
By Richard McQueen

Published on Dec 7, 2021


Story: Makarovia? Where the Hell Is That!?

Chapter 6 The Generals

Author: Eric McQueen (

Adult Readers, Sexual Situations, Sex

Freedom of expression is precious. To do that Nifty needs help. Your donation is greatly desired. Give to or this story ends and all the others! That would be a crime!

Eric and Peter meet the Generals for the United States and Great Britain.

The Generals

Olek was relaxing and it showed. It was good to see. Peter won the game though. I knew he was a pirate at heart. He got too much glee when Olek and I did go broke.

When after dinner and another movie, we retired for the evening. As we got ready for bed, Peter was smiling, but he was happy about something other than winning the game or anticipation of what usually happened at night between us. His smile was in his eyes as he looked at me.

"What?" I asked him as I pulled the bed down.

Peter shrugged, still smiling. "My brother is really trusting you."

My eyes widened and I grinned. "You make that sound like that's surprising."

"No." He chuckled. "You' willing to help! He really sees that." He crawled over the bed to me. "He can see you care."

I smiled closing the gap between us. "You know I do."

Peter nodded almost laughing. "Not just about me, not just about him, but Makarovia!"

"I'll be part of Makarovia. It will be my home." I pulled him down over me. "This is a new revelation for you?"

"Not for me, but Olek sees that," Peter said resting his head on his propped elbow. "This job, you'll do it, won't you?"

"Don't you think I can do it?" I asked, wondering why he asked me that.

"I know you can do it. My question is whether this is what you want." Peter said and nodded. "I know you. I think I do. You were studying to do it in another area. We're talking about mining. Uranium mining."

"Why wouldn't I want to?" I asked.

Peter shrugged a nod. "I'm not saying you wouldn't. You told me why you went to Northeastern University. sure you want to do this."

I sort of understood. "Mining uranium was not a consideration, but it's the same thing. I want to be there for the progression, but I want to make sure they're safe doing that. It's the same goal, protecting the Earth and the people that live here are safe. I will still." I smiled. "I'm pleased with how things shaped up for me personally. A year ago, I had buried my mother and the sale of the house was being finalized and I was looking forward to an uncertain future by going to Northeastern." I pulled Peter to me by wrapping my arms around him, as if he weren't right against me now. "There I meet this amazing human being I fell in love with. You know what happened next." I chuckled as we kissed. "I've said it before...I've not been bored since the day we met." I shook my head. "I'll do this...job Olek wants me to do. I want to do it." I shrugged. "I was overwhelmed by the gravity of it, but I can't let Makarovia down, Olek or you. I'll do the best job."

"Because you're taking it personally, not some brainy guy doing the job because it's your job assigned to do that. You're protecting your home." Peter smiled even more. "I have no doubt you will." He kissed me gently. "I'm feeling..." he smiled at me as his face took on desire, "a little chilly."

"It's a good thing I know how to warm you up."

Olek was...a different man! Relaxing, even more, I got to see more of Olek, the fun...easy going person. He laughed and joked, then tension was more than I realized on Olek before. Now, he was feeling a lot better. There was a definite difference.

All was great, until...

To the sound of seabirds and the gentle sound of the surf, I woke up and stretched. The weather had been great, and the sun was warm as I rolled over to see Peter and Olek. I sat up when I saw...Peter was asleep, but turning red! He had been lying on his stomach and his back was very pink, as was the buttocks. I grabbed our things and looked at my watch. We'd been asleep for a few hours and...well...

"Peter!" I shook him awake. "We've been asleep two hours!"

Olek heard what was going on and sat up looking over at his brother, his eyebrows rose and let out a whistle at what he saw and said sympathetically. "Ouch."

I quickly covered Peter with my towel a scrambled to get him up while keeping him covered.

Olek quickly got up and put his shorts on. "You and I got the Ivanov good looks, Peter, but you have your mother's fair skin." Olek chuckled but frowned as he gathered his towel and shirt.

I grunted as I hurried Peter toward the house. "We've got some Aloe Vera in the villa, if I hurry and put some on you, it will help with the healing and lessen the sting..." I said. "I hope."

Wrapping myself in a spare towel I quickly got Peter inside. Our female cook and housekeeper was cleaning while we were sunbathing she looked up when an almost naked Peter came in, which I quickly secured the towel around his waist. She wasn't shocked, in fact, she raised eyebrows at what she saw briefly. It was appreciation. I smiled when my opinion was confirmed. I quickly got him stretch out on the bed and went and got the Aloe Vera ointment and just squirt some on his back and ass.

"I put sunscreen on," Peter said as I rubbed it in his skin.

I nodded as Olek came in. "You did...four hours ago. In the meantime, you still were lying out and even swam."

"It's supposed to be waterproof," Peter said.

"Nothing's that waterproof," I said leaning in kissing him on the back of his neck as I worked. "And as fair skinned as you are, I should have reminded you."

Olek smiled as he sat on the bed beside us. "Well, at least he has more color! Now you're red!" He chuckled, touching his brother's back and with a sunburn, he lifted his finger and the imprint of white appeared and was quickly replaced by the red. "You're in good hands, so I'll go shower, pick a couple of movies." He stood and looked back. "This has been really fun." He smiled and came to Peter, kissing him on the temple, then did the same with me. "Thank you. You're my brothers, but also my best friends. I love you both."

I smiled as we watched him walk out to do...what he said he was going to do.

"Mission accomplished," I said as I continued to rub the Aloe Vera in his skin.

"Yeah," Peter muttered with only a little enthusiasm.

I smiled knowing he would feel the pain soon. "I'm so sorry."

Peter simply shrugged.

It could have been worse. Peter was burned, the shower just made it heat up for him and now he was feeling the heat and a little pain. I was applying the Aloe Vera almost every hour to take the sting I knew he felt away. It was a miracle plant. Peter ended up enjoying the movie, laid on his stomach on the couch, his head in my lap as I toyed with his hair.

I made sure he was under a big umbrella the next day and kept an eye out to be sure he was under it.

Movies, games or just reading...there were books there too. It was a pleasant time.

The days progressed and we almost forgot about time passing. However, it soon our last night there; we had a nice dinner...and all the meals we had here were very good.

Olek raised his glass of wine. "Guys, this has been great." He smiled. "I hadn't realized how stressed I was until it was gone. I say again, thank you."

We raised our glasses to his for the toast.

"All for the bettering of Makarovia." Peter nodded. "We'll do this again soon." He said to Olek daring him to say otherwise. "No more of these...years without a break. Agreed?"

Olek nodded. "Agreed." We clicked out glasses together. "To Makarovia."

"To Makarovia." Peter and I said drinking.

I grinned at Olek. "You're a good man, Olek. They are lucky to have you as king. I don't think this monarchy should end at all." I said looking at him. "As long as a good Ivanov is on the throne, it should go on."

Olek smiled with a slight nod and shrug. "Well, there is a problem with that." He chuckled. "I need a wife or you two need to donate something."

Peter smiled. "Or you can."

I looked up quickly. "Wait..." I said. "I'll be an Ivanov by marriage. I'm in line by marriage. I shouldn't be included in any future ruler."

Olek smiled. "Why not?"

I looked at him like, why did he not see why I shouldn't be. "Because keeping that line of succession won't be with me."

Olek shrugged. "But you would be an Ivanov. A child by you would be raised with you, Peter, and all of us. Does that line have to exclude you?" He smiled. "The decision to have a child, of course, is yours, but just consider it. A turkey baster with the two of your...inputs mixed and given, who would know?"

"A simple DNA test!" I stated. "An Ivanov that was a Richards could be telling. You two have similar traits."

"The black hair...which you have." He waved at his brother. "He has fairer skin, but...there's no guarantee with children we could produce. You're kind and very smart...pass that to any child you have." Olek said as he munched on a forkful of his dinner. "We still have time to think about it."

It was again ten in the morning when we saw the boat arrive to take us back. We thanked the two that kept the house and started back home. Home. To Makarovia. It had gone from this unknown country to somewhere I was getting to know. I smiled realizing it was becoming home now, for me.

Once we were on the way back, Olek turned his phone on and grimaced. "All these messages! I'll be spending the next day or two going through them." He growled.

"Mom will help and so will we," Peter told his brother. "You can't do it all. Don't try."

Olek smiled and nodded. "You're right."

We landed at that little airport and got off the plane greeting by Queen Alla. She smiled as we approached her.

"Now that's what I want to see." She greeted us, hugging Peter, me and Olek. "Welcome back. You were missed, but this break was needed." She waved at the castle and looked at Olek. "It's still standing, just waiting for you to come back. You look rested." She smiled and touched his face. "And tan!"

Olek nodded. "That's what happens when you lay in the sun a week." He threw his arms around Peter's and my shoulders like chums, standing in the middle of us. "These guys were fun! We had a great time." He shoved Peter a little. "Though someone got a little too much sun."

"It's fading." Peter grinned. "I'm good."

Things had to be done now. It was evening now and we had dinner as Queen Alla caught us up...Olek really...on what happened while we were gone. There were new photos submitted by Becky, Daryl and Kenny I had to go through. These were photos of Makarovia, townscapes and of the local people. All much more inviting for anyone that looked at the web page. Now I had to pick out the best from all the good ones.

"...and we need to plan the wedding." Queen Alla said casually.

"Okay." Peter nodded.

"Question," I said. "As accepting as everyone here is...about me joining this family. It won't be a church wedding. It can't be. They can't just accept us as getting married."

Queen Alla nodded. "You're right. Even as we as a country accept your marriage and others...the church can't marry you."

"The ceremony will happen at the palace," Olek said. "There will be a priest bless you two and your future. The ceremony and wedding will be done by a layperson."

"That's the way all marriages like ours happen in Makarovia. The religion is there, but not part of the wedding itself. Rabbi, Priest or whatever..." Peter explained. "The priest doesn't condemn the marriage...exactly, or the couple, but to marry the couple...the overall church says they can't or the church would be giving their blessing on gay marriage."

I shrugged a nod. "That makes sense." I looked at some of the other pictures. "We should go to Skoal. I also need to go to the future mining area."

Olek smiled and looked at Queen Alla. "He's helping by ensuring the miners are adhering to all safety guidelines. He will also be writing those guidelines."

"Training, Olek. I need more training, but yes...I'm guessing this isn't going to be an open pit mine." I said.

Olek shook his head. "It's pretty deep, so most of it will be underground. They will be carving out the mine first. They will begin blasting soon if they haven't already."

"When do you think they will get to the uranium?"

"By the end of the summer," Olek replied. "We will be getting the first payoff by the first of next year."

I nodded. "I'd better get busy, then."

The days that followed were busy. I went through all the photos to have on the web page. I also got to see more of Makarovia. It was pretty in spring. There was an abundance of flowers that were blooming and green grass with those surrounding mountains. I even had a moment where I expected Julie Andrews doing her spin singing, "The hills are alive, with the sound of music." I didn't do it, but I thought it. Peter went with me to see it all. Even he didn't expect what we found in Skoal. Skoal had been the place to add the longer runway and build the extra houses because of the topography of the land and the large planes could lower safely to land. There was enough land somewhat level enough to add these needed things. What had been just like other towns and villages throughout Makarovia and Europe. It was older and had an old-world charm, but now...there was the large the making...and more densely packed housing making it look more like a suburb. There were the various...trailers? The temporary houses and other things...including what was a BX or whatever was the military form of a store and a commissary for groceries.

Again, Peter was feeling...not happy with what he was seeing. After these few months together...a year coming up, I felt I knew him well enough to be able to read him. We stood on a bluff seeing Skoal and the surrounding housing at a distance.

"This is going to be a problem for you, isn't it?" I said to him taking his hand. I was more to confirm what I was seeing.

Peter looked as I once again interrupted a train of thought for him, making him aware that his feelings as shown on his face. "What?" Then he realized what I'd seen. "It's!" He waved at the temporary housing and buildings. "Look at them. Over there are the original structures that have been here for up to several hundred years to a few dozen decades." He waved at the many stone buildings of the village. "Then you have these things...with air conditioners!?"

"Do we tell them to leave?" I asked, knowing if I asked that, he would see why it couldn't be that way.

"No!" He shook his head. "This is to improve Makarovia."

He was just like anyone. "It's different." I pointed out. "Something new is here. The comfortable familiarity has gone away. People don't like change, but it will happen." I turned him around to look at me. "These trailers...containers are not permanent. Construction will continue, bring newer homes for all these people and those trailers will be gone."

Peter sighed, nodding. "I hope so. They better hurry with the construction. It starts snowing by September...sometimes the end of August. Those trailers might not protect anyone from the subzero temperatures coming."

I chuckled. "I guess there isn't much need for cooling the air here." We were dressed in shirts, no sweaters and it was still cool with the wind, but not cold.

Peter grinned nodding. "You'll see."

We also went to the entrance to the new mine. There was an opening there now, but Olek said they would start blasting. I saw wrapped in a covering this large dump trucks. I mean they were huge! Much bigger than the average truck or even a dump truck you would sometimes see on the road. There were also these large...extractors? While they were short and squat, they were also huge. Looking at the little opening, they would have to blast a bigger opening to get these pieces of equipment in the mine. While we were standing there, the soft, deep "boom," and I will say the ground didn't shake, but I felt the deep and sudden vibration through my feet. Men were walking in and out of the opening as they were working...I saw an average sized dump truck drive out of the opening to get rid of the excess rock from where they were blasting to widen the interior.

Not only were there more military personnel there, but additional miners to show local Makarovians how to mine this new resource. This new resource would be extracted and at present, taken to planes and flown out to begin processing until the processor here was finished. The increase in population wasn't a few hundred, but a few thousand. That meant more supplies were being brought in and distributed by others brought in...the wives and husbands of those brought here to work on the mine were helping to do that. A hundred thousand?

I smiled at Peter. "Well, now is where our various degree seeking come in."

Peter smiled and nodded. "I would say so. My degree will be to make this work. All these people and form a working society to make it work smoothly."

"My degree at keeping all this green," I said. "You know what I mean when I say that now, but we are going to have to be careful. All these people will produce waste. I mean sewage as well as the many items that are thrown out. That waste has to be disposed of. There's a limited amount of land and a dump is not necessarily the answer or landfills. Recycling is a must." I said. "They will have to follow those guidelines. Those in charge of their people will have to work with us to make sure their personnel follows those guidelines."

Peter nodded. "Gone is the old Makarovia, forgotten and always neglected."

"Now, a new Makarovia will begin to emerge." I smiled squeezing his hand. "And we will start this beginning and make sure it's a good one."

Peter grinned leaning toward me. "I really love you."

I smiled. "Yes, I get the feeling you do." I kissed him as my fingers went in his hair. "I love you, Peter."

He hugged me to him. "I know."

My view of what was happening in Makarovia was not from someone that knew Makarovia before, nothing for me had changed. I didn't have a history here so it wasn't as bothersome for me. Peter, however, did. We did go over much Makarovia. As small as the country was it didn't take too long. The thing was, there was a lot of land was there, but not necessarily all that fertile and very rocky. Nothing I was going to plan to get done was going to be done right away, but I wanted to see if it could be done and then plan how. I looked at some sites where there could be terraced farming. I was thinking about importing the soil needed. I would need to do research and find out the best ways if possible to do this. We would lose this growing season, but we'd be ready next year.

Peter and I walked through the many areas of this joint base. Uniforms were just uniforms and very similar, fatigues were green and differences were designated by the flags of their countries on their sleeve or lapel. Paths were now able to be seen due to the amount of foot traffic from the many soldiers and personnel that cut through grass and now was bare. What I didn't like was the abundance of trash we saw.

"This needs to be dealt with," Peter said a little heatedly pointing at the beer cans around and various used bags from pretzels and chips. "No one in Makarovia does this."

I nodded. "Then we need to address it now before it becomes a major problem." I agreed and walked toward the command office, which for now, was a temporary office in a trailer like building. We entered the office and saw various military personnel doing various jobs to get things organized. The commander...or commanders were in the office discussing things about how it was to be done. One was British, the other was American. Both single star generals. The first one was very British, General Hammond from the sound of him...and the British flag on his arm. Thin and tall, well dressed in his uniform speaking clear and precise. A man in his late fifties with thinning hair that was also turning grey. The other was American and had a sort of drawl, not quite Southern, mid-west maybe? General Burke was...let's just say...he apparently had to work to keep his waistline trim. He wasn't fat at all, but I could see he would be if he didn't work at it. Dark hair and in his late forties and not bad looking. Neither of them were.

General Hammond turned as we walked in and smiled instantly. "Prince Petro! What a nice surprise." He came over with his hand extended. "It's an honor to meet you." He turned to me. "Do I call you Prince Eric yet?"

The American General didn't look happy at our surprise arrival.

"Just Eric is fine," I said shaking his hand. "Until the marriage, any title would be honorary."

Peter nodded. "And I prefer just Peter, thank you." He said using English with the accent heard clearly. "I realize that things right now are sort of up in the air as you are getting adjusted. However, there are some things that need to be done."

"Such as?" General Burke asked a little irritated.

"We have limited services available and cooperation will be needed," Peter said. "The main concern I have right now is waste."

"Waste!?" General Burke repeated in disbelief. "We're trying to get things organized...and you're worried about garbage?"

Peter almost moved back at General Burke's, not quite harsh words.

"There will be a problem if we don't deal with it now." I stepped up. "It is a concern, General. It may not seem like an important issue now, but it will become one soon." I walked forward, not bothered by his knowing how important his job was here...or so he thought. "What we saw was garbage left outside and not disposed of will become a problem." I shrugged. "Not a lot, but you've just begun here. If not dealt with now, it will become a problem. It's more effective to be proactive, instead of waiting for it to be that problem to deal with it."

Peter was looking at me smiling. "Makarovia has limited ways of dealing with things like garbage and waste. It needs to be addressed before it gets out of control."

General Hammond was smiling as he glanced at his counterpart. "I agree."

"Your help is needed to help secure Makarovia..." Peter said, "but to keep things from getting out of hand. Cooperation is required."

Looking at General Burke, I got the feeling he was less excited about this...whole situation. "Why are you here?" I asked directly to General Burke. "And I mean, what is your position here with the military?" I asked him.

He frowned at me. Whether it was because I was challenging him about something obvious or because I was half his age or because of something else...and we all know what that something else would be. I just knew he didn't like us for that one reason. I was sure about it. "We're here to establish a military presence in Makarovia."

"And that presence is held in control because you are an authority," I said nodding.

General Burke nodded. "General Hammond and I both are that authority."

"Well..." I patted Peter on the arm. "Peter an authority in Makarovia. Whether or not you think so...we both have King Olek's ear. Peter does have his ear as his brother. If needed, we can have him tell that to you, but...I don't see a problem with complying with Prince Petro of Makarovia about how things work in his home country." I smiled. "Prince Petro wants to talk about garbage. Fine. Your presence is needed in Makarovia. You get what they have by doing this, it just seems easy to do what he asks." I shrugged. "You're not actively mining, so have some of the troops police the area. That's not asking too much. Dispose of the trash in a way that eases what Makarovia has to do to get rid of it." I smiled. "The trash we saw was in front of the quarters for the American workforce, so..." I left the statement there as Peter stepped closer to me and took my hand. I saw General Burke's frown grow as he looked at our hands. "And now I get it a little clearer idea of what the problem is." I looked at General Hammond. "Did you know about Makarovia before you got here, General Hammond?"

The British officer smiled. "I'm afraid I only read a little about it before, but I did know about Makarovia's remarkable history before I arrived."

"Did you, General Burke?" I asked.

"I really don't understand." General Burke said.

"I'm marrying Peter," I said. "Here in this country Peter's and my wedding was not only allowed but encouraged, by both his mother the Queen and brother, King Olek himself! It's no crime anymore for a lot of Europe now. It never was against the law here."

General Burke shook his head. "I know that." He said a little disgusted. I wasn't certain if the disgust was from our marriage or being confronted by what he didn't approve of.

I nodded. "The President said at dinner that night; that we all need to be more tolerant." I saw his eyes grow a little darker and his dark eyebrows came together a bit more. "She said it because our own Vice President was having issues with Peter and me, that should be their stance with us and others like us. There are quite a few of us here in Makarovia. If our being what we are bothers you, perhaps there's somewhere else you should request to be assigned."

General Burke nodded as he began to rise from behind his desk. "I'll be honest. You're right." He admitted. "I don't like gays. To me, it's just...disgusting!" He said honestly. "But I was asked to do a job..."

"Thank you for being honest." I interrupted. "Someone asked you to do a job? Who cares!? That's an easy fix. We tell King Olek, he calls the President and she assigns you somewhere else! She is your Commander and Chief!"

General Burke stood holding his hands up. "No, please don't do that." He took a deep breath and sighed. "I did it because of how I feel. My wife tells me to you say. I don't dislike you, but the thought of where you put your willies..." he shuddered. "I'll just have to become...used to it."

Peter shook his head and looked at me, asking what a willie was. Telling him, he frowned. "Why? Why do you care where we put..." he shook his head, "our aren't doing it."

"We just...didn't have them..." General Burke explained.

Peter again shook his head. "No, you misunderstand me. Why do you need to get used to it at all? You're not involved."

I nodded smiling now at the General. "Frankly, what you straight guys do disgusts me." I smiled. "What you touch and put your willies..." I pointed at his crotch and shuddered. "Ew! Most of the time when I see a good-looking guy with a girl, I think...what the hell's he doing with her!?" I shrugged. "I guess we both need more tolerance."

General Burke nodded with a chuckle. "If we didn't put our willies where we do, there'd be no human race." He came around his desk and held his hand out to both of us. "I didn't mean to offend you. We will have the men take care of the waste problem today. Please, I promise to do a good job."

I took his hand and shook it liking him more now. "That will work." I smiled. "Of course, you know you were probably the focus of many erections that had to be taken care of by some of your men. You're not a bad looking man."

General Burke started to turn pink but nodded. "I'd rather not know about them. Thanks." He said lighter smiling.

I turned to General Hammond. "What about you?"

General Hammond gave a shrug and smiled. "My sister is gay. I have a cousin I love dearly that's been with his husband before they could get legally married! I have no problem with it."

"Wonderful!" Peter said shaking his hand. "We will be talking about what to do with all the personnel here now. We have to have plans in the works before it gets to be too much."

"Most of our refuse is taken care of." General Hammond said. "Is there more we need to do with it?"

"Take care of it how?" I asked.

"We burn it."

I nodded and looked at them both. "Well...if you could...all of the organic garbage we can use for compost. They need to increase their farming output. That compost will help."

"There's nowhere to plant." General Burke said simply.

"There will be if we build some place," I pointed out. "At least, that's the plan."

General Burke nodded. "We can help with that, too!" He volunteered. "We could even help with the construction of greenhouses."

"Enough to plant crops in?" I asked.

General Burke smiled. "Why not?"

"I thought of terrace farming."

General Burke walked slowly as he thought about what I said as he strolled around his desk. "Sure. That's a good idea, we can do both, don't you think?"

"Greenhouse terrace farms?" I asked.

"Sure, and they don't have to be on the side of the mountain. There is land that is rocky, but can still be built on." He shrugged. "Why not? You provide the material and we help you build them." Then he grinned. "As you pointed out, we're not the active miners, my people need something to do." He said logically.

"How do you know so much about terrace farming?" Then I smiled. "How do you know about farming!?"

The General smiled. "I was raised on a farm. Nebraska."

I was liking him now. "That would be great, General! Perhaps you can come to the palace one evening. We can discuss it?"

General Burke smiled. "It's David." He said holding his hand out again.

"I'm Eric, as you know," I said taking his hand. "Tomorrow night if you have no other plans? Say about eight?"

"I'll be there."

"Bring your wife," I said looking at General Hammond. "You come, too. Bring your wife."

General Hammond shook his head. "My wife's in Bristol. She won't make it, but I'd be delighted. I go by Edmond."

"Thank you for listening, David, Edmond." I said and took Peter's hand. "We'll see you tomorrow night."

Peter and I walked back out to go back to the palace. Peter was just smiling at me.

"Stop it," I said without looking at him. "You've got something to say, say it."

"You handled that...very well." Peter said. "Do you see how much you're needed in Makarovia? You didn't back down at all from General Burke's words."

"He just needs to get over that discomfort about gay people," I said simply. "After this, I think he'll come around."

Back at the palace, we were presented with requests from many groups. Again, the fact that we were doing something that never had been done was at the forefront. Requests from groups with the LGBT community wanted interviews and one group wanted to do a feature about an American Prince in Makarovia. Those were things I needed to make sure Olek and Queen Alla knew about before we agreed. It was at dinner when Queen Alla looked up from her plate.

"The pictures for the web site need to be done." She said. "Is there a chance we can do it tomorrow?"

I frowned. "Won't we need dress clothes?" I realized I hadn't prepared for that.

She nodded. "You did bring a suit." She said as if that was impossible.

I am gay...but I was never a particular sort of fashion-driven gay, but I knew what we needed to do. "You want me to be in a picture in a suit I got from Walmart?"

She laughed a little and nodded. "You're right. I'll call Jori. He can come and do your size tomorrow. He does all Olek's suits."

I tried not to make too much notice of Olek and Peter in a discussion that was done in very soft whispers. Peter finally nodded and whispered back to Olek who waved at me and whispered something else a little louder.

"Guys," I said smiling at them. "Whatever's going on, couldn't you have discussed this before dinner? You could have done it in private?"

Peter sat up more smiling sheepishly. "Well...there is something that you should know." He lowered his eyes slightly. "It's just a tradition here and I didn't see we really needed to do it, but..."

"What?" I asked now puzzled.

Queen Alla nodded. "Oh, yes." She smiled at a memory. "The proposal."

"Proposal? He already proposed." I said simply.

"Yes, but..." Olek gave a shrugging nod. "It wasn't done...traditionally. Not here anyway."

"Remember when I told you before...about something I was going to do to make it official?" Peter asked.

I nodded. "Yes."

"The official proposal and announcement doesn't come from any of us." He waved at his mother and brother. "It comes from Makarovia."

"The whole country." I clarified.

Olek nodded. "I'm afraid so." He shrugged. "It's a way of showing the world a country...are behind any future marriage. Queen Alla and our father did it. His father did's just...what's done."

"Okay," I said hesitantly. "How does this happen?"

Peter looked at his brother. "I've never been to one, as Dad was the last one to do it with Mom."

"There will be a formal party." Queen Alla explained. "A select few are chosen to witness the proposal. In the past, they were mayors or town leaders that came to the palace and witnessed the formal proposal. They will be asked if they back this marriage and the answer given by all. You give the answer of yes or no given to Makarovia and it is officially recorded."

My eyes widened. "That sounds like a wedding!"

Olek chuckled. "Well...yes, it is sort of. Only this wedding will be between you two and Makarovia."

"We're marrying the entire country!?" I asked astonished.

"That's right." Olek grinned. "There is a small ceremony and you will be asked some questions about what your role will be...they will be asked about what their role will be with the new couple. They will be marrying you."

"Wow," I said. "A whole country."

Queen Alla chuckled more. "It is quite a big event in Makarovia. The people will swear to support you and defend you both, then the announcement goes out officially...from Makarovia."

Peter reached in his pocket and pulled a little box out. A ring box.

"An engagement ring!?" I said to Peter.

He opened it and a gold ring, much like a high school or college ring, but with Makarovian Crest on the front. "And and Makarovia will become more than engaged...but officially married, you to them, them to you, after we say I do!" He grinned.

My eyes widened even more. "How many are living here now?"

"Just over two million, why?" Olek asked.

"Two million...that's going to be a hell of a wedding night!" My mind just couldn't quite grasp it. "I don't think I'll have the strength!"

Olek laughed out loud, Queen Alla sort of giggled, but Peter's eyes softened as he smiled. "The only Makarovian there to worry about that night will be me."

I was being pulled by Peter toward our room. "Is there a sale or something?"

Peter looked back at me grinning. "Is it hard to understand I want to make love?"

"Not at all, but we're together every night, we make love every night, morning and a few times in the afternoon!" I chuckled. "I'm willing any time you want. Why the hurry?"

Peter looked and didn't see anyone and brought my hand to his crotch to feel he was aroused. "Because I'm..." he switched to English, "horny?" Then he switched back to Makarovian. "I am so often with you."

The result was I was getting an erection touching him. "Well, let's not waste time!" I was now pulling him to our room.

Peter laughed as he moved quicker.

As you've heard me before, sex was always good with us. Occasionally, it was mind-blowing. Tonight, was one of those that was mind-blowing. Getting through the door Peter was quickly moving me back toward our bed as he pulled my shirt up and pushed it off. The whole time his lips were pressed against mine in a consuming, hungry kiss. That man could kiss!!

"I want you." Peter managed to get out as I pulled on his belt.

"Now, we have a problem." I chuckled, "because I want you." I continued the kiss. "I'll be generous, you go first..." I said as he kicked his shoes off and peeled his pants and underwear off in one motion. "After this..." I shoved him back on the bed and dove in, having done it so many times, I didn't have a struggle taking him in my mouth in one shot and he almost yelled! He clutched my hair on both sides of my head pulling me even closer, which wouldn't seem possible. He drove his hips up to make me get more of him. I worked on him a little, but then he pushed me off and gave me the same that I had given him, he made love to me, I made love to him and we started over again. It was only after he was gripping the sheets for one last explosion, I felt him cum again for the last time on our stomachs...last time for a few hours, at least. I was sweating and breathing hard I lowered myself over my head coming down next to his as he wrapped his arms around me as he tried to regulate his breathing.

"I think...I saw...stars." Peter managed in pants. "That good."

"It's always...good" I grinned as I stretched out beside him. "I did, too," I said kissing him gently. "I love you, Peter."

Peter pulled me again closer, but not as hard. "I love you, Eric." He brought my head to his lips as he pressed them to my forehead. "Don't...misunderstand what...I will...say." He began smooth out his words as he got a handle on his breathing. "I didn't just want sex."

I looked surprised. "I know that."

He chuckled. "It was sex," he stated the obvious, "but...not just because I wanted sex."

"You wanted sex...with me." I nodded smiling. "There's nothing wrong with just wanting sex for sex alone," I admitted. "It's nicer when it's with someone you love. Who would be more willing to agree to sex than someone that loves you and you love?" I grinned at him. "There's nothing wrong with just wanting to have sex. It's what humans do. We chose to do it with each other. Willingly! Gladly!! Sex is everything! What other activity brings two separate individuals and connects them with no others on the planet?"

Peter smiled. "People do it all the time with people they don't love or even know. I just want you to know, it's never that way with you."

"I know that." I smiled. "Sex is more than just a biological function to keep the species going. It became something much more...there would be no biological advantage with us, we can't produce offspring this way, but it connects us. I like being connected to just you and no one else." I grinned even more. "However, when I see you with your clothes off." I whistled lightly. "You're beautiful...and when you bend over...I get very stimulated when you do that. I love having sex with you." My eyebrows danced when I said that.

Peter's naturally pale complexion hid nothing as he began to pink up. "I'm glad you like what you see." He kissed me. "I like it when you do, too. I think of you as more than just my...means to have sex. There are times...even when we're out, you do something or move a certain way and all I want to do is come over and touch you and go further, but we can't because we're in a place where others wouldn't necessarily appreciate that."

I was puzzled by what he was telling me. "Why are you telling me this, Peter?"

Peter smiled. "Well...before...I did have sex with two people and that's just what it was...just sex. I liked them, but...I value you. I love you. I know the difference and I want you to know that."

"As you know I did, too. I said it before. You want to have sex...with me." I said. "I love to have sex with you. A lot! There's always love involved with us. The next time you do feel that way." I shrugged. "Let me know and we'll go find somewhere you can! I love it when we long as I get the same consideration." I kissed him gently. "I never feel I'm taken for granted. I hope you don't either."

"Never." He kissing back. "Anytime, anywhere." Peter chuckled moving so we were wrapped in each other's' arms even more.

Even a great afterglow will fade. Before we went to sleep I asked a question that occurred to me. "This upcoming proposal..." I began, "is going to make me...what?"

Peter looked at me. "Well, you are the intended. You tell the people you will serve them; they tell you..."

I nodded. "I got that part, babe, but the ring and...I'll not become a member of the family until we marry. Why this ceremony?"

Peter nodded. "Oh. Well, a century or so ago, my great great...whatever grandfather fell in love with a princess. Only her father refused to give them his blessing for the marriage. It wasn't politically advantageous for the marriage to happen. After a few months badgering him. He only would agree if all Makarovia supported the marriage and she could prove it was love...not for just my grandfather, but Makarovia. So, a year before they married, she started this ceremony where she basically married the country and showed for the next year what she could do."

"Oh," I said. "Is there something specific I have to do?"

Peter grinned. "You're doing that already, but it became a tradition." He shrugged. He looked in my worried eyes. "The ring is symbolic. You have the authority of the throne to make changes. No one will doubt your authority." He looked doubtful a moment. "Is that a problem?"

I looked at him and gave a grudging nod. "Not a problem, just seems more...real."

Peter looked a little surprised. "We are really getting married, right?"

"No," I rolled my eyes, "all this was to get in your pants," I muttered sarcastically.

He chuckled. "I don't have on any pants to get into!" He raised the sheets. "Neither do you."

"We just made love a few times." I grinned. "I'm not ready for another round yet."

Peter rolled over pulling the covers over us more. "Good. Neither am I." He nuzzled down more next to me. "We better get some sleep. Tomorrow is going to be another busy day."

I've said it before, so you know I hate shopping. Being sized and measured and all that was even more annoying for me. Jori was French, a little heavy for a man I was guessing was in his late forties. Bald. He had an eye for fashion! It was kind of amusing to hear Makarovian with a French accent. I saw fabrics and all styles of suits shown to me in pictures, which I politely looked at with the amused eye of Queen Alla as she watched us. Peter was getting sized as well for his suit but seemed to accept it better than I did.

"This just shows you how much I love you, Peter," I said holding my irritation in check as Jori was measuring my shoulder width again and jotted the number on a pad he brought; irritation from the fact that the measurement didn't change. It's great to make sure it's right, but again!?

Peter grinned back. "This is payback."

"For what!?" I demanded.

"Walmart, Abercrombie and Fitch...Hot Topic!" He said reminding me of the stores I took him to when we first met. "And this isn't for me, but Makarovia."

I grunted. "I know," I said not quite sad, but this wasn't what I did. "I'm going to be on the web page for Makarovia, I better have a nice suit. I got that."

Queen Alla chuckled. "There is also the Proposal suit and the wedding suit." She pointed out.

"What's wrong with this one I'm getting made?" I pointed at Jori and his writing again.

Even Jori looked at me surprised. "The same suit for all three events!? No, Monsieur, I won't have that." He said emphatically. "You represent Makarovia, but you represent ME! Both of you, new suits!"

"I'm just not...used to this," I admitted and tried not to whine.

Jori nodded. "My Franc is the same way. He never likes being measured or trying on suits." He smiled. "It will help Makarovia and I get known for being the designer and tailor for the royal family. It's all good! I have a reputation to keep!"

"Of course, you do, Jori!" Queen Alla nodded at the tailor smiling.

I had cleared the dinner plans with Olek and Queen Alla and we were assembled before eight, meeting in what a room I understood was just for that reason, to entertain guests before dinner. It was nice with a huge fireplace which we didn't need now, carpeted, and had some nice furnishings. Comfortable chairs and couch to sit on and have good long conversations. Like with most rooms here, it was not huge to keep what heat was made in the room contained. We were all dressed, but not formally.

I smiled as a woman waved the three guests in the room with us. General David Burke, a woman that was pretty in his early forties with dark brown hair and brown eyes. Like David, she had a few pounds more than she needed, but not fat. Edmond Hammond was with them. Both the Generals had on dress uniforms. Mrs. Burke had on a nice dress but was more caught up with the palace.

"Oh, my." The woman said looking around the grand room.

"Hello, Gentlemen..." I said coming toward them with my hand extended, "and Lady."

General Burke nodded with a smile and pushed his wife gently toward me. "This is my wife...Helen." He turned to his wife. "This is Prince Eric..." he smiled at me, "or will be soon."

The Generals had met Olek, but not Queen Alla. I introduced all of them to her.

"This is just so...surprising!" Helen said. "From the just..." She hesitated to say what she thought.

Olek chuckled. "It's okay to say it. It looks like a fortress."

"A very tall fortress, but surprising!" Helen waved her arms at all what she saw. "This is a palace. It's beautiful!" She smiled at us. "When David told me we were having dinner with royalty!" Helen said in amazement. "Suddenly, I realized...I had nothing to wear!" She motioned to her nice, but a simple blue dress.

Queen Alla chuckled shaking her head. "Nonsense." She said in accented English and took Helen by the arm. "You look great! This was unplanned and you just got here." She waved at her pretty, but no-frills coral colored dress. "This is nothing fancy."

I smiled at the way Queen Alla put Helen at ease.

Olek came closer to the Generals. "And you two." He said. "It's not cold, so..." He motioned toward them, "off with the coats. We should all be comfortable."

David and Edmond smiled at each other and shrugged, then took their coats off.

Then it was just friends that came for dinner. Olek and the Generals just talked as Olek offered them drinks! Olek was serving them! I got the feeling Edmond was not ready for that. Would the king of England serve them drinks?

I was pleased that these two men and Helen began to feel much more comfortable seeing Olek and Queen Alla as people rather than their titles. For the next three hours, we discussed everything. It was General Burke who brought up the subject of the greenhouse/terrace farms and it was General Burke that offered his personnel to assist constructing them. General Hammond agreed to have his people help as well. We did talk about other things including the program with the I said...Makarovia had limited means to handle it, but Olek assured both that both countries' military presence was needed and Makarovia would take care of it...with their help to maintain how it was gathered for processing. They talked about other things the personnel could do while here. They talked about free access to all of Makarovia to the men and women there from the other countries. Then it became conversations about...everything, but what they were doing in Makarovia. David and Helen had two teenage boys here and the oldest daughter back in the United States in college. Edmond and his wife had a daughter who had three children! Soon the guys were talking about their lives and it was three friends now.

Queen Alla at dinner looked up at them. "In two weeks, Peter is going to do a formal proposal to Eric before selected people from Makarovia. It will be a ceremony. You are certainly invited."

Edmond smiled and nodded. "That would be wonderful. Eloise will be here by then." He said mentioning his wife.

I looked up at David remembering his words where he expressed he didn't like gays...which neither Peter or I told Olek or Queen Alla about...I wondered how he responded.

David looked up at me and Peter. "How would you two feel about our coming? About me coming?" He asked quietly.

Olek looked puzzled at me and Peter and then to the General. "Did something happen?"

David nodded. "Bad behavior on my part." He admitted.

Helen groaned. "Oh, David...what did you do?" His wife asked, but her look and tone told us she knew what it was.

"I didn't like it when they came to our office yesterday and they held hands..." David confessed and shrugged helplessly. "It was the old me coming was what you said, Helen. I just have to get used to it."

Helen sat back with a sigh and disgusted look to her husband.

I smiled at David's discomfort. "Don't be too hard on him, Mrs. Burke. He admitted it and I admitted I didn't like what he did with you. He's really trying."

David chuckled. "I think we got things are better between least I hope so." He said hopefully. "I'd love to be there if you want us to be."

Peter smiled. "We'll be kissing then." He pointed out, taking my hand. "How do you feel about seeing that?"

David ducked his head a little. "A kiss is not a bad thing."

"So, what is this proposal?" Helen asked.

Queen Alla explained what it would basically I was engaged to all of Makarovia.

"So, he's proposing to you," David pointed at Peter, "but you're engaging all of Makarovia."

Peter nodded. "I am and he will be. That's why there's my kissing Eric." He said jutting his head toward me.

David was embarrassed now. "I think I'll be just fine." He waved helplessly. "I apologize to you in front of everyone. Those were stupid words from a stupid man. I admit it."

I smiled. "You're not stupid at all, General."

"David." He reminded me.

"David." I nodded as I corrected. "I'd love it if you came," I said. "Oh, but I guess I won't be engaging you, though. I'm marrying all of Makarovia. Can I still get a kiss?" I teased the general.

Now David was smiling, but really embarrassed. "Okay, but no tongues!" He chuckled causing everyone to laugh.

Yes, I liked him now.

It was as we were about to part for the evening and they were going to back to Skoal when David walked up to me in front of Peter, Olek and Queen Alla.

"Again," David said smiling. "I apologize. I wish to be friends and I hope there are no hard feelings." Then I saw a twinkle in his eyes. "Since you asked me for one." He leaned in pressing his lips to mine. It was a chaste kiss, but not a bad kiss. Then he smiled at me. "We'll see you soon?"

I grinned patting him on the chest. "You will. We are friends, David."

David winked at me and took his laughing wife and General Hammond to the elevator.

Turning I saw Olek grinning and Queen Alla holding her hand to her mouth hiding her laugh. Then I saw Peter's eyes wider and just...staring. "He's trying and he's coming around, Peter. You've nothing to worry about. You do much better than he does." I said happily kissing Peter.

Chapter 17

Next: Chapter 7

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