Magicians Assistant


Published on Feb 1, 2001



by Deane Christopher

Copyright 2001


"So..." Mary said as she slid in behind the wheel of her car, "Tell me, Jeff! What were you and Magatrix talking about right before we left?"

"Oh!" Jeff replied as she buckled her seat belt. "Just this, that and the other thing!

"I mean, she started off by once again thanking me for being such a good sport and helping her out with her act and all! You know, especially in regards to this girl-shit business she laid on me! Then, after she did that, she reassured me! You know, about me and my turning back into a guy! You know, during night! While I'm sound asleep!

"She also told me that she'd be sending me a whole packet of stuff in the mail and that I should expect to receive it in a week or so! You know, as in she'll be sending me videos of tonight's performance and a whole shit-load of prints all those pictures that she had the Caldron's assistant manager take of me! You know, like when I was dancing or seated at the table! You know, shootin' the shit and clowning around with you and all the rest of the crew!"

"Oh!" Mary said as she maneuvered her car out of the Caldron's rather cramped parking lot an onto the street, "You know something! Come to think of it, I'd like to have a copy of all of those pictures myself! Plus, I'd really like a copy of the video as well!"

"No problem! Magatrix assured me that she be sending enough for everyone!"

Mary, after a lane change, cheerfully urged. "Now that you had a few hours to get a fell for it, tell me! How's it feel being a guy fitted out with a girl's body? You know, as in I really curious to hear your take on it!"

"Actually... all things considered, Mary... it ain't to shabby!

"I mean, as strange and as kinky as it might be for me to saying something like this: I find it all kind of neat! You know, as in I really like feeling all sexy like I am!

"I mean, while I'm not saying I'd like to be a girl on a full time bases, I have to say that I'm really enjoying the experience!"

"Yeah... I can see how you would. You know, because I've often wonder what it would be like to be a guy."

"You have?"

"Of course I have!

"I mean, even though they might not like to admit to it, I think everyone, at one time or another, has wondered what it would be like to be a member of the opposite sex! You know, from that from which they were born..."

"So, after I drop you off, are you going to take some time to experiment? You know, with all those nifty female erogenous zones that Magatrix fitted you out with?"

"Yeah... Probably..."

"Well... though it's really none of my business, you know that you really ought to, Jeff! You know, find out how all those girlie gadgets of yours work! You know, while you have the opportunity!

"I mean, if nothing else, your doing so should result in making you a much better lover! You know, as in the first hand experience you'll gain by fooling around with yourself will put you a leg up on all the other guys out there!"

"I know! I know!

"Truth be told: as crass and perverted as this is going to sound, I was kind of thinking along pretty much the same lines myself! You know, as in I be a real asshole to let a golden opportunity like this pass me by! You know, without taking full advantage of it!

"Truth be told, Mary: I've have to say that I'm actually - No! Let's make that eagerly! - looking forward to it! You know, as in I've been chomping on the bit to have at myself all night!

"I mean to tell ya! I'm so horny right now it isn't funny!

"You know, as in these super-sensitized tits of mine are just begging to be fondled and caressed!

"And, that's not the half of it!"

"You mean there's more?"

"Oh, yeah! There's more all right! In fact, there's a whole lot more!

"Mary! Would you believe that this new crevasse crease of mine is leaking love-juices like a sieve! You know, as in these pantyhose I'm wearing are so far passed soaked it isn't funny!"

"You poor thing! You've really got the hots for yourself, don't you?"

"Yeah... I guess I do at that..."

"Well, since you do - You know, have the hots for yourself! - I don't think you have much of an option! You know, as in as soon as you get home, you need to head for your bedroom, get out of that sexy excuse for a dress that Magatrix fitted you out with and get down to the task of taking care of business!"

"By taking care of business, I assume you mean - masturbate?"

"Yes! That's exactly what I'm suggesting!" Mary was emphatic. "Look! Think about this way! You've got an itch - Albeit a sexual one! - so I strongly suggest that you do what comes naturally and scratch it!"

"You mean..."

"Yes! I'm suggesting that you should take your finger - I generally use my middle finger! But, if you don't like using your middle finger, trust me! You'll find that the index finger works just as well!

"Okay! So you take whatever finger you want to use and slid up inside that feminine you-know-what of yours! Okay! So you locate your clit! You know, clit as in clitoris! You know, and start tweaking the living shit out of it!

"I mean, you do know your way around a woman's vagina, don't you, Jeff?"

"Smartass!" Jeff, in the sham of an unbridled huff, tersely replied.

Sensing that she may have inadvertently said something that may have upset her ultra feminized passenger, Mary reached over and gently patted Jeff's nylon encased leg. "Why so glum, kiddo? Did I say something to upset you?"

"No! No, you didn't..."

"It's just..."

"Just what?" Mary prompted.

"It's just that I'm afraid..."

"Afraid? Afraid of what?"

"I'm afraid that I'm going to like it!"

"Oh! You needn't worry your pretty little head about that, Jeff!

"Take my word for it! You're just not going to like it! You're going to love it!

"That's the problem! I might end up liking it to much!"

"Oh! I think I see where you're going with this!

"You're worried that you might enjoy the sexual aspects of being a girl to much for your own good! Right?"

"Yeah... I kind of think that I kind of sort of am at that...

"I mean, what if I find that as a girl, I'm multi-orgasmic? And then, to add insult to injury, what if I find that on top of that, that I really dig the shit out of being multi-orgasmic!

"Look! I know how crazy this must sound! You know, because I'm still as manly as I ever was! You know, up here in this head of mine! But, I've got to tell you, Mary! I like the way I look! And, I love the way I feel! You know, looking the way I do now!"

"I mean, while there's a big part of me that wants nothing more than to be a guy again, I've got to admit that there's another part of me - A part that seems to be gaining ground with each and every passing minute! - that likes things just the way they are now! You know, with me being a girl and all!

"I mean, this is ridiculous! Ridiculous and, to a lesser degree, ironic!

"You do realize that my being a girl for just this one friggin' night could really upset the old apple cart! You know, as it could well ruin my sexual outlook on life in one fell swoop!

"I mean, given the way I'm feeling right at this very moment - You know, all hot and bothered like I am! - I tend to believe that you're right! I do believe that I am really going to enjoy getting off on myself!

"And, there in lies the problem! Having gained first hand knowledge of sex from a woman's point of view, there's a chance that I could end up becoming extremely envious of women in the future! You know, when it comes to sex and the vast amounts of pleasure they're deriving from it!"

"So..." Mary sought an explanation, "Are you saying that you've reconsidered the business about getting off on yourself tonight?"

"No! I'm not saying that at all! You know, because I don't think I could muster the mental fortitude to restrain myself now even if I wanted to! Which - I might add! - I don't! You know, because I don't think I could ever forgive myself if I didn't take advantage of this rather unique opportunity that Magatrix has presented me with! You know, to find out what a woman's orgasm is all about!"

"Jeff! What would you say if I were to tell you that Magatrix anticipate that you might feel the way you do?"

"She did?"

"Oh, yeah! She most certainly did! And, because she did, she gave me something to give to you!"

"What? What did she give you? You know, to give me?

"Tell you what, Jeff! Since I can't do it myself at the moment - You know, with me and my driving and all! - why don't you grab my purse and look in its' larger center compartment!" Mary directed. "There, you'll find two small jewelry boxes! Take one out and open it! Inside, you'll find a ring! You can take it out and examine it to your heart's content! But, whatever you do, don't put it on! You know, yet!"

"Why not? Why shouldn't I put it on?"

"Because, Magatrix told me to tell you that once you put it on, you won't be able to take it off!"

"That's absurd!"

"Yeah! Right! It's about as absurd as the notion that she could turn you - A guy! - into a girl!"

"All right, already! I get your point! No need for you to rub it in like that!" Jeff said as she began to root through Mary's handbag.

"Okay! I've found the jewelry boxes! Tell me! Which one is the one I want?"

"Doesn't matter! I asked Magatrix the very same thing and she told me that they were both the same! That's to say that she told me that the rings are nothing other than some sort of magical triggering mechanisms!

"So, just pick one and leave the other one in my bag!"

"Who's the other one for?"

"You just had to ask, didn't you?

"I mean, who do you think it's for, silly?"

"You mean to tell me that this other ring's for you!

"I mean, why in the world did Magatrix give you a ring too?"

"That's for me to know and for you to find out!" Mary, with a chuckle, playfully taunted. "Besides, Jeff, the ring that you need to concern yourself with right now is the one that you're holding in your hand!"

"Okay! I'll bite! What's this ring supposed to do! Make me disappear like Frodo did when he put on Saron's Ring of Power?"

"Not hardly! However, what it will do is: it will allow you to become a girl whenever you want to become one!"

"Yeah! Right! And, I expect the next thing you're going tell me is that you want me to buy a time-share in a newly opened winter ski resort based in the Florida Everglades!"

"Hey! What's with the skepticism, Jeff?

"May I remind you: you're a guy who just happens to a girl at present!

"So, how 'bout you cut me a little slack here and try to be a little more open minded about all of this? You know, especially so since this ring might well be the answer to all your prayers!"

Contritely, Jeff replied, "What can I say? When you're right! You're right! I was being a tad bit skeptical, wasn't I?"

"You sure as hell were, Jeff! And, a lot more than a tad! And, given all that you've been through this evening, you're the last person who has a right to be skeptical about anything! Especially so when it revolves around something magical!"

"What can I say, Mary, save to say that you're right! I was out of line! Look! All I can say is: I'm sorry and I promise to be more open minded about things from here on out!

"Okay! So, you were saying that this ring Magatrix gave you to give to me will somehow allow me to become a girl whenever I want to!"

"Yes! That's what she said." Mary confirmed Jeff's assertion.

"Will it also allow me to become a man again? You know, when I want to opt out of being a woman?"

"Yes... Yes, it will! Magatrix said that the ring will allow you to switch back and forth whenever and for however long you want to!"

"Well... that's kind of neat! But, since this ring came with a warning for me not to put it on right away, I assume there's some sort of catch involved with it! You know, like there is in all those fairy tales where the nasty and underhanded genie finds a loophole in a wish and terrible things happen to poor shmuck that was doing the wishing! You know, like in that joke about the guy who wished for a twelve inch prick and ends up one foot tall and saddled with a perpetually bad attitude!"

"Yeah... I guess there is a catch at that! If, that is: you want to think of it like that..."

"You see, Jeff, once you put that ring on, while it will grant you the ability to arbitrarily change back and forth from being a guy to girl and vice versa, the way Magatrix explained it to me, you will be committed to spending at least a quarter of each day as a member of the opposite sex!

"In other words, six hours out of every twenty four, you will - Whether you want to or not! - be a girl! That's to say that if you, for some reason or another, don't log enough time as a female on your own, the ring will do it for you!

"However, given what Magatrix told me earlier, that shouldn't really be a problem! You know, as in you can always meet this - Shall we call it girl-time obligation of yours! - you know, while you're sleeping! You know, as you can change yourself into a female just before going to bed at night and then, in the morning, right after you wake up, you can change back into a man again!"

"Well..." Jeff replied thoughtfully, as she began to unconscious knead and fondle her ample left breast with her well-manicured right hand. "I must say that it's a very intriguing idea! You know, being able to spend time as a girl! And, I'm not about to discount it out of hand! You know, as I want to give that matter some serious thought...

"I mean, while it might be a lot of fun now - You know, with me still being single and all! - it's a cinch that there aren't a whole hell of a lot of women out there who would put up with a husband who has to spend six hours a day as a woman himself!"

"That's true!" Mary concurred. "There aren't a lot of women who would put up with something like that!"

"I mean," Jeff continued on with the thought, "how would you like it to be married to a guy who climbed into bed each and every night, gave you a kiss, rolled over and promptly turned into a girl?"

"Oh, I don't know! While it would take some getting use to, it might prove be a lot of fun!

"In others words, Jeff, you're asking the wrong girl that question!"

"I am, am I?"

"Oh, yeah! You most certainly are!"

"So, what are you trying to tell me? That you're a lesbian or something?"

"Tell you what, kiddo! Let's leave it at 'Or something' for the time being and what do you say we get back to talking about that ring you're holding! All right?"

"Sure!" Jeff said as she reached up under the shamelessly abbreviated skirt of that gleaming liquid-silver satin dress that Magatrix had trust her up in and, employing the wickedly tapered nail of her middle finger, dexterously drew it up along the nylon guarded swath of that new little honey pot of hers. "So, what else does this ring do? You know, besides allowing me the ability to change myself into a girl!"

"Well, according to what Magatrix told me, that ring also will also change any male clothing that you might be wearing into female clothing! You know, and vice versa! You know, like whenever you go the other way around! Plus! It will allow you - As a girl! - to be wearing anything that you wish to be wearing! You know, as in Magatrix told me that all you have to do is form a mental picture of yourself decked out in whatever outfit that tickles your fancy at the moment; close your eyes for a second or so and - Whalla! - that's the way you'll be dressed when you open your eyes!"

"Hey! That's kind of neat" Jeff beamed. "You know, if, that is: it really does work that way!"

Jeffrey Gibson's story will continue in: MAGICIAN'S ASSISTANT 5 - HANKY-PANKY

Next: Chapter 5

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