Magicians Assistant


Published on Jun 15, 2003


Magician's Assistant - Friends & Lovers 9:

By Deane Christopher Edited by Steve Zink Copyrighted 2002


Magician's Assistant - Friends & Lovers takes place in the Magatrix the Magnificent Universe, which was first introduced in my serialized seven-part story, Magician's Assistant. The premise upon which both that story and this story are based revolves around the fact that Magatrix the Magnificent has been reprimanded by the ethics review board of the Magician's Guild, and thereby constrained from continuing to use handsome young males as her stage assistants. Due to a little known codicil buried deep within the guild's arcane bylaws, should a performing member elect to avail themselves of a stage assistant or assistants, said stage assistant(s) must be: one, young; two, beautiful; and three, female. Outraged by the ruling of her guild's review board, Magatrix elects to adhere to the letter of the Magician Guild's bylaws, while sidestepping its spirit. Magatrix the Magnificent, via the use of real magic, has elected to sidestep the spirit of the outdated codicil by asking for male volunteers from the audience to come up and join her on stage, whereupon she magically transforms the unsuspecting gentlemen into her lovely female stage assistants.

Normally, Magatrix restores these magically feminized volunteer assistants of hers to their former manly physiques at the completion of her act. However, for reasons known only to herself, upon occasion, Magatrix sometimes elects to maintain her assistants in their feminine personas for the remainder of the evening, and at times, well into the fullness of the night. Generally, when Magatrix selects this expanded stint as a female option of hers, she modifies her sexual transmogrification spell in such a way as to cause the transsexualized young gentleman to automatically regain his manhood at the dawning of the following day.

Generally, when Magatrix chooses to expand one of her volunteer assistant's tenure as a bona fide member of the opposite sex, she further modifies her transsexualization spell to include some very powerful subliminal inducements that tend to function much the way posthypnotic suggestions might. Magatrix does this in order to make it easier for the sexually transmogrified male to continue to function as the woman he has been turned into by drastically downplaying, or completely eliminating the ignominy factor involved in operating for a time as a woman. For instance, Magatrix usually continues to negate the residual and telltale awkwardness that would normally beset most men ensconced in a well-endowed woman's body. She achieves this by incorporating several magical subroutines within her expanded spell in order to compensate for the marked shift in weight distribution. That, in turn, directly impacts on the sexually transmogrified individual's new center of gravity, thereby making it easy for her sexually transmogrified assistants to maneuver about in a pair of stiletto heels.

Since Magatrix the Magnificent's magic act has not substantially altered from that which was described in my previous story, Magician's Assistant 1: The Performance, I have elected to begin Magician's Assistant - Friends & Lovers shortly after Magatrix has brought her evening's performance to its conclusion. In other words, the foremost male protagonist of this story, one Michael Gerlach, begins this story as the woman Magatrix has turned him into earlier in the evening. However, for those who might be interested in reading (or possibly rereading) a description of Magatrix's magical act, in which the initial transsexualization of birthday boy Jeff Gibson takes place, I encourage them to read Magician's Assistant 1: The Performance, which can be accessed elsewhere on this site.

Synopsis of Preceding Chapters

Chapter 1 began with a conversation that occurred while the ultra feminized Michael Gerlach was dancing with his best friend, John Larsen. Having first discussed Mike's impressions of what it was like to be a woman, Mike continues on to tell John about of some of the more unusual aspects of transsexualization spell that she is operating under. Then, having admitted that she finds herself sexual attracted to John, Mike encourages John to kiss her. One kiss leads to another, whereupon a very turned-on Mike beseeches John to make love to her. At that point Magatrix joins the conversation and offers the two of them the use of one of her hotel suite's bedrooms.

In Chapter 2, we joined the couple just prior to Mike's first multi-orgasmic experience as a woman, via John's selfless act of oral sex. Following that, the two then go on to share their impressions. Then, to John's amazement, Mike informs her friend that what she wants is to experience what it feels like to have his manhood nestled snugly up insider her. John, after a little coaxing on Mike's part, is more than happy to oblige her.

Chapter 3 picks up where Chapter 2 left off, with Mike quickly losing her virginity as the two friends engage in their first act of carnal sex. Then, after they have somewhat recuperated from their love making session, another intimate conversation ensues in which John and Mike begin to tentatively explore how their feelings toward one another may have changed, in light of Mike's temporary and magical transsexualization. Another love making sessions follows, in which John, in the heat of his passion, utters those three little words that not only have a marked tendency to scare the bejesus out of people, but can prove absolutely disastrous to a relationship, terminating it with but their mere utterance.

In Chapter 4, having acknowledged the fact that they are indeed in love with one another, John and Mike begin to seriously examine the pros and cons of a life together as man and wife. Finally, after a good deal of discussion, Mike informs John that she wants nothing more than to remain a woman and become not only his wife, but the mother of his children as well. The chapter ended with Mike asking John to go get Magatrix so that she could prevail upon the magician to make her sexual reassignment a permanent one.

Chapter 5 began with John regrettably informing Mike that Magatrix has not returned to her hotel suite as yet. Then, having reconfirmed the fact that she dearly would like to remain the woman that the magician has turned her into, Mike, in an effort to make the most of her remaining time as a girl, enticed John into making love to her again. Afterward, aware that dawn was quickly approaching, and with Magatrix still a no-show, the two adopted a plan to wait the magician out.

Chapter 6 began with dawn quickly approaching, and Magatrix still not having put in an appearance at her hotel suite. Aware that Mike would shortly revert back to being a man again, the two friends decided that it would be best for them to shower and dress separately. While in the shower, Mike played a fast and furious game of grab-ass with herself. Then, having dressed herself, Mike changed back into his former manly self. He then linked up with John in the suite's sitting room, whereupon the two proceeded to head down to the hotel's restaurant.

In Chapter 7, we find that Magatrix the Magnificent has joined John and Mike, soon after their arrival in the hotel's restaurant. Shortly thereafter, having made several easily met demands of the friends, Magatrix changes Mike back into the vivacious young woman he spent the night as. Then, urged by the magician to select a new, feminine name for herself, Mike chooses the name Nicole. Whereupon, Magatrix takes it upon herself to explain how easy it will be for Nicole to assume her new identity.

Chapter 8 began with Magatrix asking if Nicole could see her way clear to assisting her with a couple of benefit shows. Then, spurred on by John's insightful comment about how Nicole is not the only one who seems to take an inordinate amount of pleasure out of being a girl, the magician complies by graciously admitting that she did not start off life as a female. She then continues on to tell her story of how she ended up turning herself into a woman in order to become a first class magic user.

Chapter 9

"Look, the two of you have to understand that the last thing I want to do right now is get into a theological debate." Magatrix emphasized. "Now, you probably aren't aware of this, given that it's a fairly safe bet that neither one of you is up on your Bible studies, but there are actually two different versions of the creation story contained in Genesis, one following immediately on the heels of the other. Oddly enough, Adam and Eve are only mentioned by name in the second of the two, while the six-day creation timeline is only specifically mentioned in the first of the two narratives.

"Tell you what. On the off chance that either one or the other or both of you happen to be a Doubting Thomas about this, and thinks I'm bird-turdin' you, here's what I propose we do. After we finish up here, my suggestion is that the three of us head back up to my room. There, we should be able to locate a Gideon Bible without to much trouble. Then, the two of you can take a look-see for yourselves, and verify that what I'm telling you is the truth, and that there really are two distinctly different versions of the creation scenario.

"Let's see... if my recollection serves me correctly, and I'm pretty sure it does, Genesis 1:1 through 2:3 contains the first version, while Genesis 2:4 through 25 recounts the second.

"In Version One, over a six day period, God created the heavens and the earth, light, night and day, the sky, dry land, vegetation, trees, the sun, the moon, stars, the seasons, living creatures of the sky, sea and earth, and lastly, mankind. Now, this is where I'm in complete accord with Mark Twain, who I believe said something to the effect that man was created just a little lower than the angels, and has been getting a little lower ever since. Okay! So, after God does all of that, being that He's a tad bit tuckered out from all His labors, on the seventh day, God rested.

"Oddly enough, though it isn't germane to this discussion of ours, if you read Genesis 1:29 and 1:30, it appears that God was encouraging us to be vegetarians.

"Now, what is interesting about Version Number One is that there is no mention of Adam, or Eve, or the Garden of Eden. They are somehow reserved for Version Number Two. While it is true that Genesis 1:26 through 1:28 of Version Number One tells us that God created man, male and female, and directed them, or, if you'd like, us, to behave like a lot of gainfully employed bunnies in the midst of their annual rutting season, no specific names are mentioned. In other words, what God did was to direct mankind in general 'to be fruitful and multiply'.

"In Version Two, we find a different chronology in the order of events, in that a man, who is later acknowledged to be none other than Adam Dustbegotten, is created even before the trees and the other animals. Then, after Adam has completed the Herculean task of naming all the animals, God slips him a celestial sedative and Adam falls into a deep sleep. Slipping into His surgical garb, God removes one of Adam Dustbegotten's ribs, and from it, fashions the woman who would eventually be called Eve or, if you will Mrs. Adam Dustbegotten.

"And that, my friends, is why I say that they - Whomever in hell they might happen to be! - more than likely got the whole creation scenario thingamajig back-ass-wards when they were recounting stories that were passed down to them over a whole shitload of generations of begetting their asses off.

"I mean, think about it! Look! Correct me if I'm wrong, but doesn't the bit about God taking a rib from Adam, and creating a woman out of it seem like a bastardized description of a normal birth? Could they have perhaps gotten it all wrong? Could Eve have preceded Adam? Might she have actually been Adam's mother, ere she became Adam's wife?

"I'll grant you that that's too icky to even contemplate, given the fact that were that to have actually happened, Adam and Eve would have eventually had to have engaged in incest. But, then again, that would tend to explain how Cain ended up mentally deranged enough to take his brother, Abel's, life.

"I'll grant you that I don't for one minute buy into any of that stuff I was just talking about. But, you've got to admit that it's something to think about, given the two different versions of the Creation that one finds when reading the opening verses of the Book of Genesis.

"Now, as crazy and as convoluted as it might seem, my research has lead me to discover yet a third version of the Creation Story, which, as the two of you might guess, never made into the Bible. I guess they - Whomever in hell they were! - must have figured that two versions weren't quite nearly enough to create the persnickety Tower of Babble Syndrome, you know, that's been mucking up the theological waters down through the centuries, and, for my money, is still quite prevalent today.

"This one employs sort of a Chinese menu approach, in that it takes a pinch from Version One, and a smidgen from Version Two, and comes up with yet a Third Version altogether. In this Third Version of which I speak, we have God creating a human being that is neither male nor female, but an amalgamation of the two. Now, don't the two of you go thinking that I'm suggesting that the first human being was a hermaphrodite, because I'm not. However, though you guys might accuse me of hedging my bets, I must also point out that I'm not completely ruling out the remote, and albeit farfetched possibility that this individual wasn't a hermaphrodite either, because he, she and or it might just have been.

"Basically, I guess what I'm saying is that all my research to this date has lead me to come to the conclusion that this amalgamated human being, who I have somewhat sarcastically come to refer to in my own mind as, Adameve, was probably asexual. And, I say that because there is nothing in this Third Rendition that has God directing this amalgamated individual of His to 'be fruitful and multiply'.

"Now, here's something the two of you might find interesting. At least I did. You see, like the First Version, the Third Version also uses a simplistic, six step creation scenario, that has God kicking back and resting on His laurels on the seventh step. However, unlike what I take to be the rather hard to swallow six-day time frame scenario that has created such a hullabaloo, both of the arcane texts which I had the opportunity to examine talked about six unspecified generations as the timeframe in which this all but unheard of Third Version of Creation takes place.

"Oddly enough, the sequence of events which are recounted in this Third Version are more in line with those that are set out in the Second Version, rather than those set out in the First Version. Hey! That's why I jokingly refer to the Third Version as the Chinese Menu Version, you know, as in they took one from Column A and two from Column B. Okay! So anyhow, in Version Three, after God places Adameve in the Garden of Ethan - And, that's Ethan, not the Eden that you've come to know and love! - Mr. Serpent with the silver tongue comes slithering by and the rest, as they say, is History. Or, I guess that should really be Prehistory. Or, better yet, Biblical History.

"Well, as it worked out, Adameve was just as gullible in Version Three as Version Number Two's Adam, and ended up chowing down on the fruit from the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil. Needless to say, God was pissed. And, can you blame Him? I mean, had I been Him, I'd have been pissed, too! So, as the story goes, thunder boomed, lightening crashed, and Adameve was, in a manner of speaking, rent asunder, in that Adameve somehow became two separate individuals, one male and the other female.

"And, as stated in the texts that I was allowed to perused, 'They knew their loss, and craved completeness.' In another words, in the moment of their severing, lust was born and the first engagement in the Battle of the Sexes ensued, as the blame game got underway in earnest. Adam was mad. Eve was livid. Both, it seems, were in some fashion or another rendered insanely jealous of what they deemed to be the other's providence.

"That's to say that they both, using the applicable biblical term, coveted what the other one got out of the deal. Fact is, were you to stretch the point a bit, you might even go so far to say that penis envy is a direct result of Adameve's sexual sundering. I mean, there's Adam, with this spigot-like thingamajiggy dangling down from his loins that not only takes all the muss and fuss out of urinating, but also has a marked tendency to become stiff and elongated whenever his gaze longingly fell upon his female companion's curvaceous body.

"Eve wasn't so fortunate. All she got in the deal was this little omnidirectional perforation that ruefully sprays her body's liquid waste all over the place. Then, to her everlasting chagrin and consternation, Eve comes to find that once every lunar cycle, her body is besieged with both painful abdominal spasms, and a bloody discharge that seeps out of that little crevasse crease of hers."

"Holy shit!" the former Mike Gerlach dejectedly muttered. "Damn it all to hell and back! I just realized something! Now that I'm a girl, I'm going to have to put up with periods, aren't I?"

"I'm afraid so, Nicole," Magatrix sympathetically replied. "I'm sorry to say that they more or less go with the territory."

"Shit! I knew there had to be a catch to this girl-shit business!"

"Are you saying that you might want to reconsider?"

"No..." Nikki thoughtfully replied. "I don't want to reconsider anything. As much as I might regret saying this, I really want to stay just like I am right now. That's to say that I don't want to go back to being a guy again. I find that I like being a girl, and as crazy as it might sound, when push comes shove, I really want to remain one. It's just..." her voice trailed off into silent contemplation.

"It's just what?" Magatrix gently prompted.

"It's just that I'm not looking forward to my first period."

Commiserating, Magatrix had to chuckle. "I would say that's pretty much a given. I mean, take it from me, if there's one thing about being a girl that really sucks, it's periods."

"You mean to tell me that you can't use your magic to do away with them?" John interjected.

"Yes. You're right. I could do that. I could use my magic to just whisk them away. And, just so the two of you know, I actually did do that a couple of times at first. However, every time I did use magic to squelch one of those pesky unwelcome monthly visitors of mine, it somehow put a damper on my magical ability, in that it severely limited the amount of magical potential upon which I could draw. So, since I'm not willing to give up any of my magical ability, I've just had to grin and bear them, much as any other woman who has ever lived has had to do.

"But anyhow, getting back to what I was saying before I got us off on a tangent, in many respects this Third Version of Creation tends to lend credence to why we human beings are as sexually screwed as we are. I mean, think of all the women out there who are bustin' a gut to prove that they are just as business savvy as their male counterparts. Then, on the opposite side of the equation, just think of all the men walking around out there who are either so enamored with women that they fantasize what it would be like to be one themselves, or feel that they are really a woman trapped inside of a man's body.

"I mean, being realistic about it, this Third Version that I've been telling you about would go a long way to explain why there are both transvestites and transsexuals. It would also help us understand why there are not only heterosexuals, but also homosexuals, bisexuals, and, last but far from least, asexuals thrown into the mix. Basically, it is my humble contention that though each one of us is endeavoring to do it in our own deluded way, we are in some way, shape or form trying our damnedest to reclaim the completeness of being that Adameve's willful act of disobedience has denied us.

"Maybe, in the end, that's all that Heaven really is. Being complete, and basking in the everlasting euphoric splendor of God's beatific presence.

"Okay! Be that as it may be. Though this Third Version of the Creation Narrative never actually made it into the Bible, per se, it is my contention that it did have a life of its own, however sorted and secretive that life may well have been. Though it isn't exactly etched in stone, I have every reason to believe that when the Hebrew Children were sold into slavery in Egypt, this Third Rendition went right along with them. You see, about fifteen years ago a stone tablet was unearthed in a farmer's field not far from an archeological dig on the western shores of the Nile in southern Egypt. Well, though the scholars are still debating the meaning of several of the never seen before pictographs, it appears that the tablet cryptically alludes to some sort of genetic experiment going terrible amiss in the days that immediately preceded Moses and the Exodus. It seems that a little known sect of Egyptian Priest-Physician-Herbalists had heard a blind Hebrew elder recount the seldom-told tale of Adameve, and wished to create such an amalgamated human being for themselves. There is even some suggestion that what these priests wished to achieve was a way of incorporating this amalgamation process into the ceremony involved in investing a new pharaoh, as a means to set their ruler apart from the rest of mankind. Now, I have absolutely no idea what they did, or how they did it, but this tablet of which I speak seems to allude to the fact that something seemed to have gone terrible awry. The tablet seems to go on to suggest that these priests created some sort of subhuman aberration who's sexuality was unstable, in that it constantly seesawed back and forth between male and female.

"But anyhow, since we really need to wrap this up, let me just say that where the Egyptians failed in the efforts to produce an amalgamated human being, there were others who, shall we say, took up the cudgel in their stead. However, though many tried to produce such a being, it is my contention that during the early days of the dark ages, some alchemist, most likely through the rigors and frustrations of the trial and error method, came upon a spell that when cast, caused a man to change into a woman. Oddly enough, whether that was the intention or not, the resulting transsexualized individual gained access to the metaphysical wherewithal, and in so doing, became a real live, walking, talking, magic wielding witch of the First Water.

"That's to say that he, whomever in the hell he was, upon becoming a she had the potential of becoming one mean motor-scooter! In other words, the villagers who lived in the vicinity didn't want to go pissing the new bitch of a witch of theirs off, if, that is, they knew what was good for them.

"Hey! Do the two of you recall what I said about magic? Do you remember me saying that it was neither good nor evil? That magic was nothing more than a means to an end and that it was the magic user, rather than the magic itself, who made the final determination as to just how and when and where it would be used?"

Then, when both Nicole and John acknowledged that they had both heard her say something or other to that effect, Magatrix continued. "In other words, had I a mind to do evil and nefarious things with my magic, there's not a damn thing stopping me. And, I've got to admit that there have been times that I have been sorely tempted to do something that I know I shouldn't ought to do, you know, as in the lure of the Dark Side is both strong and ever present.

"And, do the two of you want to know why I don't do that sort of stuff? Well, I'll tell you. I don't do that sort of stuff because, one, it would be wrong, and two, because a long time ago, back in the days when I was just a snot nosed kid, I made a little pact with God. I told Him that if He could see His way clear to allowing me to become a practitioner of real magic, I vowed that I wouldn't abuse His faith in me, and that I would never use my abilities in a way He wouldn't want me to.

"Later, incorporated in the very spell I used to turn me into a girl, I both reaffirmed and slightly modified that pact I'd made with God when I was a young. I told Him in no uncertain terms that I would use my magical wherewithal to do whatever He bid me to do."

"Ah, come on now!" Nikki, taken aback by what she had just heard Magatrix say, incredulously interjected. "You're not seriously suggesting that God had a hand in this? I mean, are you going to sit there and try to tell me that God directed you to change me into girl?"

"In a very convoluted, round about manner, yes. That's exactly what I'm saying. You see, Nicole, while I'm anything but psychic, shortly after I became a real honest to goodness witch, though I much prefer the term sorceress over witch, I began to perceive things about certain people. The two of you two have heard about auras, haven't you? Well, take it from me, they're real, in that they really exist, and I can see them. And, let me tell you! Contrary to what you've heard, the eyes aren't the real mirrors to the soul. Auras are. Hell, they might even be the outermost envelope of the soul itself. And, you'd best believe that once you learn how to read them, they can tell you damn near everything about the person they envelop.

"For example, last night, prior to the performance, while I was scanning the audience in order to find a guy to serve as my lovely assistant, I spied the two of you, and knew right from the get-go that you were soulmates. In other words, as soon as I saw the two of you in the audience, I knew that the two of you were meant for each other."

"You're shitting us, right?" John flippantly exclaimed. "And, just how in the hell would you know something like that?"

"Because, John, even though this is going to sound pretty farfetched, there is a gossamer-like tendril linking your aura to Nicole's aura."

"And, I take it," Nikki said, jumping into the fray, "that tendril makes us soulmates?"

"Oh, yeah! It sure as hell does. Take it from me, the two of you were meant to be together. Trouble was, until I pulled a sexual one eighty on Nicole last night, the two of you were both guys. And, to make matters worse, not only were you both guys, but you were both heterosexual guys, owing to the fact that it was pretty apparent right from the outset that you both like women. Fact is, regardless of the fact that you're now one yourself, Nicole, you both still do. In other words, in the future, when the latest edition of Playboy shows up on your doorstep, it's a fairly safe bet that the two of you will still be competing with one another as to who gets to scope out the latest Playmate first.

"So, knowing that the only way that the two of you would even be completely happy in this life was for you to be together, I took it upon myself to more or less step in and lend a hand, you might say."

"Hey! Wait just a minute here!" Nikki demanded in an unbridled huff. "If it's true that John and I are soulmates - and, I happen to agree with you that we probably are - then, the Big Guy goofed up royally, you know, by making us both males to begin with! I mean, if He wanted us to be together, shouldn't one of us have started off life as a female? Now, I don't know about you, but I didn't think the Big Guy made those kinds of mistakes! I mean, He's supposed to be omnipotent, isn't He?"

"Yes... Yes, you're right, Nicole. He is supposed to be omnipotent. However, though I believe that a lot of the things that happen in this life we're living tend to fly in the face of that belief, I really, truly believe God is omnipotent."

"Well..." Nikki quickly countered. "If He is, then why does He need somebody like you to come along and set things straight?"

"I'm not sure I'm the person to answer that question for you, Nicole," Magatrix replied earnestly. "Truth is, I'm not sure that anybody can answer that question for you. All I know is that I still believe there is a Master Plan, and that things happen for a reason. However, in your particular case, it could be that God felt that the two of you would need something special to occur in order to bring you to your senses and make you come to the realization that the two of you were meant to be together."

"Okay!" Nikki quipped. "I'll buy that. After all, it makes about as much sense as anything else does. However, that leads me to my next question. How come I get to be the girl in this relationship? I mean, while I'm not for one moment complaining, you know, because it's more or less a given that after what John and I did last night, I kind of like the idea of being a girl now, I'd still really of like to know. Was I more suited to the role of the little woman than John was? I mean, did my aura have some sort of feminine glint or something that caused you to pick me over John?"

Having taken a moment to mull the matter, Magatrix thoughtfully replied, "No... not really. That's to say that I could have gone with either one of you. Fact is, my first inclination was to go with John."

"So," Nikki felt compelled to ask, "why didn't you?"

"I honestly don't know. You see, I was just about to ask John here to join me on stage when I changed my mind and asked you."

"So, what was it that made you change your mind? I mean, did God have one of His angels whisper sweet nothings in your ear that in some fashion or another directed you to choose me over John?"

"Beats the shit outta me! I mean, now that you mention it, it's entirely possible that God did have a hand in the selection process. Or, He could have left the decision up to me. I mean, as far as I'm concerned, anything's possible."

"Okay!" John said in an effort to assuage his curiosity. "So, tell us. How many other guys have you changed into girls in this ongoing personal crusade of yours to set past genetically manufactured wrongs aright?"

"Actually, not as many as you might think. All told, I've turned fifteen guys into full-time girls, prior to last night. Nicole here brings the grand total up to sixteen, making her my Sweet Sixteenth, you might say."

"Magatrix, you specifically used the term full-time just then," Nikki interjected, her curiosity also piqued. "Are we to take it that there have been others?"

"I must say, I'm impressed. That was very astute of you to have picked up on that, Nicole. I mean, even though I did turn you into a blonde, you are anything but an airhead. And, you're right. There were others, quite a few in fact, most of whom fit into the woman trapped in a man's body category, that I took pity on. Basically, what I did with most of the guys that fell into the part-timer category was to magically empower some device, generally a ring or some other piece of jewelry, with the metaphysical wherewithal that allows the wearer the flexibility to opt into womanhood whenever they feel the need to get in touch with their feminine sides.

"More often then not, the guys that I offer the part-time girlhood option to are involved, or about to become involved, in a long term relationship with a female soulmate who either is a bisexual, or has latent bisexual or homosexual tendencies..."

A few minutes later, as the three of them exited the restaurant and headed along the hallway for the lobby, Magatrix took it upon herself to broach another subject. "Nicole! I sure hope this present outfit that I fitted you out with on the spur of the moment, so to speak, meets with your approval. I mean, while I know you really dug the shit out of showcasing those new feminine wares of yours in that sinfully sexy liquid-silver club dress that I decked you out in last night, I kind of thought that it was just a little bit too ostentatious for the breakfast bunch."

Having been far too preoccupied with everything that the magician had been telling her and John while in the restaurant, Nikki had not paid a whole lot of attention to the attire into which Magatrix had seen fit to transmogrify her formerly male styled clothing. While Nikki was aware of the fact that she was wearing a white, bulky knit, turtleneck sweater, she had not taken the time to acquaint herself with what she was wearing below that trim and taut little waistline of hers. Though she did know that those sexy long legs of hers were encased in some sort of snug fitted pants, she had not thought to check out exactly what kind of pants they were. Likewise, she was also aware that she was wearing some sort of high-heeled footwear, but had no idea of style or coloration of that high-heeled footwear.

On inspection, Nikki found herself pleasantly surprised. The snug pants were a pair of designer jeans, tastefully faded to give them that well-worn look. Her shoes were not shoes at all. Rather, they were a pair of stiletto heeled ankle boots, crafted out of denim, and hued to match the colonization of her pants. Nikki liked what she saw very much, and told Magatrix as such.

"Yeah..." Magatrix responded. "I kind of thought you'd like the way you looked in that outfit. I guess you could say that I was going for classy, casual, coquettish look, all wrapped up in one little package."

"Well..." Nikki chuckled. "For my money, I do believe you've pretty much nailed it."

"So, John," Magatrix coyly prompted, "how about you give us your take on the matter. Do you, or do you not like the outfit that I've seen fit to package this little lover-girl of yours in this morning?"

"Oh... I like it, all right! Fact is, I like it a lot! I mean, as far as I'm concerned, she looks absolutely fan-fuckin'-tastic!"

"So..." Magatrix said, cunningly setting her trap. "I take it that you're saying that Nicole here looks good enough to eat?"

Unwittingly, John took the bait - hook, line and sinker. "Oh, yeah! She such as hell does!"

"John!" the magician sternly admonished. "I'm surprised at you! After all you ate last night, and then again this morning, don't you think that you've had enough pussy for the time being? I mean, come on! How 'bout giving this poor girl of yours a break! After all, she's kind of new to this girl-shit business. Besides, it's not like it's going to go away, now is it?"

Knowing that he'd been royally had, John began to laugh, and that in turn got all three of them to laughing.

The elevator car's interior was fabricated out of highly polished chrome panels, which, while lacking the clarity of a mirror, afforded Nikki the opportunity to better get a look-see at her new self. Upon taking note of the fact that her earlobes were not only pierced, but skewered by earrings which boasted silver balls as their finals, she playfully quipped, "Oh, so am I to take it that you have given me these balls to replace the ones I no longer have?"

Magatrix, fully aware that Nicole was somewhat sarcastically referring to the testicles that once dangled from her formerly manly loins, just as playfully replied, "My, my... I can't seem to get anything by you! Look! It's like I said before, Nicole, while I may have turned you into a blonde bombshell, there is absolutely nothing dumb or ditzy about you. And, guess what? When it comes to those earrings, you're right! That's exactly what I did, you know, as in it's sort of symbolic, don't you think? Oh, and here's something else that ought to make you feel good about yourself. Each and every time I've taken upon myself the task of turning a guy into a girl, I've gone the extra mile to fit them out with the same exact earrings that I did you, you know, as in it's my own little inside joke, so to speak. However, you, young lady, are the first of my transgendies to have made the connection. Therefore, you are to be congratulated.

"Oh! And, if you don't mind me making a suggestion, were I you, later today when you get home, I would take those earrings off and put them in a special place, you know, as, shall we say, a keepsake, in that they can serve as a reminder of the life you once lived as a man.

As the three of them exited the elevator, another thought crossed Nikki's mind. "Magatrix?"

"Yes, dear?"

"Tell me something."

"Sure... if I can. I'd be more than happy to."

"Correct me it I wrong, but didn't you say that you only became a first class magic user after you turned yourself into a woman?"

"Yes... yes, I did," Magatrix, who was thoroughly enjoying the uncanny clarity of Nikki's logical thought processes, tentatively replied.

"Well... does that mean that I'm a witch, or a sorceress, or whatever you call it, now?"

"No... However, you now have the potential of becoming one. You see, Nicole, tapping the metaphysical wherewithal is somewhat akin to trying to open one of those Chinese puzzle boxes, in that it is extremely hard to do initially, but once you learn its elusive little secret, it becomes as easy as pie. Now, if you give me your solemn promise that you will use your magic only to do good things, I will do everything in my power to help you acquire the mental agility which you will require in order to unravel the mystery of how to go about accessing the metaphysical plane's inexhaustible amount of magical potential.

"In other words, girl, in a round about manner, I guess what I'm asking is, how would you like to move up in the world? Instead of just being my lovely assistant whenever I'm in the area, how would you like to become my gorgeous apprentice?"

Never expecting to be afforded such a singular opportunity, Nikki gleefully exclaimed, "Are you serious?"

"I most certainly am."

"Well... in that case, I'd love to be your apprentice!"

"You are aware that there's a catch involve in all of this, don't you? You see, if you're going to become my apprentice, then you and John are going to have to put me up every time I'm in the area, you know, so that I can work with you."

"Hey!" John piped up. "I thought we had already settled this issue before. I thought it was understood that you'd be staying with us whenever you're in town."

"That's true. We did, sort of..." Magatrix reassured him. "I just wanted to make doubly sure you guys didn't mind putting up with me as a house guest three or four times a year."

"Look!" John, speaking from his heart, earnestly replied. "After what you've done for the two of us, it goes without saying that you're always welcome at our house. In fact, and I think I speak for Nikki as well as myself, I think we'd be offended if you didn't stay with us whenever you're in the area."

"You know something?" Magatrix was noticeably moved. "You guys are really great."

Some ten minutes later, having read and then reread the text that Magatrix had specified, John set the Bible aside as he admitted, "You know something? You're right. There really are two version of Creation."

"Told you so," Magatrix replied.

"Hey, Nikki!" John energetically called out. "You really need to come in here and take a look-see at this yourself."

"I will! Later!" the former Michael Gerlach's new girlish voice seductively wafted out of the bedroom in which she and John had spent the night exploring all those new and nifty attributes of hers.

"What're you doing in there anyway, kiddo? Gawking at yourself again?"

"Yeah! So... What's it to you? So what if I happen to like the way I look now? I mean, you do like the way I look now, don't you, John?" Nikki, appearing in the doorway, quizzically demanded.

"Oh, yeah! Take it from me, kiddo, you look terrific! Absolutely terrific!"

"Yeah..." Nikki impishly agreed. "I kind of do, don't I? John," she continued on thoughtfully, as she seductively sauntered across the suite's stylishly apportioned sitting room, "you have absolutely no idea what it's like to have a body like this, and a mind that's a lot more manly than I initially thought it was."

"I can imagine..."

"Believe me, John. While you might think you can, you can't! There's just no way! It's... it's... it's..." Nikki, endeavoring to find the right words to best express herself, stammered. "Well... let's just say that it's really weird and leave it at that! I mean, as it stands now, I'm a real live, walkin', talkin', self-contained narcissist! I mean, I get one look at myself in the mirror, and guess what? I'm all hot and bothered, you know, as in all I want to do is to jump my own bones! Trouble is, I can't! I mean, while is true that I can play with myself, and it's a given that I'm going to be playing a lot of grabass with myself in the days and weeks to come, what I'd really like to do is something that I'm no longer anatomically capable of doing anymore!

"Now, please don't go taking this the wrong way, John, because I really do love you, and want to spend the rest of my life with you, but you need to understand that I'm also a little envious of you!"

"How come?" John felt compelled to ask the obvious question. "I mean, why in the world would you be envious of me?"

"Because, as crazy as this is going to sound, you get to make love to me, whereas I don't!"

"You're right," John concurred. "Not only does that does sound crazy, but it is crazy."

"See!" Nikki furiously countered. "I told you that you wouldn't understand! Magatrix, would you please do me a favor and try to explain it to him for me!"

"Sure, Nicole. I'd be happy to," the magician replied cheerfully. "You have to understand something here, John. While Nicole might look like a woman, and act like a woman, her mind's still predominately a man's mind, save where you're concerned. In other words, the only time Nicole is all girl is when she's with you. Whenever she's not with you, it's a whole 'nother ball game. That's to say that when she's not with you, while she will still behave like the anatomical woman into which I've turned her into, her thought processes will be a whole lot more male than female. The same holds true for her libido, maybe even a little bit more so. In other words, since I modeled her after the image of the woman who inhabits her own wet dreams, it's pretty much a given that every time she gets a glimpse of herself, she's going to turn herself on.

"And that, John, is why our little Nicole here is envious of you. You see, there's a big part of her - the male part - that would like nothing more than to be afforded the same opportunity that's been afforded to you."

"Oh!" John replied. "I get it! Nikki is a little jealous of me because I get to make love to her the way she'd like to be able to make love to herself!"

"Basically, I think you've pretty much got a handle on it, John. Nicole isn't jealous of you, per se. What she is jealous of is that you get to do what she is incapable of doing to her new and ever so sexy self. But, you needn't worry. In a couple of days, after the two of you have made love a few more times, those holdover feelings of hers will just up and evaporate. And, if they don't, you make sure to let me know, and I'll see what I can do to help alleviate them, okay?"

Next: Chapter 17: Friends and Lovers 10

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