Luc & Nikos

By hypotenusej

Published on Jul 7, 2024


Hey guys. I've been a reader on Nifty for... decades... there's a lot of talent here and I'm grateful to those who've shared their stories. I figured since it's been more than a quarter century, I'd give writing another kick at the can and contribute. The following is completely fictional.

Let me know what you think - good or bad. Hit me up at

Hype. Xx

Luc & Nikos 01

Nikos stood amidst the chaos of travellers in the train station in Corinth, his gaze scanning the platform for his departing train. `I'm not ready to go back,' he thought. A weekend away wasn't nearly enough time to unwind. His work had been running him ragged and he thought some time away would bring needed relief. He'd been working for his family's company since he was a teenager and, over time, proved to be adept at contact negotiations and handling contentious clients. While he didn't have any formal education, Nikos was intelligent and quick witted. He learned fast on the job and picked up valuable skills along the way.

It was a high stakes world. He was determined to prove himself to his father, who'd been handed the reins of the company by his own father decades ago. Nikos was determined to help enhance the success of the enterprise and expand operations. His ability to secure new clients was definitely an asset. While he made good money, the daily hustle was draining and certainly didn't leave much time for a social life. He was satisfied professionally, but at twenty nine, he felt his life slipping by. He had a tight knit group of friends, but they were all getting to they age where they were pairing off and settling down. Raising families. Nice life, if that's what you want. But that kind of domesticity wasn't in the cards for him. And he didn't want that. He didn't know what he wanted.

But he made it a priority to take time to explore the world around him. Born and raised in Athens, Nikos grew up surrounded by Greece's rich history and made a point of seeing different parts of the country as much he could. It recharged him. This time the destination was Corinth. He spent his time luxuriating in quiet solitude, dodging tourists, wandering through the ancient city's museums and ruins. The getaway, however, didn't feel long enough this time.

The Mediterranean sun beat down on the crowded station, casting long shadows across the ground. As he adjusted the strap of his leather messenger bag, his gaze wandered aimlessly across the platform until it landed on a figure that immediately caught his full attention.

Across the bustling platform stood Luc, an epitome of effortless elegance. He was tall, with a commanding presence that seemed to carve out a space of stillness amid the frenetic activity. The Mediterranean sun cast a halo around him, illuminating his features with a golden glow. His black hair, perfectly styled, shimmered in the light, each strand catching the rays and reflecting them like silk. It framed a face of striking beauty, with high cheekbones and a strong, chiseled jaw that exuded both strength and grace.

But it was his eyes that truly captivated Nikos. Piercing blue, like the Aegean Sea on a clear summer day, they seemed to hold a depth that was impossible to ignore. He was lost in the moment, memorizing every detail of the handsome man standing in the distance. He didn't know how long he was staring, but as he slowly came out of his daydream, Nikos noticed Luc looking right back at him. When those eyes locked onto Nikos's, it felt as if they were looking straight into his soul, unearthing hidden thoughts and desires with an intensity that sent a shiver down his spine.

Nikos had been with plenty of men in his young life, albeit fleetingly, but there was something about Luc that went beyond mere physical attraction. Perhaps it was the way he carried himself, with an air of confidence that was neither arrogant nor aloof. Luc seemed to stand apart from the crowd, exuding a magnetism that was both subtle and overpowering. There was a refined grace in his posture, a natural sophistication in his movements that drew Nikos in, making the bustling station fade into the background.

Luc's attire was impeccable, tailored and spoke of taste and refinement without screaming for attention. His clothes, perfectly fitted, accentuated his lean, athletic build. As he stood there, surveying the scene with a calm, almost detached curiosity, Nikos felt a pull, an inexplicable need to be closer to this enigmatic stranger.

He could be reading too much into this, of course and could be completely wrong, but he felt like he'd been hit by a lightning bolt. Nikos felt his heart quicken, a rush of adrenaline mingling with a stirring curiosity. He wanted to know more about this man who could so effortlessly command his attention, who could make him feel both excited and vulnerable with just a glance.

In that moment, amidst the chaos of the train station, everything else seemed to fade away. It was as if time stood still, and all that mattered was the electric connection that had sparked between them. Nikos felt a surge of anticipation, a thrilling sense of possibility. There was something about Luc that was undeniably special, something that promised more than a fleeting moment of attraction. And Nikos was determined to find out what that something was.

With a hesitant smile, Nikos made his way across the platform, his heart racing with anticipation. As he drew closer, he couldn't help but admire the easy confidence with which Luc carried himself, a stark contrast to his own nervous energy.

As Luc scanned the scene, his eyes fell upon a figure moving towards him with purpose. The man approaching him was striking, with a presence that seemed to part the crowd. Nikos moved with a kind of restless energy, a contrast to Luc's own composed demeanor. His dark, wavy hair caught the light, framing a face that was both rugged and refined. His olive skin glowed under the sun, and there was an intensity in his gaze that drew Luc in immediately.

Luc felt a flutter of curiosity and excitement. He'd been in the company of attractive men, but there was something about Nikos that was different. He could sense a mix of determination and vulnerability in him that was irresistibly intriguing. As Nikos drew closer, Luc noticed the sharpness of his features, the strong jawline, the expressive eyes that seemed to hold a thousand untold stories.

When Nikos finally stopped in front of him, Luc's breath caught in his throat. Up close, the attraction was even more potent. Nikos's eyes were a deep, captivating brown, filled with warmth and a hint of mischief. There was an openness in his expression, a genuine curiosity that made Luc feel both seen and understood in a way that was startlingly intimate for a first encounter.

Luc's heart raced as Nikos began to speak, his voice low and tentative. "Excuse me," he started, the words barely above a whisper, yet they resonated with Luc, vibrating with a nervous energy that mirrored his own rising anticipation. "Do you happen to know when the next train to Athens departs?" Nikos full well knew the answer but he couldn't think of anything else to say.

Luc's initial surprise gave way to a warm, inviting smile. He was captivated not just by Nikos's physical appearance, but by the sincerity and earnestness in his demeanour. There was a raw, unfiltered quality to Nikos that was rare and incredibly appealing. Luc felt a rush of adrenaline, a thrilling sense of connection that he couldn't quite explain.

"I think it's due to arrive in just a few minutes," Luc replied in flawless Greek, his accent carrying a hint of French charm. As he spoke, he noticed the relief and gratitude that washed over Nikos's face, deepening the connection between them. There was something profoundly engaging about Nikos, a magnetic pull that made Luc want to know more, to explore the layers of his personality and story.

"Are you from Athens?" Luc asked.

Nikos nodded. "I am. Back to the real world. Work tomorrow," he explained.

"Ah, business," Luc mused, a playful glint in his eyes. "The eternal struggle between duty and desire." Nikos couldn't help but chuckle at the poetic turn of phrase, his initial nerves melting away in the warmth of Luc's presence. "Indeed," he agreed, a smile tugging at the corners of his lips. "But sometimes, duty and desire are not so easily separated."

Their eyes locked in a moment of shared understanding, a silent acknowledgment of the unspoken truths that lay between them. Luc turned away to quickly compose himself and returned his gaze to where Nikos was seconds before. He was gone. Luc was confused and disappointed, but he didn't have time to dwell on it as the train arrived and boarding had commenced.

Luc found his seat and looked out the window, focusing on the hive of activity on the platform wondering where the handsome Greek man disappeared to. He was captivated by Nikos in a way that defied logic or reason, drawn to him by an irresistible force. Even though they might never meet again, this brief connection felt significant. His mind wandered. Thinking about work. Life. Everything and nothing.

At a relatively young age, Luc had managed to achieve success in his profession and had advanced his career incredibly quickly. Moving from firm to firm on his upward trajectory, projects he was involved with increased in size and complexity. Trained as an architect, Luc had design in his blood. He was on his way to Athens to meet with a potential client for a huge restoration project. His nerves kept him on edge, but he knew he had this meeting in hand. Just a few more days. This would be his biggest project yet.

As his mind was weaving through his presentation, Luc didn't even notice the train depart, much less the seat next to him become occupied. An elbow bumped into him. That got his attention. He turned his head towards his neighbour and the breath was sucked out of him. It was him. The beautiful human that he thought he'd never see again. He began to speak but no sound came out of his mouth.

"Hi, I'm Nikos." The younger man beat him to the punch and reached out to shake Luc's hand. Relieved, Luc responded "pleased to meet you, Nikos. I'm Luc."

With the introductions taken care of, they started aimlessly chatting about nothing of consequence. However, their conversation flowed effortlessly, and they found out they shared a number of interests. Nikos was feeling at ease and thought that in different circumstances, he could be friends with this man. Maybe more than friends.

As they spoke, Luc found himself drawn to the subtle contrasts in Nikos. The confident way he dressed, juxtaposed with the nervous energy he couldn't quite hide. The sharp intellect that shone through his words, softened by an underlying sensitivity. Nikos was a puzzle, a fascinating blend of strength and vulnerability, and Luc felt an overwhelming desire to piece it together.

As they talked, Nikos found himself captivated by Luc's wit and Luc felt a deepening attraction, not just to Nikos's looks but to the essence of who he was. There was an authenticity to Nikos that resonated with Luc, a sense of realness that was both refreshing and exhilarating. Luc felt a profound and lasting connection.

With each passing mile, their discussions went from superficial to deep. Both men seemed comfortable enough to peel back the layers of their respective lives, sharing stories and experiences that showed off as many facets of their personalities; as much a couple of guys could do on train ride, that is.

"Tell me, Nikos," Luc said, his voice low and intimate as they sat together on the train. "What is it that you love most about Athens?" Nikos smiled, the warmth of Luc's presence enveloping him like a comforting embrace. "It's home," he shrugged. "It's what I know. But the city's magic," he continued, his eyes alight with excitement. "Every corner of this city is steeped in ancient mythology and legend. It's like existing in a living museum."

Luc nodded in understanding, his gaze lingering on Nikos's face. "And what about you, Luc?" Nikos asked, unable to resist the urge to learn more about the intriguing Frenchman sitting across from him. "For me, it's the art," Luc confessed, a hint of vulnerability in his voice. "There's something about the way the light hits the marble statues in the Acropolis Museum that takes my breath away."

"What have you got planned for your time here?" Asked Nikos. "I've got a presentation to give a prospective client. If I do well, and they like what they're hearing, I might be fortunate enough to win a project for my firm."

"When is it?" Nikos asked. "In a few days, so I have a chance to clear my mind. Or over think it. I haven't decided which," Luc chuckled.

"Well, my schedule is pretty light for the next few days," he lied. "If you let me play tour guide, I'll let you practice on me," Nikos offered. Uncharacteristically, he was happy to shirk off work if it meant spending more time with Luc. He was welcome distraction and Nikos was drawn to him. His presence was electrifying and comforting. He wanted to know him.

Luc seriously considered Nikos's offer. A chance to spend more time with this handsome man and bounce ideas off of him? Sounded like a no-brainer. "I respectfully accept your generous offer, thank you, Nikos," Luc said and winked.

Both men decided to get settled and meet up the following day; a precious window of time that they eagerly seized upon to explore the ancient streets of the city together. The men were inseparable for the next few days. On their second day together, they wandered through the narrow alleys of Plaka, marveling at the ancient ruins that lay hidden beneath the modern cityscape. They grabbed a table at a small cafe along their travels and reminisced about what they've seen and planned what's next. They decided to climb the steps of the Acropolis. Once they hit the summit, both Nikos and Luc stood in awe before the majestic Parthenon as the sun set in a blaze of fiery hues.

"There's nothing like this anywhere else," Luc said as he looked upon the city below.

"No, not at all. I've been here so many times before but it feels different this time," Nikos said. "Must be the company," Luc grinned and looked away. Nikos blushed.

"I've really enjoyed spending the past few days with you. You've been so generous with your time," Luc looked at him meaningfully and squeezed his arm.

"The pleasure's been all mine, Luc." Nikos looked at Luc like he wanted to say something else. He opened his mouth and words wouldn't come out. He chickened out. He wanted to tell Luc he liked him. A lot. What's the point?' he thought. Our paths will never cross again. Enjoy the moment. Nothing more.'

It's a shame that he didn't say it out loud as Luc had been feeling the same way. Somehow, in the short time they'd spent together, both had felt that they'd known each other for years. Amidst the beauty and wonder of Athens, without an exchange of words, it was becoming more clear that a tension simmered between them, a longing. Neither of them could clearly articulate it but with each gaze, a lingering touch on the skin signified their growing attraction to each other. It felt like a magnetic pull was drawing them closer with each passing moment.

And then, all too soon, the days of freedom came to an end. Both men had to part, needing to get on with the business that they were in the city for. Nikos had to attend to matters related to the family business and for Luc, his presentation. Both felt ready for what was ahead professionally, but felt a certain sadness that the imminent end to their time together was near.

Nikos and Luc decided to meet for dinner the last night they were in the city together. The small, intimate restaurant was tucked away from the bustling heart of Athens, a hidden gem known only to locals. Soft, amber lighting cast a warm glow over the rustic wooden tables, and the low hum of conversation filled the air, blending seamlessly with the faint strains of traditional Greek music playing in the background.

Nikos and Luc arrived simultaneously, their eyes locking in a silent acknowledgment of the unspoken connection they had been nurturing. Nikos, dressed in all black ensemble that accentuated his lean, athletic build, looked every bit the picture of a confident stud. Luc, in an impeccably tailored blue suit, exuded a refined sophistication that was impossible to ignore. They exchanged a lingering glance as Nikos held the door open, his hand resting lightly on the small of Luc's back, sending a shiver of anticipation through both of them.

This feels like a date,' Luc thought. I've done worse,' he grinned to himself knowing he'd never been in the presence of a more handsome man.

"This place is wonderful," Luc remarked as they were seated, his voice low and thick with desire. "My uncle used to run this place," Nikos replied, his fingers grazing Luc's hand as he spoke. "I've been coming here most of my life. The new owners are doing a great job. It's so tucked away... intimate."

Luc shivered at the touch, a spark of electricity passing between them. He took Nikos's hand and held it, their eyes meeting across the small table. For a moment, the world outside ceased to exist. The busy streets of Athens, the pressures of their work, all faded into the background. There was only the two of them, suspended in a moment of pure, unadulterated connection.

Their conversation flowed effortlessly, moving from light banter to deeper, more personal topics. There was an intensity in their exchange, a palpable energy that neither could ignore. Nikos's fingers traced patterns on the back of Luc's hand as they spoke, each touch sending a thrill through Luc's body. Their gazes locked and lingered, silent words passing between them, full of longing. The tension was a living thing, coiling tighter with each shared glance, each accidental brush of skin against skin.

As the evening progressed, the wine flowed freely, loosening their inhibitions and deepening their connection. They leaned in closer, their voices dropping to hushed whispers, their faces inches apart. Nikos could feel the heat radiating from Luc's body, could see the way his blue eyes darkened with desire. He wanted to reach out, to bridge the small distance that still separated them, but something held him back. The fear of breaking the spell, of losing the fragile, beautiful moment they had created.

Finally, the server approached, bringing their drinks and interrupting the charged silence between them. Both men looked up, slightly flustered, caught in the intensity of their own emotions. They quickly ordered and then resumed their conversation, the momentary disruption only serving to heighten the tension.

Luc took a sip of his wine, his eyes never leaving Nikos's face. "I've really enjoyed spending time with you," he said softly. "You've been a welcome distraction." Nikos smiled, his heart pounding in his chest. "The pleasure's been all mine, Luc."

The moment stretched out, charged with unspoken words and unfulfilled desire. Nikos opened his mouth to speak, but the words wouldn't come. Instead, he stood, his chair scraping softly against the wooden floor. He walked around the table, his eyes never leaving Luc's. "Please stand," he said quietly.

Luc rose, his heart racing. They stood facing each other, the tension between them almost unbearable. Nikos reached out, his hand trembling slightly as he touched Luc's cheek. Then, slowly, he leaned in, his lips brushing against Luc's in a kiss that was both tentative and intense.

Luc responded instantly, his arms wrapping around Nikos, pulling him closer. The kiss deepened, their mouths opening, tongues dueling in a passionate dance. It was a kiss filled with passion, a desperate attempt to capture the fleeting moments they had left together. Their bodies pressed against each other, the heat and intensity of their embrace blocking out everything else.

In that moment, nothing else mattered. Not the crowded restaurant, not the curious glances from other diners. It was just them, lost in a kiss that spoke of all the things they couldn't put into words. It was a kiss that promised more, that hinted at the depths of their connection or what it could be given the chance, and left them both breathless.

The kiss lingered, drawing out the moment until they finally broke apart, both breathing heavily. The world around them slowly came back into focus, the sounds of the restaurant and the soft clinking of silverware filling the air. Nikos's face was flushed, his eyes bright with desire, and Luc's heart pounded in his chest, his pulse racing.

Nikos cleared his throat, trying to compose himself. "That was..." he began, but Luc interrupted him with a gentle smile.

"The best kiss I've ever had," Luc finished, echoing Nikos's unspoken thought. They both laughed softly, a shared relief in their laughter, breaking the tension but not the connection.

The server returned with their food, and they sat down, their hands still occasionally touching, their eyes frequently meeting across the table. The conversation flowed more easily now, a playful energy between them as they shared stories and jokes, savouring each other's company.

As they finished their meal, Luc leaned back in his chair, his gaze never leaving Nikos's face. "Will you spend the night with me?" he asked, his voice low and filled with a mixture of hope and fear.

Nikos looked at him, a thousand thoughts racing through his mind. He wanted nothing more than to say yes, to lose himself in the man sitting in front of him, but he knew the reality they faced. "No," he said softly, seeing the flash of disappointment in Luc's eyes. "I won't because then I'd never let you go. You have a life in France and you're leaving tomorrow. I already like you more than I should. I knew this..."

Luc reached across the table, taking Nikos's hand in his. "But it doesn't have to be like that, you know," he said, his voice filled with emotion. "I've never felt so aligned with another person in my life. You've got me feeling some kinda way. I don't know..." Luc trailed off, the words catching in his throat.

Nikos squeezed his hand, his eyes filled with understanding. "The night isn't over, you know," he said, his voice soft but filled with a mischievous edge. "Let's grab a bottle of wine and find someplace private to... make out some more. You're a good kisser."

Luc laughed, the tension easing slightly. "I meant it when I said that kiss was incredible. If you do other things just as well as that, then I'm in big trouble, Nikos."

Nikos grinned, standing up and pulling Luc to his feet. "We'll make the best of the rest of our time together, Luc. I'm happy that I got to know you."

They left the restaurant, hand in hand, and wandered through the quiet streets of Athens. The city was a different world at night, the ancient ruins illuminated by soft lights, casting long shadows on the cobblestone streets. They walked in comfortable silence, the night air cool against their skin.

Eventually, they found a secluded park, a small oasis of greenery in the heart of the city. They settled on a patch of grass, the stars shining brightly above them. Luc sat with his back against a tree, and Nikos settled between his legs, leaning back against his chest. Luc wrapped his arms around Nikos, holding him close, their bodies fitting together perfectly.

"This feels nice," Nikos whispered, his voice barely audible in the stillness of the night. Luc licked Nikos's ear playfully, causing him to shiver and turn his head to capture Luc's lips in another deep, passionate kiss. Their tongues tangled, the kiss growing more intense as they lost themselves in each other. Luc's hands roamed over Nikos's chest, feeling the hard muscles beneath his shirt, and Nikos moaned softly into the kiss. They broke apart, both breathing heavily, and Luc rested his forehead against Nikos's.

Their quiet conversation flowed effortlessly, their shared love for art, architecture, and travel bridging the gap between their different backgrounds. They spoke of their favorite artists, their most memorable travel experiences, and the hidden gems they had discovered along the way.

With each passing minute, their connection deepened, their laughter mingling with the rhythmic hum of traffic in the distance. Nikos found himself captivated by Luc's wit and intellect, while Luc admired Nikos's passion and sincerity. They spoke of their careers and dreams for the future. Lulls in the conversation were natural and the silence between them were just as expressive and meaningful as the words exchanged.

Time slipped away and before ether knew it, the sun was rising. Both felt a brief moment of panic and realized their time together was nearly up. "I think I need to go," Luc yawned.

"I'll come with you and take you to the train. Full service with this guy," Nikos chuckled, trying to hide his disappointment. "Come on then," Luc said as he stood and helped Nikos to his feet. Nikos's eyes were wet and Luc instinctively pulled him into an embrace. They were glued to each other for what felt like centuries, but was more like a minute. Finally they peeled apart from each other and made their way to Luc's hotel so he could collect himself.

Packing was a relatively quick affair and Luc had everything ready to go. "We have a few minutes, do you want to lie down? You look tired," Luc said. "I'd love to, but I'll fall asleep if I do. And I'm sure housekeeping wouldn't be too thrilled to find a sleeping gorilla in the bed after you check out," Nikos scoffed. "Gorilla, huh? Let's see about that," Luc said as he leaned into Nikos and busted open his shirt to inspect.

This man was a beast. Hair and muscles everywhere. Bulging in all the right spots. `I need this man in me. He's beautiful,' Luc thought. He actually drooled. Nikos saw that and had a big laugh at Luc's expense. He brought his face close to Luc, looked him in the eye and licked the drool right from the corner of his mouth. "You're..." Luc started and was immediately silenced by Nikos's lips clamping down on his. If this was going to be the last time they saw each other, Nikos was going to see to it that this kiss would be the one to remember.

Just as suddenly as it started, the kiss stopped. Luc looked at Nikos like he was in a trance. "We should get going," Nikos said as he gave Luc a quick peck on the lips and smacked...groped his ass. "Nice," he leered. Luc was speechless but he smiled at Nikos and guided the two of them out of the room. To the train station. To the airport. Back to life. Or something like it.

The inevitable moment arrived when the actual goodbye had to happen. As they stood on the platform of the train station, the weight of impending separation hung heavy in the air.

"I wish we had more time," Nikos confessed, his voice tinged with regret as he gazed into Luc's eyes. Gone was the self-assuredness that was on display a few moments ago.

"Me too," Luc replied, his expression filled with longing. "But I promise, Nikos, this is not goodbye. It's just until we meet again." And with a final, lingering embrace, Luc boarded the train, disappearing into the distance as Nikos watched him go, his heart heavy with the weight of their parting.

Next: Chapter 2

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