Make Mine to Go

By Lake Sinclair

Published on Sep 23, 2016


Copyright to this story remain strictly that of the author. No other publication or use of this story is allowed with the consent of the author. This story contains male on male sexual content both implied and explicit. If this offends you please do not continue. All characters and implied situations are strictly those of the author and are not based on any real life events or characters. If you are under 18 years of age please exit this story now.

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"Make mine to go "

Chapter 11

"Honey I'm home." Chris called out as he walked into the house. Before he could put down his brief case he was attacked by Alex. Grabbing Alex up and walking towards the kitchen he spotted Cody standing holding onto a chair bouncing and grinning. With his other arm he reached down and scooped Cody up. "You need rescue from kiddie prison buddy ?" Chris laughed. "Its not a prison Papa." Alex commented. I had arranged chairs and cushions blocking off the couch area so that while I cooked or whatever I needed to do Cody had at least half of the great room that he could roam and not have anything in reach that could hurt him.

I heard the boys giggling as the came into the kitchen Chris was making a growling sound as he rubbed his goatee into each ones neck I was standing at the sink and Chris came up behind me and leaned down and kissed me on the neck. "Mmmm.... you smell so good. I missed you today." Chris said. "I missed you too. Love you sexy. " I said. " I hope so after I spent this much on salad mix." Chris said as he ground his semi hard cock into my crack. " I can tell someone else is glad to be home too. " I laughed and said. "Oh no he isn't happy yet but he will just have to wait until later." Chris said. "Alright boys. Let Papa go get changed and cleaned up for dinner." I said.

A few minutes later Chris returned in just a pair of running shorts. I had headed from the table back to the sink. Chris walked up and pulled me to him for a proper welcome home kiss. I reached down and slid my hand under the shorts and squeezed one of his ass cheeks. " remembered the dress code." I said. "Yep my baby wants me commando in short shorts. Can't afford to get kicked out. I haven't had dinner yet. " Chris laughed. Well that comment got a pinch on the ass cheek instead of just a squeeze.

The boys had spaghetti and meat sauce. I had prepared eggplant parmesan for Chris and I. As you probably know children with spaghetti makes a huge mess. I had gotten both Alex and Cody a small bowl of ice cream when they finished eating. Chris and I watched them as they devoured the ice cream. At one point Cody had smeared it all over his face and Alex had ice cream running down his chin. "Oh hell no." Chris said and got up from the table and headed down the hall. I thought that he may have forgotten something. I heard water running and Chris came back and took his seat at the table. I looked across the table and gave him a funny look. "Oh no they aren't spreading this mess all over the house. Once they finish stinker and stink monster are going straight to the tub." Chris said. "I'm not a stinker." Alex said with a mouth full of ice cream letting even more run down his chin. "Yes you are buddy but your my stinker.. " Chris said which brought a big laugh around the table.

Chris started down the hall with Cody holding him out and away from his like you see in the commercials of a father holding a child with a dirty diaper. Alex was right on his heels. I began to clean the kitchen and put the food away. About ten minutes later Chris came into the kitchen with both boys in tow. Holding Cody's hand and letting him walk. "Now that they are clean and have their pj's on I think I need to change." Chris said. I turned to look at Chris. He was wearing a pair of thin tight white running shorts that were so wet they were see thru. I could see the dark bush showing through the cloth. I could see the purple head of his cock as if he weren't even wearing shorts almost. I could also see some of the strong veins of his cock straining against the cloth. "Turn around" I said. Chris turned and even the back was wet. The shorts were tight and pulled slightly into the crack of his ass. I could see each beautiful cheek and almost count the hairs on them. Just the sight almost took my breath away. Chris stood there with a pitiful look on his face as if he had been beaten to death by bath water. "Nope sexy. I am going to have to get you more just like that and keep me a spray bottle of water handy." I said. Chris just grinned and carried the boys to the great room.

Once settled in the great room. Cody playing with his toys and Alex watching cartoons, Chris and I settled down to relax. "I hope your day was not too stressful. " I told Chris. "It wasn't nearly as bad as I expected. I only have a couple of small things to do and I will be back on top of things." Chris said. "On top... hhmmm.." I said. "You horny devil you. " Chris laughed. "Thanks for getting the papers on the boys so quick. I had to call a friend at Social Security to get a copy of Alex's birth certificate though. I should have it in a couple of days. " I said. "Damn you two scare me." Chris said. "Who two ?" I asked. "You and Pamela. She scares me the most. I told her this morning that I wanted he to contact the case worker and have her fax the paperwork. I figured it would take a couple of days. But as to her norm I had them within hours. She can be spooky. And as for you. You pick up the phone and call the Social Security office and in a matter of minutes you have someone researching Alex for you." Chris laughed. "And who is this Pamela person ?" I asked. "She is my secretary." Chris said and began to laugh. " Well I know she is your Secretary. What is so funny ?" I asked, "I was just imagining what would happen if you and Pamela ever locked horns. I think me and the stinkers would flee to a quiet island until the dust settles." Chris laughed. "It wouldn't be that bad." I said. "Definitely be interesting to see who won." Chris laughed.

Chris and I sat and chatted about the day and the boys. "Babe if you ever need me, Pamela already knows that no matter what I am doing she is to find me immediately." Chris said. "If its an emergency I will tell her." I said. "No sir, anytime you want to talk to me even if its just to say hello I want to hear your voice. Besides she has already memorized your number. That's why she answered the phone the way she did. Told you she was spooky. " Chris said, "Well I have to be careful where I am when I call you anyway. I can't explain it but even over the phone. Just the sound of your voice makes me start leaking, much less seeing you in person. " I said. Chris began to chuckle. "Next time you are in the grocery store call me to see if I need anything." Chris said with a grin. "You are evil." I said as we both laughed. "I meant to ask what all was in the papers." Chris said. "I'm not really sure yet. I read the two pages that pertained to Alex and Cody's known information and then Cody woke up. So I put them in a folder and I figured I would read the rest of it later." I said. "She was suppose to add you to the temporary power of attorney for the boys before she faxed it. " Chris said. "Are you sure you are comfortable with that ?" I asked. "Babe you are a part of me and everything I have including the boys. I wouldn't have it any other way. Does that upset you ?" Chris asked.

"Not at all I just figured you may want to give it a little more time before such a huge step." I said. "Nope, we are going to have to do something more permanent soon and I wanted you already on there for more than one reason. First off I want you there. Second it should make it a lot easier to make it permanent since you are already on it. " Chris said. "See what you have done to me." Chris said. "What do you mean ?" I asked as I lightly squeezed his groin. "Well that too, but you have made me think like an adult and a parent. I never thought that could happen." Chris said.

Bedtime for the boys is usually quite easy. Chris had his first encounter with pull ups. He was trying to figure out how to put them on Alex since they resemble a diaper. With the help of Alex he showed Papa how they worked. Knowing that we only had one more I knew that I or Chris had to make a trip to the store to get more. If they kept Alex confident while he slept I would buy the store out. Cody was fighting sleep a little but some fresh milk in a bottle and five minutes worth of rocking and his will power was gone. Chris returned to the great room to see if I needed help. The old baby sleep test proved Cody was out. I lifted his hand and let it go. It dropped with no resistance so I knew he was out. "What did you do that for ?" Chris asked. "If it drops slowly he is almost gone. It drops with no resistance he has lost the fight and is out for the count." I said. "Neat trick." Chris said. "Works with all babies." I said.

The boys in bed and Chris and I cuddled in our bed we chatted about different things that we needed to do especially concerning the boys. Chris once again was running his fingers around my hole like it was just natural. "Baby, what are your plans for the week and the weekend ? " Chris asked. " I have a few errands to run and go to the grocery store but not much else. why ?" I asked. "Well I was thinking. If I make sure everything is running fine I thought about taking Friday off and packing you and the boys up and going to my house in Atlanta for the weekend. " Chris said. "That would be great. I was wondering when you wanted to go." I said. "Well i was afraid to ask. I thought you may feel I was wanting you to walk away from everything and go with me." Chris said. "Baby where ever you and the boys are is where I will be. I wont be giving up anything unless I said no. " I said. "There will be adjustments on both our parts. As long as we do it together then no one looses." I added. "You fucking amaze me. Did you know that ?" Chris said. "No lover I am the one amazed. " I said.

Chris pulled me up for a deep passionate kiss. As his tongue searched for gold in my mouth so did his fingers inside me. Chris rolled me onto my back and began to lick his way down my body. Starting at my neck he worked his way down stopping to tease, lick and chew on both my nipples. He ventured further down and played around my navel for a while which sent shivers all over my body. When he reached my raging leaking cock he stuck the tip of his tongue out to collect some precum that I was leaking. "MMmmm. I could live just on this nectar. " Chris said. "It can't be that good." I said. " Want a taste ?" Chris said. Chris licked my throbbing cock and collected more precum. He crawled up my body and kissed me deeply with our tongues mixing my precum in both our mouths.

Chris raised my legs and began to lick and suck on my low hanging balls. He lowered his head and cam back up with my balls draped over his nose as he aimed his tongue for my already puckering rosebud. Chris' tongue reached out and licked the rim of my ass. He took his teeth and gently nibbled at the soft tissue. "OH GOD!!!" was all i could say. "You like that baby." Chris asked. "I have never been rimmed before. This is amazing." I whispered. "Oh so my baby has never been rimmed. Well this is daddy's area of expertise. You ain't seen nothing yet. " Chris growled. Chris dove in as if he were a starving man. When his tongue entered me and twisted i thought I was going to come off the bed. This assault went on for a good ten minutes. I am not sure who was moaning the loudest. Me or Chris. Chris raised up and I am sure he could see the lust in my eyes. He spit in his hands a couple of times and lubed his cock. Now remember this thing is huge. He lowered his body and rested the tip of his cock at the entrance to my ass. "You want daddy's cock baby ? " Chris whispered. "Um hm" I moaned. "You want daddy to fuck his baby until he explodes all over his chest." Chris said, "Fuck me please baby." I said. I had wrapped my arms around Chris and brought him down for a kiss. I had my legs wrapped around his waist with my heels resting on his ass cheeks. Chris would slide partially in not letting the head of his cock completely inside. "You want daddy to plant his seed deep inside you and claim his territory." Chris growled. "Please baby , please." I whimpered. Chris added more spit to his cock.

Chris continued to tease my hole with the tip of his cock. "Is my baby horny tonight ? Does my baby want daddy to fill his hole and make it feel full ?" Chris whispered. I waited patiently for Chris to tease my hole with his cock again. With him focusing more on teasing me once his cock began to enter me before he could pull out I took my heels and pushed him half way in. Spit is a good lubricant but is very close to dry fucking. The sensation was unreal. With Chris' cock only buried half way inside me I arched my back and began to shoot rope of cum all over my chest. "Damn baby seeing you cum just from me fucking you is the hottest thing I have ever seen." Chris said as he pushed all the way in and began to power fuck me. With it being almost a dry fuck the sensation had brought Chris to the edge. Within about four or five minutes Chris' body became rigid and he pushed in as far as he could bringing my hips off the bed and I could feel every flex of his cock as he began to unload deep inside me. Each splash of his seed inside me sent a warming feeling that made me feel loved and safe. Chris was holding his breath and the veins in his neck bulged to match those in his cock. Once Chris let out a long deep breath he lowered his head and lay it beside mine. "Oh fuck baby. I love that sweet ass so much." Chris whispered.

We lay there lightly kissing trying to come back down from both our mind blowing orgasms. Chris' semi hard cock still deep inside me and I could feel him flex it every few seconds to remind me it was still there. "Papa ?" came Alex's voice from the door. "SHIT." Chris whispered in my ear. "What buddy ? " Chris asked without moving. " I am scared. Can I sleep with you and Pop ?" Alex asked. Chris pulled out of my ass not thinking making a loud "POP" sound. "Sure buddy climb in." Chris said. Alex climbed up between the two of us and scooted under the covers. Luckily he doesn't know what sex smells like because the room wreaked of it. Alex settled in and began to giggle. "What's so funny stinker ?" Chris said as he mussed up Alex's hair. "Papa pooted." Alex said. "No I didn't." Chris said. "Yes you did Papa. You and Pop were wrestling and when you let him go you pooted." Alex laughed. "NO that was......"..."Ssshhhh" I said cutting Chris off in the middle of his statement. "I guess I did stinker and you caught me. Now lets get some sleep." Chris said. I had to get up to clean my chest. As I started to move Chris reached down and ran his finger inside may ass and poked it a couple of times. "Mmmmm.....we need to remember to lock the door from now on." Chris whispered.

Back in bed cleaned up except for the small amount of Chris that had leaked out of me during his quick exit we settled in to sleep. Me on my side with Alex to my back with his arm around my neck and Chris spooned behind him with his arm over Alex and tight around my chest holding one of my nipples. All as it should be in Lee's house tonight.

Next: Chapter 12

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