Make Mine to Go

By Lake Sinclair

Published on Sep 26, 2016


Copyright to this story remain strictly that of the author. No other publication or use of this story is allowed with the consent of the author. This story contains male on male sexual content both implied and explicit. If this offends you please do not continue. All characters and implied situations are strictly those of the author and are not based on any real life events or characters. If you are under 18 years of age please exit this story now.

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"Make mine to go" Chapter 12

Daylight started to peak through the blinds. I looked at the alarm and realized I had about thirty minutes before it was suppose to go up. With hair stuck to my chest from the events from the evening before I slid out of bed trying not to wake the sleeping beauties. I went to the kitchen and started the coffee. I went back the master bath knowing that I needed to get my shower this morning before Chris left for the office. Once in the bathroom I pulled the door close so the light did not flood the room. The warm water was cascading over me and rinsing away the signs of last nights love making session.

I had washed well and was rinsing the soap out of my hair and I heard a low voice . "mmmmmm." I turned and saw Chris backed up against the bathroom counter watching me wash while he jacked his morning wood. I signaled with my fingers for him to join me. "Ugh...Ugh .. not yet baby. ..soon." Chris said. I re soaped my chest and stepped under the water to rinse the soap. "Damn all that wet hair is just too sexy." Chris said. I could tell by his expression that he was getting close so I reached out of the shower and pulled him in. I dropped to my knees and in one motion swallowed as much of his throbbing cock as I could. Before I could move to try to pull off and get more down Chris held my head and came up on his tip toes and began to flood the back of my throat and my mouth with his hot seed. "Damn baby. Until you I was lucky to get off maybe once a week. If I go over 12 hours now my nuts start to ache." Chris said. I stood and kissed Chris good morning sharing some of his left over cum from my tongue. I slapped him on the ass as I walked out of the shower. "Get a move on sexy." I said. I stood in the mirror for a couple of minutes watching this sexy man soap and rinse his body. "What does this sexy man see in me?" was all I could think.

Tuesday morning started out as our new norm. Chris and the boys had their breakfast and Chris left for the office. I had a few calls to make and then me and the boys needed to run some errands. This should be interesting. This will be the first time I carried the boys out by my self. Surprisingly everything went fine. At the grocery store Cody loved the attention from all the ladies. Alex was another story. He was still leery of too many strangers. He didn't realize that the worst that could happen with these southern ladies is having bruised cheeks from them wanting to pinch them. This is a small town so word had gotten out about Me, Chris and the boys. This is one of those bible belt towns but I guess due to my families influence in this town no one would dare voice their opinion. They do that in secret so their name can't be attached. The sporting goods store was easier. The guys spoke and kept walking. I had to have netting to put on Chris' stair case to keep Cody from climbing through.

Back home I began to prepare dinner to carry to my Mom's. Tuesday night was normally Me, Mom, Breanna, Dean and the kids. This would be a whole new experience tonight. I keep thinking there is something that I really need to do but can not remember what it is. Preparing some food to carry with the boys playing I went back to my work. About an hour later both boys were down for their nap. Normally I would hurry to try to get a few things done before they woke. Today I ended up setting on the couch and falling asleep myself. The phone rang and I woke in a cold sweat. "Hello?" I said trying to catch my breath. "Hey baby. everything alright ? " Chris asked. "Hey sweetie. Everything is fine. I accidently fell asleep after todays trips and apparently was having a bad dream." I said. "You need me to come home ?" Chris asked. "I definitely need you too but not because of this dream. " I laughed. "You didn't call me from the grocery store." Chris laughed. "Hey I am no dummy." I replied. "Oh don't forget we have to leave shortly after you get home to go eat at Mom's" I said. "Ah shit I forgot. Ah . well I may have to work late." Chris said laughing. "You work late tonight and your stay at your house will begin early. And oh yes... alone." I said laughing. "Well when you put it that way do I need to bring flowers." Chris laughed.

"Mr. Hamrick you have a call on line two." Pamela said over the speaker. "Can you take a message please. " Chris said. "Sir I think this call you really need to take." Pamela said,. "Give me just a minute Pamela." Chris said. "Well babe business calls. Pamela says I need to take this call. I will see you and the stinkers soon. Love you Babe." Chris said. "Love you too stud. See you when you get home." I said.

"This is Chris Hamrick, how may I help you." Chris said. The other voice came over the phone and a look of fear came across Chris' face. He sat for at least ten minutes without saying a word. Chris finally said "Yes I am still here. continue." The voice on the other end continued and Chris' expression never changed. Another four minutes or so in total silence. "Hold on please and let me write this down." Chris said. "Yes. I got that." Chris said. "Mr. Hamrick your three o'clock is here." Pamela spoke. "Cancel it Pamela." Chris said. "But Mr. Hamrick......." she started. "CANCEL IT." Chris shouted. "Yes sir Mr. Hamrick" Pamela said. "Sorry for that. " Chris said in the phone. "Please continue I am ready." Chris added. The phone call was coming to an end. "Thank You for letting me know what was going on. Please feel free to call me with any more developments. I will ask that at this point you call this office. I will inform my secretary Mrs. Cook of what is going on. If I am not available please give any information to her. And thank you again." Chris said as he hung up. "Pamela" Chris called over the speaker. "Yes Mr. Hamrick " she replied. "Call my lawyer Bob and tell him that I will be there in fifteen minutes. If he is busy remind him of how much money I pay him every year." Chris said. "Gladly Mr. Hamrick." Pamela said.

As Chris started out the door he stopped at Pamela's desk. "I am sorry for hollering at you over the intercom. I have a major situation that I need to handle. In the morning I will explain it to you because I will need your help. But as for now if anyone calls I am out of the office on a site. Oh and if Lee calls just transfer him to my cell as if I were still here. PLEASE do not tell him where I am." Chris said, "No problem Mr. Hamrick I knew there must be something with the nature of who called. So no need to apologize." Pamela said. "And Pamela if they call back they have been informed to give you any information they may have. I hope you remember too that anything you hear remains between your desk and mine." Chris said. "Mr. Hamrick, this is Pamela remember." She said.

Chris was amazed. In less than fifteen minutes he had made it through Atlanta traffic and was walking straight past Bob's receptionist and directly into his office. "Hey Chris, glad you are back home. It sounded rather urgent. What's up ?" Bob asked. Bob has been Chris' lawyer for over twenty years. He and his partner Paul have been to dinner at Chris' house many times. " I need to catch you up on a few things real quick and then I need you to read this and tell me what I need to do. " Chris said. Chris told Bob about everything that had happened over the past couple of weeks and also informed him about Lee. "Chris you are a special man. I am so happy that you have found true love and I know Paul will be happy too." Bob said. Chris handed him the folded piece of paper and as Bob read he reached for the phone. "Get me the office director of DFACS on the phone." he said and hung up. DFACS is the Department of Family and Children's Services for the state of Georgia. "Chris this could get serious. " Bob said. "That's why at this point you and I are the only two outside the state of California that knows what is going on." Chris said.

Chris skipped going back to the office. He knew that he had less than an hour to pull himself together before he got to Lee's house. "How the hell am I going to tell Lee about this." Chris thought. "Pull yourself together Chris." he thought. Finally pulling in the driveway he was only about ten minutes early so he would not have any explaining to do.

"Honey I'm home." Chris called as he came through the door. Hearing Chris' voice reminded me of what I was forgetting. "Those damn papers. I forgot to read those papers." I thought. Chris came up behind me and wrapped his arms around me and buried his face in the back of my neck. "Mmm I sure missed you today handsome." Chris said. I turned to give Chris his welcome home kiss as Alex rounded the corner. "Papa, papa come see my room." Alex shouted. One more quick kiss and a squeeze on my ass from Chris. "Where is stink pot. I will take him with us. " Chris said, "Hurry Papa, ppllleeaaassseee. " Alex said. "Now how could I say no to a please like that. " Chris said smiling.

My SUV loaded with food boys and Chris we headed to my Mom's house for dinner. Once there I herded Chris and the boys into the large family room in her house and I returned to the kitchen to help Mom finish dinner. "Can I help ?" Chris asked as he came into the kitchen. "Its all under control. You help Lee and I will go in the family room to see the boys." Mom said. "Boy that's a change." Chris said after Mom left the kitchen. "Never under estimate the power of Breanna over that little lady. And definitely never under estimate the power of that little lady that just walked out." I said laughing. "Welcome to the family, grab a spoon and stir the corn." I said.

Breanna, Dean and their crew arrived. To say it was a little on the crazy side is putting it mild. Making sure that the kids were fed and keeping order was all I could do. I couldn't really remember if I even ate myself. While Breanna and I cleaned the kitchen and put away the food the boys had a blast rolling around in the floor with Chris . "Lee I am so happy for you. Chris seems to be an awesome man." Breanna said. "Yeah I am still waiting to wake up and realize its a dream." I said. "What brought Grandma around ?" I asked. "Well you know her. She just needs some convincing. She said that she had always known you were gay but never had to deal with her friends and the church because of a son in law. Hell I just told her to remind the church that she is the one that held the mortgage on it. " Breanna said and we both just laughed. Believe it or not after Mom hugged and kissed both boys as we went to leave she even hugged Chris. "Boy she can be spooky." Chris said.

Both boys exhausted made for very quick baths and early bed times. After tucking both boys in Chris and I both met at the couch. We decided that we could watch t.v. in bed so we both went the master bedroom and stripped and climbed in bed. There was some rubbing and some petting but both of us were too exhausted for sex. At least I was anyway. We had been in bed about ten minutes when I could tell by Chris' breathing that he was sound asleep. I turned the t.v. and the lamp off and rolled to my side to go to sleep. Before I got settled Chris spooned behind me and lifted my ass cheek to place his semi hard cock in the crack. After a couple of half sleepy humps Chris kissed me on the neck. "I love you baby." he whispered. "I love you too." I said as Chris drifted back off to sleep.

Chris arrived at the office and asked Pamela to come in and close the door. He informed her of his conversation from the day before. He also gave her instructions as to what he may need. After a short pause Pamela looked at Chris. "Mr. Hamrick if there is anything I can do you call me anytime. Here or at home. " She said. "Thank you Pamela. The first thing I need you to remember is that You, I , and the lawyer are the only ones outside of California that know anything about this. And for now it has to stay that way." Chris said. "What about Mr. Lee ?" she asked. "I haven't told him yet but I have to do that tonight." Chris said. " Mr. Hamrick. Ah Chris. I am not trying to get in your business but if you love this man as much as you say you do then you need to tell him quickly." Pamela said. " Thanks for caring about me Pamela. I know I don't pay you enough for that too. But I understand. I had just hoped to find out a little more before I did." Chris said.

Chris thought how fast his day had passed. He remembered looking at drawings but couldn't recall them. His thoughts were how was he going to tell Lee what he had found out. Further more he realized that he would have to figure out how to tell Lee that he had found out the day before but didn't mention it. "You can't fuck this up" Chris said to himself. "Its not just you anymore."

As Chris pulled in the drive he saw Breanna's car, a truck and another car. "What the heck ?." he thought. As he touched the door to the kitchen he heard screaming. Running into the kitchen his heart stopped. As he looked to his left Alex was in the corner of the breakfast room. He was in the corner screaming. Alex would scream and spin around and face the wall again as if he were trying to crawl in it. He saw Dean setting on the floor beside Alex with Cody screaming trying to crawl under his shirt and get behind Dean. Breanna was setting on the floor behind Alex with her hand out but not touching him It was as if she were just trying to keep him from hurting himself. The neighbors daughter was standing in the kitchen with a shocked look on her face and crying. Trying to get a grasp on what was going on he saw that both Alex and Cody's cloths were covered in blood. "WHAT THE FUCK ?" Chris hollered. Chris frantically looked around. "Where is Lee ? What the hell is going on ?" Chris almost shouted. Alex screamed louder and Cody almost pushed Dean over trying to get further behind him. "Lee is in the bedroom. Go check on him and we will handle this." Breanna said. "Handle what ?" Chris demanded. "GO" Breanna said. Chris recognized that look. He knew that Breanna had gotten that from Lee.

Next: Chapter 13

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