Magically Inseparable

By J Dude

Published on Feb 9, 2012


Disclaimer: The usual stuff of course. Don't break any laws. If you have to anyways then don't get caught. Please don't think I own the characters because I don't. And don't fucking copy! K thanks ;)

** I am extremely late at updating this story but I am also extremely sorry. Please continue to email ( and read my story. As always, hope you enjoy. -J**

Chapter 3: It's Gonna Be A Long Night Max's POV

"What's your name?" I asked, getting up from my nest of twohours. The stranger that was standing before dropped my hand as we started to walk deeper into the park.

"My name is Ricki Earls, with a C' K' `I'." Probably the coolest name ever!

"Wow. That is so cool." He chuckled, as did I, as we arrived at the small lake in the middle of the park. "So are you a wizard or some kind of creature?"

He started to chuckle again, obviously thrown off by my question. "I am a wizard," he managed to say after all the chuckles stopped. He pulled out his wand and waved it in the air, directing it towards the lake. The usual burst of light appeared along with one of those boats with that funny shape that people take rides in to be romantic and what not. "Shall we take a ride on the gondola?" He held out his hand for me to take. I did so and we walked over to the boat. Once we were in, Ricki flashed his wand again and this time a guy in some funky striped clothing appeared and started rowing the boat out into the lake.

"How much power do you have? Are you a full wizard?" I asked, wondering why he didn't have to use any spells to make this happen.

"Yea, I'm a full wizard. My sister dropped out of the wizard competition when she couldn't keep up with all the classes so I won by default." He looked away to the outskirts of the lake then.

"You happy?"

"Of course..." He trailed off, still looking away. "Who wouldn't be happy with unlimited power?"

"Where do you live?" I asked, quickly dropping the conversation.

"On the other side of town actually. I really should go. Oh shoot." He looked back at me then. "I completely forgot that my parents are off fighting some rogue unicorn on the other side of the world. I really need a place to stay."

"Well hey, you can come stay with me if you want." I really didn't want to say bye to Ricki. He was super attractive. His black hair was just one thing to his attractive essence. On top of that were his toned pecs and biceps, his wonderful brown eyes and Semi-Latino tan. His height was very close to mine; he was just a little taller. "Really, I insist that you stay over."

"Well, if you insist."

I pulled out my wand this time. "If you'd let me do the honor." I waved my wand above us. "My friend and I are completely done here, take us to my room so we may be queer."

We were then engulfed in the usual burst of colorful light. When the light dissipated, we were then laying in the 69 position on my bed; thankfully still clothed.

"Hey Ricki, may you please get your nuts off my face?"

"I was just about to ask you the same." He got off of me and we both sat on my bed sitting very quiet in the sudden awkwardness. "Guess you did say so we could be queer."

There was a knock on the door then. "Max? Is that you?"

"Yea dad." The door opened and my dad stepped in. He was about to say something when he spotted Ricki.

"Oh I didn't know you had a friend over."

"Yea, this is Ricki. His parents were out of town and he needed a place to stay so I invited him over."

"Hello," Ricki said as he got up to shake my dad's hand. "It's a pleasure to meet you Mister Russo."

"Please, call me Jerry." My dad shook his hand then turned his attention back to me. "Max, I'm ok with this just as long as you get to bed at a decent hour." With that, he walked out of the room.

"Your dad seems nice."' Ricki smiled and walked back over to the bed. "So are we going to bed now?"

"Ha. You wish. We have a full night of talking to do." I winked at him and got up and walked over to my dresser. "So do you want anything to sleep in?"

"A pair of shorts will do." I picked some gym shorts out for him and tossed them. I stuck to my usual pajama-pants-without-a-shirt outfit and ran to my in-room bathroom. I quickly stripped after I closed the door. I had never been invited to a sleep over when these gay thoughts of mine were present so I wasn't exactly sure how things would unfold. After I was dressed I walked out to find Ricki shirtless with the shorts on. "Do I look ok?" He winked at me.

"Of course." I beamed then. I walked over to the bed. "So what do you want to do tonight before I take over?"

"I am really feeling drained so can we just watch some T.V. for awhile?" He looked around the room and his face dropped when he saw that there was no T.V. in my room. "Oh. Just kidding."

"Lay down." He did so willingly and I lay down next to him. "My shows are over for tonight, please replay them so we may have some "A" fright." A cloud of fog then hovered above us and in it, the Pretty Little Liars episode of that night started playing. "Happy?"

"Not until I get to cuddle next to you."

Alex's POV

What was I thinking? I was completely not ready for that spell. Ugh. I should've learned from the experience with Max about gender changing. After I did the spell, I turned into this major hottie, but when I tried changing back nothing happened. How long was I supposed to keep playing the role of a super hot teenage boy? Not everything that had happened was bad though of course. After I downloaded that iTrackWands app and tracked Justin and Mason down, I did get to finally have Mason back in my arms. He was more fragile then I remembered, of course being it that I was a girl the last time I held him. We had danced for most of the night while Justin sat a table alone. Ha. Victory was amazing. But then things got weird. It didn't feel the same with Mason. He kept making glances over towards Justin. I could tell that he really wanted to be dancing with him, not me. Then there was that dude that was staring at me from behind the pillar.

"Excuse me, I have to go." I had said to Mason. I walked over to where the guy was standing but got distracted by the sudden crash off in the bar area. When I turned back to the pillar, the guy had disappeared. I looked around for him and finally saw him heading up to the balcony section that was closed off for the night. I walked cautiously to the staircase and stepped over the yellow chains blocking off the stairs. When I had reached the top I thought I lost him again till I looked to the opposite side of the room and saw him exiting out an escape window. I ran to him, all ready to catch the guy and finish the game. When I got there though, he had already dropped to the street. I made quick on my feet and reached the bottom as he was turning around a corner.

I took a couple seconds to think as I walked to the corner. Did I really want to follow this guy out into the night? I thought twice about decking it back to the club to win back over Mason. My curiosity got the best of me though as I ran the little distance between the corner and I. I got there just in time so see the guy run across the street to the new hotel that had been finished last month. I followed across the street but stopped when I got to the doors of the Washington Square Hotel. Mason did still sound tempting, plus I was broke. "I can't afford the queen deluxe so give me a couple thousand bucks." I slid the money into my back pocket and entered the hotel. Automatically, I was swept off my feet and pulled into the dining area.

"Hey," I tried saying before I was pushed into the booth against the wall.

"Would you please stop following me." I breathed in a sharp breath as I realized who I was looking at.

Justin's POV

"HAHA," Mason laughed as he picked me up from the ground. "Justin, Justin, Justin."

"HAHA. Mason!!"

  • Mason and I had been drinking way too much. It all started with some innocent shots that one of the workers offered in reward for our good dancing. As Mason started to get loopy as the shots finally kicked in, he started acting like a maniac; taking off his shirt and climbing on top of our table is not very normal. After that, everyone in the place wanted the show to continue, so they all bought him more and more drinks. Of course me being the person I am tried to steal the spotlight away from him so I got drunk as well. Boy was that a mistake. I climbed on top of the table with Mason and we grinded on each other for at least two hours. The creeps in the back of the room sure did get a kick out of watching that one. I don't know what it was about Mason's ass touching my junk that totally got me horned up. Anyways, the grinding got way to intense for me to handle, so I got down and told Mason we had to go. He laughed at me and asked why I wanted to ruin the fun. For some reason I found that question to be hilarious and started rolling on the floor laughing. -

"Mason, we. Haha. We have to go home now."

"Well wiz us outta here wizard. Hahaha!"

"Mason! Haha, I don't remember the spell!!! Hahaha."

"Oh my gosh. Oh my gosh. Oh my gosh. Hahaha. What are we going to do?"

As Mason had asked that, we reached the front door of the club and exited. Mason had his armed wrapped around me shoulder and we were stumbling our way to the street corner. I had started to get this dizzy feeling in my head and I had just enough time to make it to the garbage can on the corner to vomit.

"Holy shit, you just puked! Ha...ha..."

"Oh god. Hey look. There's a hotel across the street. Let's just stay there for the night."

"I don't have money."

"Ugh. We're broke beyond a doubt. Give us money, don't make me pout. You should know by now that nothing stops a wizard."

Mason and I walked into the hotel and immediately saw that the spell I used was definitely needed. I mean this place was beyond high-class. You look to the left you see a grand inside pool with a mini-bar. You look to the right and you see my sister's ex-boyfriend sitting at a table talking to the guy that was on Mason tonight at the club.

"Mason, isn't that the guy you were dancing with at the club?" I said pointing over to the extremely attractive dude. Wait no.

"Um yea. That's odd."

Mason started walking off to go talk to him. "Woah, not so fast." I stepped in front of him stopping him from possibly ruining a good stakeout. "Let's just watch and see what happens." As much as the guy made me mad, he still made me extremely curious as to why he was talking to my sister's ex. Mason and I moved along the check-in counter to get a better view of the two talking.

"Excuse me gentlemen, may I help you?"

I looked up to the concierge who was asking if we needed help. "Um no sir."

"Well if you're not checking in, I'm going to have to ask you fellows to leave."

"Oh no, we are checking in."

"Great." He grinned super wide then. "I wouldn't want to lose such great looking guests." Haha he did not put the moves on me.


"Will that be a room for two then? How many beds?" Just then, Alex's ex got up followed by the guy from the club.

"One," I said absentmindedly, "A room as close to those two as possible."

"Sir, they haven't checked in yet." Just then I realized that the two were headed right towards us.

I grabbed Mason and decked for the nearest hiding place: The Grand Pool. I pulled us both under just in time. When we surfaced, I slowly swam to the edge and peeked at the front counter. The two were just starting to walk away, when the lifeguard came to stand in front of me.

"I'm terribly sorry sir. We were just so anxious to swim." I looked over to Mason who was coughing up some water.

"I can see that. Just get the hell out of the pool please."

"Yes sir." Mason and I got out of the pool. The lifeguard gave us a scowl as we walked past. Once we got out of earshot of everyone I quickly apologized to Mason.

"If you ever drag me into a pool again Justin... It better be with our clothes off." We neared the counter then and Mason winked at me and gave my ass a squeeze. I looked around to see if anyone had seen, which thankfully, no one did.

"Well if I had known you two were a thing I wouldn't have hit on you. I apologize," the concierge said as we approached him. Damn.

"No, no we aren't a thing. I was just playing around with the guy."

"Oh, well in that case." He scribbled his number on a piece of paper and handed it to me. "Call me."

"So about out room?" Mason interjected the awk sauce going on.

"Alright. Here's how it is. The two lovely looking gentlemen I just spoke to are staying in the room across the hall from you. You two will be in room 315 on the third floor. Any questions?"

"No sir."

"Thank you sir." I said as he handed me the key. "You're a good man."

Mason and I walked up a mini-staircase to the elevators. I pushed the button with a three on it and we were on our way.

"Why do you want to spy on them?"

"I am not trying to spy. I happen to know the guy that you don't and I just want to know what's up."

"You know him? How?"

"Well he was like my sister's first boyfriend. His name is Riley. He was completely weirded out after my sister was put under a spell and was completely obsessed with chocolate. Anyways he moved after that and I had heard through the Wizard Rumor Mill-"

"You have a Wizard Rumor Mill?"

"Yea, they sell some wicked cotton candy there. Quite literally. Anyways, I heard that somehow he had been a secret wizard in training like us at the time. I also heard he was gay. Maybe I could set you guys up."

"Haha. I don't do hook-ups sorry." The elevator reached the third floor. When the doors opened all the way, I peered around to see if we could get to our room without being seen. Fortunately know one was out of their rooms. We briskly walked to the room. As we walked in, my mistake was so adamantly pointed out to us. In the middle of the room was a heart shaped bed with rose pedals sprawled everywhere. "Well Justin, you shouldn't have." Mason pulled me close and hugged me.

"Oh trust me, I didn't." I broke free of the hug and went and sat on the bed. Even though Mason and I were just joking, when I looked up at him, he seemed a little down. "Today has been crazy huh?"

"It's 12 o'clock in the morning."

"Oh. Well I'm going to hit the showers and then go to bed. I will be out in a bit." I walked into the bathroom and pulled out my wand. "I'm feeling a little bare, give me clothes I'll want to wear." I set the fresh pair of clothes on the floor and stripped down. Of course, being in a hotel, the shower was small as heck. I started thinking of a spell to make the shower better but then I thought, the smaller the shower is the less likely someone else would squeeze in with me. I put my wand down on the sink and stepped in. When I turned the water on, the pressure was so slow that I was so tempted to just go without a shower and call it a... morning... "This water is coming out slow, make the water pressure grow." Crisis averted. "Now things are just right, give me music to get the mood light."

I continued to wash my hair and was rinsing just as I heard the door open and close. I peered around the shower curtain very cautiously to see Mason peeing. I laughed inside but then looked at his eyes, which were glued to the opposite side of the shower curtain where he thought I was.

"Hey Mason, I'm right here." He jumped and peed all over the toilet seat.

"Justin! Oh my goodness you gave me a fright."

"You shouldn't have been trying to sneak a peek you weirdo. Haha."

"Well now I'm covered in urine." I looked down at the wet spots on his pants. I laughed out loud. "Don't poke fun! You caused this. I'm coming in."

"Mason no."

"I'm not going to bed covered in my own piss. Let me in." He stripped down and tried to force his way in.

"Fine! But no touching!"

"Not even a problem." He stepped in and the tiny space instantly became cramped. "Well maybe a slight problem." Our crotches were right on top of each other causing a new mood: awkward.

"This shower is beginning to get way too small, give us a shower bigger then the boundaries of these four walls."

The flash caught me this time and I stumbled to the floor on top of Mason. When we both got up and took in our surroundings, the little accident didn't face us. We were in a shower room where the water was streaming down from the different panels in the ceilings and the lights glowing from them were a dark blue. Mason walked over to the shower farthest from me in a very sexy manner. I followed. At the time I didn't know what was going through my head. Mason was causing me to have feelings I never even knew were possible for me to have. He had me in this so deep that it was too late for me.


"You don't have to do-"

"I want this..." I grabbed him and pulled him close.

"I've wanted this for awhile..."

I experienced my first slow-motion moment then. Mason closed his eyes and leaned in. of course I was so horned up that the slow-mo didn't last very long. I closed the remaining distance and tried to part Mason's lips with my tongue. Our tongues then wrestled with each other causing an intense feeling I've never even dreamed of having with another guy. The amount of passion radiating from us could fill the whole room and it was... Amazing.

"Mason," I interjected between one of our kisses. "Mason this feels so good."

"I know. Why did it take you so long?"

We started making out again. My hands roamed all over his body, brushing along his ass and broad chest. Amongst other things though, his massive `package' is what I enjoyed most. It was around the same size as mine, 8" hard, and his was very hard.

After another good hour or so I finally had to end it. I snapped my finger and we were back to the cramped hotel shower.

"That was so awesome," I said as we stepped out. I did the clothing spell for Mason and we started dressing into our nightclothes.

"Do you like me Justin?" I looked up from putting my shorts and stared at him, completely caught off guard by his question. Did I?

** K so please tell me what you think! I am so self-conscious lol. I know I know I was super late but I'm sorry. Please email. -J**

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