Mack and Jd

By Virtual Insanity

Published on Nov 29, 2005


This story contains male/male consensual relationships of a romantic and sexual nature. If it is illegal for you to read this type of material, please adhere to your laws.

*** For my fans, please note that this story is not like my normal ones in that there will be a running authoritarian theme and even a point of abuse in this story. This is a much more sexual story than my usual as well. I can assure that all ends well, though.

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Part Five

It wasn't like they could be friends. JD knew that...and he wasn't even gonna try to expect that things would change between them at school. Because that would be crazy. Mack had his friends and he'd had them for a long time. To suddenly pick the frizzy-headed semi-stoner for a friend would be odd to anybody. JD told himself that half the night and most of the morning.

So, sitting in Team Sports class like the noneity that he had always been shouldn't have been such a pain for him. So, Mack hadn't picked him to play on his dodgeball team...and so nobody else had either. That was the way it always went...and why should that change just because there was the possibilty of him and Mack fucking? Why should that change just because he had proven himself to be a halfway decent volleyball player?

And who gave a shit that his dick had been hard off and on for the last twelve hours? What the fuck?

JD turned his face away from the action in the center of the gym and stared at the wall to the left of him, blindly gazing at the school banners and championship flags that decorated the wall. Who gave a fuck about anything?

What he really wanted to do, what he should be doing was sitting somewhere smoking a joint, but really that would require him tracking Bobby J down to buy some since he'd taken the liberty of flushing all of his shit down the toilet the night before thanks to what Mack had said to him in the park. What kind of fucking idiot was he really? Thinking Mack Cardoni would give two shits about him outside of them being alone somewhere together.

If Mack thought for one second that he was gonna give himself up to a guy who wasn't even looking out for him...then he was fucking crazy because there was no earthly way that JD was gonna let Mack own him if he was gonna treat him like shit.

And what the fuck had JD been thinking in the first place? How could he even think about letting another guy tell him what to do, what to say? And why the fuck did the thought of Mack being in control make him brick hard?

JD stood up quickly and walked the length of the gym, his mind working a mile a minute. Fuck it. He went over to Mr. Gilbert.

"I don't feel so good, Mr. Gilbert, can I go to the locker room and sit down?" JD asked.

Mr. Gilbert was listening with half an ear and watching the boys play dodgeball at the same time.

"What's wrong with ya?" he asked, flicking a look at JD. JD made a suitable face.

"My stomach hurts and I just feel kinda queasy," JD said.

Mr. Gilbert paused for a moment, then gave a quick nod.

"Go ahead," he said and then turned his attention back to the boys on the floor. JD breathed a sigh and headed out of the gym and down to the locker room.

He was sitting on a bench staring at the tiled floor when he heard someone walking close by. He looked up and watched as Mack appeared at the entrance to the aisle of lockers where JD had hidden.

JD dropped his head and stared at the ground again. His heart started pounded in his chest. It was one thing to think that he could walk away from Mack Cardoni...another thing entirely to try to do it.

"You mad at me?" Mack asked quietly. JD shook his head and kept staring at the ground.

"Yeah the fuck you are, I can see it on your face," Mack said. "You mad I didn't pick you?"

JD was silent, unmoving.

"You suck at dodgeball," Mack said softly.

"So," JD said quietly.

"I fucking hate losing," Mack said.

"Yeah, well I hate feeling like shit," JD mumbled at Mack. Mack shifted from one leg to the other. It was Mack's turn to be silent. His eyes were on JD, intense and assessing.

"Listen, JD, you don't gotta do this if you don't want to okay," Mack said quietly. "I understand if you wanna back down and shit. I mean, it takes a lot to-"

"I don't...I mean, its not like that-" JD cut Mack off, sputtering and then stopped.

"I mean it, man, sometimes you think with your dick, you know, and then when your brain catches up, you're like what the fuck," Mack said when JD fell silent.

"No," JD said emphatically. "It's not that."

Mack walked closer to JD, elimintating the distance between them and plopping down next to JD, so that their shoulders were touching.

"I don't want you to do something that you don't wanna do," Mack said after a moment. JD could feel the heat emanating off of Mack. He wanted to wrap himself around Mack. He started tapping his foot against the floor nervously.

"I want to," JD said slowly, unsure of what to say. "I just - I don't know what it means."

"What do you want it to mean?" Mack asked.

"I just don't want you to treat me like shit and know you should kinda take care of...things that belong to you," JD's voice died away under his uncertainty.

Mack straightened up a little.

"You sayin that you don't think I'd take care of you?" Mack asked and JD looked up at him quickly and took note of the way that Mack's jaw was clenching before he looked away.

"We don't know each other that well...for me to know," JD said slowly.

"That's not what you said yesterday in the park," Mack said and JD could see that he was almost growling. JD stiffened.

"I know...but," JD said, then stopped. "I'm scared as hell."

"What do you want me to tell you?" Mack asked, lifting his arms in frustration. "That I'll take care of you? I will. That I'll pick you for my dodgeball team? Hell no. You suck at fucking dodgeball, which, by the way, I can't quite figure out cuz a dodge ball ain't all that different from a volleyball, so why the hell would you run around like a girl scared to get hit by one but not the other?"

JD stared at Mack, his mouth dropped open.

"Don't look at me like that," Mack said. "I'm not gonna lie to you. I am not some mushy motherfucker who sugarcoats shit. I'm not built like that. So, if you can't deal with that, you need to fucking tell me that now before we get into this. Cuz I'm not gonna change."

JD was silent, still staring at Mack and Mack was staring at him, too, looking him directly in the eye.

"I want you," Mack told him. "Shit, you walk into a room and my dick stands up. It always has. But its up to you if you can deal with me. Decide."

JD nodded. "Okay."

"Okay?" Mack asked, brows lifted.

"Yeah, okay," JD said.

Mack leaned down and kissed JD, his tongue immediately delving into JD's mouth and his lips stealing the breath from JD's lungs. And just as quickly, he backed off.

"Then suck it up and quit pouting," Mack said. "I'll talk to you later." Mack got up and walked off, leaving JD on the bench.

The 2:35pm bell had rung five minutes ago and JD moved slowly through the kids that were rushing around the halls to get to their respective buses or cars. He stood in front of his locker, balancing his backpack over one shoulder precariously. As soon as he got it open, a piece of paper came tumbling out at him. He grabbed for it and caught it against his thigh. He set his backpack down with a sigh and opened the note.

It read: I wanna see you at 3 o'clock. I'll find you. M.

JD read it four times. What the hell? He had to show up for a stupid meeting for the school play since he would be handing the lights for the production like he did every year. It was the one thing he did that he actually kind of liked since he got to sit high above everyone else, all on his own and watch the emotions play across the student-actors' faces. Still, he had no way to tell Mack that. He shoved his backpack into his locker.

Nineteen minutes later, JD was breathing hard, having run to the auditorium to make the three o'clock meeting after searching every single hall in the entire school for a sign of Mack. JD slid into the last empty aisle about halfway down the auditorium, catching the eye of Mrs. Johnson, the drama advisor. She gave him a slight nod and he gave her a half-smile. They had a tentative understanding with each other. She didn't bother him as long as he showed up.

JD settled behind the other students, watching as they brimmed with hopeful excitement at being cast in the school play. Some of them would bomb and be delegated to set construction...but for some reason JD liked watching them when they were still full of dreams.

Four auditions had gone by and JD was totally engrossed in watching them when he felt someone sit down beside him. An electric feeling went through him when he realized that it was Mack. Mack simply sat down beside him, not saying a word and looking straight ahead.

Mack sat still for maybe half a minute before his hand crept onto JD's lap, bringing JD's already stiffening dick to a painful tightness. JD bit down on his bottom lip and tried to look as if nothing was going on, all the while his eyes swung in panic around the auditorium to make sure that no one was looking at them.

JD squirmed in his seat as Mack's hand moved along the length of his bulging zipper and Mack deflty unzipped his jeans, reaching inside to feel JD through his boxers. It took Mack less than a minute to maneuver JD so that the long, tan length of his dick was resting in his palm.

"M-Mack," JD said, barely a whisper and Mack looked at him for the first time since he had come into the auditorium. There was a crazed look in his eyes, a sheen of what JD could only identify as undiluted lust.

Mack's palm closed around the length of him, tightly. So, tight that Mack could feel each and every pulsation. JD squirmed, torn between panic at the thought of someone catching them and the desire for Mack to do more than hold him...for Mack to actually squeeze and pump JD's dick in his massive hand.

And then Mack started doing it, moving his hand up and down JD's length, jerking him in a way that let JD know that Mack had done this before, more than a few times and obviously with other guys.

The sensation that crept up JD's spine and across his chest made him want to whimper out loud. But he couldn't...not without drawing attention to them.

"I've wanted this in my hand since we were in the shower room," Mack told him and JD shuddered at the sound of his voice. Mack continued to pump him relentlessly. Helpless, JD leaned his head back against the chair and closed his eyes, giving himself up to the sensation.

Mack brought him to the brink before removing his hand. JD's eyes flew open and he turned his head quickly to look at Mack, pleading and urgent. Mack moved his hands to grip the back of the seat in front of him and leaned forward. He was staring at the stage for what seemed to JD like endless momnets before he turned to look at JD again.

He grinned. "What?"

JD did whimper this time, very softly. Mack's smile fell and he turned back to look at the kids on the stage again. JD reached down and stuffed himself painfully back into his jeans and zipped up.

"Where did you think you were gonna cum?" Mack asked, on a bare whisper. JD didn't answer, his face was set in blank lines. Mack looked over at him and then sighed, leaning back and folding his massive arms across his chest.

"I'm sorry," he said and JD looked at him, but was still silent.

"I just...I really wanted to touch you," Mack told him. JD's head angled slightly...relenting.

Mack stared at him for a long moment. He opened his mouth to say something, but a dark-haired porcelain-skinned girl bounded up to them.

"Hey, Mack, did you see me?" Davinia asked and JD stiffened in his seat. Mack turned to look at the girl, a smile covering his face.

"Yeah, Vinnie, you fucking rocked, bella," he told her and she beamed at him, but her eyes went to JD. JD met her honey-brown gaze and quickly looked away.

"Uh-hey, Vinnie, this is JD," Mack said, gesturing towards JD. "And JD this is my girl Vinnie."

"Davinia Morani," Davinia corrected, reaching out to shake JD's hand and Mack rolled his eyes.

"Hey," JD said, shaking her hand half-heartedly. His girl? What the fuck did Mack mean by his girl? Girlfriend or friend-girl? Would any girl just want to be friends with Mack Cardoni? And what red-blooded guy would want to be friends with someone as beautiful as Davinia Morani?

JD stood up.

"I gotta go - uh do the lights for the - uh...practice the lights," JD said and then hurried out of the aisle of seats. Davinia stared after him.

"It was nice meeting you," Davinia called out and JD kind of nodded at her before disappearing. She turned back to Mack, who was still looking after JD. She grinned.

"Well, he's a hottie," Davinia said and Mack looked back her way, staring her straight in the eyes.

"Fuck, I know," Mack said and grinned back. ************************************************************* To be continued........................

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