Make Mine to Go

By Lake Sinclair

Published on Sep 21, 2016


Copyright to this story remain strictly that of the author. No other publication or use of this story is allowed with the consent of the author. This story contains male on male sexual content both implied and explicit. If this offends you please do not continue. All characters and implied situations are strictly those of the author and are not based on any real life events or characters. If you are under 18 years of age please exit this story now.

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"Make mine to go" Chapter 10

Boy I need a day of just calm. I think our earlier invasion went well but only because Breanna took control. My mother has always had to control everything in her life. My father gave her the money and power to do that. The one that she knows she can't push is Breanna. I have never seen my mother beg for forgiveness but one time. She tested Breanna's threat and lost. So it would have been a much different situation if she and Dean had not been there.

Back in our comfortable position on the couch with the boys playing, I had resumed fondling Chris' balls as we both watched the boys. "You alright sweetie ? That was a baptism by fire." I asked. "Babe as long as you didn't tell me to leave I don't care what any of the rest of them have to say." Chris said. "Besides I think I was a hit with Breanna and Dean. Especially Shasta." Chris' added. "Well Shasta will be your down fall with Grandma. Hell she wont even let me touch her when she is around." I said. "You know that I am super sweet. Don't worry I will win her over." Chris smiled as he said. "Pop ?" I shot my head up and looked at Chris. Chris burst out laughing. " I was wondering if you caught that. " he said. One slightly forceful squeeze of the current contents of my hand made Chris jump.

"Alex buddy. Come here for a minute." Chris said. I moved my hand and readjusted the cloth so that Alex wouldn't be staring at huge man nuts. Alex got up and came up to us smiling. "Yes Sir ? " Alex said. "Do you remember the talk that you and I had in your bed last night ? " Chris asked. "My bed ? I have a bed that's mine Papa ?" Alex gleamed. "Yes sweetie that is your bed unless you want us to get you another one. " I said. "No, no. Papa I got a bed." Alex whispered. "You sure do buddy." Chris said. "Buddy do you remember what we talked about Mr. Lee ? " Chris asked. Alex stood there and shook his head yes and looked down at the floor. His left foot was twisting around on the floor and he has his hands in front of him ringing them nervously. " Alex buddy. Can I have a kiss and a hug before you and Papa continue ? " I asked. Alex leaped at me and hugged my neck and gave me a quick peck on the lips. "UMPH" came from Chris. He is not a pro at protecting the family jewels from small children yet.

I rolled onto my back with my head resting on Chris' stomach. His entire package now was trapped under my neck. I sat Alex up on my stomach so that he was facing both Chris and I. "What did you want to know about me buddy ?" I asked. Being around children I knew that could be a loaded question. "Um....uh...I was talking to Papa and he told me that I could ask you......." Alex said. "Ummm.... Do you love my Papa ?" Alex asked. "Yes I do Alex but I also love you and Cody too. " I said. "Well I asked Papa that if you loved me did he think that you would let me call you Pop." Alex lowered his head as if waiting for rejection. "Sweet baby you can call me anything you want too. I would love for you to call me Pop if you want too. " I said. Alex still sat looking straight down. "Under one condition. " I said. Alex looked up at me as if he could break out crying at any second. " You can call me Pop all you want as soon as I get another hug and another kiss." I said. Alex almost knocked the breath out of me as fast and he leaned down in an bear hug. Chris reached down and was messaging both shoulders.

A minute or so later Alex began to set back up. " I was wondering when the little stink monster would want in on the action." Chris said as he reached over and lifted Cody onto his chest. He sat Cody on his stomach and Cody reached down and pulled my head back so he could look at me upside down. "Papa, he's not a stink monster. " Alex said. " Oh yes he is. Alex is a stinker and Cody is a stink monster." Chris said. "Pop ?" Alex spoke. "Yes buddy ? " I said. "That lady. The one that is Kolt's Grandma and that other lady said I could call her Grandma too. Does that mean I have a Grandma now ?" "Yes baby you have a Grandma." I said. I turned my head slightly so that I could see Chris. "Your stuck with me now buddy." I said. "Couldn't have planned it better myself then. I have to thank stinker for it. " Chris said as he flexed his cock under my neck. "Yeah that too." I laughed.

The afternoon went smoothly. I saw a spark in both Chris' eyes and Alex's that I had not seen before. Chris had informed Alex that he also had a Nana and a Grandpa that he had not met yet. "Oh shit." I thought to myself. I am madly in love with this man and never asked about his family. I found out that he was an only child and his parents lived in Indiana. He took about forty five minutes on the phone talking to his parents and filling them in on everything that had happened including me. I was handed the phone and ended up speaking to both his parents and assuring them that I would take care of all three of their babies. Breanna also called which is rare. She does not talk on the phone. She is a texting queen. If you want to talk to her you have to text. She said that the reason she called was that she wanted to make sure that everything was fine there after my Mom's visit. She also had to make sure that she spoke to Chris to make sure that he was fine also.

A light dinner finished and the boys bathed and almost ready for bed we were back in the great room watching cartoons. This time I was leaned against the opposite end of the couch with my legs in between Chris'. I had Cody and was trying to get his bottle to drift him off to sleep. Once asleep I got up and carried him to the make shift crib and put him down for the night. I knew that Monday was fast approaching so I walked back in and bent down and picked Alex up by the waist. "Alright stinker its bed time." I said. I set Alex down and let him run down the hall to his bedroom. As I got to the door I saw that Alex had just entered the door and froze stiff. "Jump in the bed." I said. Alex didn't move. "What wrong buddy ?" I asked. "That's my bed. I don't want to wet it." Alex said with tears in his eyes. I reached up on the dresser to retrieve a pair of pull ups that Dean had brought that I requested. "What if you wear big boy panties ?" I asked . Alex grinned form ear to ear. "Dean brought these for you." I said. "Does he love me too ? " Alex asked. "Yes he does Alex. Breanna does too. " I said. "He told me he did when he made me give him a hug and kiss when they left. She did too. " Alex said. "See there." I said. I wasn't about to ask about my Mom.

Back in the great room Chris had changed the channel to catch an early news show. I started at the far end of the couch and began to crawl up his body. I reached down and got the waist band of his shorts. "Lift up baby." I whispered. Chris smiled and lifted his hips so that I could remove his shorts. "What are you up too ? " Chris asked. "Dessert" I said. Chris went to move and i pushed him back down. "My dessert. Not yours." I said. "What ever you say Pop. " Chris laughed as he said. I began to lightly lick his ball sack. Knowing they were too large to get both in my mouth i lightly sucked one into my mouth and massaged it with my tongue. "Uuuggghhh" was coming from Chris mouth.

After bathing both testicles very well I moved up and began to lick his throbbing shaft. Chris had began to squirm. I slid up and our lips met for at first a sensual kiss. Within moments it turned into almost and animal nature. Our tongues fought for domination on the other. Chris lowered his hands through the waist band of my shorts and began to spread my ass cheeks. I began to lower back down stopping at his nipples to make sure they were well attended too. "Come here you." Chris whispered. "I'm right here lover but this is my dessert. You can have yours later." I said. I licked my way down his beautifully hairy body paying extra attention to his navel. Chris began to squirm. "Ah ha" mental note. Another hot spot.

Trying to gather all the spit that I could I began to lick the mushroom head of his cock. Once I sucked it into my mouth I used the reserved spit to work my way down to take as much of his cock inside my mouth and down my throat as I could. I will have to practice because I was still lacking a good almost two inches before I could take no more. I began to hum. Chris began to moan loudly and almost shake. His legs got stiff and I could feel the moan coming from deep in his stomach. I let back off and began to slowly bring my head up until just the mushroom head was in my mouth and worked my way back down. This continued for maybe fifteen minutes and i felt Chris' balls begin to tighten up under my chin. I knew at this point that my lover was getting close. " Back off baby I'm going to cumm. " Chris said. That only convinced me to go for the gold. Or in this case go for the honey. I took a deep breath and went down as far as I could and began to hum in what would be considered a high pitch. Within seconds Chris raised his hips. "Fuck, fuck.....fuck I'm cu......" Chris said. Before he could get the word cumming out he began blasting his seed down the back of my throat. I let off a little to keep from choking. Once I knew that he was completely drained I moved up and gave him a deep sensual kiss.. Once the kiss was finished Chris licked his lips. "Not as sweet as your honey, honey." Chris said. "Not to my taste buds. Nectar of the God's to me. " I said.

"Baby on a serious note. I just realized tomorrow is Monday. What are we going to do ?" Chris asked. "You are going to go to the office and try to get caught up and me and the boys will be here with bells on when you get back." I said. "I don't want you to call in sick." Chris said. " I don't get sick days or vacation." I said. "Then you definitely aren't laying out. " Chris said with a worried tone. At that point I realized that Chris and I had never discussed what I do for a living. I explained to him that I had some rental property and the I usually only had to deal with them the first week of the month unless something broke. I also explained that I did the book work and purchasing for the friend's business that had brought my SUV back. I also explained that I generally only went to the shop maybe one day a week. I did most everything by email or he would text me what he needed. I could feel the tension release from Chris realizing that I was not going to loose my job if I stayed with the kids.

We sat up where we could talk seriously. I told him that I didn't make a lot of money but everything that he saw here including the vehicle was paid for. I really had no major bills so my income was really never an issue. I made good money. Not as well as Chris I am sure but I was comfortable. If I wanted a vehicle I bought it. If I wanted to buy almost anything in reason I was able to do so in cash. If I couldn't afford it I didn't buy it. As for the boys. There would be times that I needed to go places they couldn't but my neighbors daughter was going to a local college and was home by lunch and even some days didn't have classes. So it would be easy to get a sitter. I could feel the tension slowly draining from Chris' body. "Baby, why didn't I find you thirty years ago ?" Chris asked. I tickled Chris lightly...mental note. He is ticklish. "Because you were out chasing all those hot pieces of ass not the hairy ones." I said. Chris grabbed me quickly and pulled he and I to our feet. "Time to try some of that hairy desert sexy." Chris said as he pushed me toward the bedroom.

Next: Chapter 11

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