Make Mine to Go

By Lake Sinclair

Published on Oct 28, 2016


Copyright to this story remain strictly that of the author. No other publication or use of this story is allowed with the consent of the author. This story contains male on male sexual content both implied and explicit. If this offends you please do not continue. All characters and implied situations are strictly those of the author and are not based on any real life events or characters. If you are under 18 years of age please exit this story now.

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"Make mine to go " Chapter 26

Monday morning came quickly. Chris was in the shower while Lee prepared breakfast for all the boys. Alex was at the table eating his toast and eggs while Cody was playing in his grits. "Ah all the men I love in one room." Chris said as he made his way to the table. "Papa I am still a little boy." Alex said with a mouth full of toast and eggs. "Well stinker then all the man and little boys that I love are all in one room. " Chris said. "I agree." Lee said. Cody looked up and pointed at Chris. "Apa" he said. "Getting there little buddy." Chris said as he stopped and kissed Cody on top of the head trying to avoid any of the stray grits all over the child. "Morning sexy." Lee whispered as Chris stopped to kiss him good morning. "What are you guys plans for today ?" Chris asked. "Today will be sort of quiet until we hear word from what's going on." Lee said. "Do I need to call my folks and postpone ? Besides they are coming here in just over a month anyway." Chris said. " No need in doing that yet. We weren't leaving until the end of the week anyway so lets give it a couple of days." Lee said.

"Morning sexy. Are you feeling alright ?" Keith asked as Brian began to open his eyes. "Your still here." Brian said. "Wouldn't be anywhere else." Keith said as he leaned over and kissed Brian. "Are you alright though ?" Keith asked. "I am fine. I may walk funny for a few days but it was well worth it." Brian said with a laugh. "Are you sure baby. Last night was insane. Besides I have never had a man that was able to take me up their ass and you took it all. More than once." Keith said. "I am fine baby and please believe me there was no pain. I am surprised myself but there was only some extreme pressure. But that's to be expected considering you were driving a semi truck up my ass." Brian said. "Sorry about that. They say the bigger the better but it has been a curse for me. I thanked God all night for bringing you into my life." Keith said.

"Well sexy I look at it this way. If it were not meant to be then we would still be trying to fit that monster in me. But as fate would have it I think my ass was built especially for your cock." Brian said. "Well I hope that you are still saying that in fifty years because I will still be here." Keith said. "Well in fifty years we may only have our sex life as a memory but as long as we are together remembering it." Brian said. "O.k. stud, you still owe me for my information so up and at 'em." Keith said. "Owe you. Sweetie I think I need a little part of the day to recover before I try another round. I will have to build up to this." Brian said. "Not sex silly. You owe me a picnic in Piedmont Park so get that sexy ass moving. " Keith laughed.

"Hey buddy. I hope you guys got a good nights sleep." Lee said as he answered the phone. "Thanks. I slept like a baby. But I have news. " Paul said. "Baby time already ?" Lee asked. "Not yet. Bob asked me to marry him last night." Paul said with a quiver in his voice. "That's great. I hope you said yes." Lee said. "I did. I can't believe he asked me to marry him." Paul said. "Well from what I can see its about time." Lee said laughing. "Well my problem is that he wants to get married before the babies are born." Paul said. "Well what's the problem with that ?" Lee asked. "Well I don't want to take your glory." Paul said. "My glory ? What do you mean ?" Lee asked. "Well Chris kept saying that he was going to marry you. " Paul said. "Oh don't worry about that. It has not really been discussed and it wouldn't be anytime real soon. Besides this is your glory. You aren't raining on anyone's." Lee said. "I have another question. I want to take Bob's last name. I want his babies to have his last name. Do you think that's crazy ?" Paul asked. "I don't think so but what does Bob think ?" Lee asked " I want to surprise him with it. I know that it has to be done through the court and not just through the marriage but I am marrying a lawyer." Paul laughed. "Well If you want to really surprise him I can have my private lawyer handle it." Lee said. "You would do that for me ?" Paul said. "Sure, I would be happy to." Lee said. "Remind me when this is done to threaten Chris." Paul said. "Threaten him why ?" Lee asked. "Threaten to kick his ass if he lets you get away or does anything to cause you two to break up." Paul laughed.

"Morning Mr. Hamrick. Is everything alright ?" Pamela asked. "I am not sure Pamela. Please come into my office." Chris said as he headed into his office. Chris trusted Pamela with his life. She had proven over the years that she was totally loyal and reliable. Chris told Pamela about the events of the weekend. He told her about the party, then about Lee missing, and then about the threat to the boys. "I got a phone call from Lee's family saying that someone was headed to get the boys. I was glad that it was Bob and his partner. I would have to fight a stranger." Pamela said. "They didn't tell you about the events of the party ?" Chris asked. "There was no time. They were suppose to be meeting some sort of escort and we were all too scared for small talk." Pamela said. "By the way. You have the sweetest two little boys in the world. I will be glad to babysit anytime you need me too. They were a pure joy." Pamela said. "Thanks Pamela. They have changed my life in so many good ways I could have never imagined." Chris said. "I saw the news. Do you know what's next ?" Pamela asked. "I am as clueless as you Pamela. I hope to find out more today." Chris said. "Anyway I can help you, know all you have to do is say so." Pamela said. "You will never know how much that means to me to hear you say that. " Chris said. "Oh and by the way Boss I want to know when I get to meet the infamous Lee ?" Pamela said. "Soon Pamela, Very soon." Chris said. "Well I look forward to meeting him but do me a favor and leave that Mrs. Ruth lady at home." Pamela said as she exited the office.

Brian and Keith took a playful shower together. There was no sex even though Brian was willing. Keith wanted Brian to have some recovery time. He knew that Brian had to be sore since no man before had ever been able to handle his cock in their ass and Brian took it with no argument. Out of the shower and dressed in just shorts and t shirts they sat in the den. "If you don't mind I need to check a few emails and make sure there is no pressing work issues." Brian said. "That's cool. I saw a little bistro a couple of blocks away and I thought about going there and getting things for our picnic." Keith said. "You were serious about the picnic ?" Brian said. "You backing out on the conditions you agreed too buddy ?" Keith laughed and asked. "Not at all. I have just never had a man want to take me on a picnic. Or anything else romantic for that fact." Brian said.

"Well I am just getting started so be prepared. Go check you emails and I will be back shortly sweetie. " Keith said and kissed Brian and headed for the door. Setting at his computer Brian picked up his cell phone and dialed Lee. "Hey buddy. How is everything ?" Brain asked as Lee answered. "Hey Brian. Everything is good. I need to apologize to you for this weekend and thank you again for being such a good friend. By the way, did Keith get you home safely ?" Lee asked. "First off there is no need to apologize. Secondly I hate to say this but I am glad that I had to bring you and Chris home. And yes Keith brought me home quite safely I must say." Brian said. "Sounds like you had an eventful weekend too." Lee said. "Lets just say that this weekend changed my life in ways I never thought it would." Brain said. "Sounds like you will be seeing Keith again then. Any idea when ?" Lee asked. "Oh probably about thirty minutes. He just left to go get some things for a picnic." Brain said. "Oh I see. I am guessing he never came home then. I feel like I need to warn you though Brian. Keith has always been known as, I guess you would say, the big boy in town." Lee said.

"Too late for that. But all is good and I found out. I can handle it." Brian said. "Well you go guy. I know that Keith has always felt it was a curse." Lee said. "Well he finally feels its a blessing." Brian said with a laugh. "It sounds like lots of good came out of this weekend. " Lee said. "What do you mean ?" Brain asked. "You will have to ask Paul about the rest." Lee said. "I just wanted to thank you for introducing me to Keith. I owe you man." Brain said. "No buddy we can call it even. I owed you for getting me and Chris home safely. You guys have a great picnic. " Lee said as they both hung up. It was a beautiful day in Atlanta. The temperature was in the low 80's and a cool breeze blew through the park. As they walked down one of the walkways Keith slipped his hand down the back of Brian's shorts. "Oh my. My baby is commando. Just like I like my man. Well next to naked. " Keith said. "Well you aren't getting naked from me in the park." Brian laughed. "Not even if I begged ?" Keith asked. "Nope, not even then big boy." Brian said with a laugh. They found a spot under a shade tree near the lake and spread out their blanket. Keith had gotten an assortment of half sandwiches, salads, and pickles. They talked more about their lives and families getting to know each other better. After finishing lunch Keith lay on his back and pulled Brain to him laying his head on his chest. Keith dozed off while Brian lay there on his chest listening to his lover breath. Keith's t shirt was untucked so Brain slipped his hand under Keith's shirt and ran his hands through the hair on Keith's body. "Life can't get any better than this." Brian thought.

Across town Juan and Mikey had been sleeping on another friends floor. "This sucks. I deserve better than this. " Juan commented. "We both deserve better." Mikey said. "That little bitch Brian will pay for what he did to us. " Juan said. "That deputy guy didn't scare you ?" Mikey said. "Hell that was no cop. It was some little faggot friend of Brian's just trying to scare me. I don't scare that easy." Juan said. "Do you have a plan ?" Mikey asked. "I am working on it. Once I am through with him he will never forget either of us. " Juan said. "You are so sexy when you get angry." Mikey said. "Not now Mikey. I have a plan to work on." Juan said. Mikey sat and sulked wondering if Juan really loved him. "We have to make this monumental." Juan said.

The picnic was wonderful and Brian and Keith arrived back at the apartment. As they entered the door Keith took Brian's hand and pulled him back into a deep sensual kiss. "Thank you for today. It was perfect." Keith said. "What time do you have to leave ?" Brain asked. "Well I have to be at work at seven a.m. and I have to go home to get my uniform. We still have some time. I hate to go home tonight but next time I will bring a uniform with me." Keith said. "Next time ?" Brian asked. "Well I hope you allow me to come back. " Keith said with a frown. "You better. I would hate to have to call Lee about you." Brian said. "No worries there. I would stay forever if I could." Keith said. "Well we have some logistics to work out but as long as you are willing we can work it out." Brian said. "I will quit tomorrow and come right back if it takes it." Keith said. "No need to get drastic." Brian laughed.

Later that evening Brian and Keith stood in the open doorway for over thirty minutes kissing and saying their goodbyes. "It only three days." Brian said. "I don't want someone to come along and scoop that sweet ass of yours up and run away with you. " Keith said. "I don't think you have to worry about that happening. " Brian laughed. Keith finally started down the walkway to his truck. Trying not to cry Brian bit his lip until Keith drove off. With the door closed Brian slid down the door and began to cry. "I miss him already. But its only three days. I hope." Brian thought. About that time Brian's cell phone rang. "Hello" you could hear the tears in Brian's voice. "Hey sexy. I miss you. Are you crying ? I am coming back." Keith said. "No you don't. I miss you too very badly but its for only three days I hope." Brian said. "You hope ?" Keith said. "This is still too good to be true." Brian said. "I know it is. I can't believe that I met the man of my dreams and that he will be waiting for me in three days." Keith said.

"You are serious aren't you ?" Brian said. "I am coming back. I will call in tomorrow. I am not leaving you until you know without a doubt I am coming back." Keith said. "No baby. You go and do what you need to. I will get what I need done so we can have a long weekend together. Just you and me. " Brian said. "A long weekend in bed with my baby." Keith said with a chuckle. "Hopefully a lifetime in bed with my baby." Brian said. "That can be easily arranged. " Keith added. " I get off at seven p.m. on Thursday. When can I come back ?" Keith asked. "Seven fifteen" Brian said. "Well it wont be that quick but it will be as quick as I can. I love you Brian. I really love you. " Keith said. "I love you too Keith." Brian said and began to cry again. Trying to keep Brian from realizing it in his voice. Keith had tears streaming down his cheeks too.

Next: Chapter 27

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