Make Mine to Go

By Lake Sinclair

Published on Nov 3, 2016


Copyright to this story remain strictly that of the author. No other publication or use of this story is allowed with the consent of the author. This story contains male on male sexual content both implied and explicit. If this offends you please do not continue. All characters and implied situations are strictly those of the author and are not based on any real life events or characters. If you are under 18 years of age please exit this story now.

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"Make mine to go" Chapter 29

The doctor came out into the hallway. Keith almost knocked Paul over to get to the doctor. "Your boyfriend will be fine. I am releasing him but there are some restrictions. He needs plenty of rest. He doesn't need to do any lifting. He just needs to relax. The main thing is not to get the stitches wet that are in his head. I will have my nurse call him in the morning to make an appointment for day after tomorrow so I can check him out again. Now I will warn you. He will probably have some bad headaches due to the concussion and his ribs will be real sore. If he needs something for pain give it to him but don't just keep him doped up. He will recover better and quicker on less meds. Here is my card that has my answering service number. He seems fine just bruised up but if there are anymore complications during the night call me immediately and then bring him back and I will meet you here. Are you planning to stay with him ?" The doctor asked. "Yes. I will be here for at least a week probably more." Keith said. That got a strange look from Paul. "He must be taking off work." Paul thought. The doctor walked over and put his hand on Keith's shoulder. "No sex until after his appointment with me." The doctor said. "No problem there Doc. Not until you say so." Keith smiled.

As the guys entered the room Brian and Bob were chatting. Paul could tell by the look on Bob's face that he was nervous about what he had seen during the exam. "Hey Baby. You miss me ?" Keith whispered into Brian's ear and then kissed him on the lips. "You know I did." Brian smiled. "Get a room guys." Paul laughed. "The Doc. said I could take you home in a few minutes." Keith said. "My sister said she would come get me when they released me and she would stay if I needed her too. " Brian said. "Guess that means I will be cooking for three then." Keith said. "You don't have to stay. I am sure you have better things to do." Brian said with tears in his eyes." I sure do. I am taking you home and getting you well." Keith said. "Brian chill out buddy. I don't think Keith is going anywhere even if you tried. " Bob said. Gregg and Shane had stayed quiet and were standing behind Bob and Paul. Brian looked up and could see figures behind the guys. "Who is there ?" Brian asked. Gregg and Shane stepped out into the dim light of the room. "Hey guys. Thanks for coming to check on me." Brian said. "We weren't sure you would want to see us." Shane said. "Why ? Aren't those two idiots ex's ?" Brian asked. "Yes." came from both at the same time. "Then you are good with me." Brian said.

The nurse entered the room with release papers for Brian to sign. "They will be up in about twenty minutes to carry you down to the emergency room exit." The nurse said. "Where do I need to pick him up at ?" Keith asked. "There is a sign beside the emergency room entrance that says Patient Pick Up. You can pull in that drive. They will bring him out those doors." she said. "Thank you. I guess I need to go get my truck and pull it around there. " Keith said. " I told you I could call my sister." Brian said. "Did you guys hear someone speak or was that a mouse squeaking ?" Keith asked. "Oh hell I don't remember where I parked my truck." Keith added. "Come on. We will go find it." Bob said. "If you leave without me they will bring you back in a straight jacket. Got it ?" Keith said as he leaned over and kissed Brian. "Love you baby." he whispered in Brian's ear.

Bob and Keith went on the search for Keith's truck. "Damn Brian you better lighten up." Paul said. Brian just stared out the window. "That guy is crazy about you. Are you trying to run him off ?" Paul asked. "LOOK at me. Who the hell wants this ?" Brian almost shouted. "Look buddy. This guy is hot for you. You can see it in his eyes. I don't think he would tell you that he loved you if he didn't mean it." Paul said. "You heard that ?" Brian asked. "I heard it, I saw it and I felt it." Paul said. "He scares me. He is too good to be true. " Brian said. "Buddy we have all felt that. I felt like Bob was too good to be true and honestly still do. Lee says that Chris is too good to be true and he is still there. If its the right thing we all feel that way. So don't push him away." Paul said.

"No one cares that much for me." Brian said. "Well I must care. When my doorbell rang I had my lovers dick deep in my ass having the ride of my life. I still have lube leaking out of my ass to prove it. I stopped in the middle of the best sex ever to come check on you so don't say that." Paul said. "Oh shit. Sorry man." Shane said. "No need to be sorry. That's my man and I can finish what I started anytime. Brian was more important." Paul said. " I guess you are right. I am just scared of getting hurt." Brian said. "Well I know that Lee has already threatened him and as you know that family scares the hell out of all of us. Plus Keith has known Lee almost his whole life so I think if he was a user he would have been long gone. " Paul said. "Your right. And yes they are scary." Brian said with a laugh. "O.k. then give the stud a break and let him take care of you. Besides I heard he was called the "big boy" in their home town." Paul said. "That's putting it mildly." Brian said as he blushed.

"Damnit I just want five minutes alone with those two." Keith said as they got in Bob's car to ride the parking deck looking for Keith's truck. "Don't worry. They aren't that smart. The Police will find them." Bob said. "Not for a while but they will get them eventually." Keith said. "What do you mean not for a while ?" Bob asked. "I called Breanna in the hall. This time she was the one that said this ends now. My boss wants them delivered to my county for a while and Breanna said that would be handled." Keith said. "I don't think I want to know. They all scare the hell out of me. Even Lee." Bob admitted. "They are the sweetest people you could ever meet. They will do anything for anybody with no questions asked. But if you come after one of them then they are definitely a force to be reckoned with." Keith said. "What is the deal with Lee's Mom ?" Bob asked. "Ms. Ruth and her husband started out with nothing. They were both very shrewd business people. They built a large fortune and along the way used that money to make all the right friends in all the right places. They don't show money but that little lady packs a massive punch. When she whips out that check book and that cell phone everyone hides." Keith laughed. " I have never met anyone that in a matter of a couple of hours can have some of the most powerful people setting at their table with just a phone call. " Bob said. "All I know is that she has one of the highest military security clearances that you can have. I know that she had higher clearance than anyone in that room. The story is that on 9/11 they came and got her and carried her to the Air force base. When the Colonel tried to take her cell phone he almost got his head chopped off from someone in Washington. So I stay on her good side." Keith said.

The orderly arrived with the wheel chair to take Brian down to be released. Paul realized why Bob had such and expression on his face as he helped Brian get dressed. "Holy shit. Those are two nut jobs. Am I next ? I did beat on Mikey." Paul thought. A chill of fear came over him for a moment. The elevator ride down to the parking lot was a relief for Brian. He knew that he would survive and that he was headed home with his protector. Brian's fears finally went away when the door opened and he saw Keith standing beside his truck with the door open. The orderly stopped at the curb. Keith walked up and leaned over to lift Brian out of the wheelchair. "Miss me baby ? I missed you." Keith said. "I missed you too, but I can walk." Brian said. "Not tonight you can't. " Keith said. Keith lifted Brian as if he were light as a feather. The other four men stood there amazed and all they could think was "Damn. He didn't strain at all." "Do you need some help getting Brian in the apartment ?" Gregg asked. "We will be fine but thanks. Oh and it was nice to meet you guys." Keith said. "We are following you to the apartment. Chris is meeting us there." Bob said. "Better let me follow you. Chris gave me directions to get here but I was too stressed to try to remember." Keith laughed. "I can show you." Brian said. "You just rest. Protect and Serve remember. I fucked up the protect but that wont happen again. Now its time to make up for that with the serve." Keith said with a smile. The other guys thought he was making a joke. In Keith's mind he was kicking his own ass.

Arriving at the apartment Brian let out a sigh of relief. "You alright baby ? You need a pain pill ?" Keith asked. "No honey, I am just glad to finally make it back home. " Brian said. Chris met them at the vehicle and opened Brian's door. "Hey buddy. How are you ?" Chris asked. Chris stepped back and began to help Brian out of the truck. "Hands off my man there Chris. You have your own at home." Keith said. "Silly man." Brian said. Keith picked Brian up again and headed into the apartment. Once inside all the men chatted for a few minutes about the events of the day and Brian told Chris the story of what he remembered that happened. Just hearing the story again made Keith's face turn red with anger. The guys made their visit short knowing that Brian needed his rest. Keith followed them to the door. "When you get ready to go back to work bring Brian to our house. Lee and I can help while you are at work." Chris said. "Don't worry I called my boss and told him I would be back some day." Keith said. "Don't loose your job over this." Chris said. "Oh I wont. My boss started a task force while I was on the phone. I am to make sure no more harm comes to Brain or Lee. He told me he would call me in a few weeks and we would discuss me coming back. But I am on the clock with pay." Keith said. As the men made their way to their vehicles Paul spoke up. "Damn did Lee do that with Keith's job ?" Paul asked. Chris just shrugged his shoulders as if he had no clue.

Inside the apartment Keith walked over to the couch. "Can I do something for you sweetie ?" Keith asked Brian. "I really need a shower. I feel like I need to wash today and their filthy hand prints off of me." Brian said. "Well baby with that bandage you can't take a shower. How about a nice warm bath and let it soak away ?" Keith asked. "Sounds perfect." Brian said. Keith ran the water in the jacuzzi and returned to the living room to get Brian. Brian went to stand. "Oh no you don't. You can walk tomorrow. Tonight I am carrying my baby anywhere he needs to go." Keith said. Keith stood Brian in the bathroom and began to undress him. The more he removed the madder he got. Bob and Paul had seen all the scrapes and bruises but this was the first time for Keith. Brian helped Keith in the water. "Joining me ?" Brain asked. "Are you sure ?" Keith asked. "Baby I am bruised but not broken." Brian said.

With lightning speed Keith stripped and stepped into the water. As he settled beside Brian he put his arm around him and Brian lay his head on Keith's chest. Brian lightly rubbed Keith's chest. "Baby can you do me a favor ?" Brian said. "Anything in the world sweetheart." Keith said. Brian reached down and began to play with Keith semi hard cock. Well it wasn't semi hard for long. "Make love to me." Brian said. "Oh baby. anything in the world but that. The doctor told me in the hall that there could be no sex until you came back to see him. Ask Paul if you don't believe me." Keith felt a tear fall on his chest. He carefully pulled Brian up so that he could kiss him. "Baby I thought I had lost you tonight. I want nothing more than to take you to the bed and push my cock up that sweet ass of yours and make love to you like no man has ever before. But I had rather let the doctor tell us that you are alright for sex. I couldn't live with myself if our having sex caused you more problems. Sex is only part of this. I love you. I love you. Not just the fact that my dick fits inside you. Understand ?" Keith said. "I understand." Brian said. But that didn't stop him from stroking Keith's massive cock under the water.

Lee had convinced Chris to just go to his house and spend the night instead of driving all the way back and then turning around a few hours later and going back. Bob and Paul pulled into the garage, "Sweetie I am really worried. Remember I attacked Mikey. What if I am next ?" Paul asked. "Well according to Keith, Breanna is on the case so I don't think you have to worry about that." Bob said. "Guess there is no need for me to worry then. " Paul laughed. Garage door closed Bob headed to unlock the door. Paul went around behind his new vehicle and opened the hatchback door. "Baby come here. What is this ?" Paul asked. Bob came around the vehicle to see Paul with his pants down around his ankles with his bare ass facing him. "Well baby its the hottest ass in Atlanta." Bob said. "Just Atlanta ?" Paul said as he wiggled his ass. "The only hot ass I want." said Bob. "Well I think its time to finish what you started before we were interrupted. Your baby didn't get his nut." Paul said.

Bob's cock was already hard and aching to get out of his pants just from seeing Paul's ass facing him. "Spit on it baby, shove in and make me happy." Paul said. Bob spit on Paul's ass and began rubbing his finger around the entrance. "No baby. I need your dick inside me...NOW" Paul growled. Bob spit on his hand and rubbed it on his cock. In one swift move he entered Paul balls deep. Paul squealed from pleasure. "Pound my ass baby. Pound it hard." Paul begged. Bob began pounding his cock into Paul's ass. It only took about five minutes or so and Paul reached down and began to jack himself off. "Uuuuhhhhh... uuuhhh.. uuuggggghhh.... cuummmmmiiingg... " Bob growled as he pushed his dick into Paul's ass to the hilt and began to dump his load deep inside Paul. "Shhitttt.. shhhiiittt.. Ohhhhh.." Paul howled as he shot his load under the rear bumper of the vehicle.

Next: Chapter 30

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