Mack and Jd

By Virtual Insanity

Published on Mar 22, 2005


This story contains male/male consensual relationships of a romantic and sexual nature. If it is illegal for you to read this type of material, please adhere to your laws.

For my fans, please note that this story is not like my normal ones in that there will be a running authoritarian theme and even a point of abuse in this story. This is a much more sexual story than my usual as well. I can assure that all ends well, though.

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Part One

James Devin McKay and Mack Cardoni.

JD McKay shifted self-consciously from one foot to the other, watching as a group of twenty or so of West Central High's finest male seniors ran up and down the basketball court. He heaved a sigh and sniffled, swiping at his nose with his shirtsleeve, which he had stretched so that it hung down over his hand.

JD was just short of tall, around 5'10" and as skinny as a rail. His sandy brown hair was made up of frizzy curls, true evidence of his biracial heritage, the black, white and latino mix that had somehow blended to make him. It was obvious to anyone who bothered to look that he was uncomfortable in his own honeyed-vanilla skin.

First of all, he was stoned out of his mind, having smoked half of his small stash of weed some time between the hours of eleven am and noon while he was in the park two blocks away from school, skipping his Senior Composition class. It was the kind of college prep course that he hated even though he was passing it with flying colors.

He didn't quite fit in with the stoners because of his flawless grades.

And he sure as hell didn't fit in with the guys that were racing back and forth, dripping sweat all over the shiny gym floor. Not that he couldn't be an athlete if he really wanted to, but the testerone got to him, like some kind of heady cocktail.

JD was gay. He'd accepted that before his eleventh birthday when his cousin Desmond shot a load of cum down his throat. They were just messing around, neither of them very sure what they were doing...but each one knowing that whatever they were doing felt damn good.

JD wasn't supposed to suck Desmond off, they were both supposed to jerk each other off in JD's bedroom while Desmond was sleeping over for his eleventh birthday party the next day...but somehow, JD hadn't been able to resist. The cock was there, hard and pulsating and ridged...and JD had put his mouth on it. >From there, there was no going back. What was he supposed to do, spit it out? Not when it felt so good, when the texture entranced him and the feel of it pounding against his tongue felt so right.

Ever since then, he'd had the hardest time being around any guys. His mind was constantly racing, wanting to know if the guy went for other guys, how big his cock was, what it tasted like.

JD leaned back against the hard, brick wall of the gym, bit his lip and started playing with his elbow.

When he'd found out that he had to take a gym class in order to graduate in his last semester of high school, he hadn't thought much of it. His counselor had told him that there were only two classes available that would fulfill his course requirements. Weight Training or Team Sports. JD could just imagine himself in a room full of guys, pumping iron, sweating...and groaning. At least in team sports, he had a fighting chance.

Or so he thought.

It turned out that the guys who signed up for the team sports class were all a bunch of buddies who had played on teams together for the past four years of high school. They played football together, or basketball or baseball or were on the wrestling team. Then, there was JD. The obvious misfit of the group.

There was an odd number of students in the class and when it came time to pick teams, he always ended up being the odd guy out. Which was almost a good thing, if it didn't make him feel like a loser every time it happened.

Add to that the fact that these guys were hands down the hottest guys in the school, the guys with the best bodies, the ones who were dating fucking cheerleaders and JD realized that he was in over his head. Which was why he had to get high some time before the class started, otherwise he would be fidgeting and twitching trying to keep his dick down. Yeah, the weed initially made him very horny, but he always found a spot to jack off after that first high and somehow he had made it through the first two weeks of the class.

The guys stopped playing when Mr. Gilbert blew his whistle, which meant it was time to hit the shower room. JD's least favorite part of the class. Mr. Gilbert considered showers a mandatory portion of the class, making sure that every student at least went to the locker room for five minutes. Whether or not a guy took a shower while he was in there was debatable, but you still had to be in there.

JD had yet to shower. It wasn't like he actually ever broke a sweat in the class. Showers were unneccessary for him and even if he really needed one, he would not go into the open shower stalls to catch glimpses of the rock-hard bodies soaping up in them. He knew he would end up outing himself to the entire school if he did...and probably getting his ass beat in the process.

JD made his way behind the group of laughing and rowdy guys down to the boys locker room. They passed a group of underclassmen on the way, a bunch of girls in short shorts and t-shirts, grinning and blushing as the jocks gave them looks and passed by. JD was left out of the gentle flirtation. Although he was aware of the fact that he was not a complete dog when it came to looks, he also knew that he was nothing out of the ordinary. Not one of those girls would look twice at him, especially after trading glances with the likes of Eddie Fischer and Todd Langely, two of the hottest and most popular guys in the school. He trailed after them and made his way quietly into the locker room. He sat down on the bench in front of his locker, one that was closest to the door and his escape.

He reached for his sneakers first. JD had the changing process down to a science. If he paced everything just right, it would take him five minutes exactly to change from his gym clothes into his regular clothes. He would remain focused on himself at all times and by the time all was said and done, he would be on his way out of the locker room, hopefully not capturing anybody's attention.

He was down to his tightey whiteys and had one leg in a pair of jeans when Mack Cardoni came bounding into the narrow space, knocking JD off of the bench as he lunged playfully for a guy who was standing a few feet away from JD.

"Shit," JD mumbled to himself, not daring to do more than sit himself up, his eyes going involuntarily to Mack, who had the other kid in the headlock. The agression in the movement was enough to make JD lose his breath, not because he was afraid, but because it thrilled something inside of him. He had always wanted to be on the recieving end of that kind of playful, rough treatment, but had never been fortunate enough to have any male friends that were close enough to him to do it. The kid was red-faced and squirming to get out of Mack's grasp , but there was a grin on both of their faces to let everyone know that it was all in good fun.

JD's eyes trailed helplessly over Mack Cardoni's torso. Mack had been center on the varsity football team earlier that year and was on the wrestling team now that the football season was over. He was well known all over the school for his ferocious temper and badass attitude. It was rumored that he'd told a teacher to shut up once and the teacher had obeyed.

Mack was clearly Italian with a broad nose and big ears. He was far from cute, with the scar that trailed along the right side of his face and back to his ear. Someone had said that Mack's brother was in a gang and that Mack had been stabbed several times in a gang fight. From the guarded look in his almost black eyes, JD could see it happening. Mack Cardoni just looked like he'd been through a lot of shit in his he could handle anything that came his way.

He was built like a truck, with wide, broad shoulders and a chest that JD sincerely doubted he could fit his arms all the way around. He was bulging with muscles, as if he lived in the gym...and he stood head and shoulders above everyone else. Mack was the kind of guy that should never wear a shirt, JD was thinking to himself, when he realized that he was staring...because he could feel his cock elongating against his briefs.

JD's eyes quickly snapped up to Mack's face...just to make sure Mack hadn't caught him staring...but Mack was staring right back at him, those black eyes almost bottomless. JD looked away and stood up, half-in and half-out of his jeans. Only then did he realize that he was letting anyone who wanted to look know what kind of state he was in. JD's eyes went back to Mack, but Mack was looking down at JD's crotch. JD yanked the jeans over his thighs and zipped up, not daring to even venture a glance in Mack's general direction. His heart was threatening to beat its way out of his chest.

JD shoved his gym clothes back into the locker and pulled a long-sleeve shirt over his head. When he pulled it down, he realized that Mack was sitting on the bench a little ways down, chatting with the kid he'd been horsing around with. JD slammed his locker shut, slipped his backpack over one shoulder and pulled his shirtsleeves down over his hands in a habitual gesture of discomfort.

He started sniffling as he made his way out of the aisle and wiped quickly at his nose with his shirtsleeve as he left the locker room.

Mack Cardoni watched JD leave the locker room, forcing himself to be calm and to chat lightly with his buddy. Mack was the biggest guy in school and everyone was used to him manhandling anybody that stepped in his path. He could pick up and toss around the captain of the football team with no problem. A little guy like JD was like a feather to him.

Mack pretended total interest in the conversation he was in, while his mind let him relive the electric feeling he'd felt for the brief moment that he had allowed him self to touch JD McKay. He closed his eyes and reveled in that touch for half of a second.

There was something about JD McKay. God, Mack had been trying to keep the kid out of his head since sophomore year, but he'd never had the chance to be as close to him as he could be now that they actually had a class together. Mack found that with careful maneuvering, he could get close enough to smell the soap that the other boy used on his skin in the morning, or the faintest tinge of marijuana lingering on his skin from whatever smoke he'd had earlier. He had to fight the urge to just sit and stare at JD, to count the reddish brown freckles that lined his nose.

Over the last two years, Mack had made sure to keep his distance from JD. He forced himself to do it. The feelings he had...they terrified him...and it wasn't about being gay or craving dick or anything like that. Mack had no qualms about his sexuality, no regrets or wishes to be different. He was what he was...but what he did regret, the thing that he did want to get rid of...was his desire for JD McKay. Because sometimes, it just got out of hand.

The dreams he had some nights, he knew would make people think that he was either sick or deranged. At times, it was simple things like wanting to tell JD what colors he could and couldn't wear...and to get him off of the weed. To make JD stop trying to prove himself to be some kind of antisocial badass and just be the smartass kid that he was meant to be. Then, other times, he wanted to hurt tie him up, to bind him so tight that he couldn't move a muscle and torture him. Those were the thoughts that Mack didn't want to have. Hell, he knew about all of the S & M bullshit that people got into, but he didn't just want to play a was as serious as hell to him.

And Mack knew that if he chose to, he could seriously hurt somebody. The fact that just the sight of JD made him as hard as a rock coupled with the sick thoughts he was having was his God-given warning, Mack really believed that. If he could just keep his mind and his hands off of the kid, everything might turn out alright for him.

The thought that this was their last semester of high school, that in about four months he was unlikely to ever see JD McKay again pressed at him like a pinched nerve. If he wanted the kid, he had to make a move. He had to do some thing. Maybe he could keep his head on straight with the kid. Maybe he could satiate the craving with a simple quick fuck or two.

This was the thought that had pressed him to shove JD off of the bench today...and JD's reaction was off the charts. Mack had spotted the hardon that JD sported after the incident and it had Mack breathing like a bull in heat.

JD had been looking at him, devouring him with those hazel eyes. There was no doubt in Mack's mind that JD was batting for the right team, but what was bouncing around in his head was that maybe JD had been turned on by the rough-housing. Maybe JD had liked being pushed and shoved just as much as he'd liked the way Mack looked. That thought was enough to make Mack tremble.

What that would mean was enough to send Mack's blood soaring through his body, far away from his brain and down to fill up his dick. What if JD wanted to be hurt just as much as Mack wanted to hurt him?

God, he couldn't think about it now. He still had to get through a science and English class and his cock was hard enough to split bricks as it was.

***************************************************************** To be continued.....

All of my stories can be found on my group where they are published first...

Next: Chapter 2

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