Magically Inseparable

By J Dude

Published on Jan 15, 2012


Disclaimer: The usual stuff of course. Don't break any laws. If you have to anyways then don't get caught. Please don't think I own the characters because I don't. And don't ***kin copy!

** I have decided to add on to the story thanks to some very appreciated emails. Please continue to email ( and read my story. As always, hope you enjoy. -J**

"I want you to promise-" I cut my question off mid-sentence. I turned around to look at him man-to-man but all I saw was a broken boy. "Promise me I can make you feel better."

Chapter 2: Dates, Dorks, and Dummies

I looked at Mason with his broken eyes looking back. They were red a puffy and I couldn't help but to feel sorry for him. He was a nice 17 year-old teenager who had just realized he was gay. I couldn't have imagined how hard that must have been for him. I pulled him into a bro-hug as he started to sob. I really felt sorry for Mason. He has always been a friend of the family. I wondered if that would change.

After Mason's cries had died down a bit I turned and opened my door so we could sit down on the bed and talk. I shut the door behind Mason and looked over to where he started another round of cries. His head was in his hands this time instead of my shirt so I just looked on this scene from the door. Every inch of me wanted to go comfort him but something told me I shouldn't. I wanted to go and sit next to him on the bed and tell him everything was going to be alright but how could I when I didn't even know if that was true. My dad had never been a fan of gay people. He would always turn the television off if even a reference was made about homosexuals. How would he react to finding out that his daughter had gotten dumped because Mason was no longer straight?

"Justin, would you happen to have any tissues?" His voice sounded so broken and choked. God it was so heartbreaking.

"Yea bud. Hold on a sec." I whipped out my wand and went over to my desk in the corner of my room. "My friends in deep on some big issues, help him out with a box of tissues." I took the box of tissues and sat down next to him. He took the tissues and thanked me. "Buddy, you know I'm still your friend right? I know this is a tough time for you and you need someone so I just want you to know I'm here for you."

"Yes Justin, I know. I can't tell you how much that means to me." He looked up at me and smiled, though the smile never reached his eyes. "I just need something to get my mind off of everything."

I then had a brilliant idea. I had gotten a hold of two tickets to see a swing band with Macy that night but now that Macy was out of the picture I was sure Mason could take her place. "Hey, would you like to go see a band play tonight? I have the extra ticket and I'm sure it will take your mind off of things."

He smiled at me again, this time the smile radiating from his whole face. "Thank you."

"Mason and I have a date, get us there so we won't be late"

Alex's POV

No way was Justin going to be stealing my boyfriend even if he was gay. Wait. Justin wasn't gay so he couldn't steal my boyfriend. Right? Ugh. I needed Mason back at any means possible.

I got up from the couch and walked into the kitchen.

"Hey, would you get me some chips while your up?" Max yelled from the couch.

"Max, what's wrong with your legs?"

"I can't miss a second of Pretty Little Liars!" God sometimes I wondered about that boy.

"Max... Pause the show."

"Oh yea." He paused the show and walked over to where I was standing. "He looked sad you know?"


"Mason. He's really going through a tough time." Ugh, Max was not helping.

"I wouldn't know Max. I'm not a gay teenage boy who just dumped his girlfriend."

"Huh... Neither am I! We have so much in common Alex." No help. He got some food from the fridge and went back to the couch to finish his show.

Wait a second. I wasn't a gay teenage boy... But could I have been one? Holy cow! Yes! I could see it all happening in my head! I needed one thing first though, a spell. I ran downstairs into the Sub-Shop. Ugh that run down place. I saw my dad and mom working with the customers so I quickly ran into the lair before anyone could see me.

"Why couldn't you have just poofed in like me?"

"Max! Oh my god. Can you not just sit like a good little boy and watch your shows?"

"I want to know what you're up to."

"Umm no. Not a chance."

"Then I guess I'll have to tell dad."



"Ugh! I'm turning myself into a boy to get my boyfriend back." There was a long silence after that. "You satisfied?"

"Alex that is so wrong."

"I didn't ask. Can you leave now?" I hated being so mean to him but I needed Mason back.

He walked to the portal door and looked at me. "Best of luck to you Alex." He opened the door and went through.

Justin's POV

Me and Mason arrived in the alley right next door to the Dance Club. I gave the ticket collector our tickets. Mason and I walked through the doors and the place was a total old-people's hall. Exactly what I had liked.

"So this is our date huh?" Mason chuckled.

"Well as friends yes." I half smiled, worried that I had given him the wrong impression.

"Justin. I'm just joking with you." He nudged me and we walked out on to the dance floor. "So are you very good and swing dancing?"

"I have picked up a few moves here and there." I smiled at him.The music started and I swayed my hips in rhythm.

"I certainly see that." He smiled at me. Something about that smile...

"So have you ever been swing dancing?" I did not just think about his smile.

"I can honestly say this is a new experience." Ugh his smile again.

"Well I'm glad I got you trying new things."

"Yea. It's good to try new things..." I could definitely see where this conversation was going. "Maybe I could get you to try new things sometime?" He moved in closer to me. Oh god.

"Certainly sounds like fun and all but maybe we should stick to one new thing per night, eh?" I stepped back a step. "Can't have too much fun."

"Well maybe Ican have some fun with this lovely gentleman." I turned my head to see a 6-foot guy beaming a wide smile at Mason. Brown, short hair. Gorgeous eyes of course. Oddly familiar. "May I have this dance?" He reached out his hand for Mason.

"Of course you may," Mason answered. Him and this new guy walked farther out into the dance floor and I went and sat at a nearby table. Everything about this made me so mad. I wanted to go over there and sock that guy in the face for ruining a good moment that I was supposed to ruin. This guy irked me so much! Why though?

They danced for an hour and a half before the dude left and Mason came to where I was sitting.

"Have fun?" I shot a glare at him then looked down at the table.

"Yes... Alex seemed like a really nice guy. I got his number." Just great.

"Satisfied with yourself?"

"Well not completely... I still haven't danced with you." He reached out his hand and for some odd reason... I took it.

"One dance."

The band had stopped playing and for the rest of the night it was a DJ. He was actually pretty good at choosing songs, for the most part. As Mason and I got to the center of the dance floor, the most romantic pop song came on: It Will Rain by Bruno Mars.

"Not a bad song choice." He chuckled and moved in to hold me like he would hold anyone he was trying to get with. "I think it suits the moment."

"And I think you're moving dangerously fast for a guy that just got out of a relationship." I moved back. "I'm not gay either."

"Justin, for crying out loud, I am just having fun." He pulled me closer and held me firmer.

"You are really pushing it Mason."

"And you are really enjoying it so hush."

"Now that Mason thinks he can, change this song to Candyman." The song quickly changed to Candyman by Christina Aguilera. "Finally, a good swing song." I broke the embrace and stepped five steps backward and started to dance on my own. Why would he even think that I was enjoying that?

Max's POV

Was Alex really going to do that to Mason? Trick him like that. That is so not cool. If Mason was gay she should have just let go.

"Are you ok bro?" I looked up from the park bench from where I was sitting and saw a teenage boy, about my age, staring down at me. "You've been sitting here for the last two hours."

"Yea man, just thinking." He took the liberty of sitting down next to me. "I'm Max Russo."

"Oh no need to introduce yourself. Your family is pretty known in the wizard world."

"For what, being so messed up?" He chuckled and looked at me. "What?"

"You don't seem so messed up to me?"

"Oh trust me, I am."

"You know, it's perfectly fine if you don't want to answer, but may I ask why you are so messed up?"

"Well I think that there's probably no harm in telling you so sure why not." I repositioned myself to where I was sitting towards him. "I constantly think about guys. I dream about doing things with guys that are completely unnatural, well to me anyways."

"And why is that messed up?" He scooted closer to me in one swift movement that I could say it was magic. Oh wait. Wizard World "I think it's completely ok for you to have those thoughts and dreams. Pretty much everyone does. It's normal Max."

"Not for me." I put my head in my hands and felt tears gathering in the corners of my eyes. "I really don't understand anything anymore."

"Hey," he said grabbing my hand and holding it. "Don't blemish your face by crying. Let's take a walk." He got up still holding my hand and as I stared up into his beautiful green eyes, I could swear I was in love.

** K so please tell me what you think! I am so self-conscious lol. I know I don't compare to that Big Time Rush story but I would like to ;) Lol jk. Please email. -J**

Next: Chapter 3

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