
By Richard McQueen

Published on Dec 6, 2021


Story: Makarovia? Where the Hell Is That!?

Chapter 5 Olek Takes A Week Off

Author: Eric McQueen (

Adult Readers, Sexual Situations, Sex

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Olek is forced to take a week off.

Olek Takes A Week Off

We came back inside after a few minutes. He was right, it was still chilly outside even with it being the end of spring. After returning the jackets to our rooms, we went to the dining room. Peter led me through the corridors which he knew well. I needed to learn where things were in the palace. There was the dining room and a grand banquet hall. The difference being the dining room held twelve at a long table in the center, five on one side, five on the other and one on each end for King Olek and the other for Queen Alla.

The grand banquet hall could hold much more which we would dine in a few times that summer. The dining room was pretty...okay, most of the palace was pretty. I'll try to be...more expressive using other words. The table was in the center, again a lot of polished stone on the floor with decorative rugs. There was a fireplace on the opposite wall of the entrance. On the table....which was an elegant polished wooden table with everything needed, china, silver, crystal, but all assembled this time at one end to ease conversations. The three students that came with us were eating with us tonight. King Olek and Queen Alla came in and greeted the students.

"We appreciate your coming to help us with our new web page," Olek said to each of them in English.

The only girl smiled. Her name was Becky and a senior. She had dark hair she had pulled back and hanging down her back. About five feet and five inches tall and was young enough she was pretty without makeup. "I hope we'll do things well for you. This is a great country, Your Majesty. Your kingdom is so beautiful!"

"We are pleased you see it that way." Olek smiled.

"That's why Dean Sutton chose them," I said. "They have good eyes and can capture anything on film." I looked at Olek. "And since I've never been here, I can't show them around."

Olek chuckled. "Not to worry, I have someone to take them around Makarovia that speak English just fine."

I grinned. "I knew you would!"

"We can all speak English." Queen Alla said smiling. "And while you are here, we will, too."

The one named Daryl, blonde and blue-eyed and sort of lanky at six feet and some inches was a junior smiled. "Good, because I don't speak a word in anything but English."

The one named Kenny was stocky and dark headed about five feet and eight inches tall, also a junior gave his friend a little shove. "And he's not that good in English either." He laughed.

Daryl jabbed him back lightly. "And you can do better?"

Kenny grinned. "I speak English gooder than you!" He teased.

They were college students, the eldest was maybe twenty-two. That was Becky. Daryl and Kenny were about twenty.

"I'd love to see around Stryia, it's beautiful the way it is." She smiled. "I promise we'll capture that. It seems this whole country is unspoiled."

Olek smiled. "Most of our country's exports is mining, so much of the land was not...spoiled. The mountains have a lot of mines. You will find some are dangerous, but the two I chose to guide you around know that."

"This six hours difference will have an impact." Queen Alla said knowingly. "How long are you staying?"

Becky smiled. "Six weeks, plenty of time to see a lot."

Olek nodded. "You can work out where to go. Go as a group or even separately."

Becky nodded. "Well, Kenny's best at landscapes, while Daryl is good at natural flowers and wildlife. We should probably stick together for the first few days. And in the next six weeks, we need to get pictures of the four of you. We can do posed and candid. I know it will work out just fine."

Conversations flowed easily with everyone. It was toward the end of the meal Olek sat forward a bit.

"I know with the time might not be tired yet." Olek said. "And since you are our guests, there is a little nightlife here. If you're interested?"

I smiled. "I asked Peter about that. If they're not interested, I sure am."

Olek gave a shrug and did what Peter did. "It may not be like you're used to..."

"Olek," I smiled. "What this kingdom does have, you seem to have in plenty. We don't need all that...chaos."

Olek smiled and nodded. "I'm just warning you."

I got the feeling Olek and Peter would do that a lot. I understood that they were self-conscious about what wasn't in Makarovia. They needed reminding about what was here.

"We do have Wi-Fi." Olek said brightly. "Were you given the password?"

The three nodded, but I was surprised. Of course, they did. Olek and Queen Alla communicated all over the world. I found out most Makarovia didn't have cellphones. Most of the cellphones owners were in Stryia. Many throughout Makarovia had a computer, but they were all connected to those satellite dishes on the castle's rooftop. To have all those cellphone towers to connect Makarovia with the world made me worry again about cluttering the landscape. I inwardly sighed thinking that was inevitable. Things were going to change here. I wondered if they had a T-Mobile or Verizon in Makarovia. I supposed they could order a phone or even got it on vacation. I knew that in Skoal there would be all that...cellphones and towers. All would be transmitted here.

It was later Peter and I came into what Peter called the family room. Where Peter, Olek, and Queen Alla spent free time and saw other family members. Olek was there at the bar getting a drink. He looked up and smiled as Peter and I came in.

"Help yourselves." Olek waved at the different bottles of assorted alcohol. He wandered back to a chair sitting with a sigh.

"We were thinking we might go into Stryia tonight," Peter said. "We're still on Eastern Time."

I was looking at Olek and seeing him be...just Olek. He let his guard down briefly with us before. I smiled. "This has been a busy five years or more for you, hasn't it?"

Olek let out a breathy laugh. "You could say that."

I always try to be caring...and tactful, but I saw a weariness in him that just wasn't...just fatigue. "Olek," I said softly. "Please, I've grown to love you and I do love you the more I know you. Maybe it's because of my upbringing, but...when I say this...know I care about what happens to you, Queen Alla and..." I chuckled taking Peter's hand, "and of course Peter, but you know I care about him."

Olek chuckled and looked up surprised. "Of course."

"Whenever I ask something inappropriate, just tell me, but..." I smiled. "I've not known you that long, but...I hope you're taking care of yourself during all this."

Olek smiling softly. "I try." He said sadly.

Peter walked closer to his brother. "I wasn't much help to you in the past." He confessed quietly and regretfully. "My own feelings of not being to be with people fear," he sighed, "...part of the reason I wanted to go to Northeastern was to be a help to you. I saw what was happening and I couldn't just let you and Mom do it alone."

Olek smiled and got up, walking to Peter. "You were uncomfortably shy, incapacitated really, yet you went to a university in another country to help me?" He grinned even bigger. "When you said you wanted to go, I was happy you wanted to go, but you did it to help me?"

Peter nodded. "You've done so much and all I did was hide in my room! Eric's right about you, I saw it." Peter said. "You and Mom were off trying to make things were trying to keep Makarovia from being taken control of and our uranium. I was doing nothing. You've sacrificed so much. I know you've sacrificed any personal life. I thought I couldn't be out in the world, but that's why I'm taking all those courses, Urban Development, Urban Planning...I thought I could take some pressure off and help here in Makarovia."

"To help me!?" Olek shock, disbelief and he brought Peter in, kissed him hard on the cheek and didn't just hug, but a long embrace! Keeping Peter as close as he could as he rocked gently back and forth. "That is the nicest thing you've ever done for me, Peter." He held Peter back a little as tears were forming his eyes. "That's the nicest thing anyone's done for me."

Peter smiled. "I love you, Olek. You can't do this alone. My feelings about being out with people couldn't keep me from helping you. I couldn't let you do this alone. I still feel fear sometimes." He smiled at me. "But not as bad anymore."

I smiled back and squeezed his hand.

"You're both your father's sons." Queen Alla said coming in having heard what had been said. She was smiling at both of them. "Always considering others first."

Peter looked back at his mother. He shrugged a nod. "I suppose I am like Dad." He looked back at Olek. "We will help you. Going to the university was scary, finding Eric was...unexpected, but he's helped me..." He looked at Olek. "He got through to me."

I gave a sudden, somewhat embarrassed bow from the praise. "Peter's right. We will do what needs to be done and take some of this burden off your shoulders." I said. "You worked hard. There are people here that will protect what you've done. I hope you know; I'll help as much as Peter will." I got closer to Olek as well. "Have you had a day off?"

Olek's eyes widened. "A day off...I'm busy!" He smiled, "I didn't dare take one."

"You need one, Olek." Peter moved his head so Olek had to look in his eyes. "They are here...the military, the people to help train our people to get the uranium is coming. Mining will begin. Isn't there a lull in what's going on for you to take a few days off? Maybe go somewhere and just relax?"

Olek chuckled. "I don't know if I remember how."

Peter smiled. "We'll go with you...or you go alone...anywhere you think would be good." Peter shook his brother lightly in affection. "You're stressed, it will kill you if you don't slow down. What happened with Yvonne?"

Olek's eyes widened again. "Yvonne!?" He shook his head. "I haven't seen her in five years! She's married now with a kid or two."

"Kids, that could have been yours." Peter reminded. "Think about it."

Olek nodded. "There's still so much happening. We have other governments here...more people from the west...I can't! I'm busy!" He said again.

"Peter's right." Queen Alla said calmly walking over to us. "We often go places together when visiting, so I know before I ask the question. How many hours of sleep do you get a night?"

Olek gave another grudging nod. "As much as I can, I have things to do!"

Queen Alla smiled. "As much as we do, I get at least six to eight hours of sleep a night. I've taken days off on weekends often...granted it is often where I'm visiting, but I take time for myself. You don't."

Peter smiled. "I know there's a lot of pressure." He said. "But we're here for two and a half months! Now, you're going to pick somewhere...and we go!"

"How can I?" Olek asked helplessly.

"You have to!" Peter said firmly. "When Dad died...not much older than you are were in college, younger than I am now. Who took charge of Makarovia until you finished?"

Olek looked at all of us, but Queen Alla waved to Olek. She had.

Olek let a frustrated breath out. "But things are different!"

"I know." Queen Alla nodded. "But I'm not going to doing anything to upset things. We have a few days to let things settle into place. You pick somewhere and go." She took Peter's hand. "They come with you to make sure you go and relax." She smiled again. "They go...and you go. You'll be a phone call away if you're needed."

Olek's mouth dropped open and he was about to protest.

"Olek," I said to him. "Why did you do all this?"

"To make things better for Makarovia!"

"Makarovia needs you." I nodded. "But Makarovia needs you...alive."

"I'd like it to be two weeks." Queen Alla said. "I'll settle for one."

"I have meetings scheduled!" Olek protested. "I can't leave."

"We'll have those meetings rescheduled." Queen Alla said. "They will understand, Olek."

"But...but..." Olek began.

"You're going." Queen Alla said firmly.

"And we're going with you to see you do relax. Mom says so." Peter grinned. "Besides, we haven't spent time together in a while. You can get to know Eric!" He said happily. "Don't you want to spend time with me?"

Olek smiled. "Of course, I do..."

"Pick where we go...and we'll be off!" Peter smiled. "We go."

Olek threw his hands up in defeat. "Fine."

Peter and I took the elevator down to the ground level.

"You were five when your father died." I knew from reading it and Peter had told me.

Peter nodded. "I was. Olek was in college in Switzerland. He became king." He smiled. "Mom stepped in as Queen after that. Regent really, since she was Queen Consort, but she did a great job and the people love her. After Olek became king, she just never stepped down. They don't want her to."

I smiled. "She earned her place as Queen."

Peter nodded. "She's good. She can charm anyone." He waved his hand stating fact simply. When the elevator stopped Peter walked off walking backward. "Now, I'm sort of new to Styria's nightlife myself. We can investigate together." He smiled as two men came behind us. Clearly, they were security. Not the security I had become accustomed to in Boston, but security, nonetheless. "We aren't threatened here, are we?"

The one smiled. "There are others here now. Your brother didn't think it would anymore."

I nodded and looked at Peter. "There were Russian military exercises just on the border. There are dangers now." I reminded him.

Peter nodded. "I suppose." He sighed. "I guess this comes from having something others want." He looked at the security sadly.

"That's right," I said. "You've become a power in the world...and a target."

Peter shook his head. "I hate that things will change; I wish that didn't have to happen."

"I wish it didn't, too." I looked up the clear night's sky. "I haven't even seen much of Makarovia yet, so the change won't be as shocking for me." I took his hand. "It will be a change that hopefully will be worth it for everyone in Makarovia. It doesn't have to be all bad."

"Not everyone here will tolerant of us." Peter said. "I mean Makarovians, not us..."

"There will be some here that may not be tolerant of us, Peter. The more people thrown in the mix will bring trouble." I said waving at the two of us.

Peter frowned.

"The people here have lived here a while and they learned to be tolerant because they weren't tolerated themselves."

Peter shook his head and turned to our two security men. "Okay, where do you go for entertainment in Stryia?"

The two security men looked at each other and then smiled.

"We know just where to go." One smiled.

The two security men were young, in their early thirties. One, Karl, was as I had seen before in the United States, big. He was well over six feet and while he didn't have the dark suit and glasses, everything about this blue-eyed bald man said security. I could see from the razor used to shave his head, he was losing his hair and just decided to get rid of all of it rather than have a comb-over. The other was Marko, sandy colored hair with his height just under six feet.

"Is there a nightclub or something we can go to?" I asked.

Karl nodded. "So, you want loud and to dance?"

Peter nodded. "I've never done it here, but...yes."

Marko waved at an SUV. "We'll have to drive there." He said. "It's not in Stryia...exactly."

"Since you know drive." Peter said.

Once in the vehicle, they drove out that huge gate and we headed away from Stryia. We headed toward a range of mountains that shadowed the night sky. The road was well traveled and paved, arriving at the first parking lot I'd seen in Makarovia. Once we got out of the SUV, I heard the thump of bass rhythmically pounding. It didn't matter what country or what nationality, there was one constant. People loved to dance. Looking around, I saw the scattered cars parked among the trees...parked wherever there was a spot. There was no building! And there was no line of people waiting to gain entrance with a man standing to let people in one or two at a time. There were people going in as they wanted to. There were lights to show the path that like the road we traveled and it was traveled by many people. The brightest light came from a gaping hole in the side of a mountain. A sign said "Grotto." The entrance was wide, and the path was dirt, but gradually declined as we went in where the sound was even louder mixed with voices talking and laughter. It was what the name said. A grotto or cavern. The flashing lights and strobes were dancing as lively as the many dancing. There was a dance floor that was laid down and there were the bars on the edge of it serving drinks to many visiting and talking.

A man was suddenly rushing over. He was in his late forties and balding, but he was smiling at us.

"Prince Petro!" He said happily. "We've never seen you here!"

Peter smiled. "You never saw me here, because I didn't know you were here." He smiled at the happy faces of men and women dancing. Couples of male and female, couples consisting of two males and couples that were two one cared!

The man nodded holding his hand out. "I'm Dan." He gave a happy shrug and nod. "Danilo, really." He waved back at the crowd. "Welcome to the Grotto." Then we noticed another man, older than Dan come over in his fifties. "Dimitri! Look who's here!!" He said excitedly.

Dimitri was a good-sized man, not just height wise, he liked to eat! Not fat, but a few pounds he didn't need. "Welcome, Prince Petro!" He said sticking his hand out to Peter. "My husband and I are so happy you've come." He put his arm around Dan.

Peter nodded and put his arm around me. "And this is..."

"Oh, we know who you two are!" Dan instantly said happily. "All of Makarovia knows you both!" He waved behind him a giant screen set up. "We had quite a turn out that night, we all saw that interview."

I chuckled. "I suppose they did." I nodded.

Peter smiled. "And I prefer Peter, okay?"

"Do you own this?" I smiled waving at the Grotto.

"Sure!" Dan nodded. "There are two others that aren't here right now, but Dimitri started it in..." he looked at his husband, "...what year was that? 1995 or 96?"

"The summer of 1995." Dimitri nodded. "I was a lot younger then." He chuckled rubbing his greying head of hair.

"He came from Russia after the Soviets broke up and..." Dan waved at the Grotto. "He couldn't build a place like this in town...too much noise, but he saw this cavern and...three years later it began to go crazy. Everyone's welcome here!"

I was just as bad as others. I was pleased to see another couple comprised of two men but still surprised. And say what you will, no, it's not fair, but...lesbians were not held accountable as gay men were during World War II! Gay men were the most imprisoned in the concentration camps. There were couples here that were lesbian, but male couples outnumbered them. Sorry. Don't misunderstand, there were plenty of heterosexual couples, but they didn't think anything about the other couples. They came and danced with everyone else.

Then we heard very loud laughter and someone calling someone else "you fucking asshole," clearly in English followed by hearty laughter.

Looking there was a group of about five, three guys and two girls who were young, probably just out of high school. Were they old enough to even drink? The law for the military was they could on base at seventeen. The reasoning there was they were willing to put their lives on the line and die for their country, so why not? I doubted anyone of these five even had that cross their minds. All were wearing jeans and shirts as it was warmer but would get cooler as the night came on. The cavern kept its temperature mostly and with all these sweating bodies, it would be warm. These five were military.

"Beware," I said to Dan, Dimitri, and Peter. "The Americans are here," I said not sure how this mixture would work.

"Beer," Dan said sourly in distaste. "That's what they drink...with chasers. No ales or stouts, just Busch or Michelob...something."

I grinned and slapped Dan on the arm. "And just think!" I said brightly. "Soon there will be even more of them! Though the British like theirs without it being cold."

Peter watched as the group was kidding each other and laughing. "What about security? They are surely getting drunk!"

Dan grinned and pointed to the cavern wall. "They bring their own."

At the entrance off to the side and around, there were military uniforms. The letters MP on the sleeves.

"Military Police." I nodded. "That's smart of them."

Dimitri shook his head. "No. I insisted they bring those. I'm not dealing with any drunken brawls here. This a place for everyone...everyone's welcome." He jutted his head toward the military members. "Including them; good behavior is a requirement."

Dan smiled. "Are you sure you're American?" He asked. "You have no accent!" He marveled.

Laughing back. "I am, but I've spoken Makarovian for almost a year now. Ukrainian all my life. I should hope I don't have an accent now."

Peter was looking around at everyone here. "I never knew this was here." He said amazed.

I nodded. "Well, now you do." I smiled as the song was one of those electronic never-ending beats and just morphed to the next song. "Let's go, Twinkletoes!"

We danced several dances, but there was one problem. Most everyone there from Makarovia knew who Peter and I were and came over to speak. After about four hours, I saw Peter yawn.

"Okay, Peter." I grinned pulling him to me kissing him on the way up. "Bedtime."

Peter smiled. "Okay." He nodded and we left to go back to the castle.

On the way home, Peter told me some more. "There is fifteen to sixteen years difference between Olek and me."

"That may be why you get along so well."

Peter nodded with a smile. "He was a great brother." He smiled at me. "A big brother. Then when Dad died, he was thrust into being king and..." he shrugged, "he didn't forget me. In many ways, he became my father after Dad died. I remember Dad, but not really that well. He's more of a face occasionally and feelings. Olek is the one I remember being there." He frowned. "Up until five or ten years ago; then he was gone a lot." He shrugged a nod. "I don't blame him for that...but I wish he'd been there more."

I nodded. "You don't blame him, but do you understand why he was gone?"

Peter chuckled. "Not at first, I didn't understand, but after I saw what was happening, I did." He looked at me. "Mom told me that our father was just like Olek is now. Driven. Dad was only a few years older than Olek is now." He frowned. "Dad died of a heart attack; most likely brought on by stress. I can't let that happen to Olek."

"Then, you and I are going to make damned sure he goes and relaxes." I smiled. "What about this Yvonne?"

Peter nodded. "They met in Switzerland while he was in college. She was the daughter of a very rich banker and from Luxembourg." He smiled. "You know where..."

I gave him a look through lowered eyes. "I hate math, but I know Geography. I know where that is."

Peter chuckled. "Okay, sorry." He smiled. "They were, I thought...heading toward a wedding, but this uranium thing came up and..." he shrugged helplessly.

I nodded. "He did sacrifice a lot." But I heard Peter's fear about losing Olek like he had his father.

Peter nodded. "He did. That's why I won't let him down. I don't want to let Makarovia down, but I can't let Olek down most of all."

"I agree, you can't," I said. "You and I won't let him down."

We got back and went to our bedroom. I emailed my grandmother to let her know what was happening and I turn around sensing Peter nearby. Turning, I grinned at the very naked Peter standing at the doorway between the bedroom and living area. The dim light and his naturally pale skin and that black, black hair...sent chills through me.

"I'm a little cold," Peter said smiling. "Care to warm me up?"

"Practically every moment of the day, baby." I chuckled getting up and pulled my t-shirt off and got rid of the pajama bottoms and tackled him onto the bed.

Peter was becoming with himself. What he'd experienced had an effect on him, which he was now recovering. As I said before, sex was always good with Peter and occasionally mind-blowing. That night was done in love again. No explosions of sensation, but warm and connecting in love.

It was Saturday morning, the day before we were taking Olek where he chose to go. We come in for breakfast to find Olek sitting talking on the phone, which, when he saw us, told whomever he'd call back and hung up. He looked showered, but I wondered when he got up.

"You had a nice night." He stated grinning as he slid one of those tablet computer thingys over to us. He tapped the screen. "See?"

Peter and I looked at the screen. There we were in the Grotto dancing our butts off. This image, of course, had the music and us actually dancing. A recording.

"How...when....who..." Peter sputtered.

"You left off what and why." I grinned at Peter and looked at the screen.

"Becky, Daryl and Kenny were there, too." Olek smiled. "Didn't you see them?"

"No!" Peter shook his head.

I nodded. "Then we got the right people for the job."

Peter agreed with a smile but looked at his brother. "So, where are we going?" He asked Peter.

Olek sighed. "I really can't..."

Peter now was a little angry. "Olek!!" Making his brother's eyes widen. "You are going to kill yourself, just like Dad did. You can and will!" He shouted nearly shouted and then sighed. "I'm sorry." He said to Olek. "I'm not..." he thought, "well, yes, I am mad at you." He nodded. "If you can't see how important you are, not to just Makarovia, but to me...!"

Olek smiled and nodded. "Okay. There is a place on the Italian Riviera we can go to. I haven't been there in a while, but it's nice."

"Sure." Peter nodded. "They need contacting if we come. What's the name of the place?"

"There is the Excelsior Hotel in Rapallo. It's on the water." Olek said as his phone rang. "Excuse me."

"He'll never relax with that thing," Peter muttered to me.

Queen Alla came in. "Has he decided?" She asked sitting at the table as Olek walked off to talk on the phone.

"Excelsior on Rapallo?" Peter asked.

Queen Alla nodded. "Which he knows is booked right now. It's the beginning of Summer!" She smiled shaking her head. "Your brother's not stupid." She grinned, "But, neither am I. I know what he's up to, strategizing that he can't go because there's no availability. I had a backup plan; you'll be leaving in the morning." She waggled her eyebrows. "Just you boys help him pack. Make sure he packs his swimming trunks..." she shrugged, "...or not. Where I'm sending you, you don't necessarily need one. I want him to be tan when you get back. Bring sunscreen."

I grinned at Peter. "Lots of sunscreen." I looked at his pale skin.

Peter rolled his eyes. "Do you see a lot of sun here? When there is sun, it's usually too cold to go uncovered!"

"Apparently, that won't be a problem where we're going." I smiled.

Peter and I did our packing and were ready to go in the morning. Then we went to check on Olek. Peter walked down the corridor to another set of doors and knocked. It was late afternoon, so I wondered if Olek was even in his room. It just took a minute and the door opened and Olek was again, talking on the phone. His eyes widened seeing us.

"Finish your call," Peter instructed and walked past him into Olek's room. Olek's room was pretty much the same as Peter's...only he had a slightly bigger, make that two computers. Both on and displayed different things I knew were about Makarovia. "Where're your suitcases?" He asked Olek, but walked in more.

Olek finished his phone call and looked at both Peter and me. "The hotel has no vacancies. We can't go."

Peter smiled still looking for the suitcases. "Yes, Mom thought of that." He bounced. "You're going." He looked around. "The suitcases?"

Olek's face sort of turned...not into a frown, but he knew he'd been outwitted. "Over there." He said annoyed as he pointed across the room in the corner. And his phone rang again!

Peter went to the corner and picked up a suitcase. "And not packed." He nodded. "Let's get busy, Eric."

Peter and I started going through Olek's clothes. Most of what he had were suits and dress shirts. We had to look to find more casual clothes. Short sleeved shirts and shorts were hard to find. Casual shoes? We couldn't find them. The need for sunscreen needed told me it was a beach, so he could go barefoot...or we got them when we get there...wherever that was going to be.

Finally, we had him packed, the whole time he was on the phone and then sitting at the computer and talking on the phone. When that was done, he hung up and looked at us. "It's almost dinner time."

Peter nodded. "So, let's go." He said helping his brother to his feet and pushed him gently out the door.

At the dinner table, Queen Alla asked about the upcoming meetings he had scheduled that had been rescheduled. Olek wasn't too happy about leaving, but he was getting the idea he had no choice. After eating he got up after excusing himself and went back to his rooms.

Peter watched his brother leave and shook his head. "He's so attached to that phone."

Queen Alla nodded. "I've taken care of that, too." She smiled. "We just need to get him on that plane." She looked at me.

Olek was just seeing what he needed do, not what he was doing to Peter and Queen Alla.

"I can talk to him?" I suggested hesitantly. "What's worse is he throws me out of Makarovia."

Peter chuckled. "He won't do that."

I gave Peter the look that asked, are you sure?

I walked up to Olek's room and knocked softly.

"What?" Olek asked slightly bothered before even seeing me. His eyes widened a little seeing it was only me. "Oh, I thought...well..." He sounded very irritated. "I'm going," Olek said stepping away from the door but didn't close it. "Alright?"

I looked at him and pointed to the floor. "May I?" Olek just nodded but didn't look at me. "Okay." I nodded coming in. "Now, I'll ask you as I did before about why you're doing what you've done. So, you're going. Why?"

Olek shook his head. "Because everyone insists I go."

"Why do they insist that?"

"Because they think I can't handle the pressure." Olek groused.

"But you know you can." I reasoned.

"I have to," he said and I heard the stress in his voice, "who else would do this?" Olek asked.

"Well, Peter may have to," I said hoping he'd see that.

"Peter?" Olek looked puzzled.

"Again, I'm probably way out of line, so I'm sorry for what I'm going to say," I said. "But Peter is scared and so is Queen Alla." I saw his eyes widen. "Peter lost his father and told his father died, I'm told because he was stressed and driven. As you are now. You mean so much to Peter. When your father died. Peter told me you were here, with him and he not only saw you as his big brother but a father as well." I said each word pointing at Olek. "If you follow the same path as your father did, he's scared you will die, too." I shrugged. "No one should be forced to go on vacation. No one should be coerced to take it easy for a week, but you are making them do that. Peter will have to take the throne if you die. Is he ready? Did anyone ask you when your father died if he thought you were ready, did you think you were ready?"

Olek was listening. His face got less defensive.

"Peter is a smart man and I know he can do it, but he might not think he can. Your stepmother helped you and I will help Peter, but Queen Alla knew what is needed to rule from being at your father's side while he was king. I don't!" He was now looking away, but he was listening. "You have done a job president could ever do. You have taken a resource and gotten people to help you...not only get this uranium out but to protect Makarovia while doing it. That's incredible! I don't know of anyone that could do it half as well as you did, but you did it." I smiled. "Now, if for no other reason than to make Peter feel make Queen Alla feel better...they want you to take a week and calm down,!" I shrugged. "Because they want you around! Is it too much to ask that you take a week and do that to make them feel better?" I waved out the little window. "You have got millions of people depending on you, I know, but you've done a DAMNED good job. Everyone loves you, but Peter loves you the most!"

Olek dropped his head a little, he got it this time and sighed. "I guess I just didn't see that."

I smiled. "And I want you around. I'm liking you more and more each day! My family's gone except my grandmother. Now I have a new family and I'll be damned if I let you go. I love you, Olek!"

Olek chuckled. "Yes, I'm loving you, too." He came over and hugged me in one of holding embraces he only gave Peter and now me. "Too bad you're not female; I'd try to steal you from Peter."

I shook my head. "Well, it's a good thing I'm not. If I had been, Peter and I wouldn't have fallen in love and you and I wouldn't be having this lovely conversation. Besides, I love that Ivanov man way too much."

Olek chuckled. "I saw that the first day I met you."

"Did Peter tell you? I am taking his name?"

Olek's eyes widened, but he smiled. "You are?"

"I have no children to pass it down to and I told Peter, I want to be as much a part of him as possible. Taking the name just made sense." I looked at Olek. "Do you mind?"

Olek was smiling as he shook his head. "I think our father would be proud to have you in the family. Prince Eric Ivanov of Makarovia." He nodded. "It has a ring to it!"

"Do we go back and tell Peter and Queen Alla you'll go willingly and gladly?"

Olek nodded. "Let's go." He grinned and hugged me again. "You're a good, good man, I'm proud you're my brother."

Olek and returned to the dining room, where Peter looked up looking, but seeing Olek's smile as we walked in, he relaxed. Olek walked over to Peter who stood up. Olek hugged Peter.

"I could use some time away," Olek said quietly. "We haven't spent time together in a long time. I will love spending a week with you..." he brought me into a hug with the two of them, "and your future husband who I see has become very important to you...and to me." He sighed as his phone rang again.

Queen Alla smiled. "Where you're going is an island off the coast of Sicily, it's private and no one will be there except you three, security and a couple of workers." She said. "A wealthy man owns it, and he uses it to get away from the world..." she smiled. "No bars for your cellphone there." She pointed to the phone.

Olek looked a little surprised but then nodded. "That could be nice." He looked at his phone, frowned and put his phone down unanswered. "It can go to voice mail. I'll talk to him later."

It was morning when I woke next to Peter as I heard something. Waking I recognized the droning sound a large airplane as it flew overhead. It even woke up Peter who looked puzzled.

"A military transport or cargo plane from the sound of it," I said absently. "I know we'll hear that a lot."

Peter nodded. "Even the skies here are changing."

I rolled to face him. "Everything changes, it's just life. Whether it will be good or bad, we do have some control. We'll make it the best change possible." I kissed him.

He nodded giving me a little smile. "Thanks for talking with Olek last night."

"You said that last night, but it wasn't a problem," I said. "Olek's a nice man, he was just so tunneled into what he had to do...he forgot about much of everything else." I smiled. "This is a good thing, marrying you."

Peter's grey-green eyes became amused. "That's good to hear, but there's something else in what you're saying." He said knowing me.

"Sure, I'm flying all over the world, eating good food and now going...somewhere to vacation with two handsome Ivanov of which I love more than I can express."

Peter chuckled. "Olek."

I sighed, mockingly sad. "You found me out." I grinned. "But you know better. He did tell me if I was female, he'd try to steal me from you, so I think we're safe because I'm not doing any physical alterations."

We came to breakfast and it didn't take too long before Olek came in...whistling. He was...dressed in nice slacks and a nice shirt.

"Good morning, family." Olek said happily.

"Olek," Peter said to his brother. "You're not dressed to go on a vacation!"

Olek looked down at what he had on. "Well, you brothers packed all the casual clothes I have." He said sitting at the table.

"You'll change when we get there," Peter said.

It was around ten in the morning when we waited at that little airport to board its only plane. Again, there was the sound of a large aircraft which we all looked up and saw the large plane lower to land in Skoal.

"We'll see and hear that a lot more," Olek said as he watched the plane pass over.

"All for a good reason." Queen Alla said to him and looked at him. "There is a phone on the island, so we'll call if you're needed, but...we'll call you if we need you." She smiled. "Now, relax." She commanded softly and smiled bigger at Olek. "Your father would be so proud of you." She remembered her husband. "And you, Peter. All of this will be for the better, you'll both see to that." She said confidently. "And you, Eric." She smiled at me. "You've proven to be an asset to this family. Which you are now a part of."

I smiled. "Thank you, Queen Alla."

She frowned as she moved her head back a little. "Okay, we have to do something about that." She shook her head. "I know who I am, but...I know you had a mother, but...I'm Peter's mother and you're a part of him now...can we call us something else?"

I nodded. "Sure, if you don't mind being called Mom by me?"

She hugged me. "That will be wonderful." She waved us to the waiting plane. "Now, go, relax." She said to us.

The plane ride was only a couple of hours before we were told we were landing. Then we were driven to a port and told to board a boat. We traveled a couple of more hours before we arrived at this island with one single building. Olek looked at his phone and gave a shrug.

"Yep, no bars." He said and tossed his phone aside.

The island was not covered with trees, the only vegetation was brush, there were a couple of trees near the house, but they appeared to be for decoration. It was a villa, spread out overlooking white sandy beaches as it neared the end of the day. The only people here were people that worked here. One chef and someone to help keep the place tidy. We had four men for security. That was it.

The inside was spacious but very open to the warm breezes. Bringing our luggage in, Peter and I got a room and put our luggage in it.

Peter took my hand and we went to Olek's room. Knocking, but the door was open as Olek was changing clothes. Okay, I admit it. Olek was very attractive. There were marked differences between the two Ivanov men. Both shared their father's black hair; they were about an inch or two in height of each other. Peter's skin was very fair, as you know because I've said that. Olek had more...color? He had pink in his flesh color. He could use some sun, but he was darker than his brother. Olek had brown eyes, Peter's were as I said...light grey green. Their mothers were different and that reflected in each. Peter I knew worked out, but so did Olek. It showed on both of them. Olek was forty-one, but his hair was cut short and well-groomed and solid black. His beard was cut short around his face, and no grey was seen for now. Whether he used anything or not...I couldn't tell you, but I knew on men, the first grey often showed in the temples and beard. Whatever his busy schedule was, he took the time to keep that up. I wasn't blind, and he was handsome, so, yes, I was attracted to Olek. I am human, but I loved Peter. There would never be any conflict there.

Olek turned with a smile as he pulled his shirt on and I saw he was not bare-chested, as in hair. There were dark hairs that covered his muscles. The differences again was Peter's hair were dark against his skin making a stark contrast, Olek's was not. He looked down at the shorts he had on and left his shirt unbuttoned. "I guess I do need some more casual clothes." He chuckled. He looked out the large sliding doors in his bedroom as setting sun shone through as it was heading below the horizon. "This will take a while." He sighed. "I keep feeling there's something I need to be doing."

Peter nodded walking over. "There can do nothing. That, for you, is going to take effort for you."

I looked out the window at the beach, the sand and water were very inviting. "Do the workers here speak..." I asked. "They probably don't speak Makarovian, but Italian. I don't speak Italian."

Olek shrugged. "I can a little, but they probably speak English. We'll be good."

Peter grinned at his brother. "I didn't see a bathing suit when I packed for you. Of course, Mom said you only need sunscreen."

Olek shrugged. "Well, I don't need one, do I?" He asked looking at me and then Peter.

I chuckled. "I'll try not to stare too much. I don't mind seeing your naked royal ass."

Olek chuckled and shook his head. "We'll all be naked if we do," Olek said firmly. "Understood?"

Peter jutted his head to me. "He's seen my naked ass many, many times. No problem."

"I don't care," I admitted. "However, there are a lot of people that would love to have a photo of naked king and prince. Remember Prince Andrew?" I asked. "One telephoto image of him naked on a boat went viral. And Prince Harry was captured naked. They went viral."

"But no one knows we're here. We shouldn't be stalked." Peter said. "We're not really on a frequented sea traffic area."

Olek nodded. "If a picture of us does surface..." he shrugged. "It's not the worst thing to happen. We're human males and we all have the same things; we have dicks and an ass!" Then he smiled at me. "Nude beaches are all over. How is it in the United States?"

"I know there are a few." I smiled.

"If they get a picture of me or you two naked..." he shrugged. "Now, if they caught me having sex, what would that prove? I'm human, it's what we do. Now, if they want a detailed recording in Technicolor and High Definition up close, then I have a problem with it." Olek said simply. "We'll be okay."

We did walk on the beach...yes, we still wore our clothes. Peter and I both watched Olek. He was right, he was sort of fidgety. This was going to take a while.

Later in our bedroom, as we changed for dinner Peter sat on the bed. He sighed. "I am worried, you know that, about Olek."

I nodded and sat by him. "I know. The problem is...there's no one really here for him." I looked at Peter's surprised look. "I mean...just for him. Like I'm here for you. He really needs someone in his life. A companion. A brother is great, but he needs companionship. Male or female, he needs someone. Someone he wants there, who wants to be there with him." I smiled. "He's definitely a catch," I said smiling. "I'm sure there are many that would love his attention. We just need to make sure he takes the time."

Peter nodded. He bumped his forehead against mine gently. "I love you."

"That's always nice to hear," I said. "I love you."

We had a nice dinner and Olek was still having trouble...relaxing. The only female on the island was the cook and housekeeper. She was an older woman in her early fifties, her husband was also there to help out, keep things clean and do...things needed in the villa. I don't know, unclog a sink and things like that. The security was there, but not with us all the time.

It was later in the big room that was used for people to talk or watch TV or something where Olek let out a grunt from the plush chair he sat in.

"This is insane," Olek said in frustration. "No internet, no phone...I can't sit still!"

"We can watch a movie," Peter suggested waving at the shelf of books and various cases of music and movies. "There's a good library."

Olek smiled at us. "You two don't have to worry. I can't go anywhere and I can't use my phone and there is no computer." He chuckled looking at us. "You two don't have to keep me company."

I nodded. "You're right, we don't have to. We want to. Are we bad company?"

Olek shook his head and smiled. "No, of course not, but I don't want it to be like an obligation."

Peter smiled at his brother. "It's not."

I waved at the library. "So, pick something."

Olek found something he said he'd wanted to see but never had time before. He put it in the player. It took a few minutes and he became interested and watched...for a while. I nudged Peter and waved to where his brother was. Sound asleep. Peter smiled seeing that and we left Olek alone. When the movie ended, Peter got up, covered his brother with a blanket and held his hand out to me.

"I prefer a bed." He said smiling. "He's finally starting to unwind; he knows where to go."

The next day, we saw that Olek had woken up during the night and had gone to bed. It was later when Peter suggested we go to the beach. Towels for the sand and sunscreen carried. No surprises as we undressed to lay in the sun. Yep, no surprises to see Olek was male. Now to me, he was just a man. He was fine being naked and so were Peter and me. I did insist Peter put on plenty of sunscreen. And before you ask, Olek put his own to his skin, except for his back, which Peter did this time for Olek. I loved how well the two got along. They were brothers, but also, they were good friends.

We did spend a few hours in the sun and even swam in the waters of the Tryyhenian Sea. I found out the island we were on was north of Sicily. I even heard there was a volcano not far. A fact I asked Peter about, which he was quick to point out there were a few nearby. The closest was only twenty kilometers away... (yeah, I was getting used to this whole metric thing) ...the other about thirty. The area was known for them. I just got here and now they were going to erupt!? Still, it was on my mind at first.

It took a day or so for Olek to get Makarovia and all that was going on off his mind. We didn't just spend time at the beach, but there was little to do. Well, we did get Olek the chance to see the movie he fell asleep watching the night before. There were books and other things, like games we would play, and I smiled as Olek finally seemed to relax. Monopoly in Italian wasn't too different, Monopoli in Italian, but places like Park Place was Parco della Vittoria, Free Parking was Posteggio Gratuito and the money was in Lire. The rules were the same, so I was good. The cards like Chance were written in Italian, Impreisti, so Olek had to read them to me. There was a lot of laughter and things began to ease with everyone, especially Olek, you could see it.

"Your major is in the industrial, correct?" Olek asked me as he counted his money had gotten during the game to buy a property, Via Roma.

I nodded. "That's right. I was focusing my studies to make things..." I remembered Peter had not understood at first when I told him about the green part of the ecology. "I want to make sure it's safe for the environment."

"What about mining?" Olek asked.

I nodded. "There are dangers," I said getting the dice to roll again. "I only just began reading up on it. There is a chemical leaching, there are means of dealing with uranium mill waste. There are ways of cleaning up...standards for stabilization and restoration. Things are improving with that." I looked at Olek. "There will still be dangers."

Olek nodded. "I know." He sighed. "We'll discuss it in more detail further, but...would you be willing to ensure the ones helping us bring the uranium out adhere to the safeguards?"

I sat back a little startled. "That's a big job, Olek!"

He nodded. "And a big responsibility. Do you think you could do it? If you can't that's fine..."

I shook my head. "I'm not afraid of doing the job, but...will they listen to me?"

Olek nodded. "They would have to." He said simply. "The authorization and procedure have to go through me. I can say no to anything, including whether a group or country stay in Makarovia." He sighed. "Most of what I've been doing recently is making sure the others are adhering to the agreement. To get the uranium out, we need help. To tell a country or group no and tell them to leave, we lose that help...and support."

"So, it will go through you. I report to you..."

"At first, perhaps, would have the throne's backing and support. If you determine a country is not following the're a member of the royal family..." he waved simply, "guidelines you will help form. You tell them to leave. They leave."

Peter was watching my reaction and smiling but said nothing.

"Olek, I need more training," I said.

He nodded. "Of course, you will. Where's the best place to do that?"

I remembered most of the information I found was one place. "MIT."

Olek nodded. "The Massachusetts Institute of Technology." He looked at me. "Would you be willing to go there?" He reached over and took my hand. "No pressure. I swear, but I'd trust you before many. I understand that's most important to you."

This was all to help Olek. Peter had said he wanted to and was willing to step out, even if he was terrified to do that. There was nothing to think about. How could I say no? "Sure, I'll go. I won't let you down."

Olek smiled. "It will be fine."

I nodded. "I need to finish my three years at Northeastern. Then I have to be admitted."

"And three or four more years at MIT." Olek smiled. "The uranium extraction begins soon. There are those that are doing the job safeguarding the process for now, but it will be a long time doing it. I want to keep Makarovia safe."

"I'm your man." I just hoped I didn't bite off more than I could chew!

"Now," Olek said happily as I rolled the dice. "Prepare to go broke!"

Chapter 14

Next: Chapter 6

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