Magic Happens

By moc.liamtoh@31emalfeci

Published on Jun 14, 2009



Chapter 3

After a 5 hour flight across the U.S. we finally arrived in the sweet Los Angeles air. We got off the plane and began taking in the sights of the airport, I know its was kind of weird but, whatever.

"Oh my God, I am so fucking thirsty. Is there anywhere I can get a cosmo?" Laila asked turning her head in all directions to find a place to drink alcohol.

"It's only 7:00 here." I told her, I was restless only a matter of time before I saw my dream again.

"Yea but it was 12:00 back home." She said. We got to the escalator to baggage claim and hurried down and almost tripped, well I almost tripped from being so nervous and anxious and a whole bunch of other emotions. We grabbed our stuff and then looked around the lobby for the driver. There he was standing, perfect posture, clean suit, all decked out, and holding a sign that said Mark Gayle. We walked up to him.

"Mark Gayle?" He asked in a questionable tone.

"Yes, and this is my friend Laila" I told him. He took a luggage rack packed our luggage onto it and rolled it out to the limo. Laila was jumping up and down and having a panic attack all at the same time. After packing the suit cases in the limo, the driver turned to us and said. Mr. Bleu requests that you meet him at L.A. Eats. I will be dropping you there and then I will return to his house to unload." He said he walked over to the back door of the limo and opened it for Laila and I. We got in and he closed the door behind Laila the last one in as she sat next to me. He went over to the front and started the limo.

"If you guys want you can turn on the light and there are some refreshments back there. He said as he pulled away from the curb and sped off.

"Sounds good, I can go for a strawberry martini right about now." Laila said she fumbled around looking for the light switch.

"Is that all you can think about? And the light switch is right there. Your so helpless." I told her I leaned over her and flipped the switch and her mouth dropped. "What the hell is the matter with you?" I turned to look where she was looking and then sitting in front of us the whole time since we got into the limo was Corbin.

"I was hoping you guys would have turned the lights on." He said. I moved over to him and gave him a sweet kiss. "Sweet but you can do better."

"I guess I need to give you a little more sugar then." I said I went in and starting kissing him madly. There was however a detail I over looked.

"Ahem." We both looked over and saw Laila staring at us with a look.

"Don't be mad cuz I have a man." I said to her looking back a Corbin. I saw in his eyes hunger and lust which drove me mad. " I'm kidding, but really you need a man. Anyway Corbin this is my friend Laila., and Laila this is "

"I know who this is, Corbin Bleu. A hunk without a description." Laila said practically foaming at the mouth.

"So, what happened? I though you had stuff to do." I told him as I put my hand up his chest.

"Well I decided to clear my day just for you." Corbin said sliding his hand up my thigh. We began playing around in the limo and stopped for Laila. We started to laugh and then Laila began to laugh as well. The rest of the ride was laughing and Laila telling Corbin about my crazy past. We pulled up to the restaurant and the driver let us out.

"Umm, Laila there's someone I want you to meet. Mark told me he's your favorite single actor. Hey Luke!" Corbin said.

"Hey, Corbin. Whats up?" Luke said coolly as he walked closer towards us.

"Nothing I wanted you to meet some friends of mine. Luke this is Mark" Corbin said shooting me a sly smile as he introduced me. "And this is his friend Laila" Luke shook my hand with a warm smile and shook Laila's hand with an even warmer smile.

"The pleasure is all mines." Luke said showing off his light blue eyes to Laila, in which she couldnt stop staring at. "Do you mind If I join?"

"No, go right ahead" Laila said.

"Thanks. So tell me how in hell did you meet Corbin Bleu?" Luke said curiously. Corbin and I looked at each other and then smiled when we thought about that unusual but fateful day.

"Do you want to tell him or should I?" Corbin asked as he looked my way and grabbed my hand and stroked it softly. I shrugged my answer and he began to tell the story.

Corbin finished the story within a couple of minutes and a look of partial confusion glared across Luke's face.

"Wow." Is all he could say. He looked at Laila and she shrugged. Corbin let out a laugh and I followed suite. We began to talk about more general stuff.

"Shit! I gotta go back to the house, Vera is coming by to look at some stuff in the house, and Robin isn't here." Corbin said alarmed as he looked at his watch several different times.

"Chill out, you can borrow my ride." Luke said. Corbin looked up and flashed a smile.

"Thanks dude you're a life saver." Corbin took the keys from Luke and motioned for me to come with him. I then flashed a look at Laila.

"Don't worry Mark. I'll wait for the driver and bring her back later." Luke said looking at me and her. Laila then looked at me then shooed me away. I looked back at Corbin who was waiting on me and quickly left. We found Luke's car jumped in and drove off.

"Vera is going to kill me." Corbin said.

"Who is Vera?" I aked him taking in the high speed sights of LA. Corbin looked at and laughed.

"That's a good question." He chuckled. "Vera is a friend of my mom's she agreed to check out my house for any problem, like legal stuff.

"Oh. What is she checking the house for?" I asked taking in the breath of the LA sun. He took my hand a stroked it gently.

"I bought my house from, Madonna, and I just wanted to make sure that everything she said was solid, I actually just moved in like a month ago." He said letting go of me and focusing on the busy straight of high way.

"Aww so I found my baby in the midst of change" I said as I laughed at him and then giving him a kiss in the cheek, He chuckled and put a hand on my leg and I looked up.

"Does this mean what I think it does? I said, guiding his hand up to somewhere I knew he wanted it to go.

"Maybe." was his single response.

The rest of the ride was filled with hot and steamy talk that made us want each other right there on the highway. We finally got to his house, and it was gorgeous. There had to be like 50 rooms in that house. We went inside and then into the kitchen where there was a woman standing and waiting, she was wearing a blue business outfit, she was very well tanned and she had curly brown hair.

"Hey Vera. Sorry I'm late traffic in L.A. is horrible." Corbin said extending his hand to her.

"Mr. Bleu, I am sure it's okay." She looked at me and a bewildered look came over her face. "And who is this?" She said extending her hand towards me. I shook her hand firmly. Not to be rude but she has a really firm grip for a female. I couldn't help but chuckle, at that they both looked at me, and a sleek smile drew across my face. Corbin chuckled and introduced me.

"Vera, this is Mark. He won a contest and so he and a friend are staying the weekend with me." He said. She nodded and turned towards her briefcase. I was bewildered of how he introduced me. A contest winner? What was going on?

"Well then we should be getting to work then I think." She said. She began to pull some papers out of a manila folder marked Bleu.

"Hey Mark. Why don't you go unpack, while Vera and I take car of this paperwork." He said taking a seat in one of the stools of his nook.

"Okay sure." I leaned in for a kiss and he pushed me away. I looked at him, and he gave me eyes that said not now. I turned away and went upstairs to unpack. I was staying with Corbin in his room, and it was gorgeous. Big bed, with lavish red and white bed linens. Big screen t.v and everything. It took me by surprise, and to top it all off a balcony, with a view of the Malibu's fabled North Beach. I loved it. I found my stuff and unpacked them into the walk in closet next to the bathroom. A half hour in I was tired and I took a nap on the bed, Corbin and I would be sharing later on.

About an hour later I was rudely awakened, someone had jumped on my stomach.

"Owwww," I said aloud, I opened my eyes and saw the brown eyes of Corbin staring down at me. I yawned and when I closed my eyes he kissed me. " You dork, get off me."

"What are you so upset about baby?" He asked, still on top of me, I could feel my bone against his, but I chose to ignore it.

"I'm not upset its just that, you refused to kiss me when we were downstairs with that woman and I just couldn't figure out why." I told him, I turned my head to avoid his gorgeous brown eyes of forgiveness.

"The truth is that she works with my parents and they don't know, and if they find out and the press gets wind of it, I'm ruined and I don't want that to happen. I'm positive you don't want that to happen either."

"No I don't. I wouldn't. I'm sorry babes" I said looking into the once fearful brown eyes.

"Its okay, I'm sorry too." He looked into my eyes and kissed me and I kissed back. We kept kissing and we got more and more intense. I leaned up and took off my shirt and he took his off, revealing the sexy six pack that love to kiss and feel. We continued to kiss, our tongues fighting what seemed to be an epic duel of who is stronger. Then his kisses shifted from my lips to my neck, I began to groan. He nibbled at my neck some more before making his way down to my left nipple, I groaned a little more as he began to bite on it, it felt so good moaning could not suffice for this feeling. Then he switched over to the right nipple, his eyes darted to me and I smiled. Within seconds my nipples were as hard as rocks, and so was my cock. I made it jump a couple of times, and I knew he noticed because he stopped sucking on my nipple and kissed and licked his way to my boxer briefs. He pulled the sheets I was under further down and there was his prize, pressed against the fabric of my boxer briefs. He began to play with it through the boxer briefs and the feeling was so good. I could feel the heat from his mouth close to my member, he was driving me insane. I didn't know what to do with myself. As he reached for the top of my underwear, I lifted and he took them off leaving me completely naked. With my member standing at full attention. "There's the soldier I wanted" He took my member in my hand, and it was already soaked with my pre cum, he took his hand off as a trail of slime followed it and he licked it all up from his hand. He went back and played with it some more, then the moment I had waited for. I felt the warmth of his mouth engulfed my tool and began to suck harshly and not in a bad way, like our first night it was magical. I couldn't do anything more than moan in extreme ecstacy the feeling was amazing. He began to go up and down rapidly and then all of a sudden stopping and then slowing down, only to start the whole process all over again. He drove me insane, I almost went over the edge. I had to stop him.

Next: Chapter 4

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