Magically Inseparable

By J Dude

Published on Jan 3, 2012


Disclaimer: The usual stuff. I don't own or want to own any of these characters. This story is fiction so they aren't really gay. Enjoy!

Chapter One: New Discoveries

Me: Straight A' student; Handsome young man; Intelligent wizard.

Life couldn't have been better. Macy from school had just asked me out. Of course I said yes because she was very attractive and smart and funny and she had always been a great friend to me. I ran home as soon as I could to tell my family the good news. I had hoped they would all be excited that I was trying to move on. When I got to the substation, I quickly took in my surroundings. Things were somehow different. Alex was sitting around doing nothing as usual while my dad and Max were working. I took a closer look and saw something I had missed before. Alex's eyes were red and puffy and Mason was nowhere to be found. Usually the two were inseparable.

"Alex what happened?" I asked as I crossed the room to the table where she sat. She looked up at me with such sorrow that I braced for the pain I would hear when she answered.

"Mason... Mason broke up with me." Tears flooded her eyes then as she began to weep. I sat down next to her in the booth and pulled her close to me trying to comfort her.

"I'm so sorry Alex. Did he say why?" her tears stopped then. She took a glance around the room, wiped her eyes then looked at me with complete seriousness.

"Can you keep a secret?" I could tell that she wanted a sincere answer from me.

"Of course." I wondered if I would regret this answer later but for now I was so curious as to what secret she had in store for me.

"Mason said that he loved me with all his heart but it just wasn't enough. I asked him why it wasn't enough and he looked at me the same way I'm looking at you and said he wasn't sure of his feelings for females anymore. He's totally gay." I sat up, extremely curious as to where this conversation would continue to go. "I didn't want to believe it at first and then I thought about it. All those nice sweaters and turtlenecks. I should have seen this coming."

"So what does this mean for your friendship with him?" I asked dubiously.

"Well I said I would love to still be his friend." I could see her face turn back to normal Alex in seconds. "Who doesn't want a gay best friend? Second best thing to having a gay brother." She then nudged me. "You should go gay Justin!" She laughed hysterically then and I sort of chimed in after a couple of seconds.

"Oh hey," I said after the laughing stopped. "You know Macy from school?"

"The one that is always staring at you in the hall Macy?

"Haha. Yea. She asked me out today."

"Justin, isn't it supposed to be the opposite way around?"

I pondered Alex's question for a moment before answering. "Not in this case I guess. Well yea so I finally have a new girlfriend. She is coming over for dinner tonight."

"Who is coming over tonight?" Max's voice shouted from behind.

"Jesus Max, don't scare us like that." Alex said, clearly startled by Max's interruption. "Justin's new girlfriend."

"I thought Justin went gay after-" Alex punched Max then, stopping him from saying Her name. "Oh, wrong Justin." Max ran upstairs then, his face a beaming red.

Was I really looked upon as gay? I did dress nice and I had always liked to talk with my hands but there's a lot more to being gay then that. I got up out of the booth and went to change for what was about to happen tonight: Family Embarrassment. Once I got in the room and shut the door behind me I ran to my dresser to look at what selection of clothes I had for this evening. Shit. I hadn't done laundry since last week. I pulled out my dirty clothes from the closet and stood back. I ran through my head for words that would rhyme just right.

"I'm in a rush to look real nice, make these clothes fresh as sugar and spice."

A light engulfed the basket full of dirty clothes. When the light disappeared, all that was left was two stacks of folded, clean clothes. I jumped in excitement as I always did when I used magic right and searched through the now fresh clothes. Perfect. I picked up my favorite red V-neck and blue skinny jeans and quickly ran to the shower. I placed the clothes on the floor and stripped down and hopped in the shower. I washed over my entire body making sure to play with my cock a little before stepping out. As I got dressed, I thought more on the subject of everyone thinking I was gay. I had never thought of myself as gay. I frequently watched porn where naked men were in but it seemed like my attention was always on the chick getting banged. There was that on time I had ventured into the "Gay" section of the site but I quickly ventured back to the straight stuff. The doorbell rang then and I ran out of my room, fully dressed, and darted for the door. Even at my speed I was too late. As I descended down the spiral staircase, I saw Alex already talking to Macy.

"So what do you see in my dorky brother anyways?" Alex half kidded to Macy.

"I don't know. At all. I know I asked him out and everything but I'm just not sure why now. Please don't tell him that though." They must not have seen me because they didn't care about what I would say I heard that.

"Macy, maybe it's best if you're not here right now. Too many girls have hurt my brother and you are not going to. Goodbye." Alex opened the door and pushed Macy out. A tear came to my eye then. I always knew my sister cared for me.

"Thank you Alex," I said as I got off of the stairs. "It really means a lot to me that you would do that."

"Oh you weren't supposed to see that, but your welcome." I pulled her into a hug and she hugged me back.

"What's all this hugging for?" Max said as he came down the stairs. "Oh my gosh did I miss Pretty Little Liars again?!"

Alex and I laughed. "No Max, me and Justin were just having a brother-sister moment."

"Oh, ok good. You know I love me some Aria."

"Yea bro I know." There was a knock on the door all of sudden and Alex rushed to see who it was. Alex pulled the door open and to my surprise brought in Mason. "Oh hey Mason, I haven't seen you in awhile."

"Hey Mason, heard you were-" Alex shot Max a nasty look that Mason caught.

"Mason, hi, did you want to talk?" Alex said as she led Mason over to our couch.

"Yes, I did want to talk but I wanted to see if Justin could talk with me." I looked at him to see he was looking back.

"Umm sure Mason. Where did you wanna talk?"

"Is the park ok? I'm in the need for a refreshing walk."

"It's actually getting pretty dark so can we take a `refreshing walk' up to my room and talk there?" I chuckled. He didn't.

"Yea Justin of course." He walked over to me and followed me up the stairs.

This is when I began to worry. Did he want to convert me? Was he feeling something for me? Why did he wanna talk? "Hey Mason," I said as we got to my door. "Would you please promise me something?"

"Yea sure mate."

"I want you to promise-" I cut my question of mid-sentence. I turned around to look at him man-to-man but all I saw was a broken boy. "Promise me I can make you feel better."

So first story in awhile. Please send feedback to my email : . All comments are welcome and needed. This is very short only because I'm not sure if I want to continue this. Thank you.

Next: Chapter 2

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