
By Richard McQueen

Published on Dec 23, 2021


Story: Makarovia! Sure, I Know Where That Is

Chapter 3 Betrayal

Author: Eric McQueen (

Adult Readers, Sexual Situations, Sex

Freedom of expression is precious. To do that Nifty needs help. Your donation is greatly desired. Give to or this story ends and all the others! That would be a crime!

A birthday is to be celebrated and there is a betrayal that occurs. All Hell breaks out!


I looked at Peter who was looking very...he wasn't mad or hurt...he was upset. "Has this bothered you?"

Peter looked at me. "It did! It bothers you, too. I can see it in your eyes."

"It does!" I agreed. "Not for what Olek did, but what she did." He was about to get up. I held him back. "Stop! Don't leave! Look at these video files."

"I don't want to see them! That's private between Olek and that slut!" He nearly spat angrily.

"I didn't say watch the clips, but look!" I pointed to the monitor. "Look at these time duration." I pointed to one. "This one is only three minutes and fifty-seven seconds long." I looked at the others. "The longest one is seven minutes and twenty seconds long." I looked at Peter. "The time! When has any of our lovemaking been less than an hour? She had to turn it on and turn it off when it was done!"

Peter stopped and looked at the times. "It was just..."

"A fuck!" I nodded. "There was no foreplay and no love. Olek didn't love her. He couldn't have." I shook my head. "He even broke the four-minute mile!" I chuckled and saw Peter's face as he was surprised. "Sorry, but that's what I see it as." I shrugged. I pulled Peter to me, kissing him deeply, probing gently. "I love you, Peter. That's the difference. When we get together...I don't think we've ever just had sex."

Peter was grinning now. "Well, there were a few times..."

I hugged him bumping my head to his gently. "Those were just holdovers knowing we'd do more later. Those don't count. How many times have we made love, Peter?"

Peter looked stunned as he thought. "I have no idea. A lot." He said marveling. "At least once or twice a day...sometimes more."

"Let's just say a year. That's three hundred and sixty-five days. Just once, that's a lot. We do it every morning and every night with sometimes, several times in between. That's well over a thousand times!" I waved at the computer. "Olek fucked four times. That's it." I looked at the dates. "That's spread over four years!" I gave a grudging nod. "One year was twice...over eight months, but it was a fuck!"

"Can we call it something else?" Peter grimaced.

"It is what it is! Do you prefer me to say the nasty?" I asked. Again, English to Makarovian was like colors that had meanings and not clearly understood. The direct translation of the word nasty in English to Makarova's word НеприŃ"мні, didn't have the meaning. I had to explain the nasty to him.

Peter nodded as I explained and he got it. "Well, it was nasty."

"What she did was the nasty and just plain nasty, not Olek," I said to be clear. "It would have been better if he had jerked off instead, but he did what all males do." I grinned. "Well, some males...then again we do it...just with men..."

"You and I never do the nasty," Peter said stopping me with his finger to my lips and then kissing me tenderly. "Never! I love you, Eric."

"I could say what I normally do," I said wrapping my arms around him. "Instead...I think I'll show you that I know that." I ran my hands over his back bringing him to me letting him do what I liked on my neck. " you feel like making love to me?" I smiled as his arms pulled me closer as the covered my own back in soft caresses.

"In the middle of the afternoon." He said quietly. "The perfect time."

We did many other things, but he did make love to me. I've said, we've had the wild passion and I loved it. This was slow, gentle, and very When it was over...I always hated that. Peter had to roll over after his erection left me. I glanced over at our bedside clock. "See? An hour and twenty minutes." I grinned at him. "That was not anything...nasty."

He chuckled. "I said, we never do and never will."

"I love you, Peter."

He smiled. "Do I reply as you did? Make love to me?"

"I know I can." Add another half an hour. We'd both just cum and had to at least get ready to do it again! We did!

We cleaned up and went downstairs to look for Yuri. Only Boris was down there now, getting ready to make dinner.

"Is Yuri...wherever that room is?" Peter asked.

"Yes." Boris nodded. "He'll be down in a minute." He looked at Peter and me. "It's never my place..."

"Boris!" Peter began in light annoyance of protest. "Your place is here...with us. Aside from Olek, my mother and now our and Yuri are family. Eric and I love you both!"

Boris smiled with a nod. "Yuri and I feel the same about you. How did King Olek react to the news?"

"He was...hurt," I admitted. "He was embarrassed, but looking at the time of the wasn't a lot of time. What just happened upstairs took longer than all of those files combined!"

"Maybe if you multiplied it multiple times..." Peter grinned.

Boris' eyes grew. "Really?" He smiled. "Not what you may have enjoyed, but King Olek and that woman?" He shook his head. "How dare she!?" He nodded. "I feel better knowing that. I was contemplating putting ground glass in her dinner."

Peter started whistling. "I didn't hear that if it happens to get in the food."

That's when Yuri came in. "Well? How did he take it?" He asked us.

"Good, considering what we told him. He'll talk to you tomorrow he says." Peter said coming up to Yuri. "You're an amazing man." He hugged Yuri. Then as he was about to break, he kissed a very surprised Yuri. He looked at Boris. "Don't be jealous, you're next." He grinned.

I grinned at Boris. "While he's hugging and kissing Yuri..." I said to Boris and did the same to him. Then switched.

"This is not thanks enough for all you two do," Peter said to them. "Boris was saying it wasn't his place earlier. You two should know, you aren't the help. What Boris does and what you, Yuri just did in these few weeks. You are definitely part of our family now."

Yuri smiled. "When Boris and I left Russia. We knew what was in Makarovia. It was something that was circulating among others in Russia like us. We got there and loved Makarovia. We met the king, Olek the First...really by accident. I was looking for a job and was his recommendation, I was hired. Because of that, Boris was hired. We fell in love with the family. Then when your brother asked if I would come to watch you." He said to Peter. "I did. I admit it. It was just my job. Boris and I began to love you, Peter. Then you bring him." He grinned at me. "This American! What good will come of this? I think. Now..." he hugged me again. "I do it out of love. No one will threaten you two. I mean King Olek and Queen Alla, too. Not our country and no one threatens this family."

"Thank you. Are you getting anything more from her?" Peter asked.

"No." Yuri shook his head. "We need to have those devices removed so I can use a cellphone." He stopped. "Wait, I can! Even if they haven't gotten Nelson Carter. He knows we know!" He pulled out his phone. "Hang on." He said to us.

"Why don't you two have some coffee and I'll start dinner," Boris asked us as he was going to do it.

"No," I said smiling at Boris. "I watched you enough times, I'll try it. You have a lot to do." I said reasonably. "You have job security, you can't be replaced, don't worry about that. I can do this."

I made Peter's Espresso, cold my Vanilla Latte and Yuri's straight black. It was good coffee and good black,'s what Yuri liked it. Boris didn't drink coffee except in the morning. Those were little tidbits of information only a family member would know. I did pretty well making the coffee.

Yuri sat at the table and looked surprised as I gave him his coffee. "Thank you."

"Really?" I grinned at him. "Peter just said..."

Peter leaned in. "He says you're welcome."

Yuri chuckled. "Well, Nelson Carter is in custody."

"Good?" I asked.

Yuri sighed a nod. "I suppose. I can't shake the idea that something else..." he shook his head. "We'll be ready. You didn't talk King Olek or Queen Alla from coming."

"No," Peter said. "He seemed more determined than ever to be here."

Yuri nodded. "I knew that." He snorted. "These Americans and their desire to protect the rights of others...Carter has some, I guess."

"Yuri," I said smiling. "I'm still American."

Yuri chuckled. "Are you? You sound like a native Makarovian. You wear the seal for the royal family of Makarovia. I'd argue you are Makarovian."

"Thank you, but my passport says otherwise," I said.

Yuri just grunted. "This time next year, your passport will say differently."

"I hope Olek brings Helga," Peter said and his eyes widened. "I forgot to consider Helga! She'll have to be told!"

"Peter..." I said in the same chiding way I had with my grandmother. "That's not your responsibility. That's Olek's responsivity. She's a big girl. Olek did this before he even knew Helga. She'll understand. Do we know who her last sexual encounter was or with whom? No. Don't interfere." I said firmly.

"Listen to your husband," Boris advised.

"I'm not interfering. I'm worried! He's my brother!" Peter defended.

"Yes, your big brother." I reminded Peter. "He got himself...unintentionally, into a jam. What we do is stand with him and give our unconditional love and support." I said simply. "He wasn't wrong."

"Not that it was that often or that much," Yuri grumbled.

I nodded. "Twenty minutes."

"Less than twenty." Yuri nodded smiling. "You noticed that." He nodded. "Twenty minutes!? Boris and I haven't even warmed up."

Boris looked up suddenly. "Yuri! ĐŠĐž но дуМо підŃ...одить!"

I laughed as Boris tried to be private in his rebuke to Yuri. "Boris doesn't know I speak Russian?" I asked Yuri.

Yuri smiled drinking his coffee not even worried about Boris' displeasure at what he said. "It must have slipped my mind."

"It wasn't very inappropriate, Boris," I said watching Boris act a little...non-Boris-like again as he rolled his eyes. He looked at me. "We have sex. Okay?"

"I hope so! You're married!" I said. "Get used to the free conversations. The men in this family don't mince words and tell others they jerk off or have sex in the family. Not to brag, it's just a matter of course."

"And now that you're officially included. Eric and I have hours of love." Peter said simply. "Eric is right, twenty minutes for four...nasties."

"Nasties?" Yuri looked puzzled like Peter had. "Word usage I think I get it."

Peter explained.

"Yes." Boris nodded. "I think that's very appropriate for what she did."

"They agree!" I waved at them to Peter.

"I did after I knew what it meant!" Peter said.

"Well, Grandma's coming again." I grinned. "We can have her talk to Ms. Baldwin!"

"Miss Katrina arrives before King Olek." Yuri grinned. "Perhaps before King Olek gets here she could...:

"Yuri!" Boris shook his head at Yuri. "She needs to stand trial." He said firmly. Then he smiled. "Then we kill her."

Northeastern was pretty much the usual. Our arrivals and departures were pretty much routine now. We still had tests. No one dared to approach us. The security that came with us made sure it never happened. I could almost forget Penny was even in the house. Olek, Mom and my grandmother were arriving at the end of the week. My birthday was on that Saturday. Grandma was getting here on that Friday afternoon. Olek and Mom were coming on Friday evening. Yuri was asking for assistance with guards on the outside. He kept wondering what was going to happen. We had also been told; security was picking grandmother up. We were not to go to the airport.

Monday and Wednesday were long lectures and that sort of class for a subject. Like our Economics course. Tuesday and Thursday my World History II course. Fridays were for labs or those things. No class I took needed a lab yet. Peter's did. That day, I didn't go with him and Yuri to the university.

Boris and I hung out! He was quite entertaining. He was funny! Then he looked at the clock on the wall. "I need to get Ms. Baldwin her lunch."

"I can take it to her," I said simply. "Where's the room?"

"You don't need to be exposed to her," Boris said.

"I have the boys from Makarovia to protect me. I'll be fine." I assured.

"I'll have it ready in half an hour." Boris nodded. "It's on the third floor."

Half an hour. Okay, I wanted to see those recordings. Not to see what Olek did in those short times, but to see what Olek didn't do. I went to Peter's and my room and went to the study where I knew the recordings were saved. To say what you will. I'd seen more of a naked Olek at the beach!! I was right. There was no foreplay, he just stripped and they just...did it! All of them were pretty much the same. They stripped and just fucked. Olek did, rather. There was almost no kissing at all. She did try and he did occasionally, but...nothing oral to or from either. She offered a blow job, but Olek didn't want her to. It was very simple. Quick sex. No gratification for Olek. I ached for him, making me sadder. He was just so lonely. If this got out. People would merely shrug. I hated to say it, but he got his rocks off. That was it!

I went back down and got Ms. Baldwin's lunch. Taking it upstairs I saw men standing in the hall before a door. The Makarovian man that called himself a faggot who had dark hair and...sort of chiseled features nodded to me. Not Peter to me, but nice looking. The other, also dark headed I didn't know. "Oh, come on, I know you can speak. I heard you."

The man smiled, it was brief, but it was there! "Yes, I can, You're Lordship."

"Thank you. Good afternoon is what I'd like to hear."

"Good afternoon." Then he pressed a button and said in English and looked at a small screen telling him where she was in the room. "Get on the far side of the room! We open the door in 5, 4, 3, 2, 1...we're coming in." He pressed a code and opened the door. I walked into her room. It was not a big room. It was even smaller than Peter's and my room bedroom at the Makarovian palace, but it had its own bathroom with the shower and toilet. She was in the same suit she'd worn the day Yuri had put her up here. She was sitting on the end of the double bed, not watching the TV that I heard...some soap opera or something. I saw the breakfast tray having mostly eaten food on the plate. The two security men were right behind me. Then the one that was a faggot like I was stepped between Ms. Baldwin and me.

"Is Peter a good fuck? Or is that you?" Penny chuckled thinking that would bother me.

I smiled. "If you want to go there, sure. I wouldn't know if he's a good fuck. We don't do that, we make love. I can say this with confidence, whether he is or I am...we're a Hell of a lot better than you were." I laughed at her. "Face it, you were a cum dump. A jack sack." I sighed. "You meant as much to Olek as one of those blowup dolls men fuck when the real thing isn't available. He turned away from a blowjob you offered to give him. He barely touched you and never kissed you. You kissed him! It was just a quick fuck." I smiled her with one of those smiles she always gave us. I walked out of her room and the Makarovian man secured the door. "Okay, who are you?"

"Luka." He said.

"I'm Eric, but you already knew that," I said to him. "Do all of you have to be so...distant?"

Luka smiled. "We are taught to keep an emotional detachment."

"So, you did learn that in Security 101," I said.

Luka looked puzzled. "Security 101?"

"When training. Do you have to be?" I asked.

"Yuri would expect it. They taught us that at the Academy." Luka said cautiously.

"I see." I nodded and was about to walk away, but stopped, turning again. "Does Yuri seem emotionally detached to you with Peter or me?"

Luka was now in a place he didn't know what to say. "Well, no...but he's in charge."

"Yes, he is." I nodded. "If I say not to be? If I ask you not to be with me to Yuri?"

"Sure, I guess." Luka shrugged.

"A little attachment is good." I looked at his counterpart. "And you are?"

"Stepan, You're Lordship." He was a few inches shorter than Luka's six plus feet. Stepan was six feet even. I didn't have a measuring tape, so that was a guess.

"And another thing. I'm Eric. So, I have a title. Big deal! Even the Greeks knew friends would defend better. Lovers were better," and hurried to say, "not that I'm asking either of you to be that. They had armies of us, Luka! Knowing the lovers would defend each other to the death." I raised my hands and hurried on again. "I don't want either of you to die, I was making a point."

Stepan laughed slightly. "If we are friends?"

"I think we are," I said smiling.

"Then, explain jack sack?" He said the words in English questioning.

"Come dump?" Luka smiled he said the English words and then asked in Makarovian. "I think sort of know by the way you used the word in the sentence. I speak some English, but..."

So, I told them what they were. (You know what those are, don't you? Some didn't know Bulldogging. I had to ask.)

I went down to where Boris was making lunch for everybody there and for the additional guest arriving soon. I was surprised when Peter came home early. We greeted my grandmother together as she was escorted into the foyer. She was dressed was very nice! She did normally, but now it was a little dressy in her navy-colored dress.

"Gee." I grinned at her. "You must think someone important is coming."

She put her hand to the back of her head dramatically as if checking her hair. "I'm dining with a King and Queen tonight!" Then she hugged me. "Tomorrow, my grandson has a birthday and that same King and Queen think that's important enough to be here to celebrate with him. You are that important person and you're here already. I dressed correctly."

A late lunch was served and we visited. We really didn't say too much about Ms. Baldwin then. There were complications grandmother would know about soon enough.

It was eight-thirty when the door opened again. Yuri came in to stand with Boris and then Queen Alla came in, followed by Olek. Peter and I were very concerned about him. He looked normal for the most part until he hesitated to look up in our eyes. Shame? I let Peter do what he was going to do. He didn't rush at Olek, but came up to his brother and without a word, slowly brought Olek into an embrace that was tight and no words were spoken at first, just held Olek. Queen Alla greeted me with a hug and kiss and then turned to watch her son still hugging his brother. Words were finally spoken, but they were between Olek and Peter. Then Olek looked up at me and I understood his look, but he needed to know what happened wasn't his crime. Walking up to Olek he did smile a bit to me and I just brought him to me and hugged tightly. I turned in the hug, kissing him on the cheek. I could feel him release me, but I held him firmly so he quit trying to let go and just relaxed enjoying the embrace.

"You are the second greatest man I have ever known, Olek. You know who I think is the greatest." I said into Olek's ear making him chuckle. "I saw the clips." Then I felt him react as he attempted to let me go again. I held him tighter. "No, I won't let you go. I marry Peter in seven months. We are family now. And I mean you and me. One more time, what happened was a crime. Not committed by you, but that woman upstairs. It was a tragedy. Nothing done by you was criminal, you were the victim. It was a crime to you. What I saw, was what wasn't there." I made him look in my eyes. "No affection and nothing close to love. That and she even admits that you were a gentleman. That speaks volumes to me. Peter loves you. I love you."

Olek smiled more like himself as he nodded. "I am embarrassed."

"Sure," I nodded. "I can only imagine what I'd feel if a clip or tape of me and someone other than Peter is produced showing a very personal moment like intimacy. If you let her by with become embarrassed, she wins. You said no one would get by with that. Don't let her."

Olek nodded again. "But I am embarrassed."

I hugged him again. "We'll deal with that. Never be afraid of our response. We will always love you. Never be afraid to look at me. I'll never look down on you."

Olek smiled. "Thank you." He looked at me. "Careful though. You're making me fall in love...with you." He chuckled. "I am! I am in love with my brother."

"That's an honor." I grinned. "Peter would be upset if it was the other kind. How is Helga?"

Olek smiled more. "She's fine and yes, I not only told her but showed her the clips." He nodded. "She took it well."

"Good." I smiled. "Of course, she saw you naked in the clips."

Olek smiled more. "She already had." His eyebrows danced as he said that.

"Yes!" I grabbed and hugged him again. This time in happiness. "That's what I hoped for!" I looked at him. "For more than six or seven minutes?"

Olek nodded laughing. "A whole lot more."

"She didn't come with you?" I asked.

"She's busy!" He said like he did when we questioned him about his schedule. "She'll be there during Christmas. You'll see her then." Olek looked at the house. "This is...nice!" He said smiling standing away a little. "Penny was the one that told me about it. That was why I agreed to lease it. I trusted her."

Yuri nodded. "The International Securities group scanned the house thoroughly. All devices have been removed, Your Majesty."

Olek nodded smiling at the man. "That's good." He walked up to Yuri. "However, I think in view of what you did for us, for me. I prefer my friends to call me Olek. That goes for Boris, too."

Yuri nodded. "Very well, Olek." Then was a little surprised when Olek hugged him! This family loved to hug!! No wonder I felt I belonged in it!

That night we visited. Nothing really planned that night. Olek and Mom were tired from the trip and they were shown their rooms. The chance to see Ms. Baldwin was passed on by Olek. His anger was quiet now, but he was afraid to see her as he knew he'd kill her if done too soon.

Grandma was told was quietly expressed that she wanted to rip the bitch's head off.

Peter and I did go to our room and we did make love again. In the morning...there was no gentle waking up. Don't mistake what I say, I mean...I woke up and I felt what was happening. The warm moisture of a familiar mouth doing a wonderful job on my morning erection! The lump under the covers was doing it again and he was enjoying himself as it did it. He was so good at it!! I rolled a little more to my back to make it easier for him. The sensations I got from him went straight to my head and my hands came down to hold that precious head of his, running through hair as I loved the tickle of it through my fingers. The beauty of this wonderful soul was in the body of a man that I can't express in words how much I loved him adequately. A few more minutes was all it took as I came in several bursts, exploding in that feeling of completion, but I knew we weren't done.

The lump moved up as he did and Peter's happy face greeted me as he kissed me deeply, probing the inside of my mouth...I could taste my cum on him. Arms went around each other in the ways we knew, bringing to bodies that were already close, even closer. "Happy Birthday, Baby."

My hand came up his warm back muscles bringing his face closer and returned a kiss just as probing and deep, but contained all the love for him I had. "I love you so much, Peter."

He smiled softer. "I know. I love you."

I nodded. "I know."

"We were kind of busy with I didn't get you..."

I interrupted what he was saying with another kiss, but rolled us so he was on his back. "You did, Peter. You've given me you. That is something I will always cherish. I don't need anything else from you."

He nodded. "I'm yours." He raised his arms over his head. "Do whatever you desire with me. I you."

That fact he knew what I liked to do. He knew what I did and loved to do. That was the greatest present he could give. That comfortable familiarity of two people that knew what the other wanted without the need to say a thing. It is a present that we would have for years.

Twenty minutes? Try three and a half hours! Time had no meaning. This was love and we did it as long as we could.

Peter and I did make it downstairs. Boris greeted us as did the others in my family. I loved it. Mom, grandmother, and Olek were sitting enjoying coffee. I was pleased that my grandmother, who spoke Ukrainian was beginning to get it and was sounding more Makarovian! Pronunciation was different and some words, but she was doing it.

Olek smiled at us, now the old Olek we knew and loved was back. "So, what do we do today? We can't really go anywhere..."

Peter grinned. "Did you bring a swimsuit? If not, you can wear one of mine. We've got an indoor pool you have to see and something else you have to see."

"After breakfast." I said going to the coffee maker that no long scared me. "Anyone want something else from this?"

I knew what was happening. I was being kept occupied and out of the kitchen. Now, Boris had help around him as he was not alone fixing...whatever. This was his world and he was in charge of it. You can't hide the smell of a cake baking. I went over to him, pulling him to kiss his cheek making him smile at me.

"I know I will say it later, but thank you, Boris," I said.

Boris nodded smiling. "I love doing it and I love doing something special for you."

At the end of breakfast, Olek sighed. "I'm going up."

Queen Alla looked up. "You don't have to see her at all."

"Like I told them." Olek thumbed at Peter and me, "and my brother reminded me...if I don't...she wins. I'm not letting her do that."

"You have security up there," Peter said. "But do you want us with you?"

Olek nodded. "Please. I can use my brothers' support." He chuckled. "You can help me...not to kill her."

"We may not want to stop you," I said sourly and walked with Olek to the rear stairs and climbed.

On the third floor, there was Luka and another I didn't know. I needed to learn their names! We could hear a conversation going on. Yuri was speaking with her. Luka smiled at me (yep, he was friendlier now), but bowed at Olek. He waved toward the door telling Olek to go in. Olek nodded at Luka and the other guard thanking them and went in the door.

"...options are limited." Yuri was saying in English. "Counsel will be hard to find even in England for a defense. You threatened their supply..." he turned and saw Olek. "You're Majesty...I was just telling her there will be a trial. With the evidence I have..."

Olek nodded. "There may be no trial." He said simply looking the woman who was now in a newer dress, but it didn't have the polish her designer suit had. He frowned. "I have to confess; I have never been so hurt. You wanted me to make you Queen?" Olek shook his head. "That was never going to happen."

"Why not, Olek?" Ms. Baldwin asked. "We made love."

Olek shook his head quickly. "No! You were clever. We never made love. You would make comments about our schedule, there was no time for dates. Slowly you worked in it would be fine with a friend. The first time was after you told me, you were my friend and you were on the pill." He looked at Peter and me. "She even showed me that thing they come in where the days were missing! I never expected her to toss them away hoping to get pregnant." He looked back at her. "Before I agreed the first time, I told you there would never be love between us. I told you that and it would just be sex! I said, no kissing, which you did. I warned you about emotions could be involved and not to get involved with me emotionally. You said no problem. Two of those times, I couldn't even finish as you were kissing me and I left to take care of myself! I told you, I would never love you! We just had sex. We did not make love. You and I would never have worked out." He began walking around looking at her. "You had this...act down so perfectly. When we first met, I wasn't sure about you, but you could do some really good things." He folded his arms over his chest as he stopped and looked at her directly. "I could never get...a feeling of sincerity from you. Your whole...thing was an act. I didn't believe you at first. Later, I considered you just did it for the job, so I let it go. There could never be any love between us. I did, however, give you my trust. That is the part that hurt. That you filmed it..." Olek shrugged, "there wasn't much to show. You betrayed me. That was the hurt, you ripped my trust away I had given you."

I had never heard Olek speak like this. He was calm and only a few times emotion was in his voice, but his tone was...icy. Cold.

"Now, Yuri is concerned that this is not over," Olek said. "His instincts, I do trust. I trust him. What else is coming and when?"

"Olek..." she began.

"That's King Olek or You're Majesty to you now. I allowed you to use my name when I trusted you. I don't, now." Olek said.

"I don't know." She replied with a shaky voice, but how could we believe that?

"I don't believe you." Even Olek didn't believe her and looked around. "I could do this in the bathroom, but...can you get a towel from the bathroom?" He asked Yuri, "And soak it, please."

Yuri looked puzzled, but went in and retrieved one.

"You'll need to wrap it around her head. Concentrate most on the back of her head." Olek instructed. "Make sure it's as secure as you can get it." I had never seen this Olek. Cold, but calm fury was almost heard like distant and very powerful thunder. The rumble. Peter grabbed my hand, he hadn't either.

I felt a cold chill in my heart as I believed I knew what he was doing. "You're going to kill her."

Olek nodded. "She will die, yes." He said calmly. "Boris does a damned good job keeping this place clean and I don't want her brains scattering and blood when I shoot her in the head. The towel will help, but there will still be a mess out the back." He said as if he simply describing a simple task.

"What!?" She almost screeched about to stand up and flee, but Olek shoved her back down roughly. "You're going to murder me!?"

Olek was too calm. "No. I'm executing you. It's not murder." He turned to Luka. "Hand me your gun, please? I would never ask any of you to do this." Luka was surprised, but reached in and handed Olek his gun.

"This is murder! You can't!" She said backing away on the mattress as Yuri got closer with the towel.

Olek shook his head. "No, I can. I'm king. You're in Makarovia. I am probably one of the only remaining monarchs that have absolute control. Including who lives and who dies. No one contests what I decree is necessary. I've never used this power before, until now. You committed a crime in Makarovia. I have every right as king to do this. You are a threat." He looked at Luka. "Is there a safety or anything?"

"Here, You're Majesty." Luka reached and flipped a tiny thing on the side of the gun.

Yuri nodded to her, but even he hadn't anticipated this. "I told you. He might be your judge. He is."

"It's ready. The bullet is in place," Luka instructed.

"Thank you," Olek said and he shrugged with the gun in his hand which didn't shake as he was steady as she backed up more, her eyes growing in terror as he got closer. Mine eyes did, too! I had no doubt he was going to kill her and we would see it. "If I get closer, it will help, but the splatter behind her," he shrugged. "Oh, well." He looked at Yuri. "I will apologize to Boris after this." He said casually as he walked up and placed the gun in the middle of her forehead as he pushed her back on the mattress where it remained steady. "For your got me to trust you and then lied to me and threatened to embarrass me!? I don't care if people see my dick, ass or even watch me FUCK." The last word was shouted and his voice did get louder from there. "Every man has got them and wants to have sex. It's what we do! I will release the clips myself and plaster your picture and name all over it telling the world what a fucking whore you are. You weren't even a good fuck, you stupid cunt, but YOU LIED TO ME!" He screamed that last part at her, his face red with rage. "You threatened my FAMILY!" Then he said coldly. "For that, you will die." His finger tightened on the trigger.

"Tonight! They are coming tonight!" She said in a panicked hurry. "Nelson Carter and others."

"Nelson Carter is in custody," Yuri said to her.

She nodded. "Then, it will be members of the consortium. They're coming...I don't know what time...they talked about an extraction. To get to you." She said to Olek. "They said one of you would do it." She said to each of us. "If they couldn't get King Olek, one of you would be taken. For ransom was a possibility."

Olek just stood there a second. His finger released its hold on the trigger. He raised the gun and sighed. "When this is over. I want her out of any part of Makarovia. Have arrangements been made to send her to England?" He asked Yuri but still glared at Ms. Baldwin.

"I wasn't sure what you'd decide, but, yes, Olek. There are some people, verified British enforcers wanting to take her back to England." Yuri said.

Olek nodded and handed the gun back to Luka holding it with three fingers like it was contaminated. "I don't really use these, but...I think the safety's back on." Olek said calmly and turned to her. "I will never see your face again. If I do, I will kill you." He said and walked to leave the room.

Peter and I raced after him and it's a good thing we did. He watched as he stumbled a bit, grabbing the wall as he wavered a little when he got toward the stairs and...collapsed.

"Olek!" Peter said loud in panic as we both rushed to him. "Oh, god...Olek!!"

Rolling him over I felt his carotid pulse. His heart was beating just fine. I smiled. "I think he just fainted." I was no doctor, but he was breathing and I felt no problem with his pulse. "He was so enraged, his face all red..."

The other Makarovian male security I didn't know looked and came running. He shouted for Yuri who came out and told Luka to secure her in the room...Yuri rushed over.

"I'm pretty sure he fainted, Yuri," I said. "We will have him checked, of course, but...he has a good pulse and is breathing fine."

Peter began touching Olek on his face and bent placing his forehead against Olek's. Peter looked at me. "I have never seen him like that in there. Seeing him down like this...I was afraid he may have had a heart attack, like Dad."

I nodded with an understanding smile as I rubbed Peter's shoulder. "I know. His pulse is steady and strong. He will be looked at by a doctor to be sure. The rise in blood pressure and rapid decline..."

Olek let out a soft moan and began to move. His eyes opened and he smiled at me and Peter. "I must have passed out." He said as he tried to sit up.

Peter was crying now from the scare and now from relief. He pulled his brother into his arms and hugged him. "Oh, Olek...I was so scared. I thought you might have had a heart attack."

Olek hugged his brother back. "I didn't mean to scare you." He kissed his brother on the cheek. "I've got too much living to do!" He grinned. "You're getting married." He reached and touched me on the face lightly. "I have a kingdom to work with and I'm not done. A very brilliant, beautiful lady friend..." He nodded, "but that was a little...intense. Out here, things just started getting fuzzy and down I went."

I nodded hugging him, too...again. I do it a lot so get used to it, and helped him to stand up. "I was sure you were going to kill her."

Olek looked at me. "I was. I had every intent to kill her. I still might if this...thing...doesn't happen." He said seriously. "She threatened you two. I was thousands of miles away. She threatened Makarovia. I was going to kill her."

I nodded. "But you didn't."

Olek looked at me just as serious as I'd seen him. "If anyone threatens my family. I will kill them. You would to protect Peter, I know that."

I nodded. "I would if they threatened Peter, you or Mom, and Grandma. Sure."

Olek nodded. "Her attempt to embarrass me was not what did this. I can deal with that, but there's an assault happening tonight. We'll do whatever we have to, to make sure that doesn't happen." He looked at Yuri. "What about added protection? Are there more of those security guards outside available?"

Yuri frowned. "There is part of the problem. This house, in this house, is Makarovia. The grounds are questionable. In here, your word is final." Yuri thumbed in the direction of the outdoors. "There are American Guards out there. The question of whether it's our land or the United States...I can get more outside..."

"But if they attack us, we can fire back?" Olek asked.

Yuri gave a hesitant, grudging nod. "That's part of the problem. If an American is shot on our land..."

"And making a plea to Washington...there isn't enough time." Olek began walking as we went downstairs. "The problem is she was right. You told me about what she said about circumstantial evidence. We know she's guilty."

"The United States' response will be to check and verify what we already know," Yuri said.

We got to where the others were and I remembered something. "Home invasion."

"What?" Yuri asked.

"The use of deadly force is allowed in some states. When someone invades a private home, the owner can respond with deadly force." I said. "I don't know about Massachusetts."

"That means they have to get in here," Peter said. "How will they do that? There is security to keep them out."

"This group, the consortium, they have to have a way," Olek said. He looked at Yuri. "This consortium you have anything else on them?"

"All the information I have says it will be quick and almost surgical," Yuri said. "Composed of men from several countries."

"I'll look it up on the computer and look at the agreement we have on the lease," Olek said hurrying off toward Yuri's office.

Peter looked at me, his face held regret. "I'm sorry. This won't be a good birthday."

I smiled as I bounced once. "You didn't do this. I will say, this has been an exciting year." I brought him close and kissed him.

We told grandmother, Mom, and Boris what we found out.

Yuri came over with something that looked like house plans. "When International Securities was helping go over the house. They helped me with this." He rolled out the papers. "I will say, this Jensen was a little too paranoid. He has parts of the house I didn't really know about. The bedrooms are safe rooms, I knew that. The security measures are impressive." He pointed. "Since Ms. Baldwin recommended the house, she probably gave Nelson Carter the passwords and codes." Yuri smiled. "When this is over, I'm having them purge the entire system and reset everything and change those passwords."

Olek came back smiling. "Eric's right. The law for home invasion will be easy, once they are in the house. The burden of proof is written in Massachusetts General Law 265. This group enters our home unlawfully, proving they knew we were home, proving they are armed and uses force even if this was considered American property."

"That will be documented," Yuri said. "There are recordings. The doors and general areas are monitored."

"We should make plans for a better celebration when this is over," Olek said to me. "We should proceed as if we know nothing, but be aware and ready to go when it happens."

"I've recalled our men from Makarovia. We will have twelve men stationed in the house as internal security." Yuri said.

"Where do they live?" I suddenly realized they didn't live here. "There are two that live here, but that rotates. Where do they go during off hours?"

Yuri smiled. "Carla Bowers." He chuckled. "The Ms. No Noise Lady?"

My eyes widened. "My former landlady!?"

Olek smiled. "And our friend now. We rented three of her two-bedroom apartments to us."

Grandmother nodded. "I need to contact her." She said almost as a side thought.

"I hate guns," Olek growled and he looked at Peter and me. "I really don't know anything about them other than point, aim and fire." He shrugged.

Yuri chuckled. "We have enough coverage by weapons." He looked at the rest of us. "What I do know, is they will be very quick. Their last attack accredited to be done by them took five minutes." He waved his hands in a sort of shrug. "They come in, get their target and go. They stormed and took a princess from a Saudi whatever in three minutes and seventeen seconds." He then said carefully. "I will do everything to make least deadly as possible." He looked at Olek. "I guess asking all of you to lay low..."

Olek did the same thing Yuri had, moving his hands helplessly. "They have to have a target."

I looked at my grandmother. "This is a lot."

Grandmother chuckled. "Your grandfather and I slipped through a lot including the KGB. We were fired at and pursued." She took my hand. "We survived. You will, too. Some things are worth it."

Queen Alla nodded. "We'll be ready. Just tell us when and what to do."

Things went on like nothing had changed or were aware of this coming threat. We got ready for my party and we did. It was almost easy to forget what was coming. Yet it was hard not to believe there was nothing...Makarovian Security was posted...hidden around the house mostly on the first floor. From the windows, everything looked fine. Yet, the men here dressed in that black...bulletproof vests and holding those assault rifles were hard to ignore. We had dinner, no other house staff was there except Boris and Yuri. Dinner was...Boris is a chef! It was great. He even brought in my cake. It was coconut, my favorite.

At 9:37 pm, that's when we heard it. Not what you hear on TV or movies, but a series of pops. The house was not soundproof, but the sounds were muffled. Olek looked up at Peter and me. It was happening. Olek had that look he had with Ms. Baldwin. The front door suddenly burst open and ten men, dressed like our men came in, rifles out and pointing in any direction to stop anyone that was to come at them or just in the way.

A voice said in Ukrainian. "НіŃ...то но руŃ...атися!" No one move. Another said in Russian. "Никто но пошевелиться!" And the last said in English. "No one move!"

Yuri smiled from his place at the table. "We understood all three languages, but really...Ukrainian? We're Makarovian! The pronunciation was just...wrong." He held up what looked...well, it was a remote control. He pressed a single button. Instantly, the front door slammed shut and we heard heavy bolts slide into place. severy member of Makarovian Security stepped out of their hiding places and fired. All exits were now barred and secured as these men began firing at us! The sound of shattering china or crystal was heard. Peter was pulling me under the table as everyone else did the same thing. There were more pops outside. The ten men doing this...they were now getting it from above the foyer stairs' landing, the entrance of the music room, living room and dining room. Our men were not aiming for chests or arms. They were instructed to go for the head! These invading men were to die! Our men continued to fire as these men were one by one sent to the ground. The whole thing for now...was over. After the loud gunfire was done, no one moved a second or two as that smell of hot metal and many bullets. And that ever last piece of wreckage finally drops to the was the silence. Slowly, we began to move. Yuri went over to the bodies of these invading men to see any sign of life.

Boris stood up, brushed some dust or something from his sleeve, scratched the back of his head and sighed. "Well, this will be quite a mess to clean up."


Next: Chapter 14: Makarovia II 4

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