Make Mine to Go

By Lake Sinclair

Published on Oct 22, 2016


Copyright to this story remain strictly that of the author. No other publication or use of this story is allowed with the consent of the author. This story contains male on male sexual content both implied and explicit. If this offends you please do not continue. All characters and implied situations are strictly those of the author and are not based on any real life events or characters. If you are under 18 years of age please exit this story now.

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"Make mine to go" Chapter 23

The guys finally returned to Lee's house. With Lee, Chris, Bob and Paul setting in the great room chatting while the boys played. "Can I be so bold as to ask a question ?" Paul said. Not knowing who that was directed at Chris replied. "Sure." "I don't mean to be rude but What the hell just happened ?" Paul asked. There was a long moment of silence. "My Mom just got her rocks off is all I can tell you. " Lee said. "Do what ?" Bob asked. "Did you see the look on her face when she handed the guy the phone ?" Lee said. "Yeah it looked like she could cut the man in half." Paul said. "Nah that was her look of . "This is who you are messing with mother fucker." Lee said All four men laughed at that statement. "All I know is that she said it stops "now" and she always means what she says." Lee said. "Well it scared me when she made the comment about us not having this meeting again or else." Bob said. "Well my Mom is a person of few words. When my brother and I were growing up she would only tell us to do something once. If it didn't get done she would not repeat what it was. She would come through and pop us and say "get it done". We would do everything we could find hoping we got the right one. So she meant that she was not going to repeat herself in another meeting. She wanted it done now. " Lee said.

It was nap time for the boys and after all the events of the past couple of days the grown ups decided that they needed one also. In the master bedroom Lee was standing looking out the window into the back yard. Chris came up behind him and wrapped his arms around Lee and placed his chin on his shoulder. "Feeling alright baby ?" Chris whispered. "Much better. I am just mentally exhausted. I am sorry about last night. I should have never let that happen." Lee said. "No baby you did nothing wrong. Well except running away but now I understand why." Chris said. "There was truth to what he said though." Lee said. "Nothing that came out of that stupid queens mouth made any sense to me." Chris said. "Sweetie I don't fit the mold of all your friends. I love you too much to cause you all that stress. " Lee said. Chris turned Lee around and kissed him deeply.

"Baby if I had wanted one out of that mold when I met you I would have already had a partner." Chris said. "They all seemed to love you. Everyone I talked to kept saying how nice you were and even a few said how hot you were. The rest. Fuck them. I don't need those as friends." Chris said. "I am not going to live the rest of my life without you. I would even take Grandma on for you and she still scares me. What can I do to make you feel better about how I feel ?" Chris asked. "Make love to me. I need you inside me now worse than I ever have." Lee said.

About that time there was a tap on the door. With a hint of frustration in his voice Chris called out ."Be right there.(then looking into Lee's eyes ) Hold that thought baby." Chris said. At the door was Bob. He had his phone in his hand. "Hey guys....... He is fine...... right now he is taking a nap. He is still getting over the drug affects." Chris said. "We are spending the day together trying to get things sorted. Will you please have Lee call one of us later so we can apologize." Shane said. It was Shane and Gregg on the phone wanting to apologize to Lee for the way their "former" partners had acted. "Sure guys I will have him call you later but he knows that you had nothing to do with it." Chris added. "Here if you don't believe me let Bob tell you." Chris said as he handed the phone back to Bob and motioned for him to handle it. All Chris could think about was his growing hard on getting trapped in his jeans and that he was about to make love to the man he loved.

Before the door was even shut good Chris had unbuttoned his jeans and in one swift motion had put his thumbs in the waist band of his jeans and underwear and pushed them to the floor. As Chris walked across the bedroom towards Lee he could see the lust in Lee's eyes as his semi hard cock and low hanging balls swayed as if they were calling to Lee. " Come get me." Lee began to remove his shirt. "No baby. I want to do the unwrapping." Chris said. Chris began to remove Lee's shirt. He leaned over and began to kiss Lee's bare neck. He then moved down and began to lick and nibble at each nipple showing both equal attention while he unbuttoned and unzipped Lee's shorts. Chris lowered Lee's shorts and release Lee's raging hard cock. As he removed the shorts a log stream of precum made its way to the floor. "Mmmm is that for me ? Honey from my honey." Chris said as he licked the head of Lee's cock. "MMMMMMMM" was all Chris could manage. Lee pulled Chris up for a deep passionate kiss and began to work his way down Chris body.

Taking time to worship each of Chris' beautiful hairy nipples and finally licking his way down to the grand prize. Lee was face to face now with Chris' aching hard dick. "Someone happy to see me ?" Lee said. In one swift motion Lee took Chris' cock all the way down his throat and began to moan. This brought Chris to his tip toes. "Ggggrrr.. baby...slow down. I have somewhere else I plan on planting this load of seed." Chris said. Chris leaned over and rubbed his hands down Lee's hairy back As he reached Lee's ass he licked one of his fingers and slid it up Lee's ass. Lee froze on Chris' cock letting the initial shock wave go over his body. Chris took his other hand and pulled Lee to his feet while leaving his finger buried deep in Lee's ass.

As they began to kiss Chris made love to Lee with his finger. He slowly backed Lee up to the bed with his finger still buried deep in Lee. Chris removed his finger and lay Chris on the bed. Chris towered over Lee and lowered his body onto Lee placing part of his body weight on him. Lee pulled his legs up and wrapped them tightly around Chris' waist. Chris leaned over and began to kiss Lee again. He took his fingers and gathered up some of Lee's leaking precum and began to finger fuck Lee again while they were kissing. "Uuuuhhhh....uhhhhh....." Lee was moaning. "PLEASE baby I need you inside me." Lee begged. Chris reached over to the night stand and took out the bottle of lube. "Not much baby. I want to feel it all." Lee whispered.

Chris applied a small amount of lube on his dick and aimed at Lee's aching hole. "Daddy is going to plant his seed deep inside his baby so the whole world will know you are mine and I love you." Chris whispered in Lee's ear. Chris raised back up so he could look in Lee's eyes as his raging hard cock began to enter his lovers ass. Chris was only half way in when Lee's body began to thrash and he shot a heavy stream of cum. The first shot landed on Lee's face and the other four left a long strand of white cum reaching from Lee's chest all the way to his cock. "Ah yeah, that's my horny baby." Chris whispered.

Chris began to pump in and out of Lee's ass. With ever motion the moans became louder between both men. "Daddy is going to cum so deep inside you that everyone will know this sweet ass is mine." Chris whispered. "I want it all baby, I want it all." is all Lee could manage. A few strokes later Chris dug his knees into the bed to get as deep inside Lee as he could. "Cuuummmiiinnnngg....uuuuhhhh..uuuhhhhh.....gggggrrrrrrrr...." Chris moaned. Chris' body shook as he took short jabs with his cock dumping his load deep inside Lee. As the lay there with Chris' cock still buried deep in Lee, Chris began to lick the cum off of Lee's face and the upper part of his chest. "I love desert and especially with frosting on top. " Chris said as he lowered his head to kiss Lee and share some of the cum he had collected in his mouth.

The afternoon went quickly. The boys were up and playing with Bob and Paul when Chris and Lee made it back to the great room. Chris' phone began to ring off the hook. All of the friends from the party called to see if everything was alright and wanted to know how Lee was doing. "Damn I need to turn this thing off." Chris said. "No sweetie. Those are your friends and they were concerned." Lee said. Lee and Paul prepared dinner for the group while Bob and Chris entertained Alex and Cody. After dinner was finished and the kitchen cleaned Bob and Paul said their goodbyes since they needed to head home. Alex crawled up in Bob's lap. "Can I go wif you Unca Bob ?" Alex asked. "I would love for you too little buddy but I think Papa and Pop would cry. What if Uncle Paul and I work out something later this week and see if Pop and Papa will let you come spend the night with us ? Will that work ?" Bob asked as he blew raspberries on Alex's neck. "Promise ?" Ales said. "Promise." Bob answered.

After Bob and Paul left Lee approached Chris. "Call Gregg and then Shane for me. I need to talk to them since they called earlier. " Lee said. "Are you sure sweetie ?" Bob asked. "Look Chris. Both those guys were apparently in the dark too. They had no idea what their partners were up too. If they were still together I would have no reason to talk to them. They have been dealt a blow too. Besides they are your friends and I am sure good ones too. If I don't talk to them and make them feel easier then they may feel we blame them too." Lee said. "Well I do partially." Chris said. "Why is that ?" Lee asked. "Well they didn't control their men." Chris said. "Wait just a minute. If its a control thing then we need to stop right here. I will stand behind you as I would hope you would me as long as we were right. But if you think it should be a control thing then you and I have a problem right now. " Lee said. "I guess your right. I just felt like I needed to blame the world I guess." Chris said. "Well it was not their fault. Just remember to put blame where blame lies." Lee said. "You still amaze me." Chris said as he dialed the phone and handed it to Lee. Lee was able to talk to both Gregg and Shane and assure them that he did not hod them responsible in anyway. They assured him that both Mikey and Juan had been kicked out and they had no clue nor did they care where they went too. Lee even had Chris get on the phone and made him assure both men that this in no way affected their friendships.

In the car and headed home Bob and Paul both seemed to take a breath of relief that this weekend was finally over. "What's going on in that pretty little head of yours ?" Bob asked. "You promised me an exciting weekend but damn." Paul laughed. "I know. I wasn't planning that type of excitement." Bob said as he reached over and squeezed Paul's crotch. "Remind me to ask you in a couple of days when I have calmed down, exactly what the hell happened." Paul said. "Well I think you will be asking the wrong one then. I still am not sure. All I know is that everyone is fine and its all history." Bob said. "Well I hope I run into either Mikey or Juan so I can give them a piece of my mind. " Paul said. "Well I think that Mikey got a little more than a piece of your mind already." Bob said laughing. "I am so ashamed of the way I acted." Paul said. "I'm not. It made me proud. It made me even more sure of our future. The fact that you were willing to physically attack Mikey to protect what you felt was yours." Bob said. "He's lucky he is still alive when you put it that way." Paul laughed.

Back at Brian's apartment in Atlanta, Keith had woken before Brian. He lay there looking at this beautiful man cuddled up against him thinking "Go slow Keith. This guy is definitely a keeper. Remember Lee said go slow." The train of thought was broken when Brian's cell phone rang. Brian jumped being startled out of a deep sleep. "Hello.... what the hell are you doing calling me ?" Brian said. Seeing the frustration Keith pulled Brian back into his chest and wrapped his arms around him.

"Who the fuck gave you the right to film us ?" Juan said. " I am going to sue your ass. It was non of your damn business." he added. "You stupid son of a bitch. What gave you the idea that Chris would be remotely interested in your tired, used up , wore out ass anyway. " Brain said. "My plan was non of your business and you will pay for it. " Juan said. "You put drugs in his drink. Had you lost your damn mind? Besides why are you calling me anyway. I am the token faggot remember." Brian said. Hearing that made Keith mad. He took the phone from Brian.

"Who am I speaking too ?" Keith asked assuming it was Juan. "Who the fuck are you ?" Juan asked. "Sir I asked first" Keith said. "This is Juan now who the fuck are you and put that trash back on the phone." Juan said. "Oh well. You are just who I am looking for." Keith said. "Well here I am mother fucker. " Juan said. "Well I am deputy Keith with the drug task force. I need to speak to you about a breaking and entering charge, possession of an illegal substance and possession of an illegal substance during the commission of a felony." Keith said. "Hello ?, hello ?" Keith said. "Guess he hung up." Keith added. "What was all that ?" Brian asked. "Insurance that he will never call you again." Keith said with a smile. "My hero in a uniform. To protect and serve huh ?" Brain said. Keith pulled the sheet back exposing his naked body. "Will this uniform do ? I did the protecting and if all goes well I hope to do the serving part too." Keith said.

Bob and Paul arrived home. Paul was almost afraid to enter the house not knowing if someone had broken in their too or not. Everything was fine and they went about unpacking and getting things in order to begin the upcoming week. Bob came down the hall and saw Paul standing in the doorway of one of the guest rooms leaning against the door frame. Bob walked up behind Paul and wrapped his arms around him. "What's on your mind sweet heart ?" Bob asked. Paul surveyed the room. "Just think in a few weeks we may have two sweet little babies in here. Do you think they will love us ?" Paul said. "Baby they can't help but love us. We have enough love between us that we can give them extra if they need it." Bob said. "I know your right but it still scares me." Paul said. "Well I think if you tried to back out now you would need to be more scared of Mrs. Gladys than you are of Mrs. Ruth." Bob said with a laugh. They stood there holding each other just looking in the room. The moment was broken when a text came through Bob's phone. "Make it home alright ?" Chris had asked. Bob had began to answer the text when another came through that stopped his typing. "Turn on Fox news Atlanta.....QUICK." Breanna had typed.

Bob made his way to the den and turned the television on. "Paul quick.. Get in here." Bob shouted. Lee got the same text as did Keith. "Turn on Fox Atlanta news Brian. Hurry" Keith said. Chris and Lee changed the channel from cartoons to Fox News with some protest from Alex.

"BREAKING NEWS" Just into Fox Atlanta. Four members of a leading drug cartel from Mexico have been arrested in Atlanta. According to Atlanta Police with the help of Home Land security and the DEA they were able to foil a kidnapping attempt by the cartel. At nine p.m. the united forces stormed a downtown hotel. The members were arrested on a range of charges. Illegal possession of narcotics, attempted kidnapping, possession of illegal firearms during the commission of a felony, falsified documents (forged passports), entering the USA illegally. Our affiliates in Dallas, Los Angeles, and Miami also report similar raids in their area at the same time. Our world news center has reported that a raid on the cartel leaders safe house in Mexico was also successful. The reports from Mexico are that four cartel members are dead and over thirty arrested. In the USA there were four arrested in Atlanta, six in Dallas, three in Los Angeles, and over a dozen in Miami. All of the arrests in the USA were without injury. Fox world news center has just reported that the leader of the cartel was able to flee but apparently is alone. All of the other leaders in the cartel were taken into custody. All of the leaders assets in the US and Mexico have been frozen so they feel its only a matter of time before he is apprehended also. Stay tuned to Fox news for further developments.

Paul stood in front of the television in shock. "Ah. As far as your earlier statement. I will take on Mrs. Gladys anytime over Mrs. Ruth. DAMN." "Shit, Lee said she means what she says." Bob said. At Brian's apartment Keith and Brian watched the news. "You go Mrs. Ruth." Keith said. "Was that about Chris, Lee and the boys ?" Brian asked. "Yep. When you mentioned that Juan fella last night I didn't know anything about that. This is the reason I was at Lee's" Keith said. At Lee's house Chris and Lee watched the news. Once it was over Chris looked at Lee. "Damn baby. Remind me not to piss my mother in law off." Chris said. "Mother in law ?" Lee chuckled. "Well future mother in law. I am not going to give you a chance to say no." Chris said.

Next: Chapter 24

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