Luke and Noah

By Callen Hobbs

Published on Apr 12, 2009


Author's Note: As the World Turns and all of its characters belong to CBS and Proctor & Gamble Productions. This story is set in the time period between Luke & Noah's break up and Cyndi Lauper's visit to Oakdale Pride. I apologize for having taken nine months to write this third chapter! At least in that time, Luke & Noah finally made love on the show.

Luke walked towards Noah's truck, his heart racing. He'd just apologized to his Grandmother's driver and sent him off, explaining that his boyfriend had shown up to give him a ride. Boyfriend. It had felt so good to say that word again and to know that by the end of the night, he and Noah would finally be together in every sense. It seemed too good to be true, really, after all these months. Especially after he'd nearly made the mistake of sleeping with Reg tonight.

Inside the truck, Noah watched Luke walking towards him and felt the simultaneous rush of love and lust that he'd long since come to associate with Luke Snyder. In that moment, he knew that the misplaced anger he'd felt for Luke over his father's death was truly gone. Looking at him now, he just wanted to take him in his arms and never let him go again.

Luke opened the passenger door and climbed inside. After slamming it closed behind him, he turned to face Noah. "Hi."

"Hello," Noah said softly, reaching out a hand he hadn't even noticed was shaking slightly and touching the side of Luke's face.

Luke moved in for a kiss, feeling the familiar press of Noah's lips and the taste of his mouth, that very Noah flavor of coffee and mint.

They kissed for several minutes before Noah pulled back and looked into Luke's eyes, smiling. "You taste like strawberries."

"I had a milkshake," Luke explained, and then felt a pang of guilt, remembering just who he'd been with when he ordered it and what had happened afterward.

Noah's mind followed the exact same route and he turned to face forward and started his truck. Luke put a hand on Noah's shoulder, suddenly feeling a bit anxious. Was this all going to blow up in their faces yet again?

"I'm sorry about tonight, Noah."

"Don't be. It's what I needed, I guess, to open my eyes. When I thought it was too late... that I'd lost you... God, Luke, it was the worst thing ever," Noah was still staring out the windshield, but Luke could hear the pain in his voice.

"I love you so much, Noah. For a few stupid minutes I fooled myself into thinking that I could move on, but-"

"It's okay, Luke. I was the stupid one. I was the one who pushed you away. Even when we were together, I kept you at a distance. I- I've been so scared, Luke. You already mean everything to me. If I'd let us take that next step... I just don't think I could live if I ever lost you after that."

"Noah. Noah, look at me," Luke said, his fingers finding Noah's chin and turning his head so that they were once again looking into each others eyes. "You won't lose me. Ever."

"I know. It's just taken me a long time to trust in that. I've been alone, really, since my Mom died... left, I guess I should say. I just had my Dad and we were never exactly close. I guess I grew up feeling like if I really let someone in, I'd lose them like I lost her. I think that's why it took me so long to say I love you, even though I felt it almost from the first time I saw you. And that's why it's taken this long for us to finally be together. All of the things keeping us apart: my Dad, your paralysis, Ameera, the I.C.E., my Dad again, it didn't have to be that way. On some level, I think I was just seeking out obstacles because I was scared."

Luke listened in silence, his heart swelling with love for the man who was finally opening up the last part of his own heart. When Noah was done talking, Luke leaned forward and kissed him again. Pulling back, he looked into his boyfriend's eyes. "I love you so much. Let's get back to your dorm room, Noah, or we're going to end up putting on a show for anyone who happens to stroll through this parking lot tonight."

Noah grinned and reached over to squeeze Luke's leg lightly before turning forward and putting his truck in gear.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

"So, this is your dorm room." Luke looked around, seeing the place for the first time. He was slightly unsettled by how identical it was to Reg's room, with only the posters on the walls marking any real difference.

"Yeah. That's my roommates side," Noah explained.

"I kind of guessed that from the old movie posters on your side and the women in bikinis on his," Luke laughed.

"He's a cool guy, but all he ever talks about is getting laid. Not that he ever does," Noah smiled.

"So, it's about time this room saw some action, then," Luke said in his most playfully suggestive voice.

Noah stepped forward and brought his mouth to Luke's, slowly unbuttoning his boyfriend's shirt while he did so. Luke responded by slipping his hands underneath Noah's Java issued green t-shirt, running his fingers across Noah's incredible abs.

Noah broke the kiss and pushed Luke's shirt off. As it hit the floor Noah took in the sight before him, his fingers beginning to play with Luke's chest hair and lightly tweak his nipples. "You're so sexy."

Luke groaned slightly, turned on both by the touch and the words. He took his fingers away from Noah's abs long enough to pull his t-shirt over his head and then dove forward, his mouth finding Noah's chest and making him moan.

They stood there in the center of Noah's dorm room for several minutes, exploring each others chests with tongues and fingers and breaking off to kiss more than once. This much was somewhat familiar ground for the two of them, stolen shirtless moments now and then that had usually been interrupted. They were both ready to take it to the next level.

Noah half laughed and have yelped with pleasure when Luke grabbed him and pushed him backwards and then down onto his bed. Once Noah was on his back, Luke dropped to his knees in front of the bed and reach up, unbuttoning Noah's pants. He wasted no time in pulling them down past Noah's thighs, revealing Noah's plaid boxer shorts, tented out enough so that Luke could see part of his cock through the flap in front.

"I swear to God, if your roommate walks through that door right now, I'm not stopping. He can just watch," Luke growled as he slowly slipped his hand into the front of Noah's boxers and wrapped his fingers around the hot, hard cock that was waiting for him.

Noah let out an animalistic moan at the feeling of contact. "No interruptions this time, I promise," he panted.

Luke pulled Noah's cock through the flap and held it, his eye's taking in every inch of it. He'd felt it pressed against him many times, had groped it through Noah's jeans and, on one memorable occasion, even briefly touched it after slipping his hand down Noah's shorts, but this was the first time he'd ever seen it in all of its glory.

"It's so big. I knew it was, but... it's beautiful," Luke said softly, before leaning forward and running his tongue up the length of the shaft. Noah groaned and arched his back, his heart racing. It took everything he had not to cum right then and there, from one lick. They'd waited so long!

"Oh, God. Luke..."

The blond head bobbed forward as Luke took Noah's cock in his mouth, sliding his lips down and taking as much as he could before it hit the back of his throat. Pulling back, Luke saw that only half of Noah's dick was wet with his saliva. He longed to swallow every inch of it, to have Noah deep in his throat. He quickly pulled Noah's boxers down, freeing his cock completely. Trying again, Luke pushed himself even farther, until his gag reflex kicked in and he pulled back.

"Oh, God," Noah repeated, his mind spinning. "You look so hot with my dick in your mouth."

"I love your cock, Noah. It's so big. I want to swallow it all," Luke went for it again as Noah watched. Almost without thinking, he grabbed the back of Luke's head and thrust upwards, pushing deeper into his lover's throat. Luke moaned deeply before pulling back with a gasp and beginning to sputter and cough.

"Oh my God! I'm sorry. Are you okay?" Noah sat up, worried that he'd hurt Luke.

Wiping off his mouth, Luke looked into Noah's eyes and smiled. "I'm fine. That was really hot!"

"You've got tears rolling down your cheeks, Luke. I shouldn't have done that."

"Noah! It was hot. I liked it. I just need to practice. I want to be able to deep throat you."

"Someone's been watching porn again," Noah laughed.

Luke gave Noah a wicked grin. "Do it again. Fuck my mouth." He wrapped his lips around Noah's tool again and sucked lightly, waiting for Noah to comply. For a second, Noah hesitated, truly not wanting to do anything to hurt Luke. The look in his boyfriend's eyes, though, sent him over the edge and he took Luke's head between his hands and began to thrust upwards again, trying at first not to go too deep but quickly abandoning the effort in his growing lust. Luke often sputtered and pulled back, only to dive in again as soon as he'd caught his breath.

This continued for several minutes, until Noah knew that he was going to cum at any second if they didn't stop. "Luke, I want your cock." Noah blushed slightly at the words, but at the same time, it felt so right saying them. Luke pulled off of Noah's dick and sat up, wiping his mouth.

"God, it's hot to hear you say that, Noah."

"You're hot, Luke. I can't believe we haven't been doing this for the past year! I was so stupid."

"Stop. None of that. All that matters is now." Luke stood up, only realizing in that moment that his legs had been falling asleep underneath him as he knelt on the floor. He stumbled a little and Noah sat up quickly, wrapping his arms around him.

"Are you okay?"

Luke smiled at the concern on Noah's face and felt his heart swell once again. He loved Noah so much!

"I'm great. My legs just fell asleep while I was otherwise occupied."

"Sit down," Noah said, manuvering Luke onto the bed and then standing up. He jeans and boxers were bunched up just above his knees and he began hopping around in front of the bed as he tried to kick off his shoes and then pull them all the way down, his large, wet dick bobbing around in front of him the whole time. Luke, watching him, threw back his head and started to laugh.

"Noah, you're so adorkable! I love it."

"Adorkable? I think you mean sexy!" Noah, finally fully naked, did a little dance that just made him look even more adorkable in Luke's eyes and then dropped to his knees, assuming the position Luke had just spent so many enjoyable minutes in.

Noah ran his fingers down the length of Luke's hardon, which was still trapped underneath two layers of clothing. Luke threw his head back and moaned, fleetingly thinking of how wrong it had felt when Reg had touched him there earlier in the night and how very right if felt to have Noah's hand on him.

After giving Luke's dick a few sensual squeezes, Noah reached down and took off his lover's shoes and socks before undoing his pants and removing them in one fluid motion. Luke's black boxer briefs were bulging and damp with pre-cum and Noah quickly brought his mouth to the head of his cock, licking and sucking it through the layer of fabric.

"Mmm. Noah," Luke moaned, propping himself up on his elbows so he wouldn't miss a second of the scene unfolding in front of him. Noah looked up, locking eyes with Luke, and his lips shaped themselves into a smile, even with his mouth full of Luke's package.

After spending several seconds making Luke's boxer briefs even wetter with his mouth, Noah finally pulled them off. This was his first real look at what Luke had been hiding in his pants, but it was no surprise to see just how large he was. Noah had been able to feel it through his pants several times, and it had always made his mouth go dry in anticipation of this very moment.

"And you say I'm big," Noah grinned. "I think you're bigger."

"I'm nowhere near as thick as you, Noah. We're probably about the same length."

"Let's check," Noah smiled. Standing up, he placed his cock, still achingly erect, up against Luke's. Holding them together in his hand, it was clear that Luke's was just slightly longer than Noah's, but he was definetly right about Noah being thicker.

"That feels so good," Luke said softly as Noah began stroking both their cocks. They were both leaking pre-cum like crazy, though, and Noah knew he couldn't stroke himself for very long without brining on an orgasm. After a minute or so, he dropped back to his knees and took Luke's cock in hand.

"I've dreamed about this for so long," he said. Leaning forward, he wrapped his lips around the head of Luke's dick, immediately savoring the taste of his pre-cum. It was so distinctly Luke, that taste. Noah knew that he'd never get enough of it, even if he sucked Luke's dick every day for the rest of his life.

"Oh, my God." Luke dropped backwards, unable to hold himself up as the sensations of his first blowjob overwhelmed him. "That's so good."

Noah, to his own surprise, quickly discovered that he lacked a gag reflex and was easily able to take Luke's large cock all the way to the base. Luke gasped and moaned and made all sorts of incredibly sexy noises, his fingers running through Noah's hair, gripping the sides of his head and drifting up to play with his own nipples as he writhed on the bed in ecstasy.

When Noah pulled off of Luke and moved his mouth down to suck on his balls, Luke got even louder. Noah grinned and briefly thought of his floormates being able to hear them, but he honestly didn't care. In fact, he'd love it if everyone on the planet could hear what he was doing to Luke, how he was driving him crazy with his mouth.

Finally, Noah stood up and dropped down onto the bed next to Luke, kissing his way up Luke's stomach, taking a detour to both of his nipples, and then running his tongue up his throat to his mouth for a kiss.

"I'm so jealous!" Luke said when they broke from the kiss.

"Why?" Noah asked, smiling.

"You don't even have a gag reflex! I want to be able to do that to you so bad!"

"Well, I love that I can do it to you. And it's hot just watching you try and do it for me."

"I love you, Noah." Luke kissed him again.

"I love you, too, Luke. So much."

"Show me. Make love to me," Luke whispered, his eyes never leaving Noah's.

"Are you sure?"

"God, yes. I've wanted you inside of me since... well, since that day in the kitchen at the farm."

"Which day?"

"The day we went swimming, when we had that towel fight and almost kissed, before Maddie came in."

"Really? Since then?" Noah smiled.

"Yeah. That was the moment that I knew that I didn't just have a crush on you, that it was more than that. That I really, really wanted you. In every way, including inside of me."

"I would have thought it was in Branson, when you first saw this," Noah joked, grabbing his cock and giving it a little shake.

"Well, that didn't hurt, big boy," Luke laughed. Then, his face got serious. "I mean it, though, Noah. I need you inside of me. Right now."

"You've got it," Noah said, kissing Luke again before jumping up and moving over to his desk. It took him a few seconds to find the box of condoms inside and open it for the first time. Once he had a condom in his hand, Luke reached out and took it from him.

"Let me." The blond tore open the foil and then slowly, sensually rolled the condom down Noah's cock, sending shivers of pleasure down his lover's spine. "Do you have lubricant?"

Noah smiled at the almost clinical way Luke said the word. "Of course." He grabbed the bottle from inside his desk and handed it to Luke, watching while he squeezed some into his palm before rubbing it all over Noah's dick. When he was done, Noah reached down and took the bottle from him.

"Let me, now." Noah smiled. Luke nodded, laying back on the bed while Noah put a large drop of lube on his fingers and then brought them up against Luke's hole, rubbing them softly against his most intimate spot, marvelling at the fact that he was finally touching him there.

Luke gasped when Noah finally slipped a finger inside and began to slide it back and forth. Adding more lube, he insterted a second finger alongside the first and was rewarded with the loudest moan he'd gotten out of Luke yet.

"That feels so amazing," Luke panted.

Noah continued fingering Luke, eventually adding a third finger before he felt that his lover was ready. He added a bit more lube to his own cock and then stood up, pulling Luke down so that his ass was just at the edge of the bed.

"Are you ready?"

"Yes. Please." Luke looked into Noah's eyes. Their gazes remained locked as Noah slowly pushed the head of his dick inside of Luke.

"Oh God!" Luke winced and gritted his teeth.

"Should I stop?" Noah asked, clearly worried.

"Don't you dare!" Luke groaned. "Keep going."

Noah pressed himself further into Luke, amazed at how tight and hot his ass was. He'd felt nothing like this in his entire life, not even the times he'd made love to Maddie. It wasn't just the physcial pleasure, either, although that was a hundred times better. It was the feeling of true connection between him and Luke.

"I'm in. I'll give you a few minutes," Noah said softly. Luke nodded without saying anything and Noah felt a pang at the obvious pain on his face. "Am I hurting you?"

"It's okay. I know it'll get better in a minute." Luke smiled. "Even now, it's amazing, just having you inside of me."

"I love you so much, Luke. You're my life." Noah once would never have imagined saying such a thing, but now it came naturally. It was completely true.

"I love you, too, Noah. More than anything." Luke's blond hair was damp with sweat, his hairy chest was glistening with it, as he reached up and touched Noah's face briefly. "I think I'm ready."

Noah nodded and slowly began to pull back, sliding his dick almost all the way out of Luke before pushing forward again.

"Oh, yeah. It's already feeling good," Luke moaned.

"I want to make you feel good, baby," Noah said, closing his eyes briefly as the feelings overwhelmed him.

The two of them quickly found a rhythm as Noah slid in and out and Luke reached up to run his fingers across Noah's sweaty abs or pinch his nipples. After a few minutes, Noah shifted slightly and the volume of Luke's moans suddenly increased.

"Oh God! Oh, GOD! Noah, right there! Don't stop! Right there!" Luke threw back his head and began making more noise than Noah had ever heard in his life, each sound turning him on even more as he realized that he'd managed to find Luke's prostate.

"Harder! Please Noah! It's so good. Oh My GOD! Fuck me! Harder!" Luke's words soon devolved into pure gibberish as Noah complied, pounding his boyfriend with a force that would have worried him if Luke hadn't been so clearly enjoying it.

"Yeah! Oh God! I think I'm-" Luke never finished his sentence. Noah had been stroking his lover's cock earlier, before he'd moved both of his hands to Luke's hips to really start pounding him. Luke's own hands were gripped firmly on Noah's ass, pushing him forward with ferocity. Now, Noah couldn't believe his eyes as the blond's dick suddenly erupted, cum flying all over Luke's sweaty stomach and chest, even hitting his forehead, all without being touched.

The only noise that Luke seemed capable of making in that moment was one that went straight to Noah's own dick, sending him over the edge along with the tightening of Luke's hole.

"I'm cumming. Luke!" Noah felt like his legs were about to give out underneath him as he felt himself explode. It felt as if his very soul was bursting out of him. He'd never experienced anything like it.

Gasping, he fell forward on to Luke, their sweat and Luke's cum bonding them together as they both panted and groaned, incapable of further speech.

After a few minutes, Noah slowly pulled out of Luke, eliciting another groan from his lover. Rolling over so that they were lying side by side, both looking up at the ceiling, Noah tossed the condom aside and closed his eyes.

"Wow," he finally managed.

"Yeah," Luke whispered next to him.

"I can't believe it was that good."

Luke turned to look at him, a smile on his face. "What, you though it would suck?"

Noah turned as well, so he could look into Luke's eyes and see the amused smirk on his face.

"Of course not. But no matter how good I imagined it being, it was a million times better."

"You're telling me! When you started to... I mean, when you found... it was..." Luke didn't seem capable of forming the words.

"When I found that special spot, you mean?" Noah grinned.

"God, Noah. There's nothing like that on Earth. It was incredible. I just want to do it again!"

Noah laughed and leaned in to kiss Luke lightly. "Give a guy a chance to recover! Besides, next time it's my turn!"

"You want me to fuck you?" Luke asked. He'd hoped that Noah would want to do that, but they hadn't really talked about it before.

"After seeing how good it was for you? Hell yeah!" Noah smiled.

They fell silent, just looking into each other's eyes as their breathing slowed.

"Noah, that was the greatest first time in the history of first times. I don't even care that we had to wait so long. It was worth it. I love you."

"I love you, too."

*** There we go! Again, sorry for the wait. I hope people like this. Feedback is very appreciated!

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