Make Mine to Go

By Lake Sinclair

Published on Nov 28, 2016


Copyright to this story remain strictly that of the author. No other publication or use of this story is allowed with the consent of the author. This story contains male on male sexual content both implied and explicit. If this offends you please do not continue. All characters and implied situations are strictly those of the author and are not based on any real life events or characters. If you are under 18 years of age please exit this story now.

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"Make mine to go" Chapter 39

"Hey guys. What are you up too ?" Wayne said. "We came by to visit for a while if you don't mind. Plus I think I need to borrow your bathroom." Keith said holding Cody up and turning his nose up as to say he smelled something in there really bad. "Just use the first bedroom on the right. Just don't leave that diaper in there. " Wayne said laughing. "Well I think we both need to go in there. I think this one had a wet accident. " Keith said. "Oh so I am a diaper changing stop huh ?" Wayne laughed. "Couldn't think of a better fella to borrow his trash can." Keith laughed. Once back in the room Brian handed Cody to Wayne and headed for the kitchen for a separate trash bag for the diapers. "Baby we need to find out what they fed Cody this morning so we make sure we never feed any of ours what ever that was. It was rank." Keith said laughing. "Ours?" Brian thought to himself. That comment also was not missed by Wayne. "And no you were not a diaper change stop. We were headed over to visit for a while if you didn't mind but it just happened to be the right timing. " Brian said. "Bob told me that you guys were coming back for the hearing. How did that go ?" Wayne said looking at Brian "Part one is over. As long as I don't have to do this alone I think I will be alright." Brian said. "Well you got friends buddy. Anything we can do to help just ask. " Wayne said and hugged Brian.

"More important now is how are you ?" Keith asked Wayne. "I am alright I guess. I got home about three hours ago." Wayne commented. "OH ?" Keith asked. "Nothing like that but yes I spent the night at Ronnie's, and no nothing happened. " Wayne said and dropped his head. "And I only thought I had a rough day ." Brian said. "Don't worry about me. I will be fine. I left before he woke up this morning." Wayne said. About that time Wayne's cell phone began to ring. He picked it up and looked at the caller ID and lay the phone back on the coffee table. Before Wayne could react Keith had reached over and grabbed the phone. "Hello." Keith said. "Um hello. Is Wayne there ?" Ronnie asked. "Hey Doc. Yes he is but he is busy right now. It was good seeing you last night." Keith said. "Thanks for inviting me. Is Wayne alright ?" Ronnie asked. "If you are asking if he made it home safely then yes. For the other part of that I am not at liberty to comment." Keith said.

"Keith I hate that you are part of this but I really need to talk to Wayne to make sure he is alright. " Ronnie begged. "Sorry Doc. seeing as I am a guest in his house at the moment I have to let him call the shots." Keith said. "It seems you are upset with me too." Ronnie said. "Not yet. A little disappointed maybe after your speech to us in your office. But not upset." Keith said, "Its complicated." Ronnie said. "Doc. I beg to differ. I am just a dumb deputy. I don't have a PHD. with my name. I think you need to take your own advice and take stock in your life. That's all. " Keith said. "Well this note Wayne left me really has me scared." Ronnie said. "Well I don't know anything about a note but Wayne is home and unharmed." Keith said. "Thank You for answering the phone. I have been freaking out. Please tell Wayne to call me. I will be home until about six p.m. " Ronnie said. "Oh that's right you have to go to the airport don't you ?" Keith asked.

"Sadly yes I have to be there by six forty five but I am not going anywhere until then. I don't want to take a chance on missing his call. " Ronnie said. "Listen Doc. We will be here for a couple of hours. If Wayne has not called you by five then call me." Keith whispered. "Thank You Keith." Ronnie said. "Don't thank me yet Doc. I will give Wayne your message. Bye." Keith said as he closed the phone and lay it on the table. "You shouldn't have done that sweetie." Brian said. "Well Doc. may be a dick right now but he does deserve to know that Wayne made it home alright." Keith said. "Your right Keith and Thank you for doing that. I just couldn't speak to him right now. I couldn't take hearing his voice." Wayne said and lowered his head.

"Mider Wayne do you have something to drink ?" Alex said as he walked up and placed a hand on each of Wayne's knees. "I sure do buddy. Lets go in the kitchen and let you choose something. Do you think Cody is thirsty too ?" Wayne asked as he got up and took Alex's hand. "Um hum he told me he wanted juice. His sippy cup is in the diaper bag." Alex said. "He told you he wanted juice ?" Wayne said with a laugh. "Well no but that's what he always gets." Alex said as they left the living room.

"Baby are you sure it was alright for you to answer that ?" Brian asked. "Let me just put it this way. If you were ever missing or if we had a fight and you wouldn't answer the phone I would beat any ass around that didn't answer it just to let me know you were safe. " Keith said. "Point taken." Brian said. About that time Alex came walking fast holding a cup with both hands trying to be careful not to spill any of it. "Unca Keith he has gwape juice. Cody got gwape juice too. I wish I had gwape juice at Pop's house." Alex said. "Don't worry buddy we will get you some grape juice at the grocery store when we stop to get you popcorn." Keith said. "cacorn" Cody said. "And here all I thought you could say was up." Brian laughed. "Uncle Keith huh ?" Wayne asked. "Don't worry I am sure you will be Uncle Wayne soon enough. Besides ours will all call you Uncle Wayne." Keith said. "Ours ? there's that word again. Wait he said "all". How many is "all" ?" Brian thought. "What is this about a note ?" Keith asked. "Keith" Brian scolded. "Its alright Brian. Yes I left him a note. It more or less said that I couldn't do this anymore. I told him that I hope that he found some kind of peace in his situation." Wayne said. "Well I can't give you advice but it sounds like you had to make a stand." Brian said. "I should have a long time ago. But at this point in my life I can't torture myself anymore. " Wayne said.

"Hey buddy. How is everything going ?" Chris said as he answered the phone. Chris and Lee lay naked on the bed with Lee's head on Chris' chest. "It's great buddy. Its just amazing." Bob said. "That's great to hear buddy. How is Paul ?" Chris asked. "Well he still hasn't made it back to earth yet. He almost bit the head off one of the nurses already." Bob laughed. "How are the babies ?" Chris asked. "Well Christopher Leyton is hungry and apparently Addyson Leah is wet." Bob laughed. "Oh so you have names already then." Chris said. "Yes buddy and we thought there was no better tribute than for one to have Uncle Chris' name and the other to have Uncle Lee's name." Bob said. "What ? Wait repeat those names again. " Chris said. "You heard me. You need to listen to me instead of day dreaming about the amazing sex you just had." Bob said. "How the hell did you know ?" Chris asked. "Well Paul is on his phone with Wayne and he said that Keith, Brian and the boys were at his house so I am guessing that you and Lee are making up for lost time." Bob laughed. "Smart man. You have only been a Dad for a couple of hours but you are learning quick." Chris said laughing. "How long will you guys be at the hospital ?" Chris asked.

"They say that we will probably be dismissed tomorrow." Bob said. "Are you coming home ?" Chris asked. "We are going to play it by ear. We may get a motel tomorrow night just to stay close to the hospital. Plus that's a long trip for these babies." Bob said. Chris had put the phone on speaker so that Lee could hear. "As long as you stop two or three times and take them out of the car seat they should make the trip in one day fine." Lee said. "That's what the doctor said. I need to call you Doctor Lee." Bob laughed. "We are going to be back in Atlanta tomorrow so if we can help in any way just let us know. " Lee said. "Well Paul has asked if you four would fit in the guest bedroom ?" Bob said laughing. "You guys will be great and remember they are fragile but they don't break." Lee laughed.

"I don't see how Lee does this every day." Brian said as he and Keith entered Keith's house. "I am sure that he is use to it but those two little boys can be a hand full. But I enjoyed every minute of it." Keith said. "Oh I did too. Did you see the look on Chris' face when we came in with the boys and the grocery bags ?" Brian asked. "Yeah I told him to get use to it. It was Unca Keith and Unca Brian's job to spoil them." Keith said. "Lee told me that the next time we took them he was going to give me his grocery list." Brian said laughing. " Did you enjoy having the boys ? " Keith asked. "I really did. I had to fight back a couple of tears when they both hugged and kissed us as we were leaving. I wanted to take them with us. " Brian said.

"I was afraid that you may not like children." Keith said. "Oh I love them and I think that Chris and Lee and now Bob and Paul are some of the luckiest men on earth." Brian said. "Well one day I would like to make you just as happy as they are." Keith said. "Oh baby I am about as happy as I could ever be now. I want to pinch myself to make sure I am not dreaming." Brian said. "I am glad to hear that but what I mean is that I want to one day make you happy like them on the family aspect." Keith said. "Are you serious about that ?" Brian said. "Baby I love kids and would like to have a house full of them with you." Keith said. "Well we have been doing a lot of practice but I am not pregnant yet. Is it you or me ?" Brian said laughing. "Well we just need lots more practice. I think all my little Trojans are just fine." Keith laughed. "Oh baby they sure are. Fine and tasty too." Brian whispered. "Sounds like its time for a little afternoon practice to me. " Keith said as he pulled Brian in for a deep passionate kiss.

"Baby are you sure they are buckled in right ?" Paul asked. "Calm down sweetie I have checked them and double checked them." Bob said. "You are going to drive careful aren't you ?. No speeding." Paul said. "Calm down son. Everything is going to be fine. I treated your Dad the same way but realized he was more nervous than I was when we brought you home. " Paul's Mom said. "I know Mom but I just want to stay here so there is no chance for mistake." Paul said. "The only way you are staying here son is if you go back in and tell that Mrs. Gladys lady that you have changed your mind. And if you think you are giving my grandson and granddaughter back my belt will meet that butt like it was when you were growing up." Paul's Dad said. "You aren't going to spank my kids." Paul said. "That's the beauty of being a Grandpa. I get to spoil them absolutely rotten and then send them home to you to discipline." Paul's Dad added.

"Sweetie you can't let my Dad take Leyton or Addyson without one of us going." Paul said to Bob. "Well baby if we don't get a move on these two will be graduating high school in the back seat of this SUV." Bob said. "I am sure that Bob is as stressed out as you are." Bob's Mom added as all the adults stood around the SUV as Bob and Paul placed the two infants in the car seats. "He better not be stressed. He's driving. " Paul said. "Just put them in one of our cars and we will let the Grandma's take care of them on the way back to Georgia." Bob's dad said. "Um. I love you as a paw in law but sorry buddy. Ain't gonna happen." Paul said. "O.k. son. You have diapers and wipes. You have extra outfits. You have plenty of formula and have a plug in cooler and plug in bottle warmer. Lets get moving before I have to go down the street and buy them a birthday cake. " Paul's Mom said.

Paul got in the SUV and sat between the two car seats. "Ready as I am going to get." Paul said. "We will be home and have them in their own beds before you know it." Bob said. "Lets get this convoy headed south. " Paul's father said. As they all pulled out of the hospital parking lot Paul felt even more nervous. "Did you turn your blinker on in time ?" Paul asked. "I love you with all my heart baby but if you are going to be this way all the way home I am stopping now and getting the Grandma's in here and you can ride back with either my dad or yours." Bob laughed. "I know, I know. I am trying. I just wish we were home and I knew everyone was safe. " Paul said. "So you still trust me ?" Bob asked. "You know I do." Paul said with an air of question. "Well baby then trust me to get you and our children home safely. I wouldn't let anything happen to any of the three." Bob said.

"Hey baby. I need some help for a minute in here." Brian called out to Keith. "Coming." Keith called back. Brian had excused himself and went to take care of a few things like any good bottom does. Once back in the bedroom he had taken Keith's handcuffs off his gun belt and had cuffed himself to the bed. Keith entered the bedroom and Brian's cock began to twitch just seeing Keith's huge cock and low hanging balls swaying as he walked. Keith's well defined chest and stomach covered with a beautiful layer of hair had made Brian reconsider the handcuff thing. Now he couldn't touch it. "Oh my. Just what I like to see. A sexy as hell man handcuffed. Now its time for a cavity search." Keith said with a sly grin. "What are you charging me with ?" Brian asked. "First off being too damn sexy and secondly holding out on your boyfriend ?" Keith laughed. "Holding out ?" Brian asked. "Yeah I haven't had any of that sweet ass in oh probably six or seven hours so that constitutes capital punishment." Keith said.

Keith climbed up on the bed from the foot of it. "Mmmm I am going to enjoy this frisking." Keith said. Keith lay down beside Brian and moved his face just out of Brian's reach. Brian strained to kiss Keith but could only groan because he was just out of reach. Keith smiled as he began to run his hand over the hair on Keith's chest but not close enough to actually touch skin. This had Brian squirming on the bed. Keith leaned down and began breathing heavily over Brian's growing cock and leaned over and licked the sparse hairs on Brian's balls without actually touching them. "Oh baby I can't take this." Brian whimpered. "Capital punishment can be a bitch. I am going to make you think twice about keeping me away from that sweet ass for so long next time." Keith whispered. Brian tried frantically to get the cuffs off so that he could grab Keith and kiss him. Sadly they were made to hold.

Keith reached up and grabbed a pillow. He folded the pillow and lifted Brian's waist and slid the pillow under him. Lifting Brian's legs to expose the rosebud that he loved so much. Keith lay on the bed with Brian's legs raised with him fully exposed. He began to blow puffs of hot air directly on the rosebud. Brian's body couldn't help but react and his rosebud seemed to be winking at Keith. "Oh shit baby. Make it wink at me. Make it invite me in." Keith whispered. "Baby I need you inside me so bad right now. I need you to fuck me senseless." Brian said. "Men in cuffs don't get requests but don't worry. I guarantee a full body search before you are released." Keith whispered.

Seeing Brian's rosebud puff up a little just from the stimulation of blowing on it Keith could not resist. He lightly began to lick all around the edge. This drove Brian crazy. "Fuck me please baby." Brian shouted. "I like a horny man in cuffs even better." Keith said. Keith stiffened his tongue and pushed into Brian's ass as far as he could. Brian's body just shook from what felt like electric volts shooting though his body. "MMmmmm." Keith moaned as his tongue searched new territory inside Brian's ass. With Brian's ass well lubed for the moment Keith pulled his tongue out and replaced it with two fingers. He began licking and then sucking on Brian's balls while he slowly finger fucked Brian. Moving even higher he gently licked the large drop of precum off the head of Brian's swollen dick while he continued to assault Brian's ass with his fingers. Inserting a third finger Keith took Brian's cock in his mouth. He gently licked and sucked the head for a minute or two. Opening even wider Keith dove down taking Brian's cock all the way to his pubes while he vigorously finger fucked Brian. Brian's body was thrashing all over the bed.

Keith released Brian's cock and began to lick his way up Brian's body until he reached Brian's sensitive nipples. Lightly licking each nipple and then gently biting each one had Brian moaning loud enough for any neighbors to hear. "I love it when I hear I am doing the right things." Keith whispered. "Un cuff me and I will return the favor." Brian whimpered. "Men in cuffs don't get requests remember. " Keith said laughing. Keith reached over and took the bottle of lube from the nightstand. Applying a liberal amount to one hand he applied a large amount on Brian's ass letting it leak down to his rosebud. Using his lubed fingers he re entered Brian but this time using four fingers. Brian's moans were almost at screams by this time. "About time for me to plant some Trojans inside you baby and try to get this family started." Keith laughed.

"PLEASE" Brain screamed. "Oh wow this cop got a hold of a screamer. Mmmmm." Keith said. Applying lots of lube to his raging dick Keith removed his fingers and placed the swollen head at the entrance to Brian's ass. Brian's ass ring was desperately trying to grab the head and pull it in. "Oh my baby is trying to catch his prize isn't he ?" Keith whispered. "Oh God fuck me PLEASE." Brian shouted. Keith leaned up and began to lick and kiss the side of Brian's neck. After finding just the right spot Keith lightly bit down on Brian's neck as he slid his massive cock deep inside Brian. "Oohh Fffuuuucccckkkkk." Brian shouted as his body lunged up trying to get even more of Keith's fuck tool deep inside him. Keith moved his hips which caused even more of his cock to slide deeper into Brian.

Even in the heat of passion Keith reminds himself that he is larger than most and that Brian's insides have to stretch a lot to accommodate him. "Almost there baby. Only a couple more inches to go." Keith whispered. Brian was desperately trying to get in a position to be able to kiss Keith. Realizing what Brian was trying to do Keith made sure he stayed out of reach. "FFFUUUCCCKKK me PLEASE." Brian screamed. Keith began slowly but within seconds began to pound Brian's ass pulling out until just the head was inside and slamming back in balls deep. Brian was so horned up that it only took a few hard stroked on his prostate. "Hhhhhoooolllyy Fffuuuckkkk, Uuuuhhhhhhh... cccuuummmmiiinngg" Brian shouted as his body convulsed and he began shooting his load in between his and Keith's chest. "Oooooohhhh shhhhiiiiitttt." Brian called out as Keith's hard dick continued to punish his love button with every pass. Brian's ass ring clamped down like a vice on Keith's cock.

Brian could feel Keith's cock begin to swell even larger inside him knowing that he was about to explode. Keith pulled his head up from Brian's neck and in one swift motion dove in tongue first with the deepest most passionate kiss he could muster. As his tongue reached the back of Brian's mouth Keith pushed in one more time as deep as he could get lifting Brian's hips off the bed as his dick flexed and his body shook with every shot he released deep inside his lover. Still holding as deep as he could inside Brian as he could as he tried to regain his breath Keith reached over and took the key and unlocked one side of the hand cuffs. With the cuffs still attached to one hand Brian's arms and then legs flew around Keith pulling him as tight as he could get him. Still squeezing tight on Keith's cock with his ass Brian twisted his body and the sensitivity in Keith's cock caused him to moan and then "Gggggrrrr.....ssshhhiiit" was all Keith could say as he had a second orgasm deep inside Brian. "Holy fuck baby that was a first. Told you that sweet ass had me hooked." Keith said still trying to regain normal breathing. "Well I have to keep my man happy." Brian whispered.

Next: Chapter 40

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