
By Kirk Landers

Published on Aug 18, 2008


Copyright and Disclaimer: 1. This is a fictional story with fictional characters. 2. No one is to steal this story under any circumstances. 3. This story deals with relationships and not sex, so if you're looking for a story with a lot of sex in it, this isn't the story for you.

Hope everyone is doing great. Here's part 6 titled, `If You Can't Stand the Heat...'



"Ooooh yes," I moaned as I felt Scott's tongue run down my stomach. "That feels amazing."

"You like that?" Scott asked seductively as he moved up and began to kiss me. I felt his tongue slip inside my mouth and I moaned with delight. Clearly, my response to Scott's question was a big resounding yes. I felt the sweat from Scott's body drip onto mine and the heat from outside only made me hotter for him. I needed Scott, now!

I rolled over so that Scott was lying on the bed and I was now on top of him, "Enough foreplay. Let's fuck!"

"God, it's hot," Scott said.

"And so are you," I replied.

"No, it's hot," Scott complained. "It's ten PM and it must be eighty degrees."

"It's fine," I said. "Come on."

"I can't concentrate," Scott said. "I'm too hot."

"Oh come on!" I said. I was in no mood to stop now.

"I'm sorry Benji," Scott said. "I'm just too fucking hot. I need to get some water."

"Fine," I rolled my eyes and got off of him. He got out of bed and went into my kitchen to pour himself a glass of water.

"Fucking ridiculous," I complained to myself.

The next morning at breakfast with the guys I still wasn't feeling any better. I wasn't being overdramatic either. It's been over a week since Scott and I have had sex. He is always giving me some bullshit excuse, it's either work related or since this heat wave hit San Diego he's been complaining about that now. I didn't get into a relationship with someone just to have my sex life dwindle down. I had the ultimate sex life before Scott. I had the sex life that people dream about. I'm practically a legend to the gay community around here...scratch that, I WAS a legend. Now I'm just the guy who used to have a good sex life. If this pattern continues I'll become re-virginized.

"He said it was too hot to continue. Who the fuck does that?" I complained as I took a bite of my toast.

"Can you blame him?" Shane asked. "San Diego has become one big sauna."

"I thought living close to the coast was supposed to give a nice breeze. If I knew it would be like this I would have stayed in L.A." Luke added.

"It's just a little heat wave," Ford reasoned.

"Well this little heat wave is killing my sex life," I said.

"At least you have a sex life," Shane said.

"You just got out of a relationship three weeks ago. What did you expect?" Luke asked.

"You're wasting your freedom," I said. "You could be out having multiple orgasms with multiple guys."

"That's more your style than mine," Shane said.

"That was my style," I said envious of the position that Shane is now in. I really like and care about Scott, but I really do long for those single days.

"You have a man who really cares about you," Ford told me. "You should be grateful." Leave it to Ford to try and instill that romantic attitude in me.

"No, I should be getting some dick," I said. Luke and Shane both started laughing as Ford told me to keep quiet as he gestured to a table with a young kid sitting near us. "Isn't frequent sex the point of being monogamous with someone?"

"Yeah, that way someone is obligated to fuck you," Shane agreed with me.

"Exactly!" I said proving my point.

"If you're unhappy then just do what Shane did and break-up with him," Luke suggested.

"Believe me, I've thought about it," I said. "But then I think about how sweet and caring he is and I just can't bring myself to do it."

"Well, how about you escape your problems and lets all go to the beach today," Ford suggested.

"My body isn't exactly beach ready," Shane complained.

"Ditto," Luke added.

"It's the best day to go to the beach," Ford said. "It'll be fun."

"We can check out the shirtless men," I said warming up to the idea.

"What about your sweet and caring boyfriend?" Luke asked.

"I can look as long as I don't touch," I smiled.

"Fine. I have nothing better to do," Luke said.

"I'm in," Shane shrugged.

"Yay! It'll be fun," Ford said. "I'll pack us lunch."

"Sounds like a plan," Luke said.


Two hours after breakfast we all met up at Ford's and my apartment complex and headed out to La Jolla Shores, it was one of the nicer beaches in the San Diego area.

When we got to the beach it was packed as we expected. Seems like everyone was there trying to escape the summer heat.

"Look at all the hot surfers," Benji noticed as he got out of the car once we parked. Right when he said this, two hot toned body surfers walked past us carrying their surfboards. "I think this will be a good day."

"Remember, look but don't touch," Ford reminded Benji.

"Yeah, yeah," Benji replied.

"So this is a San Diego beach, huh?" I asked as I got out of Ford's car.

"Nice, huh?" Shane asked.

"Beautiful," I replied. Sure I've seen west coast beaches, but the ocean was bluer than I could have imagined. The only place where I've seen the ocean this nice was in Hawaii. The hundreds of hot guys just added to the appeal.

"Alright bitches. Let's get down there," Benji said already taking off his shirt to flaunt his toned body. Out of the four of us, Benji spends the most time keeping his body in good shape. He goes to the gym five times a week whenever he has time and his hard work pays off. He has a really good body. However, I think Ford has the best physique of us all. What's annoying about it is that he doesn't do anything like the rest of us. Shane and I don't work out as much as Benji, but we usually work out at least two or three times a week. Ford is just naturally gifted in all areas. He's smart, good looking, and a good guy. I'd probably like him if he wasn't so annoyingly perfect.

"See, isn't this nice?" Ford asked as we set our stuff down and laid out our beach blankets. "Aren't you guys glad we came?"

"I'll give you one thing, there's good eye candy to look at," Shane said admiring his surroundings of muscular men.

"Yeah. It is kind of nice," I admitted.

When I took off my shirt the guys all started laughing. "Wow, you are white as snow," Shane laughed.

"It's been a while since I've been able to get out and relax like this," I defended my paleness. It's true, this is the first time in a long time I've had a day out like this and it was nice.

"Well it's long overdue," Shane smiled. "So put on some tanning oil and let's get you nice and golden brown."

"Sounds like a plan," I replied as I put my sunglasses on and kicked back in the sun.

An hour later while I was reading a magazine (truth be told, I have an obsession with tabloid magazines) Benji got up to go take a walk around the beach and Ford already had three guys come up to make a move on him.

"No wonder Ford wanted to come to the beach so badly. He makes out like a bandit," I said to Shane. Him and both looked over and saw how much Ford was enjoying the guys hitting on him.

"Seriously," Shane laughed. "It's almost embarrassing that he's gotten three men and you and I have gotten zero."

"Whatever, I'm not looking to date anyway," I replied.

"Still, the flattery would be nice," Shane said. "I'm single now. I want to get hit on."

"Well it's not doing you any good if you leave your shirt on," I said noting that Shane still had his shirt on.

"I told you guys earlier, my body isn't beach ready," Shane said.

"What are you talking about?" I asked. "You look great!"

"Believe me, I don't," Shane said. "I need to get back into a regular gym routine."

"You're crazy," I told him. "You look hot."

"Oh yeah? Look at this," Shane said holding his t-shirt up to reveal his stomach. To me it looked great, true it wasn't the most defined body in the world, but he still looked amazing to me.

"What's wrong with it?" I asked.

"It's flabby," Shane said grabbing onto a little bit of his stomach.

"You're insane," I said. "You have a great body."

"Well the gay scene is extremely superficial," Shane said. "You have to be an Adonis in order for anyone to pay notice."

"Trust me, any guy would be lucky to have anyone as good looking as you," I told him truthfully. I can't deny that I have a slight attraction towards him.

"Well tell these buffed out beach bodies because I want to get hit on," Shane joked.

"Not me," I replied. "I'll leave that action to the rest of you guys."

"Luke?" a familiar voice asked. I looked up and saw someone approach me, he was walking in front of the sun so I couldn't make out his face.

"Yes?" I asked.

"Hey, how you doing?" he asked.

"I'm good," I replied. "I'm sorry, but your face is right in front of the glare of the sun so I have no idea who you are."

"Oh sorry," he laughed as he stepped a few feet to the left. When my eyes adjusted I was surprised to see Morgan, the cute guy I met when I went shopping with Ford a couple weeks ago.

"Hey Morgan," I smiled.

"How are you?" Morgan asked. "I didn't think I'd be lucky enough to run into you so soon."

"Lucky, huh?" I asked with a smirk.

"I consider it lucky," Morgan flirted.

"Gag me," I heard Shane say under his breath. I quickly slapped his arm.

"How have you been?" Morgan asked.

"Good," I replied. "How about you?"

"I'm great now," Morgan said. "I was just here grading some papers." I thought it was cute that an elementary school teacher came to the beach to grade some papers for his class.

"So you're here by yourself?" I asked.

"I guess so," Morgan said. "Does that make me a loser?"

"Only a little bit," I joked.

"Well, how about we change that? Can I interest you in walking around with me for a bit?" Morgan asked.

"Sure," I replied. While the heat in San Diego is unbearable, the heat between Morgan and me felt pretty great. I leaned in to Shane, "I'll be right back."

"See, even you got a guy coming up to you," Shane complained.

"I'm sure by the time I get back you'll have gotten lucky too," I replied. "See you in a bit."

I then joined Morgan and the two of us walked along the shoreline so our feet could get cooled off by the ocean.


This beach trip was actually turning out to be pretty nice. I have had three guys come up to me. They were cute, but some of them obviously just wanted a simple hook-up and that's not something I could ever do. Even though I would never pursue anything with any of the guys who've come up to me, it was at least a nice confidence booster.

"Ford, did you see who Luke just took off with?" Shane asked as he gestured towards the shoreline.

"Who?" I asked trying to find Luke.

"That guy he met at the mall a couple weeks ago," Shane replied.

"Morgan?" I asked. I looked a little bit more until I finally spotted the two of them. I smiled proudly. After all, he did talk to Morgan in the first place because of me.

"I can't believe both you and Luke have gotten hit on today," Shane said. "I'm sure Benji has even gotten cruised. I feel about as sexy as Star Jones in a bikini."

"We've only been here an hour," I laughed. "I'm sure you'll get a few guys coming your way."

"I think I might have let myself go during those four months I was with Rich," Shane said looking at his body.

"Oh god," I rolled my eyes, "You say that every time you break-up with someone. You swear you're Jabba the Hut."

"I'm just saying it would be nice if-" Shane began before the incredibly cute lifeguard on duty came up to me.

"You're Ford Ohara, right?" I heard the lifeguard ask.

"Yeah," I replied confused, not recognizing the guy.

"You probably don't remember me. We went to college together. I'm Patrick Adler, we had Sociology 134 together with Professor Dudley," he said.

"Oh my God, yeah," I remembered. "We did a group project together, right?"

"Yeah," Patrick smiled. "How are you?"

"I'm good," I replied. "So you're a lifeguard here?"

"Yeah," Patrick replied. "It's just a part-time job to help me pay for culinary school."

"You're going to culinary school?" I asked impressed.

"Yeah, the San Diego Culinary Institute," Patrick replied.

"That's great," I said. "I'm actually a food critic."

"Look at that," Patrick said impressed about our similar interest in food. "So I couldn't help but notice you had a few guys approaching you."

"Yeah, that hardly ever happens though," I replied.

"I find that hard to believe," Patrick flirted.

"Believe it," I shrugged. "It's true."

"Well it looks like you're more than making up for it today," Patrick said. "I'd like to be added to that list of potential suitors."

"You are extremely forward," I laughed a little nervously. I've never been pursued like this before by a guy.

"When I know what I want, I go for it," Patrick smiled.

"Shouldn't you be up in your watch tower making sure no one is drowning or being attacked by a shark?" I asked briefly changing the subject.

"I'm on break," Patrick said. "Now what do you say? I can tell you're a little interested."

"You are either extremely cocky," I replied.

"I like to think of it as confident," Patrick said. "So what do you say?"

"What do I say?" I asked. "You haven't even formally asked me out."

"Isn't it already assumed?" Patrick asked.

"Let me tell you something," I replied. "If you want to ask me out you have to be full of chivalry and good values."

"So you're a `rules' person, huh?" Patrick asked.

"If you don't like it then feel free to walk away, but that's who I am," I said holding my ground. We both stared each other down with mischievous smiles on our faces. We both were amused by our blend of flirting and arguing.

"Oh my God. Just ask him out already," Shane chimed in with an annoyed tone.

"Fine," Patrick laughed. "Can I take you out this week?"

"Sure," I replied. I reached into my backpack that I brought with me and took a business card out of my wallet and handed it to him. "Call me."

"I definitely will," Patrick smiled. "Let me see your cell phone real quick." I handed my phone to him and he punched in his number and saved it to my phone list. "Just in case you want to call me."

"Maybe I will," I smiled.

"I'll see you later," Patrick said with a cute little wink and walked off.

After Patrick walked back to his watchtower Shane looked my way.

"That might have been the cheesiest pick-up I've ever experienced," Shane said.

"I thought it was kind of cute," I replied.

"You would," Shane said. "How will this look in the romantic comedy of your life?"

"Oh be quiet," I retorted and went back to the book I was reading.


I have to admit that being with Morgan is nice. He is a very comforting person to have by my side. He's sweet, smart, funny and not to mention good looking. He's the complete package. If I were to date again anytime soon then it would definitely be with someone like him.

"I'm glad I ran into you today," Morgan said as the waves washed across our feet in the sand. "I've thought about you a lot since we met."

"You have not," I laughed. "That is such a line."

"I'm serious!" Morgan smiled as he defended himself. "I had a really nice time talking with you."

"I did too," I replied.

"I'm also glad I ran into you today cause now I got a chance to see you shirtless," Morgan joked.

"Yeah, you can see how pale I am," I laughed.

"Well the tan needs work, but everything else looks pretty good," Morgan said.

"You're not so bad yourself," I smiled.

"Thank you," Morgan said.

"I didn't know that elementary school teachers had bodies like that," I said.

"We are a rare breed," Morgan joked.

Here I am with a great guy and I a part of me does like him, but then the other part of me just keeps picturing Nick. I had a feeling that if I was still thinking of Nick then I wasn't in a place to pursue anything. I had to stop the flirtation and be honest.

"Morgan, I have to be honest with you," I began. "A part of me is very interested, but-"

"You're not ready to date," Morgan said. "Don't worry, I remember."

"Is that okay?" I asked.

"Of course," Morgan replied. "I was just hoping that maybe we can hang out sometime, as friends."

"Just friends?" I asked wanting to clarify things.

"Just friends. I promise," Morgan said. "But when you are ready to date down the road then I hope you'll turn to your `friend' before you turn to anyone else."

"Okay, friend," I smiled.


Walking down the beach and seeing all the hot guys I've never been hornier in my life. If I have an accidental slip up and sleep with one of them then Scott will have no one to blame but himself. Looking at all these men is like being a vegetarian in a steak house. Nothing but prime meat on the menu but I can't have any of it.

One of those pieces of prime meat lying on the beach was someone I know. It was my friend, Jason. He is a part-time model and a part-time lover of mine. Him and I have been known to getting together every once in a while for a good time. I normally don't double dip when it comes to men I sleep with but when it came to Jason we both felt that it was so good that we just continue to call each other up every now and then.

"Hey sexy," I said as I walked up to where Jason was soaking up the rays.

"Benji Bennett," Jason smiled when he opened his eyes and made eye contact with Benji. "How the hell are you?"

"Well things are definitely looking up," I replied. "Haven't talked to you in a while."

"You haven't called," Jason said. "Rumor has it that you have yourself a boyfriend now. How did that happen?"

"It's something I'm still trying to figure out," I replied.

"Who's the guy? Anyone I know?" Jason asked.

"No, he just moved here recently," I answered.

"I never thought I'd see the day," Jason replied. "Benji Bennett is actually in a relationship."

"It's definitely challenging," I said. I didn't want to get into my problems so I quickly asked him, "So how are things with you?"

"Fucking great," Jason boasted. "My job is great, I have no one holding me down. I can't complain."

"Sounds great," I said getting jealous of his life.

"I applaud you for being able to maintain a relationship," Jason said. "I tried it once, but it wasn't for me. It isn't who I am, you know?"

"Yeah, I think I know what you mean," I said.

"Well, I'm disappointed to hear that you caught the monogamy, but best of luck to you and your boyfriend," Jason said. "It was good running into you."

"You too," I said. "Take it easy Jason."

"Bye Benji," Jason smiled. He looked so good I was tempted to tear off his bathing suit right then and there and get that sexual relief that I needed so badly. As I was walking away I turned back to look at Jason who in the span of half a second had a hot surfer come up to him. I found myself completely jealous. I need sex.

That night while the other guys went to dinner at Red Tracton's, I decided to go over to Scott's place. Him and I were going to have sex whether he liked it or not. When I got to his place he was looking over some of his photos on his computer.

"How was the beach?" Scott asked.

"It was a sea of hot men," I replied as I started to kiss Scott's neck, "It got me incredibly horny."

"What do you think of this picture I took the other day?" Scott asked, it seems that he was completely unaware that I was trying to initiate sex. I looked at his computer screen to see a photo of a little girl at the park playing on the playground.

"It's fine," I shrugged not caring, I went back to kissing his neck and worked my way to his ear. "Let's go to the bedroom."

"Can we do it later?" Scott asked. "I want to do some work here."

"Are you fucking kidding me?" I asked insulted. I don't mean to sound cocky, but no one has ever been so resistant to have sex with me.

"It'll just be a couple hours," Scott said. "Why don't you pour yourself a glass of wine and help me out."

"Scott, we haven't had sex in ages," I said.

"We just had sex last week," Scott replied.

"Exactly, it's been forever," I retorted.

"What's the big deal? Its just sex," Scott said.

"Maybe I'm not making things clear to you. I love sex," I said. "Besides breathing it's the most important thing to me. I didn't get into this fucking relationship just to have my sex life dwindle down to nothing."

"There is a lot more to a relationship than just sex," Scott said. He obviously didn't understand me at all if he was actually saying something like that to me.

"No it's not," I said. "It isn't just the sex, it's about being true to who I am."

"What are you saying?" Scott asked.

It was when I heard Scott ask me that question that I realized what the problem was. It wasn't the lack of sex in our relationship, it was the relationship itself, it wasn't who I was. If I had any shot at being truly happy I needed to be honest with myself and what it was I wanted. "I'm sorry, but this isn't going to work," I said as I headed to the door.

"Wait," Scott said, "Just like that?"

"Scott, you're a great guy and I tried my best, but I'm not a relationship person," I replied. "You will find someone great, I know it. But I just can't do this." I then went and gave him a little kiss on the cheek before I headed out and quickly got out my cell phone to make a very important call. "Jason?" I asked when I heard him answer the phone, "Get the fuck over to my apartment."


Benji bailed out on dinner with us to go over and talk to Scott so it was just Luke, Shane and I at Red Tracton's. It's a great restaurant, it's a favorite of Ford's and mine and Luke had never been there. We were having a great time, although I still was feeling a little low about myself. I guess it's no secret that I have my share of self-esteem issues. It didn't help matters that all my friends got hit on at the beach today except me.

"Are you still moping about today?" Luke asked me. "So you didn't get hit on at the beach. Maybe people just thought you were straight. You are on the butch side."

"So are you guys," I replied. "Aside from Benji I don't think anyone would immediately think we're gay. So why didn't I get hit on?"

"You have to stop stressing about it," Ford said. "You are a handsome man and there are millions of guys who would love to be with you."

"Name one," I challenged as I took a sip of my martini.

"I'd do you," Luke joked.

It's weird, but every now and then I have these thoughts of Luke. It started a while ago when him and I were having a heart-to-heart with each other. I can't explain it but I felt some sort of connection with him. I doubt he felt the same way so I decided to not bring it up.

"I have an idea," Luke said. "How about after dinner we head to Numbers to do a some dancing and boost up your self-esteem?"

"That sounds fun! I'm in," Ford said excited.

"Shane?" Luke asked.

"Okay," I replied. "But if no one hits on me I'm going to go home and hang myself."

"Sounds like a plan," Luke said with a mischievous smile.

"You know who you should call?" Ford said to Luke. "Your new friend, Morgan."

"Really?" Luke asked. "You think I should?"

"Yes! What better way to form a friendship and maybe something else down the line if you don't start hanging out with him?" Ford asked.

"I don't know. I think it might be more fun if it was just us," Luke said.

"Um, yeah. Me too," I said. Truth is, I didn't really want Luke to potentially start something up with someone else. I don't know if I'm jealous, but I just felt like there was something between us.

"No, you have to invite him," Ford said. "I think the fact that you saw him today is a sign that he could be the one."

"He is not the one," I scoffed.

"How do you know?" Ford asked.

"Oh come on. `The one?' That's ridiculous. There isn't just one person for everyone."

"You don't know that," Ford replied. "They met because they were both in the right place at the right time and they met up again by fate today at the beach."

"I wouldn't call it fate," Luke said.

"Me neither," I agreed. I was happy that Luke felt the same way I do.

"Well it doesn't matter what you think," Ford said. "I still think you should call him."

Luke thought it over for a bit before he shrugged, "I guess it wouldn't hurt, right?"

"That's all I'm saying!" Ford said happily. "I can't believe you guys don't believe in fate. I believe that fate was the reason Patrick and I ran into each other today."

"Careful," Luke warned. "I'm getting a déjà vu here. You're starting to act the same way you did with Roland."

"I'm not going to make that mistake again," Ford said. "I'm just saying that I think there's a reason why I ran into Patrick today. Think about it, I haven't seen him since college and we happened to go to the same beach that he works at. What else would you call it?"

"A coincidence," I said.

"Or luck," Luke added.

"You two are cynical and unromantic," Ford said with a laugh.

"I'll be cynical," I boasted.

"I guess that would make me unromantic," Luke joined in on the laugh. "So are you going to call Patrick and ask him to meet us at the club also?"

"No," Ford replied. "I have to wait at least two days before calling him."

"Oh, I forgot about that. Sorry Mr. Rules," I chuckled.

After dinner we took a cab to Park Blvd. where Numbers was located. We have been to Numbers enough time to get inside with out having to wait in line. First thing we did inside was get ourselves some drinks.

"Lot of cute guys here tonight," Luke said to me.

"Yeah, they are pretty cute," I agreed as I took a sip of the beer that I ordered. Right as I said that a really cute guy came our way. He was the total cliché, `tall, dark and handsome.' I gave him a smile, but he looked right past me and went straight for...Ford. Typical. "Well, this night is getting off to a good start," I said sarcastically. Luke just laughed and patted me on the back.


Twenty minutes after we got to the bar I spotted Morgan walk in. He looked really good. Dressed in a dark pair of jeans and a black button up shirt with the sleeves rolled up to show off his nice arms.

"I'll be back," I told Shane and Ford, who politely turned down the guy who tried hitting on him.

"He looks really handsome," Ford said giving me a friendly nudge.

"Are you going to be hanging out with him the entire night?" Shane asked.

"No," I replied. "I'll be back later."

"Don't rush," Ford said. "Have fun."

I left the guys and headed over to the front of the club to greet Morgan with a hug. "Good to see you."

"You look great," Morgan said.

"As do you," I replied.

"Thanks," Morgan replied. "I actually bought these clothes the day we met at the mall."

"No wonder they look good," I joked. "Can I convince you to dance?"

"I think so," Morgan smiled as the two of us headed to the dance floor together.


Shane and I were bopping our heads to the music playing and sipping our drinks when I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket. I took out my phone to see that I had a text message from Patrick. It read: I'm sure you wanted to play by the rules and not talk to me for at least 48 hours, but I don't believe in rules. Dinner next Friday?' I smiled when I read the text and decided to break my rules and reply: It's a date.' After I finished sending the text I turned my attention back to Shane. I saw him staring intently at the dance floor.

"What are you looking at?" I asked Shane questionably.

"Do you think that he's going to get with him?" Shane asked.

"Who?" I asked. I then spotted Luke and Morgan dancing together. "Are you talking about Luke?"

"Yeah," Shane replied. "What do you think is going to happen with them?"

"Well, I think they look very good together," I replied. "Don't you think?"

"I don't think he should start anything," Shane said.

"Why?" I asked.

"I don't think he's ready yet," Shane replied. "He was in a real serious relationship with his last boyfriend before he died. He needs more time to grieve."

"You think so?" I asked. "Because it looks like he's having a real good time dancing with Morgan." Shane and I both watched Luke and Morgan dance for a bit. They both had their arms wrapped around each other and were smiling and laughing together.

"Look, he's trying to push him off," Shane said. I looked at them and didn't see what Shane was seeing at all. Luke had his left arm over Morgan's shoulder and his right arm resting against his chest.

"What are you talking about?" I asked confused.

"Luke obviously is uncomfortable," Shane replied.

I looked at the way Shane was staring at Luke and it suddenly dawned on me why he was acting the way he was. "Oh my God," I said at the realization. "I see what's going on."

"What are you talking about?" Shane asked taking a sip of his beer.

"You have feelings for Luke!" I replied.

"What?!" Shane asked. "You're crazy."

"Oh am I?" I asked. "You have been nothing but discouraging at the thought of Luke dating Morgan. Admit it."

"No, because it's not true," Shane shot back.

"Shane, I-" I began to say, but then Shane quickly cut me off.

"I said I don't!" Shane said getting pissed. He then walked away from me.

"Shane! I'm sorry, come on!" I called out to him, but he walked off, getting lost in the crowed. I was going to go after him, but decided to let him have some time to himself. I knew he wasn't really pissed at me anyway. Besides, even if he was, I was too excited about my date with Patrick next week.


By the time I got to my apartment, Jason was waiting out front for me.

"I was surprised to hear from you," Jason said as I unlocked the front door. "What happened to your relationship?"

"We broke up," I replied as we walked inside. I closed the door and immediately started taking off his clothes.

"What happened?" Jason asked as he undid his belt and unbuttoned his pants.

"You made me realize that it isn't for me," I replied. "I'm not a monogamous person."

"Thank God, because I missed this ass," Jason said as he grabbed my butt with his hands and gave it a squeeze before he started to kiss my neck.

"That feels amazing. I haven't had sex in over a week," I said as I ran my hands all over Jason's rippled body.

"Then you need a big release," Jason said as he took my shirt off.

"Desperately," I said as we made our way to my bedroom.

"Then we're going to make things hot," Jason said as we fell on my bed.

"The hotter the better," I said before we cut the conversation and got down to business. It felt AMAZING!


After I stormed off from Ford I went to the opposite end of the bar to relax. I didn't mean to get pissy with Ford, I just didn't want him to find out that I was starting to get feelings for Luke. Besides, I wasn't sure what those feelings were myself and I didn't want to make a big deal out of it if it ended up being nothing. I ordered myself another beer to calm my nerves. I looked out on the dance floor at Luke and Morgan and even though I didn't want to admit it, Luke did look pretty happy. It was the happiest I've seen him since we met. I looked towards the other end of the bar and saw Ford on his cell phone, he had a big smile on his face. He was obviously having a text conversation with Preston. Seeing the two of them smiling and happy only made me realize how pathetic I seemed in comparison.


I had been dancing with Morgan for a little while when I looked back at the bar and saw Shane sitting alone. He looked lonely with his beer in one hand and a look of misery on his face. I wasn't sure how I felt about Morgan, but I was pretty certain that feelings were beginning to form for Shane and I hated seeing him look so down. I was about to excuse myself from Morgan to give Shane some company, but right when I was about to speak to Morgan a guy approached Shane and the two began to talk. After a couple minutes I saw a smile on Shane's face and he continued to talk to the guy for the rest of the night. I didn't want to interrupt so I continued to dance with Morgan.


Even though the entire club was filled up with people, I never felt more alone. I was about to just give up and go home, but then a cute guy from across the bar came up to me.

"Hey," he said. "I couldn't help, but notice that you were alone."

"I'm not alone," I said quickly. I didn't want anyone thinking I was more pathetic than I really am. "I'm here with friends."

"They with dates?" he asked.

"You can say that," I shrugged.

"Not you?" he asked.

"No," I replied.

"Then it looks like I came just in time before other guys here start to figure out that you're unattached," he said. "How is it possible for a hotty like you to not have someone?"

"Hotty? Me?" I asked surprised.

"Yeah," he answered. "You're hot."

"Really? Wow. Thank you," I replied. It looks like things were starting to turn around.

"Yeah, my friends and I down there couldn't stop looking at you," he said as he gestured to a group of guys towards the opposite end of the bar looking and smiling in my direction.

"All of them think I'm hot?" I asked.

"The hottest guy here," he answered.

I didn't know what to say. All I could do was smile. It took all day, a few drinks and one bold guy to come up to me to make me feel good about myself. I finally felt hot.

To Be Continued...

With any comments, questions or suggestions please e-mail me at Thanks so much!

Next: Chapter 8

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