Make Mine to Go

By Lake Sinclair

Published on Oct 11, 2016


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"Make mine to go" Chapter 19

Friday would be a busy day. Chris and Lee had put the boys to bed. Well lets say that all four men put the boys to bed. Bob and Paul could not resist helping. Back in the den after the boys were out the men discussed plans for the following day. Chris would go to his house in Atlanta after work and Bob and Paul would help Lee load everything including the boys and get them to Atlanta and settled.

Paul was setting on the bed in the guest bedroom when Bob came out of the shower. With his towel in his hands drying his hair he heard a low sound from Paul. "Mmmmm... mmmm... what a sexy sight. " Paul said. "You like ?" Bob said. "Oh yes baby I really like. " Paul said as he got up and walked around the bed. Paul got on his knees in front of Bob and took Bob's soft cock into his mouth. "This I really love." Paul said as he released Bob's cock. "What is that baby ?" Bob asked. "I just love your soft cock coming to life in my mouth. " Paul smiled as he took Bob's dick back in his mouth. Bob lowered his hands to Paul's head to stable himself.

After about five minutes of the best blow job of the month Bob reached down and pulled Paul up for a deep passionate kiss. "I need some of those potent soldiers of you inside me baby." Paul whispered. "Does my little twink want some of the soldiers that Lee said he had to stay away from." Bob whispered. "All of those soldiers are mine baby." Paul whispered. Bob began to push Paul back towards the bed still kissing him deeply. "Baby do you remember that special night on the cruise ship ?" Paul whispered. "You would do that again ?" Bob asked. "For you stud anytime." Paul said. "Oh shit baby you have no idea how much I love you." Bob said.

Paul lay on the bed with his lower body on the bed and his upper body draped down towards the floor. "Take me baby." Paul said. Bob straddled Paul and leaned over and began to rim Paul. As Bob's tongue entered Paul's ass he gasped for breath and bit his lip to keep from crying out. He suddenly realized that they were in a bedroom across from the boys and down the hall from Chris and Lee. "Mmmmm this is the best ass in Georgia baby. " Bob whispered. "Make it happy baby." Paul whispered. In one swift motion with Bob facing Paul's feet he lowered his hips and entered Paul's wet ass I guess you would say upside down. Paul's feet came up quickly and were stopped by Bob's chest. Bob took one leg in each hand and began to lick and nipple on Paul's legs and feet as he began to piston his hard cock in and out of Paul's ass. The intensity of this position made Paul shoot into the towel that Bob had dropped. As Paul's ass ring squeezed on Bob's cock the pressure pushed Bob over the edge. Bob lay Paul's legs down and with his head and body on the bed with his head between Paul's feet he gasped for breath and his body shook as he dumped his seed deep inside Paul's ass. "Mmmm... now that load will make us twins." Bob said with a chuckle.

Friday was busy getting finger foods made and getting things packed to head North. Everyone loaded and headed North. They had filled Lee's SUV with food and silver serving sets. Paul had taken the car seats out and put them in their car and they were entertaining the boys on the trip. Lee could only laugh to himself wondering what type conversation Unca Bob and Unca Paul were having to listen too.

Saturday was a very busy day. Lee managed to keep the boys downstairs until time for them to go to Pamela's house. Bob and Chris delivered the boys since the car seats were still in Bob's car. Pamela's niece was also there to help her Aunt. Back at the house Lee and Paul rushed around staging the food trays around the main floor of the house. There are enough antiques and side tables that it would be more informal than to use the tables as buffets. Lee had talked to one of Bob's neighbors earlier in the day and asked if he could park his SUV in their yard in case he needed to make a quick trip to the store during the party. Everything ready and everyone changed, the only thing to do was wait for guests to arrive and greet them.

At 7:00 p.m. the guests began to arrive. Lee was overwhelmed trying to remember names and who was partnered with whom and who came solo. There were a total of about twenty five guests and everything seemed to move as smooth as clock work. There was a large mixture of gay men. Some older and some younger with the youngest being maybe early thirties. To name them all would confuse even the writer but there are only really five of interest at this point.

Gregg was a mid forties man. He was well built but not a six day a week gym body. His partner Mikey was a smaller man in his late thirties but it looked like he lived at the gym. He didn't have huge muscles but every muscle was well defined. The next couple was Shane and Juan. Shane was in his early forties and had the build of a construction worker. Juan was built similar to Mikey but a little taller and looked close to the same age as Shane. You could tell by the way Juan carried himself that he thought he was god's gift to gay men and a real drama queen. Brian on the other hand was either late thirties or early forties and had an average body. He was a handsome man but his muscles were not toned like so many of the others. Lee watched Brian because he seemed to be a loner and would speak to other guests when they spoke to him. But he didn't mingle as well as the rest.

Lee walked over and began talking to Brian. As they chatted they would look around the room and Brian would tell Lee about different guests. Lee had found out that most of the guys really liked Brian and seemed to be friends with him. But there were a couple that felt that he was beneath them and they had introduced him at functions as their "token fag." Lee asked Brian to walk with him as he checked the dishes in each room to make sure the food was well supplied. They stood in the foyer near the stairs between the living room and the study. Brian reached up and took Lee by the arm. "That guy Juan that is hanging all over Chris is trouble. Watch out for him. " Brian said. "I thought he was Gregg's partner." Lee said. "No he is Shane's or at least that's what Shane thinks. He is nothing but a gold digger. Mikey is Gregg's partner and you need to watch out for him too. He and Juan are really thick and they always cause trouble." Brian said. "I appreciate the heads up but hopefully tonight they can't cause any problems." Lee said. "But I will keep my eyes open." he added.

As they stood in the hall they watched as Juan tried to rub all over Chris. Chris seemed to be more into the guests and not really paying attention to Juan. At certain points when they would look that direction Juan would put his hands on Chris and rub his back lightly while looking at Lee and smiling. He even at one point acted as though he was going to lay his head on Chris' shoulder and he blew Lee an air kiss as to say "fuck you." Chris moved to a different group of friends which left Juan no access to him. Brain saw Juan and Mikey head downstairs to the bar. Brian followed and stood just outside the door of the main room downstairs where he could hear Mikey and Juan talking.

"I have news for the simple country bitch that Chris brought home. He ain't getting my man. I have worked on my plan to get Chris for over two years and that ugly bitch has got to go." Juan said. "Sweetie calm down. I know you have a plan." Mikey said. "Shane's sorry ass doesn't make enough money for me and you to have the life we want." Juan said. "Well you know I am going to help anyway I can." Mikey said. "I still can't sneak money from Gregg." Mikey added. "I know lover. We are going to get rid of that Paul guy next and get you lawyer Bob. Both of them work so many hours and make so much we can skim enough so that we can be together and let those bitches pay for it." Juan said. "Did you bring it ?" Juan asked. "Yeah right here." Mikey said as he handed Juan a small baggie. "Time for that special drink. Lets see what everyone thinks after this takes affect." Juan laughed. "What about my man ?" Mikey asked. "One at a time lover. Let me get Chris and get rid of those kids and then we will get you yours. I promise." Juan said. "Alright lets get back before they start looking." Mikey said. Brian hurried back up the stairs trying to get out of sight.

Lee was in the dining room talking to a couple of the guest. Brian had gone in the other direction trying to blend back in in case he was seen downstairs. Juan and Mikey made their way into the dining room. "This is a nice party... uh Lee .. is it ?" Juan asked. "Thank You. I hope everyone is enjoying themselves." Lee said. "Oh this will be a party they will all remember." Mikey said. "We brought you a drink from downstairs." Juan said as he handed the glass to Lee. "Thanks for the gesture but I don't drink." Lee replied. "Oh believe me there is very little alcohol in it because we didn't know what your choice of poison was." Juan said. " Well thank you." Lee said as he took the glass. Not wanting to offend Chris' friends he began to sip the drink. Juan and Mikey stayed with Lee and asked about the boys nad how he and Chris had met. The only reason they stayed was to make sure that Lee had drank most of his drink. Once the drink was mainly gone they headed into another room to chat with other friends.

Mikey and Juan met Brian in the foyer as they were headed to the den and Brian to the study. "Token faggot. Who the hell invited you. ? Low class." Juan said as he passed Brian. Mikey just laughed and kept walking. Brian's blood pressure began to rise but being the gentleman he was he was not going to cause a scene at Chris and Lee's party. Brian could hear the cheers from the Den signaling Bob's announcement that he and Paul would be parents in a few weeks. Brain turned the corner of the dining room to see Lee standing holding onto the buffet, looking as if he was going to be sick. "Lee are you alright ?" Brian asked. "I am not sure. I don't feel right but it will pass." Lee said. "Lets find you a place to sit down." Brian said. "No I will be fine. I just need some air and I will be fine." Lee said.

Lee moved toward the kitchen trying to make it to the back door. His plan was to go sit in the gazebo until his head cleared. His world was spinning and he couldn't figure out why. He could hear voices but they sounded like they were talking through a tin can. "What the fuck is wrong with me ?" Lee thought. He made it to the kitchen and was confronted by the duo of Juan and Mikey. Brian was hot on Lee's heals trying to make sure he was alright. He heard Juan's voice but he was talking fairly low. Brian stopped at the corner of the pantry where Juan and Mikey could not see him. He pulled out his trusty smart phone again and hit the record button.

"Feeling alright there Lee ?" Juan laughed. "Just a little warm but I will be fine." Lee said. "Leave it to Chris to bring home an ugly simple country bitch. Don't worry you will make a good nannie. But a man like Chris needs a sophisticated man like me and not simple country trash like you." Juan said. "That's Chris' decision." Lee said. "Oh don't worry. He will be my man soon enough and those little dirty diaper brats will be history. So you need to carry your simple country ass back to the rock you crawled out from under and leave that bank account to a real man." Juan snarled. "Chris probably has to throw up after having sex with you anyway. Either that or he does it with his eyes closed and pretends he is looking at me. " Juan said. " So go back to the country and leave us alone. We don't need nor want you. " Juan said and pushed Lee toward the sink and he and Mikey turned and headed back to the rest of the guests. Brian came around the corner and grabbed Lee. " Are you alright ?" Brian asked. As Brian looked at Lee he saw tears streaming down Lee's face. "I need air." Lee said. Brian helped Lee just outside the door. "Wait here I need to get Chris." Brian said as he returned in the house to find Chris.

Lee's mind was racing by this point. His heart felt like it was going to beat out of his chest. Tears turned in to a solid cry that he could not control. Lee is the one man that can control his expressions and emotions under any circumstance. Normally he would have been able to put Juan in his place and keep a smile on his face but something wasn't right. His world was crumbling and his mind was racing. His chest was killing him which he knew was an anxiety attack. "What the fuck is wrong with me. Pull it together Lee." he thought. The harder he tried the worse it got. His world spun quicker. " I need to go home." he thought. He made it down the steps and through the gate to the neighbors yard. "Keys, keys.. where are my keys?" Lee said. Lee punched the code on the door of his SUV and took the extra key out of the console. The SUV fired up Lee was out of there.

Back in the house Brian was frantically trying to find Chris. He finally found Paul. "Where is Chris. I need him quick. Its Lee" Brain said frantically. "Where is he ?" Paul asked. "He was headed to the gazebo." Brian said as Paul took off running for the back door. Brian finally found Chris downstairs laughing with some friends. Brian grabbed his arm. "Its Lee HURRY." Brian said. Chris skipped half the steps getting upstairs. He ran out the back door to find Paul walking around the yard calling for Lee in the dark. "Lee baby ?" Chris called out to get no reply. Paul came into the light. "What the hell happened ?" Chris asked. "I don't know. Brian grabbed me and said he needed you quick that it was Lee. I asked where Lee was and he said that he left him headed to the gazebo. " Paul said. "Where is Brian ?" Chris asked. " Go next door and check to see if he is at his truck." Chris instructed Paul.

Chris went back inside just in time to run directly in to Brian. " Where the fuck is Lee and what is going on ?" Chris asked. Brain pulled out his phone and said. " I think you will want to see this." Brain said. He began to play the videos that he had taped. " That screen is too small damnit." Chris said shaking. "Here come with me." Brian said. Brian turned the television over the fireplace in the den on and punched into his phone and the videos began to play for all to see. Brain had three videos of the conversation in the bar area and also one of the encounter in the kitchen. All of the guests except for Juan, Mikey and a couple of others witnessed the conversation. Paul had ran back to the house to tell Chris the truck was gone. As he entered the den he heard the conversation about getting rid of him too and Mikey getting Bob. Chris was blood red with anger and Bob, Gregg and Shane stood there with there mouths opened. Chris had Brian replay the one of the bar videos. " That drink must have been for Lee." Brian said. "I am sorry I didn't realize and stop it. " he added.

As the last video was concluding Juan and Mikey walked into the den laughing and chatting. Not knowing they had been caught Chris turned toward Juan and hit him as hard as he could with his fist right square in the middle of his face. Before Juan could even hit the floor Chris had grabbed him and pinned him to the wall. "What the fuck did you do you sorry whore ?" Chris demanded. "Where the fuck is Lee ?" Chris added. "He needed to go away anyway." Juan said. Chris used his free hand and planted his fist in Juan's ribs hoping that he could break at least two. Mikey turned to run but not fast enough to get away from Paul. Paul tripped him and landed on top of him and planted his fist in the back of his head forcing his face into the hardwood floor. "Don't you dare move bitch." Paul shouted. "Bitch you better talk fast before I turn your face into ground beef. I will fuck you up so bad no man will ever look at you again you ugly mother fucker." Chris screamed into Juan's face. "What did you put in that drink ?" Paul demanded from Mickey. "Nothing" Mickey said. Paul grabbed Mickey's hair and picked his head up and slammed it back into the floor. "Talk bitch." Paul shouted. "It was a mixture of some "x" and "meth"." Mickey admitted. Chris heard the mixture and planted his knee as hard as he could into Juan's nuts. Juan screamed louder than he had in his whole life from the pain. "WHERE IS LEE ?" Chris demanded. "Who gives a fuck." Juan said.

Chris let go of Juan's collar and grabbed his arm and drug Juan to the front door. He opened the door and picked Juan up and threw him over the rail of the porch. "GET THE FUCK OFF MY LAND MOTHER FUCKER. If I ever see you anywhere again I will fuck you up. And if anything has happened to Lee you better hide where God can't find you because I damn sure will." Chris shouted. About that time Mickey came by Chris as he was being tossed over the rail by Paul. Juan stood the best he could and brushed himself off. "Come Shane we are leaving." Juan shouted. "Not in my car and I better never see you at my house again." Shane shouted. "That goes double for me you little piece of shit." Gregg shouted at Mickey. Chris turned to Bob and shouted. "Call Lee's cell." There was silence in the house and the sound of Lee's phone ringing in the kitchen could be heard by everyone. Chris fell to his knees. " Where are you baby ? I need to find you." Chris said.

Lee's phone stopped ringing and then began to ring again. A couple of moments later Chris' phone rang. "Lee?" Chris said quickly as he answered. "Ah no this is Grandma ( Ms. Ruth ). I don't have but a minute but listen close. I need you, Lee and the boys here immediately. Don't pack, just get here. " She said as she hung up the phone. It had been on speaker so Bob and Paul knew something was wrong. None of the other guests knew anything about the earlier problems. Bob ran to the kitchen and grabbed Lee's phone and dialed Breanna.

Next: Chapter 20

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