
By Richard McQueen

Published on Dec 15, 2021


Story: Makarovia? Where the Hell Is That!?

Chapter 10 Plans For The Future

Author: Eric McQueen (

Adult Readers, Sexual Situations, Sex

Freedom of expression is precious. To do that Nifty needs help. Your donation is greatly desired. Give to or this story ends and all the others! That would be a crime!

Plans for Makarovia's future are made, Makarovian Burgers, fond memories of Olek the first and Peter has a birthday.

Plans For The Future

Olek and Helga came into the family room.

"Are things okay?" Olek asked looking as we were still standing.

I looked at Georg. "Are they?" I asked Georg.

Georg shook his head. "No, but it will be." He smiled at me. "I...just need time."

"Sure." Peter nodded. "You've got it."

As hard as what happened to Georg, he did listen and was willing to admit, he had been told a lie. Maybe. His aversion to Peter's and my sexual activities had nothing to do with what he was taught about World War II, but simply ignorant straight male's perceptions were at play here. He just had to get used to the idea. However, he was here! In Makarovia, where we were everywhere, he knew that and came anyway. He was willing to face it. You have to give him that. We did have a nice evening together and Olek was now engaging in conversations that included me, Peter, and Georg. You could tell things were good between him and Helga.

We parted with our guests as they rode down the elevator.

"We need to get a new elevator," Olek said out of nowhere but was smiling.

Peter chuckled. "We'll put it on the list of things to have done."

I took Peter's hand. "So, if we're done, can we say good night?" I asked and was about to leave.

Olek turned and looked exasperated. "Aren't you even going to ask me about how it was for me?"

I laughed. "We have eyes. We saw the results."

"We know it went well." Peter nodded.

I patted Peter's arm and brought Olek between Peter and me as we walked back through the palace. "He wants to tell us, Peter, so, how was it for you, Olek?"

Olek began beaming as we walked. "I really like her. She's funny and smart."

I smiled as he told me this. "Oh, no," I said to Peter. "He's got that dreamy look. This is serious."

Peter nodded. "It is." He looked at me. "Did I ever look that way?"

I shrugged.

Olek turned. "Guys! I really like her." He grinned at Peter. "And, oh yes, you did have the look. I saw that in the hotel room that night." He looked at me. "From you, too. That's how I knew it was real between you two."

I hugged Olek. "I'm happy for you. Really. I want things to work out. What's your next plan for her?"

"You need to make a date with her," Peter said. "This was nice, but...she should come over where it's just the two of you."

I shook my head. "Why are you asking us!? You're a grown man!"

Olek looked a little embarrassed. "Yeah, well I haven't really been able to date. It's been a while. There are a few nice restaurants in Stryia, but..."

"Invite her here," I said. "Our first date was the White House."

Peter's eyes grew as he looked around Olek. "We went places!"

"For pizza or to Walmart!" I shot back. "Our first official date was the White House!" Peter rolled his eyes at that.

Olek chuckled. "So, I should invite her back to the palace." He nodded.

"And we'll...just make ourselves scarce." I said. "My hope in all for you to find a companion. A friend that will help to make you happy. I can see what Helga's done so far is doing that. You're my only concern in this."

"Mine, too," Peter said. "You deserve to be happy."

Olek grinned and nodded. "I appreciate the support." We did that three-way, brotherly hug. "I love you two."

"We love you, Olek," Peter said as I nodded.

Olek smiled. "I know you do. That...means a lot to me."

The next day after we got up, Peter went back down to Olek's office to further city plans and look over the sites to build the reactors. I went back to the archives. I looked over the inventory again to categorize all these listings and make sure they were where they were supposed to be. I had seen photos in the some of the envelopes. There was another assortment of photos that were to be here. But I couldn't find them according to where they were supposed to be. The truth was, I wanted photos of Milo and Bren. I wanted everything about Milo and Bren! Again, I saw Gretchen and asked her.

She thought hard for a few minutes. "Henry Brown was very thorough." Then she shrugged and smiled. "I know who to call."

As she was gone I looked at what I had. There were some photos, but none in the envelope for Milo or Bren.

It was a good few minutes when Gretchen came back. "I know where it is." She led me to another room, there were boxes and crates. "A man worked here named Fedir Hycha. He's retired, but he remembered Henry and worked with him. He said Henry died before he got through all of it." It took a few minutes as she looked. "Here it is." She pointed at three boxes cardboard boxes.

Getting them out, I gasped. There were photos and other things in the boxes. Diaries, journals, Star of Davids, military dog tags...

"Is Fedir well?" I asked her.

"Sure. He's in his seventies, but sure."

"Can I call him?" I asked.

She smiled. "I'll give you the number and I'll call for you now if you want?"

I smiled bigger. "That would be great. For both those things."

Once the call was made, I was surprised when the man answered. He did sound sharp. People age and it sounds in their voices, but his sounded simply...male. "Hello?"

"Hello, Mr. Hycha. This is Eric Richards."

"The Earl of Stryia!?" The man asked. "I'm honored for the call, My Lord."

Again, I inwardly groaned at the title, but I resolved to get used to it. I explained what I'd found and what I wanted to do.

"All of Henry Brown's findings...things given to him those months are there." Fedir said.

"Okay," I said. "There is one couple I'm really looking for Milo Weir and Bren Schultz."

"Ah, yes. I knew Milo and Bren." Fedir said.

"You did!?" I felt sudden hope!

"Sure. They came to Makarovia before I was born, but I grew up knowing them. They were a very nice couple."

"I am so anxious to find out more about those two. For some reason, they just...reach me."

"I know that Milo kept journals and dairy. It's there, too. When Bren died...Milo only lasted a year or so after that. I think because Milo couldn't stand to be apart from Bren. I really believe that."

I was nodding, but he couldn't see that. "I believe he did."

"There are pictures I know," Fedir said. "Most of them are after they got here. There's one or two that were before they fled Germany. I can help you if you want."

I laughed. "If you were standing here, I'd kiss you!!"

Fedir burst out laughing. "I'm afraid my husband might object...not to mention your future husband!"

"I'll send a car!" I said happily.

"No need. I'm in Stryia. Just give me a few minutes."

It was the longest forty-five minutes I'd sat through. That's when Gretchen came in with a man eyebrows rose seeing him. I had hope for Peter seeing Fedir! This man was in his seventies!? Then again, so was my grandmother. He was a handsome man. He had silver hair, but he had hair...mostly. Why is it always the back of the head? He sharp brown eyes in a face that had the lines, but he was a fine-looking person! I got up and held my hand out.

"Before you greet me!" I said to the man. "I'm getting used to the title. Can you just call me Eric?"

The man's smile made some of the lines near his eyes increase, but it was a good smile taking my hand and shook it. "Of course, Eric." Then he looked with an amused expression. "So, how are you getting used to the title if no one uses it?"

I let out a grunt. "You've made a point."

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Eric," Fedir said with one of those slight European bows.

"Do you want something to drink or eat?" I asked.

"Maybe a little scotch?" Fedir asked with one eyebrow rising higher than the other.

From his look, I was hesitant to simply grant his request. "Will I get in trouble if I do?"

"You're royalty and Kurt doesn't need to know." He grinned. "That's my husband."

"He doesn't want you to have a drink?"

Fedir smiled. "He took what the doctor said too far. The doctor said to be careful and not drink that much. Now Kurt took that and pretty well cut me off." He wasn't upset about it, just bothered.

I chuckled. "Maybe because he just wants to keep you around?"

"That's what Kurt says!"

I patted Fedir on the arm. "I'll get that drink." I waved at Gretchen who was moving. "I'll get it," I said, preventing her from going for it. Then turned back to Fedir. "One." I held up a single finger. "One," I said again. Passing Gretchen, I nodded to her. "Thank you."

I had to go upstairs for the drink. Getting the drink, I came back downstairs and into the office where I saw Fedir had gone through the boxes and had things set aside. He looked up smiling at me as I handed him the single drink. He took and sipped the scotch with a slightly audible swallow and a look of satisfaction and delight on his face.

"Here you go," Fedir said handing me another envelope and a stack of books. Leather bound mostly. "Pictures of Milo and Bren." He touched the envelope. "Milo's journals." He looked at me. "Why them?"

I smiled as I opened the envelope. "I fell in love with them," I said simply. I looked up and sighed. "You know what happened to them? To Bren?"

Fedir nodded. "I was here when Henry began going through what we got. Yes, I read it."

"Were they happy?" I asked hoping they had no problems here. Disagreements or anything like that.

Fedir sat down. "Yes, they were happy in Makarovia." He smiled sitting back and enjoyed more of his scotch. "They were a very devoted couple to each other."

I nodded. "When I read what they'd done...but that they got away and came here. Marrying and stayed together for thirty-two years! I had to find out more."

Fedir nodded and sat forward. "Like I said. I grew up here. I knew them as neighbors. They lived only a few houses down from me. I was about your age when Bren died and Milo just...quit living." He sighed. "Everybody loved them. When I was working here and Henry was getting those things together..."

"But they were dead before Henry got here."

Fedir nodded with a smile. "It was about five or six years after the end of the world war...most of the people that came here had...problems after what happened. We had a young woman that wanted to help. She was a psychiatrist. So, she kept urging those that got here to do something about it. Talk about it, if for no other reason than to give them some peace! She was the one that gathered most of what you have here. Henry just organized what was gotten to relay it better. The tapes were made back then, too." He shook his head. "Bren was quiet. He would retreat into this...quiet way and just sort of disconnect." He smiled. "But Milo could get him out of those. He was the only one that could do that. They really did love each other."

I pulled out a larger photo of two men, in their mid-forties. One with dark hair and the other dark blondish. The bigger of the two was taller by a couple of inches. Standing with arms around each other's backs as they smiled at the camera.

"That one is Milo." He said about the blondish one. "The other is Bren." He took the envelope and pulled one he didn't even have to hunt for. It was tattered and worn, but you could still see the images. "This was carried by Milo and protected for decades. I don't know what beach it was, this was right before they were captured, so they were about eighteen."

I touched the image on the bigger one and then took the other carefully. Two young men at the beach, in those swimsuits of the time, the higher ones that didn't show belly buttons? The beauty of youth was there as Bren was on Milo's back as they horsed around. They were both bare-chested showing the musculature of healthy men that age. Big smiles on both as they were having fun!

"Oh." I smiled at the image. "They are beautiful," I said as I waved both pictures. "Here and here." I didn't mean to, but I felt the tear come to my eyes and I felt one drop onto my pants.

Fedir smiled, put his drink down and got up, pulling me up and hugged me. "That's good." He said hugging me. "Cry for what happened to them."

That's when Peter came in, saw me, and froze. "What happened?"

I handed him the photos. "This is Milo and Bren," I said to Peter.

Fedir looked at Peter but didn't let me go. "Your Highness." Then he pulled me away a little. "Feel sorrow for what they suffered. It was horrible, but don't let your mind stay in 1939! Know this...they were They loved each other for thirty plus years. They had a victory! They were happy." He said waving at the box. "All of them had victories. Mourn for those that didn't make it here. There were nearly a hundred thousand that didn't make it. A very small fraction made it out alive! Of those that made it out alive, these few not only lived. They all had victory. This could be about what they went through, but look at what happened after what happened. They came here and got married! They loved each other with no problems here. They were accepted here. They lived in a long happy They were! Hold on to that. Understand and hate what happened to Milo and Bren in 1939, but they were! They were happy...HERE!! Do you understand?"

I nodded. "You're right. Theirs is a story of triumph." I pulled Peter in. "Do you remember Fedir Hycha? He used to work here."

Peter grinned holding his hand out. "Of course!" He said with sudden recognition now that he heard what Fedir said to me. "How's Kurt?"

Fedir chuckled. "Fine, but will be mad at me when he smells the scotch on my breath." He said taking his glass and swallowed what was left and enjoyed the taste. He shrugged. "But I can use my ways to get him to get him over that." He waggled his eyebrows at me. "So, if I'm not needed anymore, I'll go and deal with Kurt."

I grinned. "I'm going to do it, Fedir." I pulled his face toward mine and yes, I did kiss him gently and hugged him. Not a kiss I gave to Peter, but it was a kiss. I smiled as Peter's eyes grew. "Thank you," I said to Fedir

Fedir smiled. "As long as he was here when you did that." He thumbed at Peter. "You're welcome." He grinned at Peter. "He's a good kisser!"

"Do I need to worry about any of this?" Peter asked as Fedir left. "There was David and now Fedir."

"What do you think?" I asked and pulled him in for a real kiss.

Peter grinned. "No, you're still mine." He looked at the photos. "So, who is who in this?"

I had made sure the tapes were sealed and protected. Then I got on the phone again to Drew. The phone was answered quickly.

"Eric!" Drew said jovially. "What do I owe the honor of the call?"

"Drew!" I greeted. "My favorite roving reporter! I need your help."

"You got it if I can."

I told him about the testimonies, journals, tapes and what was in them.

"Absolutely!" Drew said immediately. "You know I cover all that fay, far and fairy shit! And this sounds like a motherlode! Bring the tapes and photos. I'll digitize all of it."

"Some of the photos are sort of tattered."

"Yes, and that's why you need to bring them," Drew said. "We have a lab here that can fix those photos and put the tapes on disc."

"I don't want to use the BBC's equipment unnecessarily."

"Okay, you're still not getting it," Drew said with an audible smirk in his voice. "What you tell me is in this stuff is news. You're an Earl now! Get with it, Eric! You are royalty! You're bringing us the story! We'll gladly do it. Hell, those big guys upstairs in those higher offices will be pulling their pants down and begging for you to give it to them!"

I laughed, he was outspoken and he didn't hold back. "Drew."

"I mean it!" Drew said. "Now is this exclusively Makarovian story wise?"

"We were putting them on our website. It's not exclusive anything. We want the world to know."

"Can I do a report on it?" Drew asked. "I have to ask. Reporters can be like a bunch of bitchy little girls when it comes to what and who reports what."

"Sure. Report." I said. "We'll be leaving Makarovia before the upcoming fall semester, so we can come the week before?"

"Great!" Drew said immediately. "You two are welcome to stay with Wayne and me."

"That's fine, I'd love to, but will you have room for our security?"

"Oh, right," Drew said sadly. "Well, you can come for dinner!"

"We'll be delighted!"

"And I get to watch Wayne panic!" He said happily. "He's a damned fine cook but will be fretting over the menu, the neatness of our house and all that. I can't wait to tell him."

"You like to torture Wayne?" I asked, knowing the truth.

"Nah, I just like to watch him panic occasionally. He's fun to watch!"

"Don't terrorize him." I chuckled. "We're just good friends coming by."

I could see Drew nod in my mind and his voice took on a more serious, heartfelt tone. "We are good friends, Eric. You and Peter are doing something amazing. We look forward to seeing you two."

I smiled as I hung up with Drew shaking my head and put my phone down.

"He's helping us," Peter said from the couch across the room. It wasn't a question.

"He is." I got up and walked over and sat beside him. "Drew is looking forward to tormenting Wayne with us coming." Without thought, I ran my hand over the inside of Peter's leg. I really wasn't doing it for any conscious reason really. "I don't do that to you, do I?"

Peter grinned. "You do all the time. You're doing it now." He took my hand raising it to his crotch to feel his growing erection and then he leaned in kissing me gently.

I chuckled. "I come through, don't I? I put you out of any misery."

Peter nodded as his lips went its familiar path to my jaw and down to my neck as he wrapped his arms around me. "So, put me out of misery now."

"With pleasure," I said unbuttoning his shirt and my hands went over his chest pulling him closer.

"I love you, Eric."

"I know. I love you, Peter."

"Do you?" Peter whispered. "Show me." He said forcing us back as he rose to better give us access to touch.

I did show him and he showed me. Twice! I loved this man!!

Queen Alla returned from her medical trip, arranging for some doctors to come to help immunize the children of Makarovia and general checkups of the population. We had doctors in Makarovia, but they needed help. That was going to change, too. There were plans for a new medical facility and hospital to be built in Makarovia.

Olek was...happy! He and Peter had been poring over maps the past few days deciding where these generators were going. I was gathering the photos, journals, diaries, and written testimonies of the people of Makarovia to take to London. We were heading back to the United States in three weeks. I now understood more when they said: Rome wasn't built in a day. Neither was Makarovia. Just like Peter did occasionally, I felt the need to see him. Nothing needed, but to see him.

I came in and smiled at the two again, nearly huddled together as the discussed the maps and what was to go where.

"...but we need the infrastructure in place." Peter was saying. "The housing is necessary, but how are they getting to and from work? The new medical facilities have to be accessible no matter the weather. The roads will be redeveloped and as we do that, the new heating elements need to be in place to keep them free of snow and ice, but that should be done before other construction begins. We need to plan for the runoff for that as well as in drainage and run off to the river or somewhere."

"We'll have to come up with a plan for the development," Olek said simply.

"And we'll soon have traffic!" I said smiling causing both to look up.

Olek smiling. "We didn't have that many people here before. More people, more cars will be needed and roads! Traffic! Yeah!"

I nodded. "And with that will be car dealerships for Ford, Toyotas, gas stations, cops to write tickets..."

Olek practically bounced. "I look forward to it."

"Fast food, supermarkets..." I added. "And that's just to go and get supplies! A mall!?"

Olek chuckled. "Yes!" He motioned for me to come over to them. "See what else my brilliant brother thought of doing."

Peter grinned. "Olek." He blushed from the praise as he took my hand as I got closer. "This will take a couple of years, but..." he pointed at the map, "this is done in many countries that are extremely cold like we are at times. I was thinking we're adding those thermal precautions to the roads, but a group of underground tunnels need to be added. It was a way so that people could get around when it snows as heavy as it does. There are the heavy snow and ice that comes. We have a few already in Stryia, but they can be improved and heated now! I even thought of creating a huge recreational facility as they have in Iceland, Canada, and other countries with pools and rides for the people to enjoy during the coldest days. The mall you mentioned; I was thinking sort of construction like the Mall of America or the big one in Edmonton, Alberta." He chuckled. "We could have a Burger King in there as well as other eateries and things!"

Olek nodded. "We'll have the money. It will just take time."

"Are there any tunnels coming to the palace now?" I asked.

Olek shook his head. "Because of a fear of a security breach, no. There are some that lead up in the direction of the palace, but none directly."

Peter smiled at me. "This will take a couple of years, but we're going forward with it."

"And our first paycheck is coming in a few weeks!" Olek said happily. "The first uranium ore goes out this week."

I nodded. "We can't pulp it here yet. We need grinders and crushers to do that."

Olek's smile grew. "No, we don't do it here, for now, ...we're going to in the future. You know about the pulp?"

"I do," I answered. "When not going through the archives, I study uranium mining and processing. You asked me to in charge of safety...that covers more than just the mining. That includes future processing. I know the process for making the yellowcake made with acid, alkaline or peroxide." I watched as Olek's eyes grew, but I continued. "I'm learning the difference with the enriched uranium U-235. With these smaller reactors, we would use the higher-enriched, meaning the rods that are 90% enriched with the U-235? Or are we using just the 20% U-235?"

Peter's face almost split, he was smiling so big and shoved Olek lightly. "See!? He can do it!"

Olek shook his head. "I have no idea which percentage will be used. We just decided on the smaller reactors." He nodded smiling.

"You gave me a job to do," I explained. "I'm preparing to do it!" I chuckled. "Of course, I was handling the mining part, but the processing part will be a part of my job. Are these generators using rods with the pressurized heavy-water or the natural enriched uranium? I'm still trying to learn about those. The UO2, or pitchblende is used for the rods." I said.

Olek came over and grabbed my shoulders. "I asked you just about a month ago if you would do it!?"

"Imagine what he'll know in six of seven years!" Peter chuckled.

Olek grinned. "Just promise me, you'll always be on our side. Particularly on my side."

I hugged him quickly. "Count on it. I still think the recycled rods are a big possibility." I looked firmly. "I'm still learning, but know first concern with anything with this is safety. Being green is second. Makarovians are what's most important. They are Makarovia! Can I say, whoever builds these reactors and mines...they need to go above and beyond any safety precautions they have. I mean beyond! Even if it costs more money to do in the beginning. Can I say, if they skimp on something and I find out they've endangered our people...any replacing or repair will be covered by these builders? It will be done."

"Yes! Absolutely!" Olek nodded.

"I really love Makarovia." I smiled. "I believe when you say winters are hard. I will experience them in the future for myself." I looked at Peter. "You know it's going to change."

Peter looked a little bothered by what I said. "Yeah, I know."

"You were bothered by the planes going overhead," I said quietly. "How will you feel seeing an overpass in Stryia?" I put my hand on my chest. "I love Stryia the way it is. I don't necessarily want to look out over the township and see the golden arches for McDonalds. I know you have plans for that, Olek."

Olek nodded. "Some tentative ones, but feel free to suggest your ideas. Your input is wanted!"

"I just hope you have plans to keep what's been for hundreds of years...still to keep it here," I said. "Things change. That's life, but Stryia and Makarovia as a whole...I'm not in charge, but some things need to be protected and preserved."

"We will be." Olek nodded. "Stryia will expand. People will be moving here."

"The demands for housing will increase," I said.

"There will be apartments that will go up." Peter grinned. "Multi-family housing and...parking lots, buildings of steel and glass."

I touched Peter's hand. "Are you okay with these changes?"

Peter shrugged. "As you said, things change. If it's for the better...I'm good."

"We'll make sure it is for the better." Olek was happy! He walked around the desk again. "We can start with the tunnels we have. This again is going to take some time. Once the money starts coming in, we can really start this coming spring. The roads need updating and those heat elements put in. There will be more vehicles now."

"Mostly in Skoal for now." Peter pointed out. "We can start the tunnel renovations there." Peter looked at me. "We have tunnels there, too."

"It sounds like a lot of urban development will be in Skoal," I said.

"That's right." Olek nodded as he looked at the maps. "We now have almost three million people in Makarovia." He said brightly. "Three million!!"

"Wow," I said.

"And it probably double in the next five years." Peter sighed. "We just need to be prepared." He grinned. "You know Makarovians are always prepared."

I nodded. "Prepare or die. You told me that. I wondered how people here got to work in the winter before. There are tunnels in Skoal, so that's there already?"

"Limited, but we're way ahead of you there, brother," Olek said. "General Burke and General Hammond have already started the new tunnels there when we began building; sort of semi-sunk tunnels that haven't been buried yet. They look like those," he used a word I didn't know. It happens! "They make those tunnels that leaves a trail of raised dirt on the surface?"

I repeated the word Olek used and said, "are they moles? Or gophers?" I asked the words in English then went back to Makarovian. "The near blind ones?" Hey, there wasn't much call for the name of that particular critter to learn the name.

Olek nodded. "Yes, moles!" He used the word again. "They will have those in place before winter hits this year." He shrugged. "They will be in place by the time the new houses are finished."

"The existing tunnels don't go everywhere needed." Peter pointed out and looked at me. "There are...entrances at certain places around town, but when it snows as it can...getting to the entrances is a challenge."

"But it's not that bad all winter long, is it?" I asked.

"No," Olek said. "The snows come, but it doesn't go away after it does snow. It doesn't melt. If the clearing crews don't get to it...that can be a problem."

I smiled. "Of course, we'll have the power soon," I growled. I had mentioned the golden arches. "Suddenly, I want a Big Mac." I could remember the taste and now wanted it.

Peter shook his head and chuckled. "I prefer those Double Whoppers from the Burger King we had near us in Boston."

"No, I like those Triples from Wendy's," Olek said. Both Peter's and my expressions have shown surprise. "Don't look surprised, I've had fast food! It's good occasionally."

"Do they even have hamburgers in Makarovia?" I asked.

"Sure!" Olek chuckled. "And French Fries with ketchup!"

"Onion rings? I asked.

Olek shook his head. "I'm sure they can make them if we ask."

I nodded. "Now, I'm hungry!"

Olek nodded. "It's past lunch soon. Let's ask for this!"

Queen Alla walked past the dining room a few hours later as the three of us were enjoying our hamburgers, fries, and onion rings. She backed up and came into the dining room.

"That looks very nutritious." She said smirking.

We weren't really eating like we normally do. This time, elbows were on the table as we sort of slouched over our plates and yes...I got my onion rings!! We were enjoying ourselves!

"It is, Mom," Peter said smiling as he had to wipe his mouth to keep the juice from spilling. "It's good for the soul." He looked up at her. "They can make you one!" He held up his hamburger.

"That's okay, I'll wait for dinner." Queen Alla smiled patting her son's shoulder, not bothered at all.

"Building a kingdom is hard work," Olek said as he munched.

I nodded in agreement. "We need fuel!"

Olek grinned. "I won't be at dinner tonight, by the way."

Peter smiled. "Helga?"

Olek nodded. "Yes."

"I have got to meet this Helga." Mom said.

"You'll like her," Olek said confidently.

"What about you, Mom?" I asked her. I was more comfortable with calling her that now.

"Yes," Peter said looking at her. "You need someone."

She gave a sly smile. "All my sons have someone and now you worry about me? My son by my marriage, Olek is now dating. My son Peter is engaged to my future son Eric and now you think of me. That's so nice..." She said, but the sarcasm was clearly heard, "but who says I'm not?"

Peter's eyes grew and turned quickly. "Who? When!?"

She gave a slight nod and another sly smile. "I'll let you day." She leaned in. "I will say this; how do you think I got that island for your vacation last month?" She said and walked off.

Peter turned back around slowly. "She never mentions anyone."

Olek nodded. "She's very private about her life...her personal life." He smiled. "That's good she's dating someone. She has been alone since Dad died. I'm glad she's got someone."

Peter looked at Olek surprised. "But you don't know who that guy is?"

Olek shook his head but smiled knowingly at Peter. "No, but Alla is not stupid. She isn't some young girl someone would take easy advantage of." He chuckled lightly. "She just didn't tell anyone."

"But we don't know anything about this man." Peter objected.

Olek reached over and placed a hand on Peter's. "Reason it out. We had access to an island that wasn't inexpensive. She got it last minute. He must be a wealthy man, probably Italian." He squeezed his brother's hand. "We didn't know about Eric until you showed up with him." He waved at me. "He's been a great addition to the family." He reached with his other free hand and grabbed mine. "Vows or not, you are family." He pulled up my left hand and touched the ring there. "More so than even this ring tells." He looked back a Peter. "Trust your mother." He leaned in. "Be sure where this is coming from. She loved Dad." He said directly to Peter. "Never doubt that. She loved our father. Because of that marriage, she gave me a brother. She's not being disloyal to Dad. She's not cheating on him."

I nodded. "It's difficult to realize a parent is just human." I looked at Peter. "Mom dated a few times after my father died. That was a difficult thing to accept."

Peter nodded and sighed bringing his hamburger up to take another bite. "You're right." He shrugged.

Olek smiled. "You're just being protective. She's your mother. She's family."

"Like we are with you!" I said smiling at Olek. "Like I do with you."

Olek smiled more and nodded with a light chuckle. "I like that you are."

"Helga knows she's coming here to be with you, right?" I asked.

"I hope so," Olek said now not as certain.

"You know me; I don't leave anything to be just understood," I said firmly. "Make sure she knows that she's not here to discuss reactors or construction or anything Makarovian. You brought her here to get to know her and she to get to know you. I had trouble with Peter..."

"What!?" Peter shot at me and sat back suddenly. "You did not!"

"Oh, yes I did!" I said smiling at Peter. "In the beginning, you were driving me crazy! That night...when we had our first kiss...I was tired of it, so I told you how I felt, that's when we had our first kiss. I laid it all for you."

Peter looked away turning a little pink. "Well, I didn't know how to approach you..."

I nodded but looked at Olek. "Be sure she knows. Don't assume she does. Tell her what you hope for having her here. I was overwhelmed with the fact Peter is a prince. She may have issues with you being a king. In fact, I'm sure she will. Make sure she knows she has some control and has a way out if she needs." I saw Olek's eyes grow when I said that last part. "Olek. You're an amazing man. Handsome as HELL and cultured and the perfect catch. Make sure, that catch can be hers if she's interested. I know she will be."

Olek shrugged a nod. "I can do that." He shook his head. "Where do you come up with this stuff?"

I chuckled. "Ukraine! This is how Grandma got to be known for being outspoken. She said, as well as she knew Granddad, she never assumed he just knew what was going on. She said most times he did, but occasionally, he didn't. It is her rule I use with us, Peter." I smiled. "She believed in total, blunt and near-brutal honesty. Even if it hurt. That's why she never accepted the evasions or hedging around things. Even if you don't know what or have words to tell how you feel, just say that. And feelings, she was big on those...claiming that the honesty reduced resentment later." I smiled at Peter. "You don't regret anything with us, do you?"

Peter shook his head with his light laugh. "Not a one."

"So, what do you feel knowing about Mom?" I asked.

"Surprised and...unprepared." Peter conceded. "And yes, the thought of her seeing someone else, I was feeling like she is stepping out on Dad." He bit into the hamburger and chewed, but he was chewing more than ground beef, he was chewing on the idea.

I nodded. "There you go," I said. "That's honest."

"That's stupid," Peter said quietly.

"Remember about that," I said. "Whether it's wrong, right, justified, stupid or whatever the feeling have a feeling. It's there, now we with it." I smiled at Peter and then looked at Olek. "Just like I'm dealing with losing you."

Olek's eyes widened. "What!? You're not losing me!"

"Sure, I am." I corrected. "Even Mom knew about Peter. She told me in Boston. She was losing that connection with her son. I was the more important one in Peter's life, as his life partner and I am. She understood that. If things work out for you and Helga, which I hope it does...really, I do. She'll become more important for you than we are. That's the way it's supposed to be." I smiled. "It's a hard adjustment. That's all."

Olek smiled more understanding but took both Peter's and my hands. "You won't lose me. I'm still here. If Helga that agrees to be a part of us. She will be included, but you two are still way up there on priorities. You know that." He shook his head. "We're planning like it's done. She may not even like me. Just don't be hurrying me down any aisles!"

"She will, Olek." I grinned.

Peter smiled. "Well, I hope it will be more than just recreational sex."

Olek sat back in mock offense. "Have I ever just had recreational sex?"

Peter thought. "I don't know, have you?"

Now Olek was embarrassed. "Well, yes...I did...I was younger and well..."

"We did, too, Peter." I reminded. "Nothing wrong with it." I grinned. "Though when we do it now...with each other it's so much better."

"And that's what I'd like," Olek said nodding. "I wasn't kidding. I passed your door a couple of times and yes..." he gave an appreciative nod, "I did hear you and I was jealous. It got me thinking I needed to seriously move more in that direction."

"Sorry, Olek," I said but was smiling.

"Why?" Olek asked. "From the sound of it, you two were having a good, good time!"

Peter smiled at me. "Still."

Olek shook his head. "No, but I want it for me!"

"That's what we want for you, Olek," I said. "If it is Helga, be sure she becomes your focus. Make sure her focus is you. I told everyone at the proposal, Peter was my priority." I saw Peter smile more at that. "Everything else will fall into place. With you and Helga, it will be your relationship, if there is one. Keep that focus."

Olek nodded as his eyes widened. "I need to spend more time with Katrina Sams!" He grinned at us. "Keep reminding me."

"I will," I said holding up the hamburger. "This is good. I mean it clearly isn't like in America. The buns...the spices...are different, but it's good!"

"It's kind of a combined recipe. Kind of a pyrizhky...combine with Romanian and Hungarian." Olek said. "We are a combination of countries." He raised what was left of his hamburger. "Naturally, this is combination hamburger."

"I can see it now," I said proudly. "Marquis up everywhere for Makarovian Burgers! It could replace McDonalds, Burger King, and Wendy's!"

Olek did meet Helga at the elevator and brought her into the palace. They tried to have a private conversation, but the acoustics in that grand entrance of the palace were...we didn't want to, but we overheard. They spoke in German. I didn't need to know the language to figure out what was being said. After a few words, I heard Helga say in a tone that...was hushed, but audible as we were up going to our room to give them privacy. Yes, honestly, I did want to hear.

"Olek, ich weiß nicht, was ich sagen soll." She said.

I paused when Peter stopped to listen. He understood and frowned at what he understood, but I didn't. Hey, I spoke English, Ukrainian, Makarovian and a lot of Russian, I didn't need German until now!

"Ich bin geschmeichelt, aber..." Helga said further.

I poked Peter lightly. "What's she saying?" I whispered to Peter.

"She said she didn't know what to say when Olek told her he invited her here to just see her. He wanted to spend time with her. This was a date." Peter told me. "She said she's flattered..."

Then we heard Olek say. "Ich verstehe. Vielleicht war das nicht klug."

"Olek said he understood and thought this wasn't wise." Peter translated.

"Willst du mit mir ausgehen? Du magst mich?" Helga asked.

"She asked if he wanted to date her because he liked her," Peter said worriedly.

"Ja. Tue ich." Olek said quietly. "Könntest du mich als Mann sehen, nicht als König?"

Peter nodded. "He says he does and asked if she could see him as a man, not a king."

Then there was no need to translate. Now, I was happy with the acoustics in this part of the palace. That sound as two mouths meet, the kind of...well, it was wet contact that was unmistakable. I don't know who kissed who, but they were both involved, so who cared? The dating rules some people use didn't apply here. This wasn't their first meeting, the kiss, which obviously had been on Helga's mind as well as Olek's just wasn't to be considered. Now they both knew of potential romantic feelings and well...the kiss! Both seemed willing!

I pounded lightly on Peter. "Yes!!!" I said a little too loud, which I quickly covered my mouth as Peter chuckled at me as he shushed me.

Peter pulled me into a kiss of our own. "This is just the first date."

"Which is better than he's had in years, which is no dates at all!"

We came down for breakfast and saw Olek sitting alone, but whistling at the table. That was out of character with his usual behavior, in itself. There was a smile there as he saw us come in.

"Where's Mom?" Peter asked as we sat at the table noticing her empty chair.

"She's doing that thing for the building of the new medical facilities in Stryia," Olek said, but his look, not coy exactly, but was telling us to ask about his date. "She's a busy lady."

"Okay, Olek," I said with a slight laugh. "I don't pry, but I see you want us to ask. How'd it go last night?"

Olek now smiled a little softer and nodded. "I really like her. It would be easy to fall in love with her. She's funny and very smart..."

"...and beautiful beneath those glasses, that sexy studious schoolmarm look," I said nodding as well. Olek looked at me surprised. "I'm gay, Olek. I'm not blind. I can see she's pretty! Which does nothing for me, but I can see it!"

Olek chuckled. "Okay." He went on. "We talked a long while and she was worried about...her past is a problem."

"Her past?" Peter asked now concerned. "Why?"

"Yes." Olek nodded. "She has been engaged three times...married once that ended five or six years ago."

"So?" I asked.

Olek nodded quickly. "That's what I said!" He shrugged. "We all have pasts. I told her, I'm not a virgin and I didn't expect her to be. We're grown adults."

"But there nothing for her now, except for you." Peter grinned.

"No one else." Olek chuckled. "I hope it will be me." He raised his hand to reassure us. "I was the perfect gentleman last night."

I nodded. "Uh, huh. I never thought you could be anything else, Olek." I moved in closer to Olek. "Until you're asked not to be, that is."

Olek and Peter grinned at each other.

"I'm getting there," I said quickly. "The men in this family are so open...I will say, love is wonderful, but sometimes a little near wild animal like passion is just...better!"

Olek nodded laughing. "I agree."

"When are you seeing her again?" Peter asked.

"Today!" Olek said happily. "For Makarovian business. I think I'll ask her for another date today, as well."

Now, it was back to Makarovian business. The website was given to me to handle and I did it in Peter's and my room on the computer. More information on Makarovian history was coming through for Makarovia's webpage. The pictures of the family were much better now. I had to go through them. I still had issues with mine being included. I wasn't an Ivanov yet. The pictures taken were very good. Queen Alla still looked nothing short of stunning in every single one. I looked and made comments about each additional photo. Each of us was to have a history page about who each was and some facts. There were literally thousands of pictures of Queen Alla. She had been a model. There were less for Olek, the second, but he was a handsome man and there were good ones. The one at his coronation was very good as the crown was placed on his head. He was younger than Peter is now when that happened and became king. Knowing Peter and what happened with him there were practically no pictures of him. He just didn't like to be out with people before. Now, however, he had some pictures. I grinned at a couple of them, touching the images on the screen. I knew him and I loved the man.

Peter came into our bedroom where I was working and as he was passing by, he glanced at the screen and gave a slight grunt of disapproval. It's rare for anyone to like photographs of themselves.

I grabbed his arm to prevent him from going further. "Now, what can you possibly not like this picture of you?" I grinned as he avoided my direct look at him. "It's great! You're a very handsome man, Peter."

Peter was blushing! "I know you think so..."

I got up and led him to the couch and we sat down. "You are." I rested back pulling us closer. "I hate that there aren't that many of you."

Peter nodded. "You know why."

"Yes, I do, but we need to make up for lost time." I pointed at the computer. "There are other the weddings. Mom and Olek, the first's wedding. There are some good ones of your father alone. Narrowing to a few will be hard. We don't want to overload the webpage."

"What about yours?"

"There are a few." I gave a grudging nod. "I'm not part of the family yet, Peter."

Peter's eyes grew. "You most certainly are!" He grabbed my left hand and pointed to the ring. "I gave this to you! This says you are. You are the Earl of Stryia! Just because we haven't officially said I do, doesn't mean you aren't family. Say that to Olek or Mom...which by the way, Mom would never have allowed you to call her that if she didn't know you are family." He leaned in closer, his face not even an inch away from mine. "Tell me you're not my family. I dare you. We do everything. We haven't exchanged vows, so what?" He was so close I could feel him breathe. His grey-green eyes...not angry, but irritated.

"Damn, you're sexy." I grinned. "I guess I just need a little...reminding. Remind me now."

"Gladly." He said kissing me deeply and those arms came around me bringing me comfortably closer. "I love you, Eric."

I smiled as he did that thing down my jaw and to my neck. "I know. I love you, Peter."

His head came up to look in my eyes. "I know." He said softly and began kissing me again. "We belong to each other. You are family. My family! Got it?"

As the days passed, there were things we had to do before going to England and back to the United States. With Gretchen's help to me, we got everything we had in the archives together, separated, labeled, and organized. I still wanted to read Milo's diary and journals, but they were all in German! Even the ones in later years in Makarovia were in German. It was Milo's and Bren's native language. I will say this, Milo wasn't a very neat writer. Helga offered to help translate before so, but she was busy! I'm sure I could find someone else who could. Georg was better now, but he was busy as well. There were programs that could translate, but these were handwritten. I just decided I wait to go to England. They could do all of it, the pictures, the audio tapes and the translating of the journals and diaries.

It was only when I was walking alone through the palace I heard my name called. Turning, I saw Queen Alla motion for me to come in...I never knew she had an office! Duh, of course, she had one. It was pretty. Definitely a ladies tastes. There was a neat desk and computer and rug, I got the feeling she wasn't in it much lately.

I walked in. "Hi, Mom."

She smiled big when I said that. "Getting used to that, I see." She kissed my cheek. "I could tell when you said it wasn't quite...there. I know you had a mother and I'd never dream of replacing..."

"My problem wasn't about're a queen!! I doubt many princes or princesses call their mother's Mom when they marry into the queen's family. Or Mum or anything like that. Especially one's coming in by a...odd marriage. With Peter's and mine is even though you're fine with it." I explained with a light laugh knowing Sarah Ferguson or even Princess Diana never called Queen Elizabeth Mom or Mum.

"Well," she smiled, "you know what's happening soon."

"There are a lot of things happening soon," I said. "Could you give me a little more...specific?"

"The 19th?"

I grinning knowing the date. "I do. Peter's birthday, he's turning twenty-six."

She moaned. "I know, don't remind me how old he'll be. That only tells me how old I am." Then she smiled. "I thought of a little party for him. Nothing big, just some friends and family."

"Sure." I smiled. "That sounds great." Then I remembered. "I didn't get him anything!"

Queen Alla chuckled. "Yes, you have. You, but we don't really do the gift giving thing."

They live in a palace and go all over the world or at least Queen Alla and Olek did, of course, they didn't need anything. "What do you need me to do?"

"Keep him busy that afternoon?" She suggested. "Away from the palace?"

I chuckled. "What time should we be back?"

"Six?" Queen Alla asked. "We'll have it all set up by then."

I nodded, chuckling. "He promised to show me some places he found the prettiest in Makarovia he wanted to make a natural park out of with a spectacular lake. Rsys Lake?"

She nodded. "Oh, yes..." she smiled remembering something. "You need to ask him why it's special. That would be great."

"Okay, I'll ask him. I think that day will be perfect for that." I smiled at her. "I'll take care of it, Mom."

She smiled and hugged me. "Thanks, it won't be much, but we just need to get ready."

"I'll have him take me away...noon?" I asked.

"That would be perfect."

I still thought I should give him something more. I needed to think and even if I thought of what...where would I get it? I didn't know! It took me a while, but I finally got it. It wasn't going to be for anyone but him to see. I doubted if I could or should give it to him with the others there...yes, it was sexual but as open as the men were in this family about sex...I wasn't quite ready to give it in front of Mom who was Queen Alla. No way. I grinned as I thought of it. I would like it! To make sure it was done, I had to do what I needed when he was with Olek. I even found the perfect box for what I had in mind to put it in! I was looking forward to his reaction.

On the morning of the 19th, I smiled as I pulled his ever-present hand that was always draped across me possessively, bringing it up, kissing a couple of fingers and then began to suck a finger then the next. Gently, and softly as I heard him move a little more, but he didn't move his hand as he woke up and his breathing changed.

"Not that I mind, but why are you doing that?" Peter asked waking up.

I rolled over to face him, kissing him deeply and probed that warm mouth of his. Everyone gets morning breath, after a few minutes, you don't notice...and neither of us cared. "Because I didn't want to startle you when I do this!" I dove under covers that was over both of us. Pajamas might be used in the winter, I don't know, but for now, he and I slept naked. I started with his nipples and went from there, which he responded instantly, moving so I could access more. I tracked through his chest hair down his stomach and began working slowly on his erection that was a combination of a man's normal morning erection and what I'd done so far to stimulate him. I felt his hands come down taking my head as I worked. It didn't take long before he was moaning and grasping a little tighter. When he came, I took it as I always did. Welcome and swallowed. Then I came back up to his face, kissing him again.

"Happy birthday." I smiled.

He chuckled. "I'll say." He grinned pulling me tight. "What a way to wake up!"

I crawled and reached over to our bedside table and opened a drawer and presented him with a brown box made of wood, but polished and artistically carved with a red ribbon around it. "I can't give this to you with the others there."

He sat up, grinning as he took the box. "We don't give presents for birthdays."

I nodded. "I know, but...I couldn't help it. You'll like it. I hope."

He pulled the ribbon off and opened the box to see these little...slightly bigger than index sized cards inside. He took one out and his eyes widened. "The Cowboy Reverse Asian!?" He read and saw the color printed image I printed that said what went where and how, even instructions, if the image wasn't enough in English and Makarovian. He looked at another card. "We do this, the Bulldog! I just never knew it had a name!"

I nodded. "We sort of know that position and others...the Cowboy and Bulldog, but we don't use the Cowboy very often, but there are others that look interesting." I pulled another card. "I got some from the Gay Men's Karma Sutra and Joy of Gay Sex and included some of those in here." I looked at his face began to smile more and his mouth dropped open as he went through some of the cards. "We've tried a lot, but there's always room for improvement." I sat on his mid-section. "Peter, I know we have a great sex life. I love it. I am not complaining one bit. Understand me?" I watched as his eyes softened as he looked at me. "I am your soul mate. I am your partner in life. I will do all I can to make sure you're happy." I saw his eyes glisten a little as tears were forming. "I gave you my heart a while ago, so I can't give you that again. There is nothing I won't do for you. You deserve something special for your birthday, from me to you. I love you, Peter." Now he nearer to crying, but smiling so...I can't describe it. Joy? He put the couple of cards back in the box, closed it and then pulled me down on him as he began kissing me slowly, gently, but began probing me as he covered us both up again.

"It's my birthday," Peter said. "Make love to me."

"I will and every single day for the rest of our lives," I swore.

"I love you, Eric."

"I know."

"Can I choose one now?" Peter asked smiling.

"I'll do whatever. It's your birthday!"

"The Bulldog?" His eyes glistened again. "I mean, you to me?"

"I will!" Really, you have to understand Peter. We'd been together for almost a year. He liked to cum and then have his slower orgasm when I did top him. Those guys that only top, you don't know what you're missing. Peter would top, no problem, but I knew him. I will say if Olek came by our door then. He would have heard a duet of near moans and one longer "aaaaahhhAAAHHAAAAH" from Peter. I guess I did it right. It was a great morning. I know Peter loved his present.

After our wonderful morning, I did have him take me to this lake. It was very pretty here.

"This is Rsys Lake," Peter said as we got to the water's edge and he pointed at the surrounding forest. "It's almost inaccessible in winter. The path in this valley is usually blocked by snow and ice." He brought me closer, standing behind me with his arms around me as he rested his face against my head as we looked. "Now, tell me why we're really here. I think I can guess...but..."

I shook my head with a laugh. "I can't keep anything from you, can I?" I wrapped my arms over his arms to tighten his hold.


I turned around. "Good. You're having a birthday party."

Peter nodded with a smile. "Mom?"


"Okay." Peter kissed me, but then backed a little. "Not a big party."

"Just family," I said. "Maybe a friend or two, but no. Mom said it was going to be small." I wrapped my arms tighter. "She was in labor to have you, didn't she?"

"Forty-four hours!" Peter chuckled. "Yes, she did."

"Almost two whole days', enjoy it. I am."

"When should we head back?" Peter asked.

I looked at my watch. "Another hour or so."

"Okay," Peter said smiling.

"Things are building in Makarovia, yet I see a lot of undeveloped land here," I observed. "You want to keep this land undeveloped."

"What development should there be?"

"Not here, I understand," I said. "But there are those that would love a cabin or something in those trees by this lake. It's virgin territory! I don't want to see cabins or homes that will be used two months of the year built"

"We'll have Olek declare this a park and they won't," Peter said smiling.

"Mom told me to ask you about this place. Why is it so special?"

"I don't remember Dad that well, but here...I do." Peter's voice got this warm sound from a memory he cherished. "The last summer Dad was alive, just before Olek went off to school. He brought us here; just me, Olek and Dad." He said softly. "That I do remember. Dad took a week off from all his duties to spend time with us. I remember Dad telling me that it was the last time we'd spend together as just...the men of the family." He chuckled. "I do remember I had never been that happy. I was little, but I remember him here. He wasn't king, Olek and I weren't princes...we were Dad and his boys. I was happy he was there just being...Dad!" He pointed down the shore. "We camped over there." He sighed. "That's really the only memory I have of him. There are other memories, but...being here...I feel close to him again."

I smiled. "That sounds really nice."

Peter grinned. "I'm glad we came here, so I could share it with you."

We did come back to the palace at six sharp, rode the elevator up and Peter acted surprised when he was greeted by several people. Fedir and his husband Kurt, Dan and Dimitri from the Grotto we'd gotten to know during the summer and our few trips there, David and Helen Burke, Edmond and Eloise Hammond, none in uniform...and Helga! No glasses for Helga and make up! She was very, very pretty!

"Happy Birthday!" They all said to Peter. Queen Alla came up to her son. "I hope you don't mind...I really didn't know who to invite, but they are all friends and...I want you to have a happy birthday. I love you, Peter." She hugged and kissed him on the cheek. "Having you was one of the greatest things I was blessed with. I'm so proud of you. Your father is, too."


Next: Chapter 11: Makarovia II 1

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