Mack and Jd

By Virtual Insanity

Published on Oct 8, 2005


This story contains male/male consensual relationships of a romantic and sexual nature. If it is illegal for you to read this type of material, please adhere to your laws.

For my fans, please note that this story is not like my normal ones in that there will be a running authoritarian theme and even a point of abuse in this story. This is a much more sexual story than my usual as well. I can assure that all ends well, though.

If you like this story, join my group! ********************************************************

Part Three

JD peered uncertainly down the row of lockers in the locker room, down to where Mack was standing, talking to a popular kid and laughing loudly. JD quickly averted his eyes and started dressing for gym class.

Mack hadn't paid him the slightest bit of attention since he'd stepped into the locker room. So, JD had no reason to think that what had gone on in the bathroom was anything more than a figment of his overly active imagination. No way had Mack Cardoni been on the verge of locking lips with him. Probably, the truth of it was that JD had twisted things in his head to make himself think that Mack was coming closer and closer to him.

Sure, Mack had been touching him, but he was a touchy feely kind of guy. He had his arm around the guy he was chatting with's shoulders at that very moment and nobody was batting an eye.

It was all just JD's rapant hormones that were making things out to be more than they really were.

JD stood silently in front of his locker for a moment, then headed up to the gym. He was scuffing his sneakers lightly against the glossy gym floor off to the side while the other guys goofed around, talking and joking around, a few wer stretching or goffing off. There was a volleyball net set up in the center of the gym so it was pretty obvious what the sport was going to be for the day.

JD sat on the edge of the compact wooden bleachers and sighed. If all the guys showed up for class, there was no way he would be playing and volleyball was one of the sports that he actually liked and was relatively decent at. He had played half of the summer with his cousins when he and his mom had visited them in Miami.

At least, his counselor Mr. Herrera would be glad that he had actually managed to make it to class. JD just hadn't been able to imagine not going after Mack had said that he's see him in class.

Which was stupid because Mack probably wasn't even going to acknowedge his presence.

Mr. Gilbert blew his whistle to get everybody's attention and they kind of drifted into a little circle in the middle of the gym near one of the nets to listen to his five-minute speech. JD drifted to the outskirts of the group, a little bit away from everybody else.

"Today, we're gonna play volleyball," Gilbert said, holding a white volleyball at his hip. "How many of you have played volleyball before?"

Almost everyone's hand went up, except for JD's. He never really participated in the class and didn't want anybody to think that he actually wanted to.

"Well, volleyball was first known as Mintonette," Gilbert went on, into his usual spiel. "Invented by a YMCA director who wanted to give the older members something a little less taxing than basketball to play...."

JD hid his amusement as the guys threw looks at each other and shifted from one foot to the other as they endured Gilbert's little lecture.

"Okay, today's team captains are the guys who we chose as MVPs in basketball last week. Cardoni and Shane. I want you each to choose eight team members, two being alternates for when someone gets tired or whatnot. Heads or tails?"

Mack and Rick Shane stood near Mr. Gilbert.

"Heads," Mack called and Mr. Gilbert threw up a coin and smacked it into his palm when it landed.

"Heads it is, you're choice, Cardoni," he said and Mack looked around, surveying his choices as if he didn't already know exactly who was in the class and who he wanted on his team.

"Uh - Eddie," Mack said.

"Todd," Rick said in response.

JD started to tune the rest out, inching his way back towards the bleachers when he heard his name called out. He looked up quickly and everybody was looking at him. JD peered curiously at the group.

"Huh?" he asked and Mack sort of sneered-grinned at him and jerked his thumb towards the group of guys that were lining up to his left.

"You're on my team," Mack said and an electric feeling went through JD. He walked over to stand on Mack's right, lined up with the guys he would be playing volleyball with, his heart pounding erractically in his chest.

He half-listened as the rest of the teams were chosen and Mack huddled them together to talk over his strategy and the pressing need to beat Rick Shane at all costs or the fact it was every one of their simple asses. JD nodded along with the other guys and then found himself on the front line on Mack's team's side of the net.

JD gave himself a pep talk, to focus himself because he knew that even if Mack didn't want to kiss him, he might actually want to be friends or at least speak to him and if he didn't do a decent job at volleyball that opportunity might be gone.

JD tensed as the ball was served and volleyed back and forth by some of the taller guys, waiting for it to come sailing in his direction. When it did, JD spiked the ball with every ounce of strength in him. The verocity of the move shocked the other team and no one recovered in time to even attempt to return the ball.

There was dead silence for several moments.

"It's game time, baby," Mack's voice came booming out of nowhere and he came forward and slapped JD roughly on the ass before walking by the net, making faces at the other team. That broke the silence and everyone either started laughing or prepping for the next serve.

JD breathed a relieved sigh, but immediately tensed for the next round of play. Some of the taller guys volleyed for a bit and when the ball came back in his direction, JD was able to tap it over the net so that it barely entered the other team's domain before it went tumbling down. One of the guys managed to graze it with the side of his fist but it went out of bounds. JD caught Mack's eye. He was grinning approvingly.

JD stood in front of his gym locker and silently faced the dilemma of the sweat-soaked t-shirt that covered him.

Okay, so, the time in the gym had been more than awesome. He had played his heart out and helped Mack's team beat Rick Shane's hands down. It was almost surreal to find himself walking next to Mack down to the locker room, both of them shrouded by the rest of the guys, with Mack practically leaning over him to talk shit at Rick Shane. Mack was a supreme spouter of bullshit and JD was distracted from his usual thoughts by the crude banter between the two guys.

It was only once they were in the locker room and he was standing in front of his locker that he realized that everything wasn't as usual. He couldn't possibly perform his normal routine of dressing quickly and dodging out of the gym before anybody saw him...or he saw anybody for that matter.

No, the t-shirt he wore was practically stuck to his skin and there was still sweat dripping from his brow. There was no chance that he was going to get away from the shower room without everyone knowing it.

He stood there silently for a long moment, his mind racing with the logistics of what he was going to do. He had never taken a shower in the shower room before, but he knew the layout. It was just a bunch of shower heads in a long and wide tiled room. But if he got one of the shower heads that lined the farthest wall, he would not be facing anyone and would not run the risk of seeing anyone naked...or risk anyone seeing him get hard in the shower because there was no doubt in JD's mind, he was going to be rock hard the minute he stepped in there.

Once he got into the shower, he would wait until it was completely empty before he left. It didn't matter if he was late for his next class, he had been late a thousand times before.

He took the long beach towel his mom had given him for class out of his locker and carefully stripped out of his gym clothes. Almost in the blink of an eye, the towel was wrapped around his lower half. Soap in hand, he shut his locker with a loud click and turned in the direction of the shower room.

JD stepped carefully around the guys who were already there, laughing or soaping up. He fixed his eyes on the tiled floor until he was at the back of the shower room. He put his towel on the hook on the wall that was designed for that purpose and turned on the water.

JD slowly lathered up, being careful not to go too fast, to stretch out the shower so that it would last as long as he needed it to, long enough for him to be the last guy in the shower room. The heat and steam from the shower coupled with the sounds and smells of the other guys had JD's cock pulsing and he held his left arm carefully near his hip in case the guy next to him should glance over and notice that he was getting turned on.

JD was relieved when the shower room grew quieter and the guy next to him left. He took a quick glance over his shoulder around the shower room. There were still a few guys in there, but it wouldn't be that long before the place was empty. JD felt semi-relief course through him. He might actually make it out of there with his dignity intact.

The relief was short-lived when he felt someone step up to the shower head next to him, when he felt the towering presence of Mack Cardoni right next to him. JD bit his lip and held his breath as his dick pumped full of blood and stretched up against his navel at full attention.

"Shit," JD mumbled to himself, his left arm like a vice by his side, hoping vainly to shield himself from Mack's eyes.

"What was that?" Mack asked over the spray of the water, leaning in JD's general direction. JD blanched, half-turned away from Mack.

"N-nothing, man," JD managed to reply, his eyes glued to the tile in front of him.

Mack leaned back a bit, soaping up quietly beside JD. JD was almost immobile, although he managed to move his right arm half-heartedly across his chest, swiping the bar of soap against his skin futilely. The sounds of the shower room were dying down to near silence. Spray after spray was turned off and JD prayed silently that Mack hurried his shower and left with the rest of the guys.

No such luck. The silence seemed to creep and stretch and extend itself until JD was positive that they were the only two people left there...and Mack still stood there, naked under the spray of water beside him, less than a foot away.

JD risked a peek, the swift slide of his hazel eyes in the general direction of where Mack stood and his insides clenched when he noted the fact that Mack was standing there, staring at him. His heart pounded painfully against his chest.

"Let me see," Mack's voice was gently demanding and JD was sure that his brain was playing cruel tricks on him. He ventured a full glance at Mack and found the other guy's eyes on his face.

"W-what?" JD asked shakily. Mack's eyes ran down the entire length of his body, devouring. JD had never seen that look in anyone's eyes, like he was being eaten alive.

"Show me," Mack demanded and JD stared at him, quietly scared out of his mind. He turned a tiny bit, just enough for Mack to see the ripped length of his dick springing up against his belly. Mack's nostrils flared.

"I do that to you?" Mack asked and JD stood stiffly, wondering if the look meant that Mack was turned on, too...or if Mack was really going to beat his ass this time. JD nodded silently.

"Stroke it for me," Mack requested, in a tense, steely voice that JD had never heard him use before...except maybe in the boy's restroom earlier that day. JD uncertainly put a shaky hand on the length of his cock, holding it.

Mack stood quietly for a few long moments.

"Stroke it," Mack's voice was a muted roar and JD's hands began to move slowly, uncertainly at first over the pulsing length of flesh. After the first few strokes, JD felt a sense of calm, a sense of separation from himself. It was as if he was living in a dream, not really connected to what he was doing. It was as if Mack wasn't really standing there, but that JD was in his own room, pumping his cock and using conjured images of Mack, pretending that Mack was there, breathing unsteadily beside him, whispering encouragement at him.

"I want you to shoot a load against that tile, JD, but not until I say so," Mack's voice was hypnotic. JD grunted in response, his mind no longer processing the fact that they were standing in the gym shower room, only that Mack was there, looking at him, his voice getting husky from watching JD. JD's knees began to quake and his toes started to tingle. He was so, so close. His breathing was shallow, unsteady and completely uneven.

"Not yet," Mack told him firmly and JD's hand slowed ever so slightly. "No, no, no, JD. Not slower, faster."

JD whimpered as he sped up his jacking motions, his legs quaking beneath him. He couldn't keep his eyes closed any longer. The hazel eyes flashed over at Mack, desperate and incredulous. Mack's almost black eyes dilated.

"Please," JD's voice was hardly above a whisper.

"Shoot it," Mack relented and JD did, in large rapid spurts that hit the tile with unrelenting force, then slowed just as quickly. JD gasped and shuddered.

"Mack, fuck, man what's taking you so long, bring your ass on," a voice called from the shower room entrance and Mack glanced nonchalantly over his shoulder.

"Can I get clean, motherfucker?" Mack asked, lifting an eyebrow.

"Yeah, man, fucking meet me in the cafeteria," the guy said and Mack turned back after the guy was gone. Mack reached up and turned off his shower head, and then JD's.

JD stood there, trembling not sure how he was supposed to act now that his secret was out and the deed was done.

Mack reached up and grabbed his own towel, then walked to stand behind JD. JD barely dared breath as Mack's huge pulsing dick brushed against the small of his back and the very top of his ass as Mack closed in on him from behind. JD's eyes closed at the feel of Mack's mouth closing around the skin at the base of his neck and top of his shoulder. Mack kissed him, sucked the skin there quickly in a brief motion. By the time JD had opened his eyes and turned around, Mack was walking toward the the shower room door, his towel wrapped around his waist with his usual long stride.

JD leaned against the tiled wall, breathing erratically. What the fuck had just happened? ******************************************************** To be continued........................

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Next: Chapter 4

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