responded, feeling himself about to shoot his hotly raging load of sperm far up into Jay's bowels.

He tried to withhold the flaming-hot cum for another minute, he wanted to fuck the churning arsehole for as long as he could. Suddenly, he was seized by convulsive spasms of pleasure as his wildly jerking cock emptied itself in a seemingly never-ending torrent. Jay could feel the boiling river of lava-like cum gush into his anal and rectal passages at the same time, and he felt wanton and giddy as exquisite orgasms shook his again and again. It was wonderful--all the pain of Danny's first entry had disappeared in a star-burst of joy and lewd pleasure.

"OOOOOOOHHHHHH!" he cried out, his buttocks wiggling in an obscene dance of love. "I'm cccuuummmiiinnnggg!" the overwhelmed blond-haired boy screamed. The two cocks of the ecstatic boys continued to spew out the sticky hot cum as they relaxed their thrusts and finally came to rest, the four bodies entwined in a jumbled heap on the cum-soaked rug.

Frankie sat naked on the edge of the bathtub and played with his exhausted prick while Jay lay in the steaming hot water, covered with foamy piles of bubbles. It had only been two days since Danny and Toby had packed up the camera and lighting equipment and left for Windsor, but both boys hardly mised them.

They had found each other.

Then came the telephone call. Jay had to return to London, a family wedding or something of that nature. Frankie could have gone home, but he knew Toby and Danny might be back any day, and he didn't want to miss them. He didn't want to miss the chance of making another film. To tell the truth, he loved making the films. It was what he wanted to do, all he wanted to do - except maybe for one other thing, and he'd told no one about that, though he haunted his private little cove every day - hoping.

A couple of hours later Frankie heard footsteps outside the lodge. He got up from the bed quickly and raced to the window to pull the drapes apart in the hope of seeing who was coming.

Outside it was dark and he realized he must have slept for hours. He could see the shape of a car but could not identify it. It must be Jay's mother, he thought to himself. He raced back to the bed and pulled on a bathrobe. Running his hands through his tangled hair, he went into the front room just in time to see the door open and a figure step inside.

It was the stranger from the cove!

Frankie almost fainted as the memories of that fateful morning came back to his. The man stood by the door, smiling at his expectantly, as if waiting for a fond greeting. This time he was dressed in an expensive sportcoat and slacks.

"What . . . what are you doing here?" Frankie asked in a terrified voice, clutching his bathrobe tightly at his throat.

"That's hardly the warmest welcome an old friend has ever had, is it, Frankie?" the man said with a grin. He pulled off his coat and threw it casually onto a chair.

"Who . . . who are you?" Frankie asked. "How do you know my name?" Despite himself, Frankie felt a warm glow begin to spread through his buttocks as he thought back to how masterfully and pleasurably the man standing before him had taken his virginity. "God," he thought, "I must be depraved to be thinking about sex after everything that's happened."

"Oh, I know quite a lot about you, Frankie!" the stranger said smoothly, unbuttoning his shirt and throwing it by his discarded coat. His chest muscles were brown and hard, and he flexed them unconsciously. Frankie's eyes became aware of the bulge in the stranger's pants as his cock strained against the thin material of his trousers.

It was awful, he knew, but he remembered with absolute clarity how forcefully that massive lust-swollen cock had brought him to his first wonderful orgasm. Without realizing it, his hands relaxed their grip on the bathrobe and it fell gently open to reveal his smooth skin, slim body, and rising cock.

He watched fascinated as the stranger kicked off his shoes and began to unzip his fly, smiling at him the whole time. Finally he found his voice. "I've got friends who are coming back at any minute," he lied. "You'd better leave - now!"

The stranger let his pants fall down around his feet, and Frankie could see the massively swollen cock through his shorts. It was upright and bulging, and it seemed much larger than he remembered when it had pumped in and out of his virgin hole that morning.

"I know all about your friends," the man announced calmly.

"Jay is with his mother in Las Vegas. Neither of them will be back for at least a week! We've got the lodge all to ourselves!"

As he spoke he slid off the shorts. His erection majestically sprang up, huge and throbbing, the purple head glistening in anticipation. The stranger came toward his and began to remove Frankie's bathrobe gently .

Frankie's arsehole was burning with desire now as he felt the heat from the man's pulsing cock so near his own. He wanted to pull away but something held him rooted to the spot as the man's hands came up and began to caress his nipples. Spasms of delight were shooting through him as the skilfull hands went around his waist and pulled him toward the naked body.

"Who are you?" Frankie asked again. "How do you know Jay?"

The handsome face exploded in a wide grin.

"I thought you might have guessed by now! This is my lodge!"

He paused for a moment to let the words sink in.

"I'm Jay s father!"

The man's strong hands went to Frankie's shoulders and began gently to push him down.

Frankie knelt before the muscled thighs and marveled at the the throbbing organ just in front of his face.

He sighed.

His red lips parted,

his mouth opened,

and he sucked in

the sweet




Summer was over, and we were back in school. Nothing had changed; everything had changed. I'd learned to love sex, and my hero-worship for Mr. Morton, our English teacher, had a new dimension. Mr. Morton was not my English teacher but he was also the PE teacher for Year 9 and the coach/manager of the Year 9 swimming team. It turned out I was a nifty short distance swimmer and got a regular place in the team.

Throughout Mr. Morton's lessons, I was aware of the outline of his cock and balls in his beige chinos. I sat there wondering what it would be like to unzip those chinos, pull out his prick, get down on my knees and..... Dream on! I was still only 14, he must have been 25 - 30. I should be so lucky.

The period bell ended my imagination. Class was over, another day ended. Scrambling to pull myself back to reality, I knocked over the books on my desk. By the time I'd picked them all up, I was the last to leave the classroom. Mr.. Morton sauntered over to my desk. He was a good-looking bastard and he knew it. Not that I ever really trusted him; he was the kind of teacher who would cut your throat behind your back and never even bat en eyelid doing it.

"I noticed how engrossed you were in my lesson today, Frankie O'Dowd," he said. "Mind sharing what was so fascinating?" As he said this, he perched himself on top of the desk next to mine. The hint of a smile curled his lips as he waited for my answer.

What the fuck had he been talking about during class. All of my attention had been on his body, taking in every move and greedily soaking up every hint of the bulge under his slacks.

"It was the, aw, the great way you presented today's material," I stammered. "Your presentation, your organization of the study material just bowled me over."

"Sure it wasn't something else? All term I've noticed how much attention you pay to my lessons, but you sail through any of the tests I set. Maybe you've just got natural talents. Your answers always leave me feeling you've seen the movie but never read the book, and, as I never tired of telling you, you can't judge a book by its cover. Today, well, today I was sure something else was on your mind."

With that, his hand slipped onto his lap. He manipulated his cock and balls into what was probably a more comfortable position. My own cock sprang to life, blood coursing through it even faster than the blood that fired my face.

My face flushed over with excitement and embarrassment. Here was what I'd been dreaming about, happening right in the classroom! Mr.. Morton smiled. I noticed his face had a curious glow about it.

"What about my body? Were you watching so closely you can't remember my lessons," he teasingly asked. "Don't just sit there open-mouthed... though come think of it, it is one of the most attractive features of adolescent boys."

I closed my mouth, then blurted out: "I'll try to pay attention, sir. Can I go now?"

"How often have I told you lot it's not 'Can I go?' - it's 'May I go? The modal auxiliary to request permission is 'may' not 'can'. You need an extra lesson, boy". With that said, he got up, walked straight to the door, locked it and pulled down the shades. The room was filled with that pleasant kind of gloom you get at the bottom of a swimming pool. That's where I like sitting, at the bottom of a swimming pool. I like to sit there, holding my breath, of course, and listening to sounds so distant they might be coming from another planet. I was in that room with Mr.. Morton, and we might as well have been on a different planet.

Walking back to the middle of the room and stopping where he normally would give his lectures, he turned and looked me straight in the face.

"Come up here, sit in the first seat right in front of me," he commanded. I quickly moved to the front desk and sat down. What else could I do?

"Mr.. Morton, I didn't mean to get you angry! You asked me what I was thinking about, and I told you! Please, if you won't say anything to anyone about this, I promise not to stare anymore."

"This has grown far out of hand, young man. It cannot go on any longer. We're both going to work this out now, today. When I get through with you, you'll not fantasize any longer!" With that, he moved closer to my desk.

"Now, boy, reach out and pull down my zipper. But be careful," he warned, "snag my skin and you'll be a very sorry." I sat there stunned, but he was the teacher, I was the pupil, so I did as I was told. I reached out, found his zipper and carefully edged it down. It wasn't easy; his cock has expanded so much it was pushing out the fabric in a tight bulge. My fingers trembled as I felt his hard shaft beneath them. At last I was touching sir's cock.

When the zipper was fully down, Mr.. Morton said, "Now, Frankie, reach in through my shorts and extricate my cock if you will." 'Extricate' - what a beautiful word. With TLC, I 'extricated his cock' through the opening in his shorts. It felt as if my fingers were burning, but the feeling was great, especially when the head of his cock and most of his shaft slid into view. It was hard and sweaty, just like my own, though my own is a couple of inches shorter and a good deal slimmer; but I'm a growing boy.

Mr. Morton was big though not huge. I didn't mind that. Our vicar had always drummed into us that he who expects little or nothing shall never be disappointed.

Without being asked, I edged the flaps of his slacks wide open, lowered his zipper all the way, and reaching in pulled out his cock and balls so I'd access to everything. I couldn't resist working the skin up and down those meaty seven inches and was fascinated by the emergence of pre-cum over the angry purple of his cock head. I leaned closer, maybe to give the slit a teeny weeny kiss, but Mr.. Morton pushed my hand away - shitface! -backed off and spoke again. "All in good time, boy, all in good time." I hate teachers; they always stop you just when you're really getting to the good bits.

Turning back to me, he continued the lesson. "Now, it's your turn to get comfortable. I want you to stand up, face me, and take off your shirt and trousers". More willingly than before, I quickly complied with his request. Since I never wore undershirts, I was left standing there in front of him dressed only in my blue and white shorts.

"My, what have we growing here?" he asked. He stared at my cock which bulged the front of my shorts obscenely.

"Have you noticed," asked Mr. Morton that all the most pleasureable things in life are illegal, immoral, or fattening? Perhaps, it is only with the adolescent penis that a man can achieve all three at one sitting." If there was a witty reply to that it escaped me.

"Do you know why it is so big? I'll tell you. It's because it's getting ready to explore a little tunnel. You'll soon find out, but not just yet!" After a pause, he said, "Now, Frankie, I want you to do what comes naturally."

"Yes, sir!"

I was kneeling in front of him in flash, looking up with my big 'puppy eyes' (thanks, mom), working his belt free. Getting my hands into the waistband of his slacks and boxers and jerking them down rather unceremoniously. His cock slapped me in the face. I knelt there, nuzzling his belly, his thick pubic hair, his big cock and his swollen balls with my nose, mouth and chin. Would he let me suck him, would he?

Mr.. Morton leaned into my face, increasing the pressure on his genitals as I squeezed his bum cheeks. I noticed he was now breathing rather deeply, and there was a slight quiver in his body As I got closer, the smell increased. It was the most stimulating smell I ever had sniffed, way up there with a MacDonalds after a long hard cross-country run.

He thrust his hips towards my face, inviting me to accept his throbbing cock into my mouth (there is a god!). I started kissing his cock head, stroking it with my tongue, then slipped the first couple of inches inside my hot young mouth. (I love stuff like that: 'hot young mouth' - real porno style, isn't it? Suck it harder ... harder!" he cried, as he spread his legs wider to let me get a better angle at his balls and crack.

"Take your finger, move it next to your mouth, and, sliding it along my crack, find my ass-hole," he exclaimed in a really husky voice. "Then stick it into my love-hole while you continue to suck my cock," he exclaimed in a voice nearly choking with desire. (What the fuck was this - a biology lesson?)

I found his bum hole. Sticking my finger into it, I fiddled around a bit, but, before I could explore that fact further, Mr.. Morton started to move his whole lower body against my face.

His stomach muscles started to contract, then expand, as he seemed to try and push his entire cock and balls down my throat. His hips swayed back and forth, forcing his pubic hair up my nose; I almost sneezed and blew the whole thing, so to speak.

"Move your finger in and out faster," he told me. (Yes, sir!) As I did so, I realized his body movements became synchronized to my finger movements. The faster I moved my finger, the harder he face-fucked me.

By now, his breathing had become very audible. In fact, he was panting as if he had just completed a half marathon. I tried to stop and pull my face away from his genitals, but he pushed them right back, so I shrugged my shoulders and continued to saw at his love hole and suck his dick, doing it harder and faster all the time. His breathing now was a rasping intake of air. His body was jerking around so much I wondered how he could remain standing.

His body jerked violently up and down in front of my face. I suddenly felt my throat becoming drenched in his love juices, as they from his pulsating cock. I tried to suck it all up, but he moved too wildly for me to follow with my mouth. The fucking stuff flew all over the place, some of it hitting me in the eyes, which I managed to jam shut just in time.

My ministrations to his needs seemed to work. After a few moments, he calmed down. I could feel a keen sweat on his body, especially from his greasy arsehole. I extracted the helpful digit and sniffed it - not bad. Sir pushed me back from him, still shaking noticeably.

"I think you may just pass this preliminary exam," he said, still breathing heavy. "But there is one section left for you to complete". Taking my hand in his, he pulled me up from the desk, so the two of us faced each other.

He started to squat, letting his hands flow down my back, stopping briefly at the elastic band of my shorts just to get a firm hold on them, then continuing down my legs, dragging my underwear with them and exposing my cock.

"This," he said, staring at my erect cock "looks like something I must examine closely. And unlike Garfield, I shall not avoid fruits and nuts. I shall be what I eat!" This was turning into one of Mr. Morton's flights of fancy when 90% of the class had no idea what he was talking about, and the other 10% were asleep or playing under their desks. I had one simple reaction: "Get on with it!"

And get on with it he did, taking it in his mouth, licking the tip of my cock with his tongue. I could feel my dick, which I thought was as big as I'd ever felt, get even larger and harder. The harder it got, the more he tried to stuff in it his mouth. He was good, but to be honest, I'd had better. Still, this was my first from an older guy, so I knew it would be a valuable experience.

My hips started to move with his mouth, and gradually I shoved my prick deeper and deeper into his mouth. I couldn't believe it, but he was able to get nearly all of it in. His lips contracted around my shaft, and exerted more pleasurable force around it. I wanted to give him a couple of tips but that would have been presumptuous. after all, he was the teacher, not I.

Simultaneously, his tongue continued to work on my tip, getting me very excited. I could feel the pressure growing, and swore my balls got larger the longer he sucked me. I knew I could not hold on much longer, and tried to get my cock out of his mouth before I exploded. But try as I might, he wouldn't let me withdraw. In fact, his hands circled my hips and forced me all the way into his mouth. I couldn't hold it any longer. After all, as the song says: "That's the way I like it."

I exploded into his mouth, feeling my sperm shoot out in spurts. I could feel him sucking even harder, draining every drop out of my cock. I couldn't do anything, and let it just flow out, drowning his throat in my cum. When sir felt there was nothing left, he slowly withdrew my cock from his mouth, dragging his lips over my shaft, then my cock head, and finally licking the very tip of my cock with his tongue as he completely withdrew it.

He stayed down for a few seconds longer, waiting and watching my dick. As it started to shrink, and little more cum started to drip out. He licked it away with his tongue.

Finally, when I was only semi-tumescent, he got up, hugged me, and whispered, "Tomorrow, after school, at my place. Can you manage a couple of hours? Think of our time as 'private lessons'?

I nodded yes. Next day in school was a daze.

"Get in the car quickly, before anyone sees you. I hardly want it to be common knowledge I'm providing you with private lessons."

I guessed there might be more behind the excuse for urgency than his concerns over others thinking he was tutoring me, but I didn't let that thought get in my way. Once in the car, my vision shifted to his crotch. The bugger was already hard!

"Well, what subject matter do you think we should cover tonight?" he asked.

"I guess you'd know better than me, Mr.. Morton. I follow whatever teaching plan you have in mind." That seemed the safest answer. I already knew that the options Mr.. Morton offered were a bit like my mum's dinner menus: take it or leave it.

"Good, but first, when we are not in school, my name is Sandy, not Mr.. Morton. I'd much prefer you call that." That said, he quickly down-shifted, gunned the car, and smoothly merged onto the parkway, heading south. Once we'd settled into a smooth ride, he reached over, took my hand and placed it in his lap. I could feel the heat of his erection through the fabric. I did what I was meant to do though I drew the line at sucking him off while were doing 80 miles an hour. That kind of thing causes accidents.

Once in his house, he directed me to go into the living room. He followed, and stood in the middle of room while indicating with his hands I should sit on the couch.

"Mr.. Morton, ah, Sandy, my pants are hurting me. Is it okay if I take them off?" I asked.

He laughed. "That's the whole idea - while you're at it, don't stop with your pants. Join me and take everything off!"

I quickly did, ending with stepping out of my shorts. I stood there, my cock fully extended and sticking directly towards him. Sir's cock was perpendicular, pointing straight up at a rather unusual light-fitting. We were separated by about five feet until he started gliding towards me.

"During the last lesson, I taught you how to finger-fuck me. I also exposed you to the art of a man performing oral sex on another man. Today, I'm going to show your adolescent dick is meant for - exploring my love tunnel. But first, let's review what you remember from your first lesson."

With that, he sat down on the couch and motioned me to join him and we went through the basics of what we'd done the day before - without reaching orgasms. It was a sort of rehearsal - you know, when you put on a performance but nobody comes... cums... get it? Aw, go fuck yourself! Better still, let me fuck you.

Sandy brought his head up from my straining cock. I could feel its head swelling, getting even harder, as my balls threatened to explode. Sensing this, he stopped, and pushed me away from him.

"I'm not ready to let you cum yet. In fact, we've only completed the review of the last lesson," he explained in a voice that was still husky. For a moment he held my face with both hands and sighed: "It's so true. The face of a child can everything, especially the mouth part of the face."

Mr. Morton returned his attention to the lesson. "I want you to hold yourself until we get into the new lesson."

"But, Sandy, I'm so close it hurts to stop. If you don't complete this first lesson, I'm afraid I'll cum anyway."

"I've got just the remedy for that situation," he said in a knowing fashion. "Just sit up and wait for me to come right back." With that, he swung off the couch and walked over to his bathroom.

Emerging a few minutes later, he was carrying what looked like a tube of toothpaste. The writing on it, however, was either Chinese or Japanese, I couldn't tell which. He took the tube, removed the cap, and spread a white cream onto his hands.

Kneeling in front of my pulsing cock, he took my cock in both his hands and gently massaged the cream onto it, starting at its head and working all the down its elongated shaft.

His hands felt like heaven. The cream, cold at first, took on a warming feeling as his fingers deftly massaged in into my whole cock. It was a completely new experience to me, and I wasn't sure I should be letting it happen, but I think if you're faced with two temptations, you should always take the one you've never tried."

My orgasm, which had threatened to erupt at any second, gradually was replaced with a slight numbing sensation, followed by a feeling of immense pleasure. It is difficult to describe. The feelings I was getting from my cock were different than anything I'd ever felt. I was on a high emotional plateau, higher than anything ever before, but at the same time I knew I was nowhere close to cumming. Whatever it was he put on my cock had taken the sharp peak off my high but replaced it with a general feeling of much greater pleasure.

"This is an ointment I found last year when I visited China. I've always wanted to try it on a boy, but this is the first time I've had a chance. It works wonders on me, and I think it will help you, too, to control you orgasm." Finishing the application with a long, tender kiss to my penis's head, he said "Now you are ready for the next lesson."

Having said that, he slowly stood up and took my hand, and led me across the room. "What we are going to try, my boy, may not be to every man's taste, but it has always worked for me."

He lay down on the bed, and pulled me over him. Taking my cock in his hand, he guided it towards his rectum, but left it just touching his anal lips.

"Now, this is the modified missionary position. It's the way most people make love. Let's try it, and get an idea as to how it feels. Go ahead, push your dick into my arsehole. It will slide in easily after a little bit of pressure." With that he slung his legs up round my waist and hips. I moved up into a kneeling position, which made it a whole lot easier, and which, by the way, is how I like it - if we should ever meet.

I first pressed my cock into his ring, there was a lot of resistance.

Then, slowly, his anal lips opened up and accepted my cock. I slid it in all the way. My erection was sheathed in warm, wet velvet. I marvelled it had slid in so easily; my teacher had been fucked a lot of times in his career!

"Oh, Sandy, that feels great!" I burbled "This is the first time I've ever done this to anyone." (Okay, I'm a liar - but that doesn't make me a bad person.) "Does that mean I'm not a virgin anymore?"

His hips started to move. My body, possessed as if with a mind of its own, responded in sync with his body movements. Soon, our bodies were slapping together like old pros. "Oh, oh, you ARE a fast learner," he grunted. "Keep on moving, but harder. That's it - push in hard when I lift my love chute up. Yes! Yes! Harder!!"

He lifted his legs onto my shoulders, encircling them. This allowed him to use his leg muscles to drive me deeper and deeper into his waiting ass. I could feel all the pleasure he was giving me, and my cock getting ever bigger and stiffer, but I felt no urge to cum. That stuff he used was really working!

"Yeah - yeah - yeah - keep it up. Now - harder!! Slam that stiff rod into me harder! Make me feel it! Good, good! Now harder still - don't worry, it doesn't hurt. It feels good! Yeah, oh yeah, you've got me there again! I'm right at the crest! Keep doing it! Harder! HARDER!! I'm cumming AGAIN!!!! Oh yes, I'm CUMMING!!!!" he screamed into the air. I felt his stuff splatter against my belly and chest. I've always been glad I've got no chest hair; fancy cum sticking all over you - Yuck!

And cum again he did - if I thought he thrashed about the last time, I was wrong! He bounced all over the bed, dragging my body along with his. And all the time he remained impaled on my stiff rod. His panting eventually slowed down to normal breathing. I could see his body was now clothed is a light sheen of sweat. His nipples were as hard as my cock, and was he FLUSHED! But, apparently he'd not had enough yet.

By now, I was getting into this. I thrust into his arsehole as hard as I could, muttering, "Take that, you gay bastard!" - which, I admit, was a little rich under the circumstances. But the young are always in the right if only by virtue of their youth.

His voice was again getting a mixture or hoarseness and huskiness in it. I couldn't tell if he wanted me to slow down because he was again close to cumming or because I was hurting him; I hoped it was the latter.

Sure enough, even as we were talking, I could feel his muscles relaxing, allowing my cock to ease further and further into his ass. Soon, I was all the way in. My stomach was hitting his cheeks, and my cock seemed to thrust right through his entire body. His stomach contracted, causing his anal lips to close tightly on my shaft. He moved up and down, side to side, and started rotating his hips. Each thrust brought me to a higher level. Each time he slowed I could feel my balls actually hurting from the pent-up flood of cum that had been created. Each time I thought I'd cum he slowed down, or stopped.

It was agony and pleasure, all mixed into one big experience. He kept going this way for over thirty minutes. But I could see he was having more trouble controlling himself than controlling me.

I reached my no-turning-back point, and it felt like an explosion inside of my cock. My cum juices shot out from the tip of my cock, not in a spurt, but in a steady stream. Sandy came at the same moment, squirting more cum all over me. I couldn't stop - I grabbed his waist, and shoved him down even harder than he was pushing himself - shoved so hard it hurt when our bodies met. He loved every moment of it, screaming out with pleasure as we pursued our joint madness.

Eventually we both drained ourselves. Stopping, I noticed sweat had pinned his hair to his brow. I was dripping sweat and cum from him and myself. We were both exhausted. I started to remove my cock from his rectum, but he stopped me. "Let it stay there. Let it relax and shrink inside of me," he pleaded in a hoarse whisper. "Let's take a nap just like this." We eventually both fell asleep, still coupled together by my cock in his rectum. When I woke, it was almost six o'clock!

Sandy woke up shortly after me. We cuddled together for a little while, then got up and took a shower together. We had to, we were both glued together with cum juice!

We dressed and he drove me home, stopping a couple of streets away from my house where he gently pushed me out of the car. As I staggered up to my home, I wondered what the next lesson could be ..... but strangely enough, it came from the student, not the teacher.

It had been three weeks since his second tutoring session. I'd been paying attention to the classroom work, and started making good progress in his course. For the first time since we started the semester, I really understood the course materials and was able to keep up with everyone else. It now looked like I'd pass. It was no problem preventing myself from daydreaming about Mr.. Morton (or Sandy, as he said I could call him out of school) since we had completed the two outside tutoring classes. His methods had worked.

In fact, I'd become an even more popular guy with boys of my class (something which never happened before the tutoring). Each day, at lunch or after school, there was always one or two boys talking with me, fooling around, and generally doing what high school boys do when they are trying to signal interest in each other. In short, it appeared I was growing up, and was really starting to enjoy our high school's gay scene, which although it was discreet was a lot more widespread than most people, especially the grown-ups, could have believed possible. After all, it was practically the Millennium, so whose business was it if boys wanted to get it on with each other, or anybody else for that matter. As long as it was consensual, it was fine by me.

My attentions to Mr.. Morton dwindled in direct proportion to amount of attention I was getting from boys my own age. In part, I guess, this accounted for the ease in which I broke away from my old habits of staring at Mr.. Morton and daily visually stripping his clothing off while he lectured to the class. I think I was turning into a pretty tolerant guy, free from stupid prejiduces, and fancying just about every attractive male person in the school.

On this day, as both his class and the school day ended, Mr.. Morton asked me to stay after school for a few minutes. Perplexed, since I knew I was doing much better, I waited to find out what he wanted to say to me. When everyone else had left the classroom, he closed the door, isolating the two of us from the rest of the world. It was very similar to that first tutoring session.

"Frankie, I've been wondering what has happened to you in the past few weeks," he started. "When we finished our last session after school, in my car near your home, I recommended strongly that future sessions would be needed. Yet now, weeks later, you seem to have no interest in pursuing further help from me. What has happened?"

"Well, Mr.. Morton, I thought I was doing well in class! And as long as I was, I thought no further help from you was needed," I replied cheerfully. I knew I would have to tread carefully; Mr.. Morton's idea of a joke was dishing our major assignments over the half term holidays.

"You really mean to say that, since I taught you all those tricks, you've been too busy with all those little boys who hang around you every day to worry or even think about me! That's what you really mean, don't you?" he angrily proclaimed. He continued, "Did you think all of those efforts I made to help you had no affect on me? That I didn't want to continue to teach you even more? That you can now go about living your life, fully convinced you know all you need to know? You're a bigger fool than I thought, Frankie O'Dowd!"

Yipes! This was starting to sound like one of those late afternoon soaps that are on TV. He really sounded hurt, angry and even more than a little jealous! Before I could say anything, he continued his verbal attack. "You must be very self-centred, young man. To not even take into account my feelings, my desires, my hopes, while you freely give to those young mother-fuckers everything I so painstakingly taught you! You're so typical of your generation; all so fucking selfish!"

"Ah, you see, I, ah, I really thought you only had a professional interest in me, Mr.. Morton. I thought what you were teaching me was to become more aggressive, more outward, especially to males. And I've been. I've been having a good time after school, dating for the first time, seeing different boys, enjoying my life for a change. Wasn't that what you wanted?"

"Yes, I wanted you to learn that. But I also wanted you to remember me, too! While you may have forgotten what we did together, my body hasn't! My crotch have been damp every day for the last several weeks, watching you, sitting there in my classroom, having fun with those little bastards sitting next to you. They've been wet with desire for your cock! Why couldn't you understand that?" he sobbed.

Yeh, folks, I kid you not: the man actually sobbed! This was too heavy for me; I'd to do something.

I quickly rose from my desk and walked up to him, took him in my arms, and held him lightly. He lay his head on my shoulder, and soon the crying stopped. Wiping his tears from his face, he backed away from me and sat at his desk.

"I guess you want something younger than me, younger than my 31 years," he stated matter of factly. "Well, maybe that's right, maybe you should. But I still want to teach you more, and enjoy you while you learn. Look, this weekend. Why don't you arrange to be free Saturday afternoon? I'll pick you up here at the school, take you over to my house, and let's see if I can't teach you something you'll not forget! You've heard a little about S&M, I imagine." (Fuck me - S&M! Here was me, scared of a nose-bleed and this guy wanted to introduce me to S&M!) "Maybe it will also serve as reminder to you of what you were about to give up!" With that, he stood up, faced me directly, and challenged me with his looks to say no. I couldn't.

"All right, Mr.. Morton, I'll make sure I'm free Saturday. But I've got things to do, so I'll make my own way to your house - about two o'clock, if that's okay?" He agreed. There went a date for the baseball game with John, the redhead who sat next to me in class, which was going to be followed by my sleeping-over at his house. Fuck it! But I owed Mr.. Morton one last session. And I'd better not get Mr.. Morton pissed off at me until after the school year ended.

Saturday afternoon came.

I arrived on time and knocked at Mr.. Morton's door. He opened up immediately and looked me up and down hungrily. I'd hardly got inside the living room when the father-fucker was wrestling me to the carpet grabbing my privates and stripping off what little clothing I had on. We tumbled to the carpet, thank God it was thickly piled, in a tangle of arms, legs and sweaty torsos. Sir had already let his robe slip off, and sprawled bare-assed across me. He worked his way down my body, slurping and slavering as he went, then gulped my genitals into his wide-open mouth. He hadn't even given me time to get a proper hard-on!

My body answered the call, and within seconds my stiff cock and swollen balls were too much for him. He coughed me out, then flipped me over so I was straddling his middle. I could feel his hard-on pushing at the crack in my buttocks. I got the message. I wasn't going to get out of sir's house until he'd fucked me good and proper. I heard my own gulp as my tiny Adam's apple leapt in my throat.

Mr.. Morton worked me up his body until my cock was at his lips again. He swallowed half the shaft and suckled on me like a hungry infant at a swollen tit. His big hands parted the cheeks of my buttocks until I felt my ring stretched like an elastic. No way, man, no way.

"Please, sir, please, sir," I whispered, but he was too far gone to hear me. I had to tell him, there was something I had to tell him before we went any further, but he wouldn't listen, he just wouldn't listen.

I worked me cock free from his mouth. He slid me higher until his face was jammed between the crack in my ass, his tongue running over and probing at my arsehole. He was loosening my sphincter muscle. Shit! That was the last thing I wanted to do. The Greeks say that an iron rod bends while it is hot. That's one theory I didn't want tested on my ass!

The tip of his tongue was inside me. I lost control, and a small hot turd slid down my shit-chute. I was so embarrassed my entire body blushed. I tried to wriggle away; Mr.. Morton was having none of it. He held on and sucked. "Ah, fuck it," I thought, and so did my sphincter. We gave up control and let the guy have what he wanted. A hot turd, probably only three or four inches long, though it felt like a freight train, slid out of me, and into... well, I can only guess. There was a gulping and swallowing sound beneath me. That fucking' perverted cannibal was swallowing me whole!

There was a rapping at the door, not just any rapping, but a series of raps I recognised. I rolled away from Mr.. Morton's body, grabbed his robe, and nipped sharpish to the door. The Seventh Cavalry had arrived! I led the troops into the living room. Mr.. Morton stood there, clutching my T-shirt to his groin with one hand, and daintily wiping his lips with my Calvins.

"Hi, Mr.. Morton," I chirruped cheerfully. "Hope you don't mind me bringing a few friends. They've fallen behind in their studies, too. They'd be grateful for a bit of extra tuition. I've told them what to expect, and they're raring to go. If you don't mind, I'll just sit back and watch while you take them through what I've learned. I hope you've got plenty of that cream..." I heard guffaws of laughter around me. "...I think we're gonna need it."

We slipped past sir and into the spare bedroom. There was stuff lying around: leather stuff, and metal stuff, and huge rubber cocks... I wasn't sure how you used some of that stuff, but I knew my friends would figure it out.

Around me, Lee, Elwyn, Danny and Ashley (Danny's current) were already getting stripped. P&A were in the school wrestling squad; unlike me, these chaps were not about to take 'no' for an answer, especially Danny who had this thing about something called 'fisting'. His favourite proverb was if the camel once get his nose in a tent, the body will soon follow, which we all laughed at without wholly understanding.

For a moment I felt sorry for Mr.. Morton, but only for a moment. Then, I settled down in an armchair near the bed. I flipped open a can of Special Brew, took a slug, and sat back to watch my teacher being taught a few things maybe even he didn't know. Truly it has been said: If four people want your ass, it's time to put on a bridle.



"Aw shut up, Mom. It's Sunday morning. I don't have to get up."

All I wanted was to lie there, play with my prick and do what boys the world over do on a lazy Sunday morning.


The voice was right in front of me now. I looked down the bed. Recognition came slowly. I blinked. "Adam?"

He grinned toothily and hoisted himself up and gave a little jump to plant a light kiss on my nose, catching me by surprise.

I stared at him. "You look unbelievable," I said, with complete sincerity. And his appearance was more than half the reason I hadn't recognized him. I hadn't seen Adam in about 8 months. He'd just turned 12 a few weeks before we'd last bumped into each other. He'd been pretty much as he'd been the first time I'd met him, three years before. Adam was rather short - four-foot-nine, but he made up for that by a seriously athletic little body. Broad shoulders, narrow waist, butterfly pelvis, sturdy legs, you know the kind of thing.

Seriously attractive, too. Since he was eight, Adam had done a lot of ads on TV and in kids' fashion clothes; his photographs had become a collector's item with some people, including me. Especially the series of swim suits he did in Tunisia! Not that I was particularly attracted sexually to small boys, but Adam was something else, though I'd kept my hands strictly, more or less, to myself when he was younger. I don't think it's fair to fuck up little kids' heads before they can fuck them up for themselves. What do you think?

Damn, he looked good! His jeans clung to slim hips and legs that were just a shade too long for his diminutive height. He'd had his hair cut differently, a bit longer and fuller. His eyes sparkled and his lips and nose were perfect for his face. The Fairy of Puberty had waved his wand and Adam Mason had turned into a remarkably handsome youngster.

We talked and Adam told me his family had moved back into the area. He was coming to Queen Elizabeth's - my school! - in the Autumn.

Mom started hollering up the stairs. I knew I'd to get up, or she'd be in turfing me out of bed. Since I was naked with a semi-stiff prick, I didn't fancy that idea too much. But there was Adam sitting on the end of my bed, too. Aw fuck it. I slid out of bed, my prick pointing the way to the bathroom. Adam whistled! I blushed! I stood there in my bathroom trying hard to take a piss through a cock that was getting harder by the second. I strained and achieved. The thick splattering sound could be heard across the County. Outside, I heard Adam laughing: "Can I come back this evening, Frankie? Maybe you can tell me what school's like."

"Sure thing, Adam," I shouted. "Tell my mom I'll be downstairs in a couple of minutes."

Adam laughed again. "Okay, but don't do anything I wouldn't do. Save it for tonight." I heard the door close. I worked my cock to full hardness. I began to jerk myself off. Then with a sigh, I gave it a slap. I didn't have time for this. I'd to be in church in fifteen minutes. I'm an altar boy. I've got responsibilities.

He rang my bell at 6:06 on that evening and I buzzed him in. He was wearing jeans again and a simple white shirt tucked into his waistband. I gave him a can of Irn Bru. The place was eerily quiet. Mom had taken the kids to evening Mass, Dad had taken himself to the Club.

Adam enjoyed the stereo - choosing a recording by Sinead, much to my surprise and pleasure - and ooohed and ahhed at the little study I created; it's the place where I write. Okay, I was only 14, but I was going to be a writer and that's that. If I wasn't, you wouldn't be reading this now, would you? I tried sticking some stuff on the Web asking for comments and suggestions, the suggestions I got would have given a hard-on to a corpse. Adam picked up a couple of books from my collection and asked: "Do you read all of these?"

I am always surprised when someone is impressed by my Library Wall in my den. I explained to him if you read for an hour a day, you read a couple of books a week. In thirty years, that's around three thousand books. If you save some books - well, you pretty quickly end up with the Library Wall. My den is only fifteen feet long, so a wall of books isn't that big a deal. Adam picked up another book and scanned through it.

"Shit," he muttered, "this is hot stuff." I'd a peek at the spine, then snatched the book from his hand. "Yeh, and it's a bit too hot for you." (He'd read a couple of paragraphs from one of my gay stories and his eyes had nearly popped out of his head.) I tucked the book back in the 'secret section' of my library. It had been pretty stupid to leave that book lying around, but Mom was good enough never to come into my room without getting permission, so I wasn't too worried. Still, no point taking chances.

The talk moved on to half a dozen subjects and later, after more chatting and catching up - and Adam doing in three cans of Irn Bru - he started examining the titles of the books again, inspired no doubt by his find. He asked if he could look at one on a high shelf. I started to get up from the couch.

"I'll get it. I just wanted to know if it was okay to look at it."

"Sure, help yourself." He got the little folding step-stool from the corner and set it up. It's only a four-step job, so he had to stand on the top. I went to steady him because the steps were a bit wobbly. As soon as I got there, he turned half-way and started toppling.

I caught him with my hands at his waist. His cheeks flushed and the redness spread down his neck and throat and into the vee of pale flesh exposed by the three unfastened buttons. Funny thing about bare flesh: when you expect to see it, there's not much erotic about it; it's when you get the unexpected glimpses that it can turn you on faster than any nakedness can. The sweet vulnerability of Adam's body hit me hard.

I put my arms all the way around him and pressed him up and against me. He was arching his back deeply to catch my face between his thighs and rub his denim-clad crotch against nose and lips. . I ran my hands up and down his back, then reached down and covered his bum, one hand to a cheek.

But there was nothing girl-like in the heat or experience in his hungry touch or the way he was writhing against me. And there sure as hell was nothing childlike in the pressure of his hardening prick against my face.

Stunned, I broke away and helped him down from the steps. His face was flushed but there was also a triumphant look in his eye as if he'd broken his own personal dare barrier. He'd certainly put a dent in mine. We stood there in a semi-clinch while I made up my mind what I was going to do, if anything.

"I've wanted to do that for two years," Adam said. "Did you know that?"

I shook my head.

"And you don't remember telling me you liked me and thought I was cute, and at the Christmas party when you sat with me under the tree for nearly an hour and we talked about everything, and you let me lean on you and share your trifle? Don't you remember?"

I was starting to remember something, now .... I moved Adam over to the leather couch I'd got for the den, for my fourteenth birthday. It was a three-seater; I'd slept on it a couple of times, it was amazingly cool and comfortable. I sat the boy down and looked into those solemn grey-blue eyes. "And don't you remember at the swimming pool. You always used to let me share your cubicle, and when I was very little you helped me dress and undress. Maybe you could help me now."

He brought one hand up and quickly unbuttoned his shirt as if he was scared I'd stop him before he got it undone. He slid open four buttons and parted his shirt. Creamy tanned flesh filled my gaze; I saw the hint of pectoral muscles, the hard rosy nubs of his nipples, the slightly creased flesh at his stomach, the little inner belly button, the same tanned flesh pouring tautly under the waist of his jeans.

I swallowed.

"I'm going to take off my shirt," the boy said, his voice quavering just a bit. If you don't want me to, just stop me, and it'll be as if this never happened." He tugged his shirt back from his shoulders.


He frowned. "What?"

I lifted him easily and turned him, setting his bum in a corner of the couch, then I bent slightly and began kissing and licking his hot, hard little nipples, trying furiously to live up to the expectations of this sweet twelve-year-old who had more courage and determination than all we funked-up writers of porno could even imagine. I bent and licked his shoulders, then down his arms. I trilled my tongue in the hollow of his elbow and watched the goose bumps rise and felt him shiver. Then I went back to work on his nipples that seemed even more sensitive than my own.

His aureoles were no larger than five-pence pieces, but the nubs themselves were outstanding. They swelled up and out, stretching easily one-quarter of an inch and as thick as pencil erasers. His hands had come up to either side of my head and he was trying to force my mouth onto his nipples. I let him - but my mouth draped over each one, open, and I withheld my tongue, so no matter how much the boy pressed my face into the firm, fragrant abundance, his nipples were untouched. I figured absence makes your nipples grow harder, so I stayed completely away from touching his nipples.

It drove him crazy.

But while my lips and tongue were busy with his abundant upper attractions, my hands had been steadily caressing and stroking his muscled but slim legs. My right hand was gently moving up and down over the denim-clad curve of his lower stomach.. I could feel the heat through the denim of his jeans. I unsnapped the waistband of his jeans and lowered the zipper.

I could feel the humid heat rising in waves from the v-opening. I began kissing all over his chest, working my way down over his abdomen. That's what you call that part of the torso on a boy in his condition: "abdomen." "Belly" is too soft a word. From the definition of the muscles criss-crossing his tummy, it was obvious he was still burning up the calories in the way that pubescent and adolescent boys do. I could easily find the ridges of hard muscle beneath the smooth, minimal layer of normal, healthy human fat by tracing and exploring with my tongue.

That's just what I did: explore with my tongue. I traced and delineated every smooth ripple of firm abdominal muscle, always working lower, and as my tongue finally found and reached the limits of his opened zipper, his hands came down to either side of my head, pushing me lower, always lower.

One final little push and the tip of my tongue was playing in silky swirls of brown pubic hair, so light and fine I knew it had been there only a matter of months. Adam's hair brushed lightly against my lips, which turned me on so much it was my turn to groan in pleasure.

Young boys are really sensitive about their pubic hair; it's all so new, so significant, part of the mysteries of becoming a man, of becoming fully male, of leaving that androgynous, sexless part of boyhood behind.

"Put your arms around my neck," I whispered - mostly because my voice wasn't working quite right at that moment - and he complied willingly. My plan was to stand with him hanging on me and push the jeans down off his narrow hips. Worked, too, and I wasn't completely surprised to find that Adam wore nothing underneath his jeans. I stood there, his legs around my waist, his arms around my neck, his sweet Irn Bru breath mingling with mine, and worked his jeans past his bum, down his legs until I'd to put him down.

Then I dropped to my knees, undid his trainers, disposed of them and his socks, slipped off his jeans and eased him back down onto the couch. He lay there, beautiful beyond words, half sitting, half lying down, his erection standing pink and taut, his balls lolling in the vee of his thighs. Adam raised his arms and cupped the back of his head. To use a stolen phrase, his armpits were like the chalice we used at High Mass. To me, they were equally sacred and I knew I'd spend a lot of time cleaning and polishing them with my tongue.

If Adam had let me, I'd have been content to stand there for ages making love to his face and body with my eyes, but he grinned and reached for. I let the boy draw me to him.

His hands were busy, unsnapping the waist of my slacks and dragging down the zipper. He pushed the chinos down and then my briefs and my dick popped free, standing straight out and pointing at his face like some turret gun tracking its target.

He grabbed my cock and for the first time, after knowing him for something like eight years, I realized how small his hands were. True, my dick is a bit on the thick side - about an inch and three-quarters in diameter - but that's within the standard variation. No one has ever swooned at the sight. Adam's fingers barely reached around it. Leonardo di Caprio's got small hands. I just throw that in because it's true. Mind you, if di Caprio had his fingers round my cock I wouldn't much care about the size of his hand; I'd be thinking about the size of the rest of him. Look, if you can't visualise Adam clearly enough, substitute Leonardo di Caprio, in his younger days, much younger days.

Adam ducked his head forward and began moving his tongue around my glans, swirling. That's something you may have heard of, but let me tell you: I've been with a few guys and the awkwardness of the movement usually restricts it to something that's really pleasant, but not accurately described as "swirling."

This boy swirled. His tongue was agile, experienced, limber and long enough to do the job. Not to mention, tireless. He moved it around and around my fat dick head, all the time moving his lips closer and closer to my glans. His slim little fingers were gripping the base of my cock, his tongue was swirling, his lips were nearing, and from time to time he'd glance up at me and his eyes would sparkle.

His other hand?

He was playing with his nipples, caressing them briefly and spending a lot of time pinching and twisting the nubs a lot more vigorously than I'd have. Even lying full length on the couch, he could almost have straightened his lithe legs. I reached down and caressed his face. He closed his eyes dreamily and pushed his head forward a little more and fastened his lips around the head of my dick. He let go of the base of my cock and reached up to rest his delicate hand on my hip. He guided me toward him a little bit, then back. As I pressed forward, he took about half my cock into his mouth.

His tongue did amazing things to the underside of my shaft, and his cheeks were drawn inward with the force of his sucking. I caressed his face again and he shivered slightly. I traced my finger around the side of his mouth, up his jaw to his ear, then back down to where my dick was outlined through his concave cheeks.

I knelt astride his head and slid my hands under his bum. I couldn't believe how tight his asscheeks were! It was exactly like holding two little mounds of hard foam rubber...but considerably more pleasant. I began kissing and licking just above his knees. When I slid my hands to the back of his knees and pulled his legs open, his sucking hesitated. When I pressed my lips to the taut flesh on the inside of one freckled thigh, I felt him groaning around my turgid dong. The vibrations were excruciating on my swollen, over-sensitized cockmeat. My balls were starting to tighten ominously.

I licked higher on his thighs, forced by the difference in our heights to slide back until my dick as threatening to pop out of him mouth - which was the idea at the moment: I didn't want to cum too quickly.

I slid back a little farther and my dick popped out of his mouth. I licked around the edges of his pubic hair and then pressed my tongue down between his spread-eagled thighs and buried my face in his crack, heaving up so that my tongue was in reach of his arsehole His musk was almost dizzying in its sweet and sour boy-smell.

He gasped and his hands came down to push my head away. "Hey!" he whispered. "You're starting to lick me...down there."

"I know," I said. "I'm trying to."

This seemed to stun him. "You mean - you want to lick me down there?"

"You betcha. Don't you like it?"

"Nobody's ever done that before. A couple of boys at school have sucked me off, and I've sucked them off, but nobody's tried to touch me... down there."

"Well, there's a first time for everything, Adam, and if you don't like it, just push my head way, and I'll stop. That's a promise."

"But then I can't suck you! I'm too short to - "

"I know, but if you keep doing those things, I'm going to cum in your mouth."

"Go for it!"

His hands were back on my hips, anchoring him so he could pull himself up and get my dick back in his mouth from underneath. "I want you to cum in my mouth," he breathed hotly onto my glans, his tongue flickering onto the underside of my shaft for unnecessary emphasis. He used his hands to urge me to lie back. He rolled to his hands and knees on the bed. "I want you to lie back and let me suck you and .... maybe touch you down there, too."

Who was I to refuse a friend?

I sprawled crossways on the couch, with my legs hanging off at the knees. He scrambled over me, brushing me with his stiff little nipples in the process, and arranged himself perpendicular to me. His face was at my groin.

He took my cock into his hot mouth again and this time he moaned as he sucked it slowly into his face. My dick hit the back of his throat and he groaned, backed off, then shifted his angle a bit. He took it slowly back in and kept gulping until he'd his lips into the bush of coppery hair around the base of my cock and his nose was pressed flat against my abdomen. I don't what else they had taught him at that school of his, but this was one expert little cock-sucker.

This time I was the one who groaned. Adam sucked powerfully on me. He began to back my dick out of his throat. When only the head remained between his lips, he slowly pushed his face down again. I reached down with one hand and caressed his hair and his shoulders, then slid my hand over his slippery torso and squeezed his greasy little bum.

He quickened his pace slowly, inexorably. As he came down, my hand was pressed between his chest and my abdomen. I could feel his swollen nipple grinding hot and pebble-hard into my palm. I rubbed a little bit and he groaned. His groan vibrated my dick, eliciting an answering groan from me -which seemed to excite him still more. His hips were hunching slowly, almost grinding at the empty air. He was sucking harder and bobbing a little faster.

I felt the tingling buzz through me and whispered, "I'm cumming now, Adam."

He moaned loudly, his hips pumped rapidly, demandingly. He sucked hard and his hand came up between my shaking thighs. His fingertips grazed my balls and I could hear and feel him gasp as his ass lurched and then he got my jism spurting into his mouth.

I came like a newly-released convict. The stuff erupted out of me into his mouth. When the first spurt splashed into the back of his throat, he started to shaking all over. He sucked harder, almost frantically, and a second geyser flooded his mouth. He swallowed and dived his head down and back up halfway, working his throat and lips and tongue over my pulsing shaft, milking my dick and balls.

When he got the last of my cum, he slowly relinquished my still semi-tumescent dick by pulling his still-sucking mouth backward, his tongue all the time working wildly on my shaft and finally on my glans. When my shrivelled dick finally popped out of his mouth, he used his slender fingers to raise it. He lapped at my cock like a kitten getting the last of the milk from a saucer. When his tongue rasped over my glans, I almost screamed from the sensation; my dick was much too sensitive at that point and I'd to pull away from paradise.

He flopped on his side with his cheek on my abdomen and his face toward me. His hips still moved, but now languorously. I rested my hand on the side of his face and caressed him.


I pulled him up to me and forced his to sprawl across me. I moved to kiss him, but he jerked his head away.

"I've still got some of your cum in my mouth!"

I took his head in my hands and forced his face toward me. I kissed him as sweetly and gently as I could, on the eyes and nose and finally on the lips. He kept his mouth tightly closed for a moment.

I pulled back. "I want to kiss you, Adam."

He looked bewildered, but relented. Our tongues danced for a few moments. He was telling the truth; he still had some of my semen in his mouth. It didn't bother me in the least, but he seemed to get uncomfortable. I let him back away from the kiss. He looked at me strangely for a moment, then: "Can I ask you really personal question?"

"Well, you just came in my mouth and wanted to kiss me and it's like you don't mind the taste of, uh - "

"Semen. The word is semen. Or cum."


I ran my hands down his back and pulled him closer. "Adam, you don't seem to mind the taste; why should I? But to tell you the truth, I'd rather taste your cum in my mouth, which, young man, I'm shortly about to do."

Adam cuddled into me. "I'm sorry, Frankie. It's just we never kissed in school. It wasn't you know... well, it was just sex. Kissing means a lot more, don't you think?"

"Yeh, I do, Adam." I pulled him against me and fastened my lips to his. I probed a little with my tongue. After a few moments, he opened his mouth and led me slide inside. Then I felt his tongue reciprocate and we lay there for about fifteen minutes exchanging hot wet kisses and bodily fluids. Finally, we lay side by side, looking into each other's eyes as we murmured.

Adam's eyes got suddenly heavy-lidded. "Oh, yeah, well, I really like feeling that in my mouth, all that stuff spurting so hot and thick, and feeling you moving and hearing you groan and knowing I'm doing that to you, making you feel like that while you give me the cum right out of you, like you're feeding me and - "

"Shhh, baby," I whispered. "Every word you're saying goes for me, too. Now close your eyes... lie back and think of ...." I slid down his body. His hot prick was still urgently hard. I pressed my lips to the unsheathed head and felt the boy tremble all over. Whatever I did, he wasn't going to hold out for very long. Still, it was around 7.30 and I knew the folks would be home by eight. We didn't have much time, but I was determined to make Adam realise what he was beginning to mean to me. I slid his four inches into my mouth and sucked as gently as I could; at once his legs started tremble, his stomach fluttered under my hand, and I could feel his balls rise in his tightening scrotum.

I don't think you could have reached 100 before he was squirting uncontrollably into my hot hungry throat, his hands pulled my head so hard into his groin I couldn't breath at all. Fortunately I've been a serious swimmer since I was eight, so I dived and went for it. Four, five, six squirts actually hit the back of my throat in rapid succession. "Oh oh oh!" I heard Adam's voice count them, or rather groan them out. Then he trembled again, locked his thighs round my head and lay there like an unstiffening corpse. I gave both of us a bit of time to recover then eased him away.

"Come on, boy. Up!" I insisted. "Mom and the kids will be here in a few minutes. "We'd better have quick wash. We smell like... like we just shot our loads or something." Adam grinned and leapt up displaying the absurd recovery powers of the thirteen-year-old and grabbed his clothes. "Okay, race you to get dressed."

As we made for the kitchen and a show of innocence, Adam paused: "May I borrow that novel. Betcha he can teach me a few things - for next time..." I sighed, my cock stirring immediately at the thought of that 'next time'.

We spent the rest of next week together, which surprised nobody in either of our families since they'd always been good friends. They were delighted to be living near each other again, and Adam's parents were particularly pleased I was taking the time and trouble to ease him back into our neighbourhood before school started again. There was sex, lots of it, but there was lots more than that.

Adam had a sharp mind, a lively intelligence, a restless curiosity, and a willingness to learn that reminded me how much I'd appreciated him before his age reached double figures. Now we had sex in common, our friendship deepened even more quickly despite the two years difference in ages and two inches in cock size!

He'd been playing with my dick while I pondered and my cock, which has no conscience, was stiffening and my balls were tightening. His fingers were tantalizing my prick now, barely touching it as they moved up and down and then sliding lower, between my legs, where he trailed his fingernails lightly over my balls. I almost had a seizure from the intense lightness of the touch. He squirmed against me, his chest massaging my belly as his arsehole drooled wetly on my leg.

He started kissing him way down toward my cock, but I stopped him with a hand under his chin.

"I want to give you pleasure in my way," I whispered.

"I like this," he murmured, pressing his lips against my abdomen. "It makes me, you know, get over when you shoot your - your cum in my mouth."

"I know, but I want to taste you, too," I whispered. Adam looked at me quizzically. "But you have. You've swallowed lots of my cum."

I held his little chin my hand. "I'm not talking about your cum. I'm not even talking about your prick and balls. There are other bits of you I want to taste. You know our agreement. I never do anything you don't want me to do, and when you tell me to stop, that's what I do. But, Adam sweetheart, I'm hungry for all of you, and I mean all of you."

He bit his lower lip and then nodded. With my hands under his arms, I pulled him up to me and kissed his lovely mouth. After a few moments of hesitation, his lips parted and our tongues danced. I was running my hands over his naked loveliness, savouring the taut, tiny waist and hard little mounds of his flawless ass. Occasionally I let one hand wander down between his legs to barely touch his love hole. His buttocks would flex at the contact.

I rolled him onto his back and started kissing my way down his torso. It wasn't a long journey down his small frame from his hardened nipples to his naval, but I took a leisurely, meandering route, making the most of it. Then I headed for paradise. All the time, I was running my hands up and down his firm torso and legs and by the time I'd kissed the hollows just inside each hipbone, he was sighing and occasionally gasping with pleasure.

I slid lower, forcing his legs apart, and then began kissing and licking the insides of his thighs. His knees, wide to either side of my broad shoulders, were bent and I could even lick the backs of his lean thighs. I slid my hands beneath him and took one cheek in each palm. He tensed more and more, the closer I got to my target. Again I'd to suppress the mental association with a prepubescent boy - it was really disturbing - and I began savouring the musky sweetness of his love hole.

I grazed the outer lips with my mouth. He stiffened and his thighs trembled, as if he were fighting a battle with himself to keep them apart. "I'm not hurting you, am I?" I whispered.

"No, no, it's great but ... I'm just not used to it."

"Get used to it," I ordered. "I like it!"

I went back to licking. I tried to catch his anal lips, one at a time, in my lips and play with them, but they were too thin and tight. They were beautifully engorged and I was almost drooling. I tried parting them with my tongue. The tongue is, ounce-for-ounce, the most powerful muscle in the body.

I could not part his anal ring with my tongue.

Bringing my hands forward, I used my thumbs to pry those tight lips open and expose the brown tenderness within. I licked and laved and trilled and teased and let my breath fall on his little rosebud. I didn't need to hear his gasps to know he was enjoying it; his lips seemed to swell with blood until they were noticeably puffy.

His legs had clamped on my head and his hands rested in my hair. They trembled as if in isometric exercise. He was fighting the impulse to push me away because everything he'd been taught told him what we were doing was dirty, and at the same time he was enjoying it immensely.

Then I started flattening my tongue in his thumb-parted anus and slowly wriggling it up his rectum. By the time I reached the root of my tongue -and it took a good ten seconds, even for that short a trip -his cock was hot, hard and throbbing against my skin.

I slowed my circlings and took his ring in a lip-grip. He seemed to go catatonic. He stiffened, taut as a catgut string, and shook. He made barely any noise at all. I moved one thumb over, finally found the vestibule again and carefully worked my thumb into the spasming constriction of his rectum.

When I pulled my lips off his lips, he forced his hips down - and in the process forced half my thumb into his rectum. He groaned, long and low. I wriggled the digit until he writhed again, this time with his hips rocking. His juices were coating my fingers, my lips, my tongue. My cock, hard to begin with, was aching - no matter that he'd drained me less than twenty minutes before.

I slowly licked him again and he arched and came again - and then again. I could feel hot little jets splatter against my body. I felt Adam go rigid, limp and then rigid again before he shuddered uncontrollably against me.

When I pulled my face away, he collapsed back onto the bed, sobbing and gasping. I crawled up and rolled him into my arms. He began weeping uncontrollably. I was getting scared, now. I held him, gently caressing him till he calmed. Then I asked and he said, "I just feel so - so silly, cumming so much that way! I know you weren't ready, but I couldn't control myself. I'm just a baby, a cry baby." He started to sob again.

I kissed his eyes and his tear-stained cheeks as he caught his breath and relaxed.

He squeezed my aching erection. "I want this inside me."

"Don't be silly, Adam, that would really hurt. And honestly, I get so much pleasure sticking my tongue up you, or cumming all over you, that it's not really necessary." I sounded convincing, even to myself.

"I don't care what you want," Adam said, almost angrily. "It's what I want. I want to feel you inside me. I know it'll hurt. If it hurts too much, I'll tell you to stop. I trust you. You want it, I want it, so we're going to try it."

"Wanna get on top, shorty?"

He giggled, then calmed down. "Mmmmm, I don't think that would work. I'm kind of...small down there." He pecked me on the lips. "Besides, I'd rather be under you, 'kay?"

I rolled him onto his back and his legs came up around my hips. I leaned on my hands, propping myself up, and smiled down at this brave lad. Then, grasping my erection, which ached so much it hurt, I ran the head of it up and down his anal ring. Even without seeing it, it felt huge against that tiny opening.

Adam's hand insinuated itself between us and he took over the guidance. I felt no difference, but he was satisfied, evidently, because he locked his legs around me and began pressing up at me.

I can take a hint. I began pushing slowly down at him and felt a tiny opening at the tip of my glans. A grimace flickered across his face and I hesitated. His eyes, squeezed shut, opened wide. "No! Don't stop!" Okay, I didn't. I swivelled my hips and he swivelled his and only the fact he'd vacuum-dried my balls less than a half-hour before kept me from blasting my cum into him the moment my glans was inside the incredibly small hole and his sphincter was vise-gripping just behind the raised flange of my knob.

I stopped there. His expression said he was in pain and his anal ring was spasming slightly looser occasionally - but then clenching right back down. I moved to withdraw but he tightened his legs around my back. "Don't stop!" he grunted. "I've to have it in more!"

I slid my hands down to his bum, so tiny and tight. I pulled him towards me as I pushed down.

Bit...by...grudging...bit...my cock burrowed into him, as he humped hungrily up at me. He was wet all the way down and tight all the way down and spasming all the way down. And when I finally felt his pubis grind into mine and knew I was all the way inside, I could feel the wall of his rectum against the tip of my cock. It was unbelievable. I imaged how distended his anal ring must be round the base of my cock. I'm sure Adam had had some very big shits in his life, but I can't imagine he'd ever had anything this big, or hard and throbbing, up his shit chute.

Putting my hands under his bum had caused my upper body to fall forward onto him. I raised myself up on my hands again and looked down into his face. It was slack and darkened with a deep flush - and he'd bit his lip hard enough to draw blood. His eyes fluttered open and the concern must have shown on my face.

"I'm okay. I want to you to cum in me."

"It's hurting you - "

"I want you to ... fuck me! Fuck me!"

Each time he said it, he shivered.

"Fuck me and cum inside me! Do it to me! I want it!"

I pulled back a little - maybe an inch - and pushed slowly into him. Sucked off or not, I wasn't going to last long, not the way this felt. "Fuck me -fuck me hard! I want to feel it! Fucking do me!"

I pulled back half-way and then pressed slowly and steadily into him. He groaned and his legs rose up and onto my shoulders, his slim hips angled up at me. I did it again and he gasped again and he started with "Unnnnnh!" each time my dick pounded into him. I touched something deep inside the boy, and he practically lifted me off the bed. "Fuck!" he yelled so loudly that I clamped my hand over his mouth for a seconds. When I took my hand away, he grinned up at me: "Whatever you do there, do it again. It's un-fuck-ing-be-liev-able!"

"See!" he demanded. "See! Now fuck the living shit out of me - hard so I can feel it like that!"

I saw and understood. I pulled my legs up and knelt, my hands under the small of his small back supporting him so he was arched back. I held him with one hand and moved the other around to his front and started stroking his hard-on lightly and persistently.

His abdomen twitched wildly and then - and then he came! The spasms of his arsehole felt like they were going to hold my dick in him forever. He squeezed his ring viciously, as if trying to snap me off at the root. I couldn't believe how quickly Adam learned everything.

I leaned forward and starting driving into him faster, harder, using longer strokes. He was cumming again, now, and giving himself over to the pleasures. At one point, he wrapped his legs around my neck and glued himself to me. "Yes!" he gasped. "YES! DEEP!" His legs went back farther and farther and then he shifted his arms so that his knees were hooked behind his shoulders. I looked down and saw his belly bulge each time I pushed down and deep into him.

When my time came, I told him so, with my usual eloquence: "Cumming! Cumming now!" I must have sounded like a fucking demented train spotter!


I squirted my jism into him, interrupted only by the clenchings of his anal ring - which tightened so much it repeatedly stemmed the flow, which only prolonged and intensified my orgasm. My dick lengthened and thickened inside of him when that happened and Adam made little squeaky noises and bit the back of his own leg in his wildness.

When my dick deflated - this happens, you know - his sphincter was so tight it wouldn't let the erection-producing blood escape right away. Only slowly did my cock soften enough for me to try pulling out of him. His legs straightened as my dick came free with an audible POP! and I rolled onto my back, pulling him into my arms. His chest and belly were pressed against me like fists and he shook against me. I felt dampness on my chest, from his face.

"Are you okay?"

"Why do they have to make something so good sound dirty? It just makes me want to do it more - just so I'll feel good."

"I don't know, Adam. I just don't know." He stretched himself out on me and sighed. Does this mean we're HO-MO-SEX-SHU-ALS?" He grinned as he said.

"I don't know, Adam. I just don't know. I never thought I'd like having sex with a boy, but when I'm around you that's what I want to do. You're my first boy; I want you to be my last."

"Okay," Adam laughed. "When I'm 21, we'll give this up and get girlfriends. Then we'll get married and have kids - boys. And our boys can fuck each other!"

"It's a deal," I sighed. Adam rolled off and cuddled into me. We both yawned simultaneously, grinned, closed our eyes and grabbed some shut-eye. When I awoke, Adam was sitting up reading from the ring-binder in which I keep my stories.

"Write about us," he said enthusiastically, ignoring the fact I was still half-asleep. "What?" I yawned.

"About us, write about us, about you and me. I know you'll have to change the names, but we'll know it's us. Use a different name. Sell the story. Or stick it on the Net! I want everybody to know about us - everybody!"

Adam grinned, rolling on top of me. I felt his hot little (comparatively speaking) cock pressing into my stomach. For a few moments, my mind was miles away: Why not? Why not make what our story into my first real bit of writing?

Maybe a paperback - on sale in all the book shops and airports of the English-speaking world. I liked that idea: thousands of guys turned on by our story, thousands of guys on thousands of rooms, paperback in one fist, hard-on in the other, jerking to a climax just as Adam and I reached ours.


What the fuck?

Adam wasn't that small after all!


The summer of my fourteenth birthday I was shipped off to Thomas (call me Tom) Butterfield, my dad's business partner, in San Fransisco, USA, for six weeks.

What a trip it turned out to be!

Crossing the Golden Gate Bridge into Marin County was like driving ito Heaven and Mr.. Butterfield pointed out the sights as we drove through Sausalito to Tiburon to Corte Madera towards San Rafael. Mr.. Butterfield's house was also straight out of Heaven!

I'm going to try writing this in the third person, so he, Frankie, will be me, Frankie. As Rimbaud said: Je suis un autre. And I'm going to plunge in media res, cos that's what were here for, isn'it?

Frankie and his host, Thomas Butterfield, emerged from the sauna into what 'Tom' called the recovery room. They sat on the high-backed, padded lie-lows, with their tiny towels draped modestly around the. Mr.. Butterfield was about the same age as Frankie's father, the boy guessed, but better built and hairier.

"Sip your drink, Frankie," said Mr. Butterfield raising his own to his lips. Frankie copied him and was startled to find that though sweet - a bit like raspberry and lime - it had a fiery touch on the back of his throat. But it was good!

"Go easy on that, son," laughed the man, casually lifting is left leg and planting his foot on the end of Frankie's lie-low. The boy gulped. It wasn't the drink. It was the sudden exposure or the man's over-sized, hairy anus, an anus that seemed to have lips of its own. Frankie couldn't take his eyes from the distended arse lips and gulped again as Mr. Butterfield - Tom - flexed them ever so slightly.

"Well, how are you settling in?" he asked.

"Sorry, pardon, sir?"

"Think you're gonna like it here in Frisco. Like what you see so far?"

"Yes, Mr. Butterfield. San Francisco's an amazing place."

"It's Tom, not Mr. Butterfield," came the reply. "Call me Tom. Your daddy told me to take good care of you and that's just what I'm gonna do." He paused, then tweaked his towel onto the floor and sat there naked, sweaty and hairy in front of Frankie O'Dowd. "There that's a lot more comfortable. You should do the same. Then we'll both be comfortable."

Slowly, shyly Frankie pulled away his towel and folded it neatly across the back of the lie-low. "Sorry 'bout this" he murmured, glancing down at his semi-tumescent penis and putting down a hand to cover it."

"Hey don't cover it up. We're both guys and you've got nothing to be ashamed about. As a matter of fact..."

Frankie was mesmerised as the man's penis, already the thickest he'd ever seen, began to fill, stretch and rear itself up against his hairy belly. Frankie had heard a penis could be more than ten inches; this one definitely was.

"So tell me about yourself. What would you like to be?"

Still finding it difficult to speak Frankie took a gulp of his drink, spluttered and managed: "I'd like to be a writer... and maybe even make movies of the stories I write."

"What kind of things do you write about?"

It must have been the drink. Suddenly Frankie felt uninhibited and out it popped: "Porn. I like writing porn stories."

"Mmm... porn," mused Mr.. Butterfield. "Porn and movies. Well, the best writers are the guys who write about what they've experienced. Hey, I like making movies, too. Maybe we can help each other."

"You do!"

"Yep I do. Tell you what, Frankie. Go into my office and get the camcorder on the desk. ... No don't bother putting on the towel. We're both guys, and there's nobody here but us. We can do whatever we want."

A bit light-headed, Frankie stood up, his cock now pressed hard against his pubic area, and headed through the house towards Mr.. Butterfield's office. If he'd looked back, he'd have seen his host pick up his glass, drop two tiny pills in the cocktail, watch them fizz, bend his hard cock into the drink and stir it, and then top up the glass. But Frankie didn't look back and he didn't see Thomas Butterfield smile.

"Wow! This is the smallest one I've ever seen," said Frankie as be came back, totally forgetting he was naked carrying a small camcorder with him.

"Yep," said Mr. Butterfield. "It's a Nikon. They aren't expensive but they do a brilliant job. They're shockproof waterproof and when you've done filming you can play your footage on the Virtual Reality headset I've got in my bedroom. And you can hold the camera in one hand while your busy with the other."

"Can I try it? Can I try it?" chirped Frankie, totally forgetting the appropriate modal auxiliary.

"'Course you can," laughed Mr. B., "But have a few sips of your drink first then get your sweet little ass over here."

Frankie down his drink in one gulp then sat beside Mr.. B. who gave him a quick rundown on using the camcorder.

"What will I shoot? What will I shoot?" asked Frankie, whose head was suddenly full of pink fluffy clouds.

"Have you ever tried this?"

The man rolled down his extra-thick foreskin to expose a huge piss slit. "Watch this... get some close-ups." To the boy's amazement he pushed the little finger of his left hand into the slit and worked it down to the knuckle. "I've been massaging my urthera from the inside since I was younger than you. Pass me the camera."

The man took the camera in one hand and slid his pinky out of his urthera. Taking Frankie's small hand he gently gripped the boy's middle finger and wroked it all the way down his piss hole. "Now fuck my urthera. Fuck it from the inside. Gently. Gently." He was delighted to feel the boy's finger inside him and panned the camera from Frankie's finger to the boy's body and face. "You've never tried this?" he asked.

"No," said Frankie. "Does it feel good?"

"Feels great. You'll find out when you try it... Now bend down and put your lips round your finger ever time you slide it out out keep your lips on it while your sliding your finger back in." Frankie found it hard to work things out. The easiest thing to do was following instructions and that's what he did until Mr.. B. paused the camera and said "Let's shoot something different now."

Passing the camera back, the man lay back on the lie-low, pulled his knees up and spread his legs wide part to display his huge hairy arsehole. As the boy watched, he flexed his anus and pushed it out until a round, red 'donut' appeared.

"What the fuck's that?" asked Frankie, focusing the camera on the scarlet donut in disbelief.

"That's the inside of my ass," laughed Mr. B. "At least, it's part of the inside, part of my rectum. It's just popped out to get a bit of fresh air. I can suck it back inside if you want," guessing the 14-year-old wouldn't want, judging by his erection.

"No, no, keep it out. Does it hurt?"

"No, not at all... especially when I have a boy like you to kiss it."

"MayI look at it close-up?" asked Frankie handing back the camera.

"'Course you can. You can do whatever you want. Be my guest."

The boy slid between the man's legs until he was only inches from the moist, red flesh. What had Mr. Butterfield said? He could kiss it if he wanted to.

Tentatively, he stuck out his pink tongue and gave the red flesh a few licks, a few swipes, then opened his mouth until he could get his lips round the mass of the man's scarlett rectal prolapse. Frankie couldn't think about what he was doing; he wasn't quite capable of coherent thought. Mr. B. couldn't believe how lucky he was. Here was a 14-year-old English boy a real good-looker lying between his legs giving his prolapse a blow job. Life could hardly be better. And to think they'd only just begun.

Frankie's lips and tongue fluttered over every fold of the prolapsed rectum tasting the man's insides, slurping down the salty mucus while the man's groans came to him from farther and farther away. The rosebud contracted back into the bowels. the boy plunged his tongue in as deep as could, almost frantic to make contact again.

"Stand up, stand up," the voice told him. Frankie stood up. "Push your dick inside me. Inside my prolapse. Do it." The rectal prolapse was fully exposed again. Frankie lowered himself onto to Mr. B. who took hold of his stiff penis and worked into the glistening flesh. "Now fuck me, boy, fuck me hard." Instinct took over and the boy began to fuck the man - hard. The voice came again: "I want your balls inside me too. Your prick and balls inside my prolapse."

Fingers took the boy's balls, raised them to the hole and sucked them inside. "Fuck me, fuck me, fuck me. Fuck me, like my daddy fucked me," came the voice. Frankie lay on the man's chest while his lower half bounced against his crotch. The man was kissing him, open-mouthed, sucking his tongue into his mouth, devouring him, as if he were being eaten alive. His own anus was being fucked. What was up his arse he didn't know or care about. Every part of him was ablaze. He was cumming, cumming, as if he was being emptied into the bowels of the man below him, and...

Frankie's eyes fluttered open. He tried to work out where he was. This wasn't his home. It took time but he realised he was in California America, in Mr. Butterfield's house, the villa in the Marin hills outside the city. Not in his bed. In the biggest bed he'd ever been in his life. Twice as big as mum and dad's double bed. The whole room was in pale blues and whites. A light breeze carressed the curtains. The bedroom door opened.

"Ah, you're awake, Frankie. You've been asleep for three hours. How you feeling - headachey?"

Frankie shook his head to test it out.

"No, I'm fine, sir. But I'm hungry, really hungry."

Mr. B. laughed: "Looks like you're one of the lucky ones. Hold on. I won't be a moment. Sit up."

By the time Frankie was sitting up, Mr.. B. was back carrying a large bed-tray. "They had this ready for you downstairs." Plonking down the bed-tray carefully across the boy, he said: "Pizza and Pepsi." Frankie's mouth watered. "Enjoy. I'll be back in half an hour. Take your time. Have a shower. There's freshly warmed towels ready for you. Look in the closet in your bedroom. Choose what you want to wear this evening. We're going out this evening. There'll be boys your age, so expect to have fun. "Clean fun" he added grinning.

As the man stepped towards the bedroom door, the boy's voice called out: "Mr. Butterfield Mr. Butterfield, sir."

"Yes, Frankie, what is it?"

"Mr. Butterfield, can I..." the boy corrected himself. "Mr. Butterfield may I..." The boy paused then - "May I sleep in this bed tonight? I mean with you - please."

"Of course you can - but on one condition. No Mr.. Butterfield. No sir. No Thomas. Just Tom. I'm Tom. You're Frankie. Deal?"

Frankie grinned.

"Deal --- Tom."

That night, as man and boy lay in bed, Frankie whispered: "Sir - I mean, Tom - was I dreaming this afternoon?"

"Dreaming about what, dear boy?"

"Sex stuff. I dreamed we were doing sex stuff. That I'd never heard of before. Stuff that was... "

Frankie couldn't find the word or words to express what he wanted to say.

"No, you weren't dreaming. The important thing is - did you enjoy what we were doing?"

Frankie thought for a minute.

"Yes I did. I know it was wrong but I didn't care. I don't care. It was... dirty but it was mega exciting."

"Why do you think it was wrong? You wanted to do it. I wanted to do it. Nobody got hurt so what was wrong about it?"

There was no response.

"You must be exhausted, Frankie so let's get some sleep."

"But I'm not I'm not. I'm not even tired - and I want to try - anything, everything."

Mr. Butterfield - Tom sighed, then laughed.

"Okay but help me sort this bed first."

Man and boy got out of the bed. The man pulled a waterproof sheet from a cupboard. The boy helped him spread it across the bed. The man handed the boy a small tub labelled 'Crisco'. The man lay on his back on the bed and told the boy to open the tub, and spread the stuff on his right hand and arm. By the time, the boy had done this, the man's prolapse was extended and exposed to the boy's fascinated gaze.

"Now sit alongside me, Frankie and work your fingers into my rectum. Go easy at first."

Frankie began running his slippery fingers over Tom's distended anus. There was something sweet about it - a bit like he'd played with as a kid - rubbery and giving. Frankie fondled and manipulated the folds of the man's prolapsed rectum then he pushed his clasped fingers forward until the ruby red rectum swallowed his hand to the wrist. "Deeper." Frankie felt Tom's rectum pulsate and managed to get in all the way to the elbow before he met resistance. "Fuck me." Pulling his arm backwards and forwards, Frankie got into a sawing action that made Tom groan and then say: "Can you feel that second ring deep inside me?"

"Yes, sir."

"That's my second sphincter. Everyone has one. Pull your hand out. Make a fist. Tuck your thumb inside your palm." Frankie showed him his Crisco, mucus and shit-smeared fist and arm. "Yeah, beautiful. Now push it in and push past my second ring." The boy's fist and arm slid in deeper until he was up to his elbow inside the man's intestines.

"Now pull out and start punching in and out - all the way into my gut."

As Frankie followed instructions, Tom's anus let loud slurping, farting sounds and the largest rosebud yet. The prolapsed rectum stuck out so far, it resembled a moist, bright red traffic cone until Frankie pushed hard and rapidly slid his arm back in all the way. Then he found a punch rhythm that had Tom groaning in pleasure.

"Sir, I gotta piss I just gotta."

"Piss in me! Piss in me!"

The boy nodded and replaced his shit-slimy arm with his aching hard-on and thrust forward, piss and precum squirting as Tom's sphincters kept trying to shit the boy's penis out before sucking it back in.

Suddenly, almost as if it has been planned, man and boy orgasmed simultaneously, Frankie squirting deep inside Tom, and Tom squirting up his own belly and chest till the cum splattered onto his neck and chin.

Roll the film forward fifteen minutes.

Mr. Butterfield and Frankie O'Dowd are sound asleep, the boy in the arms of the man, glued together with cum, mucus, piss and streaks of shit. Man and boy are sleeping the sleep of the just - the just about fucked out.

Later, back in England, Frankie had trouble distinguishing what had been real and what had also been a dream during his sex sessions with Mr. Butterfield, and the boys he sometimes brought to the house. Did he really shit in "Tom's" mouth? He wasn't entirely sure but the memory was so vivid it must have been based on something that really happened.

It was after breakfast - orange juice and croissants - and he got what Mr. B. liked to call Frankie's 'fluffy head'. He never got headaches afterwards but it was difficult to remember what had happened. Though all of the sessions were captured by the camcorder, Mr. B. claimed that some of them had recorded only blurs.

He shook his head and tried to remember.

"Frankie, climb over here and squat over my face. No, I want your sweet ass over my mouth."

The man watched as the slim 14-year-old squatted over him his cute ass only inches away. He pried open the boy's cheeks and sighed at the sight of the cute rosy-brown rosebud. "Down, please, Frankie," who lowered himself till his rosebud was a couple of inches from the open mouth. The man begna to kiss, lick and tongue the anus, at the same time massaging the boy's tummy to encourage him to defecate.

"I'm opening up now," came the boy's whisper.

The man pressed his opened lips against the boy's distended anus and felt a hot, hard turd slip into his mouth.

"Hold it there, boy. Hold it right there."

The man sucked on the protuding couple of inches of the turd savouring the bitter, metallic taste, as it melted in his mouth and slid to the back of his throat to slide down his esophagus on its journey to its bowels where Frankie's shit would become his shit.

"A little more, please."

Frankie, who had commendable control over this sphincters, released a second portion, and, though it was softer than the first, Mr. Butterfield was able to work his lips round it until it melted and slid on its way. Soon, all too soon, the boy had unloaded all he had leaving the man to gurgle down the sloppy remainder.

"Piss now, please."

Frankie clambered round and aimed his semi-tumescent penis at Mr. B's open mouth. The urine fairly flew from the piss slit into the waiting mouth, splashing across the man's face, chin, cheeks, eyes (closed).

"Fist me, baby."

Like an enthusiastic puppy, Frankie whirled clambered to the end of the bed, and Mr. Butterfield's wide-spread, pulled-up legs. Without much ceremony he rammed his clasped fingers and thumb into the man's rectum and began punching.

"Whoa, whoa. Let me get the camera. And, slowly, push your hand and arm in as far as you can go and hold it there."

In went Frankie's hand and arm all the way to the elbow and beyond.

"Wow! Look!" said the boy. "I can see my arm all the way inside you. It's even past your belly button!"

Mr. B. chuckled: "That's exactly what I wanted. Now, if you can manage, run your lips all the way up and down the the bulge your arm is making. Take your time. I want to get this all on cam. Make love to the bulge with your mouth. You're going to get a very special reward today."

Later, under the shower, Tom told Frankie what the reward was: Kart Racing in San Francisco.

"Yep we're meeting Louis down at the K1 on Beacon Street... you and Louis are gonna take each on in electric kart racing - best of five races. Then we're doing China Town. Then Louis is having a sleepover here. Then..."

"Mr B! You're the best," yelled Frankie, throwing his slippery soapy, naked body onto Mr. Butterfield's arms."

"Hey," laughed the man. "You're a bit over-excited. Let me calm you down."

He slid down Frankie's body and took the boy's penis into his mouth, as Frankie stood over him thinking, "I'm the luckiest boy in the whole fuckin' world!"

And who's to say he wasn't?


I walked into the living room and sat down on the couch facing the television which was showing Bugs Bunny cartoons. I love Bugs Bunny. I started to get engrossed in the cartoons and I wasn't paying attention to what was going on around me. Lee had come down the stairs and quietly sneaked around behind the couch. He surprised me. He put his hand over my eyes and said, "Guess who."

"Miss America," I joked.

"Damn, you're close. But how many Miss America's do you know who love to walk around the house naked?"

Lee then pulled him hands away and leapt over the couch landing in my lap. He was like he said, bare-assed naked. He gave me a kiss, jumped up and stood in front of me. He started rubbing his nipples and his hard-on and said, "Do I get you horny? If I do, you can have me, but you have to catch me first."

He ran out of the room. I flew after him. Lee stopped at the top of the stairs and waved his cock once more. Then he ran into a room upstairs. I followed and found Lee lying on his bed with his legs spread wide open, his arsehole pointing in my direction. He was stroking his cock at a feverish pace.

I stripped. Believe me, it didn't take long. I crawled onto the bed and buried my face between Lee's legs. I started licking so fast and hard that he started to moan and groan right away. He got so excited I couldn't help but get excited as fast. Lee came in minutes. As soon as he did, I moved forward and rammed my cock right into him. It felt wonderful and in moments I came, too.

Don't tell me we're cousins: I know that! Don't tell me we're crazy: I know that, too!

I rolled off of Lee and he jumped up and reached for some clothes.

"It's time to go for brunch," he said slipping on a pair of jeans and a Spice Girls top! I loved his sense of humour. I asked him if those pants were uncomfortable without any underwear. He said he loved the way they rubbed up against his arse I wasn't going to argue. I got up and put my clothes back on and off to lunch we went.

Lunch was fun. We talked about the disco and about the weekend and bout the summer holidays and about college and what it would be like. It was easy to talk to Lee; actually, it was easier to listen; Lee loved talking, I loved listening; Lee loved being bum fucked, I loved bum fucking, Lee; we were a matched pair.

We were finishing our pizzas when a friend of Lee's walked in. Lee introduced me to Charlie Brown. They'd been friends for years. Charlie was a bit taller than me with brown wavy hair just short of his shoulders. He was wearing a blue jogging suit and tennis shoes. He was slim, and elegant for a sixteen year old boy. Nothing excessive but definitely eye-catching. Charlie was all legs. Some boys seem to stand out as having long legs. Well, Charlie was one of them. He'd come to pick up a pizza for lunch. Charlie sat with us for a few minutes while he was waiting.

Charlie was one year ahead of us so I didn't see much of him around school. Out of the conversation came an invitation to a party Charlie was having that week. Lee wanted to go and I'd no special plans so I said I'd come along, too . Charlie's Quatre Saisons was ready so he paid for it and left.

Lee was excited about the party. After Charlie left, we realized we were done so we got up and left. The party was all we talked about on the drive back to Lee's house.

We walked up to the front of the house and sat down on a couch. Lee got up right away and ran into the house reappearing a few minutes later with a pitcher of iced kola and a couple of glasses. He handed me a glass and poured some kola, then slipped in a spash of vodka. After pouring some for himself, he sat down right next to me putting his head on my shoulder. I was glad the house as at the end of a long drive, screened by trees and safe for the kind of out-door petting we were indulging in. That was my cue to put my arm around him and give him a big squeeze.

"That feels good. Hold me tight," Lee replied. My cousin was romantic underneath the cheeky exterior.

I held on to him real tight and rubbed his shoulder at the same time. I was starting to feel comfortable before Lee surprised me by placing his hand on my crotch and started stroking my cock until it stiffened under his fingers.

"We are not going to get much talking done this way," I told him.

Lee started giggling, "You get hard fast don't you?"

"Only for you," I told him though I knew that was a lot of bullshit. I could get hard for any boy. Lee reached for my zipper and slowly pulled it down. After a little manoeuvring, he was able to get my cock to stand straight up out of my pants. He sat back and started stroking my shaft. I leaned over him and unzipped him, slipping him out into the cool air. He was as stiff as a poker, and I loved the way I'd to push hard to get his foreskin down his dick.

I loved the feel of his flesh: the hardness/softness, the stickiness, the way my fingers slipped down into his curly hairs, the little purple vein that ran from the base to the head of his cock. I loved the boy smells that rose up: piss and cum and sweat and smeg.

Lee helped me along by spreading legs to give me better access. By this time my dick was rock hard and getting ready to squirt. I leaned my head back and closed my eyes. I was in heaven. I could hear Lee breathing heavily as I played with his balls, making low volume moans.

We enjoyed this action for twenty minutes until finally it was time to come. I came first, all over Lee's hand. He kept right on stroking until I felt his body jerk as he came a few moments later. We were starting to catch our breath when a voice came out of nowhere, "I don't think Mommy would approve of that."

We were so lost in what we were doing neither of us had paid much attention to what was going on around us. We quickly retracted our hands, stuffed our dicks away and composed ourselves. Lee was white as a sheet but slowly his colour started to return.

"That's Theo," scowled Lee. "I'm giving him some extra tution in Maths." Theo was a short boy with short brown curly hair. He was one of those kids who's so cute you're not sure if he's a boy or a girl until someone tells you, or until he pulls his pants down.

"Wait until I tell Mommy what I saw. She's won't let me have any more lessons, I bet."

"Keep your mouth shut, Theo, or I'm going to kill you," Lee threatened though there was a hint of laughter in his voice. Theo turned and ran out of the room. I sat there still wondering why the little fucker hadn't knocked first; after all, it was Lee's house!

"Wait a few minutes, we'll get him back. He is a horny little fucker and probably can't wait to get himself off after spying on us. When we catch him, we'll make him wish he never saw a thing."

I couldn't help but laugh to myself. This was going to be fun. We sat holding hands for a few minutes until Lee signalled we should go into the house. We both moved like cats, slow and silent. We reached the entrance to Lee's room. Lee opened the door ever so slowly until it was cracked open about half an inch. Lee peered inside and grinned. He then pointed for me to look. I moved around Lee and put my eye to the opening.

Theo lay on his bed, naked, spread-eagled, wanking furiously, his fingers working his little cock like a piston. I've to admit the sight turned me on. Though I'd cum only minutes before, I felt my cock stiffen and arise. Theo's t-shirt lay with his socks on the carpet; his shorts and underpants were round his ankles; he was sitting with his back against the headboard. His face was lowered as he gazed intently at the action in his lap. His fingers were wrapped round his stiffie, jerking the foreskin back and forwards, up and down the candy pink shaft and over the little heart-shaped head. It was weird to see someone who looked like an eight-year-old masturbating with the enthusiasm of a teenager.

Lee opened the door a little bit wider. It didn't make a sound. He kept going until it was wide enough for us to slip through. Lee entered his room and I followed right behind him. Theo was breathing heavily. I could tell he wasn't far from cuming. His head was rocking from side to side.

"I don't think your Mommy would approve of that!"

Theo looked up, saw both of us, then curled up into a little ball and rolled off the far side of his bed so we couldn't see him. He yelled, "Get out of my room, you fags!"

I joined in Lee's laughter as we left the room. As we were going down the stairs, I began to think to myself Theo's body wasn't all that bad. I wouldn't mind getting into his pants, but of course I had Lee so why anyone else?

We sat back down in the living room still laughing at what we had done. It was pretty funny.

"So tell me about Charlie and his parties. What are they like?"

"Charlie lives with his father in a real nice bungalow. When Charlie has a party, his dad usually orders lots of those submarine sandwiches and a keg or two of lager. The best part is the indoor heated swimming pool and saunas. They're mega-rich but I'm not sure how Charlie's dad makes his money."

"Okay, you've told me about Charlie's parties, now how about Charlie."

"You'll like Charlie. I've been to a few of his parties, he's a lot of fun to be with. He tells the greatest dirty stories and gets the guys all hard to turn them on."

"You mean, Charlie's....?"

"Look, there's a lot of us who like a bit of cock. It's nothing special." He paused. "Not many of them go in for bum-fucking, that is something special. That's why I wanted you to fuck me." He blushed. "You're special to me. You know that, don't you?" I nodded, though I couldn't think why I was so special. I wasn't bad-looking, but I wasn't what you'd call handsome. I'd a good body, big eyes, and a big prick. Did that make me special?

"I'd love to get it on with you and Charlie," I blurted out without thinking. That must have been a bit hard on Lee; only a few moments ago he'd been telling me how special I was to him; there was I saying I'd like to make it with him and Charlie. A hard cock has no conscience.

"Yeh, I bet you would. Keep dreaming."

"Now you've got me looking forward to this party. I'll keep my eyes on Charlie and maybe get to see him in action. Speaking of action, seeing Theo playing with himself and talking about Charlie has made me horny again."

"Too bad because we can't do anything here because the little spy is home, unless of course you know another place we can go."

"'Course I do."

"Let's go then."

Lee and I laid off each other for the rest of the week waiting for Charlie's party. We picked up Lee and dad drove us to Charlie's place. The pool was on ground level. We stepped into a large party room and like Lee said there was a humungous baguette with a whole table to itself. It was about ten feet long. I couldn't help but notice all the beautiful bodies running around in real skimpy swimsuits. Some of these boys were real knockouts.

The only boy I recognized was Charlie. There were a few older guys there too. Boyfriends, I assumed. Charlie came over to say hi as soon as he noticed us. He was wearing the skimpiest Speedo's of all and did he look edible! His body was beautifully proportioned, and his cock and balls were clearly outlined behind the clingy fabric.

We all said 'Hi' and he showed us the dressing rooms where we could change. The dressing rooms were real nice. They had the saunas like Lee told me. We changed quickly and then jumped in the pool. I got there before Lee so I looked around at all the tanned bodies lying on the lounge chairs. Lee joined me a few minutes later. I felt a little out of place because Lee and Charlie were the only people I knew. Some of the other people I'd seen around school but they'd been out of my league.

After a while swimming, eating and swimming some more, Lee and I called it quits and sat down on a lounge chair at the side of the pool. Over the course of the evening I'd become friendly with several of the boys there so Lee and I'd a lot of bullshit conversation to keep us busy.

The evening wore on and at about midnight I asked Lee if he wanted to go. Lee was a little high by this time and he didn't. There weren't many people left at the party but Lee was still having a good time. We'd been there so long I was bored.

Then a wonderful thought hit me. I'd get Lee into the sauna and we could fool around in private. With Lee in the state he was in, it wasn't hard. We walked into the sauna, empty by this hour, and sat down on one of the benches. Lee sat next to me and I immediately started making out with him.

I slipped my hand inside his swimming trunks and began playing with his cock. It became erect immediately. Lee put his hand inside my bathing suit and started stroking my hard-on. We were getting into each other real fast. I laid Lee down on the bench and started to kiss and fondle his arse. He stopped me for a moment and whispered, "What if someone comes in?"

"They can come in and watch." I'd already sussed out what kind of party this was, with not a single girl in sight.

Lee didn't get a chance to say much because I immediately buried my face between his legs and began munching away. Lee was breathing too heavy to say anything. I loved to glance at Lee's face when I was eating him out. He had a look of total ecstasy. He closes his eyes and tosses his head back and opens his mouth wide to moan and to allow enough air to pass to stay alive. Looking up the length of his body, I could see his nipples hard and erect waiting for me to play with them.

As I looked up Lee's body, I noticed Charlie's face looking in the window in the door. He was licking his lips. He looked me looking at him and gave me a wink. I stopped eating Lee and started to move my tongue up the length of his body. I paused for a few moments at his nipples to gently suck on them and then continued my way up until I reached his lips. We exchanged a French kiss and then I drifted my lips around and started sucking on his ear. At the same time I whispered to him Charlie was watching us through the window.

Lee didn't give me any response at first. I don't think he knew what to do. All of a sudden Lee started laughing, sat up and signalled for Charlie to come in. Charlie came in and sat on the bench on the other side of the room. The room was small so he wasn't far away from us. It seemed a shame to leave the host of the party out, so with a glance at Lee, I whispered to Charlie: "Come on, get over here and join us." With a grin he did just that.

Lee immediately grabbed the waist band of my bathing suit and pulled it right down to the floor. I kicked my bathing suit aside and then we helped Charlie take off his suit. Like a lot of slim kids, Charlie had a big cock, not so much fat as long, and he was circumcised, which had the effect of making him look horny all the time. It turned out he was.

Lying there, in that heat, with a fresh, young, naked body in front of me, and Lee working on my cock was too much for me and I shot my load right into Lee's hand. I looked across at Charlie. His legs were spread wide open and I'd a beautiful view of every smooth motion of his hands. Charlie called out, "I'm cuming, here I cum." I could see his body shake. There was no doubt; he was randy as hell. Great spurts of jism shot from his hard-on and splattered across the three of us.

I looked over at Lee who'd placed his head back. He hadn't come yet. I was surprised. It usually doesn't take him that long. I'd to take care of this problem. I got down on my knees and put my mouth over the head of his cock and started flicking it back and forth. That got a real nice response from Lee. I felt Charlie's hand on my back.

He was pushing me aside so he could get in between Lee's legs. I let him right in so I could watch Lee get eaten out by another boy. I'd a beautiful view.I could see every motion of Charlie's tongue and the twitching of Lee's hole. I got hard again and started to stroke myself. Lee wrapped his legs around Charlie's head to get Charlie to apply more pressure. In a minute, Lee had a shattering climax. I felt every muscle in his body contract with spasms as he exploded into my mouth; his semen was salty sweet and thick as a milkshake!

Suddenly I realised how late it was. Mum and Dad were out of town but they'd ordered a taxi to pick us up at midnight. It was one in the morning! We got cleaned up and dressed quickly. All three of us were tired but still excited from what had happened that evening. Charlie walked us out to the cab and we said our thank you's and byebyes.

At the last minute, Lee turned to me.

"Hey, Frankie, is it cool with you if I stay here with Charlie tonight?" He puts his arm around Charlie's shoulder; Charlie held him round the waist. It was obvious what they felt for each other.

I smiled at them.

"'Course it's cool. But check with me in the morning by phone. I'm baby-sitting you, remember."

Lee stepped forward and kissed me on the cheek. In my ear he whispered, "I love you, Frankie, I really do. A guy couldn't have a better friend'." I kissed him back then climbed into the taxi. They waved me off into the night. And in my heart I waved bye bye to Lee - friends forever, yes, boyfriends no longer.


The beginning of the end began when I realised I was becoming just as much the seducer as the seduced.

Laurence and I used to play around nearly every Tuesday afternoon when his mother took his kid brother Leo to basketball practice after school, and we had the house to ourselves. I suppose his mother looked on me as a kind of 'baby sitter', after all, I was two years older than Laurence who was Elwyn's cousin.

I can't really remember how it came about, but after a few baby-sitting sessions, we got into the habit of sucking each other off. That was fine with me. I didn't mind going down on him. I've always enjoyed making another boy cum with my tongue and fingers, feeling him under my control, wanting and needing me, my tongue taking him over the edge, then crying and kicking and squeezing my head between his legs as he comes until he finally has to push my head away from his over-sensitized cock.

And I like having the favour returned. I love the feel of a boy's mouth on my cock. Laurence seemed to like doing it, playing with me and teasing me until I came. He would slide his mouth over my prick, up and down, up and down, pushing at the underside with his tongue. He would use his hand on my saliva-slickened shaft, jacking it up and down while he held just the head of my cock in his mouth and sucked on it strongly. I loved to spurt into his mouth and have him swallow it. He always did that, sucking me dry and then, when I was too sensitive for his to continue, licking his lips until he'd swallowed it all.

I suppose it was just sex to start with, good clean sex, but as it went on, I began to find myself thinking how beautiful Laurence was. That scared me. I knew it was okay to think of girls as beautiful, though I'd never found them appealing, but it was way out of order to think of boys as beautiful; hell, we weren't even supposed to admit boys could be handsome. I looked in the mirror and I knew I was handsome, but it wasn't something I could go public on.

In fact, as far as I could tell, boys weren't supposed to have any emotions at all, except for the standard macho emotions like anger, greed and envy. So, it came as something of a shock to catch myself thinking of Laurence as beautiful. It wasn't even as if he were feminine, let alone effeminate. He had a good build for his age; curls tangled enough to defy any comb, freckles spattered across regular features; big hands and big feet; and hazel eyes that seemed lit up from within. Stick Laurence in a movie and he wouldn't look out of place. I wondered if he ever caught himself in the mirror and went Wow!

One day, I suggested another game.

"I'm going to suck your dick," I said, "but I don't want you to cum, not this time anyway. Because after I get your dick good and hard, I'm going to fuck you up the bum."

"Sounds fun," grinned Laurence. "Let's go for it. But if I end up pregnant, you've got to pay your share of the child-care expenses." For a moment I wondered if the boy was serious; his grin brought out a grin of my own.

With my hot mouth wrapped around the head of his cock, any idea would have sounded okay. I didn't mention it wasn't the first time I'd done it. I'd discovered the unique sensations of bum-fucking a couple of years earlier with one of my best friends, Elwyn Andersen - his cousin.

I sucked Laurence for about twenty minutes, bringing him close to the edge time and time again, but never letting him orgasm. Soon enough, he was hot enough to try anything.

Laurence was as good at getting me hard. Holding the head of my cock in his mouth, he wrapped his lips around it tightly and pushed his head forward, forcing me into his mouth deeper and deeper. I felt the tip press against the soft back of his throat. His lips reached out, scrabbling to get further down onto me. Then he pulled back slowly until once again only the head of my cock was between his lips.

Laurence grabbed hold of the shaft with both hands. Holding on to it firmly, he rolled my cock around in his mouth, licking the head with his tongue. He laid the sensitive underside right in the middle of his tongue and rocked his head quickly back and forth for a while, rubbing the bottom across his tongue. Then he sucked on it for a while.

"There," Laurence said, "I think it's hard enough, now."

"Another minute of that, and I'd have cum down your throat!" I told him.

There was a half-used tube of Vaseline in the drawer. I took the cap off and squeezed some onto my fingers.

"Grease my bum up good," Laurence said. "I'm so tight you'll need a lot of it."

He got on his hands and knees next to me, then lowered his head to the bed. He reached back with both hands and spread his ass cheeks apart.

"Go ahead," he said. "Grease me up, buttercup."

I lay on my side next to him and let my fingers slip into the crack of his arse. My fingers pushed the gob of Vaseline against the tight bud of his arsehole. With my middle finger, I rubbed gently around the rim.

"Wow," Laurence said. "I like that."

Slowly, very slowly, I increased the pressure, still moving my finger around and around. At first, the tight muscle of his arsehole would not yield. Then it gave a little and my finger dipped into him. I kept moving and pressing. My finger slid into him little by little. Soon it was as far as the first joint. Then it was as far as the second joint. I pushed it forward and buried my middle finger all the way into Laurence's anus.

"Oh, jeez," he said, "that feels so good!" He waggled his bum, shaking it back and forth and making my finger wobble inside his ass. With my finger still buried all the way inside him, I rotated it, stretching his arsehole to get it ready for my cock.

I pushed his bum toward the bed and he stretched out on his stomach. I lay beside him, my right hand in his ass and my left hand wrapped around him and under him.

"Oh, Frankie!" he said. "Oh, jeez!"

"Are you ready for it?" I asked.

"Yeh," Laurence said. "Shove your prick up my ass, now! Quick, before I cum!"

"I think you should grease me up first," I told him. "Wanna make sure I can slide in easy."

Laurence was almost frantic with desire. On his side, facing me, he grabbed Vaseline and squeezed some into his hand. He reached down and wrapped both hands around my cock, spreading the cream all over it. His warm hands, slipping up and down on my prick, were like his mouth fondling and teasing me.

"There," Laurence said. "That should do it. Now stick your cock into me, damn it! Now!"

"You got it," I told him. I pushed down on one of his shoulders, flattening his face down on the bed. He started to raise up on his knees, but I rolled my weight on top of his back.

"No," I said. "Just like that. Put me in."

My greased cock was between his cheeks, the head rubbing against his arsehole. Laurence reached back with one hand and grabbed my prick. He moved it through the cleft until the tip was centred on his butthole.

"There," he said. "Go ahead. Push it in."

He kept hold of my cock, bracing it for the difficult job of forcing it into his tight arsehole. I let gravity do most of the work, lowering myself slowly. I could feel the head of my cock begin to push open the tight ring.

Heavily greased on both sides, there was little resistance, but the size of my cock in the small place was more than Laurence could accommodate easily.

"Easy," he whimpered. "It's so big. Give it to me just a little at a time."

I backed off a little, then started in again, slower this time. Little by little, my cock slid into his arsehole. His hand, which was still wrapped around me, pressed up against his bum cheeks. He held it there for a while, keeping me in his but preventing me from going further, while he got used to the feel of my cock in his ass.

"That's better," Laurence said after a moment. "That's a lot better. Now, push it in slowly, all the way."

Gradually letting my hips press forward, I sank my cock into the depths of his arsehole. At about two-thirds of the way in, Laurence stopped me again to let his tight tube get used to me, but he soon signalled he was ready for more. I shoved forward the last few inches, forcing it deep within his bum. My pelvis pressed against his tightly stretched arsehole, forcing his cheeks aside. I was all the way in him.

"Jesus Christ!" I said. "Does that feel as good to you as it does to me?"

"It's great. I can't begin to tell you," Laurence panted. "It's like a cricket wicket forced up my ass. Fuck me now. Fuck me hard!"

Holding myself above him on my hands and toes, only my cock was in contact with him. I pulled back and shoved forward again, pushing my prick into his arsehole and then drawing it slowly out. When I pulled back, the ring of his bumhole clung to my cock like it didn't want to let go. I pulled back until just the head was still grasped by tight circle of flesh, then pushed forward again and sank my prick all the way in.

At first, Laurence was passive. He lay there on his stomach, letting me fuck him, moaning softly. Then he slid a hand under his stomach and down to his cock. He reached behind to touch my prick and balls briefly, then pulled his hand away. He began to roll his hips, and I could tell he was jacking himself in time to our bum fuck.

"Oh, God, that feels so damn good!" Laurence said. "Fuck me! Fuck me in the ass, Frankie! Push that cock into me. I love it! I want you to fuck me hard. Fuck me with your cock, Frankie. Shove that big cock in my ass. Give it to me, give it to me good." (Laurence watched a lot of porn vids on the net.)

I was more than happy to do what he wanted. I let my weight press onto him, my chest on his back, pushing his face into the bed. My crotch was pressed between the cheeks of his ass, drilling my cock deep into his stretched bum. I put my hands on his hips and pull led back on them, forcing his ass onto my prick as deep as I could go. I hunched forward, pulled back, pushed forward again.

Keeping my cock buried deep into his ass, we struggled up to our knees. Laurence spread his legs sideways and raised his bum as high as he could, bracing himself with his hands. Kneeling behind him, my hands still on his hips, I slammed in and out of his tight ass. I pushed my cock in deep and rolled it around inside his bum.

"Is that what you wanted, Laurence?" I demanded. "Is this what you wanted me to do? Do you like having my cock up your ass?"

"Yeh, damn it, it's so damn good!" Laurence cried. "Yeh, I've been thinking about this. I wanted you to fuck me in the ass. I dreamed about it yesterday. I imagined your big cock pushing its way into me. Only it was better when you actually fucked me. It's so big! It's like a branch up my arsehole. I'm spread so wide on your cock. It's all the way up in me, Frankie. It's so big and so deep and it feels so good and it's going to make me cum so hard."

I wanted him to cum. I knew it would hit him hard. I wanted him to cum with my prick buried deep in his ass. Then I wanted to cum myself, to spurt my cum deep into his arsehole.

"I'm going to cum soon, Laurence," I told him. "You'd better cum soon, too. I'm going to fill your ass with my cum."

"Almost there," he gasped. "God, it feels so good. Fuck me, Leo. Shove it all the way up my ass. Fuck me hard and make me cum!"

I gave him what he wanted. I slammed my prick into his arsehole, which gripped tightly around me, clinging to my cock as I shoved it into him and dragged it back out of his bum, setting up a steady rhythm that grew more and more fierce until the cheeks of his ass were slamming into my groin.

Laurence gave a little cry and shuddered, and then he came, twitching and crying and pleading with me to fuck him harder, to shove my cock as deep as possible into his ass. That made me cum, too. I shot my jism into his bumhole, spurting time after time into the depth of his sweet ass.

Okay, so I fucked Laurence, and that was probably no big deal, but since I'm stuck with true confessions, I've to admit I seduced his little brother,too, and that was way out of order.

I suppose in my defence I could claim Leo seduced me as much as I seduced him. After all, he asked for me to baby-sit him, and three or four times I refused. I'd no particular reason for refusing, other than a hearty dislike of spending an evening with a little kid; and I certainly had no intention of getting it on with him.

But the theatre tickets had been bought; they included Laurence. That left me with little Leo.

I should have suspected something was up when he decided to give me his own fashion show. Leo piled on lot of other people's clothing, trotting into the lounge with fewer and fewer clothes until he came to what he called 'the highlight' of the show. I thought it was all a bit weird, but it was good fun, too.

What I saw next kept me from thinking at all. Leo was clad in a smoke-grey, wafer thin shorts, pulled tight in the vee, the tube of his cock and the curve of his tiny testicles showing through the skin-tight fabric. His shorts hung so low that the tan of summer gave way to the natural cream of the kid's skin in unbroken gradations.

"You like?" he said, turning slowly around like a model showing a new design. The little fucker was flirting with me!

"I like!" I grinned, playing along to see how far he was willing to go.

Leo laughed a musical laugh and said, "Good! Come and cop a feel."

I wanted to feel more than the fabric. I wanted to feel every inch of Leo, explore every crevice, run my tongue over every part of his body and taste every part of him. "This is the best way to feel it," he sighed as he drew the moth to the flame. His arms wrapped around my neck and he drew himself up tight to me. If I'd had any doubts about his knowing about hard-ons, they were gone now. My cock was jutting against my summer shorts and Leo was pressing himself hard against it.

Leo opened his mouth and gave me his tongue. It licked back and forth against my lips. I opened mine in invitation. His tongue came into my mouth, exploring, seeking. I gave my tongue to him in swirling motions, making love to his tongue with mine. He drew his tongue back and opened his mouth even wider, urging me to find it. I delved my tongue into his mouth and found the treasure.

Our breathing was coming faster and harder now, and his arms wrapped even tighter about me. I dropped my hands down to his buttocks and softly rubbed and kneaded them, pulling his pelvis even closer to mine. My cock rubbed hard against his smaller erection. He put his mouth up to my ear and whispered, "I want to be naked."

I knelt at the boy's feet, and, taking each hip corner with a finger, drew the silk slip down to his knees, his ankles, and off. When I raised my head, my eyes were level with his sweet young cock, an erection that measured between two and three inches, the head poking out from delicate foreskin. His balls, like delectable hazelnuts, in a scrotum unwrinkled by age.

Try as I did, and I did try, I couldn't resist running my hands over the bare exposed flesh. I made my touch soft and stroking, moving in little circles down his back. I reached the outward flare of his buttocks and caressed them, just touching with my fingertips in little feathery strokes. I moved down to the half-moons where the buttocks joined the thighs and took his buttocks in my hands and gently and softly stroked them. The skin was exquisitely smooth, smoother even that the silk that had just covered them. Leo was holding me tight now, and his breath in my ear was speeding up, almost a panting sound.

"Shit, Frankie! That's so nice," he murmured, pressing forward so his hard-on brushed my lips.

I moved one hand into the cleft between those sweet cheeks and inched it down, delving under the silk, searching for the treasure I knew to be hidden there. My fingertips brushed across his tiny anus and he caught his breath as I lightly stroked it in circles. It was moist and I stroked this area in a little circle, moving my finger lightly across the damp centre that gave a little as I pressed it with a finger tip. A bit more pressure and his sphincter gave way enough for me to slip in my middle finger to the first knuckle. His pelvis thrust back and forward, moving his anal ring up and down my slickened finger.

Together we grappled with my clothing: T-shirt, shorts, tennis socks, trainers, until I was as naked as him. My cock jutted out from my body at an almost perfect ninety degrees. It was wet, slick and glistening from my flow of juices.

Leo reached down and grasped my cock. It was engorged, swollen, the head ripe and bulbous. He stroked it, and it jerked and poured out some more pre-cum fluids. My hand worked in his love chute again, and I could tell from the urgency of his stroking of my cock he was near wahtever clima a kid his age could have. He was driving me close to my own orgasm also, and it was much too early. I wanted to defer that sweet pleasure and concentrate on Leo.

Reluctantly, I removed his hand from my cock and gently pushed him onto the couch. He fell onto his back, his legs hanging over the side, toes touching the thick-piled Afghan rug - a position perfectly suited to my planned ministrations. I knelt between his legs and spread them wide. The centre of his being was right before me. I paused, savouring the sight and aroma of Leo's arousal.

I lowered my head and took his penis into my mouth. He had that smooth elegance of cock that arouses by its very innocence. My head bobbed up and down on his pulsating erection; one hand played with his balls while the other worked its way between his legs, my middle finger stroking his ring, feeling the smooth skin give way to the serrated edges of his puckered little hole.

The boy moaned continuously, a soft, mewling sound of pleasure. His pelvis moved almost convulsively, up and down, in circles, as if it were not a part of him. I eased my fingertip inside his sphincter and pushed my finger in, extending it to the maximum. I ran it in and out feverishly, mimicking the action of his cock in my throat.

Leo arched his back and pushed his shaft hard against my lips: "Oh, I'm cuming! I'm cumminnngg...ooooohh." I lay there letting his throbbing cock empty him into me in clear, almost tastless little sports of fluid, gradually slowing the finger-fucking I was giving his bottom. He lay there, clutching me, breathing deeply, as his cock oozed a few last pearly drops.

I took Leo's hand and showed him how to wrap it around my cock and stroke up and down. He started a gentle up and down movement, and I pushed my hips up to meet each one of his strokes. The whole head of my cock was covered in pre-cum and it glistened in the light coming through the window. His hand moved up into the juice with each stroke and soon my entire cock was coated in my slick male lubrication.

"You're getting all wet," Leo whispered.

With those words, Leo plunged my cock into his mouth. My God, Leo's going to give me a blow job! I thought. The heat of his mouth was so voluptuous, the action of his tongue on my glans so stimulating, I thought I'd come at that very instant. To avoid immediate orgasm, I shifted my thoughts away from my pleasure and concentrated on his.

It was obvious what it would be. Not six inches in front of my mouth, Leo's wet, glistening arsehole awaited. If he could give oral pleasures, then I could more than return the favour. I took his leg and lifted it, moving my face into the cavity between his thighs.

Opening my mouth wide, I moved my tongue all over his puckered rosebud, slicking it with saliva, and pushing against the little muscle. I fitted my lips around his ring and created a little vacuum so I could suck his lips just beyond my own. That always opens me up; I hoped it'd do the same for my gorgeous little hero.

His little body bouncing on the couch told me the kid had reached orgasm - a dry cum, of course, but one that shook his body as if he had a fever.

When he quietened, Leo looked up at me with those big innocent eyes and whispered: "Frankie, you know what?"


"You do it better than Laurence."

Before I had time to digest what he'd said, Leo added: "Can we watch one of Laurence's pornos? I know where he keeps them. You can choose."

Bliss, sheer bliss!

But in the next few days, the bliss melted away, and what I'd done struck me in the cold light of day.

I didn't want to be a chaser of little boys, and if I was gay, I wanted to be legitimately gay: I wanted to grow up into a loving gay man who loved other loving gay men.

Give me credit, I never touched little Leo again; it was too much like seducing my innocent self, and that I knew was wrong.


Lee was feeling poorly and asked me if I'd deliver his newspapers for him. I once had that same paper route so I knew it. I told him it would be no problem. What he didn't tell me, until later, was he wanted me to do his collecting for him, too. That got me mad because now I'd to knock on every door to get the paper money. I started about six o'clock, and there were about fifty houses on the route so it took a while to do.

At the last house of the evening, I got the shock of my life. When the door opened, guess who was standing there: Theo, Lee's younger brother! Theo's mother and father were divorced. He stayed three months at his mother's, now he had three months with his father. I'd forgotten how cute the kid was.

"Why are you doing delivering papers?" asked Theo.

"Lee's not well. He asked if I'd help him out."

"That's nice of you. Hold on a minute, I'll go get the money for you."

Theo came back, paid up. I said,"Thanks," and started to turn away when he asked, "Why don't you come in and put your feet up for a bit? My dad's on the night shift, and to tell you the truth, it's pretty boring staying home alone." I nodded. "Come round the back way and I'll let you in."

I followed Theo round the back, a high security fence blocked out the back garden from sight of the street. It was another of those warm evenings not even a breeze made a ripple on their outdoor pool.

"Now let's see what you got."

At first I thought I hadn't heard the boy correctly. Then I realised what his grin meant. "I'm glad you broke up with Lee," he said. "You're wasted on him. I like a bit of fun, so please take off your clothes - or leave if you prefer that."

"You want me to take off my clothes right here?"

"Right where you're standing."

I felt dumb taking off all my clothes right in front of a junior school kid. I did as he asked but it took me a while. I must have turned pretty red. Once all my clothes were off, Theo took a real good look at me.

"Not bad, come on inside."

I picked up my clothes and entered the house. Theo closed the door and followed in behind me. I leaned over and tossed my clothes on a chair. As I stood back up again, Theo wrapped his arms around me from behind, held me real tight and started massaging my chest. I could feel his little nipples in my back and his hard cock against my bum. His hands slowly inched their way down. I reached around behind me, grabbed his cheeks and started to squeeze them. He had a much softer bum than Lee. Theo's hands kept getting lower until he reached my cock which he began to stroke it ever so gently.

Then he stepped back from. I turned and watched Theo strip off his T-shirt, shorts, sneaker, and socks.

No underpants.

I started to massage his nipples which pointed at me like little red currants. I bent down a little bit and started to suck on them but Theo didn't let me spend much time there. He took me by the hand and led me over to a couch in the middle of the room. Theo leaned on the backrest with the couch facing in the opposite direction. He spread his legs open and took my cock in one hand and the other hand he put around my back. He placed the head of my cock right at the entrance to his hot little hole and then pushed me from behind with the other hand. I slid into him with little resistance, wondering how the fuck it was so easy. Did all the rich kids in this town use their mums' vibrators?

Actually, and I'm going to digress a little, Theo explained later he'd had an operation, down there. Apparently, he had cysts on the wall of his rectum, and in order to remove them, the surgeon had dilated his ass hole to make an appropriate entry! His sphincter muscles would gradually strengthen as he grew up, but for a couple of years Theo would have an arsehole that could take a cucumber with comparative ease!

It's so true: every cloud has a silver lining!

After I was in, he put both hands on my ass and set the rhythm he wanted me to move at. I could feel the hot sponginess of his rectum, which stimulated the head of my dick. He pushed and pulled at my ass as my dick went in and out. I could feel my climax building fast. I'd a hard time telling what was happening to Theo because he didn't make a sound. All I could hear was his breathing which was more ragged than before. I was getting closer to the edge and Theo's breathing was getting heavier. I couldn't hold off any longer and I shot my load inside him. After I regained my senses I realized Theo hadn't come yet so I kept on going.

Slipping my hand round his front, I pushed his little hand away and got to work on his three-incher. It was small but perfectly shaped and so hot it felt like the skin was burning. I kept my prick inside him; it was softening of course but it was hard enough to stay in place without much effort. I could feel his hands on my ass prodding me to continue. Now he wrapped his legs around the back of my legs. I assumed this was a good indication. His eyes were closed and his breathing was heavy. Suddenly his breathing got very ragged as he threw his head back and held on to me more tightly. I felt a slight shudder in his body and after a few more strokes he let go of me and collapsed on the couch behind him.

He was lying with his back on the seat with his legs up the backrest opened wide so I could see his puckered hole, which actually had an opening you could see. After a moment of relaxation, Theo began to laugh gently.

"Thanks," he said, "I've wanted that ever since I saw you with Lee. You fuck real good for a kid."

I was taken aback. "Look, Theo," I said, "you don't have to answer this if you don't want to, but... how come you're so easy to fuck? I mean, at your age you should have a little hole, but when I...."

The boy laughed. "You don't think Lee and I fight all the time, do you? Lee's been screwing me since I can remember. And then, my mum divorced my dad, and you don't get divorced for nothing." Then he told me about his rectal operation.

I didn't want to hear any more. With this family, I was away out of depths. I helped Theo up to his feet and gave him a chaste kiss.

"I've to go finish delivering the papers," I lied.

"Come back here at eight tonight," the boy said. "we'll have some more fun. I'll show you some amazing things I can do with my anus."

"Sure, no problem. I'll be here at eight," I lied again, with no intention of coming near the place. That's what my head said; my cock was already drooling at the thought of what I could do to/with this boy.

I grabbed my clothes and started putting them back on. Theo stood back and watched me. He liked to watch. He walked me to the door when I was done, opened it up and gave me a kiss good bye. I watched his beautiful body disappear behind the door, grabbed the empty bag I'd left outside and continued on my merry way.

The rest of the evening, after dinner, dragged until about fifteen minutes before eleven when I started to walk over to his house. I reached the house in about ten minutes and stepped up to the front door. I knocked on it twice and waited. There was no answer.

I started to get a little nervous. Maybe he was a big tease and wanted to get me all worked up for something that wouldn't happen. I raised my hand to knock again when suddenly I felt a hand on my shoulder. It scared the shit out of me as I turned around to see who it was. I expected to see Theo but it wasn't him. Instead there was an older boy about my age with dark fringed hair. I couldn't see much detail because there were no lights on in front of the house and the moon was hidden by the bushes.

"Hi, Theo called me and told me he was going to be a little late and I should meet you here so you wouldn't leave. My name is Robert."

The boy put out his hand and shook mine, a formal gesture I appreciated. I'm sure you've heard those stories about hands tingling at first contact and all that; I'd never believed them - till that moment. It was as if a slight electric current passed between us. Our hands lingered long enough to send a message that might have taken hours otherwise. I coughed and cleared my throat.

"Hi. Do you know where Theo's gone?"

"Didn't say. He said to keep you busy till he got here. He said ten or fifteen minutes at the most before he returned. But you know Theo."

"That's nice of you. Are you and Theo close friends?"

"Not friends eaxctly. I'm Theo's cousin twice removed. And remember," he laughed, "you can choose your friends, but you can't choose your cousins. You're simply stuck with them." There was no unkindness in Robert's voice and I joined in with his laughter.

He pointed to a patio bench over toward the other side of the house. We moved across the side of the house and out from behind the bushes. The moon light shone on us. I could see Robert as he walked in front of me. He was wearing black pants and a black sleeveless shirt making him hard to see. We sat down on the bench side by side and then I got a better look at him.

Handsome. That was my first impression. His hair was cut short, but it suited him; dark brown with that kind of shine some people naturally have. Brown eyes, thick lashes, finely drawn eyebrows - a nose neither long, nor short, but straight without being Roman. He had little teeth, even and white. They glistened when he parted his lips in a smile, which was often. There were indentations in his cheeks, not enough to be dimples but enough to give him a roguish look.

Robert looked as if he loved life!

"Where do you live?" I asked, finding Robert easy to talk to. He crossed one leg over the other and leaned back on the garden seat. We looked like life-time buddies; we'd known each other less than ten minutes.

"Only a few houses over, on Ixworth Road."

"How come I've never seen you before? I only live down the street."

"I go to private school. That's probably why. I'd remember you if I'd seen you." He laughed and blushed. "Sorry, that sort of slipped out."

"I'm near 16. Sixth Form. You?"

"The same," I said. "Doing English, ICT, and Business Studies."

"Shit," said Robert. "I'm doing exactly the same. The Uni, I hope."

"Same here," I said.

"Fancy getting engaged," grinned Robert.

Startled, I gave him a quizzical look.

"Hey, what's the look for? I'm gay. I fancy you. I hope you might fancy me. It might turn out that we can't stand each other but you never can tell till you give it a try." He paused. "Hey, Frankie, I'm not chatting you up... well I guess I am... but if you're offended just tell me to fuck off."

I looked at Robert.

"I'm gay... and I'm not offended... and I fancy you."

We sat chatting there for what seemed ages. When I finally looked at my watch, it WAS ages! An hour had flown by. Robert was equally surprised. "Shit, I thought we'd been talking for about ten minutes. What the Hell's happened to Theo? Don't tell me they've killed him." I was a bit stunned until Robert explained it was a joke.

We sat there discussing what to do for about ten more minutes. Then Robert said, "I'm going in. Don't worry, the back door's always open. I'm a bit worried so I'm going to phone Lee. Maybe Theo went home and forgot all about us. He'd do that you know. He's such a scatter-brain!"

Five minutes later all was revealed. Theo was at his grandmother's! And he was in bed - alone! He'd been coming down with flu and, despite his protests, his mum had dumped him straight into bed for the next couple of days. Robert, who seemed to be part the family, promised to lock up the house and hand in the keys next morning.

"God, there ain't nobody left in the whole wide world," said Robert. "My mom and dad are in the Bahamas - third honeymoon or something. I slipped out of school for a weekend with Theo; now he's in bed sick all weekend. The whole thing would be a bore if you weren't here."

Robert put his hand on mine.

"Look, punch me in the mouth if you like, but I'm horny as hell. And, no, not over Theo - over you! Theo's a baby, and he's also fucking nuts. I'd like to find someone my own age, and someone with a brain as well as a dick. There's got to be more in than that. I want a bit of romance as well as lots of sex. Does that sound stupid?"

Written it down like that, it seems unbelievable; but that's what happened.

It was a warm night and, as we sat there, jawing like life-long buddies, things just clicked into place, the chemistry worked, the glue bonded. I'm not saying Robert and I fell in love at first sight, but we did fall in 'like'; I mean, we really liked each other. We had so much in common, so much to talk about, it was hard for the other to get a word in edgeways; we just sparked each other off, and most of the conversations collapsed in laughter.

Simply being with Robert made me feel good.

I squeezed Robert's hand. "This is scary stuff, Robert. We're only fifteen, and you're talking about something more than fooling around. Weird thing is what you want is what I want."

Robert beamed a huge smile. "Look, if you want, come round to my place, stay the night. We don't have to do anything if you don't want. Having you around makes me feel good, that's all."

"Let's go," I said and we strolled off in the moonlight.

The more time I spent with Robert, the more comfortable I became. It's hard to describe him; the way he smiled, the way he laughed, the look in his eyes that drew me to him. The words I'm looking for are 'magnetically appealing'.

How do you like that phrase? I like it.


We arrived at Robert's house. He directed me towards his dad's den. He turned on the TV and told me he was going to go make some popcorn for a movie. I sat and watched the rock video previews they have between movies. We had got there about fifteen minutes before the movie was to start. Robert reappeared with a large bowl of popcorn, a jug of orange juice and some glasses.

Thirsty, I poured myself a large glass of juice and gulped some down. Spluttering, I coughed some of it up.

"What the hell!"

"It's rum, Bacardi," grinned Robert, "not too much, just enough to loosen us up. If you don't like it, I'll get you a bottle of Coke."

"Fuck the Coke," I said, This is dee-li-cious! Took me by surprise, that's all." I'd another swig of the juice, and felt woozy clouds roll up in my head. A shit-ass grin covered my face.

"Movie ready to start?"

"Yeah, minute or two."

I'd no idea where we were going to put all that popcorn. Robert dug right in. After a minute of munching, the light went down and the movie started. Robert sat back on the couch and rested his head on my shoulder. I reciprocated by putting my arm around him and squeezing him tightly to me. He moved his hips so he could get as close to me as possible. We sat silent for the entire length of the movie. The only movement between the two of us was to reach for the popcorn or the juice or for me to move my arm around because it had fallen asleep.

Immediately after the movie was over, Robert scrambled to his feet, took me by the hand and led me to his room. He unbuttoned my shirt and threw it on the floor. Next he went for the jeans and got them off me with absolutely no fight at all. I reached out to him and removed his top and then his shorts. I pulled him close to me so I could feel his body against mine and we started making out standing stark naked in the middle of his room.

"Do you think sex is dirty?" I whispered.

"Only when it's done right," he whispered back.

We giggled, wrapped our arms round each other, and went for a long, deep french kiss. When our lips were apart, Robert made a good suggestion. "Let's go take a shower."

Instead of taking my hand, Robert led me by my cock to the bathroom! I followed close behind him so he wouldn't pull it off. The bathroom was right across the hall and as we entered I was amazed at how large it was. It wasn't what you think of as a glamorous bathroom. It was big.

We walked over to a translucent glass door and stepped inside. The shower was enormous. I looked inside to see a shower nozzle on each of the four walls and a bench under two of them.

"Come on in," Robert said to me.

"Nice shower."

"It's a lot more fun than it looks."

"It looks like a lot of fun."

Robert turned a few knobs on one of the walls and water started to spray out of one of the shower heads. He adjusted them until the water was an agreeable temperature then turned another knob and water began spraying out of all four nozzles. Water sprayed every inch of the shower and every bit of us .

After only a moment we were soaking and we moved toward each other, taking the other in our arms and began making out under the heavy stream of water. As we held our bodies tightly together, I'd reach my hands down and grab Robert by the arse and squeeze, not only to feel his firm buns but for me to feel my hard cock against his hard cock. It was a great sensation.

Robert reach over to redirect some of the water and retrieve a bar of soap. He began to soap up my entire body. I looked around and noticed another bar of soap so I grabbed it and soaped up Robert. With my hands full of soap, Robert's body felt perfectly smooth with not a single imperfection on it. We ran our hands over every part of each other's body. Even after we were full of soap, the feeling of hands sliding on our bodies made us want to continue to keep our hands moving.

I was surprised when Robert dropped on his knees behind me, felt him prise my cheeks apart, and waited to feel his fingers on my hole. I waited and waited till finally, "Robert what the fuck you doing back there?"

"I'm looking at your bum hole," I heard him say.

"What the fuck for?" I asked.

"Because I love bumholes... I'm falling in love with yours."

"How can you...?"

"You've got such creamy skin," he interruped me. "I love the way the creamy skin shades to brown as it gets to your anus. It's more an oval than a round hole. Like a little mouth standing vertical. Waiting to be kissed."

I was glad Robert couldn't see my face. I could feel it burn with embarrassment. I decided to try and turn the tables on him.

"Do you mind if I inspect your anus when we're in bed? And I want to inspect the insides as well."

Below me Robert giggled.

"I'd like that. I'd like it very much."

"Well, let's get on with washing ourselves or we'll never get to bed."

I felt Robert get to his feet.

I sat down on one of the benches as Robert sat on the one directly across from me facing in my direction. He spread his legs wide open, planted his feet on the bench, took a bar of soap on a rope and proceeded to work it up his bum! Of course, I'd tried that myself but it was too painful. I must admit Robert was using a special bar of soap; it was kiddies' soap, a clown with a pointy hat. I was amazed when most of it disappeared up his arse.

As he worked the soap with one hand, he jerked himself off with the other. His dick was longer than mine by about an inch; but I was definitely thicker, and I'd more hair where it counted! It was pretty weird watching another boy jerk off like that but I got the message when he moved towards me and worked his cock only two inches from my face. Now I knew what getting me hot was all about! I pulled him forward, pushed his hand away and swallowed his cock until his curly hairs were tickling my lips.

Despite the soap, I could still taste the real Robert under it - sweat and pre-cum! Delicious! He bucked his hips as he drive himself in and out of my hungry mouth. I squeezed at his buttocks as he drove his soapy dildo in and out of his rectum. Without warning, he exploded and I found myself with a mouth full of pure Robert essence. After five or sex jerks, I pushed him away so I wouldn't have to swallow his cum - not yet! I played around with it in my mouth, tasting the texture, letting the smell imprint itself on me before letting it slide thickly down my gullet. I'd forgotten what pleasure there is in sucking off someone you care desperately about.

Robert kneeled down in front of me.

"You've got lovely hair," he murmured, brushing my pubes with his tongue. "Let's see your armpits." Dutifully I raised my arms. "Mmmm," he said, as his wet lips sucked on the hair. "I'm tired of little boys with no hair. I want a big boy with a big cock and lots of hair."

With every bit of energy he had left, he rolled me on my back and with a single gulp swallowed every inch I'd. I must have grown another inch in his mouth. He proceeded to give a sensational blowjob. His attention never left my dick. In and out of his mouth continuously with only a moment's hesitation to lick the head. He continued for about five minutes which was all I needed. I exploded right in his mouth but he didn't fluster or lose a drop. He swallowed each and every bit of it. When Robert was finally finished he looked at me and said, "Now let's get to bed, but there's one condition..."

"What's that?"

"That I'll get to see you again tomorrow!"

"Okay, around nine o'clock, as soon as I wake up," I laughed. We helped dry each other off and made for Robert's room. We slept naked in each other's arms; it was single bed; we talked and talked, then we... slept!

I awoke the next morning in a good mood. I couldn't believe how good I felt. I felt like I'd accomplished something the night before. I turned and saw Robert sleeping next to me; our noses were practically touching. I blew on his eyelids to wake him up. He opened his eyes and raised his head for a morning kiss.

Then he caught me off guard.

"I don't want anybody else," he whispered, "only you".

I looked into his eyes, held his gaze and whispered:

"Loving you loving me loving you."


That was two years ago. We're starting at Uni. in September - together. We've got a flat - together. We hope we'll be together forever. But forever is a very long time. What really matters is that we are together now. And it's now is the only thing that really matters.





















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