Mack and Jd

By Virtual Insanity

Published on Apr 12, 2005


This story contains male/male consensual relationships of a romantic and sexual nature. If it is illegal for you to read this type of material, please adhere to your laws.

For my fans, please note that this story is not like my normal ones in that there will be a running authoritarian theme and even a point of abuse in this story. This is a much more sexual story than my usual as well. I can assure that all ends well, though.

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Part Two

JD thought about Mack Cardoni for two solid days, convinced that the massive guy was going to be waiting around some unseen corner, ready to confront him about that moment in the locker room, kick his ass, out him to the whole school or something equally distasteful.

JD had this paranoia thing about him. He was constantly thinking or re-thinking things, but he had never been as bad as he was about Mack. It was because of Mack alone that he had ditched his gym class for the past two days...and the reason that he had to report to his guidance counselor's office.

He pinched the bridge of his nose, feeling a headache coming on as he stared down at the hall pass his teacher had just given him, his one way ticket to the counseling office. JD heaved a big sigh. He was seriously tempted to use the hall pass to escape out to the city bus and away from the school, but it was only a matter of time before he had to come back and face his counselor Mr. Herrera anyway.

JD stuffed his notebook and textbook into his backpack and grabbed the hall pass. He shot his teacher a look on the way out of the door and a kind of a see-ya-later nod.

The halls were completely empty and JD made his way slowly in the direction of the school offices, lightly running his fingers along the length of the lockers on the wall beside him. He debated for a moment on whether he should sneak out back and across the street to the park and light up a joint to get him through the meeting and then cast the idea aside. Herrera could always tell when he was high...besides, he knew JD's mom from the Hispanic Community Association.

JD went into the office reluctantly, handing his hall pass to the blonde lady behind the front counter and then sitting on the uncomfortable blue chairs that lined the wall. He waited for her to go back to Herrera's office, then watched dreadfully as she came back with the taller man in tow. JD stood up quietly and walked over to the door that would lead him back into the inner offices.

Mr. Herrera opened the door for him, gave him a look and gestured towards the back. It wasn't JD's first time in his office. They had plotted and planned his educational goals since freshmen year. They had also talked about his tendency to get high during school hours, the fact that his pants sagged too low, his poor attendance and his mother's increasing worry about him. For JD, none of the conversations had ever been fun.

JD led the way back the familiar route to Herrera's office. He could already figure out how the conversation was going to go. Why was he skipping classes? Was he aware that his poor attendance could place him in jeopardy of not being able to graduate? Sometimes his good grades were not going to be enough to save him. He was smarter than his actions had shown. Blah, blah, blah.

Herrera didn't know what it was like, to sweat it out in class with those guys, knowing good and well that they would be disgusted if they could figure out what was going on inside of his head. JD plopped down onto one of the straight-backed chairs in front of Herrera's desk and watched as Herrrera walked around to sit in front of him.

"What's wrong with you?" Herrera asked and JD stared at him wide-eyed. The usual lecture didn't fall from his lips, instead the older man pierced him with his brown eyes, his face set in harsh lines.

JD shrugged and tugged at the sleeves of his shirt, stretching them nervously over his hands, avoiding the intent look on the counselor's face.

"James, look at me when I am talking to you," Herrera said in a commanding tone and JD looked up at him. "Tell me what's wrong with you."

"Nothin'," JD mumbled, his eyes sliding away from Herrera's.

"You won't attend class," Herrera said. "You won't stop getting high. You have no respect for anybody, better yet for yourself. You're determined to just destroy every opportunity you have at making a life for yourself. I want to know why. I want to know what's wrong with you."

"Ain't nothing wrong with me," JD said quietly.

"Something's wrong," Herrera said. "And I want to know what I'm up against. I made some promises to your mother and I want to know what it is I need to do to deliver."

JD shook his head unhappily.

"Mr. Herrera, man, just nothin', okay," JD mumbled.

"Are you hooked on the weed?" he asked, relentlessly.

"No," JD said.

"How do you know?" Herrera asked. "You get high enough that I'm concerned you might be addicted."

"I'm not addicted," JD protested.

"Denial is one of the first signs of addiction," Herrera said. "Maybe what you need is rehab."

"Fuck, man, c'mon, I'm not addicted to weed," JD said. "I like it, okay, but I don't crave it. I just use it to deal...sometimes I can't deal with shit by myself."

"What can't you deal with?" Herrera wanted to know. JD groaned aloud, burying his face in his hands.

"C'mon, man," JD moaned.

"I want to know," Herrera pressed and JD's lips twisted.

"Tell my mother I'm gay," he hissed at the older man. Mr. Herrera fell silent. "Tell her that I have to hide my fucking hardons in gym class or I'll get my ass beat, Mr. Herrera."

Mr. Herrera was silent. He stared at JD for a long moment and then leaned back in his chair. JD stared back, expecting something, some kind of response.

"What?" JD asked when nothing was said.

"Nothing," Herrera said quietly. "That's it. I just wanted to know what I was dealing with. Now, I do."

"That's it?" JD asked, incredulously. "What now? What are you gonna tell my mother?"

"I'm not going to talk to your mother about what was said here," he said.

"And what now?" JD asked.

Mr. Herrera lifted his shoulders, kind of an I-don't-know. JD laughed lightly.

"That's it," JD said, ready to burst. "Fuck."

"You can go back to class," Herrera told him. JD hopped up and walked towards the door, trembling.

"You don't just push somebody like that and then nothin'," JD told him from the doorway.

"Go to class, JD," Herrera said. "I don't want to get another report about you skipping."

"Yeah," JD said and left the office, heading blindly out past the secretary and into the empty halls. He walked their length for a long moment, fighting tears. Fucking counselors were supposed to help...not just sit there looking confused.

Mack leaned over and allowed one of his best friends, Davinia Morani to kiss him on the cheek. He was on an extended bathroom pass from his Senior Leadership class, a blow off course that he was taking just for the graduation credits. Davinia was leaning against a locker, beaming up at him, euphoric over the fact that he had finally gotten a guy named Carl Eastman to agree to hook up with her that Saturday.

The kiss was one of gratitude, although nobody would really know that. They would think that the great Mack Cardoni had made another conquest. Unless someone happened to be close to them. Anybody who knew either Mack or Davinia knew that they were from the same tight-knit Italian community and that they had been exchanging such affection since Davinia was in pigtails.

JD, of course, wasn't close to them. So, he was going along with the conquest theory after he passed them by, quickly and quietly stepping down the hall, hoping that Mack didn't spot him. It was one of those things where JD hadn't known that anyone was standing in the hall until he was practically standing next to them...and it would have been ridiculous for him to turn around then, they would surely notice him. So, he continued past them, sending silent prayers up to God with the hopes that Mack was so engrossed in the pretty, raven-haired chick he was pressed close to that he wouldn't even bother to look around the hall.

Mack was, in fact, engrossed in what Davinia had to say until she started re-telling her story all over again, at which point his mind went blank and he started to glance around. He just barely caught sight of JD's hunched shoulders as JD dipped into the restroom down the hall. He immediately and completely lost all interest in anything that Davinia had to say. He turned away from her to stare off down the hall.

"Are you listening to me, Mack?" Davinia asked.

"Nope," he told her, with the familiarity that came from knowing her like a sister.

"Who did you see down there?" she asked, peering around his massive shoulder. He turned back to face her.

"Nobody," he said quickly and she flashed a bright smile at him, her porcelain skin glowing.

"Oooh, Mackie, is it some guy you like?" she whispered and Mack threw her a look. She knew better than to discuss anything that had anything to do with his sexuality while they were in school.

When he came out to her four years ago, they were lying across her bedroom floor. They were being open with each other, declaring themselves to be the sister and brother that neither had. Davinia announced that part of the process was to share all of their deepest and darkest secrets with each other. She revealed that she had allowed cross-eyed Vinnie from around the corner to perform oral sex on her for the last three Sundays after noon mass.

Mack revealed that he was gay. Davinia was so shocked, it had taken her half an hour and a list of almost twenty-two rules that were never to be broken before she believed that he was serious...then she wanted to know all of the gory details. Who had he messed around with and when did he know for sure? He'd always known and at the time, he had yet to mess around with anybody.

Over the years, he had been able to share some of the details of his sexual excursions with her, but he had never told her about the way he felt about JD...or about the crazy thoughts that went on his head. It was hard because they were so close...and because she was so open with him. In a way, he wanted to tell her, but he was afraid that he would disgust or disappointment on her face. He definitely knew that he couldn't live with ruining the dynamics of their friendship.

"Maybe," he told her noncommittally and her eyes widened with excitement. "I'll meet you after school." He threw her a smile and then walked down the hall, as innocent as could be, ducking into the restroom when she turned back to her locker.

JD was still standing at a urinal when Mack entered the bath room, his normally baggy jeans even more loose around his hips. Mack felt the familiar swell of desire at the sight of JD. He went to stand at the urinal next to JD.

JD's eyes slid over to peer at him, and then quickly away. Mack openly stared at JD, noting that the other boy's eyes were red and the skin beneath them was slightly puffy. Something protective and fiercely dangerous welled up inside of Mack. He had to swallow hard before he could speak.

"What the fuck were you crying for?" Mack asked and JD winced a little at the deep, rough tone of Mack's voice.

JD didn't answer at first. It took Mack a minute to realize that JD was shaking from head to toe. Mack finished using the urinal and zipped up, turning to look at JD, who quickly did the same when he realized that he was under closer scrutiny.

"Nothin'," JD mumbled, and tried to turn away from Mack, to head out of the door.

Mack walked to sinks that lined the opposite wall.

"Come here," he called out to JD and JD stopped in his tracks. He turned around and looked at Mack. The fact that he was scared out of his mind was easy for Mack to see, so Mack did what he could to look nonchalant and relaxed, not quite pulling it off since just being around the other boy was enough to make him tense.

JD walked over to him.

"You wanna kick my ass?" JD asked him, a little warily.

Mack managed a smile. "Nope," Mack told him and that seemed to make JD a little less fearful. Mack turned on the cold water in the sink and got a paper towel from the dispense, folding it carefully four times, and then dousing it with the water. He lifted the cool, damp material and held it against the puffed up flesh underneath JD's right eye.

"When I was little," Mack said, "and got fucked up trying to play with some of the older kids on my street, I would come home with my eyes all puffed out. And my mom used to do this."

He moved the towel to JD's other eye.

"It makes the swelling go down in half the time," Mack told him. JD was silent, carefully watching Mack with watery hazel eyes that did something outrageous to Mack's insides.

When Mack moved the towel away, JD reached up with his stretched out sleeves and wiped away the moisture from his tears and from the damp material. Mack sighed, then made a noise of annoyance.

"Don't fucking do that," Mack said quietly, then reached over and roughly pushed JD's sleeves back from his hands so that they rested where they were supposed to, at his wrists. "That's the most annoying thing I've ever seen when people hang their sleeves over their hands like that."

JD was dead silent, his wide eyes pinned to Mack's hard, angular face.

"And that damn thing you do with the sniffling," Mack said harshly. "Blow your motherfuckin' nose."

JD half-nodded, looking away. Mack reached up and took JD's chin firmly in his grip and turned JD back to face him.

"Do you need some tissue?" Mack asked. "Cuz if you need some tissue, I can get you some." JD kind of shrugged his shoulders and Mack stalked over to a stall and came out with a wad of tissue wrapped around his fist. He stalked back over to JD and shoved the wad into JD's pants pocket brusquely, so close to that JD could smell his aftershave.

He pulled his hand out of JD's pocket slowly, suddenly very aware of how close they were. The look on JD's face told Mack everything he wanted know. For the first time since Mack had entered the restroom his face softened considerably and his hand gentled on JD's hip, lingering there for a long moment as they stared at each other up close.

The sound of someone approaching the door broke the spell and Mack moved away from JD towards the door.

"I'll see you in class," Mack told him and JD stood there, watching the back of Mack's massive back as he walked out of the door and a brown-haired underclassmen took his place. JD turned away from the door, a little bemused and lightly placed his hand over the spot where Mack's hand had been a moment before. It still tingled. ******************************************************** To be continued........................

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Next: Chapter 3

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