Make Mine to Go

By Lake Sinclair

Published on Nov 1, 2016


Copyright to this story remain strictly that of the author. No other publication or use of this story is allowed with the consent of the author. This story contains male on male sexual content both implied and explicit. If this offends you please do not continue. All characters and implied situations are strictly those of the author and are not based on any real life events or characters. If you are under 18 years of age please exit this story now.

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"Make mine to go" Chapter 28

"Mr. Hamrick. Bob is on line two." Pamela said over the intercom. "Thank you." Chris replied. "Hey buddy. What's up ?" Chris asked. "I was just calling to tell you in person that I have asked Paul to marry me. " Bob said. "CONGRATULATIONS!!. I plan on following you one day soon myself. " Chris said. "Yeah we are working on a date but we want it done before the babies are born." Bob said. "Well you know that Lee and I will help in anyway we can." Chris said. " I appreciate that. I am taking Paul this afternoon to trade his car for an SUV." Bob said. "Yeah I have been thinking about getting rid of my car and getting and SUV. If the boys have to go anywhere we have to use Lee's. " Chris said. "My car would be fine sometimes but by the time we packed it there wouldn't be room for me and Paul. " Bob said. "It sounds like you are getting into this daddy groove pretty easily." Chris laughed. "Oh this part is easy. When I have to hold one will be the test." Bob laughed. "Nope buddy that first dirty diaper and in your case times two will be the test." Chris laughed. "I got a small taste of that with Cody." Bob said. "Yeah that boy can stink up the whole town with one of his loaded diapers." Chris laughed. "You hear anything about the big drug bust yet ?" Chris asked. "Not a thing but I figure right now that no news is good news." Bob added. "Alright buddy I just wanted to call you to let you hear from the horse's s mouth that Paul and I are getting married." Bob added. "Alright my friend. You know if we can help. Just call." Chris said. "Pamela, can you get me the name of the salesman I bought my car from and the dealerships number ?" Chris asked over the intercom. "Sure thing Mr. Hamrick. Give me a couple of minutes." Pamela answered.

Later that afternoon Paul smiled as he drove his new SUV home from the dealership. "You like it baby ?" Bob asked. "I love it. I just have to get use to parking it. My little mini cooper would zip into any space. This one will take practice." Paul said. "Do you want to take it back ?" Bob asked. "NO. that color looked good on the internet but i really love this color. Plus I didn't need all these extra options." Paul said. "You need everything you got and more sweetie so just enjoy it. " Bob said. "I feel like one of the soccer Mom's now." Paul said. "There is no soccer Mom as hot and sex as you baby." Bob said. "Oh shit. What if they want to play soccer ?" Paul asked. "Sweetie we will both be at every game and practice and we will be the best soccer dads in the world." Bob said with a smile. "Dads." Paul said as his smile got even bigger.

"Honey I'm home." Chris said as he entered the house. There was no rush by kids. There was no squealing. As Chris began to listen he could hear noises from the bathroom. Entering the door he saw both boys already in the tub and Lee on his knees soaked to the bone from the splashing water. "You stinkers didn't wait on me." Chris said. "We played in the dirt Papa. Cody's face was red." Alex said. "Not as dirty red as yours was." Lee said. Alex laughed and splashed in the water even more. Chris kneeled down and ran his hand under Lee's shirt and rubbed the hair on Lee's back while Lee finished bathing Cody. "I miss you baby." Chris whispered as he leaned over and kissed Lee on the cheek. "I missed you too baby. You would have had fun in the dirt too." Lee said. "Would you give me a bath if I got dirty ?" Chris asked. "Gladly" Lee said. Chris lifted his arm and sniffed. "I think I am a little dirty now." Chris laughed. "Well big boys have to wait until after bedtime." Lee said as he reached back with one hand and lightly squeezed Chris' bulge. "And I mean big boy." Lee said. "Well Daddy also got his baby a present today." Chris said. "A present ? For what ? I didn't get you one." Lee said. Chris slid his finger in Lee's shorts and lightly tapped Lee whole with his finger. "This is daddy's present for later." Chris said. "Well now you go change and come back and grab a wet rat." Lee said. "I'm not a rat Pop I'm a stinker." Alex said. "That you are little buddy." Lee said.

Paul carefully pulled his new vehicle into the garage. Once he had it in park he leaned over and gave Bob the most passionate thank you kiss that Bob could hope for. As the garage door closed Paul looked towards the back of the SUV. "Want to break it in ?" Paul asked. "Oh I am sure that we will but right now I just want to get inside and relax for a few minutes. Plus we will break this in one evening once the garage has cooled off some. " Bob said. "Good point." Paul answered. Once inside Paul began to show Bob everything that he had picked out for the babies. "Order whatever your little heart desires. Well except for a different finance." Bob said with a smile. "I hope I don't have to mortgage the house to get through this." Bob thought. Bob relaxed with a smile thinking. "So what if I do. He is worth every penny."

Dinner was complete and the boys were already dressed for bed. Tonight they would get extra play and cartoon time since baths were already taken care of. "Boys Papa has a surprise for Pop. Do you want to see it ?" Chris asked. Jumping to his feet and screaming "YES" Alex started looking around to see if he could find a wrapped box. "Where is it Papa ?" Alex asked. "I left it in the garage." Chris said. Chris picked up Cody and followed Alex as he pulled Lee by the hand to the garage. "Don't see nothin' Papa. You were fibbing." Alex said. Chris touched the garage door opener and just outside the garage was a new Lincoln Navigator. "Holy Shit. What did you do ?" Lee asked. "I traded my car today and got you this." Chris said. "You didn't need to do that." Lee said. "Oh baby I am sorry. This "us" thing is still new to me. I should have thought to take you and let you pick out what you wanted. I am sorry." Chris said. "No baby its not that. I love it. I would drive a horse and buggy if you got it for me. You would just have to get someone else for poop patrol." Lee said and he leaned up and kissed Chris on the lips. Cody took his hand as if he were trying to pull them apart. "Here's one for you too stink pot." Lee said. Cody squirmed and squealed as Lee kissed him on the neck. Lee reached around and squeezed Chris' ass cheek. "I love it baby. I really do. I just wasn't expecting this." Lee said. "Well daddy will get his present in a little while." Chris whispered.

Keith's heart was racing. Three more exits and he can wrap his arms around Brian. He was furious with Atlanta traffic. "I wish I had my cruiser. I would light these fools up and get them the hell out of my way." Keith thought. Finally at the exit Keith calmed down knowing that he was only five minutes away from a hug and what he hoped was a hot welcoming kiss. His cock began to twitch just thinking about it. Pulling into a space he didn't see Brian's car but knowing how large these complexes were he was not concerned. He jumped from the truck and grabbed his bag and almost ran to the door. His hands shook as he rang the doorbell.

The door opened. "Hello officer. I have told the other officer all I know. How can I help you ?" said a petite young woman. "Is Brian here ?" Keith asked. The young woman looked at the uniform and realized the county didn't match. "Oh you must be Keith. I am so sorry. I am Brian's sister. Please come in." she said. "Is Brian home ?:" Keith asked. "I have heard so much about you but my little brother didn't tell me how handsome you were." she said. "Thank you. I think your brother is much more handsome." Keith said. "Oh you must not know." she added. "Know what ?" Keith asked.

"Um Brian had an accident. Well it really wasn't an accident. It was more like and incident I guess. I am not sure what you police call it." she rattled. Keith took her by the arm. "Please. I don't mean to be rude but what are you talking about ?" Keith asked. "Brain was attacked earlier today in the parking deck at the gym." she said. Keith fell back against the door frame. His knees were weak and he had a lump in his throat as big as his cock. "Is he ?" Keith started. "Oh he will be fine. A few stitches in his head and a few bruises. He is really sore though." she added. Keith started down the hall. "Where is he ?" Keith asked. "He is still in the hospital. I just came to get him some clothes." she said. "Hospital, what hospital ?" Keith asked. "He is at Piedmont. They may let him come home tonight. If you wait here I will go see if they are going to release him." she said. Keith was beginning to see red. This woman was talking non stop and not answering any questions. "No offense but I am headed to the hospital. Well you may want to change. I don't think they will let you in carrying a gun." she said. Keith had been in such a hurry to get to Brian's apartment he had forgotten he still had his gun belt on. Keith ran to the bedroom and grabbed a pair of shorts and shirt out of his bag. Within a couple of minutes he was back in the den. "Where is Piedmont ?" Keith asked. "Give me a few minutes and you can follow me." she said. Keith grabbed the clothes she had laying by the door and without speaking he was out the door and back in his truck.

At Lee's house Chris was in the boys room reading them a bedtime story while Lee filled the oversized jacuzzi in the master bathroom. Both boys were sound asleep so Chris made his way quietly out of the room. Once in the master bedroom Chris stepped into the bathroom door and watched Lee stir the water to make sure it was just right. He lay his cell phone on the counter and began to strip. "So Daddy gets his present now ." Chris said. "I guess I have a lot of payments to make on that truck and I don't want any late fees." Lee said with a laugh.

Both men slipped into the warm water and sat back to relax. Chris had his arm around Lee while Lee was using his free hand to roam all over Chris' body. Chris pulled Lee around so the he was laying on top of him in the water. As Chris' tongue entered Lee's mouth one lone finger found its way into Lee's ass ring. "I like this payment plan." Chris whispered. The kisses became more passionate. Lee reached up and took the bottle of conditioner and put some in his palm. Lee raised his ass out of the water and applied some of the conditioner. "Raise up a little baby." Lee whispered. Chris lifted his hips exposing his raging hard on to the air. Lee applied the remaining conditioner and aimed his twitching hole at Chris' cock. Lee gasped for breath and wrapped his arms around Chris neck as he ass ring parted and he began to sink down on to Chris' oversized cock. "Oh baby" Chris moaned as he felt Lee's body welcome and squeeze his dick. "RING, RING " Chris' cell phone started. "They can wait." Chris said. They then heard Lee's phone ring in the bedroom. Moments later Chris' phone rang again. "Baby something is wrong." Lee said and he raised up off Chris' cock. A loud slurping sound came as the head of Chris' cock slipped out of Lee's ass. "Well it damn sure better be important. Keep that sweet ass loose. Daddy will be right back." Chris said. Chris picked up his phone. Two missed calls from Keith. Chris hit redial. "Keith buddy...... wait .. wait .. calm down.. slow down. what's wrong ?" Chris said. "Piedmont hospital ?" Chris asked. "Where are you ?" Chris added.

By this time Lee had gotten out of the tub and had a hand on Lee's side. "O.k. do you see a drycleaner on one side of the street and fast foods place on the other..... well you should in a second.. Turn left there. Go to the second red light and turn right. Once you get to the bridge to cross the interstate you will see the Hospital right in front of you. What is going on ? " Chris asked. Keith explained what little information he knew. "Holy Fuck. Is he alright ?" Chris asked. Not knowing caused Keith to freak out even more. "Calm down buddy we don't need both of you in the hospital. Call me as soon as you find out. I am getting dressed now and I am on my way. Just calm down. You being freaked out will defiantly send Brian over the edge." Chris said. "Brian?" Lee whispered. "Ok. buddy. Just remember to take a deep breath and calm down before you see Brian. If you go in all freaked out and macho Brian will crumble." Chris added. "O.k. call me in a few and I will see you shortly." Chris said as he hung up the phone. Lee had already headed to the bedroom to grab some clothes for Chris. Chris explained as little as he knew. "Go baby. We are fine here. Let me know what's going on." Lee said.

"Oh fuck me baby... harder.. harder.." Paul called out. Paul was in the middle of the bed on all fours with Bob pile driving him doggie style. "My baby like that ?" Bob asked. "Oh yes, baby , yes.. Hit it hard baby." Paul said. "DING DONG, DING DONG" the doorbell kept ringing. "Who the fuck is that ?" Bob growled. "I don't know baby but they aren't stopping. Go buy everything they have and get them the fuck away from here and come right back." "DING DONG, DING DONG" As Bob pulled his cock out of Paul he was greeted by a loud moan from Paul. Grabbing a robe Bob started down the hall to the door. "DING DONG" "Coming damnit" Bob shouted. As he grabbed the door knob and pulled it open. "WHAT.. oh hey Shane. What's up ?" Bob asked. "Its Brian. Mikey and Juan cornered him in the parking deck at the gym this morning and beat the shit out of him. They took him to Piedmont. " Shane said. "GET DRESSED PAUL WE GOTTA GO" Bob shouted. "We will be there in a minute." Bob said as he rushed down the hall removing his robe as he went. As he entered the bedroom. "What the hell is going on? Who was at the door ?" Paul asked with a worried look. "It was Shane. Oh shit I left him standing there. Get dressed. Juan and Mikey beat the hell out of Brian earlier today and he is at Piedmont Hospital.

Within minutes they were in the car and headed to the hospital. Paul kept squirming. "What's wrong baby ?" Bob asked. "I was in such a hurry I forgot to wash off all the lube and I feel like my ass is sliding." Paul said and blushed. "Yeah I know. The lube is starting to dry on my dick and its not comfortable." Bob laughed.

Keith reached the door to the hospital room. "Be calm. remember Chris said not to go in like Rambo." Keith thought. As his hand touched the door his heart began to race. He walked in the door and saw Brian laying on the bed with a bandage wrapped around his head. There was a small bruise on his right cheek. "There are no IV's and tubes thank god." Keith thought. Keith pulled a chair up to the bed and sat in it looking at Brian as he slept. Keith reached out and touched Brain's hand which made Brian jump and wrench from the pain of the sudden move. "Its o.k. baby. It's Keith. I am here now. It's going to be alright." Keith said. Brain began to sob and turned his head away from Keith. Keith stood and walked to the other side of the bed. Kneeling on one knee he lay his hand lightly on Brian's face being careful not to touch the bruise. "What's wrong baby? " Keith asked. "Look at me. You don't want a beat up, bruised up guy." Brian whispered and began to sob harder. Keith leaned up and lightly kissed Brian on the lips. "Sweetie I don't see anything that wont heal. Besides I am in love with what's inside. Don't get me wrong. Even in bandages the outer shell is hot as hell." Keith said. "Your sweet but we all know better. I wouldn't blame you if you left." Brian sobbed. Keith got up and slid Brian carefully on the bed and lay down pulling Brian to his chest. "You couldn't run me off if you tried. Your mine remember. All mine. " Keith said as he rubbed Brian's back.

Brian had finally relaxed some when Paul and Bob arrived. Keith was still in the bed holding Brian. "What happened buddy ?" Chris asked. Brian had calmed down enough to tell the story of what he remembered from the parking deck including the words Juan and Mikey said. Keith had began to stiffen up with anger. Paul noticed and looked at Keith and sort of cocked his head and looked down towards Brian. Keith loosened up quickly because he had felt Brian react to his stiffening up. "Come on Keith. Go with me to get Brian some ice." Paul said. "I'm not moving." Keith said in his cop voice. About that time the doctor came in. "How is our patient feeling ?" the doctor asked. "Sore but other than that fine." Brian said. "Excuse me sir so I can examine our friend here. " the doctor said to Keith. "No offense doc you carry a stethoscope for a living but I carry a gun. I'm not moving." Keith growled. Brian patted Keith on the stomach to calm him down. "Well If we can have a couple of minutes in private and I can examine him one more time I may just let him go home to his own bed tonight." The doctor said with a smile. "Ice time." Paul said as he motioned for Keith to step outside. "Don't worry I won't let him run away while you are gone. " the doctor said. "I am his attorney." Bob said. "You may need to stay then. The rest give me about ten minutes." The doctor said.

In the hall Paul pulled out his cell phone and called Chris. Not knowing that Chris was on his way he explained all that Brian had said. "Holy shit. Those guys are a real pain." Chris said. "I know. We need to figure out what we can do about this. " Paul said. Keith on the other hand had pulled out his cell phone. "Dispatcher this is deputy 711. patch me through to the sheriff please." Keith said. "Hey boss this is Keith. I am calling out personal time for at least my next shift maybe longer. " Keith said. "Anything wrong buddy ?" the Sheriff asked. Keith explained that the guys that gave Lee the drugs had attacked his boyfriend and he was at the hospital with him. "Now don't you go off half cocked and try to get even. You have too much to loose. I will say this. If there is a chance and these are the guys that drugged Lee. Have them dropped in our county and let me know when and where. We have some southern hospitality of our own." the sheriff replied. "Thanks boss for understanding. Until these freaks are stopped I am not coming back to work." Keith said. "Don't worry about that. As of now you are on a special task force. You come back to work after we talk in a couple of weeks. It wont take any vacation or personal time. Your job now is to make sure that neither of them get hurt again. Got it ?" the sheriff said. "Yes sir and thank you sir for understanding." Keith said.

"Understanding ? I don't have to understand when you are doing the job that I just commanded you to do officer." the sheriff added. "Yes sir." Keith said as the call ended. No sooner had he hung up that he breezed through his phone and found the number he wanted. "Hey Keith. What's up buddy ?" came a female voice. "Were you serious about the two that drugged Lee?" Keith asked. "Working on it as we speak, why? " she asked. As most can guess by now Keith's call was to Breanna. Keith explained what had happened. "Those bastards. Leave it to me. As Memaw would say. "This ends now." and Keith, don't you go off half cocked and do something you will regret. We owe you a lot. Let me handle this and you stay far away from it.. Understand ?" Breanna said. "I understand Breanna. I owe you one." Keith said. "No you don't. This just gave me more energy to get this done. You take care of Brian and I will take care of this." Breanna said. "Thank You " was all Keith could get out before the tears began to fall.

Gregg and Shane arrived in the hallway. Scared to face Brian they stood and waited for Paul to finish his call. About and hour south of Atlanta Breanna scrolled through her phone. "SEND" " Hello" came a gruff voice on the other end. "You know that issue that we discussed ? I want to speed things up. They are wanted now by the City of Atlanta for assault. DO NOT let them get them. Once you have them you can keep them for a few days, I don't give a damn, but when you are done you are to call me and I will tell you where to drop them off here. The sheriff will be waiting for them. Oh yeah. They don't have to be fully mobile but they have to be alive. One more thing. When I see them, if there is no permanent facial disfigurement you WILL NOT get paid. Got it ?" Breanna said. "Yes ma'am." said the gruffy voice.

Next: Chapter 29

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