Make Mine to Go

By Lake Sinclair

Published on Sep 3, 2016


Copyright to this story remain strictly that of the author. No other publication or use of this story is allowed with the consent of the author. This story contains male on male sexual content both implied and explicit. If this offends you please do not continue. All characters and implied situations are strictly those of the author and are not based on any real life events or characters. If you are under 18 years of age please exit this story now.

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"Make mine to go" Chapter 2

Let me stop here and describe the ones at my table. As Chris leans against his arm on the table and seems to be dossing off I whisper to the boys just general chat to keep them occupied. Alex is almost four and a cute little guy with brown hair and beautiful green eyes. I also found out he is not totally potty trained but close. Cody is a cute little bundle of smiles. He is the blonde hair, blue eyes cutie and is 14 months old. Now for the cutest one. Chris looks to be early to mid 40's and has jet black hair. He stands 6' 3" and probably 215lbs and has the very thick broad shoulders. Chris had the most beautiful hazel eyes with the chizzled face. A jet black mustache and close cut goatee complimented the amazing feature. From the tight t shirt I could see the huge mounds that were his pecs. You could not see a six pack through the shirt but you could also tell that he was in shape. He may not live at the gym but that is even hotter to me. Sorry about that bodybuilders. I like my men natural.

You could see a small area of the same jet black hair sneaking out the neck line of his shirt. Now I am no size queen by any means but this man is packed. His jeans were not super tight but the crotch area was so packed that it had to move as he walked or it would get trapped and cause major pain. He had huge hands with the same black hair on his arms and fingers. A sexy smile makes me leak like a faucet. Chris had only smiled at me twice and one having a wink added and the inside of my pants were wet and soaked already. I go commando all the time and with the leakage issues I learned many years ago what type and color materials to wear to be undetected. As for me I am 52. I am 6' tall with thinning hair on my head only . The rest seems to get thicker. I struggle with weight but currently have been able to maintain around 180lbs.I have grey and brown mixed hair with mustache and blue eyes with a close cut mustache and goatee. I am a super hairy man. There is not hint of a gym on my body but its not a total loss of control either. O.k back to the table.

Chris would look up and smile ever so often to make sure I was not stressed out apparently. I made sure that he could see that I was enjoying my time with the boys so that I knew he had a minute to just relax. "I never want to see California again as long as I live." Chris said. " I have never been there but it can't be that bad." I replied. California is a long way from Georgia. "Well once I get my senses about me I may go back. But it will be by plane and not by car if I do. " Chris added. "So you said you have been in the car for four days so I am guessing you drove from California." I said. " Yes, I got a phone call about ten days ago saying that my son and his girlfriend were killed in a gun fight trying to cross the border back into the USA carrying drugs. I had no idea where he was since I had not heard from him in years. I knew that he had hooked up with a meth addict that had a baby but that cute little thing pulling on your ear was a surprise and is his son." Chris said.

" I am so sorry for your loss Chris." i said. " Well I guess it is a loss. I had not seen my son in 25 years. He really was not my son because I know for a fact that I never had sex with his mother but we were both seniors in college and I was graduating as an Architect and the looser she was with had dropped out of college. So I ended up paying child support until he quit high school and ran away. I met him once when he was about Alex's age." Chris said. " He had my phone number on him and so they called me. They found the children in a crack house raid just after the shooting and I was the only family member they could find. I have never dealt with children but I just couldn't leave them to the state. They still don't know the girlfriends name. When I left California they were up to her sixth alias. So I am their only family." Chris said.

Chris stopped for a moment and rubbed his bloodshot eyes. I could tell now that the expressions earlier that i was concerned about wondering if it were rage or anger was simply total exhaustion. "Where are you guys headed too." I asked. "North part of Atlanta. " Chris replied. Thinking to myself that there is no way that he can make the last part of this trip without putting them all in danger my mind was racing for a solution. "How long have you been driving this part of the trip ?" I asked. "Lets see today is Friday so we have been driving since Thurs morning. Chris said.

About that time my cellphone rang. It was a friend of mine. I asked where they were and he said they were at Red Lobster down the street. I asked how long they would be there and told him that I was fine but that I may need some help. He told me to call him back if he could help. He seemed worried since I didn't tell him my situation. "Chris, I have a proposition for you ? " I said. Chris looked up with a grin. "you do?" he said with a smirk. "Ah ha funny" I said. "What I propose is that you guys come to my house and spend the night. I am only 20 miles from here and its closer to your final destination but I am scared for you and these two boys to get in your car and drive any further." I said.

"You have already been too kind to me as it is. I couldn't take advantage of you. We will try to make it home." Chris said. I reached across the table and took his keys that were laying there and said " I am sorry but you are not getting behind the wheel of a moving vehicle tonight." I picked up the phone and called my friend. I told them that I was at Outback and that my vehicle would be in the parking lot. I told them that I would text them the code to open the door and that I would leave the keys under the seat and asked if they would drop it off at my house. " Ahhh bootie call huh ?" my friend said. He is straight but has two lesbian daughters so being around gay people is the norm for him. " Yeah right a booty call with a 18 month old is not my cup of tea." I said. Chris could hear my friend laughing through the phone since it took all I could to talk with Cody pulling at the phone.

The waiter walked up as I hung the phone up with both my carry out and the order Chris had placed. I handed him the gift card and told him to go verify it real quick just to make sure and that there should be about a $25 tip for him left on it. He returned moments later. "Thank You sir and hurry back to see us. Is there anything else I can do for you ? " he asked. "Never under estimate the amount of tip you can get from a one top table is all. " I said. He smiled and nodded. "Alright boys lets get this wagon train headed in the right direction." I said, Chris had a tear in his eye as he said. "I don't know where you came from but for the last hour you have been a God send. I can't impose on you anymore. You are too nice of a guy." "You don't get your butt out to that car you will see the not so nice side of me and I guarantee you it is not pretty." I said with a laugh.

I understand what he meant about that stinking car. You could smell old food, baby spit up, and I am sure that somewhere in there is an old wet diaper or baby clothes that the diaper leaked through. " Do you have diapers and wipes ?" I asked. " There are two or three left and I think I have some sort of formula around in there too. " Chris said. As I walked to my vehicle to leave the keys I picked up my phone and called my friend. I asked if they had any other plans while they were in town before they left to go back to our hometown. They said they planned on going by K Mart. I asked if I left money with the keys would they pick me up diaper, wipes, and a gallon of whole milk. "What in the hell is going on Lee?" my friend asked strongly. "Just do this for me. I am fine. I just have a situation here and I will explain it all when you drop off the SUV." I said.

"I may need to drive. The car is a 5 speed." Chris said. "Buddy if I can drive the bulldozer on my farm I can certainly handle a 5 speed sports car." I said. I started the car and pulled out on the street headed to the interstate. Once we were on the interstate headed North, Chris placed his hand on mine on the gear shift. " I can't imagine why you don't have a ring on your finger, but at this moment I thank God that the only parking lot I could get to was Outback's" Chris said. I was afraid to tell him that I was gay was the reason. I figured after he got some rest and was loaded to head home that if I were comfortable enough I would explain why. But that was a conversation for another time.

We reached my house and after realizing the garage door opener was in the SUV and also the keys to the house I finally got inside. I had a high chair that I use when my niece leaves her kids so I pulled it up to the table and put a happy Cody in. He had cried all the way there because he was so tired of the car seat. I set a plate out for Alex and placed his grilled cheese and fries in front of him. Chris had sat at the table and tried to get up to help. "You set tight. I will get yours ready and bring it to you and I also have something for Cody too." I said. By this time I was too wound up to eat but I sat and picked at my food while they ate theirs. I dealt with both kids so that Chris could have meal in peace. Well as much peace as possible anyway.

The boys finished their meals and I poured some milk in a bottle for Cody. " He is old enough that you don't have to waste your money on formulas now. Just put him some whole milk in it and you don't have to warm it anymore" I said. "Well shit. That would have helped with a lot of stops in convenient stores on the way to microwave a bottle." Chris said. There was a moment of silence and Chris said. " But then if I had known that I would not have met you." he said. I turned to see him smiling at me. O.k. Lee. Is this man flirting with you or is he just being sincere? To a gay man this is a certain come on. To a straight man it is just an over looked gesture. "So you are the unfortunate one for tonight that has to deal with me." I laughed. "Not at all. Gladly." was all he said.

I handed Chris the remote and headed to the guest bath to run water to bathe the boys. " I'll do that. I haven't been able to give them a bath in a couple of days. Just a good wipe down." Chris said. "No you go get their bags so I can get them ready for bed when I am done and then you set back and relax." I said. A few minutes later Chris came up behind me a set two small overnight bags. "This is all they have at the moment. I stopped and bought enough just to get us home." Chris said, The small rash on Cody's back was answered when I found out the clothes had not been washed. " After you get his clothes washed this rash will go away." I said to Chris. I looked up at Chris and saw tears rolling down his cheeks. "Its o.k buddy. It will all be fine so don't worry." I said. "Poor babies." Chris said and bent down and kissed me on the top of the head. "You are my miracle." Chris said as he stood back up. Here I am. Crotch height and my already soggy dick trying to grow while I was bent over a tub bathing two tired boys. This is not comfortable but i wouldn't dare move where he could see my hard on. "Now, go set and relax. Let me get them finished and then you can get a shower and get some sleep when you get ready." I said.

My friend and his wife arrived delivering the vehicle and supplies. Alex hid behind me but Cody was ready for attention from anyone that would give it. While my friends wife played with Cody, Chris informed my friend of part of the story. Chris thanked them for going out of their way and said that too many had gone out of their way tonight already to help him. My friend just laughed and said "Well if you ran into Lee then you don't have to worry. This man will move heaven and earth to do what he feels needs to be done and dare anything in the universe to stand in his way. I have seen him do it." We all laughed and they headed out to go to their own home.

"Alright mister. Bath time for you too. I have put fresh towels in the bathroom and there is soap, shampoo and anything else you need in there. So get moving before you fall asleep right here." I said. "Oh so I don't get the royal treatment like the boys, huh?" Chris said. My mind was racing. My thought to myself was o.k. Lee you need to put your gaydar in the shop and get it fixed because either this guy is a natural flirt or he is coming on to you and you don't realize it. Chris went to the guest bath and started the shower. That shower has two glass walls with no door or curtain. It is big enough and deep enough for three people and still not splash water. I headed to my bedroom to set up the pack and play to use as a crib. As I walked past the door Chris had left it open. One more time for the night my heart stopped, I couldn't breath and couldn't move. In front of me was even a hotter man than I had imagined soaping himself up in the shower. And what I thought was a packed crotch in the beginning was nothing compared to what i saw. "Damn I didn't know they came that big and that perfect." I thought to myself as I hurried to my room to catch my breath and not get caught.

Next: Chapter 3

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