Make Mine to Go

By Lake Sinclair

Published on Nov 22, 2016


Copyright to this story remain strictly that of the author. No other publication or use of this story is allowed with the consent of the author. This story contains male on male sexual content both implied and explicit. If this offends you please do not continue. All characters and implied situations are strictly those of the author and are not based on any real life events or characters. If you are under 18 years of age please exit this story now.

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"Make mine to go " Chapter 37

Wayne arrived at Ronnie's house and sat in the SUV for a moment. "Keep it together Wayne. You can't let him see you hurt." Wayne thought. Ronnie walked out to the vehicle and opened the door for Wayne to get out. "Come on inside. I am glad that you are here." Ronnie said. Once inside the door Ronnie turned and took Wayne into a very tight and long hug. "I need to use the restroom." Wayne whispered knowing that he had to break the hug. Just the warmth of Ronnie's body, the smell of his cologne , and feeling him touch him was making Wayne leak like a faucet. "Let me get you something to drink." Ronnie said as he released Wayne. Wayne went into the half bath and removed the linen napkin that he had swiped at the reception. "Shit this thing is soaked." Wayne whispered to himself. Finally able to empty his bladder so that his request was realistic Wayne stood at the sink with the water running just staring into the mirror. "Go and get this over with." Wayne thought to himself.

"Here baby. I poured you some juice." Ronnie said as Wayne came out of the restroom. Trying to stuff the napkin back into his pocket Wayne did not go unnoticed. "So that's why you had to run off so soon when I saw you." Ronnie said. "Well you know me when it comes to you and I wasn't prepared" Wayne laughed. "You know I need warning when I am going to be around you." Wayne added. "It still amazes me that I do that to you." Ronnie said. "Well you do. I think you have seen the proof." Wayne said. The two men went into the living room and sat on the couch. Wayne sat on one corner as not to suggest any contact but Ronnie sat in the middle. There were a few awkward moments but luckily the television was on. Ronnie finally reached his hand over and placed it on Wayne's. You would think this scene was taken from some little coming of age high school movie. Just touching Wayne was causing Ronnie to have to shift and readjust his growing cock. On Wayne's side Ronnie could clearly see a wet spot on Wayne's pants and could see it getting larger. "Do you have any idea how happy I was to see you tonight ?" Ronnie whispered. " I didn't know that you were invited to the reception. " Wayne said. "Keith and Brian insisted that I come. " Ronnie said.

Very few words were spoken for about ten minutes. Ronnie continued to lightly rub the hair on Wayne's arm. "Please don't go home tonight. " Ronnie said breaking the awkward silence. "You need your rest and you also need to have peace and quiet anytime you can get it. " Wayne said. "What I really need right now is you right here. " Ronnie said. "We have been through this too many times. You know that I want to be as close to you as I can get but it does nothing but cause problems." Wayne said. " I am barely hanging on in all aspects of my life." Ronnie said. "I know that and I understand. I think I have proven to you that I am in your corner and would fight the whole world single handed for you but I can only do so much." Wayne said. "I understand that and I hope you understand the position that I am in." Ronnie said. "I do. The thing is you need to leave God out of this and realize that its about money, not going through the stress of changing, and also what your friends may think." Wayne said. "I wish it were that simple." Ronnie added. "It is. You just don't want to have to deal with it but I didn't come here to go over the same things that we have for years now. One day when you decide money is not everything and that a little bit of stress now can give you years of happiness you will decide to make a change. I pray that you can find the right man to do that or you. " Wayne said. " I have found him." Ronnie said. "Well I am happy for him and you both. Maybe one day you will wake up and live your life instead of the life others want you to live. " Wayne said.

"What's wrong baby ? " Keith asked. "Nothing. Tonight has just been a lot of jumbled emotions. Too see so much love bloom and so much wasted all at the same time. " Brian said. "Baby please don't let it affect us." Keith whispered. "Don't worry. I am over most of my worries for now. I just look at some of the situations from tonight and think that if it had not been for you I could be in the same boat." Brian said. "For now ? Do you have some hidden ones you haven't told me about ?" Keith said. "No sweetie. Just remember if I ever go sort of weird on you that I trust you and I know that you love me." Brian said. "You remember one thing for me too. I love you with all my heart so instead of stressing over something that may or may not be, please just talk to me." Keith said.

"I was just thinking tonight that Lee was crazy that night that he just left to get away. But I can see now why he would. I could almost see that same look in Wayne's eyes tonight but without the drugs." Brian said. "Well I have known Lee and Wayne for many years. They both have similar backgrounds when it comes to relationships and also friends. " Keith said. "What do you mean ?" Brain asked. "Well they both have been what I call "bottom drawer" friends to most everyone in their lives." Keith said. "Bottom drawer ?" Brian asked. "its the friends that we all have that only want to be around us when we can do something for them. If work needs to be done or they need something we are their best friends but when its time for fun then they call other friends. Hence they put you in the bottom drawer and pull you out and dust you off when they need something. They do this because they know if they call the fun friends they wont help. " Keith said. "Oh I understand. I have just never heard them called that." Brian said. "Well that phrase came from Wayne. He and Lee have had more than their fair share of them. Especially Lee. " Keith said.

"How does Wayne fit into that ?" Brian asked. "Well because of Lee's family he has been surrounded his whole life with users. Lee knows that and he can spot them coming a mile away. Ms. Ruth and Lee's father made sure he knew how to tell the difference from a very early age. Now Wayne is different. Lee has helped him over the years as much as he could but Wayne is so desperate to be accepted and to be loved that he lets people run all over him. Oh he will never say it out loud but knowing him as long as I have I can see the hurt in his face. He does keep a good front though." Keith said. "To meet him I would have just thought that he was extremely shy." Brian said. "Honestly Wayne is not shy at all. He has just been hurt and used so much he is reserved. Years ago he would meet new people and be just as out going and energetic and he would always get used. The years have made him reserved. He seems to hold back to an extreme just to see how the next person will use him. The thing that has me puzzled is how was Ronnie able to break through that wall ? And further more how is he still in Wayne's good graces? " Keith said. "Well I like both Wayne and Ronnie. I hope that doesn't affect my friendship with either." Brian said. "I don't know Ronnie that well but I know Wayne wont care." Keith said.

"Its getting late and I know that you have to be exhausted. Why don't you just spend the night and go home sometime tomorrow." Ronnie said. " I don't want to put you out." Wayne said. "You are not putting me out at all." Ronnie said. There were a few moments of quiet and Wayne said. "Well let me get some things out of my truck." as he stood from the couch and headed towards the door. Once back inside with his overnight bag. "I need to take a shower if you don't mind." Wayne said. "Use mine. There are already towels in there." Ronnie said.

Wayne stood in the shower wanting to just cry. The warm water was helping him keep his composure. The shower door opened and Ronnie was standing there in just his tighty whities. "You guys did some amazing work on that reception." Ronnie said. "Lee can do some amazing things. All I did was follow direction." Wayne laughed. Wayne for some reason felt uncomfortable having Ronnie stand there and watch him shower. "Why is this bothering you ? You use to like this." Wayne thought. Wayne stood in the mirror and combed his hair while Ronnie stood in the doorway and watched. Wayne passed by Ronnie headed to one of the guest room. "Night baby." Ronnie said as he hugged Wayne and kissed him lightly on the lips. Wayne lay in the bed with his towel under his head so that Ronnie would never see the tears on the pillow case. "You will be home tomorrow. You can sleep then." Wayne thought trying hard to clear his mind and get some sleep. About an hour later the bedroom door opened. The covers came back as Ronnie slid into the bed and spooned up against Wayne. Both Wayne and Ronnie sleep nude so Ronnie's semi hard cock pressed into the crack of Wayne's ass as he spooned up against him. "Are you crying baby ? What's wrong? Please don't cry." Ronnie said as he rubbed Wayne's chest.

"Hello. Yes this is Keith. I had not been informed of that sir but I am an investigator in that county and I will be glad to check into it. " Keith said. The phone had woken Brian and he rolled over and lay his head on Keith's shoulder. "No Sir I have not met the two that you are talking about. " Keith added. Brian raised his head being able to hear only one side of the conversation. "Yes I am dating Brian." Keith added. This added to Brian's both curiosity and concern. "As I said sir I have not met the two men in question. I have been on assignment for the last few weeks. As I said though now that you have brought this to my attention I will be glad to check into it." Keith said. " I think that you need to talk to my boss about me staying away from them. As I have stated I have not had the pleasure of meeting the inmates but I will be sure to check into it now. Thank you for informing me and any other questions or comments need to be directed to and through the Counties attorney. Have a good day sir. " Keith said as he hung up the phone. "Asshole." Keith said. "Baby what was that all about or am I allowed to ask ?" Brian said. "That was Juan and Mickey's lawyer. He was trying to press the issue that they should be released because I am an investigator and dating you. " Keith said. "Is that going to be and issue ?" Brian asked. "Hell no, fuck him." Keith said. "Ah you better not. That is reserved for me alone." Brian said seductively. "Well I should have told him that I didn't have time for him because I was getting ready to stick my dick up your sweet ass." Keith laughed. "Is that a promise ?" Brian said as he leaned up and kissed Keith. "Let me go piss and I will prove it to you." Keith said. "I can't wait that long. You can piss later." Brian said as he climbed on top of Keith.

"Oh baby that almost hurts." Keith said as Brian's mouth opened and engulfed as much of Keith's cock as he could. "You have never cum when you had to piss ?" Brian asked. "Not that I can remember. " Keith said. "Well baby I am about to give my lover something to think about every time he has to take a piss. " Brian laughed. Keith moved around so that he could reach Brian's cock with his mouth. "Uuuummmmppphhh" Brian moaned as Keith swallowed his raging cock as if he were a starving man. This went on for about five minutes and Brian pulled away from Keith. "Hand me the lube baby." Brian requested. At Brian's request Keith handed him the lube. As Brian leaned over again to suck on Keith's massive pole he took one hand and began applying lube to his twitching hole. Brian crawled up an straddled Keith's waist. Lifting himself up he aimed Keith's hard cock at his ass. Slowly he lowered himself onto Keith's cock. Keith arched his head back "GGggrrrr." Keith moaned. "My baby like that ?" Brian asked. "Oh your baby loves it." Keith whispered. Brian began to raise and lower himself on Keith's cock. At one point he would move from side to side on Keith's hips giving even stronger sensations. Brian's knees became shaky.

"You take over baby." Brian said. Keith reached up and placed his hands on Brian's hips lifting him up some and supporting him. Keith began to slowly push up with his feet fucking his cock up into Brian. Raising Brian even higher so that he could move even more of his cock in and out of Brian. Keith's pace quickened. Every four or five thrusts Keith would completely lift Brian off the bed having him totally impaled on his cock. Brian would practically scream in ecstasy each time Keith lifted his body off the bed. It didn't take long for Brian to start breathing heavy. "I am close baby... REAL close." Brian said. Keith reached out and took Brian's cock and aimed it towards his mouth. He lifted Brian off the bed only supported by his cock. As he quickly lowered himself again and even more quickly caught Brian as he came down and lifted him back, Brian began to quiver. "Eeeerrrrrrr....uuuuuhhhhhh.....dddaaamn." Brian hollered as he began to shoot his load.

The first shot went over Keith's head. The second landed on his lips and chin. The next three landed on Keith's chest and stomach. The site of Brian's cock spraying brought Keith over the edge also. "Uuhhhh.. Uhhh... Hoolllyy Shhhhhiittt." Keith shouted out as he lifted Brian completely off the bed and began dumping his load deep inside Brian. Keith could barley hold Brian up because his legs had become so weak. Keith lowered him back to the bed still resting on his cock. "Damn baby That was fucking intense." Keith said. "Told you I would give you something to think about every time you had to piss. " Brian said as he leaned over to kiss Keith. "Speaking of which if you don't get up we will be doing the golden showers thing and I am really not into that." Keith said laughing. "Shower with me sexy and pack a bag. We need to visit the jail. I want to meet these two and see what all the fuss is about. Besides we have to be at the extradition hearing tomorrow anyway." Keith said. "Do I have too ?" Brian asked. "You wont see them tomorrow. Besides we can go by this afternoon and check on Wayne." Keith said. "I would like that. Lets get going." Brian said.

"Morning lover. " Bob said as he rubbed the side of Paul's face. "What time is it ?" Paul asked. "We have plenty of time. Mrs. Gladys told us not to be there before 9:30. " Bob said. "Can you believe it ? In just a couple of hours we are going to be parents. " Paul whispered. "Yep this was our last night as just us two in the family." Bob said. "You don't regret this do you ?" Paul asked. "Not for one second. I wont even regret it when I fall asleep in court one day." Bob laughed. "Will we be good parents ?" Paul asked. "You will be. Now you will have three to raise instead of just one." Bob laughed. "You will always be my number one baby." Paul said. "Well its time to get your number one baby in the shower and we both get ready. This may be our last breakfast in peace for oh maybe eighteen years." Bob laughed.

"What the hell you want ?" came a growl. "Just stopped by to see the trash that was so brash with me on the phone." Keith said. "What the fuck are you talking about ?" Juan said "Oh sorry about that. I am Keith. I am the Brian's boyfriend. The deputy. " Keith said. "What the fuck ever. How much is he paying you ?" Juan asked. "All of that sweet sexy ass I want." Keith said in a low voice. "Brian ? that faggot ?" Juan huffed. "Oh yeah Brian. As for you I had to come and personally see the trash that he use to hang out with." Keith said. "I am not trash and you will pay for that. " Juan said. "Oh you scare me. Oh and just so you know. I have been in Fulton County making friends. They are just to insure that you get the royal treatment when you get there. " Keith said.

"Oh I am so scared." Juan said. Mickey had sat there and said nothing. "What about your fuck buddy over there." Keith asked. Mickey just turned on his cot to face the corner and not look at Keith. "Well time for me to go and see my honey. Oh by the way remember I also have friends at the prison. So every time that burly guy dry fists your ass just to hear you scream. Remember me and what you did to Brian and Lee. " Keith said. "Ain't nobody fisting this ass." Paul said. "Oh you just don't know what's waiting for you. Adios and enjoy being a new type whore." Keith laughed as he walked off. Paul stood there and fumed and Mickey began to cry. "What the fuck is your problem ?" Juan said. "I did all this because I loved you and I thought you loved me." Mickey said. "What the hell ever. If you had really loved me you would have taken the fall for this and I would be out hunting me a rich man. Like normal you failed miserably." Juan said.

Next: Chapter 38

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