
By Richard McQueen

Published on Jan 12, 2023


Story: Makarovia! Sure, I Know Where That is Chapter: 36 Tahnee Schuman Author: Eric McQueen ( Adult Readers, Sexual Situations, Sex

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Man! I took a week off. The last week of 2022. I had a hard time getting back in the swing of writing!

ANYWAY, Helga's Queen, you know that. More background about Tahnee Schuman and the possible threat to Makarovia and the future for Olek and the monarchy. Yuri, Peter, Eric, Olek, and Katrina Sams brainstorm as to what should be done.

Tahnee Schuman

Olek, Mom, Peter and I were wearing our formal crowns. They looked great, and now Helga had one! I knew what Olek had said about his formal crown being heavy. It looked amazing, but I knew it had to be heavy. Peter's and my crowns were sort of heavy, basically rings of gold with various gems. Helga's I guessed was not THAT heavy since the only metal was the gold to hold the...I didn't know. I just knew that there were diamonds in the crown. Makarovia had been a poor country and that was changing. The crown jewels had also been hidden away to protect them from invading armies. Helga's and Queen Alla's crowns were the MOST expensive of ALL the crowns. Right now, Queen Helga wore the most expensive crown. Mom wore a tiara, but like her gown, it was toned down giving Helga the chance to really...sorry, but SHINE! Her crown glittered.

Women had to go to the same class to learn to cry. Even tears of joy were covered with two hands over her mouth and nose. Forget her makeup. The modern world now had waterproof mascara, so those black running streaks from her eyes didn't happen. She was Queen and looked every inch a Queen. A beautiful woman but had a regal aura naturally. Now with the crown she wore no one could deny that. Yes, I was thinking it was a bit creepy of me to worry so much about Helga's mother. Tahnee Schuman was bowing, but I didn't even consider what she did as anything other than she HAD to. If she didn't that would truly be a slap in Helga's face in disrespect, and I knew Olek would not have let that go unpunished. Technically, as absolute ruler he COULD lock her in the dungeon and never release her. I mean NEVER! He could have her executed! He could! We know Olek wouldn't...or did we? I was convinced he was going to execute that Penelope bitch that worked with Nelson Carter and the Consortium almost a year ago. After she tried to seduce Olek to make him fall in love with her, even getting him to have sex with her so she would get pregnant and force him to marry her. We know that didn't work. My point is, if Olek thought he needed to, he proved to me he would do whatever to protect Makarovia and his family. Imprisoning Helga's mother would be a bit rough, but if necessary...

As rough as things were with Helga and her mother, she wouldn't be happy with his doing that.

What bothered me was Tahnee Schuman's last name. Helga was a Schneider until she married Olek. I assumed her mother reverted to her maiden name. Why? She didn't love her husband. She told Helga that. There was more to this story. You know I'd find out.

Peter leaned in toward me. He looked at what I was looking at and said quietly, "I want to know, too." He smiled. "We should ask Yuri about her. You know he would know more."

I looked at him and my eyes widened a little, "Oh, you want to know as badly as I do. With the dangers we face with foreign powers and that Consortium he had everyone that came here thoroughly investigated. She could be dangerous."

Helga and I were very much alike. Neither of us had been born royal. We both married a member of a royal family and became royal through that marriage. While I was not able to have a child with Peter, Helga was. Yes, yes, Peter and I might have a child using modern technology, but Helga was having a child by the usual means. Grandmother and Helga's mother were in similar positions. They were related to us. That placed an added concern about their safety. Grandmother said she was safe, but there was always worry about her because of that connection. While grandmother was in more danger as she was loved by ALL of the Ivanovs. Helga's mother was not.

Right now, Helga was being surrounded by others all hugging her. Any danger was there, as in spies, had to know Helga's mother was not a good target. She was not in the least bit close to anyone here. Taking her for ransom was not a good idea. We would be less likely to pay. Not a billion Euros. She was a life, but not in favor with Makarovia. Still... I saw Mativy Kozak speaking with Helga. They were laughing together as he apologized again for the joke they had done to Helga.

"It was a bad joke," Mativy said holding both her hands in his. "You have been Queen from the very beginning. We came to love you quickly."

Helga nodded and touched Mativy's arm, "It was done in affection. It is fine. It was a good joke. I hope you will always love me. I certainly love Makarovia and all Makarovians."

"And we love you, Your Majesty," Mativy smiled and bowed quickly, kissing her hand.

Truth be told, I was jealous. Yes! Of Helga! We both married a member of the Ivanov Royal Family, but Helga was having a child with Olek Ivanov. Adding her traits to this child and would forever be linked with the Ivanov family line. Peter and I could not do that. He could father a child and I could father a child myself, but not the same child. I knew a couple of men that fathered twins, using the same woman's eggs making the two half siblings because of the mother. If we did that, yes, the two would be related...through the MOTHER! No connection with Peter. Our two would be related but not to the Ivanovs. That was simple biology. Was she more a part of the family than I was? Maybe. I would be told I was, but...

"That's a serious look, babe," Peter said quietly.

I turned and smiled at Peter, "You can read me pretty well. Can't you tell?"

"Yes," Peter nodded. "I can, but the details aren't always there. Care to share?"

"It's silly," I admitted. "I know you love me. I know Olek and Mom love me. I'm family for them. I love them and Makarovia. I'm just jealous of Helga. She's adding part of her to the Ivanov Family. For now, and for generations to come, she will be a part of the Royal Line. I can't."

Peter shook his head, "That's not a guarantee. The child they have might not have children. You are a part of history. You will be in history books around the world."

"This one time I don't really want to be known as the husband of a gay prince," I shrugged.

"You aren't JUST the husband of a gay prince!" Peter corrected crossly. "You are an inspiration to millions of people!" He nodded, "You've shone a light on this small country and showed the entire world that we are here. Almost no one knew where the Hell Makarovia was! They know now!" He held a finger up at me and put it very close to my face and hurried on. "And it's more than just because of the uranium! Hell! Even on our honeymoon you showed countries that were just ignorant! I was naïve, you told me. I was very naïve, but not as much now. You showed the world wasn't just one way!"

"I didn't do it alone," I pointed out.

"No," Peter nodded. "I didn't stop you. The website we have for Makarovia was remade with your input!"

"Well..." I began and he interrupted.

""No!' Peter said firmly. "You have done so much for Makarovia! For Olek, Mom, and for me! We went to Montenegro and showed them that if they want to play in the world's sandbox, they need to except others as they are. Pull on their big-boy pants and play nice!"

My smile grew, "All these sayings are because of Ted Dawe, aren't they?"

"Yes," Peter nodded. "He was a very good teacher about the United States South! You and I always speak Makarovian!" He tapped on my chest, "And another thing. What you are doing will last for those generations! Not just about the uranium, but even about ways we can depend less on imports like food! Your greenhouse and terrace farms are working!"

Again, I started to defend my opinion again, "Well..."

"I'm not finished!" Peter said gruffly but not harsh, if you can imagine how he did that. "Who says we won't have a child? Just because Olek and Helga have a child with their combined DNA doesn't assure anything! We could have a child that doesn't have either of our DNA! It will be ours legally. We raise it and it will be OUR child! Yours and mine..."

My arms went around him, and I pulled him into a kiss where I hoped to convey love first, but also his message had gotten through. "Thank you, Peter. I had a moment of uncertainty."

Peter grinned pressing his forehead against mine, "I've had a few of those but I have a life partner that pulls me out of them." He shrugged, "It was my turn to return the favor."

I saw grandmother slowly come over, not really looking where she was going as her eyes seemed to be fixed on something...or should I say someone? I only had to glance and saw who she was looking at. She caught herself and turned her attention to us. "That was a wonderful thing Makarovia did." She smiled at us, "And none of you had any idea what was to happen."

"Not a clue," I nodded. "I was stunned when they said no."

Peter grudged a nod and smiled, "But it made sense. The Proposal was to introduce an unknown to Makarovia and the year was so the one proposed could prove themselves willing to help improve Makarovia. Helga has proven herself to Makarovia for more than a year as simply Helga. They knew she'd make a good queen." He chuckled, "This has not been the usual royal marriage."

"Oh, come now," I griped. "Helga is not the first to be pregnant before the wedding. I'm sure about that." I saw grandmother look again at who she had been looking at. I looked to see Tahnee Schuman looking sort of lost in knowing what to do. She covered it well by speaking with those that spoke to her, but they didn't stay as Helga's mother clearly didn't want to speak more than a few words to anyone. "Grandma." I said, "What is it?"

Grandmother turned and shook her head, "I'm sure there is something about Helga's mother that is...Anti-Social. I'm not a psychiatrist or psychologist..."

"Please," I grimaced. "You are too. You mean she's showing possible sociopathic or psychopathic traits?"

Grandmother smiled and nodded, "That isn't an accepted diagnosis."

"You've had to be able to judge people for decades!" I justified. "Give the audience what they want and like and knowing what they don't. You said that."

She smiled, "Such as Gloria, Anderson Cooper's mother. She truly loved the ballet. She didn't need to impress anyone. Other people had to impress HER. She set the pace as to what was to be considered chic. She was a real patron of the arts...and my friend." She looked again at Helga's mother. "Here, Tahnee isn't used to functioning on a one-on-one setting."

"Explain," Peter said.

"I don't do this..." Grandmother said.

"Grandma!" I said annoyed.

"Okay!" Grandmother hissed but was smiling, "I know you wondered about her last name. Her maiden name was Hess. Ernest Schneider was her first husband."

"She married again," I nodded. "When?"

"About six years ago," Grandmother said. "Her second husband was Fritz Schuman. A social climbing would be Politician that was outspoken and not really liked."

"Why not?" I asked.

"He was a German Supremacist and didn't hide that fact," she told us. "Needless to say, he wouldn't have approved of Helga's marriage with Olek or with you two." She said bitterly.

"I never heard of him!" Peter said confused.

"He was killed four months into the marriage," Grandmother said. "Assassinated. His marriage to Helga's mother was to add credentials to his running for office. Tahnee speaks the High German, a more preferred form of German."

I shook my head, "I thought there was a standard German now."

Grandmother nodded, "There is. High German is just that, German spoken in the upper portions of Germany, Switzerland, and Austria. Low German was spoken by mostly farmers. His accent was of a farmer. He gave speeches that would have pleased Hitler! Germany for Germans. The Third Reich stuff."

I know my eyes widened, "And how did you learn all this?"

She shrugged, "Yuri." She stated simply. She lowered her head and looked at me saying I should know this. "Who else?"

I nodded, "Of course. I should have known that."

Peter looked suspiciously at Grandmother, "And he just told you this."

Grandmother looked mockingly indignant, "You think he's the only one who can interrogate?"

"You interrogated Yuri," Peter said to confirm. "And he let you."

"And he told you," I grinned. Then I went back to the original topic, "You think she has an Anti-Social Disorder?"

Grandmother smirked her grimace and said in English, "I'd bet my tutu." She muttered.

I saw Peter's eyes squint as he tried to understand. Some words you just didn't use that much. I patted Peter's arm, "That's Grandma Speak for her betting everything on it. A sure thing. The tutu is her ballet skirt."

Peter nodded understanding now, "Oh, I guess there's no denying that then."

"Is the sun in the sky?" I asked. "That's how firmly she believes it."

"She just doesn't seem to be able to relate to any Human emotion," grandmother waved in Helga's mother's direction. "She doesn't seem to understand the feelings being expressed here today. Her daughter has been crowned Queen! However, I say she's smart. Very smart. She clearly disregards any rules. I don't know if she lies," she looked at us, "That's common for sociopaths. She KNOWS she's right no matter what you tell her. I understand she can be charming..." she looked at us again, "when it benefits her."

"How did you find out this!?" I balked.

"Observation," Grandmother said again simply.

"She didn't pass this on to Helga," Peter stated. "Could Helga pass it on to our niece or nephew?"

Grandmother shrugged, "Anything can be passed down. It has more to do with brain chemistry. There are environmental things and abuse that have effects, but I don't know." She sighed, "She's the first woman I've suspected of this. Most serial killers are male..."

"Damn, Grandma!" I said amazed. "If you hadn't been a ballet star, you'd have made a great psychiatrist!"

"I said I use it all the time," Grandmother shrugged. "A little girl comes to class because she wants to dance, or does her mother want her to?" She sighed, "And there are the fathers! If their son is taking ballet, that's just not manly. I had a young man that at ten had the best gift of dance. I mean he could have become a great dancer. He had the moves and could do it with little thought, but no..." she shook her head, "his father was not having his SON become a ballet dancer. He would become a man! Nothing I could say to that stupid..." she said the next two words in English, "redneck, hick," then went back to Makarovian, "his son would be a sissy if he continued ballet."

"That was in Asheville, wasn't it?" I asked.

"Of course," Grandmother replied.

"Wait!" Peter said urgently. "Is there treatment for this anti-social disorder?"

"No set treatment, but behavior modification, some medications, and counseling..." Grandmother answered. "Watch for fits of aggression, violence, and lying. There will be a lack of regret and remorse..." she lightly hit me. "You know the websites I look at and read. The American Board of Psychiatry and Neurology has all the latest finds and research."

"It could be passed to the family!" Peter insisted.

"Can we wait until the birth first?" I asked. I looked over at Tahnee. "We'll have to watch her."

Peter's head waggled in uncertainty as he said, "I almost wish we could go back to when we would tell people about Makarovia and people would say, Makarovia? Where the Hell is that!?"

My head went back a little, "Well, it's too late to put that cat back in the bag."

"We were practically unknown!" Peter lightly wailed. "Because the uranium everyone wants it or the money!"

"Nonsense!" Grandmother said quickly. "Greed is greed. Makarovians have proven to be the best examples of Humanity! You have for decades been the haven for all people that are considered unwelcome." She waved at Peter and me. "I'm not talking just about people like you, though that's a pretty big one...I'm talking about Jews, Gypsies, or anyone no one else wants! Have you checked the website that tells the world they want you two to represent them? It's in the hundreds of millions now." She pointed at me, "I asked him if he considered the ramifications of a relationship with you." She pointed at Peter, "Did you, Eric consider the ramifications of a relationship with him? The world sees and knows you. Olek and Helga are known now. Queen Alla is known and Mario..." She shook her head, "You cherish life and don't say everyone has to believe what you do. Religion, culture, nor ethnicity have to be the same. Beliefs are like noses or eyes. Everyone has them or had them and they are all different. No one HAS to agree, but they are alive, and you do all that can be done to see that it will last as long as necessary. Don't kill, don't steal, and revere lives. That's why there are hundreds of millions who agree you two represent them. Including me. You are their royal representatives."

Hearing it again was a bit humbling, "I know we'll try to do all we can to be those good representatives."

The line of well-wishers let up and we could get near Helga. Her tear-stained face was still there but she had stopped crying. She smiled at the three of us, she pulled Peter and I into a single hug.

"You didn't know this would happen," Helga stated to be sure.

"No," Peter said quickly. "The people didn't need an additional year to see if you would be good for Makarovia"

"It made sense," I nodded.

Grandmother hugged Helga, "They are a smart people."

"Can we approach?" A deep voice asked in English behind us.

Turning, we saw five people, formally dressed. Pano, Barry, Edger, Ryna, and Cosmo were there, all smiling at us. Jori had done an excellent job! Pano and Barry had on black tuxes, only Pano had on a shimmering red silk tie and Barry had a shiny blue silk tie. Edger's tux was a dark charcoal grey tux with a silver shiny tie. Ryna's was a dark grey with black lapels. His tie was a shiny black tie. Cosmo's tux was a beige color and a coral color tie. He stood and used a cane. Even the cane was ornate with the head of a wolf with ruby gems for eyes.

They all bowed and said, "Your Majesty," to Helga.

"Yes," Helga waved them forward, "yes, of course." She pointed to the crown on her head, "This isn't changing who I am. I'm still me."

They walked closer.

Edger shook his head, "But it DID change who you are. You're Queen!"

"We don't know what rules apply now," Barry added. "Never turning your back on you when walking away. Never touching..." He grinned, "Canada is independent now, but the king is still head of state in Canada. We had to be sure."

I took Pano's arm and turned him so I could see more, "You dress up well, Pano! Very GQ! All of them are." As we were all speaking English, I saw Peter's face looked puzzled a moment, "Gentlemen's Quarterly? Many people think of that magazine as the bible for men's fashion, style, and way of life."

Peter nodded understanding, "Oh, so telling him he is GQ is a compliment!" He smiled.

"You ALWAYS look GQ, Babe!" I patted Peter on the chest but saw his smile grow.

"You are icons," Barry said waving at us. "All of you. You brought being gay into a more pleasant light. You each have brought an almost forgotten kingdom and country and people where they became something to be like." He bumped Pano lightly, "And now Pano can't use the I have nothing to wear excuse to keep from going somewhere formal." He put his arm over Edger's shoulder, "And you, too."

"We didn't know this was going to be a coronation," Edger smiled.

"Neither did we," Olek confessed coming up behind Helga and put his arm around her waist. "We were completely surprised." He waved at the people assembled here now. "They gave no clues. However, the fact that the crown was here, and the priest was here and ready...they knew."

"As far as any rules about approaching me," Helga shook her head. "We don't have any. Yuri knows you and all the guards know you...come as you have already. You're dear friends to us."

The area was relaxed and there was a reception shortly afterwards. Food and drinks flowed. Music was played softly so conversations weren't difficult. There was dancing and just as we were about to part, Olek suggested we all go to the Grotto. He meant everyone there. He also wanted all of Makarovia to celebrate having Helga crowned as Queen! Those from Makarovia and those in Makarovia from other countries. Olek insisted we all wear our other crowns. Of course, It wasn't that he feared they'd be stolen. No one in Makarovia would DARE to steal them, but why tempt anyone? Olek's smaller crown was used as the official crown gave him a headache after a few hours. Helga would wear a smaller tiara. Peter and I wore the small coronets. I also saw Yuri smile, but his smile was not because of happiness or pleasure. I walked up to Yuri as he stood with Boris.

"Is there a problem, Yuri?" I asked.

Yuri's head grudged a slight shake of denial, "The word problem is not right. It is...a complication." He waved at me and Peter, "With the two of you...protecting you is hard enough. You go to school and are surrounded by guards. Now, the ENTIRE Royal Family...including the just crowned Queen is going out in public. I need to make sure we have enough security coverage." He waved back at the cameras that pointed at various locations and the people gathered for the Proposal which became a coronation, "This was broadcasted all over Makarovia and to the surrounding countries..." his hands flew up. "Hell! It was broadcast live around the world!" He looked at me seriously, "She's the people's new Queen. I understand he wants to bring her to the people so they can see her and get to know her. She becomes one of them by doing this. It's just a challenge." He grimaced a smile at us, "Excuse me as I need to organize transportation...and more guards."

The underground train would be the future. For now, we used automobiles. The representatives from the other towns and villages had gotten here and that means was to be used now. I was pleased to see Alexi and Maria von Bar were planning to come. Mom and Mario were coming. I would be surprised if Tahnee Schuman came. The trip to the Grotto was an unofficial function of Makarovian Imperial Government. Certainly, not mandatory.

David and Edmond were handsome men! I'm gay, I see that first. Their wives were beautiful women. When Peter and I had our Proposal and Wedding, they had worn dress uniforms, but now...they had to have coordinated. The jackets were white! They were short, as in stopped at the waist. These were Mess Dress Uniforms. Shoulder epaulets displayed the one star on either side and the ribbons of the campaigns on their chests to the left. Elegant. Their wives wore gowns, Helen's was light blue and floor length. Eloise's was also floor length but a color that wasn't pink or coral, but somewhere in between. Where was Jori? He'd know the name of that color.

Peter went up to David Burke and Edmond Hammond, "You're coming, right?" He looked at Helen and Eloise.

"I understand it's quite loud," Eloise said hesitantly.

Peter nodded immediately, "It is VERY loud! I promise it will. I'll understand if you don't, but we would like our friends to be there." He looked at the four, "Have you ever BEEN to the Grotto?" None of them had. "Well, now you can see where your people go when the weather allows! They added a pretty good menu there. Chicken wings and nachos mostly," he looked at David, "Thank you, America." He grinned at Edmond, "They added Fish and Chips, thank you, England."

Edmond grinned, "Fish and Chips!?"

"Our friend Drew and his husband Wayne took us to get some real Fish and Chips in England," Peter began. "We have to import the fish, we can do the chips, but we have no oceans. It's a form of Fish and Chips to share with someone else or a whole table. They mostly come to dance, drink, and be together."

I came up behind Peter and touched him lightly, "Peter, remember the snowball fight last December?"

Peter grinned as he looked at me and pointed at General Burke over his shoulder with his thumb, "The one that HE started?"

"What?" Helen asked looking at her husband but not really surprised.

David pointed at Edmond, "Well, he joined in!" He defended.

Eloise's eyes widened, "Edmond! You didn't!" She said in shock.

Edmond was looking away embarrassed. David inched closer to Edmond, "Oh, yes he did!" He shook Edmond lightly. "He threw a few great shots, too." He pointed at Edmond. "He'd done it before." He looked at Edmond and asked, "Haven't you?"

"As a CHILD!" Edmond admitted in argument. "I did with my children but..."

I held both of their arms, "My reason for bringing it up was to remind Peter why you allowed a snowball fight to begin was that no one else was around to see us!" I waved at the two generals, "They may not want to show their people they are people, like them!"

Peter nodded, "Or like with any party where the kids are throwing, who better than their Dads showing up? They'll be on their best behavior!"

Then it dawned on me, "Wait. Where did you park? In the garage below?"

"Oh, no," Edmond shook his head smiling. "David and I took one car from the motor pool. We were dropped off below, our driver took it elsewhere."

Peter looked at me, "We need a parking lot?" He asked.

"No," I shook my head. "You're the city planner! We need that underground train finished that connects Skoal and Stryia and the rest of Makarovia!"

David held his arms out helplessly, "Our people are working as fast as they can."

Just the family and those in the palace as guests required four vehicles. Five if you include our extra guards! A caravan of vehicles pulled in front of the Grotto entrance. Olek's, Helga's, and Grandmother's first with their guards. Peter's, mine, Pano's, and Barry's, Mario's, Mom's, Alexi's and Maria's in the others and our guards. It was needed to be said, there was a line of cars that unloaded in front of the Grotto!

Olek and Helga waited for the other vehicles unloaded to go inside. I should have known Yuri was ready and told Dan and Dimitri we were coming. As we entered, there was that musical blast and the Makarovian Royal Processional played.

"Everyone!" The DJ said grandly, "Makarovia's King, His Royal Majesty Olek Ivanov, the Second! His brothers, Their Royal Highnesses Prince Pedro and Prince Eric Ivanov. Her Majesty Queen Alla Ivanov, and as we all watched, crowned just hours ago, Her Most Royal Majesty, Queen Helga Ivanov of Makarovia!"

The noisy crowd turned and there were the bows, applause and whistles from Makarovians and guests in Makarovia alike. Dan and Dimitri rushed forward and bowed to us. I still had that feeling that it wasn't for me. I was told time and again that I was family. I looked at Helga and saw something on her face that told me she was feeling the same thing. Leaning toward her I said only to her, "I'd like to tell you that it just takes time to get used to this, but how much I can't tell you. I'm still thinking this can't mean me, too."

Helga nodded with a chuckle, "That was exactly what I was thinking.:

"You are Queen! Not just Olek's wife," I reminded her. "I'm Olek's brother having married his brother. I still have to fight with myself with all the bowing and scraping." My head went back a bit, "If you won't mind, I'd love to try some conversations with you in German. I'm learning German now."

"Ich würde gerne!" She smiled grandly, then said in Makarovian, Yo b douge khotiv. "I'd love to!"

I shrugged, "I won't learn if I don't use it." I nodded, "I'll need French, Spanish and Hungarian, too. It's a multi-language culture here. I need to learn as many as I can."

"Your Highness, Prince Pedro," the DJ said. "Please do that amazing dance you and Prince Eric do so well? I know you're formally dressed. Can't you do it again? We'll only have you here a few more weeks and then you'll be back in the United States in the West!"

"We'll be back for Christmas!" Peter defended.

"In December!" The DJ corrected.

"We'll be back! You can't get rid of me." I nodded and shouted, "We'd be happy to dance, but be warned," I pointed at the crowd on the floor, "Your Dads might be coming. General Burke and General Hammond. If you're doing something you shouldn't...stop it. They could arrive any minute. We'll do it in a few minutes. Okay?"

The Grotto had made preparations for our arrival and set up some tables that faced the dance floor. There were the needed guards for us and others in military uniform from the United States and Great Britain with the Military Police arm bands. It was just a few minutes more when the DJ sounded over the speakers, "'ten hut! The generals and their wives have arrived!"

What was interesting was the many here in uniform, even our guards who didn't wear a strict uniform as the palace guards did, and many here who weren't in uniforms snapped and came to attention! Even Yuri!

Olek shook his head, "They didn't do that when we came in." He muttered in complaint.

Peter chuckled, "No, they all bowed to you, Olek."

I smiled at Olek, "I think that means a bit more than snapping to attention."

General Burke and General Hammond were nodding at the people at attention. Edmond was waving them down with his right hand as his left arm had Eloise. The same with David who had Helen on his arm.

"As you were," David commanded with a wave of his hand.

Both the generals' faces held that stern look of authority. It was a practiced appearance. It was only having known them a couple years now and closer than most in Makarovia did, except Olek perhaps...I could see the less than stern seriousness. It was all for show. Typical military.

As they got closer to our table, Eloise and Helen were seated as the background music began, but not a particularly a song you danced to. It kept the energy going.

"They really want us to dance to that song again," Peter told me.

I nodded removing my coronet and jacket, "We will." I grinned putting my coronet in front of Olek. "We really need to give them a new song and dance."

Peter smiled doing the same as I did, "We will, but for now, this is what they want. We'll give it to them."

Eloise clapped her hands lightly and said, "I've seen this on telly, now I can see it in person! Up close!"

Mario leaned toward Maria and Alexi, "Wait until you see this!"

The crowd there backed up as Peter and I got to the center of the floor. Peter waved at the DJ and the slow tapping of the drum and beat began. No Doubt again and "Hella Good" started. Peter and I started our "no touch" dance. Not a lot of footwork and a lot of forward and backward movements coordinated. As the song progressed the beat built and so did our movements. Yes, the more we did this dance the better we did it.

Peter had really come a hundred and eighty degrees from when I met him. He was still the same with me, but he had no hesitation performing in front of others. His severe acne had really caused him to stay in the shadows and background. Not anymore. Being in Makarovia helped immensely.

We ended the song again "touching" on purpose as he hugged me tightly and kissing me hard. I dipped him slightly backwards as the floor full of people erupted in applause, the whistles, and hoots!

We got back to our table as they were standing and applauding as well.

""Wo ist..." Alexi began in German, "Wei haden Sie..."

I had enough German to understand that!

"How did you learn to do THAT?" Maria added in English. She looked at Grandmother, "Did you teach them!?"

"That was amazing on television," Helen marveled. "It's even more unbelievable seeing it in front of us!" She looked at my grandmother, "Katrina, did you teach them that?" She waved at us.

Grandmother smiled and shook her head, "No." She shrugged and said proudly, "But dance is in Eric's blood. It comes naturally."

Eloise also shook her head, "I could never do that!"

Peter got his coronet and mine, handing it to me.

I grimaced slightly and put the one for me on, "I don't think anyone here or in the world doesn't know who we are, Peter."

Olek shook his head, "That's not the point. A crown, tiaras, and coronets set us apart from others. It's a medieval spotlight on people that are set apart and recognized. Television has just allowed everyone at home to see us."

"It's symbolic," I muttered.

"And?" Mom asked. "The world is made up of symbols. Anyone can put the crown on, but only you are one of the princes," she looked at Olek, "or king." She waved at General Burke. "Anyone can wear the star, but only he and General Hammond can be the generals. You know who you are," she waved at the crowd around us who had returned to dancing and having a good time at the Grotto. "They know who you are. Your coronet is a simple reminder." She shrugged slightly, "In case they need it."

Peter nudged me, "So, put your symbol on."

Everyone at our table sat again. It was a mere few seconds before Olek held his hand out to Helga, "Can I have a dance? I promise to take it easy."

Helga frowned but wasn't angry, "I'm pregnant, Olek. Not delicate."

Olek shrugged and said, "Well?"

They went to the dancefloor, and I listened to the several conversations happening at the table. Makarovian, German, English, Greek, and a little Italian. In this modern world in this part of Europe, to operate in business or politics you had to speak and understand as many languages as you could. I was going to do that. Boris was about to sit next to me and Yuri was going to sit next to him.

I held my hand out to stop them, "You KNOW I adore you, Boris," I saw Boris' smile spread over his face as he nodded, "Can Yuri sit next to me so I don't have to scream to be heard?"

Boris chuckled and slid in next to me, "What? As if I had no clue as to what you're going to ask me about."

"Okay, Yuri," I smiled. "Tell me about Tahnee Schuman."

Yuri's head bowed a bit in some defeat and shook his head, "You AND your grandmother could teach a course on cross-examination and interrogation."

"I learned after almost three decades of observation what to ask and how to ask," I said. "She taught me more than how to dance."

He looked at Helga dancing with Olek and smiled as he motioned in her direction, "There is an argument about being bred for nobility. Helga's maternal grandfather's last name was Louise. Tahnee is in the line of Louise the third of the House of Hesse-Darmstadt. The Grand Duchy of Germany. That was in the Ninetieth Century." He smiled as he saw my eyes widen. "Yes, Helga is descended from royalty. Now, she's back to it." He shrugged. "Anyway, her great grandfather dropped all but the name Hesse, which he became known. That's where Tahnee's money came from." He leaned toward me and Peter, "Which, by the way, is nearly gone. However, Tahnee will be fine the rest of HER life. She's never worked a single day. Her father wasn't stupid and hid most of the money. During World War II he hid himself and his family in Switzerland. Tahnee was raised in the family's manor. She married Helga's father and after they had Helga the marriage just...faded." He shook his head. "Her second marriage to Fritz Schuman was for political advancement only. He needed the aristocratic push forward. Which his marriage to Tahnee Schneider gave him. And it did, for short few months."

I nodded, "Well, my grandmother's unsolicited and non-professional diagnosis about Ms. Schuman's anti-social disorder, and mine, what was she getting from this marriage to Fritz Schuman? People like Ms. Schuman don't do anything that doesn't benefit themselves."

Yuri grinned, "Far be it for me to disagree with Katrina Sams. My research on Tahnee Schuman told me she made quite a few enemies in Germany and some in other surrounding countries." He pointed at me, "Your grandmother is a natural investigator. She has very good instincts about people. Tahnee is using this marriage of her daughter to Olek to improve her standing in Germany's inner circle. Just as Fritz did it to improve his standing. Tahnee has never volunteered for any cause."

Peter frowned, "Fine. Will she be a further threat to Olek or Helga? Won't she need protection?" He looked at grandmother, "Grandmother Sams refused protection, but I don't see anyone bothering her. Will the Consortium use Tahnee to get to us?"

Yuri chuckled as he looked at grandmother, "No, there would be few that could threaten HER! When she leaves Makarovia she's going to Texas. She's been protected by local law enforcement. Tahnee has not been received favorably by Makarovia. That should put her low on the target list."

I smiled as Edger took my grandmother to the dancefloor.

"Monday," Yuri began, "We will fly your friends back to Athens, Tahnee to Germany, and Boris and I will be flying back to Boston. We have to get ready for your return for your junior year at Northeastern."

"I can hardly wait," Peter said slightly dour.

I pressed my shoulder to Peter's side, "You need to be ready for all this urban planning in Makarovia!"

Peter's smile grew, "Did you know M. I. T. offers courses in urban science and urban planning?"

"I'm not surprised, but I didn't know specifically," I grinned. "Are we going to again go to the same school?"

"I got something great at Northeastern, so, why not?"

"Ted," I said getting a swat from Peter.

"And what about you and General Burke?" Peter grinned. "I never kissed Ted, but you kissed David and then Fedir..."

He was joking but I didn't let that stop me. I pointed at Peter, "One, I never kissed David, HE kissed front of his wife, Edmond, Mom, and Olek! Second, Fedir found those letters and tapes on Milo, Bren, and others that are on our website telling everyone the truth about those concentration camps in Germany during World War II and how Makarovia evolved socially and culturally! That deserved more than a handshake or even a hug!"

Peter was getting a lot of pleasure from this. He leaned in and kissed me. "I love you, husband."

Yuri grinned, "I just knew you'd be good for the monarchy."

I turned to Yuri, "You did NOT! Liar." I pointed accusingly at Yuri who saw my smile and knew I wasn't angry. He looked away briefly and was smiling himself, "You threatened to KILL me if anything happened to precious Peter when I first took him to Grandma's that first Christmas! Not to mention the first trip to the mall in Boston when I took Peter. And when you found out we were dating..."

Yuri shrugged and grinned, "Just doing my job."

Yuri and Boris were flying with Pano, Barry, and Edger back to Athens, Ryna was staying another two weeks to continue Cosmo's rehabilitation. Tahnee Schuman was returning to Germany and escorted Yuri and a couple of other guards. I had no doubt Yuri would tell Tahnee what she could expect in the future. Then Boris and Yuri would fly back to Boston to get things ready for another year at Northeastern. Peter and I had some years in Boston after we graduated from Northeastern. Peter could get his doctorate in Urban Planning. I could get mine in Deep Mining extraction and processing. Why not? Peter was very smart. I would like to think I could be smart, but I'd have to wait for my classes to start there. We were both motivated to do a job we NEEDED to do and do well to help Makarovia and Olek.

Peter and I would learn to further assist Cosmo recover from his injuries. Training Cosmo's body and reprogramming his mind and nervous system to behave correctly. I feared Cosmo might never be restored to a full security agent status. Yuri would be reluctant to post him where he might be physically asked to protect me or Peter. He might be put in a team of agents. However, his knowledge of what to do could be utilized. He could be Yuri's second-in-command. Why was Cosmo so important? He was willing to give his life...not just for us, but someone else who was being threatened, yes, because of Peter and me!

I know, I present the people of Makarovia as examples of a perfect people. They weren't perfect. Klaus Ordan was an example of a Makarovian that was not perfect. He was misgiven, but I no longer believed was truly bad. Like Peter, I think the conditions in Makarovia, and the lack of outside influences made a less...sophisticated people. There was less corruption like many other countries. I would have to ask Peter, Olek, and maybe Yuri if there was ever a truly corrupt guard, mayor, or other public person trusted, who proved to be untrustworthy.

Idle hands are the Devil's workshop. That was a statement my grandpa had told me many times. I was told many times that life in Makarovia was about being prepared. The weather was the main problem as everyone was so busy staying alive rather than getting themselves in trouble. The vices all Humans suffered were here, too. Alcoholism, physical and sexual abuse were here and a problem. We were now giving them something they only got during the Winter. Idle time. Leisure they knew so little of was rising. Naturally, the vices would also rise. Someone was going to think of a way to take liberties using the trust and power. It was inevitable.

Rolph and Andreea were beginning to pack for their move to Boston. Their daughters were excited to begin their new life in the West. As was Mikell, Mercea, Stepan, Vesil, and Alec.

It was back at the palace where my grandmother spoke to Peter and me about Tahnee.

"Imagine," Grandmother began with Peter and me. "Always looking in and never being able to relate or be accepted as apart. I don't believe she CAN be allowed in." She shook her head. "How sad for her."

"What if we did, anyway?" Peter asked. "Including her in spite of what she did? Wouldn't that show her our intentions are positive and good?"

Grandmother shrugged a shake of her head, "I don't see how that could work. She would always be looking for the angle. An ulterior motive. It's a process almost everyone has done with Tahnee. Both her husbands did it, though admitted to her by Helga's father Ernest and her second husband, Fritz, told her the truth."

"Helga learned some good values from SOMEONE." I said helplessly. "Was her father telling Tahnee the truth about why he married her or just telling her mother what she THOUGHT was true?"

Grandmother smiled simply at me, "I don't think we can ever know."

"The Consortium could use her to get to us!" Peter said a bit urgently. "If she's as amoral as you say, she may not think twice about betraying us."

I looked at Peter, "Couldn't we have a mental health professional observe Ms. Schuman? She doesn't even have to know she's being observed. We can get their expert opinion."

"We'll suggest it to Olek," Peter began. "I'm sure there's a psychologist or Psychiatrist in Germany who can do it."

"We can have several do it," I suggested. "We're talking about the future of Makarovia. I don't think we can afford not to." I shook my head. "Damned, Peter! I had no idea life here would be this complicated!"

"It wasn't!" Peter shot back. "When I brought you into the life is when it got complicated! You must be the cause."

Grandma chuckled. She saw our two faces and knew we were fine, razzing each other. She pointed at me. "Remember the ramifications I warned you about? This is one."

My arms went out helplessly, "Who could have possibly foretold THIS!?"

Next: Chapter 47: Makarovia II 37

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