Make Mine to Go

By Lake Sinclair

Published on Oct 16, 2016


Copyright to this story remain strictly that of the author. No other publication or use of this story is allowed with the consent of the author. This story contains male on male sexual content both implied and explicit. If this offends you please do not continue. All characters and implied situations are strictly those of the author and are not based on any real life events or characters. If you are under 18 years of age please exit this story now.

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"Make mine to go" Chapter 21

Chris and Lee finished their shower and Chris dried Lee off. He went into the bedroom and found Lee's robe. Chris dressed in a pair of shorts and a t shirt and carried the robe back into the bathroom to help Lee dress. "You feel better now baby ? " Chris asked. "Better, but not right. I will be fine though." Lee said. "Baby please don't ever run away from me again. You scared the hell out of me." Chris said. "Chris please. I still don't know what happened or what's going on. Let me get back to some since of normal before we have this conversation. I will say that I am so sorry that I scared you though. " Lee said. "I'm sorry to pressure you babe but you scared the hell out of me. I thought I was loosing my world. " Chris said. Lee leaned up and kissed Chris on the lips. "I love you mister. But tonight I need to get my senses back. Once I find out what happened then we can have this conversation. " Lee said. "Wait, what are we doing at my house ?" Lee asked. "I am not really sure myself yet. Your Mom called and said for us and the boys to get here now. But you were missing." Chris said. "Oh shit. let me find out what that's all about." Lee said. "No baby. We are here, the boys are safe. You are safe. The rest can wait." Chris said.

Brian was shaking like a leaf as he walked down the drive with Keith's coffee. "Ah, service with a smile." Keith said. This made Brian blush. "I know you said Black but I added a little something sweet to it." Brian said. "Ah man I thought I was sweet enough already." Keith said laughing. "I'm sorry I will go get you another cup." Brain said and turned to walk away. Keith reached out and took his arm. "Hey Brian. This is fine. Actually its really good. I'm sorry I was just trying to get a smile." Keith said. "Sorry Keith. This has been one hell of a night and I am still not sure what has happened or what's going on." Brian said. "It sounds like I only know part myself." Keith said. "That guy Juan was no threat. I am waiting for James Bond to jump out of the shrubs or something." Brian said. "Will Deputy Keith do ?" Keith asked. "What do you mean Juan is no threat ?" Keith added. Brian explained parts of the evening and pulled out his phone and showed Keith the videos that he had recorded.

"Damn, I didn't know anything about this. I guess you have had a strange night." Keith said. "This is not what all this is about ?" Brian asked. "That has nothing to do with why I am here. Those two little boys and the threat on them is why I am here." Keith explained. " A threat to their boys ?" Brian asked. About that time Breanna pulled into the drive. "Hey Keith. Thank you so much for being here." Breanna said. "No problem Breanna. You know I will do anything for your family and Lee especially." Keith said. "Oh this is Brian." Keith added. "Nice to meet you Brian and Thank you for helping." Breanna said. "Hop in and you can ride with me up to the house." Breanna added. "I can walk." Brian said. "Nonsense. get in." Breanna said. Keith leaned in and whispered something in Breanna's ear. "Thank you Keith." she said. "When my relief gets here I will come check on everyone before I go home." Keith said.

Back at the house everyone was in the den. Breanna came in and greeted everyone while Lee chatted with his Mom on the phone to reassure her that everyone was alright. She would not go into detail about the alert and just said for everyone to get a good nights sleep and it would all be discussed in the morning. "Um Brian, I hear that you have some video that I would like to see." Breanna said. To say that Brian had the deer caught in the headlights look was putting it mild. "Are you sure this is the right time ?" Brian asked. "Everyone here has seen it but me and Dean." Breanna said. "Well not exactly. Lee hasn't seen it." Chris spoke up. "Tonight is fine. I need to make since of what is going on before I go nuts. " Lee said. Chris moved closer to Lee afraid that he may not take parts of it well. The videos played and there were gasps and then there were a few unpleasant words said quietly. About the time the second video was about to play there was a knock on the door. Dean answered the door. It was Keith. His relief had arrived and he was checking before heading home. Plus this gave him the chance to return Brian's license to him.

Breanna had them start the video over again from the beginning so that Keith could see it also. Since Keith was the one that whispered to Breanna that Brian had some video she may want to see. Chris could feel Lee tense up with every word that was said. They had not even gotten to the kitchen part before Chris had a firm hold on Lee afraid he was about to bolt. Keith sat in the chair and Brian on the arm rest since it was closer to the television connection. A few different times Keith would reach up and gently touch Brian's leg which seemed to make him relax just a little. I don't think that either really realized that Keith was doing it. Once the kitchen scene came on screen Lee had to excuse himself before it was complete. Certain events were starting to come back to him. No it wasn't a dream. Someone really said those things.

Once Lee left, Breanna had Brian play the kitchen scene over again. "What was wrong with Lee ? Normally he would have chewed him up and spit him out. " Breanna asked. "Sweetie , remember that was after they had put the drugs in his drink." Dean said. "I want names and addresses. " Breanna said in anger. "I think Chris plans on doing something about them." Bob said. " Screw Chris. Grandma is not the only one in this family that knows how to reach out and touch someone." Breanna said. "You didn't hear that Keith. " Dean said. "Not a word." Keith answered. "O.k. James Bond, come out and show yourself." Brain whispered. Keith was the only one that could hear. "Guess Deputy Keith isn't enough." he whispered. Hearing Keith say that brought Brian back to the reality that he was setting on the arm of the chair Keith was setting in and at that point he could almost feel Keith's body heat. "Bond does the light weight stuff. No need for calling out the big guns." Brian whispered. "Big Guns, huh ?" Keith whispered. This made Brian blush. The whispers and the blush didn't go unnoticed by Paul.

Breanna and Dean went to the master bedroom to tell Lee and Chris that they were leaving. Paul offered the ones that were left a refill of coffee. Brian went into the kitchen to help. "You got you a hot one on the line, Plus he packs a gun." Paul said to Brian. "He's straight or at least he might be." Brian said. "Oh no. I see a man in a bullet proof vest that is after my buddy Brian." Paul said. "I could only wish." Brian said. Back in the den Paul started a conversation with Keith. "I guess the Mrs. Keith will be glad when you get home tonight. " Paul said. "Nope there is no Mrs. Keith and no potential Mrs. Keith." Keith remarked. "How do all of you guys know Lee ?" Keith asked. " I have been Chris' attorney for a long time. It was at one of his parties that I met Paul. " Bob said. "I met Chris through another friend and thats the reason that I was at that party." Paul said. "I just hang around in the shadows. I met Chris, Paul, and Bob through mutual friends. I guess we have known each other for six or seven years now." Brian said. "No we have been good friends for six or seven years now and I know Chris has not said it yet but I really want to thank you for stepping up for Lee tonight." Bob said. "Well I wish I had not let it go as far as it did I just had no clue that drink was for him. I made and lost a wonderful friend all in one night. " Brian said as a tear started down his cheek. Keith lay his hand on Brian's leg. "No Brian, you must not know Lee then." Keith said.

The four talked for a few minutes until Breanna and Dean came back through to say their goodbyes. "Lee wanted to see you for a minute before you leave Keith." Breanna said. "Sure thing." Keith said as he got up and headed down the hall. "Hey buddy, feeling better ?" Keith asked. " I never have felt that way and never want to again. I still am not sure of some things. Maybe in the morning." Lee said. "Just make sure you eat a good breakfast. That will help." Keith said. "I wanted to personally thank you for all your help. You know that you and your family have always been special to my family and we appreciate what you have done. " Lee said. "I would say I was just doing my job but when the call came out I knew that it had to be me." Keith said. "Got a question Lee, if you don't mind me asking ?" Keith added. "What is Brian's story ?" Keith asked. "You really need to ask Chris. I only met him tonight but I feel like I owe him my life." Lee said. " I will say this though. Even though I have only known him a few hours if you are interested you better put your best foot forward. If you hurt him you will answer to me and I guarantee it will not be nice." Lee said. "Chill Lee. It's me. Keith."

Chris began to quickly tell Keith and Lee about Brian. Brian is a loner. He had been emotionally, and verbally abused by a lot of guys. In the Atlanta gay community it seems that the good guys have a target on their head. That is unless they live at the gym and look like they walked off the cover of a fitness magazine. Chris went on to tell them that he had tried to include Brian in a lot of things and he was a little more comfortable around him but not in big crowds. He would still just back off and stay out of everyone's way. "Sounds like someone else I know." Keith said. "Shut up." Lee said. That one statement answered a lot of questions for Chris about Lee's past. "Well do you think he may like a guy like me ?" Keith asked. "Just take it slow and don't spook him. " Lee said. "There is just something about him. I just can't shake him from my head." Keith said. "I know the feeling." Chris said. "You want Brian too ?" Lee asked with a laugh. "Can't get rid of me that easy. Your stuck. Like it or not. " Chris said and leaned over and kissed Lee. "Get a room guys." Keith said. "Uh , we are already in it buddy." Lee said laughing. "Well I am off for the next three days. How is Brian getting home ?" Keith asked. "Oh shit I hadn't thought of that. I guess he will go back with Bob and Paul whenever they leave." Chris said. "Hhmmm." Keith said. "Do you care if I come back in the morning to check on you guys ?" Keith asked. "You are more than welcome to come check on Brian anytime you want." Lee said laughing.

Keith made his way back to the den. "Time for me to head out guys. I will be back in the morning to check on you guys." Keith said. "Breakfast is at eight a.m. sharp." Paul said. "You sure that wont be a problem ?" Keith asked. "No problem at all." Brian said and then blushed. "Are you guys going to be here all day tomorrow ?" Keith asked. "Well I apparently have a meeting at Mrs. Ruth's tomorrow afternoon so Paul and I will probably leave late tomorrow evening." Bob said. "Oh if its that late I guess I will call and get someone to come get me. I need to go get Chris' car and take it to the house plus I want to clean up all the food and stuff from the party that we just left out. It will start getting ripe if it waits. I will start making calls in the morning." Brian said. "Well I am off for the next three days. I will be glad to carry you back and also help clean up. I may wear a badge but I swing a mean dish rag too. " Keith said. " I hate to put you out like that, Its your day off." Brian said. "He will be ready after breakfast." Paul said. "Sounds like a plan." Keith said as he started out the door. "Wait." Brian said as he followed Keith out the door.

Standing beside Keith's patrol car. "Keith that was super nice of you to offer but umm... I think. uhh well there is something.. umm, you need to know something that may change your mind." Brian said as he looked at his feet and shuffled one in the grass. "Your gay , right ?" Keith said. "Um.. yeah I am." Brian said. "Whew, Good I sure was hoping so." Keith said as he leaned over and kissed Brian on the cheek. "See you at breakfast stud." Keith said as he got into his cruiser. As Keith pulled out of the drive Brian could only stand there. "What a crazy fucking night. Wait did he just call me stud ?" Brian thought. Keith kept taking glances in his rear view mirror and he drove down the drive watching Brian just standing there. "Damn I wanted to pull him in the car and take him home. GOD that nipple keeps calling my name." Keith thought. "Slow and easy big boy. This one you can't afford to scare off." Ran through Keith's mind. "Hurry up eight. Nope hurry up ten. I will have him in my truck all to myself." Keith grinned as he sped home.

Next: Chapter 22

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