Mack and Jd

By Virtual Insanity

Published on Oct 29, 2005


This story contains male/male consensual relationships of a romantic and sexual nature. If it is illegal for you to read this type of material, please adhere to your laws.

For my fans, please note that this story is not like my normal ones in that there will be a running authoritarian theme and even a point of abuse in this story. This is a much more sexual story than my usual as well. I can assure that all ends well, though.

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Part Four

JD's back was pressed against the bark of a tree as he sat in the grass at the park behind his school. After the bus had dropped him off in front of the school, he had made his way stealthily around the tall, brick building and quietly into the seclusion of his favorite hiding spot.

He'd thought about it...what happened with Mack in the locker room, and he was sure, despite the kiss and Mack's hardon, that things were not exactly as they seemed. No way could Mack Cardoni be gay. He was either bi or just looking for any hole that came his way.

JD refused to be that hole. Yeah, Mack made him horny as hell, but JD watched tv and read books. He knew what being horny could do to a gay guy. It could get you killed...or fuck up your life royally. So, even if Mack did want to play with him, JD had to think about the consequences.

And when he was around Mack, all reasonable thought went out of the fucking window, so he was hiding in the park. At first it had been ditching first period to get his thoughts together but it had evolved into him spending the last four hours in a haze as he puffed joint after joint and thought about what he was going to do about Mack.

It was a given that Mack probably wasn't truly interested in the way that JD was interested in Mack. How the fuck was he interested in Mack? JD couldn't figure it out. He didn't want to find a boyfriend. He couldn't see himself holding hands and frolicking in the tulips like a girl, but he didn't want to be somebody's conquest either.

And with Mack it got even more complicated because he was a hundred percent certain that one time was never going to be enough for him. If it was Mack Cardoni that he messed around with, he wanted more. He just didn't know exactly what more was...just the thought of Mack sent this clawing, aching feeling down his throat like he'd been without food or water for a few days.

His best bet was probably to leave Mack Cardoni alone. If he could just stay out of the guy's way, Mack probably wouldn't even remember him or any of the stuff they had done in the locker room. Mack probably had pussy...and dick for that matter...lined up and waiting for him because even though he wasn't the drop dead cute guy that Eddie Fischer or Todd Langley were, there was something about him that immediately made people think of sex.

JD put out the dregs of his last joint and sat, blinking up at the sky. If he crashed for a few hours, he would still have time for the bus.

Mack had scowered the park behind school four times after gym class in search of JD and he still hadn't caught sight of his frizzy head and it was annoying him to no end.

He had spent the last twenty-four hours thinking about the kid and when JD hadn't shown up for class, Mack was livid. He took it out on Eddie during a heated game of floor hockey, but annoyance still coursed through his veins.

God, the kid was so fucking annoying. From the way he cowered back all the time to his habit of carrying his books under his arm like some kid with a pocket protector in a science film. Why did Mack even bother?

Even while the thoughts went through his head, Mack was remembering the dusting of freckles across JD's nose and the way JD ran his hands through his frizzled curls nervously sometimes. Fuck, the look in those hazel eyes when he was on the verge of exploding - the look that JD had sent at him in the locker room the day before, all urgent and pleading and wet. That alone was almost enough to send Mack careening over the edge.

And Mack was keenly aware of the fact that the edge was very near. Hadn't he been fighting all of the crazy feelings that JD caused him by avoiding even the thought of the guy for the last few years? So, why was he scowering the stupid park like an FBI agent on the look-out for an escaped convict?

It barely made sense when he tried to think about it. Deep inside, though, he felt as if he was doing the right thing.

As if to underline his thoughts, he spotted JD laying beneath a tree a few feet away, his fizzy head, half-covered by a skull cap and his back pack lying close by. Mack walked silently over to him and stood over him.

JD's cinnamon-colored skin was flawless underneath the afternoon sun, the freckles that lined his nose stood out prominently in the bright light. His full lips were slightly more brown than usual, darkened by the weed he had probably been smoking before he fell asleep. His jeans were a little too big for him, the smooth-colored flesh of his lower stomach and the top of his hip were visible where his jeans had slid slow and the t-shirt and sweatshirt he was wearing had bunched up.

Mack stared at that bare expanse of flesh for a long moment, his heart pounding heavily in his chest. It wasn't just that he wanted to touch the other boy, that he desired him...but there was something feral inside of Mack at the sight of JD lying there, it stifled the breath in his lungs.

JD must have sensed something in his sleep because his hazel eyes opened and he peered at Mack towering over him. Mack watched the hazel eyes dilate and focus, watched the flecks of green highlighted by the sunlight reveal the stir of emotions inside of him; fear, desire, anger, fear.

"Hey," JD said and moved to sit up, his slim shoulders hunching together in a protective gesture.

"You scared of me?" the words fell from Mack's lips before he even knew what he wanted to say.

JD's arms came up across his chest...defensively. His eyes traveled the length of Mack slowly, uncertainly, then he tilted his head towards the ground.

"A little bit," JD admitted, unable to hide behind a facade anymore. He had been dreaming of Mack and now Mack stood in front of him. Somehow, the reality seemed more like a fantasy at the moment.

"Stand up," Mack demanded and JD complied, slowly, eyeing Mack warily as he did.

"Have I ever threatened you or said I'd hurt you or some shit like that?" Mack asked.

JD shook his head.

"Then why the fuck are you scared of me?" Mack wanted to know.

JD shrugged, pressing his back against the bark of the tree, gently searching for distance from Mack. Mack's almost black eyes were unwavering, focused on JD and unblinking. JD shifted from one leg to the other, uncomfortable under the close scrutiny.

"When a person asks you a question, what do you do?" Mack asked.

"Fuck you, man," JD said, almost a whisper.

Mack took a few sudden steps, stealing the breath from JD's lungs. He was less than an inch away from JD...the hulking mass of him enough to block out the fact that JD even stood there if anyone chose to look. He brought up a hand and placed it on JD's shoulder.

"When a person asks you a question, what do you do?" Mack asked for the second time.

"Answer it," JD said and his voice trembled.

"Okay," Mack said...and the hand moved higher on JD's shoulder until his fingers brushed the skin where JD's neck began, fluttering against the place where JD's pulse sped. The fear slicing through JD was twisted up in some kind of strange desire and excitement. JD pressed his lower half as far back against the tree as he could, hoping fervently that the fact that he had a raging hardon could be hidden.

"So, if I've never done anything to make you feel threatened, why are you scared of me?" Mack asked.

JD swallowed hard. He had to tilt his head back to look up at Mack's face since Mack was so close to him. He debated what he would say for a long moment, examining the possibilities. Why was he so afraid of Mack? It didn't make any sense. Even now, he could imagine making a run for it. Mack was a big guy and if JD hadn't seen for himself in gym class the fact that Mack could run like the wind, he might have chanced it. Even so, avoidance was obviously not going to help the problem. Mack seemed to have a knack for finding him when he wanted to be lost.

"A-are you gay?" JD asked and Mack's eyes flashed and his mouth slanted into a lopsided grin.

"For future reference, I hate it when someone answers a question with a question," Mack said softly. JD's head went down. Mack moved his fingers under JD's chin and urged him to lift his head back up so that they were making eye contact.

"Yes, I'm gay," Mack told him.

JD's eyes widened. Mack lifted his brow patiently. Still, apparently, waiting for his answer.

"I don't really know why," JD said, starting to babble. "I'm just kind of a little bit afraid of you. Maybe because you're big....or....sometimes I feel... own me."

JD fell silent, snapping his mouth shut and staring uncertainly up at Mack. Mack was silent. His nostrils had flared slightly. He was shocked, but not showing it. The fact that JD felt similar feelings sent a crazy shot of elation to his brain.

Mack leaned down and kissed him, sliding his tongue into JD's mouth after JD's shock lessened, pressing the smaller guy hard against the bark of the tree, roughly pressing their matching erections together. JD couldn't breathe, he was too busy feeling. Completely overwhelmed and it was the first time he had ever been kissed by anyone who wasn't at least twenty-five years older than him.

The abrasive surface of the tree bit hard into his back and neck, but Mack was unrelenting, invading his mouth with force, claiming it. The tiny scrapes and abrasions caused little pricks of pain periodically and JD groaned into Mack, awash in a hightened sense of pleasure that mingled so enticingly with the pain that JD's fears lept up inside of his chest. He was afraid of the way that Mack made him feel. Mack pulled back after a moment, his eyes glazed and blazing down at JD.

"I hate the taste of weed on your lips," Mack told him. "It's like shit icing on a fucking awesome cake. Take care of that."

JD peered up at him quietly, nodding quickly.

"O-okay," JD said.

"And this skipping class game stops now," Mack told him. "I don't wanna fuck around with druggie drop-outs."

"Yeah," JD said.

"Besides, you're smart as hell, you should be proud of that," Mack told him. "I know guys that would give their left nut to be as smart as you are."

"Okay," JD said, his lips trembling slightly. Mack leaned down and smacked lips with JD quickly.

"You can't give ownership of something you don't fucking own yourself, JD," Mack told him.

"But I want to," JD protested and Mack took a step back.

"You don't just offer yourself up like that, JD," Mack told him.

"Not just to anyone, but to you," JD said, firm for once. "I mean, I know...I dreamt about you, even before now. And the way you make me feel -"

JD couldn't finish because Mack was kissing him again. The words were lost in the kiss and JD kissed him back this time, trying to wrap himself around Mack, tangling his hands in Mack's hair, sliding one slim leg around Mack's massive thigh, ready to give Mack whatever he wanted. Then, Mack pulled back and started walking away. JD watched him leave, his heart pounding in his chest heavily. Mack looked as cool as hell, walking away, the back of his dark head slightly mussed, his stride long and he didn't give a fuck about anything or anyone.

But if JD had been able to watch him closely, he would have seen that Mack's hands were shaking like crazy. ******************************************************** To be continued........................

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Next: Chapter 5

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