Luc & Nikos

By hypotenusej

Published on Aug 11, 2024


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Thanks for sticking with me & this story. I hope you are starting to love the boys as much as I do. Let me know what you think of the story - good or bad. Feedback or suggestions are always welcome. Here's Chapter 6. Let's go.


Luc & Nikos 06

Nikos stood on the balcony of Luc's apartment, gazing out over the vibrant cityscape of Marseilles. The sun dipped low on the horizon, casting a warm, golden glow over the terracotta rooftops and the shimmering Mediterranean. He had been in this new city for weeks, and while the initial excitement of the move had carried him through the first few days, he now found himself grappling with a profound sense of listlessness.

Gone were the relentless demands of the business world and his family that had defined his life in Athens. The sense of purpose that had once driven him seemed to have vanished. His former career, with all its pressures and expectations, had been stripped away, leaving a void that he struggled to fill. Nikos wandered the streets of Marseilles, exploring the winding alleys, the bustling markets, and the serene waterfront. Yet, despite the city's beauty and vitality, he felt adrift, uncertain of his place in this new world.

The move represented a fresh start, a chance to leave behind the pain and turmoil of his previous life and embrace a brighter future with Luc by his side. Yet. The lingering sense of uncertainty persisted. A fear of the unknown cast a shadow over his newfound optimism. That nagging feeling of being aimless. He'd always had responsibilities. This was the first time in his life where he was free to explore. Or do nothing. The lack of constraints were both jarring and freeing. He wasn't sure which angle frightened him more.

Luc was a constant source of support and love, but even his presence couldn't entirely dispel the cloud of doubt that hung over Nikos. He longed to shed the constraints of his past and find a new vocation. Something that would honour the monumentality of his rebirth. The freedom to choose his own path was both exhilarating and terrifying, and the weight of that decision pressed heavily on him.

Despite his reservations, Nikos threw himself into acclimating to his new surroundings. He found the vibrant energy of the city inspiring, its streets and colourful markets a welcome distraction from the lingering memories of his difficult past. He wasn't faking his was through or lying to anyone about his life anymore. He found comfort in his ability to exist truthfully and authentically. There weren't any ghosts lurking in the shadows here.

As an added boost, his body's recovery accelerated since the move. He felt stronger and had more endurance every day. It was an amazing feeling to be able to confidently care for Luc in the way he believed he should be cared for. That he was finally able to be in a position to reciprocate Luc's own generosity was huge to Nikos.

--- One crisp morning, as he wandered through a quiet, sun-dappled park, Nikos found himself drawn to a small, vibrant art studio nestled among the trees. The building was alive with colour. Its walls were adorned with murals and its windows offered glimpses of canvases and sculptures within. Intrigued, he stepped inside, the scent of paint and clay filling his senses, and was greeted by a kind, elderly artist who welcomed him warmly.

As he explored the studio, Nikos felt a familiar spark reignite within him. He had always been passionate about art, but his family's expectations had steered him away from that path. Now, standing in this creative haven, he felt a surge. A deep yearning to reclaim a lost part of himself. He spent hours in the studio, talking with the artist, watching others work, and feeling the joy and freedom that art brought to their lives.

"My name's Felix. You know, we just lost a resident. If you're interested, you're welcome to join us."

"Me?" Nikos gestured at himself. "I'm not an artist. I appreciate good work, but I'm not really a creator," he shrugged.

"Nonsense!" Felix wheezed. "All you have to do is try. We'll give you a family discount on the rent."

"You're the owner of this place?"

"No. I'm responsible for roping in new talent. There's something about you, kid. I think you can do something good here," Felix said, staring deep into Nikos's eyes. "Anyway, a young cranky guy runs this place. He's at his gallery today, but he won't mind you being here." Nikos took a moment to consider the man's offer. It wasn't like he had anything else on his plate, and at worst, he'd be out a few bucks if it didn't work out. `How bad could it be?' He chuckled as he shook the man's hand.

"I'd be happy to join. Don't get your hopes up. I have no idea what I'm doing."

Felix let out a loud laugh and clapped his arm. "None of us do. It's usually a charmed stroke of serendipity that brings about success. And hard work. Who knows? There's no formula to any of this," he explained as he gesticulated wildly.

In the days that followed, Nikos returned to the studio, tentatively at first, but with growing enthusiasm. He began to experiment with different mediums, discovering the joy of creation. His hands, still weak from his injuries, found solace in the act of molding clay, sketching, and painting. The process was healing, both physically and emotionally, and with each passing day, his confidence grew. He felt a renewed sense of purpose.

While Nikos had always been drawn to the tactile nature of art, it wasn't until his arrival in Marseilles that he found himself truly immersed in the creative process. He'd never had the chance before. He worked ferociously; almost as if he was possessed. He sketched ideas with whatever material was within reach until the fragments started coming together. He began experimenting with a series of mixed-media pieces that eventually captured the attention of Felix.

One piece, in particular, stood out--a striking amalgamation of clay, metal, and paint. Nikos had crafted an abstract sculpture. Its form an intricate dance of flowing lines and geometric shapes. The piece was an exploration of transformation, symbolizing his own journey from the constraints of his past to the freedom of his new beginning. The sculpture featured smooth, rounded forms intertwined with raw metal rods, creating a dynamic interplay between softness and rigidity. Hints of vibrant colours--deep blues, fiery oranges, and lush greens--were applied with deliberate strokes, adding a sense of movement and energy.

The sculpture was more than just a physical creation; it was imbued with emotion and personal significance. Nikos had spent countless hours shaping the clay, feeling each curve and edge under his fingers. He poured his feelings of liberation and hope into the work. The metal rods, twisted and bent, represented the struggles and barriers he had faced, while the colours symbolized the new possibilities and joys that lay ahead. The result was a piece that was both visually arresting and deeply resonant. It was a reflection of his own complex journey and the promise of a new future.

Felix, who had been observing Nikos's progress with growing interest, was captivated by the sculpture's emotional depth and technical prowess. The way Nikos had seamlessly integrated different materials, creating a harmonious yet striking contrast, demonstrated a unique vision and a profound understanding of form and expression. The sculpture was not only technically impressive but also told a compelling story, making it a powerful and evocative work of art.

"Are you sure you're new at this?" The man asked. Nikos shrugged and offered a shy smile. "I don't know. I just started playing... and this happened."

"It's exquisite, Nikos."

"Thank you," he beamed, his heart pounding in his chest. He felt proud of what he'd accomplished in a relatively short time and was excited to see where this path took him. His mind raced. Thoughts of what to do next were so loud he didn't even realize Felix was still speaking to him.

"So what do you think?"

"Huh?" Nikos shook his head and stared intently. "I'm sorry, I missed that."

"Apparently. As I was saying," he continued with a proposition to exhibit his work. Nikos was overwhelmed with a mix of disbelief and exhilaration. The validation of his efforts, after months of uncertainty and struggle, was both a relief and a triumph. Felix's recognition felt like a poignant affirmation of his choice to embrace art, a confirmation that he was on the right path. Nikos's thoughts were a whirlwind of emotion. He reflected on the journey that had led him to this moment-- pain and loss. The struggle to find his place. The immense leap of faith it took to uproot his life and reinvent himself. The opportunity to exhibit his work felt like a culmination of all those experiences. A chance to share his story and his newfound passion with the world. It was a significant milestone, a beacon of hope that illuminated the potential of his new life.

In a quiet moment of contemplation, Nikos felt a profound sense of gratitude. He was grateful for Luc's unwavering support. For the chance to start anew. For the opportunity to express himself through art. Felix's invitation to join the exhibition, while a small showing, was more than just a professional opportunity; it was a testament to his resilience and creativity. The opportunity was both thrilling and daunting. This was his chance to make something out of himself. To create something meaningful and beautiful out of the ashes of his past. It was a good first step.

Nikos could hardly contain his excitement as he left the studio, his heart raced with excitement. The invitation to exhibit his work was a validation of his hard work. And luck. He thought about calling Luc to share the news but quickly decided against it. This moment was too significant, too extraordinary, to be relayed over the phone. So, with a sense of purpose, he hurried through the streets of Marseilles towards Luc's office.

The sun was beginning to set and cast a warm, golden glow over the city. As Nikos navigated the narrow, cobblestone streets, he felt a deep connection to his new home. The vibrant colours of the buildings, the scent of the sea, and the distant sound of laughter and conversation filled him with a sense of belonging. He was no longer adrift; he had found his anchor in Marseilles and in Luc.

Reaching Luc's office, Nikos pushed open the heavy wooden door, his breath quickening with anticipation. The receptionist looked up, surprised to see him so animated.

"Bonsoir, Nikos. Is everything okay?" she asked with a smile.

"Bonsoir, Marie. Yes, everything is more than okay. Is Luc in his office?" Nikos replied, barely able to keep the excitement out of his voice. "Yes, he is. Go on in," Marie said, her curiosity piqued. Nikos made his way down the hallway, his footsteps echoing off the walls. As he approached Luc's office, he paused for a moment to collect himself. Taking a deep breath, he pushed open the door.

Luc was seated at his desk, engrossed in a set of drawings. He looked up as the door opened, his eyes lighting up when he saw Nikos.

"Nikos! If this isn't a pleasant surprise," Luc's voice was filled with warmth as he rose from his chair to greet Nikos. "How are you?"

"Wonderful. How's your day been?" he asked and walked toward Luc to steal a kiss. "Mmm, this is something I will never tire of," he sighed and kissed him again. Luc invited Nikos to sit on his lap and stroked his back as they continued talking. "Busy, but good. Antoine left for Greece yesterday, so I'm running the show here for the next week."

"More workshops?"

"Yeah. Workshops. Meetings. The fun stuff," Luc rolled his eyes. "They've changed their minds about the direction of the design again. Architects are the worst clients. Truly," he slammed the desk in fake outrage. "It's his turn to deal with them," Luc smiled and hugged Nikos into him. "So, to what do I owe the honour of your presence, Nik?" He asked as he fingered the hem of Nikos's cutoffs, feeling his way up his thigh. "Do I need a reason to see my favourite architect?" His voice laced with playful affection.

"Of course not," Luc said with feigned indignation. "I'm always happy to see you."

"I have something to tell you, though!" Nikos exclaimed. Luc's curiosity was piqued. "Tell me, what's happened?"

Nikos took a step back, his hands trembling slightly with excitement. "Remember the sculpture I've been working on?"

Luc nodded, his interest growing. "Of course. It's stunning."

"Well, the guy that's been mentoring me, Felix," Nikos began, his voice shaking with emotion. "We were chatting today and... he wants me to show it!"

Luc's eyes widened with surprise and delight. "Nikos, that's incredible! I knew your work was special, but this... this is amazing!"

Nikos's heart swelled with pride and joy at Luc's reaction. "I don't want to oversell it - it's not that big of a deal, I don't think. It's a small event," he paused and grinned. "But I can hardly believe it. Such luck! It takes people years of practice to get good enough to show anything. I've been doing this for, what... a month?"

Luc pulled him into a tight embrace, his voice filled with emotion. "Luck? Sure. But you've put in the work too. You deserve this, Nikos. Your talent, your passion... this is the first of many achievements to come. I'm so proud of you."

Nikos held onto Luc. "I hope my luck doesn't run out after this first shot."

Luc pulled back slightly and looked into Nikos's eyes, running his fingers through his thick hair. "That, mon amour, is up to you. As long as you are inspired and have something to say..."

"I know. I'm getting ahead of myself," Nikos sighed and kissed Luc's luscious lips. "Thank you."

"For what, Nik? You did this. Your talent brought you here. But I'm so glad I could be a part of it." Nikos's eyes welled up with tears of happiness. "Thank you, Luc. For everything." Luc wiped away a tear that had escaped down Nikos's cheek. "This is just the beginning, Nik. Your future is bright." Nikos nodded, his heart full.

As the men continued discussing the show and Nikos's ideas for complementary pieces, Luc absentmindedly started tracing his finger up and down his leg, sending shivers up Nikos's spine. "I'm excited for you," Luc said as he leaned up to meet Nikos's lips. Nikos's tongue quickly invaded Luc's mouth, and what began as a sweet kiss, quickly turned into an intense oral assault. Their lips were sealed together. They breathed through each other as their tongues battled for supremacy. Nikos ground his ass on Luc's hardening cock and ran his fingers through Luc's hair as they surrendered themselves to the moment.

Just as things were starting to heat up, the shrill ring of Luc's phone pierced the air, interrupting their amorous encounter. Luc groaned in frustration, but reluctantly reached for his phone, knowing that he couldn't ignore the call.

"Allô," Luc answered, his voice tinged with annoyance as he glanced apologetically at Nikos. It was Antoine, his voice laced with urgency as he spoke in hushed tones. He briefly explained the situation with the client. Things were getting heated and they weren't able to reach consensus. Luc listened attentively, while gently stroking Nikos's throbbing dick through the fabric of his shorts.

"Alright, I'll join the call. Send me a link," Luc said with a resigned sigh, knowing that he couldn't put it off. Nikos pulled himself off of Luc's lap. "Don't go."

"I wasn't planning to," Nikos grinned mischievously, his eyes dancing with excitement. As Luc prepared to join the video conference, without a word, Nikos reached down and began to unbutton Luc's pants, his fingers working deftly as he teased his lover with gentle caresses.

Luc gasped in surprise, his eyes widening as Nikos's hand slipped beneath the fabric, stroking him teasingly. "Nikos, what are you doing?" he gruffly whispered, torn between arousal and frustration. Nikos just grinned, his lips curving into a wicked smile as he leaned in to whisper in Luc's ear. "I thought I'd help you out," he murmured, his voice husky with desire. Nikos got down on his knees in front of Luc and pulled off his boots, one by one, then ripped off his pants, leaving him wearing only a shirt, tie, dress socks, and briefs.

"Ugh, we can't.... What are you doing to me?" Luc whined.

"Pretend I'm not even here," Nikos winked and busied himself beneath Luc's desk. Despite his protests, Luc couldn't deny the rush of pleasure that surged through him as Nikos's skilled hands worked their magic. With each stroke, he felt himself growing harder, his breath coming in ragged gasps as he struggled to maintain his composure. Nikos began to work Luc's cock with his mouth over the thin, translucent fabric of his underwear. His tongue gingerly traced over every ridge and throbbing vein, before sucking the head into his hot mouth. The meeting began and Luc did his best to focus on the conversation at hand, his mind racing as he fought to keep his voice steady despite the overwhelming sensations coursing through his body.

Even though Luc struggled to maintain his professional demeanour, Antoine and the client were, thankfully, none the wiser and fully engrossed in the discussion. But as Nikos's ministrations grew more intense, Luc found himself faltering, his words catching in his throat as waves of pleasure consumed him.

Luc pressed on as best as he could. He offered the client a series of solutions to concerns that were raised, and as the conversation wore on, him and Antoine were volleying ideas back and forth that appeared to leave the client pleased and allowed them to refocus the trajectory of the project in a meaningfully positive direction. In the end, Luc managed to make it through the call without giving away the true reason for his distraction, but as soon as the meeting ended, he wasted no time in pulling Nikos into his arms. Their passion ignited as they succumbed to the overwhelming desire that burned between them.

"You dirty little..."

"You can pretend to be annoyed all you want, but that hard dick says you enjoyed what I was doing to you. A lot. And you handled that meeting like a pro," Nikos snickered. "We're not finished."

Luc was too far gone to deny his man what he wanted. They kissed passionately while Nikos ripped off Luc's briefs and pinned his legs flat against his chest. There was fire in Nikos's eyes as he hungrily dove face-first into Luc's snatch. He greedily inhaled his heady musk and growled as his tongue made contact with Luc's tight asshole. Nikos feasted on Luc like he hadn't eaten for days. "You taste fucking amazing," he moaned as he momentarily came up for air.

"Mmm..." Luc hummed. "Open me up good. I want you in me, Nik." Nikos was relentless. He alternated between using his tongue and fingers to prepare Luc for the fuck of his life. Waves of pleasure rippled through the entirety of his being as Nikos expertly worked his hole.

"I'm ready, Nik. Fuck me." Luc moaned and reclined in his chair. Nikos spread Luc's legs to allow him unfettered access. He felt the pull of Luc's throbbing body sucking him in. Nikos teased Luc's hole with his leaking tip and gently pushed in. "Ugh," Luc grunted and threw his head back in rapture as the bulbous head entered him. Inch by inch, Nikos filled Luc slowly and steadily, relishing in the sensations that his tight ring was giving him. After what seemed like an agonizing eternity, Nikos bottomed out.

The men were finally bonded and Luc hungrily stared into Nikos's eyes. "Show me who this ass belongs to, Nik."

"It's all... Mine," Nikos groaned as he slapped Luc's ass and thrust back into him hard. Luc hissed. He was leaking all over his shirt and tie as Nikos pummelled him, both drenched in sweat. Luc pulled Nikos's head toward his, allowing their lips to meet, their tongues fighting for dominance.

"Fuck me..." Luc dreamily repeated in between kisses. "Fuck the cum right out of me, Nik. You're driving me... ugh... I'm so close." He was delirious and barely coherent. Each thrust hit Luc just right, bringing him progressively closer to climax.

"Don't cum yet, babe. Wait for me." Nikos's voice was a husky command, his breath hot against Luc's ear. He had been teasing him for nearly two hours, each searing touch and calculated movement bringing Luc perilously close to the edge. His body was a live wire, every nerve aflame, yet he used every ounce of self-control to hold back, to delay the inevitable release.

Nikos pounded into Luc mercilessly, each thrust a battering rhythm against his prostate, making Luc's body tremble and his muscles clench around Nikos's cock. "Fuck," Nikos growled, the word torn from his throat. "Your ass," he gasped, the pleasure almost unbearable. Luc responded in kind, his sphincter tightening around Nikos, perfectly matching the rhythm of his thrusts, greedily milking him.

Each pulse of Luc's body sent electric waves of pleasure coursing through Nikos, their connection intensifying with every movement. Their breathing grew unsteady and ragged, bodies moving in perfect sync until they teetered on the brink, ready to tumble over the edge together.

"Take my load," Nikos growled as filled Luc with his hot cum. In a brief moment of lucidity before his own orgasm washed over him, Luc grabbed his cock and pointed it at Nikos. Within seconds, he fired shot after shot of his cum at him. The majority of it hit Nikos's face and chest. He collected as much as he could and fed himself.

"God damn," Luc moaned.

"Indeed," Nikos smiled as his legs trembled. He went to his knees and pulled Luc off of his chair and onto the floor with him. Luc cuddled up to Nikos, burrowing his head into his armpit. "You stink," he said as he huffed his scent.

"You love it," Nikos teased. "Damn right I do," Luc replied as he swiped his hairy pit with his tongue.

"Come on - let's get cleaned up before we fall asleep here."

"Hungry?" Luc asked. "For you? Always," Nikos replied as he playfully smacked Luc's ass. Luc smiled, his eyes shining with love and pride. "Let's get out of here and celebrate. You've earned it."

Nikos had heard whispers about Marc long before he ever saw him. The elusive, heavily tattooed artist who owned the studio where Nikos now worked was a figure shrouded in mystery. The stories described him as brilliant yet reclusive, a man who kept to himself and seldom engaged with others, except for the elderly artist who had taken Nikos under his wing.

The first time Nikos saw Marc, it was like seeing a ghost. He was in the studio, silently working on a large canvas, his tattoos a stark contrast to the pale paint splatters on his skin. Marc's presence was commanding yet distant. His focus never wavered as he moved with a grace that belied the intensity of his art. Nikos had tried to approach him, to introduce himself, but Marc's cool demeanour and curt responses had quickly put an end to that.

Marc's aloofness only intrigued Nikos more. There was something about the mystery of the man, the way he seemed to carry the weight of his art on his shoulders, that made Nikos want to break through the barriers he had erected around himself. But every attempt to get to know him was met with indifference or outright dismissal. It was frustrating, but Nikos was nothing if not determined.

One day, after a particularly challenging session at the studio, Nikos decided to take a break and clear his mind. He wandered to the Old Port, an area he had come to love for its vibrant energy. The café he frequented was a cozy spot a few blocks from the harbour. Something about the place reminded him of home. Comforting. It was there, as he sipped his coffee, that he saw Marc.

Marc was seated at a corner table, his head bent over a sketchpad, a cup of coffee untouched beside him. Nikos hesitated for a moment, unsure if he should approach. But something in the way Marc's brow furrowed in concentration, the intensity of his focus, drew Nikos in. Taking a deep breath, he made his way over.

"Mind if I join you?" Nikos asked, his voice tentative.

Marc looked up, his expression unreadable. For a moment, Nikos thought he might be rebuffed again, but then Marc gave a small nod. "Suit yourself," Marc replied, his tone neutral.

Nikos took a seat, trying to hide his nervousness. "I've seen you around the studio. I'm Nikos."

"Marc," came the terse reply, accompanied by a brief, almost reluctant glance in Nikos's direction.

Silence settled between them as Marc's attention quickly returned to his work. Nikos struggled to find the right words to break the ice. He didn't want to push too hard, but he also didn't want to miss this opportunity.

"I know you're busy and I don't want to intrude... but I'm a nosy prick, and I couldn't help but noticing," he started, gesturing at his sketch. "I think what you're working on is beautiful." Marc looked up and sheepishly thanked him and looked back down.

"I've heard a lot about your work," Nikos continued undeterred, hoping to spark some kind of conversation. "It's really impressive." Marc's eyes flicked up, and for the first time, Nikos saw a hint of something other than indifference in them. "Thanks," Marc said, though his tone remained guarded. Nikos pressed on, sensing a small crack in Marc's armour. "I'd love to see more of it, if you're ever willing to share. I'm still trying to find my own voice as an artist, and seeing how others work is really inspiring."

Marc's gaze returned to his sketchpad, but he didn't dismiss Nikos outright. "It's not easy, finding your voice," he said quietly. "Takes time. And a lot of solitude."

"I think I know what you mean," Nikos said softly. "But sometimes, it helps to have someone to share that journey with. Even if it's just for a little while."

Marc didn't respond immediately. The silence stretched, and Nikos wondered if he had overstepped. But then Marc closed his sketchpad and leaned back in his chair, regarding Nikos with a thoughtful expression.

"You're persistent, I'll give you that," Marc said, a faint smile tugging at the corner of his lips. "Most people would have given up by now." Nikos chuckled, relieved to see a glimpse of warmth in Marc's demeanour. "I guess I'm not most people."

Marc's smile widened slightly, and he shook his head. "No, I suppose you're not."

Nikos grinned and looked toward Marc's sketches. "What are you working on?"

"Just an idea for a collection I'm working on. It's nothing important."

"It's... moving..." Nikos trailed off. "Why do you say that?" Marc asked.

He was smiling at Nikos, silently urging him to continue. "I think..." Nikos was trying to find the words that wouldn't make him sound like an idiot in front of this guy. "...I think it's sad. Or full of hurt. Something like that. This figure in the back," he pointed toward the margin of the page, "looks like it's about to fall into an abyss or something. Everything about this drawing is moody. I'm probably totally wrong here," Nikos looked at Marc embarrassed.

"Interesting take. I always like to put a bit of myself in whatever I do. Usually in the background. Almost like an afterthought." Marc stared at Nikos. "It's rare anyone picks up on it," he smiled. "Thank you."

"Thanks for letting me look at it. I didn't mean to pry."

"I like that you focused in on that. There must be some unrest in your life, too," Marc replied.

"At the moment, the good is outweighing the bad. By a lot." The men continued speaking about Marc's work and about life in Marseilles. He was taken by Marc's passion for his craft.

From that moment, a tentative friendship began to take root. It was slow, marked by cautious conversations and moments of shared silence, but it was there. Nikos found himself drawn to Marc's complexity, the way he poured his soul into his work while keeping the world at arm's length. And Marc, despite his initial reluctance, seemed to find a kindred spirit in Nikos's determination and openness.

One day, after weeks of these sporadic meetings, they found themselves at the same café again. This time, the conversation flowed more easily, the barriers between them slowly eroding.

"You ever feel like you're running from something?" Marc asked suddenly, his eyes distant as he stared out at the harbour.

Nikos considered the question. "Not so much anymore. But I think it's more about running towards something, even if we don't know what it is yet."

Marc nodded, a contemplative look on his face. "Maybe you're right. Maybe it's just about finding the right direction." Nikos smiled, feeling a sense of connection he hadn't expected. "And maybe we don't have to find it alone."

Marc met his gaze, and for the first time, Nikos saw a flicker of hope in his eyes. "Maybe we don't."

Once he worked past Marc's tough exterior, Nikos noticed that he exuded a quiet confidence. Conversation started flowing naturally and Nikos found himself opening up to Marc in a way he hadn't with anyone, apart from Luc and maybe Antoine, since he'd arrived.

"So, what are you running away from?"

"I'm not running away from anything," Marc deflected, gesturing toward his wheelchair.

"Right. You're in a wheelchair," Nikos said, blushing at his gaffe.

"Yeah, and you're not. I won't judge," Marc laughed. "I'm kidding. I do make jokes from time to time."

"It's easy to forget that you have to use that."

"I'm glad it's easy for one of us at least," Marc quipped. Nikos fidgeted in his seat, desperately searching for a way to pivot the conversation. He realized he was clumsily drawing attention to Marc's disability. Marc, on the other hand, took great pleasure in Nikos's discomfort. It was his own doing. Surprisingly, a lot of people he encountered were awkward like that. That's why he mostly kept to himself. It was less exhausting that way.

During their conversation, Nikos learned that Marc had been confined to a wheelchair recently due to a degenerative illness--multiple sclerosis. The disease was ravaging his body, robbing him of the ability to walk.

"I told my doctors that I'd drink the blood of a newborn if it had even the slightest chance of helping me," Marc chuckled. "They didn't think that was very funny," he rolled his eyes. Nikos grinned, urging him to continue.

"Anyway, the point I was trying to make was that I'd be willing to try anything to help improve my condition. No luck on that front." Marc had Nikos's rapt attention. Despite the physical limitations imposed upon him, he refused to let his disability define him. Instead, he channeled his energy and creativity into his art with a determination that left Nikos in awe.

"You're so inspiring," Nikos said genuinely.

"Don't say that. I'm not," Marc clipped.

"Why not? You're not letting this bring you down!"

"No. And I absolutely refuse to let it!" Marc replied with a determined smile. "I have many years left on this planet--hopefully, many good ones. Continuing to work, to create... that's not inspiring. That's just me living. The world didn't stop because I got sick, and I'm sure as hell not going to either." Nikos struggled to find the right words, glancing away in search of a way to apologize.

"I'm sorry if I offended you. I thought..."

"Nikos, if it wasn't this, it could have been something else. Something I might not be able to handle as well. What I'm going through... don't get me wrong, it fucking sucks, but I'm handling it. Some days better than others," Marc said, pausing to look thoughtfully into the distance. He cleared his throat and met Nikos's eyes.

"It could be worse. There are more severe circumstances to be saddled with, you know."

"I suppose that's true..." Nikos trailed off, unsure of how to contribute meaningfully to the conversation. Maybe it wasn't his place.

"Everyone has challenges in their lives. Some devastating, some less so. A lot of it is invisible. We're all suffering somehow, but we all find a way to persevere. You did." Marc's thoughtful and empathetic perspective left Nikos in awe, his mouth slightly agape as he absorbed Marc's words.

"That's an incredible way to look at things, Marc. I don't know if I'd have the same outlook if I were in your situation."

Marc shook his head, frustrated. "What's the alternative? Sit at home and cry about it? Never go out? I try not to give in to that kind of thinking. Believe me, it's really damn easy to go down that road. I've been there."


"But nothing. How did you find the strength to not off yourself after what you've been through, man?"

"Luc saved me," Nikos said, looking directly into Marc's bright, ice-blue eyes.

"He did nothing of the sort!" Marc exclaimed. Nikos was taken aback, about to argue, but Marc continued, "Look, I don't know your partner. He sounds like an incredible person. But you saved yourself. You decided to live. You chose a positive path. You made all the decisions that allowed you to survive, move here, and begin a new life with Luc. Not everyone has that luxury. You do. Please recognize that."

"I didn't mean to come off sounding so crass," Nikos said shyly.

"You didn't," Marc replied warmly. "You just don't realize how far you've come in such a short time. Not everyone could have bounced back from trauma like you did. Or so it seems anyway."

"I guess. I appreciate you saying that. It's a work in progress," Nikos shrugged.

"Also, I tend to go off when I get riled up. Don't mind me," Marc said, laughing. "I didn't mean to sound like I was coming down on you," he added, looking at Nikos thoughtfully.

As their conversation turned to work, Marc mentioned that things were picking up at his gallery and he was looking to hire someone to help out. "Would you be interested? It's near the studio."

"What'd be involved?" Marc described the role: a position assisting with setting up exhibits and managing the day-to-day operations. Nikos hesitated, unsure if he was qualified. But Marc seemed confident in his abilities and persisted until he relented.

In the weeks that followed, Nikos threw himself into his new role with determination, eager to prove himself worthy of Marc's trust. With each day, he found himself growing more enamoured with the world of art, the vibrant colours and intricate brushstrokes speaking to something deep within his soul. And under Marc's patient guidance, Nikos further explored his own creative impulses. As he watched his own creations take shape beneath his fingertips, he found himself with a sizeable collection of paintings and drawings.

"You're getting good at this," Marc motioned at Luc's paintings that littered the studio's warehouse. "It's thoughtful, if a bit impersonal."

"What do you mean?" Nikos asked. "Don't get me wrong, Nik. You're still exploring and learning. But I think you're holding back." Nikos looked at Marc, unsure of what he meant.

"Find a way to inject your personality or experiences into what you're creating. You've got a lot to draw from, kid."

"Kid? You're only a few years older than me..." said indignantly as he crossed his arms around his chest.

Marc, ignoring Nikos's comment and continued. "The art that speaks to me and our clients conveys some kind of emotion. Good or bad. Use an aspect of your life as a muse or something. Next time you start a painting, think about how much you love Luc or how much pain your brother caused you. It's not about being literal about it..." Marc paused as he sensed Nikos processing his words. "I mean it could be if that's how you wanted to express yourself. But the how' isn't as important as the why.'"

"Sounds simple enough," Nikos huffed sarcastically. Marc laughed loudly and continued "visual arts communicate with images, much like poetry communicates with words."

"Deep," Nikos muttered as he rolled his eyes at Marc. He realized he was acting like a brat despite being given good advice. "What you're saying makes sense, but I don't know how to do it."

"Practice. I've been doing this since I was a child. Unless you're a savant, you don't get good at this overnight."

True to his word and under Marc's mentorship, Nikos kept at it for months. Marc was pleased with the resulting grouping of paintings and suggested Nikos allow him to display his work at his next show. "You're showing some real growth, Nik."

"You think so?" Nikos asked earnestly, his heart swelling.

"Of course! I wouldn't offer you this opportunity if I didn't think your work was worthy of it," Marc smiled, playfully punching Nikos's arm. "This is just the first milestone on a long career path if that's what you want. You're developing your own style, and who knows where you'll go next."

"First? This would be my second, thanks," Nikos pouted.

"Right," Marc rolled his eyes. "The studio exhibition is Felix's baby, but let's be real. It's amateur hour," he said, referring to the elderly artist who had kindly taken Nikos under his wing.

"Amateur?! My stuff was good!"

"Embryonic. It showed promise. This," Marc gestured toward Nikos's paintings, "is development. And it's very good. Your work will show well with the others."

"You're not giving me my own show?" Nikos joked.

Marc started laughing, barely able to contain himself. Nikos stared at him and quipped, "You'll roll away if you don't calm down."

"Your own show? You're not serious, are you?" Marc asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Of course not!" Nikos laughed.

"Thank god. You're not good enough. Yet," Marc said, grinning at Nikos. "Anyway, you'll be playing second fiddle to me," Marc added. "There will be a few other artists from around the region as well."

Nikos was excited about the prospect of showing off his work and being responsible for setting up the experience for the evening. "You think you have it in you to get something organized for the end of the month?"

"I'm on it, boss," Nikos said as he saluted Marc. "I'll show you a draft plan in a few days, d'accord?" Marc nodded and grinned.

"Great. Now get out of here so I can work."

The day of the show, Nikos found himself filled with a mix of emotions--nervousness, excitement, pride, and gratitude. For months, he'd poured his soul into creating a collection of artwork that represented his journey as an artist, drawing inspiration from his experiences, his emotions, and importantly for this collection, his love for Luc.

Nikos had deliberately kept the details of his collection a secret from Luc, wanting to surprise him with the unveiling of his work. Luc was Nikos's muse - the main source of inspiration and the driving force behind much of his nascent creativity. Now, as Nikos prepared to show his art to the world for the first time, he couldn't help but feel a surge of anticipation mixed with a hint of apprehension.

The guests - artists, collectors, critics, and high-society snobs - began to arrive at the gallery, each one adding to the buzz of anticipation that filled the air. Nikos stood nervously by the entrance, his heart pounding in his chest as he waited for Luc. He was excited to share this momentous occasion with the man he loved more than anything in the world. `I hope he likes it,' he thought, his mind racing with a mixture of excitement and anxiety.

Finally, he spotted Luc making his way through the crowd. He looked immaculate in a slim light gray suit and a azure blue turtleneck that matched the color of his eyes. Luc was wide-eyed, his lips slightly parted as he absorbed the beauty and emotion captured in each displayed piece. Nikos's heart swelled with pride as he watched Luc survey the room, his gaze moving from one painting to the next. He studied the works intently, determined to understand the meaning behind each piece.

Luc's reaction was everything Nikos could've hoped for. He could see the admiration and awe in Luc's eyes as he approached. Luc's presence seemed to command the attention of everyone around him, but his focus was solely on Nikos and the art that surrounded them. The atmosphere was electric, filled with a sense of celebration and achievement. But for Nikos, the most important moment was seeing Luc's approval and delight.

"Luc," Nikos said, his voice filled with excitement as he approached his lover. "I'm so glad you could make it," he hugged his arm around Luc's shoulder and guided him further into the gallery. Luc's eyes widened in surprise as he took in the scene in front of him. The walls were adorned with a stunning array of paintings, each carefully placed with purpose.

"Nik, this is incredible," he exclaimed, his voice filled with genuine admiration. I had no idea you were putting something like this together. It's captivating."

Nikos smiled nervously, his heart pounding in his chest as he took Luc's hand in his own. "I wanted it to be a surprise," he admitted, his voice tinged with excitement. "This is what I've been working on for the past few months," he said.

"You've been busy," Luc smiled as he pulled Nikos into him, an affectionate gesture.

"What do you think?"

"I didn't know you had this in you, Nik... Just how you arranged the pieces. Everyone's work is telling a unified story. It's a journey," Luc squeezed Nikos's shoulder affectionately. "I'm so proud of you."

Nikos blushed and responded with a shy smile. Luc's eyes filled with emotion as he gazed at Nikos, a warm smile spreading across his face. "Show me more," he said, his voice filled with anticipation. The men made their way through the gallery together, hand in hand. Nikos felt a swell of pride rising within him, his heart overflowed with gratitude for the man by his side.

They reached the centrepiece of the exhibition - a series of his paintings that vividly depicted their love story, capturing the highs, lows, and passion of their relationship. The artwork pulsed with life.

Luc's reaction was immediate and visceral. His face flushed as he studied the work, each meticulously placed brushstroke and carefully selected colour spoke directly to him. It was a message from Nikos, crafted for Luc's eyes alone. As Luc turned to him with tears glistening in his eyes, Nikos knew he had succeeded. "Your paintings..." Luc began, his voice choked with emotion. He stared deep into Nikos's eyes and whispered, "It's us up there. Each painting is you and me, and it's beautiful."

Nikos smiled, his heart overflowing with joy as he took Luc's hand in his own. "I wanted to show you how much you mean to me," he said, his voice filled with sincerity. "And to thank you for being my inspiration, my muse. I hope it's okay."

"It's perfect. You're perfect. I love you," Luc whispered, his eyes drinking in Nikos's gaze.

They stood together in the quiet intimacy of the gallery, melting into each other as if no one else was around. Nikos felt a sense of peace settle over him. He was profoundly grateful for the love and support he had found in Luc's arms. While he knew he could survive without Luc if the universe were to demand that of him, having him made his life richer than he had ever dreamed. They shared a tender kiss beneath the soft glow of the gallery lights, sealing the moment with their love.

"Come, let me show you around a bit more," Nikos said as he placed his hand on the small of Luc's back and directed him through the gallery. Luc asked Nikos about the other artists that were also showing tonight with genuine interest.

"They're local, a bit rough around the edges, but nice enough. They've got a similar vibe to Marc and I, which is why we included them in this show. Between the four of us, Marc's been at it the longest, but I think there's a commonality in the tone and style that works well together."

"I agree with that," Luc replied.

As they continued talking, Nikos noticed Luc's empty cocktail glass and suggested a refill. "You're looking a bit thirsty. Let's get you topped up."

Luc stared at Nikos intently. "Topped up? I think that's a great idea," he said with a wink. "Can you show me to the WC first?"

"It's just around the corner," Nikos said, pointing in the general direction. Luc took Nikos's hand and guided them through the crowded space. "Do you need me to hold it for you too?" Nikos joked.

Luc blushed and replied, "Something along those lines."

Luc opened the door to the washroom and pushed Nikos inside. "Oh," Nikos finally understood what Luc had in mind. As soon as the door clicked shut behind them, the air between them crackled with anticipation. Their eyes met, a searing desire passing between them as they closed the distance between their bodies.

Without a word, Luc reached out, his hands finding Nikos's waist, pulling him closer until their bodies were pressed together in a heated embrace. Nikos's breath caught in his throat as he felt the warmth of Luc's body against his own, the electric spark between them sending shivers down his spine.

With a hungry growl, Luc captured Nikos's lips in a passionate kiss, his mouth moving fervently against Nikos's as they lost themselves in the heat of the moment. Nikos responded eagerly, his hands tangling in Luc's hair as he pulled him closer, their bodies pressed together in a frenzy of lust.

The sound of their ragged breaths filled the small space as they devoured each other with a fervour born of longing and desire. The urgency was palpable; they knew they didn't have much time. In a frantic rush, they discarded only their pants, leaving every other article of clothing on, caution quickly forgotten in their need to be closer, to feel the heat of each other's skin.

Nikos moaned softly as Luc's hands roamed over his body, igniting flames of pleasure wherever they touched. Each caress sent waves of ecstasy coursing through him, driving him closer and closer to the edge of oblivion.

With a low groan, Nikos lifted Luc, pressing him against the wall with a primal need that burned fiercely between them. Luc gasped as he felt Nikos's erection pressing against him, a delicious ache of desire pooling low in his belly. "Fuck me, Nik," Luc whispered in Nikos's ear. "I want you so badly. Devour me."

Their kisses grew more desperate, more urgent, moving together in a rhythm that echoed the thunderous beat of their hearts. Each touch, each caress, was a testament to the depth of their love. Nikos lifted Luc onto the counter, spread his legs, and pushed aside the thin fabric of Luc's navy briefs to gain unfettered access to his target. He tasted Luc thoroughly, inundating him with pleasure, getting him wet and open enough to receive him.

"Make me feel it, Nik," Luc begged.

Nikos hooked his lavender briefs beneath his balls and began teasing Luc's entrance, lubing it up with his flowing, slick precum. "Yes," Luc hissed, his body on fire as he locked eyes with Nikos.

Nikos gently pressed his stiff pipe against Luc's hole and as Nikos's head popped in, Luc gasped. His eyes widened and rolled back in his head. Nikos's lips met Luc's, and they kissed deeply as he sank further into him until he was all the way in.

Nikos thrust into Luc, in short jabs, taking his breath away. "Your cock was made for my ass. Fuck me senseless, beast."

Needing no further encouragement, Nikos roughly ploughed into Luc with urgency. Nothing was more important than the connection between each other: mouth to mouth, heart to heart, dick to ass. Their movements were fluid and sublime. The intensity of this moment between them only heightened their arousal. They both knew they wouldn't last long.

Nikos took Luc's throbbing, leaking cock into his mouth as he pounded his ass, not wanting to miss a single drop of his oncoming load. The sensations from both ends sent Luc into a lustful frenzy. He bit down on his fist to prevent him from screaming. "Fuck, Nik. I'm there - I'm cumming," Luc growled, his voice thick with urgency. As he climaxed, Nikos hungrily latched onto him, drinking deeply from the source while continuing to drive his meat into Luc with unrelenting passion. Luc's load generously coated Nikos's tongue and he savoured every drop.

The taste of his man sent shivers down his spine and triggered his own orgasm. Nikos injected his thick cream deep inside Luc, marking him with the heat of his release. They clung to each other as they reached the peak of their ecstasy, bodies trembling, lost in the fierce, intoxicating pleasure of their love.

Basking in the glow of their mutual climax, Nikos and Luc remained locked in a tight embrace. Their faces pressed so close that their breath mingled, their sweat formed a slick bond between them. The heat of their passion still clung to their bodies, every inch of skin flushed and sensitive. Nikos whispered Luc's name, his voice raw and trembling with emotion. Luc responded with a soft murmur, his lips brushing against Nikos's ear as he spoke, the words slipping out like secrets meant only for him. Their hearts beat in a shared rhythm, a quiet but powerful cadence of love and satisfaction, as they lingered in the embrace of their intimacy.

After taking a moment to catch their breath, the men began the delicate process of pulling themselves together. They adjusted their clothing, smoothing out creases and ensuring every strand of hair was perfectly in place, their eyes meeting in a brief, knowing glance. With one last check to ensure they were immaculate, they made a swift, if not entirely subtle, exit from their hidden sanctuary and seamlessly slipped back into the flow of the party.

As the evening progressed, the atmosphere in the gallery grew more vibrant, the buzz of conversation filling the air as guests mingled and admired the artwork on display. Nikos felt a sense of pride swell within him as he watched the crowd admire his and Marc's paintings, their eyes alight with curiosity and appreciation.

Suddenly, Nikos spotted Marc making his way through the crowd, his face lit up with a warm smile as he wheeled himself over to where Nikos and Luc stood. "Nikos, congratulations! You've put together a great show. Everyone loves what they're seeing," Marc said, his voice filled with genuine pride and admiration. "Your work is truly remarkable."

Nikos beamed as he shook Marc's hand, feeling a surge of warmth and camaraderie between them. "Thank you, Marc," he replied, his voice tinged with excitement. "Your pieces are knockouts. It's the best I've seen from you!" Nikos said. "My best? Likely not, but I'm proud of what's up there," Marc replied.

"Enough of the false modesty, Marc. This is stunning work!" Nikos said gesturing his arms towards Marc's paintings. He smiled at Nikos, "thank you, my friend. I'm impressed with what you've accomplished. It's outstanding."

"I couldn't have done it without you." Marc waved off Nikos's thanks with a dismissive gesture, a playful twinkle in his eyes. "Nonsense," he said, his tone light and jovial. "You have a natural talent, Nikos. I simply helped you to unlock it."

Luc chimed in, offering his own words of praise for Marc's collection. "Marc, I love your work. It's affecting," he said, his voice filled with admiration. "You have a real gift for capturing the essence of your subjects."

Marc nodded graciously, a humble smile playing at the corners of his lips. "Thank you, Luc," he replied, his voice tinged with appreciation. "It's always a pleasure to share my work." As the conversation continued, the men found themselves engrossed in lively discussion, exchanging thoughts and opinions on the various pieces of artwork on display. Antoine, who had joined them shortly after Marc's arrival, introduced himself with a warm smile and a firm handshake.

"Antoine," he said, his voice friendly and inviting. "I'm a friend of Luc's. It's a pleasure to meet you, Marc."

Marc returned the gesture with a friendly nod, his eyes sparkling with curiosity as he studied Antoine's face. "Likewise, Antoine," he replied, his tone warm and welcoming. "I'm always pleased to meet new faces with an appreciation for art... especially handsome ones," Marc said, being more forward than he usually allowed himself to be. Antoine responded with a shy smile and a wink.

As the evening wore on, the group of four continued to chat and laugh, their conversation flowing effortlessly as they shared stories and anecdotes. Every once in a while Nikos and Marc were pulled aside by other guests to discuss the show and their work. Luc and Antoine looked on with admiration as the men worked the crowd. Their charm was on full display. Antoine, who was clearly taken with Marc's demeanour, found himself drawn to the artist's infectious enthusiasm and zest for life.

He felt himself relaxing in Marc's presence as he became more and more captivated by the man before him. And as the night drew to a close, Antoine couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement at the prospect of getting to know Marc better. After the last of the guests filtered out of the gallery, Marc and Nikos suggested they stay behind for a while longer and enjoy a few drinks in the now-empty space. The idea was met with enthusiastic agreement from Luc and Antoine, who were both eager to continue the evening's festivities.

Marc retrieved a couple of bottles of wine and some glasses from behind the bar, pouring generous servings for each of his friends as they gathered around one of Nikos's paintings. "You guys have been standing all night. Sit," Marc suggested as he gestured to the black lacquered plank floors. The men agreed and Marc shifted out of his wheelchair and joined them, finding a spot next to Antoine. "My neck was getting sore from looking up at everyone. It's nice to be at eye level with you all," Marc joked. Antoine chuckled and playfully asked "is this your way of asking for a massage?" Before Marc could respond, Antoine started gently rubbing the back of his neck. The men smiled at each other and turned to Nikos and Luc to join their discussion. The glow of the gallery's lighting cast a warm and inviting ambiance over the space, creating an atmosphere of intimacy.

With glasses in hand, the four men leaned back against the pristine white walls. Their conversation flowed easily as they exchanged stories and shared laughter. Nikos couldn't help but feel a sense of pride as he watched his friends admiring his artwork, their eyes alight with curiosity and appreciation.

"So, Nikos, tell us about this piece," Marc said, gesturing toward one of the paintings hanging on the wall. "What was your inspiration behind it?"

Nikos smiled, grateful for the opportunity to discuss his work with such an attentive audience. "Well, this painting was inspired by my memory of meeting Luc in Corinth," he began, his voice filled with passion. "It was a really hot day. I was tired. The train station isn't particularly remarkable, so I didn't focus on that much. We met on the platform. I wanted to capture the busyness of the station around us, the intensity of what I was feeling the moment I first laid eyes on him."

Luc nodded in understanding, his eyes scanning the intricate details of the painting with a thoughtful expression. "You captured it beautifully, Nikos," he said, his voice filled with genuine admiration. "You have a real talent for conveying emotion. It's moving."

Antoine chimed in, his curiosity piqued by the conversation. "And what about this one?" he asked, pointing to another painting nearby. "What was going through your mind when you created this?"

Nikos's expression softened as he considered the painting before him, memories flooding back. "This one was more about emotion than realism," he explained. "This is me trying to deal with -- feelings of uncertainty and fear. It was right after my brother..." Nikos sighed. Luc affectionately rubbed his shoulder, understanding where Nikos was going. Luc kissed Nikos's temple. "I wanted to express those emotions, hurt, pain, anger, despair, hope... all of that, through colour and form, to create something that felt genuine."

As they continued discussing the artwork, their conversation naturally shifted from the technicalities of painting to the deeper currents of life. They each shared personal insights, the exchange of ideas flowing easily in the gallery's relaxed atmosphere.

Time slipped by unnoticed, hours passing in what felt like mere moments. The wine flowed as freely as their words, and the gallery echoed with laughter as they reminisced about past experiences and bonded over their shared passions for art, architecture, and culture. Amid the camaraderie, Nikos and Luc couldn't help but notice a subtle spark between Marc and Antoine. There was a magnetic pull between them, evident in the way their hands brushed "accidentally" and their gazes lingered a moment longer than necessary.

As the night gave way to the early hours of the morning and the wine bottles began to empty, Luc and Nikos started to gather their things, ready to say their goodbyes. "We're going to hang out here a bit longer," Marc said, a knowing smile playing on his lips. Antoine nodded in agreement, his eyes never leaving Marc.

Luc chuckled softly, exchanging a glance with Nikos. "Alright, boys, try not to get into too much trouble," he teased, a playful wink accompanying his words.

Luc and Nikos kissed their friends goodbye and made their way out of the gallery and began a lazy walk home. As they stepped out into the cool night air, Luc put his arm around Nikos's shoulder and pulled him in. Nikos felt a profound gratitude for the friendship and support of his companions. Their encouragement filled him with renewed inspiration, eager to continue pursuing his art. As they made their way home, a deep sense of contentment washed over him. He knew he was exactly where and with whom he was meant to be.

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