Lucky in Love

By Danny Silverwood

Published on Sep 16, 2004



This is fiction. I made it up. Any similarity to actual people is, well... kinda cool, but a total coincidence. This story involves sex between consenting adult males. I know that doesn't sound that special, but read it anyway. I welcome feedback. I do answer all emails that are sent to me. No attachments, duh. If you are not supposed to read this because of your age or where you live, then don't.

Lucky in Love

"Pick a number between one and five." John sat staring at his boss across his large mahogany desk.. "Hurry, a number please."

"Um, three?" John said with more than a little confusion in his voice.

"Dammit," Mr. Everett said, then looked up at his employee. "Okay, you are not fired. Straighten up John. We don't need this sort of thing going on in the company. We are here to make money, and money is made when clients are happy. Do you understand?" John sat dazed looking into the young face of his employer. "Ok, follow me. I'm nodding my head, and smiling. Can you do that? Do you need a cue or some sort of sign?" John still sat dazed. "Go to your desk John. Make us some money." Mr. Everett looked down at his desk and picked up his pen. He scanned over some paperwork, then looked back at John. "Get," he yelled. John leapt from his seat and ran out the door. The pleased boss sat back smiling at the display he just enjoyed. His smile faded as Terry moved into the doorway.

"So, you fired him," Terry asked as he plopped into the chair John had recently vacated and grabbed a peach from a basket on Mr. Everett's desk.

"Nope, he guessed the number." He leaned forward as if to tell a secret. "You know, that is a one in five chance. That is good luck. We should keep him around."

"Oh fuck, Brandon, that has got to stop. You are going to run this business into the ground relying on luck and chance."

"It has gotten me this far. Why not keep it going."

"Winners always lose eventually. Think about how the 'odds' stack the more good fortune you have. You will eventually bust."

"Why did I hire you, Terry," Brandon asked as he watched his friend eat a very succulent peach.

"Because I am the best CFO you will ever have, and of course, because you love me." Brandon picked up a peach from the basket and gently squeezed it in his hand.

"Well, you're just lucky you were nice to me in college. I might have kicked your fairy ass to the curb and you would be working as a CPA for some rinky-dink little mortgage firm." Terry tried not to laugh as he swallowed the last piece of peach. He tossed the pit into the wastebasket and stood up. He licked his fingers as he moved around behind the chair.

"Yeah, this is so much better. At least there I wouldn't have to worry about losing my livelihood on the roll of the dice." Brandon threw the peach in his hand at his best friend, but Terry ducked in time. He grabbed another peach and jogged to the door before Brandon could reload. He leaned on the jamb with his head in the room. "So, how long until John tells another client that they seem too fat to own a chain of gyms?"

"Not long I imagine." Terry just smirked and was gone. Brandon picked the last peach from the basket and smelled it. He thought of Terry and his fondness for the fruit. He made a mental note to have Agnes get more for his desk for the next time Terry stopped by.

The business was advertising and that is what Brandon Everett was always good at doing. Whether it was making signs for his little sister's lemonade stand and posting them on every light pole in a five block radius, or making his high school best friend president of student body. He was a skillful and ruthless campaign manager, and little Suzie Powell hadn't a chance in hell.

Brandon worked in a print shop while in college, helping people make the best sign for whatever they were doing. He always helped his friends write classified ads that were guaranteed to sell their junk. The only thing Brandon couldn't sell was himself. He had a low self esteem that he hid quite well behind the smiles and witty remarks. He never dated but the only person who noticed was Terry. He lived for his work, and the work was his life. He didn't think he needed anything more than to be a millionaire. That had always been his greatest ambition.

Terry had been his best friend from almost the day they met in college. They showed up at their dorm room at the same time and stood outside the door for almost an hour talking. They finally went inside, and Terry discovered Brandon's major quirk.

"Which bed you want," Terry asked as he looked into the double occupancy room. Brandon pulled a gleaming silver dollar from his pocket and told Terry to call it. He flipped it into the air and caught it behind his back. Terry looked down and saw that he had won. "I guess I will take the one next to the window then" Brandon smiled and nodded then tossed his bag on the other bed. Terry would soon learn that Brandon employed such practices for most of his decision making. Brandon soon learned that Terry was not your typical guy.

"What is that," Brandon asked as Terry unfolded a bright rainbow flag and prepared to hang it on the wall near his bed.

"Um, well, it's a pride flag. A... gay pride flag. Is that a problem?" Brandon's mind spun as he looked from the worried face of his new friend to the bright flag that would soon grace the wall.

"Oh, no, of course not. I am cool, don't sweat it." Terry smiled and hung the flag with a few

thumbtacks and made a mental note to be gentle with his new friend. He really liked him, and didn't want to scare him away with his homosexuality. He had lost friends back home when he came out, but had hoped to make all new friends in college.

Brandon pulled his coin from his pocket and with a flick of his thumb it lit into the air and fell back down landing on his new bed. He frowned at the coin and swallowed hard. He picked it up and with a tear in his eye, he slipped the coin in his pocket. Terry and Brandon turned and smiled at each other at the same time. They continued putting away their things, and went off to have dinner together for the first of many times in their long friendship.

"We are doing really well, aren't we," Brandon asked between bites of cheesecake. He savored the creamy texture, and then complimented it with a sip of claret. Terry and Brandon had dinner together often. It had started that day in the college cafeteria, and now, nearly ten years later, they were sitting together in a five star restaurant in downtown Atlanta.

"Well, we haven't gotten into a fight tonight."

"I am talking about the firm, you ass," Brandon returned scanning the table for something to throw.

"Don't you throw anything in this place. I will tell you whatever you want to know." They both smiled and sipped their wine. "We are doing fine. Revenue is up, the overhead is down. We got some tax breaks with the 'drug free environment' thing." They both rolled their eyes and patted their breast pockets where they kept their pot.

"How long until I am a millionaire," Brandon asked bluntly.

"I figured that was what you were leading up to, you have a serious hang up you know."

"I have several hang ups. That reminds me, I will flip you for the check." He pulled his old silver dollar from his jacket pocket and held it between his forefinger and thumb.

"That is okay, I got it," Terry said as he picked up the small folder that sat near his near empty wineglass.

"You don't want to flip for it, I will let you flip the coin."

"No, that's okay, I'll get it. You got it the last three times."

"Yeah, but I lost the flip, and it all evens out." Terry just smiled at him and finished his wine. Brandon conceded but a look of an idea lit his face. Before he could ask the question, Terry spoke.

"When is the last time you had sex," Terry asked. Brandon's mouth fell open, and he looked with shock at his smirking friend.

"I... well, it has been a while. I did that... um, that chick from that small soda company. You know, the brunette."

"She blew you at your desk to get you to choose to do ads for them instead of the competition. In fact, that was about two years ago." Brandon looked down at his empty dessert plate and wished he had about four more slices. He looked up to find concern had replaced the smirk on his friend's face.

"I will have sex when I am a millionaire," Brandon said as he pulled his napkin from his lap and laid it on his plate.

"Oh, really," Terry said, the smirk returning. "Who are you going to sleep with then?"

"I will probably be so happy, that I will do the first person I see." Terry's eyes narrowed and he dropped his smile.

"No you won't," Terry said, his smile returning as he stood.

"Wanna bet?"

"Yeah," Terry said defiantly. Brandon smiled and held up his hand. The slapped their hands together, made fists, and bumped their knuckles. They both flinched then shook off the pain.

"I think we are getting soft," Brandon said, still looking at his red fingers.

Terry sat in his office looking down at the new quarterly financial report. He went over the numbers again and again, making sure he hadn't missed anything. He had received Brandon's personal worth report from their private accountant. He compared the two reports and finally decided that it was all correct. Brandon was a millionaire.

He jumped up from his desk and looked out into the accounting department. There were really only a few people, it being a small company, but they liked to make it sound formal. He saw the person he was looking for, and grabbed her from her work.

"I have something for you to do. Do you think you are up to delivering a bit of info to the boss?" Brenda Shaw just looked at Terry with confusion. Brenda was beautiful. She had long blonde hair that cascaded over her shoulders and large green eyes. Her lips were plump and pouty, and best of all, she had a major crush on Brandon. Even Terry could see she had a wonderful body, and he figured it was just what a straight guy would want, or what a best friend would need.

"What kind of information," She asked. She suddenly gasped and put her hand over her mouth. Terry's eyebrows raised and he jumped at her reaction. "Are we bankrupt? I just bought a new car!"

"No," Terry said, suppressing a giggle. "We are doing great. That is the big news. I want you to go to Mr. Everett's office and tell him that he is a millionaire."

"He's a millionaire? That is so exciting." She stopped for a moment and looked at her supervisor. "Why aren't you telling him?" Terry froze. He couldn't tell her why he wanted her to tell Brandon, even with her crush.

"Well, he is already my best friend. He will probably be very happy with whoever tells him, and I thought I would share the... good favor." Brenda smiled at this and Terry knew he had her. No doubt the word 'millionaire' was echoing in her head. She turned around and headed off to Brandon's office.

"Mr. Everett," Brenda said as she peeked in the open door.

"Ah, Brenda, come on in. Have a seat, what can I do for you?" Brandon tossed his pen on the desk and sat back in his chair. He was aware of Brenda's crush, and enjoyed the attention, though he was not interested in her.

"Well, sir, I have some news." Brenda looked around the office, and saw the wet bar. "Can I fix you a drink, sir?"

"Oh, no, that is not your job, I would never ask you to do that."

"No, I want to."

"Well, if you join me, I will have a small brandy." Brenda moved quickly to the bar and poured the brandy into two snifters. "Now what is the news you want to tell me. I hope it is not bad."

"Oh, no sir, it is very good." She handed Brandon the snifter, then stepped over to his book case. She was trying to think of a way of making herself look sexy. She turned and flipped her hair, and then ran her finger down the spine of a leather clad book. Brandon nearly spit his brandy at the sight.

Terry figured that Brenda had told him by then, so he slipped to the open door and looked inside. He was there to remind him of the bet, and to make sure he made good. He saw Brandon sitting at his desk with the brandy, and assumed it was a celebration drink.

"Well, come on, tell me," Brandon said, and Terry froze. He stepped back, but Brandon saw him. Brandon motioned for Terry to come in, but Terry just shook his head and motioned toward Brenda. Brandon narrowed his eyes and shook his head, thinking Terry wanted him to hit on her.

"The thing is, well," Terry pointed at his own eyes, and then at Brenda. He held his hands out in front of his chest plaintively, and Brandon's jaw dropped. He held his hands in front of his chest like he was cupping a pair of breasts, with a confused look. Terry ran his hands through his hair, frustrated.

"What is it," Brandon asked Terry, but Brenda thought he spoke to her.

"You're a millionaire, sir." Brandon sat in shock, staring at his best friend. A pained look crept onto Terry's face, and he sighed. He knew how Brandon felt about a bet. Brandon looked down at his desk, and smiled ruefully. He looked up at Brenda, and his smile broadened.

"That is just what I have been wanting to hear." He stood up and walked over to Brenda who looked at him expectantly. "Go tell all the employees to go home early, and that the office is closed tomorrow and Friday, then the whole weekend. They are off with pay. Tell them it is a new holiday." He reached in his pocket and pulled out his wallet. He counted out five, one hundred dollar bills and folded them in half. He put them in Brenda's hand and kissed her on the cheek. "Got tell them now. And, could you close the door on your way out?" Terry was standing by his desk with his arms crossed. Brenda looked at Terry, and shrugged a bit with a smile as she left.

"You know, it was just a silly bet," Terry said, as Brandon poured chilled vodka into a glass. He stopped and then poured more. He downed it's contents with one gulp, and turned to his friend with a smile.

"What do I do," Brandon asked as he pulled at his tie.

"You keep your tie on, and forget the bet." Brandon pulled the tie from his collar and tossed it on the desk.

"Nothing bad is going to happen if you lose the bet." Terry looked down at the floor as Brandon closed the distance.

"Nothing good will happen if I don't." Terry looked up just as Brandon's lips reached his. Brandon pulled Terry to him, and forced his tongue into his best friend's mouth. Brandon tasted like the vodka he had just tossed back, but Terry tasted like peaches. They kissed feverishly, years of pent up lust exploding between them. They parted and Brandon looked into Terry's eyes and smiled. Terry just looked back in amazement.

"We don't have to..." Terry tried, but Brandon silenced him with a soft kiss. "I don't want you to do..." he tried once more, but Brandon kissed him again. Terry just looked at the beautiful man that he had loved for so long. "Fuck me, you millionaire." Terry pulled at his tie and then ripped his shirt off. Brandon jogged across the room and slid a set of shelves to one side. A Murphy bed lowered from the wall and gently came to rest on the floor. Terry stood in shock and forgot what he was doing. Brandon saw the question in his face and answered.

"I had it put in for all those late nights I spent in the office." Terry let out a small laugh and continued to undress as Brandon pulled the covers back on the bed and locked the door. He turned around to find Terry completely nude and waiting beside the bed. He stopped and looked at his friend. He had seen him in the nude on several occasions. They had changed clothes together at the gym, and gone skinny dipping on shared vacations to the lake. This time though, seeing him nude was different. He was not just a guy; just a best friend. Now he was his lover.

Terry, shyly put his hands over his swiftly deflating cock. He looked down at the floor and reached for his trousers. Brandon stepped forward and grabbed his hand.

"What are you doing," Brandon asked.

"Getting dressed. I can see that you have changed your mind." Brandon pulled Terry's hand to his mouth and kissed it. He placed it on his chest, and Terry could feel his heart beat.

"The only thing that has changed, is that I have stopped acting like a fool." He leaned in and kissed Terry on the lips, still holding his hand to his chest. He let his hand go, and ran his hands across his new lover's chest. He felt his nipples harden beneath his touch. He lowered himself to his knees and came face to face with Terry's cock. It was hard again, and ready for action.

"You don't have to do that," Terry said, taking Brandon's face between his hands. Brandon looked up and smiled as his tongue moved out and licked the tip of Terry's dick. Terry shivered, and ran his hands through Brandon's hair. Brandon carefully took the cock in his mouth and slid it in as far as he could manage. He moved his head forward and back, sucking gently on the hard shaft.

He pushed Terry back until he sat down on the foot of the bed. He pushed him to a laying position, and rubbed his belly as he continued to work his cock. He used his other hand to fondle Terry's balls and then moved down to play with his ass. He pressed the tip of his finger against Terry's hole, and rubbed it gently. Terry moved his hips up and down, grinding into Brandon's face and onto his hand. Brandon pushed Terry's legs up and stopped sucking. He looked at the small pink pucker, and moved in to lick it. Terry moaned as Brandon moved his tongue over it and then poked inside. Brandon suddenly stopped and looked up at Terry. He moved up until he was laying on top of his new lover and nuzzled his neck.

"Now what did you say earlier? Something like, 'fuck me, millionaire."

"Yeah, I think I recall saying that. I meant it, too." Terry smiled as Brandon continued to lick and nip at Terry's neck and chest. Brandon reached up under the pillow and pulled out some lube. Terry laughed when he saw it. "Now I know what you do in this bed."

"Hey, just because I didn't have time for sex didn't mean I couldn't make time for jacking off." Terry laughed again until Brandon squeezed some lube onto his ass. He gasped at the cold, and it was Brandon's turn to laugh. "Don't worry, I will warm it up soon enough."

Brandon pushed his finger into Terry's hole and worked in the lube. He pressed the one finger in a few times, then pressed in another. Terry moaned and squirmed beneath him.

"You have to do me now. I have to have you." Brandon smiled and climbed up onto his lover. He looked into his eyes as he pulled his legs up, fully exposing his hole. Brandon reached down and positioned his cock at the target and slowly pressed. The head popped in, and he slowly moved in some more. "Don't be too gentle with me. I can take it." Brandon laughed into Terry's neck.

"Slut," Brandon said into Terry's ear.

"I never said I was a virgin," Terry returned. Brandon pressed his cock all the way in, and they both gasped.

"Now, neither am I," Brandon said quietly. Terry felt tears fall on his chest, and he pulled his lover close to him as he began thrusting slowly. Brandon moved faster as he approached his orgasm. He could feel Terry's cock rubbing against his belly. He could feel the precum making his belly slick and it turned him on even more. Terry moaned out loud and Brandon felt his cum coat his abdomen. Terry's ass clamped down on his dick and that sent him over the edge. He pumped his cum into the hot ass, shaking and gasping as his orgasm swept over him.

They held onto one another kissing and licking each other softly. Brandon still had tears in his eyes, and now Terry had joined him with tears of his own.

"So, what is this about," Terry asked. Brandon looked at him sadly.

"What do you mean," Brandon asked in return.

"Was this just the fulfillment of the bet, and tomorrow we will be best buds again? Were you just getting your rock off with someone safe?" Brandon looked at Terry for a moment then looked up at the ceiling.

"Is that what you want," he asked finally. Terry wasn't sure what to say. He knew he loved Brandon more than anything, but if Brandon didn't love him back, their friendship would be ruined with three little words.

"I want what you want. That is how it has always been."

"Dammit! Don't say that. You have a mind of your own. Yes, you have always supported me, but damn man." Terry sat up and reached for Brandon's trousers on the foot of the bed. He reached into the watch pocket and produced the silver dollar. He tossed it into the air and caught it. In his mind he had assigned love to the obverse of the coin. If it came up tails, he would put on his clothes and go home.

Brandon sat up to watch him. He was pulled back in time to the day they met in the dorm. He pulled the same coin from his pocket and tossed it onto the bed. He was so attracted to the man he just met, but they would also make great friends. He knew he would not give a lover the attention he needed, but it could be worth a chance. Heads: he would ask his new friend to be his lover. Tails: he would take him as his friend. The coin fell, making a ripple on the mattress. The tails dictated a friendship, and he shed a tear for a lost lover that he never had.

Terry sat with the coin in his hand. He stared into Brandon's eyes and saw that the tears were gone, and something else was there. He opened his hand and looked at the coin. He smiled down at the silver dollar, tails facing up, and looked back into Brandon's eyes. "Fuck the coin," he thought.

"I love you, Brandon. I have loved you since we were in college. I have probably loved you since the moment we met." Brandon's lip began to tremble, and he looked down at the coin. The coin had taken the love from him, and now it had returned it. Terry had seen the love, and didn't need the coin to tell him that it was there.

"I love you too. I have always loved you, but I figured it would be unfair to divide my life between a lover and my work. I think I have now realized that I don't need the money, I don't need the work, and I don't need that damn coin. I only need you." They fell into each other's arms and kissed.

When they came up for air, Brandon hopped from the bed and moved to his desk. Terry watched as Brandon opened his safe and removed a packet of paper. He grabbed his lucky pen and carried the paper to where Terry sat. He handed him the papers and the pen, and just stood there smiling.

"Sign it," he said, when Terry just looked at him.

"What am I signing?"

"I am giving you half the company." Terry's jaw dropped and he looked down at the papers. He looked through the packet and saw that it was true.

"But you have worked so hard for it." Brandon sat next to his lover on the bed.

"We have worked hard for it. I would have nothing, if I didn't have you. The company, the money, or the love. I want you to have it. Call it... a wedding present." Brandon smiled ruefully. He followed the news, and it didn't look good.

"Maybe... someday," Terry said. Brandon leaned in and kissed his lover, and then turned so he could use his back to bear the papers to be signed. Terry signed them all, and handed the packet to Brandon over his shoulder. He moved in behind him and rubbed his hard cock against Brandon's back. "Are you ready for this?"

"I think I am," Brandon replied as he turned and laid back on the bed. Terry made love to Brandon, slowly and with great gentleness. They put on their clothes to go out for dinner. They locked up the building and made there way across the park.

"So let me get this straight. You paid Brenda to make sure you were looking at me when she told you."

"That is exactly right."

"So you cheated?"

"Well, I wouldn't say 'cheated.' I would call it stacking the odds in my favor." Brandon grabbed Terry and pulled him into a kiss. They leaned against the railing that surrounded the park fountain. They broke the kiss and just looked into each other's eyes. For so long they had both wanted this. For so long, they had fought it, for one reason or another. Now they had each other and were complete.

"So, where to for dinner... lover," Brandon asked. Terry smiled and kissed Brandon again.

"I love the way that sounds coming from your mouth. I don't know. Why don't you pick." Brandon reflexively reached into his watch pocket and retrieved the coin. Terry just smiled sadly and looked over into the fountain. He was afraid that little had truly changed.

Brandon looked down at the coin that had lead him through life on a chain. He rubbed it's hard shiny surface with his thumb and watched it sparkle beneath the street lights. He had loved the coin, but he loved Terry more.

Ploop. The coin struck the surface of the water and dropped to the bottom with the rest of the wishes. It gleamed no more than the others. It's power taken away; it was just another coin.

Terry looked up in shock as Brandon turned to gaze at the fountain. Terry put his arm around his back and pulled him close as they watched the rippled water.

"What did you wish for," Terry whispered as they stood together.

"I have everything I will ever need." Terry pulled Brandon into a soft loving kiss. They stepped apart and just looked at each other. "You know, maybe I should have wished for a bigger dick, Mr. Don't Be Gentle." Terry pushed him away and laughed.

"Nah, you should have wished for more money. Now that I have half the company, you aren't a millionaire anymore."


The End

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