Luc & Nikos

By hypotenusej

Published on Jul 7, 2024


Back for round 2. Let me know what you think - good or bad. Hit me up at


Luc & Nikos 02

After parting ways at the train station in Athens, Nikos and Luc found themselves consumed by thoughts of each other. Their short time together in Athens lingered in their minds like a sweet melody. Despite the physical distance that separated them, they spoke frequently.

Nikos threw himself into his work, immersing himself in the day-to-day responsibilities of his family's business while simultaneously wrestling with the weight of his newfound emotions. Even though he had a huge family around him, frustratingly all the time it seemed, and as much as he loved them, they weren't really all that close.

The constant conversation around when Nikos was going to settle down and start a family with a `nice Greek girl' was growing tiresome. He deflected as best as he could but his parents' expectation of what his life would look like was clear. He'd be married and he'd sire an army of children, regardless of whether or not that's what he wanted for his life.

He had previously resigned himself to be either unhappily married or, even more disappointingly, a confirmed bachelor. Now with Luc in his life, albeit hundreds of kilometres away, Nikos started imagining a different future for himself. A happy one. A not lonely one. This set of life decisions wouldn't go well with his ultra conservative family. Complications. To cope, he learned to enjoy his own company. And his work. At least his calls and video chats with Luc served as a much needed relief from the routine.

Meanwhile, Luc returned to Marseilles, where he also threw himself into his work. He channeled his energy into designing and creating beauty amidst the hustle and bustle of the city. Architecture always kept him grounded. It was his life's work. It brought him happiness that people seemingly couldn't, until he met Nikos. That man was electric and made Luc happy.

As the days turned into weeks, and the weeks turned into months, Nikos and Luc found themselves grappling with the growing intensity of their feelings. As they found themselves consumed by thoughts of each other, their conversations grew increasingly intimate, their words a balm to their weary souls. Late-night phone calls turned into marathon sessions, as they spoke of their dreams and fears to each other in the quiet darkness of the night.

"I can't stop thinking about you," Nikos confessed, his voice barely above a whisper as he lay in bed, staring up at the ceiling.

"Me neither," Luc replied, his voice soft and filled with longing. "Every moment apart feels like an eternity."

Their friends and family began to notice a change in them, a subtle shift in their demeanour.

Antoine, Luc's business partner and his closest friend, was conflicted. Luc's work had never been better. He was crushing it with clients, and the firm was the most profitable it had ever been. But something about Luc's being had shifted. One evening, as they sat together in Luc's office overlooking the streets of Marseilles, Antoine broached the subject with Luc, his heart heavy with apprehension.

"Another late one for us," Antoine said. "It's easy to lose track of time when you're knee deep in work you love. You should go home, through. I can handle this in my own," Luc suggested.

"Not a chance, Luc. I'm here with you," Antoine paused and continued "there's something that's been on my mind and I don't know how to ask. You've changed somehow - I can't put my finger on it. Your work is amazing. You're just as kind as I've always known you to be, but it feels like you're on autopilot. You're hitting your marks, but it's without passion. What's going on with you? Are you dying?"

"I've never known you to be this dramatic, Antoine. No, I'm not dying. Thanks for your concern," Luc scowled. He needed to confide in someone and who better than his best friend? "There's something I need to tell you, Antoine," Luc began, his voice hesitant as he struggled to find the right words. "I've been keeping something from you. It's been weighing heavily on my mind."

Antoine's brow furrowed in concern as he observed the turmoil in Luc's eyes. "What is it, Luc?" he asked, his tone gentle yet insistent. "You know you can tell me anything."

"We're tight but we don't talk much about personal stuff, feelings, things like that. I don't know. That's not our relationship," Luc said. With nervousness, Antoine replied "maybe we should start." He didn't know where this was going.

Taking a deep breath, Luc forged ahead, his heart pounding in his chest as he prepared to reveal the truth. "I met someone in Athens," he confessed, his voice barely above a whisper. "His name is Nikos, and he's... he's kind of everything to me."

Antoine's eyes widened in surprise, a myriad of emotions flickering across his face as he processed Luc's revelation. "I had no idea," he admitted, his voice tinged with hurt. It was a punch to the gut. "You've been so distant lately, like you've been hiding something from me. This is big."

Luc reached out, placing a reassuring hand on Antoine's arm. "I'm sorry, Antoine," he apologized, his voice thick with emotion. "I didn't mean to shut you out. But Nikos... he's different. He makes me feel alive in a way I've never felt before."

Antoine's expression was strained. He wanted Luc to be saying things like this about him. He was jealous, but quickly realized that Luc was right - they didn't share feelings. How could he have known that he had any sort of romantic interest in him? `Suck it up. Be the friend he needs you to be,' Antoine thought. He took a deep breath and swallowed hard. And his expression softened as he listened to Luc's words, a mixture of understanding and sadness in his eyes.

"I can't pretend that this doesn't hurt, Luc," he confessed, his voice tinged with vulnerability. "But I care about you too much to stand in the way of your happiness."

"Stand in the way of my happiness?" Luc asked, raising his eyebrows. "What..."

"Never mind," Antoine interjected. He'd been harbouring feelings for Luc for some time, but never acted on them out of fear of messing things up between them. He figured it was best to leave that stone unturned for the time being. Antoine teared up and continued. "Have you told him how you feel?"

"We've been talking for hours every day for months now, how could he not know?"

"Some guys do better with directness. Maybe he needs you to speak your feelings. Explicitly," Antoine said.

"What good would that do? I've got my life here, he's got his life in Athens. It'd never work," Luc said as he cradled his head in his hands. He ran his fingers through his hair and looked up at Antoine, waiting expectantly for some wise words. He always knew the right things to say to walk him off a ledge.

"It seems," Antoine started "that this whole silly notion that `it won't work' died a long time ago. If it won't work, why're you wasting your time having all this phone sex? Is that what pleases you these days?"

"We're not having phone sex," Luc said curtly. "Sure you're not," Antoine replied with a sly grin.

"Okay, fine. We have," Luc folded his arms across his chest. "He's good at it. It helps take the edge off."

"So tell him how you feel and tell him to get his ass to Marseilles and show you what you mean to him. Time for both of you to dip your pens in the ink."


Antoine sighed, "you know, spend time together. Have in real life sex. Maybe it'll help you two figure things out. It could help you two see that you have a physical connection as well as an emotional one. Or not."

"How do you know we don't?"

"You can only tell so much from hugging and kissing, Luc. And that was months ago. You're not a child. You've only actually spent like three days together. If he doesn't drive you nuts and can make you cum without touching yourself, hold on for dear life."

"Seriously?" Luc said incredulously.

"Yes, seriously. Spend time together to see if you're compatible. You're living in a fantasy right now."

Luc sighed as he ran his fingers through his hair. "I suppose you're making a good point."

"Don't I always?" Antoine smirked. "And find out if he has any eligible friends. Or brothers..." his eyes widened and continued "have you met his father?!"

"Antoine! Calm down," Luc chided. He grinned and continued "I'm learning so much about you today... Nice to learn about your daddy fetish."

"Pfft daddy fetish. Not even. I just like my men sturdy," Antoine quipped. "What does that even mean?" Luc rolled his eyes and continued "I've not met his family, but to be honest, I don't think they'd be a very welcoming group. Based on what Nikos has said, they're not the most open minded..."

"Oh," Antoine frowned. "Does that make a difference to you?"

"Not really for me. Even when they were alive, I wasn't terribly close with my parents. And my brother has lived abroad for decades, so it's not like I'm yearning for `family,' you know?" Luc shook his head and smiled at Antoine. "Anyway, you're my family."


"You wouldn't have it any other way, Antoine. I love you."

Antoine's eyes softened, feeling his hurt and jealousy somewhat dissipating. "I love you too, Luc. Just promise me you'll figure this out. You deserve to be happy." Feeling comforted, Luc nodded. "I will. Thanks, Antoine." Antoine made the difficult decision to step back and allow Luc the space he needed to explore his feelings for Nikos.

Luc decided that he needed to speak with Nikos, preferably in person. He figured that a discussion about a potential future together isn't best had over the phone.

"What's the week looking like for you, handsome?" Nikos asked one night. "Work. Deadlines. How about you?"

"Same as you. Mostly work, though I might make it to an art show with some friends this week. Modern stuff. I think you'd like it. Want to come?" Nikos chuckled knowing Luc's answer. "I wish. I'd love to be with you again. Talking on the phone only goes so far, right?"

"I know. We'll figure something out. Soon. Please."

Barely a week after this conversation, fate intervened. Nikos found himself on a business trip to Marseilles and he was wrestling with whether to let Luc know of his plans or if he should surprise him. He decided to go with the latter approach and made no mention of his upcoming trip to Luc. This proved to be more difficult than he thought it'd be as, at this point, they spoke freely and candidly about everything, making efforts to not keep anything from one another. This was a different story. A bit of deception here was worthwhile, Nikos rationalized.

The trip from Athens to Marseilles was long, but relatively painless. Nikos made his way out of the airport and into the centre of the city by mid afternoon. Luc would still be at the office, so his destination was set. As he walked along the weathered streets of the historic city, Nikos was mesmerized by its beauty. He'd have time to admire the scenery later, he was on a mission. He walked up to the door of Luc's office and wandered in. In the best French he could muster, Nikos asked the receptionist, a pretty woman, to see Luc.

"Is Monsieur Deschamps expecting you?" She scanned her monitor "he doesn't appear to have any appointments this afternoon."

"He isn't and I don't, but I trust he'd want to see me."

"Is that so? What is your name?"

"Nikolaos Chronis. I go by Nikos."

A gentleman came out of his office as Nikos was announcing himself. He gave him a once over. `Wow. I can see what Luc sees in this guy.' He walked over to Nikos and stuck out his hand for a shake.

"I'm Antoine. You're looking for Luc?"

Stuttering, realizing who this man staring at him was, Nikos introduced himself to Antoine. "Luc has said wonderful things about you."

"Mostly lies, I'm sure," Antoine chuckled, "he doesn't know you're here?"

"No, I had to make a last minute trip; I didn't get a chance to tell him. Surprises are good, right?"

"For most? Yes. For Luc? Ehhhhhhh..." Antoine smirked, "this is going to be good. I'll take you to him. Follow me, Nikos." The two men marched to the end of a long and tall corridor. Antoine let himself in and gestured for Nikos to follow. Luc was hidden behind a wall of monitors, unaware of his visitors.

Antoine loudly cleared his throat to get Luc's attention. "Luc, you busy?"

"When am I not?" Luc smiled to himself. "I always have time for you, Antoine."

"Liar." Luc looked at Antoine warmly; he almost didn't see the second figure in the room. He looked in Antoine's direction again and did a double take. His heart started racing and his palms got sweaty. `No way,' he thought. He focused his eyes on the beautiful dark haired man standing next to Antoine.

Luc rose and jumped over his desk and ran to the two men. "Hi..." Luc flung himself into Nikos's arms. Their lips met. The kiss was like their first and last time. Electric. Passionate. Ravenous. Their tongues battled seeking dominance and submission. A perfect union. The men devoured each other as Antoine watched on.

"It's been a pleasure meeting you Nikos. Luc, you're done for the day. Work will be here tomorrow." Luc waved Antoine off, not letting his lips leave Nikos's. Antoine saw himself out, a bit sad but smiling inwardly.

The men disengaged. Luc's forehead rested on Nikos's, their chests glued and arms wrapped around each other. Holding on for dear life. "What are you doing here?"

"I came to see you," Nikos smiled. "What took you so long?" Luc teasingly asked.

"I should have come sooner. It's been too long. I should have..." Luc cut him off and smiled "it doesn't matter, Nikos. You're here now. For how long?"

"I wasn't completely honest with you. I'm here for work. It's perfectly circumstantial that where I need to be is where you are..." Nikos looked at Luc sheepishly and continued "I hope you're not upset with me."

"Upset with you? Are you nuts?"

"Antoine said you don't like surprises..." Nikos said in a whisper. "He might be right about that in general. However," Luc paused and looked into Nikos's eyes "you're a surprise that's always welcome." Nikos smiled and kissed Luc deeply.

"If you don't stop that, I'll be forced to rip the clothes right off of you," Luc said. "This is a bad thing, how? I can always buy new."

"Come on, let's get out of here. I'm not fucking you for the first time on my desk."

"What about the chaise?" Nikos smiled wickedly and pointed to the piece across the room. "You and that beautiful body of yours, Nik, will become well acquainted with this room, rest assured," Luc said as the gave Nikos a quick peck and continued, "I want to feel you in me." Nikos growled and placed Luc's hand on his hardening cloth sheathed cock. "This is what you do to me. You think you can take it?"

Luc wrapped his hand around Nikos and stroked his full length; Nikos returned the favour and felt Luc's cock through his suit pants. Both men moaned in pleasure.

"I will take everything you give me, Nikos, and I will give you everything I have in return," Luc growled in Nikos's ear. "How does that sound?"

Nikos moaned in affirmation. "Your ass will be mine." "As will yours be mine." Both men continued kissing and rubbing up on one another. The friction and heat between the two, fully clothed, writhing bodies were pulsating with waves of immense pleasure.

"I'm close," Nikos hoarsely said. "You should stop..."

"No. This feels amazing, Nikos." Their pent up desire had a significant effect on both men and they willingly gave into the sensations coursing through their bodies.

"Luc..." Nikos whined. His body started spasming - shooting a torrent of cum into his tight briefs. "Oh yeah, Nikos, cum for me," Luc growled as his lover unloaded.

Nikos's orgasm triggered Luc's. "Yesss, I'm there," Luc moaned and slumped into Nikos while his shivering body unleashed volley after volley of cum in his underwear. It took a few minutes for the men to recover. Luc kissed Nikos on the forehead and grabbed onto and kneaded his firm ass. "Mine." Nikos chuckled. "That was incredible, Luc."

Just imagine how much better it will be without all of these clothes on," Luc replied. "I kind of liked that part..."

"Yeah? Anything in particular that does it for you?" Luc asked. "Suits and underwear I like the best. But I like everything I've seen you in. Your clothes fit you so well. Perfectly tailored. You're a dream," Nikos smiled as he felt up Luc's tight upper body.

"I got you, Nik." Luc winked and kissed Nikos. "Let's get out of here."

"Are you sure? I think we have a problem," looking down at the mess both men made in their pants. "I don't know... it's nothing that a briefcase can't disguise," Luc challenged. "No one will notice. And even if they do, they won't say anything." Both men laughed and made their way out of Luc's office.

It was a beautiful evening out, so the men decided to venture down to the waterfront. They found a charming cafe overlooking the bustling port of Marseilles. Luc and Nikos sat and looked at each other contentedly. There was a sense of familiarity that bordered on the surreal, Nikos and Luc held hands, feeling that their connection was stronger than ever before.

"You didn't answer before; how long will you stay here?" Luc asked. "You didn't let me get that far," he smiled. "Urgent matters came up that seemed to require our immediate attention," Nikos blushed and sheepishly smiled. "I'm here for a week."

"Where are you staying?"

"I've got a hotel not too far from here," Nikos said. "I didn't want to be presumptuous."

"How kind," Luc said wryly. "You should stay with me." Nikos stared at Luc intently. "I don't want to put you out or force myself into your world. I just wanted to see you..."

"Too late, Nikos. You're already in my world and I'd be upset if I had to spend more time apart from you than needed. Especially when we're in the same city!" Luc explained. "Bashfulness doesn't suit that handsome face of yours. And more importantly, you don't really have a say in the matter. I have lots of space to share and you're always welcome," Luc looked at Nikos expectantly, who chuckled in response.

"How could I refuse an offer like that? Thank you Luc."

"We've been hoping for a chance to be together again. You beat me to it and made it happen. I've got to thank you," Luc took hold of Nikos's hand and his foot rubbed up against his leg underneath the table. Nikos's body stiffened at Luc's touch. He loved the attention Luc was paying him, as simple as it was. The effect on Nikos's body was immediate and he returned the gesture in kind. Nikos started stroking Luc's leg underneath the table. Starting at his knee, with a light touch, Nikos applied more pressure and slowly massaged to his upper thigh, stopping just short of his bulge.

"You're... that... feels so good, Nikos," Luc sighed.

"Just a preview for later." Both men were rock hard, and Luc's hands started massaging Nikos. They continued their conversation as if nothing was happening below.

"The timing of your arrival here couldn't be better. You remember that presentation I had to give when I was in Athens?" Nikos nodded. "The client just notified us that they selected our firm for the project," Luc said proudly.

"Really? That's great news! You're going to get to design a new building for the Architecture School. Incredible. I couldn't be prouder," Nikos beamed. "Wait. Does this mean you'll be a frequent visitor to my side of the Mediterranean?" Nikos excitedly asked.

"It would seem so," Luc chuckled. Nikos was thrilled at the prospect of getting more time with this man. He flagged the server and ordered a bottle of champagne. "This is cause for celebration, no?"

"Let's not get too ahead of ourselves. I haven't done anything yet," Luc sighed. "Don't sell yourself short. I've seen your work and know what you're capable of. You're so talented. I get that it'll be a lot of work and you'll have a lot of late nights. But you've got this. You are incredible," Nikos said and Luc face turned a deep shade of red. He didn't take compliments well, but felt the genuineness of Nikos's words.

A bottle of champagne and two glasses arrived at their table. The server popped the cork and poured for the men. Nikos turned to the server and thanked him. He turned to face Luc and offered a toast "to your continued success and bright future." They raised a glass and took a sip, each looking the other directly in the eyes while doing so.

"Thank you, Nikos. You're too generous. Work is nothing if there isn't anyone there to share the achievements with. I want..." Luc paused, collecting his thoughts. "I want that bright future to include you, Nik." Nikos smiled. He was wholly enamoured with the man sitting next to him. He put his arm around Luc and kissed his cheek, "it would be my honour to stand with you for as long as you'll let me."

They decided to leave the cafe as the sun finished setting. Luc's apartment was nearby. The men walked briskly knowing that once they arrived, they'd be able to finally share the physical intimacy that both had been craving since they met. As soon as they were in the building, Luc had his hands all over Nikos. They kissed, groped, and touched all the way up the six flights of stairs leading to Luc's apartment. Luc managed to unlock the door and get the two of them inside. Nikos slammed the door shut behind them and pinned Luc to the wall in the foyer.

Their lips met in a fervent kiss, their tongues intertwining in a dance of desire as they lost themselves in each other's embrace. With every touch, every caress, their bodies ignited with a primal need that could only be sated by the touch of each other's skin. Nikos took off his suit jacket and started unbuttoning his shirt. Luc took hold of his hands and stopped him. "The pleasure of undressing you will be mine."

Luc lazily unbuttoned Nikos's shirt and slid it off of him. His eyes drank in the body in front of him. Strong, virile, tight, and incredibly hairy. Luc ran his hands through Nikos's chest hair, massaging his pecs, "I love this," he moaned. His hands roamed freely, tracing the contours of muscle and sinew with a reverence born of desire and lust.

Luc lowered his head and took a nipple in his mouth and started licking and sucking it. Nikos moaned loudly and whined "Yessss... Bite it. Please." Luc obliged and started squeezing the other, hard, with his fingers.

Nikos bent down and raised Luc's head to his and their lips met. Nikos's fingers tangled in Luc's hair, pulling him closer as their kisses grew deeper and more desperate. Luc's hands trailed down Nikos's chest, lingering over the planes of his abdomen before continuing to the waist of his pants.

Luc unbuckled Nikos's belt and tossed it aside, "we'll play with that later," Luc winked. Nikos's pants were quickly discarded and Luc's eyes descended to what remained. An incredible stud in calf high dress socks a pair of obscenely small black briefs, which could barely contain the monster inside. Nikos's cock was leaking and Luc needed a taste. He dropped to his knees and looked up at Nikos. "Pease Luc. Take me," he begged.

That was all the encouragement Luc needed. He extracted Nikos's cock from the waistband of his briefs and dove in. Swirling his tongue around the head, then taking that monster further into his mouth, inch by inch, until he hit the root. This was the longest and fattest Luc had ever taken. He felt a burst of pride and continued on his task, worshipping that dick the best he could.

Nikos was steadily moaning and pumping into Luc's mouth, "good... so good... so good... Luc, you're so good." Luc sensed that Nikos might be getting close and pulled away from his cock and started paying attention to his balls, rolling each in his mouth, giving them the attention they commanded. Nikos was revelling in the pleasure and rush of hormones coursing through his body. In all of his life, he's never felt so thoroughly taken care of. No one had ever touched him so tenderly. Most importantly, no one had ever worked his tool the way Luc was: with skill, precision, and passion. He needed to show his partner the same reverence.

Nikos gently pulled Luc from his kneeling position and stood him up, "your turn." Nikos undressed Luc slowly and methodically. Pieces of his clothing were discarded, leaving Luc standing in front of Nikos in a similar state of undress. Luc's body was a marvel. It looked like it was developed through years of hard work. It wasn't a gym sculpted body, but one that drew strength from hard labour. Big strong arms and thick legs. Unlike his own, Luc's body hair was neatly groomed. His mouth watered just looking at him.

Nikos drew Luc close and gently massaged his chest, feeling the tight muscle beneath his luminescent skin. The men's lips were locked as Nikos's As hands moved lower to Luc's package. The baby blue briefs barely concealed a piece of meat that rivalled his own in size. `I got this,' he thought as he sank to his knees and began to work Luc just he had done to him.

Their lovemaking was wild and untamed, a primal expression of their longing. Their desire for each other that was pent up for months was finally being unleashed. They'd long since crumpled into a heap on the floor, allowing them to pleasure each other more comfortably. They moved together with a steady rhythm, luxuriating in the intimacy of the moment, their bodies moving in perfect harmony as they lost themselves in the ecstasy of each other's taste and touch.

Nikos rolled Luc onto his stomach and slowly entered Luc from behind. He put all of his weight onto Luc and wrapped his arms around his chest tightly. They were bound together. Sweat dripped off of his brow and landed on the back of Luc's neck.

"How does it feel?"

"Big... I feel so full. It's perfect. Go. Hard. Make. Me. Feel. I'm. Yours. Ugh..." Luc panted between thrusts. What started as gentle motions slowly gained in intensity. Nikos was slamming his cock into Luc, pulling out just until only the head remained inside of him, then ploughed back in until he was root deep. Over and over. Nikos was claiming Luc's body and driving him insane. "You're mine," he growled into Luc's ear.

"Fuck me, Nikos. Harder." Luc's back arched as Nikos's lips found their way to his neck, peppering it with kisses that sent shivers down his spine. With each touch, each caress, their passion grew more intense, more all-consuming until they were both teetering on the edge of oblivion.

And then, with a cry of release that echoed through the room, they fell over the edge together. Nikos fucked the cum right out of Luc, and as the waves of his orgasm washed through him, it triggered Nikos's own. "Fuck, I'm cumming!"

"Fill me up, Nik," Luc moaned.

Nikos dismounted and rolled onto his back. Luc immediately cuddled into his chest. They were breathing hard. Everything about this experience felt right. Nikos spoke first: "I've never felt anything like how you made me feel tonight, Luc. That was better than I could have ever dreamed. Thank you."

Luc contentedly sighed and said "you know, Antoine once told me that it I ever find someone that could make me cum without touching myself, I should hang onto them. No one's done that before. I should thank you," Nikos kissed the top of Luc's head and hugged him closer.

As they lay spent in each other's arms, their bodies were entwined in a tangle of limbs and sweat drenched skin. "Come on, Nik, let's go to bed. It'll be much more comfortable than the floor." Luc extended his hand to Nikos and helped the spent man up. They gathered the pile of their clothes and made their way to Luc's bedroom.

Both men were ready for sleep and crawled into bed. Nikos cuddled up behind Luc and wrapped his arms around his man. Nikos kissed Luc softly.

"I..." Nikos wanted to tell Luc that he loved him, but thought better of it. `It's too soon,' he thought, "thank you for today, Luc."

"Thank you for being here." Both men lay together. Luc could feel Nikos's heartbeat. As time wore on, their breathing slowed and they fell asleep blissfully in each other's arms. --- As the first rays of dawn filtered through the curtains, Nikos stirred from his slumber, his senses slowly returning to him as he blinked away the remnants of sleep. Disoriented at first, he glanced around the unfamiliar surroundings of Luc's bedroom, his mind struggling to piece together the events of the previous night. And then, like a bolt of lightning, the memories came flooding back to him, washing over him in a wave of emotion. He got hard remembering last night.

With a soft sigh, Nikos sat up in bed, the sheets pooling around his waist as he took in his surroundings. The room was bathed in a warm, golden light, casting long shadows across the floor as the morning sun crept higher in the sky. He could hear the gentle sound of birds chirping outside, a serene backdrop to the tumult of emotions swirling inside him.

And then, as if on cue, Nikos's gaze fell upon the empty space beside him, where Luc had been lying just moments before. Panic fluttered in his chest as he wondered where Luc had gone, his heart pounding in his ears as he searched the room for any sign of him. "Ugh, when did I get this needy? Calm down, buddy," Nikos groaned to himself.

With a sense of urgency propelling him forward, Nikos swung his legs over the side of the bed and rose to his feet, the cool wood floor sending a shiver up his spine. Wrapping a discarded shirt around his shoulders for warmth, he made his way out of the bedroom and into the living area of Luc's apartment.

And there, standing in the soft morning light streaming in through the windows, was Luc, wearing nothing but his underwear as he stood at the kitchen counter, a steaming mug of coffee cradled in his hands as he gazed out at the city below.

For a moment, Nikos simply stood there, mesmerized by the sight of Luc bathed in the soft glow of dawn. "Damn. That ass," he muttered and grinned. "Mine."

His heart swelled with love as he watched the man he had come to cherish more than life itself, his breath catching in his throat as he drank in every detail of Luc's form.

And then, unable to stand back any longer, Nikos stepped forward, closing the distance between them with hesitant footsteps. His heart pounded in his chest as he reached out a trembling hand, his fingers brushing lightly against the warm skin of Luc's back.

Luc turned at the touch, his eyes meeting Nikos's with a mixture of surprise and affection. "Good morning," he greeted softly, his voice like music to Nikos's ears as he set his coffee mug aside and turned to face him fully.

"Good morning," Nikos replied, his voice barely above a whisper as he took in the sight of Luc standing before him. "I... I didn't mean to startle you."

Luc smiled, a warm and genuine expression that made Nikos's heart flutter in his chest. "You didn't," he assured him, reaching out to gently cup his cheek in his hand. "I saw your reflection in the glass," he smiled sweetly. "I'm glad you're here."

Nikos kissed Luc and started, "I was worried, Luc," Nikos confessed, his voice thick with emotion as he struggled to find the words to express the depth of his feelings. "I had hoped that when we're finally together again... that it wouldn't be a disappointment. That I wouldn't disappoint you. That what we had was just a fever dream that we both built up to unachievable expectations. I was scared of losing you and everything we... we thought we had...together."

Luc reached out, pulling Nikos into his arms and holding him close, as if to reassure him that he would never let him go. "I'm here, Nikos," he whispered, his breath warm against Nikos's ear. "I'm not going anywhere. I promise you that you're not a disappointment. To me or anyone. Believe me."

Nikos nodded. "You dicked me good last night," Luc swooned. "But more than that, actually being with you, here, is better than how I dreamed it. It's so much better than anything I..." Luc paused "okay, this might be too soon to say, but I don't care. What I feel for you feels so real. Nothing about our relationship so far has been typical. It's weird. Even though we've known each other for months, we've been together in person for, what, four days?" Luc paused and looked into Nikos's eyes and continued, "I'm closer to you than I've ever been with anyone, and I don't even know if this will work between us... or how,"

Nikos interrupted Luc with a kiss, "you're rambling. What are you getting at?" Luc began, his heart pounding in his chest as he struggled to find the right words. "I want to tell you..."

Nikos's eyes widened in anticipation, his breath catching in his throat as he waited with bated breath for Luc to continue. "What is it, Luc?" he asked softly, his voice barely audible over the pounding of his own heart.

Nikos took a deep breath, steeling himself for what was to come. "I love you, Nikos," he confessed, his voice trembling with emotion as the weight of his words hung heavy in the air between them. "I love you more than anything in this world, and I don't want to imagine my life without you in it. I love you." There. He said it. Three times. And Nikos hadn't run away.

Nikos's eyes welled up. And as they stood there, wrapped in each other's embrace, Nikos knew that no matter what challenges lay ahead, they would face them together, as one. With Luc by his side, he felt as though he could conquer the world. Or at least the small part of it he occupied. Nikos's breath caught in his throat at Luc's declaration, his heart swelling with a flood of emotion as the magnitude of Luc's words washed over him. "Luc," he whispered, his voice thick with tears as he reached out to gently cup Luc's face in his hands. "I love you too. I don't have the words in me to tell you how much." They kissed, their lips meeting in a passionate embrace that spoke volumes more than words ever could.

The men pulled themselves apart. "Do you want a coffee?"

"Yes, please. Black."

"My kind of guy," Luc smiled as he handed Nikos a cup and motioned for him to sit on the terrace. "I'll join you in a minute."

The early morning sun was warm, so neither man was uncomfortable being outdoors nearly naked. Luc came out with a tray of fruit and pastries and set them in front of Nikos, whose mouth watered at the sight.

"Wow, this looks great. When did you have time to get these?"

"I made them this morning while you were still asleep. I didn't want to wake you."

"You made these?" Nikos asked as he took at bite of Luc's home made croissant. "This is so good!"

"I usually keep the dough in the freezer. I like to be a proper host. Well, to guests that matter anyway," Luc said and winked.

"I'm very impressed," Nikos smiled and sipped his coffee. The view as the city awoke was captivating. Luc was captivated by the view of Nikos.

"I want to build a life with you, Nikos," Luc confessed, his voice thick with emotion as he looked into Nikos's eyes with unwavering sincerity. "I want to wake up every morning by your side, to share in the simple pleasures of life together. Like this."

Nikos's heart swelled with love at Luc's words, his eyes brimming with tears as he reached out to gently caress Luc's cheek. "I want that too, Luc," he admitted softly, his voice trembling with emotion. "I want to wake up every morning knowing that you're there, that we're in this together." Even though it was in the early days of their relationship, they spoke of their desire to build a home together, to create a sanctuary where they could retreat from the world, in to each other.

"You can design it!"

"No. We can. Together." Luc smiled.


"We`ll figure that out in time. There's no rush. We still have much to learn about each other."

"Of course. Do you have much planned for today?"

"A bunch of meetings starting at 10. Yourself?"

"Full day behind the computer for me. We should get going so neither of us are late. Oh. Your things are still at the hotel!"

"I can just put on what I was wearing yesterday," Nikos protested.

"No, you can't. Your suit smells like sex. And me," Luc winked. "I like that combination, by the way," Nikos replied, "but you're right."

"Would you mind wearing my clothes? I have some things that'll fit you."

"I can't ask that of you, Luc."

"Nikos, you're not asking. I offered. Come," Luc grabbed Nikos's hand and led him inside. Luc selected a beautiful burgundy suit, with a matching shirt, socks, and underwear. "Monochromatic. You don't need a tie. It'll be too hot today. And the world would benefit from your chest being exposed. What do you think?" Luc winked at Nikos.

"It's gorgeous. Thanks, Luc."

"Of course. Let's get cleaned up and ready." The men made their way to the bathroom, hand in hand. The room was palatial and was befitting of a five star hotel. The shower, large enough to fit a football team, featured a couple of rain head fixtures and no fewer than ten wall jets. Nikos let out a low whistle as his eyes wandered around the room. He was impressed. "This is luxe, Luc. Did you design this?"

"I gutted and renovated the entire apartment when I bought it a few years ago," Luc said as he turned on the shower. The sound of running water filled the room as he reached for the bottles of shampoo and body wash, his movements smooth and practiced.

"Come on, Nik," he said softly, his voice warm with affection as he gestured for Nikos to join him. "Let's get ready for the day." Nikos's heart raced with excitement at the prospect of sharing this intimate moment with Luc, his skin tingling with anticipation as he stepped into the warm spray of water. With a soft sigh of contentment, he closed his eyes, allowing the water to cascade over him, washing away the remnants of sleep leaving him feeling refreshed and invigorated.

As they stood together beneath the gentle stream of water, their hands tenderly roamed over each other's bodies, tracing the contours of their muscles. They moved with a grace and ease that spoke of their connection, their movements synchronized as if they were dancing to a song that only they could hear.

With each touch, their passion grew and consumed them until they were lost in a realm of pleasure, their bodies moving together in perfect harmony. They laughed and teased each other, their voices mingling with the sound of running water as they indulged in the simple joy of being together. Luc reached for the bottle of shampoo, his fingers tangling in Nikos's hair as he gently lathered it with the fragrant suds. The soap smelled of sandalwood and vetiver. Like Luc. Nikos loved his scent. Nikos closed his eyes, his breath catching in his throat as Luc's fingers worked their magic, massaging his scalp with a tenderness that made his heart flutter. And his dick hard, painfully so. Luc grabbed onto it and started stroking Nikos methodically. He dropped to his knees and engulfed his cock. Luc grabbed on to Nikos's ass, massaging the taut muscle as his mouth worked the front. He slipped a finger into Nikos causing him to moan loudly. Emboldened, Luc went deeper and added another finger into his hole, fucking him and pushing him to the brink.

Luc expertly worked over his dick, savouring the taste of his hot flesh and precum. Nikos moaned appreciatively at Luc's efforts, which only spurred him on. Luc lavished attention on the most sensitive spots as he continued to inhale Nikos, who was starting to get close. Luc pulled off briefly and groaned breathlessly, "feed me, Nik." Nikos whimpered and pumped his cock into Luc's mouth, inadvertently fucking himself harder with Luc's fingers. That sent him over the edge, "uh, I'm coming, Luc," and started filling his mouth with thick cream. Luc kept pace with the shooting cock and dutifully tasted and swallowed his seed. Nikos hunched over Luc as his orgasm subsided, rubbing his back.

Luc stood up and embraced Nikos. The men kissed, sharing remnants of Nikos's cum. "That was a great way to start the day," he winked and with a smile of gratitude, Nikos returned the favour, his hands moving with skill, leaving Luc's skin glowing and radiant in the soft light of the morning sun. "I could get used to this."

They lingered in each other's arms, savouring in the intimacy of the moment, knowing soon that they would need to part ways for the day ahead. But for now, in the fleeting moment of bliss, they were content to bask in the warmth of each other's love. As they stepped out of the shower and dried each other off, they felt ready to face the day ahead.

As the men got dressed, Nikos quipped, "I'm going to be hard all day wearing your briefs." "They look really good on you," Luc said as he grabbed the underwear that Nikos was wearing yesterday and shoved them in his briefcase. Nikos raised his eyebrows, "what are you doing?"

"Having this with me today will keep me going until I see you this evening."

"Fuck, you filthy slut."

"Your filthy slut," Luc and Nikos grinned at each other. Nikos swiped Luc's used cum soaked briefs and put them on instead of the fresh ones he'd been given earlier. "I'm sorry, you were calling me filthy?"

"I didn't say it was a bad thing, you know," he winked. The men continued getting dressed and groomed. "This suit fits you perfectly, Nikos. You look so good."

"Thanks! You look like a dream." Luc smiled as he smoothed the fabric of his tan suit. He asked "will you come by the office when you're done today? You can work next to me if you need to."

"That's a good idea. I'll stop by the hotel and get my things first."

"Perfect." Luc and Nikos kissed and made their way out into the city.

Next: Chapter 3

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